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The Balearic archipelago (Majorca, Minorca, and Ibiza islands and the Chuetas, a small and inbred community of descendants of Sephardic Jews) and Valencia were studied by means of the sequencing of a 404-bp segment of hypervariable region I (HVRI) mtDNA in 231 individuals. In total, 127 different haplotypes defined by 92 variable positions were identified. The incidence of unique haplotypes was very low, especially in Ibiza and the Chuetas. A remarkable observation in the Chueta community was the high frequency (23%) of preHV-1, a Middle Eastern lineage that is closely related, though not identical, to many others found at high frequencies in different Jewish populations. The presence of this haplogroup convincingly supported the Jewish origin of the Chueta community. The studied populations showed a reduced African contribution, and no individuals were detected with North African haplogroup U6, indicating a lack of maternal contribution from the Moslem settlement to these populations. Only Ibiza showed a lower diversity, indicating a possible genetic drift effect, also supported by the historical information known about this island. The variability in the sequence of mtDNA hypervariable region I correlated well with the existing information from the populations, with the exception of that of the Y-chromosome, which could indicate a differential contribution of the maternal and paternal lineages to the genetic pool of the Balearic Islands. The phylogenetic trees showed the intermediate position of the Chueta population between the Middle Eastern and Majorcan samples, confirming the Jewish origin of this population and their Spanish admixture.  相似文献   

The harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)experiences high rates of incidental mortalityin commercial fisheries, and in some areasthese rates are sufficiently high to justifyconcern over population sustainability. Giventhe high incidental mortality, the resolutionof population structure will be important toconservation and management, but in the NorthAtlantic the relationships among many of theputative populations remain unclear. Aprevious genetic study demonstrated substantialgenetic differences between eastern and westernNorth Atlantic populations, however thelocation of this break remained unresolved. Inthe present study, we addressed this issue byincluding new samples from Iceland. Toinvestigate population structure, variation inthe mitochondrial DNA of 370 porpoises wascompared among six locations corresponding toseveral of the putative populations (Gulf ofMaine, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Newfoundland, WestGreenland, Iceland, Norway). The first 342base pairs of the control region were sequencedand genetic variation investigated by analysisof molecular variance (F ST and ST ) and 2 withpermutation. Although some fine scalepopulation structure was detected, porpoisesfrom Iceland were found to be more similar tothe western populations (W. Greenland, Gulf ofSt. Lawrence, Newfoundland, Gulf of Maine) thanto Norway. Furthermore, porpoises from Norwaywere different from all other regions. Thesepatterns suggest the existence of adiscontinuity between Iceland and Norway,possibly the result of isolating events causedby repeated range contractions and expansionsthroughout Quaternary glaciation events withinthe North Atlantic. These results suggest thatharbour porpoise populations within the NorthAtlantic are distinguishable, but patterns mustbe interpreted in light of their historicalbiogeography.  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic structure of human populations in the South-west region of Iran, mitochondrial first hypervariable DNA sequences were obtained from 50 individuals representing three different ethnic groups from Khuzestan Province. Studied groups were Shushtari Persians and Chahar Lang Bakhtiyaries from Indo-European-speaking populations and Bani Torof Arabs from Semitic-speaking linguistic families. Genetic analysis of mtDNA data showed high similarity of Chahar Lang Bakhtiyaries with other Iranian Indo-European-speaking populations while Shushtaries and Bani Torofs had a closer affinity with Semitic-speaking groups rather than to other Iranian populations. The relationship of Chahar Lang Bakhtiyaries and Bani Torof Arabs with their neighbor populations can be explained by linguistic and geographic proximity. Whereas, the greater similarity of Shushtari Persians with West Asian Arabs is probably according to high gene flow between them. This article represents a preliminary study of three major ethnic groups of South-west Iran which investigates the potential genetic substructure of the region.  相似文献   

Restriction analysis detected two types of bigeye tuna (α and β); the α type was in the majority in the Atlantic but nearly absent in the Indo-Pacific. The β type shared a larger number of restriction sites with other species than the conspecific β type, but bigeye-specific nucleotide substitutions with a novel diagnostic restriction profile were found. Although the nucleotide sequence difference between Atlantic and Pacific sub-species of the northern bluefin tuna was nearly the largest among species, individuals possessing the Atlantic type of mtDNA were found at very low frequency in the Pacific and vice versa. Previous RFLP markers were found to be diagnostic for the other five species (albacore, blackfin, longtail, southern bluefin and yellowfin tunas). Genetic information is provided to discriminate all Thunnus species regardless of their origin and to identify the ocean of capture in the northern bluefin and bigeye tunas.  相似文献   

