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Salinity and the distribution of Cladocera in Warri River,Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Hydrobiological investigations of the water quality and plankton of Warri River started in 1981, shortly before the commissioning of the Delta Steel Plant on the banks of the river at Aladja. The 150 km of river gradates from pure freshwater through brackish to marine and so provides a suitable habitat for a study of the limits of migration of any group of zooplankton. The Cladocera of Warri River consists of two bosminids, thirteen chydorids, three daphniids, three macrothricids, one moinid, and two sidids. All except the sididPenilia sp. are well known freshwater forms, which are limited in longitudinal distribution to areas with salinity below 2.5‰. Penilia sp. found in Warri River were restricted to the truely brackish-water areas with salinity values of 7‰ −8‰. In this respect they represent the first reported brackish water Cladocera in Africa. They also differ fromPenilia avirostris Dana found in marine habitats in certain morphological details, and so the Warri RiverPenilia may be a new taxon.  相似文献   

Intact phytoplankton and microzooplankton communities from eutrophicStar Lake were incubated for 4 days with and without Daphniapulex, Daphnia galeaia mendotae, or a natural assemblage ofDaphnia species. They were sampled at the onset and terminationof the experiment for bacterial, phytoplankton, ciliate, rotifer,copepod and cladoceran densities. The cladocerans had variedeffects on the rotifers, ranging from significant suppressionof most rotifer species (Keratella cochlearis, Polyarthra remata,Keratella crassa) in the D.pulex jars, to the suppression ofone (K.crassa) or no species in the D.galeata mendotae and StarLake Daphnia assemblage jars, respectively. Small ciliates (<30µm, longest dimension), such as Strobilidium sp. and Pseudo-cyclidiumsp., were adversely affected by most of the cladoceran treatments,while several larger ciliates (>81 µm) were unaffectedin all such treatments. Ciliates were not consistently morevulnerable to cladoceran suppression than similarly sized rotifers.The suppression of ciliates and rotifers was attributable toboth direct effects (predation, interference, or both) and indirecteffects (e.g. resource competition) of the cladocerans. 1Present address: Department of Biology, University of Louisville,Louisville, KY 40292, USA  相似文献   

Rotifers are a relatively well-studied component of lacustrinesystems but their role is only poorly understood in estuaries.Three species of the genus Synchaeta—S. baltica, S. triophthalmaand S.cecilia—dominate the cold-water assemblage of rotifersin Chesapeake Bay. Laboratory experiments were conducted todetermine the temperature dependence of egg development time(EDT) for each species; EDT varied over an approximate rangeof 90–9 h as temperature (T) varied from 2 to 22°C.The EDT/temperature relationships could be closely fitted bya simple polynomial equation of the form log(EDT) = a + b(logT) + c(log T)2 for each species. Natural populations of thesethree rotifers were sampled during a cruise in the Potomac River(7–11 March 1983). Estimates of specific reproductiverates (b) were calculated based on the previously defined EDT/temperaturerelationship and the observed ratio of eggs/rotifers for eachspecies. The two most abundant species, S.triophthalma and S.cecilia,showed a clear dependence of b on the observed chlorophyll aconcentrations. Maximum reproductive rates ({small tilde}0.015h–1) were attained only at relatively high phytoplanktondensities within a bloom of Heterocapsa triquetra where thechlorophyll a concentrations exceeded 10 µg l–1.Estimates of secondary production suggest that Synchaeta spp.may contribute to the trophic flow of carbon in this systemwith a significance at least similar to that of the planktoniccopepods.  相似文献   

Diatom seasonal succession and interannual variability werestudied using laminated sediments from Saanich Inlet, BritishColumbia, for the years 1900–1991. Frozen sediment coresallowed fine-scale sampling of laminae for each year. Thus,three ‘seasons’ for each year were identified basedon species composition. Thalassiosira species were indicatorsof spring deposition. Skeletonema costatum was abundant in samplesfollowing Thalassiosira, probably deposited in late spring andsummer. Rhizosolenia sp. was most abundant in fall/winter samples.Diatom stratigraphies were related to sea surface temperature,salinity, sea level and the Pacific North American Index (PNA)using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). CCA showed thatspecies of a particular season generally had optima for temperatureand salinity characteristic of that time. Interannual changesin diatom species composition and abundance were most prevalentin the decades 1920–1940, with the exception of S.costatumwhich showed cyclic changes in abundance. Skeletonema was moreabundant during periods of cool temperatures, while littoraldiatoms were more abundant during times of heavy winter rains.Sea level was an important variable in CCA and while its relationshipto diatoms is not clear, it may be related to variations innutrient supply to diatoms in surface waters.  相似文献   

