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对汪沟遗址出土的174例仰韶文化居民的2816枚牙齿进行统计与分析,计算出牙齿的平均磨耗等级和前后部牙齿磨耗差别指数,统计特殊磨耗、龋齿、骨质隆起在样本中的出现率.结果显示,汪沟组牙齿平均磨耗等级为3.403262级,男性牙齿平均磨耗等级为3.63级,女性为3.61级;男女两性牙齿磨耗差异不显著(p>0.05);前后部...  相似文献   

广西扶绥敢造遗址是华南新石器时代一处典型的河岸贝丘遗址,其人骨测年结果的上限为8488 BC,下限为6492 BC。本文对敢造遗址2014年出土的108例个体的999枚恒齿进行观察统计,结果显示居民的饮食结构应是以肉食为主并辅以富含淀粉的块茎类植物。该遗址居民的龋齿率高于部分农业人群,但远低于同为华南渔猎—采集经济的鲤鱼墩、甑皮岩和顶蛳山遗址,其原因应与食用块茎类植物的多寡有关。较高的牙结石罹患率(89.86%)可能与鱼类、贝类等高蛋白饮食有关。相比农业、游牧或狩猎人群,该遗址居民偏重的牙齿磨耗可能与食用含沙量较大的螺类、贝类等有关;肉类食物的食用导致该遗址居民上颌前部牙齿磨耗重于后部牙齿,而“上颌前部牙齿舌侧过度磨耗”现象的出现则与食用块茎类植物有关。  相似文献   

统万城遗址位于陕西省靖边县,是十六国时期大夏国都城所在,历经北魏、西魏、北周、隋、唐、五代、北宋七个朝代共575年。其所处中国北方农牧交错地带,一直是人群往来、交融之地。本文参照《人体测量手册》所列方法对统万城遗址出土人骨进行颅面形态特征的分析。结果表明,统万城遗址出土颅骨是以亚洲蒙古人种为主体,在形态上既存在古人种类型的差异,又表现出多种古人种类型融合的特点,另外还有个体表现出少量欧罗巴人群的性状。统万城遗址居民颅面特征的多态性与融合性,和古代人群演化的历时性特点相吻合,与统万城历史上频繁的人群往来相关,欧罗巴人种因素可能来自粟特人的影响。男女两性居民的主体构成可能有不同来源,随着政治权力主体变化,农人与牧人所占比重也发生了变化。  相似文献   

长阳青铜时代与大同北魏朝代人类牙齿的形态变异   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
张振标 《人类学学报》1993,12(2):103-112
本文记述了湖北长阳县深潭湾青铜时代和山西大同市郊北魏朝代两处墓葬遗址出土的人类牙齿形态变异的状况,提供人们对牙齿形态种种变异的认识,探索非测量性牙齿特征在研究种族和人群之间关系中的意义。  相似文献   

贺存定 《人类学学报》2017,36(4):499-511
埋藏实验是伴随曙石器之争而形成的一种辨别石制品真伪的重要途径。玉米洞遗址是重庆巫山县近年来新发现的以石灰岩石器著称的旧石器时代洞穴遗址,该遗址出土的石灰岩石器因其原料劣质、埋藏环境复杂、加工程度浅而在人工性质的认定上存在一些争议。本文根据玉米洞遗址的地层堆积成因而设计了踩踏实验和滚动实验两种形式,对石灰岩石器进行模拟实验,观察实验标本在人与动物踩踏和滚动作用下发生改变的情况和规律,进而对比出土石制品面貌,为石制品人工属性的认定提供依据和参考,重新审视石灰岩石器。  相似文献   

埋藏实验是伴随曙石器之争而形成的一种辨别石制品真伪的重要途径。玉米洞遗址是重庆巫山县近年来新发现的以石灰岩石器著称的旧石器时代洞穴遗址,该遗址出土的石灰岩石器因其原料劣质、埋藏环境复杂、加工程度浅而在人工性质的认定上存在一些争议。本文根据玉米洞遗址的地层堆积成因而设计了踩踏实验和滚动实验两种形式,对石灰岩石器进行模拟实验,观察实验标本在人与动物踩踏和滚动作用下发生改变的情况和规律,进而对比出土石制品面貌,为石制品人工属性的认定提供依据和参考,重新审视石灰岩石器。  相似文献   

