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Sulphonamide-induced 'thymineless death' in Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Denitrification in a nitrogen-limited stream ecosystem   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
Denitrification was measured in hyporheic, parafluvial, and bank sediments of Sycamore Creek, Arizona, a nitrogen-limited Sonoran Desert stream. We used three variations of the acetylene block technique to estimate denitrification rates, and compared these estimates to rates of nitrate production through nitrification. Subsurface sediments of Sycamore Creek are typically well-oxygenated, relatively low in nitrate, and low in organic carbon, and therefore are seemingly unlikely sites of denitrification. However, we found that denitrification potential (C & N amended, anaerobic incubations) was substantial, and even by our conservative estimates (unamended, oxic incubations and field chamber nitrous oxide accumulation), denitrification consumed 5–40% of nitrate produced by nitrification. We expected that denitrification would increase along hyporheic and parafluvial flowpaths as dissolved oxygen declined and nitrate increased. To the contrary, we found that denitrification was generally highest at the upstream ends of subsurface flowpaths where surface water had just entered the subsurface zone. This suggests that denitrifiers may be dependent on the import of surface-derived organic matter, resulting in highest denitrification rate at locations of surface-subsurface hydrologic exchange. Laboratory experiments showed that denitrification in Sycamore Creek sediments was primarily nitrogen limited and secondarily carbon limited, and was temperature dependent. Overall, the quantity of nitrate removed from the Sycamore Creek ecosystem via denitrification is significant given the nitrogen-limited status of this stream.  相似文献   

A physical and mathematical model for wine fermentation kinetics was adapted to include the influence of temperature, perhaps the most critical factor influencing fermentation kinetics. The model was based on flask-scale white wine fermentations at different temperatures (11 to 35 degrees C) and different initial concentrations of sugar (265 to 300 g/liter) and nitrogen (70 to 350 mg N/liter). The results show that fermentation temperature and inadequate levels of nitrogen will cause stuck or sluggish fermentations. Model parameters representing cell growth rate, sugar utilization rate, and the inactivation rate of cells in the presence of ethanol are highly temperature dependent. All other variables (yield coefficient of cell mass to utilized nitrogen, yield coefficient of ethanol to utilized sugar, Monod constant for nitrogen-limited growth, and Michaelis-Menten-type constant for sugar transport) were determined to vary insignificantly with temperature. The resulting mathematical model accurately predicts the observed wine fermentation kinetics with respect to different temperatures and different initial conditions, including data from fermentations not used for model development. This is the first wine fermentation model that accurately predicts a transition from sluggish to normal to stuck fermentations as temperature increases from 11 to 35 degrees C. Furthermore, this comprehensive model provides insight into combined effects of time, temperature, and ethanol concentration on yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) activity and physiology.  相似文献   

Kinetic model for nitrogen-limited wine fermentations.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A physical and mathematical model for wine fermentation kinetics has been developed to predict sugar utilization curves based on experimental data from wine fermentations with various initial nitrogen and sugar concentrations in the juice. The model is based on: (1) yeast cell growth limited by nitrogen; (2) sugar utilization rates and ethanol production rates proportional solely to the number of viable cells; and (3) a death rate for cells proportional to alcohol content. All but one parameter in the model can be estimated from existing data. However, experiments to find this final parameter, a constant describing cell death, indicate that cell death may not be the critical factor in determining fermentation kinetics as cell viability remains significant until sugar utilization has ceased. The model, nevertheless, predicts a transition from normal to sluggish to stuck fermentations as initial nitrogen levels decrease. It also predicts that fermentations with high initial Brix levels may go to completion when supplemented with nitrogen in the form of ammonia. Therefore, we hypothesize that the model is valid but that ethanol causes the yeast cells to become inactive while remaining viable. Experimental verification of the model has been performed using flask-scale experiments. The model has also been used to evaluate the possibility of using nitrogen or viable cell additions to avoid or correct problem (i.e., sluggish or stuck) fermentations.  相似文献   

