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A striking characteristic of the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and of the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) is the presence of a nonsense mutation in the env gene resulting in the synthesis of a truncated transmembrane protein lacking the cytoplasmic domain. By mutagenesis of an infectious molecular clone of SIVmac142, we investigated the function of the cytoplasmic domain and the significance of the env nonsense mutation. When the nonsense codon (TAG) was replaced by a glutamine codon (CAG), the virus infected HUT78 cells with markedly delayed kinetics. This negative effect was counterselected in vitro as reversion of the slow phenotype frequently occurred. The sequencing of one revertant revealed the presence of a new stop codon three nucleotides 5' to the original mutation. Deletions or an additional nonsense mutation introduced 3' to the original stop codon did not modify SIV infectivity. In contrast, the same deletions or nonsense mutation introduced in the clone in which the stop codon was replaced by CAG abolished infectivity. These results indicated that the envelope domain located 3' to the stop codon is not necessary for in vitro replication. However, the presence of this domain in SIV transmembrane protein leads to a reduced infectivity. This negative effect might correspond to a function controlling the rate of spread of the virus during in vivo infection.  相似文献   

The fusion protein core of measles virus forms stable coiled-coil trimer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent studies have shown that paramyxovirus might adopt a similar molecular mechanism of virus entry and fusion in which the attachment glycoprotein binds receptor/s and triggers the conformational changes of the fusion protein. There are two conserved regions of heptad repeat (HR1 and HR2) in the fusion protein and they were shown with fusion-inhibition effects in many paramyxoviruses, including measles virus. They also appear to show characteristic structure in the fusion core: the HR1/HR2 forms stable six-helix coiled-coil centered by HR1 and is surrounded by HR2 (trimer of HR1/HR2), which represents the post-fusion conformational structure. In this study, we expressed the HR1 and HR2 of measles virus fusion protein as a single chain (named 2-Helix) and subsequently tested its formation of trimer. Indeed, the results do show that the HR1 and HR2 interact with each other and form stable six-helix coiled-coil bundle. This is the first member in genus Morbillivirus of family Paramyxoviridae to be confirmed with this characteristic structure and provides the basis for the HR2-inhibition effects on virus fusion/entry for measles virus.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) entry is triggered by interactions between a pair of heptad repeats in the gp41 ectodomain, which convert a prehairpin gp41 trimer into a fusogenic three-hairpin bundle. Here we examined the disposition and antigenic nature of these structures during the HIV-mediated fusion of HeLa cells expressing either HIV(HXB2) envelope (Env cells) or CXCR4 and CD4 (target cells). Cell-cell fusion, indicated by cytoplasmic dye transfer, was allowed to progress for various lengths of time and then arrested. Fusion intermediates were then examined for reactivity with various monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against immunogenic cluster I and cluster II epitopes in the gp41 ectodomain. All of these MAbs produced similar staining patterns indicative of reactivity with prehairpin gp41 intermediates or related structures. MAb staining was seen on Env cells only upon exposure to soluble CD4, CD4-positive, coreceptor-negative cells, or stromal cell-derived factor-treated target cells. In the fusion system, the MAbs reacted with the interfaces of attached Env and target cells within 10 min of coculture. MAb reactivity colocalized with the formation of gp120-CD4-coreceptor tricomplexes after longer periods of coculture, although reactivity was absent on cells exhibiting cytoplasmic dye transfer. Notably, the MAbs were unable to inhibit fusion even when allowed to react with soluble-CD4-triggered or temperature-arrested antigens prior to initiation of the fusion process. In comparison, a broadly neutralizing antibody, 2F5, which recognizes gp41 antigens in the HIV envelope spike, was immunoreactive with free Env cells and Env-target cell clusters but not with fused cells. Notably, exposure of the 2F5 epitope required temperature-dependent elements of the HIV envelope structure, as MAb binding occurred only above 19 degrees C. Overall, these results demonstrate that immunogenic epitopes, both neutralizing and nonneutralizing, are accessible on gp41 antigens prior to membrane fusion. The 2F5 epitope appears to depend on temperature-dependent elements on prefusion antigens, whereas cluster I and cluster II epitopes are displayed by transient gp41 structures. Such findings have important implications for HIV vaccine approaches based on gp41 intermediates.  相似文献   