相似性在人类体质、文化和技术等方面的演化过程中扮演着非常重要的角色。本文涉及到的两个遗址,位于德国的旧石器时代早期遗址西宁根13地点Ⅱ-4层和位于中国北方地区的旧石器时代中期灵井遗址10-11层,出土的考古遗存具有极大的相似性。两个遗址保存状况都非常好,且均出土有大量的石器和动物化石。最为引人注意的是,两个遗址出土的动物遗存特点以及骨器相关的遗存也表现出多个方面的相似性。经鉴定,两个遗址均出土有多个种属的食肉动物、一种象,两种犀牛属动物、两种马科动物,多种鹿类以及牛科动物。两个遗址均出土有修整石器所用的骨质软锤,以及利用食草动物的掌跖骨制作的用于砸骨吸髓的骨锤。这些锤子的远端具有特定的破裂形态。考虑到两个遗址之间的距离以及年代差异,这些相似性非常值得关注,但我们不认为两个遗址的相似性代表的是文化上的联系。相反,我们认为这种相似性反映的是人类在相似的环境中采取了相似的行为模式,同时相似的埋藏条件也起到一定的作用。  相似文献   

大辛庄遗址位于济南市历城区大辛庄村,是山东省内已知面积最大的一处商代遗址,甲骨文及其他丰富遗存的出土对于鲁北及整个山东地区商文化研究具有重要意义.本文主要从人骨的牙齿健康状况入手,对济南大辛庄商代遗址2003、2010年出土的45例人骨标本的牙病情况,尤其是龋病、牙周病、牙结石以及牙齿磨耗情况进行统计与分析,得知大辛遗...  相似文献   

辽宁北票喇嘛洞遗址出土人骨稳定同位素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
喇嘛洞遗址是我国北方地区一处以三燕文化墓葬为主的大型墓地,对其出土人骨进行C和N稳定同位素分析,可望了解先民的食谱,揭示其生活方式进而探索鲜卑与汉的相互联系。该遗址20个墓葬出土人骨的C、N含量以及C/N摩尔比反映了样品均保存较好,可用作食谱分析。人骨中骨胶原δ13C和δ15N分析显示,先民主要以C4类食物为食,且基本为素食,这当与发达的糜子和粟米农业密切相关,表明喇嘛洞遗址鲜卑生活方式已受到汉文化的强烈影响,由游猎为生转变为农业生产为主。对不同性别的先民食谱差异性进行t检验,发现男女食谱上不存在显著差异。样品BLM63和BLM99的δ15N值相对较高,揭示了其食物结构中含有一定量的肉类。  相似文献   

江西沟2号遗址(JXG2)发现于2004年,2012年围绕地层测年及环境研究开展了小面积试掘。本文通过对2012年出土的659件石制品进行的观察和初步研究,并结合其他出土遗物及考古年代学研究的基本结论,对遗址所反映的史前人类行为的变化及其与环境的关系作了初步报告。根据出土文化遗物(主要指石制品和陶片)的差异,遗址可以分为上下两个文化层,上文化层为10~80cm,包含陶片和细石器为主的石制品;下文化层为距地表80cm以下的堆积,该层仅包含石制品,其中除以燧石为原料的细石器产品,同时出土石英砸击产品。光释光和AMS14C年代测定结果表明古人类在该遗址活动的时间主要集中在全新世中期,遗址石制品原料和技术变化的研究初步揭示了该时段区域内史前人类的行为变化和生活方式的转变。  相似文献   

Tooth loss and tooth retention in adult South African Bantu-speaking Negroes were studied from data derived from 500 dry mandibles. The tribe, sex, and stated age of the specimens were available. Mandibles were equally distributed over the third to seventh decade of life. The presence of dental units was recorded and analysed within and between decade age groups. The mandibles carried a total of 5,459 dental units. Between the third and fourth decades of life and between the sixth and seventh decades, the reduction of the frequency of dental units was mild and statistically not significant. It was, however, severe and significant between the fourth and fifth, and the fifth and sixth decades. In the third-decade group, most teeth were found in the anterior region with a tendency to diminish in number posteriorly. After the third decade there was a definite persistence of first premolars and canines with significant tendency toward loss of teeth anterior and posterior to them. Only the incisors and third molars showed significant reduction in number from the third to the fourth decade. The reduction of all teeth was statistically significant later, until the sixth decade of life. Although there was loss of teeth from the sixth to the seventh decade, it was not significant for any of the homologous dental units. There is a possibility that some dietary differences existed between the older subjects (50–70 years old) and the younger ones (20–49 years old) which may have had some influence on the results.  相似文献   