Surveys of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon, using restriction fragment length polymorphisms have provided the first clear evidence that the Indo-West Pacific region is a site of accumulation of genetic diversity rather than a site of origin of genetic diversity. No haplotyes were found in common between a group of five southeast African populations and a group of five Australian (including Western Australia) and three southeast Asian populations. The dominant haplotype was different in the Australian and southeast Asian population groups. Genetic diversity (pi) was greatest in Indonesia (pi averaged 0.05), less in the Philippines and Australia (pi averaged 0.01), and markedly less in the southeast African and the West Australian populations (pi averaged 0.003). The high diversity of the southeast Asian populations resulted from the occurrence in those populations of a set of haplotypes found only in southeast Asia but derived from the southeast African haplotypes. These genetic variants therefore evolved in the Indian Ocean and later migrated into the Indo-West Pacific region. Low genetic variation in the geographically marginal populations in southeast Africa and Western Australia is considered to be the result of bottlenecks, but mismatch distributions suggest that large population sizes have been maintained in Indonesian populations for long periods.  相似文献   

Sequence variation of a 250–bp (base pair) fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene has been studied using polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing of 519 Atlantic cod Gadus morhua from Iceland and 78 cod from Greenland. Twenty-four variable nucleotide sites, mostly silent, define 34 haplotypes. The amount of variation is high ( ĥC =0·73, π=0·52 per 100 bp) with five haplotypes at polymorphic frequencies in Iceland and a number of widely dispersed rather rare haplotypes. A tree of genetic relationships among haplotypes has considerable homoplasy yet it is relatively shallow implying a high turnover of variants of the polymorphism. Net nucleotide genetic divergences among localities are nil. Geographic locality overall area, and inshore/offshore comparison explain none of the variation in an AMOVA, all the variation is among individuals and a null hypothesis of non-differentiation of haplotype frequencies among localities or overall areas cannot be rejected. A temporal year-class effect is found. The evolutionary difference between Greenland and Iceland cod is not significant and the percentage of variation accounted for by the Greenland/Iceland difference is half of what a temporal effect within Iceland explains. There is no evidence for considering the cod at Greenland and Iceland to consist of separate evolutionary units and the question of separate management units must address the lack of diagnostic genotypes and evidence for gene flow from clinal variation.  相似文献   

长蠹科几种检疫性害虫的ND4基因序列及系统进化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
长蠹科昆虫严重危害林木和仓贮物品。应用非损伤性DNA测序技术测定了来自不同国家的长蠹科害虫的线粒体DNA ND4 基因的部分序列。在获得的204 bp的序列中,5种昆虫的序列变异丰富,多数变异发生在密码子的第3位点上。用PAUP3.1.1数据分析软件构建了5个种的合意简约树。并将实验结果与形态学特征比较分析,探讨5个种及所在属的系统进化。结果表明:双钩异翅长蠹所在的异翅长蠹属分化最早,其次是竹大长蠹所在的大长蠹属、双棘长蠹和黑双棘长蠹所在的双棘长蠹属及红艳长蠹所在的钻木长蠹属。双棘长蠹和黑双棘长蠹隶属同一个属,遗传关系最近,分化最晚,与形态学研究结果相吻合。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was purified from the Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , the brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis , and the lake charr, Salvelinus namaycush , and digested with restriction enzymes Ava II, Hinf I, Eco R V, Pst I and Xba I. Two Arctic charr samples were from natural populations and they represented two different morphotypes of Arctic charr. All other studied populations were hatchery maintained. Eight additional restriction enzymes and double digestions were employed to study morphotypes of Arctic charr. We distinguished two morphotypes with restriction enzyme Nci I. Sequence divergence among mtDNA types was 2.9–3.8% between S. alpinus and S. fontinalis , 3.4–4.6% between S. alpinus and S. namaycush , and 4.7–5.3% between S. fontinalis and S. namaycush . lntraspecific variation was lowest in Arctic charr, the average of nucleon diversity for three populations being 0.179, while for brook charr and for lake charr nucleon diversity was 0.334 and 0.550, respectively. According to the number of mtDNA types, it is obvious that introduction to Finland and hatchery propagation have not greatly affected the mtDNA variation of brook charr or lake charr.  相似文献   