Larvae (72 hr old) of P. lividus and A. lixula grazed on varioussuspensions of natural particulate matter with a size rangeof 2 to 30 microns, and on two species of algae (Phaeodactylumtricor-nutum and Nitzschia sp.) — Larvae graze most in the size range where the particleconcentration is highest. — If larvae deplete certain size categories of particlesthey then graze other size ranges in which the concentrationis still high. — The grazing rate of the two species varied between 988and 91.949 µm3 per pluteus per hour. — For A. lixula larvae the grazing rate increases withincreasing temperature to a maximum at 22°C.  相似文献   

Are bacteria an important food source for rotifers in eutrophic lakes?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In situ grazing measurements using fluorescent particles of0.5, 2.4 and 6.3 µm diameter in eutrophic Lake Loosdrecht(The Netherlands) showed that Anuraeopsis fissa, a small rotifer,filtered the smallest, bacteria-sized particles as efficientlyor more efficiently than the larger particles. In contrast,three other rotifer species (Brachionus angularis, Filinia longisetaand Pompholyx sulcata) filtered the bacteria-sized particlesless efficiently than the larger particles. Both Keratella cochlearisand Conochilus unicornis only ingested the bacteria-sized particles.Anuraeopsis fissa had a higher uptake of fluorescent bacteria-sizedparticles than K.cochlearis, both in 1 µm filtrate oflake water and in lake water. Within both species, uptake didnot differ between juveniles and adults. When cultured on threedifferent size fractions of lake water (1, 3 and 15 µmfiltrate) in July, all rotifer species declined in numbers onthe 1 and 3 µm filtrates, while A.fissa and B.angularisincreased in numbers on the 15 µm filtrate. The high abundanceof small bacteria in the lake water could not support rotiferpopulations. It is concluded that bacteria are not a suitablefood source of high quality for A.fissa because its populationdoes not grow even though the bacterial concentration was higherthan its estimated threshold food concentration. In August,when individually cultured, the mortality was high for all species,but especially for F.longiseta. The lifespan of K.cochleariswas reduced in the 1 and 3 µm filtrates of lake water,compared with in the 15 µm filtrate. The lifespan of A.fissawas similar in all filtrates, but reproduction was reduced inthe 1 and 3 µm filtrates, as in Keratella. On the 15 µmfiltrate, their ages at first reproduction and growth ratesdid not differ. Individuals of A.fissa older than 4 days showeda higher survival in the 15 µm filtrate than in the othertwo filtrates, as did K.cochlearis throughout its life. Hence,bacteria seem to be a more important food source for youngerindividuals of A.fissa than of K.cochlearis.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of gymnosome gastropods in theArgentine Sea and Brazil—Malvinas Confluence during 1978–1979and 1988 were studied. The collections analyzed included 768quantitative samples obtained between 48°W and the coast,and from 35°S to 55°S. Two species were found. Spongiobranchaeaaustralis was the most frequent and abundant (up to 730 per1000 m3); its presence in the area was associated with the coreof the Malvinas Current. Clione antarctica was less abundant(maximum abundance: 230 per 1000 m3) and was also associatedwith the Malvinas Current. The geographic ranges of both speciesin the area are wider than previously described. Since the rangeof S. australis in the area extends far from the range of itsprey Clio, it is not clear whether S. australis can feed onthe thecosomatous pteropod Limacina (and not only on Clio, asdescribed in the bibliography) or it starves in that area. Duringthe 1978–1979 annual cycle, the abundance of both speciesfollowed neither the abundance patterns of their prey nor ofthe total zooplankton, and differed from each other. The residencetime of swarms of both gymnosomes were shorter than one month.As a general pattern, the aggregates are rapidly transportednorthward by the Malvinas Current and also penetrate the outershelf water, but they remain there only during a short periodand cannot preclude the final expatriation. So, the abundanceof gymnosomes in the area depends on passive migration morethan intrinsic population factors. (Received 9 July 1997; accepted 15 December 1997)  相似文献   

