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Salinity and the distribution of Cladocera in Warri River,Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Hydrobiological investigations of the water quality and plankton of Warri River started in 1981, shortly before the commissioning of the Delta Steel Plant on the banks of the river at Aladja. The 150 km of river gradates from pure freshwater through brackish to marine and so provides a suitable habitat for a study of the limits of migration of any group of zooplankton. The Cladocera of Warri River consists of two bosminids, thirteen chydorids, three daphniids, three macrothricids, one moinid, and two sidids. All except the sididPenilia sp. are well known freshwater forms, which are limited in longitudinal distribution to areas with salinity below 2.5‰. Penilia sp. found in Warri River were restricted to the truely brackish-water areas with salinity values of 7‰ −8‰. In this respect they represent the first reported brackish water Cladocera in Africa. They also differ fromPenilia avirostris Dana found in marine habitats in certain morphological details, and so the Warri RiverPenilia may be a new taxon.  相似文献   

Halicyclops korodiensis Onabamiro was recorded in plankton samples of the brackish waters of the Warri River, Nigeria, West Africa. It is redescribed and figured.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton flora of the Warri/Forcados estuary varied from typical fresh and brackish water forms to purely distinct marine species. These were made up of members of the Bacillariophyta (about 80 species), Chlorophyta (over 90 species), Cyanophyta (16 species), Dinophyceae (10 species) and the Euglenophyta (8 species). The bulk of the species belonging to the Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta and the Euglenophyta were almost exclusively fresh-water in distribution, being limited to habitats of less than 0.5 salinity. Members of the Bacillariophyta were found in all habitats, occurring freely in freshwater, estuarine, and marine ecosystems. In all cases, no true examples of euryhalinity were recorded. The majority of dinoflagellates encountered, as well as a number of marine diatoms, manifested stenohaline peculiarities as they could not tolerate a wide salinity range.The overall influence of the periodic shift in salinity and some physico-chemical parameters along the stretch of the estuary brought about by strong tidal effects and the variable seasonal volume of water discharge or runoff on the pattern and limit of distribution of phytoplankton species is highlighted.  相似文献   

This article presents the first attempt to quantify the levels and distribution pattern of endosulfan, an organochlorine pesticide in surface water, sediment and fish ( Chrysichthys furcatus and Tilapia zilli ). The samples were collected from three stations (Ovwian, Ekakpamre and Ovu) of Warri River in the western Niger Delta of Nigeria in 2006 during the dry and wet seasons (January–August). A total of 96 samples made up of 24 samples each for water, sediment and fish were analysed in this study. The pesticide levels were analysed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC model CECIL 1010) to elucidate its distribution in various environmental compartments. The ranges of concentrations of the pesticide in the matrices were: 0.01–9.23 μg/l (water), 0.06–11.98 μg/gdw (sediment), 0.01–15.06 μg/gdw ( Chrysichthys furcatus) and 0.01–1.80 μg/gdw ( Tilapia zilli ). From this result, decreasing order of occurrence of the pesticide is as follows: fish > sediment > water. The concentrations observed in fish ( Chrysichthys furcatus ) were higher than the levels observed in sediment and water suggesting bioaccumulation of the pesticide by the fish. Spatial variations occurred with downstream stations having statistically higher concentrations in all matrices at P  < 0.05. Seasonal variations occurred with higher concentrations in dry season for water and sediment only, while the fish species had higher concentrations in the wet season. The observed values of endosulfan were above the ecological bench marks (0.02 μg/l) recommended by Nigeria Environmental Protection Agency and European Union. They were also relatively higher than those in previous studies on the Nigerian environment, an observation that calls for regular monitoring of the Niger Delta water bodies.  相似文献   

Aquatic insects are bioindicators of water quality. Their structure and species composition is used in assessing the ecological integrity of streams and rivers. Their composition and density of the upper Warri River, Niger Delta, Nigeria were assessed and the influence of different physical and chemical variables on their distribution was explored at three designated stations. A total of 57 taxa were recorded with station 2 accounting for the greatest Ephemeroptera–Plecoptera–Trichoptera (EPT) richness. Abundance of the aquatic insects was affected by the nature of the substrate, macrophytes and canopy cover at the various stations examined. Generally, the upper Warri River is a fairly clean water body rich in EPT organisms. Pollution tolerant insect taxa such as chironomids and culicids larvae were only sporadically present.  相似文献   

Plankton hauls were made with 55 m Hydrobios nets at one Jamieson and six Benin River stations at monthly intervals for 12 and 24 months during 1981/82 and 1986–1988, respectively. In all, a 100 km stretch of the Benin River and its tributary, the Jamieson, were covered. Fifty species of Rotifera were recorded. About 80% were cosmopolitan. The turbulent nature of the river is reflected in a diversity of Lecanidae found, although the dominant species were Keratella tropica (Apstein) and Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) (Brachionidae). Spatial investigations revealed the euryhaline nature of Brachionus plicatilis (O. F. Muller), and showed most Benin River rotifers to be freshwater inhabitants.  相似文献   