Wild barley Hordeum spontaneum (L.) shows a wide geographic distribution and ecological diversity. A key question concerns the spatial scale at which genetic differentiation occurs and to what extent it is driven by natural selection. The Levant region exhibits a strong ecological gradient along the North–South axis, with numerous small canyons in an East–West direction and with small-scale environmental gradients on the opposing North- and South-facing slopes. We sequenced 34 short genomic regions in 54 accessions of wild barley collected throughout Israel and from the opposing slopes of two canyons. The nucleotide diversity of the total sample is 0.0042, which is about two-thirds of a sample from the whole species range (0.0060). Thirty accessions collected at ‘Evolution Canyon'' (EC) at Nahal Oren, close to Haifa, have a nucleotide diversity of 0.0036, and therefore harbor a large proportion of the genetic diversity. There is a high level of genetic clustering throughout Israel and within EC, which roughly differentiates the slopes. Accessions from the hot and dry South-facing slope have significantly reduced genetic diversity and are genetically more distinct from accessions from the North-facing slope, which are more similar to accessions from other regions in Northern Israel. Statistical population models indicate that wild barley within the EC consist of three separate genetic clusters with substantial gene flow. The data indicate a high level of population structure at large and small geographic scales that shows isolation-by-distance, and is also consistent with ongoing natural selection contributing to genetic differentiation at a small geographic scale.  相似文献   

We studied sequence variation of a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct sequencing among 85 Norwegian Atlantic cod Gadus morhua, from nine sampling localities representing three overall areas: arctic, coastal and middle. In the analysis we include an additional 15 cod studied by Carr & Marshall (1991a). Nine base changes were found among the 100 sequences defining 11 haplotypes which differ from each other by one to five mutations. Two sites have been hit twice. All but one mutation are at third position silent sites. The variation passes several neutral-theory tests and is thus suitable as marker for studying population differentiation. Coefficients of coancestry or intraclass correlation coefficient are negative both at the level of individuals within localities and localities within areas. This implies greater differences among individuals within populations than between populations. Intralocality nucleotide diversity is high and masks interlocality nucleotide divergence such that the net interlocality nucleotide divergence is nil. Similarly the net interarea nucleotide divergence is nil.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation was examined in 209 Atlantic salmon from two river systems, the R. Itchen in Hampshire (Southern England) and the R. Conwy (North Wales). Within each system, five spawning sites were sampled. Four enzymes (AVA II, HAE III, HINF I and MBO I) revealed restriction fragment polymorphisms that were informative. Ten clonal lines were observed. These clones were differentially distributed between the two river systems and single clonal types were found to predominate at several spawning sites. MBO I variants were found in salmon from the R. Itchen but not the R. Conwy. A significant heterogeneity in frequency distribution of clonal lines between parr and smolt assemblages of the same year class within the R. Itchen was detected. This heterogeneity suggests that differences in survival or migratory behaviour may be identified by changes in mtDNA clonal frequencies.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA variability was examined to assess population genetic structure and phylogeographic relationships in rainbow trout. Single-strand conformation polymorphisms and restriction site differences within 1055 bp of the mitochondrial D-loop region and 1566 bp of nuclear DNA in six single-copy nuclear DNA regions identified 31 mitochondrial genotypes and 50 nuclear alleles. Gene trees were constructed by sequencing each variant allele or mitochondrial genotype identified. Examination of 30 populations in 10 native rainbow trout groups using an analysis of molecular variance ( AMOVA ) indicated that 65% of mitochondrial variability and 35% of nuclear variability was explained by differences among the 10 groups. Phylogenetic patterns evident in mitochondrial and nuclear DNA were not always concordant. Differences in the evolutionary patterns detected by mitochondrial and nuclear DNA may reflect the differential impact of past introgression events on variability in the two genomes.  相似文献   

Variability and phylogenetic relationships of sequences of the hypervariable domain I (HVI) of the mitochondrial DNA was studied in 46 brown hares (Lepus europaeus) from Anatolia, to test the hypotheses that (i) hares from several islands off the Anatolian coast and from Cyprus are phylogenetically close to mainland Anatolian hares, (ii) Anatolian hare sequence variability is higher than that of typical European brown hares, and to iii) infer possible Anatolian source populations of hares from some islands in the eastern Mediterranean. Neighbor joining and Maximum Parsimony analyses revealed reciprocal monophyly for sequences from Anatolia, the considered eastern Mediterranean islands off the Anatolian coast, Cyprus, and those sequences published earlier form NE Greece that were supposed to originate from earlier immigration via the late-Pleistocene/early-Holocene land bridge that connected SE Europe and W Anatolia (Kasapidis et al., 2005. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 34, 55–66). A high sequence idiosyncrasy was found among the Anatolian samples. Almost all approaches to compare variability between Anatolian and the downloaded European sequence data indicated higher sequence diversity in Anatolia, in accordance with earlier findings for allozyme loci. Network and principal coordinate analyses of the Anatolian sequences and those from the islands off the Anatolian coast as well as the Anatolian-type NE Greek sequences suggested high mitochondrial gene exchange among local populations in Anatolia with little effect of possible geographic barriers, and did not provide clues for tracing possible origins of island populations.  相似文献   