Clipson, N. J. W. 1987. Salt tolerance in the halophyte Suaedamaritima L. Dum. Growth, ion and water relations and gas exchangein response to altered salinity.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1996–2004. Shoot and root fresh and dry weights and shoot sodium, chlorideand potassium contents were measured and shoot relative growthrates calculated in seedlings of Suaeda maritima over a periodof 11 d following a raising of culture solution salinity from0 to 200 mol m3– NaCl. Growth, growth rates and sodiumand chloride contents, as compared to plants growing in theabsence of salt were increased whilst potassium contents declined.Shoot sodium accumulation rate and the rate of transport ofsodium from root to shoot, osmotic potential, and rates of photosynthesisand transpiration were also measured for up to 72 h after transferof plants originally growing at 0 and 200 mol3– NaCl to200 and 400 mol m3– NaCl respectively. Ion uptake andtransport rates were maximal 6-12 h after transfer and thendeclined to new steady-state levels within 48 h; osmotic potentialswere lowered over a 72 h period on average by approximately1·0 MPa; and after 9 h photosynthetic and transpirationrates were reduced by about 20percnt; and 30% respectively.Results are discussed in terms of the ability of halophytesto adjust to fluctuating salinity and to salt tolerance mechanismsin general. Key words: Suaeda maritima, salinity, gas exchange, growth, ion and water relations  相似文献   

During the spring clear-water phase of 1993, an enclosure experimentwas performed in the mesotrophic Schöhsee (Plön, FRG)in order to assess the impact of crustacean zooplankton on therotifer and phytoplankton community. Among the crustacean plankton,calanoid and cyclopoid cope-pods were abundant, but Daphnialongispina’ reached the highest densities in thisexperiment. The colonial rotifer Conochilus unicomis was notaffected by crustacean plankton. The two most abundant species,Synchaeta peclinata and Keratella cochlearis, increased exponentiallywhen macrozooplankton had been excluded from the enclosures,but did not increase when crustaceans were present. Birth anddeath rates of K.cochlearis could be reliably determined inthis field experiment, suggesting that this rotifer specieswas mainly controlled by exploitative competition rather thanby mechanical interference or predation. Daphnia ‘longispina’generally grazed selectively on the smaller ciliates and algae,thus depriving the rotifers of their phytoplankton resources.The dominant alga, the chrysophycean Dinobryon, increased, whethercrustaceans were present or not, but appeared to be grazed uponto a certain extent despite its considerable cell size and colonialorganization.  相似文献   

Lipid phase separation temperatures of intact thylakoid membranesfrom a number of chilling sensitive plants were measured usingchlorophyll a as the intrinsic fluorescent probe. The phospho-and sulfolipids were extracted from the thylakoid lamellae ofthese plants and purified by silicic acid column and thin layerchromatographies. These separated lipids were eluted and recombinedto give a total charged anionic thylakoid lipid fraction thatwas used to prepare liposomes containing purified chlorophylla as the fluorescent probe. The phase separation temperaturesof these liposomes were compared to phase separation temperaturesin intact thylakoid membranes isolated from the same plants. The chilling-sensitive plants—corn, pepper, tomato andwater hyacinth — showed phase separation temperaturesranging from 9 to 19°C for both the liposomes and the thylakoidmembranes. In addition, low temperature phase separations wereseen from –21 to –27°C. Mimulus, which is notas chilling sensitive as the former plants, had a phase separationtemperature near 0 to 2.5°C and at –27°C. In general,there was a good agreement between the phase separation temperaturesof intact thylakoids and the purified anionic lipid fractionextracted from these thylakoids. Similar results were obtained using either trans-parinaric acidor chlorophyll a as the fluorescent probe in liposomes madefrom anionic thylakoid lipids or in liposomes prepared frompure dimyristoyl phosphatidyl choline, distearoyl phosphatidylcholine, or mixtures of equal amounts of these phospholipids. 1 CIW-DPB Publication # 728. 3 Present address: Laboratory of Experimental Physics, Departmentof Biophysics, State University of Utrecht, Princetonplein 5,Utrecht, The Netherlands. (Received January 18, 1981; Accepted July 2, 1981)  相似文献   