In recognition of the importance of assimilable nitrogen in the successful completion of several fermentation processes, we have sought to develop yeast strains that utilise this typically limited nutrient group more efficiently. With the aid of transposon mutagenesis together with a high-throughput method for analysis of multiple fermentations, we have identified 'nitrogen-efficient' mutants that catabolise more sugar for a given amount of nitrogen utilised. In this way we have identified two genes, NGR1 and GID7, whose disruption leads to an enhanced catabolism of sugar in an industrial strain and/or a laboratory strain, during growth in a chemically defined grape juice medium with limiting nitrogen. Deletion of NGR1 or GID7 also resulted in minor changes in metabolites produced, and biomass yield, measured as dry weight, was also decreased in NGR1 mutant strains.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) specialized in the stimulation of na?ve T lymphocytes, which are key components of antiviral and antitumor immunity. DCs are 'sentinels' of the immune system endowed with the mission to (1) sense invading pathogens as well as any form of tissue distress and (2) alert the effectors of the immune response. They represent a very heterogeneous population including subsets characterized by their anatomical locations and specific missions. Beyond their unique APC features, DCs exhibit a large array of effector functions that play critical roles in the induction and regulation of the cell-mediated as well as humoral immune responses. In the course of the antitumor immune response, DCs are unique in engulfing tumor cells killed by natural killer (NK) cells and cross-presenting tumor-associated antigens to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). However, while DCs mediate antitumor immune responses by stimulating tumor-specific CTLs and NK cells, direct tumoricidal mechanisms have been recently evoked. This review addresses the other face of DCs to directly deliver apoptotic signals to stressed cells, their role in tumor cell death, and its implication in the design of DC-based cancer immunotherapies.  相似文献   

The dominance of gas-vacuolate cyanobacteria is often attributedto their buoyancy and to their ability to regulate buoyancyin response to environmental conditions. Changes in absolutegas vesicles volume, carbohydrate content, protein content andcolony buoyancy of Microcystis flos-aquae were investigatedduring nitrogen-limited, phosphorus-limited and nutrient-repletegrowth. When nutrient-replete, M. flos-aquae cells consistentlyhad excess gas vesicles, which provided sufficient buoyancythat the influence of daily carbohydrate changes on cells uponfloatation was negligible. However, during nitrogen-limitedgrowth, gas vesicle volume per cell decreased significantlywith nitrogen exhaustion. The maximum decrease of gas vesiclevolume was up to 84–88%. At the same time, cellular carbohydratecontent had an accumulation trend. The decrease of gas vesiclebuoyancy together with the daily increase in carbohydrate aresuggested to explain the daily changes in the cell floatation.During phosphorus-limited growth, gas vesicle volume per celldecreased slightly (maximum to 22–32%), and they stillprovided sufficient buoyancy that most cells kept floating eventhough there were significant daily carbohydrate changes. Sincenitrogen limitation caused more significant buoyancy loss thanphosphorus limitation did, surface water blooms may disappearor appear frequently in nitrogen limited water bodies whilethey may persist a longer time in phosphorus limited water bodies.The quantitative analysis in buoyancy change by gas vesicles,carbohydrate and protein suggested that long-term buoyancy regulationwas mainly determined by changes of gas vesicle volume whereasshort-term buoyancy regulation was mainly determined by carbohydrateaccumulation and consumption. Both long-term and short-termbuoyancy regulation were influenced by cell nutrient status.Furthermore, gas vesicle volume per cell and protein contentchanged in the same way in both nitrogen-limited and phosphorus-limitedgrowth, which implied that the decrease of gas vesicles wereassociated with controls of total protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The time and coordination of cell cycle events were examined in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Whole-cell autoradiographic techniques and time-lapse photography were used to measure the duration of the S, G1, and G2 phases, and the cell cycle positions of "start" and bud emergence, in cells whose growth rates were determined by the source of nitrogen. It was observed that the G1, S, and G2 phases underwent a proportional expansion with increasing cell cycle length, with the S phase occupying the middle half of the cell cycle. In each growth condition, start appeared to correspond to the G1 phase/S phase boundary. Bud emergence did not occur until mid S phase. These results show that the rate of transit through all phases of the cell cycle can vary considerably when cell cycle length changes. When cells growing at different rates were arrested in G1, the following synchronous S phase were of the duration expected from the length of S in each asynchronous population. Cells transferred from a poor nitrogen source to a good one after arrest in G1 went through the subsequent S phase at a rate characteristic of the better medium, indicating that cells are not committed in G1 to an S phase of a particular duration.  相似文献   