小河墓地是新疆罗布泊地区一处重要的早期青铜时代墓地。本文主要对该墓地出土颅骨所附牙齿的磨耗程度及牙结石沉积状况进行了观察、量化统计和分析,同时也对该人群其他的口腔疾病如根尖脓肿、颞下颌关节病变、生前牙齿脱落等做了简单的统计,以期从古病理学的角度获取当时居民的口腔健康、食物类型和饮食习惯等信息。本研究发现:1)小河人群的牙齿磨耗程度远远高于对比组的古代居民,其上腭圆枕及颞下颌关节炎出现率较高,存在牙齿崩裂现象,且其前后部牙齿磨耗差异不大。这一方面说明其食物加工技术比较落后,食物粗糙坚硬;另一方面小河居民的经济生活方式和食物构成都比较复杂,不同的食物对前部和后部牙齿磨耗的程度造成了不同的影响;此外,小河人群风沙肆虐的生活环境也对其严重牙齿磨耗的形成产生了一定影响。2)小河人群异常严重的牙结石沉积归功于其高蛋白质和碳水化合物的饮食,以及生活用水的水质。3)统计分析发现两性存在上、下颌犬齿的磨耗差异,而这一情况可能暗示了在家庭手工业方面存在男女分工的现象。  相似文献   

中国古人类牙齿尺寸演化特点及东亚直立人的系统地位   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
刘武  杨茂有 《人类学学报》1999,18(3):176-192
对中国境内不同时代人类牙齿测量数据的发析显示,中国古人类牙齿尺寸的总体演化趋势与世界其它地区人类一致,呈缩小变化,其中一个表现特点是中国直立人与早期智人在牙齿尺寸上不差别不大,但作者根据对中国古人类化石形态特征,生存年代等方面的综合分析认为中国直立人在化石形态,生存年代等方面均与智人有明显的不同,取消直立人,将其并入智人意见的证据还是不够充分的,目前仍宜将直立人与智人作为人属内两个不同的种来看待,  相似文献   

Form and severity of dental attrition was assessed in aboriginal human groups including hunter-gatherers (Eskimos, Australians) and those with dependence to a varying degree on food production (Southwest U.S. and Ohio American Indians). Wear on anterior teeth was both relatively and absolutely greater in the hunter-gatherers, as indicated by comparisons of wear on anterior and posterior teeth which come into occlusion at roughly the same time. Distinct differences in form of anterior wear were also apparent: The hunter-gatherers exhibited steadily increasing incidences of labially rounded wear with greater functional age, while the food-producing groups showed little or no rounding but instead high frequencies of heavily cupped wear (especially in those with premature loss of posterior teeth). These differences were attributed to nonmasticatory utilization of the front teeth in hunter-gatherers and to employment of the anterior teeth in masticatory (grinding) activities necessitated by large-scale molar loss in food producers.  相似文献   

中国早期智人牙齿化石   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
张银运 《人类学学报》1986,5(2):103-113
中国目前较为可靠的早期智人牙齿材料应包括在巢县、许家窑、长阳、周口店新洞和桐梓发现的人类牙齿化石,代表一类与早期组早期智人相当或十分相近的古人类。丁村人类牙齿化石可能是代表晚期组早期智人也可能是代表解剖学上的现代智人。就牙齿材料而言,尚无充分的证据能表明在中国曾同时存在过两种类型的早期智人。  相似文献   

Patterning the size and number of tooth and its cusps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cai J  Cho SW  Kim JY  Lee MJ  Cha YG  Jung HS 《Developmental biology》2007,304(2):499-507
Mice and rats, two species of rodents, show some dental similarities such as tooth number and cusp number, and differences such as tooth size and cusp size. In this study, the tooth size, tooth number, cusp size and cusp number, which are four major factors of the tooth patterning, were investigated by the heterospecific recombinations of tissues from the molar tooth germs of mice and rats. Our results suggest that the dental epithelium and mesenchyme determine the cusp size and tooth size respectively and the cusp number is co-regulated by the tooth size and cusp size. It is also suggested that the mesenchymal cell number regulates not the tooth size but the tooth number. The relationships among these factors in tooth patterning including micropatterning (cusp size and cusp number) and macropatterning (tooth size and tooth number) were analyzed in a reaction diffusion mechanism. Key molecules determining the patterning of teeth remains to be elucidated for controlling the tooth size and cusp size of bioengineered tooth.  相似文献   