To understand the molecular determinants of measles virus (MV) cytopathicity, we have characterized mutant viruses exhibiting a more-extensive cell-to-cell fusion while maintaining efficient replication to high titers. A virus which is modified by the addition of an 8-amino-acid Flag epitope tag at the cytoplasmic tail of its H (for MV hemagglutinin) envelope glycoprotein replicates efficiently, has an increased cytopathicity, possesses a greater infectivity per particle, and has an altered protein composition compared with that of unmodified MV. The mutant phenotype is not specifically linked to the epitope sequence, since an alternatively added HA (for influenza virus-derived hemagglutinin) epitope tag caused similar effects. We demonstrate that both epitope tags weaken the interaction between the H and fusion (F) glycoproteins in virus-infected cells. This reduction in strength of H/F interaction is independent of the presence of the viral matrix (M) protein. Viruses with this less stable complex are more sensitive to neutralization by a soluble octameric form of the CD46 receptor, consistent with their increased fusogenicity. Similar analyses of glycoproteins derived from MV strains with reduced cytopathicities confirm that the strength of H and F glycoprotein interaction is a modulator of viral fusogenicity.  相似文献   

The trimeric fusion (F) glycoproteins of morbilliviruses are activated by furin cleavage of the precursor F(0) into the F(1) and F(2) subunits. Here we show that an additional membrane-proximal cleavage occurs and modulates F protein function. We initially observed that the ectodomain of approximately one in three measles virus (MV) F proteins is cleaved proximal to the membrane. Processing occurs after cleavage activation of the precursor F(0) into the F(1) and F(2) subunits, producing F(1a) and F(1b) fragments that are incorporated in viral particles. We also detected the F(1b) fragment, including the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail, in cells expressing the canine distemper virus (CDV) or mumps virus F protein. Six membrane-proximal amino acids are necessary for efficient CDV F(1a/b) cleavage. These six amino acids can be exchanged with the corresponding MV F protein residues of different sequence without compromising function. Thus, structural elements of different sequence are functionally exchangeable. Finally, we showed that the alteration of a block of membrane-proximal amino acids results in diminished fusion activity in the context of a recombinant CDV. We envisage that selective loss of the membrane anchor in the external subunits of circularly arranged F protein trimers may disengage them from pulling the membrane centrifugally, thereby facilitating fusion pore formation.  相似文献   

The charged amino acids near or within the membrane-spanning region of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp41 envelope glycoprotein were altered. Two mutants were defective for syncytium formation and virus replication even though levels of envelope glycoproteins on the cell or virion surface and CD4 binding were comparable to those of the wild-type proteins. Thus, in addition to anchoring the envelope glycoproteins, sequences proximal to the membrane-spanning gp41 region are important for the membrane fusion process.  相似文献   

Clinical isolates of measles virus (MV) use signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) as a cellular receptor, whereas vaccine and laboratory strains may utilize the ubiquitously expressed CD46 as an additional receptor. MVs also infect, albeit inefficiently, SLAM(-) cells, via a SLAM- and CD46-independent pathway. Our previous study with recombinant chimeric viruses revealed that not only the receptor-binding hemagglutinin (H) but also the matrix (M) protein of the Edmonston vaccine strain can confer on an MV clinical isolate the ability to grow well in SLAM(-) Vero cells. Two substitutions (P64S and E89K) in the M protein which are present in many vaccine strains were found to be responsible for the efficient growth of recombinant virus in Vero cells. Here we show that the P64S and E89K substitutions allow a strong interaction of the M protein with the cytoplasmic tail of the H protein, thereby enhancing the assembly of infectious particles in Vero cells. These substitutions, however, are not necessarily advantageous for MVs, as they inhibit SLAM-dependent cell-cell fusion, thus reducing virus growth in SLAM(+) B-lymphoblastoid B95a cells. When the cytoplasmic tail of the H protein is deleted, a virus with an M protein possessing the P64S and E89K substitutions no longer grows well in Vero cells yet causes cell-cell fusion and replicates efficiently in B95a cells. These results reveal a novel mechanism of adaptation and attenuation of MV in which the altered interaction of the M protein with the cytoplasmic tail of the H protein modulates MV growth in different cell types.  相似文献   