The complete 1141 bp mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences were determined for lenok Brachymystax lenok , cherry salmon Oncorhynchus masou masou , Ishikawa's cherry salmon O. m. ishikawai , chum salmon O. keta , rainbow trout O. mykiss , and an albino mutant of rainbow trout. Common substitutions detected in these species were transitional mutations. There were no significant differences in the intraspecific variation of the cytochrome b genes. Interspecific divergences were greater than intraspecific variation. The level of variation ranged from 8·026–15·686%. The cherry salmon was closer to chum salmon than to rainbow trout, and the lenok was the most distantly related species.  相似文献   

The European lynx (Lynx lynx) hasexperienced significant decline in populationnumbers over large parts of its formerdistribution area in central and northernEurope. In Scandinavia (Sweden and Norway), thespecies has been subject to intense hunting and inthe early 20th century the population size mayhave been as low as about 100 animals. Duringthe rest of the century there have beenalternating periods of restricted hunting andtotal protection. Future management of theScandinavian lynx population will requireinsight into what effects demographicbottlenecks may have had on genetic variabilityand structure. For this purpose, 276 lynxesfrom Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia andLatvia were analysed for polymorphism at 11feline microsatellite loci and at themitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region.Scandinavian lynxes were found to be fixed fora single mtDNA haplotype, while this and threeadditional haplotypes were seen in Finland andthe Baltic States (Estonia and Latvia); thehaplotypes were all very similar, onlydiffering at 1–4 sites within a 700 bp regionsequenced. Microsatellite variability wasmoderate (He = 0.51–0.62) with lowerheterozygosity and fewer alleles in Scandinaviathan in Finland and the Baltic States together,though significant so only for the latter.Heterozygosity data in Scandinavia wereconsistent with a recent population bottleneck.Various analyses (e.g. Fst, individual-basedtree, assignment test) revealed distinctgenetic differentiation between Scandinavianlynxes and animals from Finland and the BalticStates. Some structure was evident withinScandinavia as well, suggesting an isolation bydistance. The observed partition of geneticvariability between Scandinavia and the easterncountries thereof indicates that lynxpopulations from the two regions may need to beseparately managed. We discuss what factors canhave contributed to the population geneticstructure seen in northern European lynxpopulations of today.  相似文献   

Using five restriction enzymes, geographical variation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in Bombina bombina and B. variegata was studied in samples from 20 locations. Each restriction enzyme produced a species-specific fragment pattern. B. bombina haplotypes A and B were closely related to each other. In contrast, haplotypes A and B of B. variegata formed two distinct lineages. A very distinctive haplotype (C) was found in the Carpathian Mountains, whereas two other haplotypes, D and E (differing by a single AvaI site), were present in western Europe and the Balkans, respectively. Populations polymorphic for haplotypes D and E occurred in the central Balkans where the haplotypes could replace each other clinally. mtDNA sequence divergence between B. bombina and B. variegata was estimated as 6.0-8.1% and 4.7-5.2% between type C and types D/E of B. variegata. The latter divergence is contrary to allozyme and morphological data that place the western and Carpathian B. v. variegata together (Nei's D = 0.07) and separate them from the Balkan subspecies B. v. scabra (Nei's D = 0.18). Broad interspecific correlation among morphology, allozymes and mtDNA types in European fire-bellied toads argues that, despite continuous hybridization (interrupted perhaps during Pleistocene glacial maxima), little or no mtDNA introgression between the species has occurred outside the narrow hybrid zones that separate these parapatric species.  相似文献   