Metric and morphological characterizations of the permanent teeth from a total of 155 prehistoric Amerindians are presented. The individuals represent samples from three Ohio Valley burial complexes (considered together as the Late Diffuse group): Glacial Kame, Adena and Ohio Hopewell. Metric data include common measures of central tendency and dispersion. From these measures estimates and analyses of the magnitude of sexual dimorphism and relative variability are presented as well as analyses of the patterns of these estimates. Forty morphological characters are also tabulated. The results indicate a number of provisional hypotheses: the generally larger tooth size of the Late Archaic Indian Knoll when compared to the Late Diffuse groups is consistent with the hypothesis of mitigated selective pressures in more technologically advanced groups; although tooth size is smaller in the Late Diffuse groups, dental morphology is as complex, or more so when compared to the Indian Knoll group. Since morphology and size do not covary exactly the biocultural forces resulting in smaller tooth size do not seem to act as strongly on dental morphology; odontological differences within the Late Diffuse arise primarily between the Glacial Kame-Adena and the Ohio Hopewell. These differences correspond to major biocultural changes in this area; although provisional hypotheses concerning odontological variability are erected, hypotheses concerning evolutionary trends must await the discovery of evolving lineages within these groups; similarities are noted among all compared groups including the pattern and magnitude of sexual dimorphism and relative variability. These parameters may be similar for all eastern Amerindians during this period; finally, the morphology of the deciduous dentition, which generally predicts that of the permanent teeth, is found to be less complex than the permanent teeth. This may be the result of a selective disadvantage for the individuals in the deciduous dentition sample which is reflected in the dentition.  相似文献   

Tooth emergence data from a mixed-longitudinal sample of 58 chimpanzees of known age were analyzed using probit and survival techniques to produce median emergence ages, ranges of variability, and emergence sequences for primary and permanent teeth. Between-group comparisons were made to test for statistically significant differences in emergence ages. No such differences were found between right and left sides, or between maxilla and mandible, for any primary or permanent teeth. Male-female comparisons did demonstrate significant emergence-age differences for some teeth, although they were not always bilaterally symmetrical. More complete data are required to further clarify the nature of sex differences in tooth emergence in chimpanzees. Regression models for age prediction from the number of emerged teeth were generated and indicate that males achieve a given number of emerged teeth at a significantly later age than females. However, when fewer than five teeth have emerged, males are predicted to be younger than females. The sizable root mean square error values for these models suggest that this method of age prediction has limited usefulness owing to the amount of variability in timing of tooth emergence in chimpanzees. The implications of these data for studies on tooth emergence in early hominids are addressed.  相似文献   

A recent experiment to evaluate the reliability of dental microwear as an indicator of diet seems to show that differences in diets fed to laboratory animals are not reflected by their tooth wear. We feel that these results are misleading, and reflect not so much the limits of microwear analysis per se, but rather result from the problems of design and execution inherent in any experimental simulation of natural feeding behavior. The experiment in question was flawed in several respects, and we think that changes in the methods and assumptions of the study are necessary before the experimental approach can yield meaningful results with which to test hypotheses about microwear analyses.  相似文献   

步氏巨猿牙齿大小上的变异性和南方古猿类食性假说   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张银运 《人类学学报》1983,2(3):205-217
步氏巨猿牙齿大小上的变异性表明,在柳城巨猿洞局部地区的堆积中可能有少量时代稍晚的巨猿牙齿标本。晚期步氏巨猿与早期的相比,后部齿显著增大而前部齿则无显著差异。从步氏巨猿牙齿在大小上的演化趋势来看,南非南方古猿类中的纤细类与粗壮类之间在齿列比例上的不同不一定意味着其食性上有大的差异,纤细类与粗壮类也未必有“属”这一分类级别上的差异。  相似文献   

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