The glycoprotein (G) of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is responsible for binding of virus to cells and for mediating virus entry following endocytosis by inducing fusion of the viral envelope with the endosomal membrane. The fusion peptide of G is internal (residues 116 to 137) and exhibits characteristics similar to those of other internal fusion peptides, but recent studies have implicated the region adjacent to the transmembrane domain as also being important for G-mediated membrane fusion. Sequence alignment of the membrane-proximal region of G from several different vesiculoviruses revealed that this domain is highly conserved, suggesting that it is important for G function. Mutational analysis was used to show that this region is not essential for G protein oligomerization, transport to the cell surface, or incorporation into virus particles but that it is essential for acid-induced membrane fusion activity and for virus infectivity. Deletion of the 13 membrane-proximal amino acids (N449 to W461) dramatically reduced cell-cell fusion activity and reduced virus infectivity approximately 100-fold, but mutation of conserved aromatic residues (W457, F458, and W461) either singly or together had only modest effects on cell-cell fusion activity; recombinant virus encoding these mutants replicated as efficiently as wild-type (WT) VSV. Insertion of heterologous sequences in the juxtamembrane region completely abolished membrane fusion activity and virus infectivity, as did deletion of residues F440 to N449. The insertion mutants showed some changes in pH-dependent conformational changes and in virus binding, which could partially explain the defects in membrane fusion activity, but all the other mutants were similar to WT G with respect to conformational changes and virus binding. These data support the hypothesis that the membrane-proximal domain contributes to G-mediated membrane fusion activity, yet the conserved aromatic residues are not essential for membrane fusion or virus infectivity.  相似文献   

Measles virus (MV) fusion requires the participation of both the fusion (F) and hemagglutinin (H) glycoproteins. The canine distemper virus fusion protein (CDVF) cannot substitute for the measles virus fusion protein (MVF) in this process. Introduction of restriction enzyme sites into the cDNAs of CDVF and MVF by site-directed mutagenesis facilitated the production of chimeric F proteins which were tested for their capacity to give fusion when coexpressed with MVH. Fusion resulted when the amino-terminal half of the MVF cysteine-rich region was transferred to CDVF.  相似文献   

A 10-kDa nonstructural transmembrane protein (p10) encoded by a reovirus, Nelson Bay virus, has been shown to induce syncytium formation (34). Sequence analysis and structural studies identified p10 as a type I membrane protein with a central transmembrane domain, a cytoplasmic basic region, and an N-terminal hydrophobic domain (HD) that was hypothesized to function as a fusion peptide. We performed mutational analysis on this slightly hydrophobic motif to identify possible structural requirements for fusion activity. Bulky aliphatic residues were found to be essential for optimal fusion, and an aromatic or highly hydrophobic side chain was found to be required at position 12. The requirement for hydrophilic residues within the HD was also examined: substitution of 10-Ser or 14-Ser with hydrophobic residues was found to reduce cell surface expression of p10 and delayed the onset of syncytium formation. Nonconservative substitutions of charged residues in the HD did not have an effect on fusion activity. Taken together, our results suggest that the HD is involved in both syncytium formation and in determining p10 transport and surface expression.  相似文献   

The fusion (F) proteins of most paramyxoviruses are classical type I glycoproteins with a short hydrophobic leader sequence closely following the translation initiation codon. The predicted reading frame of the canine distemper virus (CDV) F protein is more complex, with a short hydrophobic sequence beginning 115 codons downstream of the first AUG. To verify if the sequence between the first AUG and the hydrophobic region is translated, we produced a specific antiserum that indeed detected a short-lived F protein precursor that we named PreF(0). A peptide resulting from PreF(0) cleavage was identified and named Pre, and its half-life was measured to be about 30 min. PreF(0) cleavage was completed before proteolytic activation of F(0) into its F(1) and F(2) subunits by furin. To test the hypothesis that the Pre peptide may influence protein activity, we compared the function of F proteins synthesized with that peptide to that of F proteins synthesized with a shorter amino-terminal signal sequence. F proteins synthesized with the Pre peptide were more stable and less active. Thus, the Pre peptide modulates the function of the CDV F protein. Interestingly, a distinct two-hit activation process has been recently described for human respiratory syncytial virus, another paramyxovirus.  相似文献   

Absorption of a pooled human gamma globulin preparation with acetone-treated measles virus-infected cells removed all antibodies to measles virus antigens except a portion of the antibody to the fusion (F) protein. The residual anti-F antibody had hemolysis-inhibiting and virus-neutralizing activities, inhibited spread of infection through cell fusion, and was effective in protection of passively immunized mice from fatal measles encephalitis, providing evidence for the protective role of human antibody to the F protein of measles virus.  相似文献   