Here we report a high level of mtDNA variationfrom RFLP analysis within A. p. pallipes from 21 French and 4British populations. Seventeen haplotypes were recorded among 269individuals. Nucleotide sequence divergence (p) among mtDNAhaplotypes ranged from 0.0019 to 0.0425. Nucleotide diversity ()ranged from 0.01 to 0.006 (mean = 0.0031) and from 0 to 0.001(mean = 0.00037) for populations located in southern and northernFrance, respectively. Graphical representation from principalcoordinate analysis based on Nei's genetic distance values amongpopulations showed two groups, cluster A, including the 16populations sampled in the north-western and north-easternFrance, England and Wales and cluster B containing 9 populationssampled in the central and southern of France. No geneticdifferences were noted among the most northern French and Englishpopulations whereas marked interpopulation genetic diversity wasobserved in southern populations. Such genetic heterogeneityamong populations of A. p. pallipes appears to be related tohabitat fragmentation and subsequent recolonizations fromrefugial areas during the Pleistocene. Implications for theconservation of A. p. pallipes are discussed.  相似文献   

The history of domestic sheep (Ovis aries) in Africa remains largely unknown. After being first introduced from the Near East, sheep gradually spread through the African continent with pastoral societies. The eastern part of Africa was important either for the first diffusion of sheep southward or for putative secondary introductions from the Arabian Peninsula or southern Asia. We analysed mitochondrial DNA control region sequences of 91 domestic sheep from Kenya and found a high diversity of matrilines from the widespread haplogroup B, whereas only a single individual from haplogroup A was detected. Our phylogeography analyses of more than 500 available mitochondrial DNA sequences also identified ancestral haplotypes that were probably first introduced in Africa and are now widely distributed. Moreover, we found no evidence of an admixture between East and West African sheep. The presence of shared haplotypes in eastern and ancient southern African sheep suggests the possible southward movement of sheep along the eastern part of Africa. Finally, we found no evidence of an extensive introduction of sheep from southern Asia into Africa via the Indian Ocean trade. The overall findings on the phylogeography of East African domestic sheep set the grounds for understanding the origin and subsequent movements of sheep in Africa. The richness of maternal lineages in Kenyan breeds is of prime importance for future conservation and breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Intraspecific patterns of mitochondrial DNA sequence variation were determined among California sea lions ( Zalophus califomianus californianus ) from three colonies along the Pacific coast of southern and Baja California and one colony in the Gulf of California. We found no variation in 368 base pairs (bp) of cytochrome b sequence among 40 sea lions from these localities, but analysis of 360 base pairs of control region revealed eleven genotypes. The four genotypes found in the Gulf of California population were unique and phylogenetically distinct from those found in sea lions along the Pacific coast. The average sequence divergence between Gulf and Southern California genotypes was 4.3%, suggesting a relatively long period of isolation. However, colonies along the Pacific coast, which are less than 200 km apart, shared mtDNA genotypes, indicating that recent genetic exchange has occurred between them. Therefore, we suggest that regional female philopatry exists in California sea lions. Regional boundaries may be related to oceanic currents or patchiness in the distribution of resources. Further research is needed to better understand the underlying causes of genetic differentiation in the California sea lion.  相似文献   

Wang HW  Ge S 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(13):4109-4122
Cathaya argyrophylla is an endangered conifer restricted to subtropical mountains of China. To study phylogeographical pattern and demographic history of C. argyrophylla, species-wide genetic variation was investigated using sequences of maternally inherited mtDNA and biparentally inherited nuclear DNA. Of 15 populations sampled from all four distinct regions, only three mitotypes were detected at two loci, without single region having a mixed composition (G(ST) = 1). Average nucleotide diversity (theta(ws) = 0.0024; pi(s) = 0.0029) across eight nuclear loci is significantly lower than those found for other conifers (theta(ws) = 0.003 approximately 0.015; pi(s) = 0.002 approximately 0.012) based on estimates of multiple loci. Because of its highest diversity among the eight nuclear loci and evolving neutrally, one locus (2009) was further used for phylogeographical studies and eight haplotypes resulting from 12 polymorphic sites were obtained from 98 individuals. All the four distinct regions had at least four haplotypes, with the Dalou region (DL) having the highest diversity and the Bamian region (BM) the lowest, paralleling the result of the eight nuclear loci. An AMOVA revealed significant proportion of diversity attributable to differences among regions (13.4%) and among populations within regions (8.9%). F(ST) analysis also indicated significantly high differentiation among populations (F(ST) = 0.22) and between regions (F(ST) = 0.12-0.38). Non-overlapping distribution of mitotypes and high genetic differentiation among the distinct geographical groups suggest the existence of at least four separate glacial refugia. Based on network and mismatch distribution analyses, we do not find evidence of long distance dispersal and population expansion in C. argyrophylla. Ex situ conservation and artificial crossing are recommended for the management of this endangered species.  相似文献   

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