Seasonal and vertical fluctuations of zooplankton species composition,biomass, and production were monitored by weekly sampling duringa two year period in one eutrophic pond in Central Finland.The study was one part of a more comprehensive study programto investigate the effects of warm water effluents from onesmall thermal power plant (35 MW) on the pond ecosystem. Becauseof the circulation of the pond water through the pumps in thepower plant the crustacean populations were very sparse in planktonduring the seasons the power plant was in operation (late Augustto May). During that time rotifers were dominant and some speciesreached very high densities (e.g., Keratella cochlearis s.l.ca. 15 000 ind. l–1 in sping). In summer months Asplanchnapriodonta, Ceriodaphnia quadrangula, Bosmina longirostris, Mesocyclopsleuckarti and Thermocyclops oithonoides were dominant. A totalof 96 planktonic and meroplanktonic taxa were identified (26ciliates, 46 rotifers, 21 cladocerans and 3 copepods). The dryweight biomass of total zooplankton was 10 mg m–3 in wintermonths, 10–100 mg m–3 in spring and 300–1000mg m–3 in summer. The total yearly production of zooplanktonwas 8552 mg dry wt m–3 a–1 in 1979 and 8440 mg drywt m–3 a–1 in 1980, from which the proportion ofrotifers was 33–39%, cladocerans 52–58% and copepods8.6 –9.4%. The winter production was 0.2–0.5% ofthe total yearly production, that of spring and autumn togetherwas 8.1–10.4% and the remainder (89–91%) was summerproduction.  相似文献   

Cirripede larvae can occur year-round in temperate and tropicalwaters, often in significant numbers, yet the species compositionof the ‘Balanus sp.’ component is rardy studied.Weekly plankton samples were analyzed qualitatively for larvalcirripede species and stage over a year (1977–1978) attwo Rhode Island stations. Six species of larvae were foundin Lower Narragansett Bay (30° salinity). Semibalanus balanoidesand Balanus balanus have a single winter brood. S. balanoidesis the predominant winter breeder with a minor release of naupliiin early December and major release in March followed by cypridsin mid-April.B. balanus populations release all larvae in Marchwith cyprids in mid-April. Balanus crenatus is mainly a winterbreeder, but has multiple broods; it does not breed in July-Septemberwhen the water temperature is above 18°C. Balanus venustusis the predominant summer breeder, and larvae were observedfrom May through December (water >8°C). Larvae of Chthamalusfragilis and Balanus eburneus occur in low numbers from May-October.At the Pettaquamscutt River site (12 salinity), Balanus improvisuslarvae predominate and early stage nauplii (I-II) occur in samplesyear round (0–27°C). Two peaks of later stage naupliiand cyprids occur in late spring (May) and early winter (Nov.-Jan.).Continued temperatures bdow 5°C or above 20°C appearto inhibit larval development. Comparison of results with existing literature reveals severalsignificant findings. The bimodal rdease of S. balanoides larvaeis unusual and may be in response to the phytoplankton dynamicsof the year; however, the existence of distinct races of S.balanoides may also be a factor. Larvae of B. venustus predominatein the lower bay during the summer, yet this species is unreportedin past studies. B. improvisus nauplii are more cold tolerantthan previously reported. Comparison of findings with reportedbreeding patterns in Florida indicate significant differencesin temperature responses between northern and southern populations. 1Contribution No. 188 from EPA Environmental Research Laboratory,South Ferry Rd., Narragansett, RI 02882  相似文献   