The role of specific sequences in the transmembrane (TM) domain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion (F) protein in the structure and function of this protein was assessed by replacing this domain with the F protein TM domains from two other paramyxoviruses, Sendai virus (SV) and measles virus (MV), or the TM domain of the unrelated glycoprotein (G) of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). Mutant proteins with the SV or MV F protein TM domains were expressed, transported to cell surfaces, and proteolytically cleaved at levels comparable to that of the wild-type protein, while mutant proteins with the VSV G protein TM domain were less efficiently expressed on cell surfaces and proteolytically cleaved. All mutant proteins were defective in all steps of membrane fusion, including hemifusion. In contrast to the wild-type protein, the mutant proteins did not form detectable complexes with the NDV hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein. As determined by binding of conformation-sensitive antibodies, the conformations of the ectodomains of the mutant proteins were altered. These results show that the specific sequence of the TM domain of the NDV F protein is important for the conformation of the preactivation form of the ectodomain, the interactions of the protein with HN protein, and fusion activity.  相似文献   

A detailed knowledge of the mechanism of virus entry represents one of the most promising approaches to develop new therapeutic strategies. However, viral fusion is a very complex process involving fusion glycoproteins present on the viral envelope. In the two hepatitis C virus envelope proteins, E1 and E2, several membranotropic regions with a potential role in the fusion process have been identified. Among these, we have selected the 314-342 E1 region. Circular Dichroism data indicate that the peptide exhibits a clear propensity to adopt a helical folding in different membrane mimicking media, such as mixtures of water with fluorinated alcohols and phospholipids, with a slight preference for negative charged bilayers. The 3D structure of E1314-342 peptide, calculated by 2D-NMR in a low-polarity environment, consists of two helical stretches encompassing residues 319-323 and 329-338 respectively. The peptide, presenting a largely apolar character, interacts with liposomes, as indicated by fluorescence and electron spin resonance spectra. The strength of the interaction and the deepness of peptide insertion in the phospholipid membrane are modulated by the bilayer composition, the interaction with anionic phospholipids being among the strongest ever observed. The presence of cholesterol also affects the peptide-bilayer interaction, favoring the peptide positioning close to the bilayer surface. Overall, the experimental data support the idea that this region of E1 might be involved in membrane destabilization and viral fusion; therefore it may represent a good target to develop anti-viral molecules.  相似文献   

In search of target sites for the development of paramyxovirus inhibitors, we have engineered disulfide bridges to introduce covalent links into the prefusion F protein trimer of measles virus. F-Edm-452C/460C, predicted to bridge head and stalk domains of different F monomers, shows a high degree of proteolytic maturation and surface expression, predominantly as stable, dithiothreitol-sensitive trimers, but no fusion activity. Reduction of disulfide bridges partially restores activity. These findings underscore the importance of reversible intersubunit interactions between the stalk and head domains for F activity. Noncovalent small molecules mimicking this behavior may constitute a potent strategy for preventing paramyxovirus entry.  相似文献   

cDNA clones of the genes encoding either the hemagglutinin (HA) or fusion (F) proteins of the Edmonston strain of measles virus (MV) were expressed in vaccinia virus recombinants. Immunofluorescence analysis detected both proteins on the plasma membranes of unfixed cells as well as internally in fixed cells. Immunoprecipitation of metabolically radiolabeled infected-cell extracts by using specific sera demonstrated a 76-kDa HA polypeptide and gene products of 60, 44, and 23 kDa which correspond to a MV F precursor and cleavage products F0, F1, and F2, respectively. Neither recombinant induced cell fusion of Vero cells when inoculated individually, but efficient cell fusion was readily observed upon coinfection of cells with both recombinants. Inoculation of dogs with the vaccinia virus-MV F recombinant (VV-MVF) did not give rise to detectable MV-neutralizing antibody. Inoculation of dogs with the vaccinia virus-MV HA recombinant (VV-MVHA) or coinoculation with both recombinants (VV-MVF and VV-MVHA) induced significant MV-neutralizing titers that were increased following a booster inoculation. Inoculation of dogs with the vaccinia virus recombinants or with MV failed to induce canine distemper virus (CDV)-neutralizing antibodies. Upon challenge with a lethal dose of virulent CDV, signs of infection were observed in dogs inoculated with (VV-MVF). No symptoms of disease were observed in dogs that had been vaccinated with VV-MVHA or with VV-MVHA and VV-MVF and then challenged with CDV. All dogs vaccinated with the recombinant viruses as well as those inoculated with MV or a vaccine strain of CDV survived CDV challenge.  相似文献   