Rhodopseudomonas palustris cells grown on limiting nitrogen produced four- to eightfold higher nitrogenase specific activity relative to cells sparged with N2. The high activity of N-limited cells was the result of overproduction of the nitrogenase proteins. This was shown by four independent techniques: (i) titration of the Mo-Fe protein in cell-free extracts with Fe protein from Azotobacter vinelandii; (ii) direct detection of the subunits of Mo-Fe protein by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; (iii) monitoring of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of Mo-Fe protein in whole cells; and (iv) immunological assay of the Fe protein level with an antiserum against the homologous protein of Rhodospirillum rubrum. The derepressed level of nitrogenase found in N2-grown cells was not due to an increased turnover of nitrogenase. The apparent half-lives of nitrogenase in N2-grown and N-limited cells were 58 and 98 h, respectively, but were too long to account for the difference in enzyme level. Half-lives were determined by measuring nitrogenase after repression of de novo synthesis by ammonia and subsequent release of nitrogenase switch-off by methionine sulfoximine. Observations were extended to R. rubrum, Rhodopseudomonas capsulata, and Rhodomicrobium vannielii and indicated that overproduction of nitrogenase under nitrogen limitation is not an exceptional property of R. palustris, but rather a general property of phototrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

Sweet sorghum extract was used as substrate for lipid accumulation by the oleaginous fungus Mortierella isabellina in batch cultures. Various initial sugar (13–91 g/L) and nitrogen (100–785 mg/L) concentrations resulting in various C/N (43–53) ratios were tested. Oil accumulation ranged between 43% and 51% corresponding to oil production from 2.2 to 9.3 g/L. A detailed mathematical model was developed. This model is able to adequately predict biomass growth, lipid accumulation, and sugar and nitrogen consumption. The model assumes that fungus growth is inhibited at high sugar concentrations. A set of kinetic experiments was used for model kinetic parameters estimation, while another set of experiments was used for model validation. The developed model could be generalized for similar systems of lipid accumulation and become a useful tool for reactor design for biofuel production. Bioeng. 2011; 108:1049–1055. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mangrove ecosystems can be either nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) limited and are therefore vulnerable to nutrient pollution. Nutrient enrichment with either N or P may have differing effects on ecosystems because of underlying differences in plant physiological responses to these nutrients in either N- or P-limited settings. Using a common mangrove species, Avicennia germinans, in sites where growth was either N or P limited, we investigated differing physiological responses to N and P limitation and fertilization. We tested the hypothesis that water uptake and transport, and hydraulic architecture, were the main processes limiting productivity at the P-limited site, but that this was not the case at the N-limited site. We found that plants at the P-deficient site had lower leaf water potential, stomatal conductance and photosynthetic carbon-assimilation rates, and less conductive xylem, than those at the N-limited site. These differences were greatly reduced with P fertilization at the P-limited site. By contrast, fertilization with N at the N-limited site had little effect on either photosynthetic or hydraulic traits. We conclude that growth in N- and P-limited sites differentially affect the hydraulic pathways of mangroves. Plants experiencing P limitation appear to be water deficient and undergo more pronounced changes in structure and function with relief of nutrient deficiency than those in N-limited ecosystems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: and Aims In many studies of nitrogen-limited plant growth a linear relationship has been found between relative growth rate and plant nitrogen concentration, showing a negative intercept at a plant nitrogen concentration of zero. This relationship forms the basis of the nitrogen productivity theory. On the basis of empirical findings, several authors have suggested that there is also a distinctive relationship between allocation and plant nitrogen concentration. The primary aim of this paper is to develop a simple plant growth model that quantifies this relationship in mathematical terms. The model was focused on nitrogen allocation to avoid the complexity of differences in nitrogen concentrations in the different plant compartments. The secondary aim is to use the model for examining the processes that underlie the empirically based nitrogen productivity theory. METHODS: In the construction of the model we focused on the formation and degradation of biologically active nitrogen in enzymes involved in the photosynthetic process (photosynthetic nitrogen). It was assumed that, in nitrogen-limiting conditions, the formation of photosynthetic nitrogen is proportional to nitrogen uptake. Furthermore it was assumed that the degradation of photosynthetic nitrogen is governed by first-order kinetics. Model predictions of nitrogen allocation were compared with data from literature describing four studies of growth. Model predictions of whole plant growth were compared with the above-mentioned nitrogen productivity theory. KEY RESULTS: Allocation predictions agreed well with the investigated empirical data. The ratio of leaf nitrogen and plant nitrogen declines linearly with the inverse of plant nitrogen concentration. Nitrogen productivity is proportional to this ratio. Predictions for whole-plant growth were in accordance with the nitrogen productivity theory. CONCLUSIONS: The agreement between model predictions and empirical findings suggests that the derived equation for nitrogen allocation and its relationship to plant nitrogen concentration might be generally applicable. The negative intercept in the linear relationship between relative growth rate and plant nitrogen concentration is interpreted as being equal to the degradation constant of photosynthetic nitrogen.  相似文献   

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