The changes in the chemistry of the waters of a small river before and immediately after it has been dammed are reported here. Pre-impoundment investigations reveal the paucity of nutrient salts which became slightly more concentrated in the Ientic environment created after the closure of the dam. Also, the fluctuations in the chemistry of the waters were influenced by a number of physical factors notably water level, current velocity and temperature. Deoxygenation of the usually oxygen-undersaturated river waters was not observed after the closure of the Asejire dam built across the River Oshun.  相似文献   

The distribution of benthonic communities (particularly Foraminifera) were studied from fourteen samples obtained from the Ogun River estuary and environs. Ten species of benthonic Foraminifera were identified; two of these constitute over 90% of the total foraminiferal population.Two broad biofacies are recognisable, namely the upper estuarine facies of Ammobaculites and the lower estuarine facies comprising arenaceous and calcereous forms with a preponderance of Ammonia beccarii (Linnaeus).Large populations of few species occur in the lower estuary, an area of weakly saline water with marked salinity fluctuations. The upper estuary on the other hand is sparsely populated and contains tests mainly of arenaeous Foraminifera. A few species are distinctive of particular facies but some are distributed throughout the estuary. Substrate is not a causal ecological factor, because sediments are similar in physical attributes throughout the estuary. Salinity and rate of sedimentation are among the more important factors affecting the distribution of all species. The low-energy nature of the environment is established by the abundance of faecal pellets and the fragility of the tests of the arenaceous Foraminifera.  相似文献   

Abundance and diversity of planktonic rotifers in the Po River   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
Ferrari  I.  Farabegoli  A.  Mazzoni  R. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,186(1):201-208
Zooplankton samples from the middle reach of the Po River were collected daily from 27 July to 24 August 1988 from a station located near Viadana. Changes in the biocoenosis structure were analyzed in relation to variations in flow rate. Rotifers accounted for more than 99% of the total zooplankton (protozoans excluded) in every sample. The dominant species were Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus bennini, Brachionus budapestinensis and Epiphanes macrourus. Under scanty flow conditions, the taxocoenosis showed marked stability. An increase in flow rate acts as a disturbance factor leading to a significant decrease in both total density and dominance.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation in abundance of the phytopiankton groups in the river Oshun before and immediately after the closure of the Asejire dam is described. The river was dominated by the Bacillariophyceae throughout the period before impoundment but soon after, the Volcocaceae and the Dinophyceae became preponderant at the lake although the diatoms remained dominant at the source. Also, the period of maximum abundance of the diatoms occurred 8 weeks before the other phytoplankton groups attained their maxima in the river. Correlation coefficient values enumerated by computer revealed the controlling effect of the discharge, transparency and nitrate nitrogen on phytoplankton development in the Oshun.  相似文献   

The ecology of periphytic rotifers   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Duggan  Ian C. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):139-148
The ecology of rotifer assemblages in the periphyton has received little attention relative to that of pelagic rotifers. This paper reviews the ecology of periphytic rotifers, with particular emphasis on the role of macrophytes in the structuring of rotifer assemblages spatially and temporally, and compares these aspects with the dynamics of better known pelagic rotifer communities. Littoral rotifer periphyton communities are typically diverse in lakes, and have composition dissimilar to that of the open water. In rivers, diversity and composition in the pelagic and littoral appear to be similar. Rotifers show preference for macrophyte species they associate with, probably through differences in physical structure or complexity, food concentration or composition, chemical factors, macrophyte age, and differences in the degree of protection from predation provided by macrophytes. These mechanisms are in general not well investigated in rotifers. Factors affecting the seasonal dynamics of periphytic communities appear to be similar to pelagic communities, with seasonal dynamics of substrates and disturbance by flooding or drying also being important.  相似文献   

The rotifers of Lake Peipus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Virro  Taavi  Haberman  Juta 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):389-396
In the northern part of Lake Peipus, 140 taxa of rotifers were identified, with species of Anuraeopsis, Conochilus, Keratella, Polyarthra and Synchaeta dominating. Two main periods of sexual reproduction occur, in the spring and autumn. Different life cycle patterns are represented. Rotifer number and biomass have two maxima between spring and early autumn. The contribution of rotifers to total zooplankton production varies from 13.6% (Oct.) to 89.8% (May). The average production of grazing rotifers is 485.1 kJ m–2, while that of predatory rotifers (Asplanchna) is 10.0 kJ m–2.  相似文献   