Analysis of the Promoter of the Auxin-Inducible Gene, parC, of Tobacco   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The auxin-responsive region (AuxRR) in the promoter of the parCgene was analyzed in transgenic tobacco plants in which the5' flanking region of the parC promoter was placed upstreamof the gene for rß-glucuronidase (GUS). The AuxRRwas located between nucleotides (nt) –226 and –54.Detailed dissection of this segment revealed that the presenceof the non-contiguous sequences from nt –226 to –151and from nt –84 to –54 was required for the expressionof the auxin responsiveness of the parC promoter. The sequencefrom nt –226 to –151 was found to contain a sequencewhich resembles the as-1 element in the 35S promoter of cauliflowermosaic virus (CaMV). Although it has been reported that theas-1 element is involved in auxin responsiveness [Liu and Lam(1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269: 668], we showed that introductionof a point mutation into the as-1-like sequence completely eliminatedauxin responsiveness, a result that suggests that the sequenceis indispensable for auxin responsiveness. However, the presenceof the as-1-like sequence alone was not sufficient for auxinresponsiveness, since the segment (nt –226 to –84)that included the as-1-like sequence failed to confer auxinresponsiveness on the core promoter. It is possible that thetwo separately located sequences play specific roles in interactionswith trans-factors that are required for the expression of theauxin responsiveness of the parC promoter. (Received March 11, 1996; Accepted July 9, 1996)  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were performed to determine the effect oftemperature, salinity, seawater sources and culture media onthe vegetative growth of clonal cultures of Gymnodinium catenatumisolated from Bahía Concepción, Mexico. Theseisolates were heterothallic and isogamous. Exponential growthrates of G. catenatum in f/2 with different selenium concentrationsand soil extract and GSe media were moderate. Maximum cell yieldswere obtained in GSe and f/2 media with selenium (10–8and 10–7 M), while in f/2 medium with soil extract cellyields were considerably lower. The highest percentage of longchains was found in f/2 media supplied with selenium (10–8M). The optimal temperature range for growth was 11.5–30°C,with the highest growth rates between 21 and 29°C. The rangeof salinity tolerated by G. catenatum changed with seawatersource. With seawater from Vineyard Sound (Massachusetts, USA),G. catenatum grew at salinities from 15 to 36, with an optimalgrowth rate obtained at salinities between 26 and 30. With seawaterfrom Bahía Concepción, this species toleratedsalinities from 25 to 40, with optimal growth at salinitiesbetween 28 and 38. Ecophysiological measurements reported hereare consistent with the environment of the bay, which has limitedinput of humic materials from runoff and high salinity and temperature.These data, when viewed with data from studies of globally distributedG. catenatum, demonstrate the ability of this species to livein a broad array of habitats.  相似文献   

Since relative growth rate is the product of net assimilationrate and leaf-area ratio (leaf area/plant weight), it followsthat if the effects of shading on both net assimilation rateand leaf-area ratio can be expressed mathematically, then therelationship between light intensity and relative growth ratecan be derived from the product of the two mathematical expressions. For all the ten species investigated in field and pot cultureexperiments, it has been found that during the early vegetativephase both the changes in leaf-area ratio and net assimilationrate, over the range of 0·1 to full daylight, are linearlyrelated to the logarithm of the light intensity. In consequence,the relationship between relative growth rate and the logarithmof light intensity—being the product of the two linearregressions—is curvilinear. For species of shady habitats (Geum urbanum, Solamun dulcamara)neither the levels of assimilation rate nor the ‘compensation-point’values are very different from those of the eight species fromopen situations (e.g. Hordeum vulgare, Pisum sativum, Fagopyrumesculentum). Nevertheless the intensity at which growth rateis maximal varies between species: it is 0•5 for G. urbanum,0•7 for H. annuus, full daylight for F. esculentum, whilefor Trifolium subterraneum the calculated value is 1·8daylight. Such specific differences can be largely accountedfor in terms of the differences in leaf-area ratio at the differentlight levels. On the basis of this analysis of the light factor, a ‘shade’plant is best redefined as a species in which a reduction ofthe light intensity causes a rapid rise in the leaf-area ratiofrom an initial low value in full daylight: for a ‘sun’plant the converse definition holds.  相似文献   