通过2012年4次对珠江三角洲河网浮游动物的生态调查,研究该水域浮游轮虫的群落结构,包括种类组成、优势种、生物量及多样性等的时空分布,探讨了浮游轮虫群落结构与环境因子的相关关系,并阐析了浮游轮虫的聚群结构.结果表明: 共检出53种浮游轮虫.优势种类的季节演替及空间变化明显,针簇多肢轮虫占有较大优势.从季节变化来看,枯水期密度及生物量均大于丰水期,丰水期的生物多样性指数和均匀度要高于枯水期,浮游轮虫生物量和多样性的季节间差异显著;从空间分布来看,平均密度及平均生物量均呈现自西南向东北升高的趋势,最大密度及生物量均出现在市桥,而生物多样性指数和均匀度指数的空间变化趋势则相反,最高值均出现在青岐,浮游轮虫密度在各调查站位间差异显著,生物量及多样性在各调查站位间的差异不显著.浮游轮虫的密度与生物量、生物多样性指数与均匀度指数呈显著正相关,多样性与生物量呈显著负相关,生物多样性指数和均匀度指数随着生物量的增加显著降低.在不同季节,浮游轮虫密度与水温、pH、溶解氧、叶绿素a含量及总磷、总氮等环境因子密切相关.根据浮游轮虫密度对调查站位进行聚群分析得出5种聚群结构,说明相应调查站位的水质状况有显著差异.  相似文献   

Baseline information on the parasites of frequently caught species of the characids namely Hydrocynus vittatus , Alestes baremoze , Brycinus macrolepidotus and Brycinus leuciscus was investigated in Anambra River from August 2004 to July 2005. The parasites recovered were the Myxosporid, Myxobolus sp (Protozoa), Polyopistocotylids, Diplozoon ghanense and Neodipolzoon polycotyleus (Monogeneans), the Caryophyllid Caryophylleus sp (Cestoda) and Rhabdochona sp (Nematoda). The prevalence of Caryophylleus sp in B. macrolepidotus (14.2%) and A. baremoze (8.1%) as well as Rhabdochon sp and Myxobolus sp in H . vittatus (9.6% and 7.8% respectively) was relatively high (>7.0%); while the other parasite species Myxobolus sp in B. leuciscus (2%), D. ghanense in B. macrolepidotus (1.9%) and N. polycotyleus in A. baremoze (1.9%) had a much lower prevalence (2.7%). Distribution of parasites was clearly seasonal. Dissolved oxygen (8.0–14.0) mg l−1 and pH (5.5–7.0) influenced the occurrence of the parasites whereas temperature (20.1–27.5 DC) showed no much effect.  相似文献   

The water quality of the Siluko River, Edo State, Nigeria was investigated from March to August 2015 to determine its suitability for drinking and usage for domestic purposes. Water samples collected from three stations were tested for thirteen physico-chemical parameters using standard analytical procedures. Temperature, phosphate and chloride were significantly different across the three stations. All other parameters, with the exception of turbidity, dissolved oxygen and phosphate, were within the permissible limits recommended by the Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ) and World Health Organization (WHO). Water Quality Index (WQI) values ranged from 11.24 to 16.15, indicating excellent water quality. While the quality of the water from the Siluko River is suitable for drinking and domestic usage, to prevent future deterioration of the water, it is recommended that the regulating authorities monitor effluents discharged into the river from human activities.  相似文献   

Clément  Pierre 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):527-544
This work discusses the nature and significance of molecular, ultrastructural, and behavioural characters that can be used in phylogenetic analyses of rotifers.Recent molecular research has demonstrated the presence of very small amounts of 4-hydroxyproline in rotifers, probably arising from acetyl-cholinesterase or glycoproteins. Thus, rotifers appear to be the first known Metazoa without collagen.Ultrastructural work also has made some interesting discoveries. (1) The myelinic cuticle of the integument and pharynx of gastrotrichs is present in the pharynx of at least two rotifers (Philodina and Brachionus) and some Annelida. (2) The intracytoplasmic lamina (IL) of the syncytial ingestive integument of Acanthocephala is similar to the IL of the syncytial stomach of Bdelloidea. (3) The fibrous terminal web of primitive epidermal ciliated cells may have evolved in the skeletal IL of the syncytial, aciliated integument of rotifers. (4) Using the ultrastructural features of the skeletal, IL of the integument, I derived two possible dendograms of rotifer evolution. (5) These models and other ultrastructural data predict that Bdelloidea should be separated from Monogononta, while Seison has several characters which suggest that it should be more closely aligned to the Monogononta than previously proposed.Molecular and ultrastructural data suggest that rotifers are primitive Metazoa, probably derived by neoteny from ancestral, ciliated larvae. Finally, I argue that information on sensory organs and the behaviour of rotifers may offer unique insights into the evolution of the phylum.  相似文献   

Telesh  Irena V. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):289-296
The dynamics, community structure, and productivity of planktonic rotifers were studied during 3 years in two lakes near St. Petersburg (Russia). One lake was repeatedly stocked with larvae of the fish Coregonus peled; the other contained no fish. Fish addition led to a shift in plankton community structure. Population densities of some rotifer species (Keratella cochlearis, K. irregularis, Asplanchna priodonta) increased as a result of the elimination of large crustaceans by fishes during summer and autumn. An inverse relationship was found between the biomass of rotifers and Daphnia.  相似文献   

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