Siphonostomes (Copepoda — Cyclopoida) from the InternationalIndian Ocean Expedition collections were studied. The groupwas represented by Pontoeciella abyssicola of family Pon-toeciellidaeand Ratania flava of family Rataniidae. This study has extendedthe distribution of both the species considerably, and includesthe first record of the male of P. abyssicola from the IndianOcean and of both species from the Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

The human red blood cell sialoglycoprotein, glycophorin A (GpA),contains a ‘mucin-like’ extensively O-glycosylatedextracellular domain which carries the MN blood group antigens.We have revised the sites of O-glyccsylation in the extracellulardomain of GpA by automated solid-phase Edman degradation, whichallowed positive identification and quantitation of O-glycosylatedSer and Thr residues, as well as the single N-glycosylationsite. One N-linked and 16 O-linked sites were identified. Carbohydratewas absent on Ser 1, Ser14, Ser15, Ser23, Thr28 and Thr58 inGpA. We propose that the glycosyltransferases present in erythrocytesrecognize specific flanking sequences around potential O-glycosylationsites. All 16 O-glycosylation sites are explained on the basisof four motifs. Three motifs are associated with Thr-glycosylation:Xaa—Pro—Xaa—Xaa where at least one Xaa = Thr;Thr—Xaa—Xaa—Xaa where at least one Xaa = Thr;Xaa—Xaa—Thr—Xaa where at least one X = Argor Lys. The fourth motif is associated with Ser-glycosylation:Ser—Xaa—Xaa—Xaa where at least one Xaa = Ser.These simple rules explain the glycosylation (or lack of it)on 21 of 22 Ser/Thr in the extracellular domain of GpA. glycophorin A O-glycosylation motif solid-phase Edman degradation  相似文献   

Gonadal changes in two species of Cerastoderma occurring indiscrete populations in South Wales were monitored by stereologicalanalysis during the breeding seasons of 1981 and 1982. Fecundityand spawning efficiencies were determined quantitatively. Therelationship between reproductive activity and changes in meatcondition are discussed. Both species are opportunistic breeders. Their normal patternsof reproduction are similar, consisting of minimum activityin winter and peak activity during spring/early summer. Thetwo species were affected differently by the severe winter of1981–82—C. glau-cum exhibited a single, ‘epidemic’spawning and resumed gametogenesis after a 4-month resting period.C. edule adopted a ‘polycyclic’ pattern withouta resting period. Both of these unusual reproductive strategies,augmented by reduced predation resulted in heavy spatfalls. (Received 20 March 1985; revised 20 March 1985;  相似文献   

The development of the embryo sac in Scrophularia himalensisRoyle (tribe Cheloneae, Scrophulariaceae) has been investigated.The ovules are anatropous, unitegminal and tenuinucellar. Twotypes of embryo sac development—the monosporic (polygonumtype) and the bisporic (allium type)—coexist in this species.This is the first record of its kind in Scrophularia as previousworkers reported only the Polygonum type of development in thetribe Cheloneae.  相似文献   

The variation of paralarval abundance in a region subjectedto wind-driven upwelling (Ria of Vigo, northwestern Spain) wasstudied. Research cruises were undertaken during the favourableupwelling season (May to October) in 2000 and 2001. Each cruiseincluded biological and hydrographic sampling and consistedof five stations in waters located to the east and west of theCies Islands. A total of 221 paralarvae of Octopodidae and Loliginidaewere collected over the 12-month study period. During 2000,higher abundance of paralarvae was observed in July, Septemberand October for Loligo vulgaris and Octopus vulgaris. In 2001,abundance of both species was higher in May and also in Septemberfor O. vulgaris. The mantle length of the paralarvae variedfrom 1.25 to 2.25 mm and from 1.00 to 4.90 mm within the O.vulgaris and L. vulgaris individuals, respectively. The presence/absenceof upwelling modulates the abundance and spatial distributionof loliginid and octopod paralarvae. The relationship betweenthe distribution and movement of these paralarvae in the Riaof Vigo seems to follow the circulation system defined for thisarea; when the upwelling extends its influence inside the Ria,the paralarvae are transported to the inner part in a west—eastdirection.  相似文献   

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