Lassa virus (LASV), an arenavirus endemic to West Africa, causes Lassa fever—a lethal hemorrhagic fever. Entry of LASV into the host cell is mediated by the glycoprotein complex (GPC), which is the only protein located on the viral surface and comprises three subunits: glycoprotein 1 (GP1), glycoprotein 2 (GP2), and a stable signal peptide (SSP). The LASV GPC is a class one viral fusion protein, akin to those found in viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), influenza, Ebola virus (EBOV), and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). These viruses are enveloped and utilize membrane fusion to deliver their genetic material to the host cell. Like other class one fusion proteins, LASV-mediated membrane fusion occurs through an orchestrated sequence of conformational changes in its GPC. The receptor-binding subunit, GP1, first engages with a host cell receptor then undergoes a unique receptor switch upon delivery to the late endosome. The acidic pH and change in receptor result in the dissociation of GP1, exposing the fusion subunit, GP2, such that fusion can occur. These events ultimately lead to the formation of a fusion pore so that the LASV genetic material is released into the host cell. Interestingly, the mature GPC retains its SSP as a third subunit—a feature that is unique to arenaviruses. Additionally, the fusion domain contains two separate fusion peptides, instead of a standard singular fusion peptide. Here, we give a comprehensive review of the LASV GPC components and their unusual features.  相似文献   

Harman A  Browne H  Minson T 《Journal of virology》2002,76(21):10708-10716
Herpes simplex virus glycoprotein H (gH) is one of the four virion envelope proteins which are required for virus entry and for cell-cell fusion in a transient system. In this report, the role of the transmembrane and cytoplasmic tail domains of gH in membrane fusion was investigated by generating chimeric constructs in which these regions were replaced with analogous domains from other molecules and by introducing amino acid substitutions within the membrane-spanning sequence. gH molecules which lack the authentic transmembrane domain or cytoplasmic tail were unable to mediate cell-cell fusion when coexpressed with gB, gD, and gL and were unable to rescue the infectivity of a gH-null virus as efficiently as a wild-type gH molecule. Many amino acid substitutions of specific amino acid residues within the transmembrane domain also affected cell-cell fusion, in particular, those introduced at a conserved glycine residue. Some gH mutants that were impaired in cell-cell fusion were nevertheless able to rescue the infectivity of a gH-negative virus, but these pseudotyped virions entered cells more slowly than wild-type virions. These results indicate that the fusion event mediated by the coexpression of gHL, gB, and gD in cells shares common features with the fusion of the virus envelope with the plasma membrane, they point to a likely role for the membrane-spanning and cytoplasmic tail domains of gH in both processes, and they suggest that a conserved glycine residue in the membrane-spanning sequence is crucial for efficient fusion.  相似文献   

Liao M  Kielian M 《Journal of virology》2006,80(22):11362-11369
Membrane fusion of the alphaviruses is mediated by the E1 protein, a class II virus membrane fusion protein. During fusion, E1 dissociates from its heterodimer interaction with the E2 protein and forms a target membrane-inserted E1 homotrimer. The structure of the homotrimer is that of a trimeric hairpin in which E1 domain III and the stem region fold back toward the target membrane-inserted fusion peptide loop. The E1 stem region has a strictly conserved length and several highly conserved residues, suggesting the possibility of specific stem interactions along the trimer core and an important role in driving membrane fusion. Mutagenesis studies of the alphavirus Semliki Forest virus (SFV) here demonstrated that there was a strong requirement for the E1 stem in virus assembly and budding, probably reflecting its importance in lateral interactions of the envelope proteins. Surprisingly, however, neither the conserved length nor any specific residues of the stem were required for membrane fusion. Although the highest fusion activity was observed with wild-type E1, efficient fusion was mediated by stem mutants containing a variety of substitutions or deletions. A minimal stem length was required but could be conferred by a series of alanine residues. The lack of a specific stem sequence requirement during SFV fusion suggests that the interaction of domain III with the trimer core can provide sufficient driving force to mediate membrane merger.  相似文献   

We have identified the major cellular endoprotease that activates the fusion (F) glycoprotein of measles virus (MV) and have engineered a serine protease inhibitor (serpin) to target the endoprotease and inhibit the production of infectious MV. The F-protein precursor of MV was not cleaved efficiently into the mature F protein in human colon carcinoma cells lacking functional furin, indicating that furin is the major enzyme responsible for activation of the MV F protein. A human serpin alpha 1-antitrypsin variant was engineered to specifically inhibit furin. When expressed from a recombinant vaccinia virus in primate cells infected by MV, the engineered serpin (alpha 1-PDX) specifically inhibited furin-catalyzed cleavage of the F-protein precursor without affecting synthesis of other MV proteins. We generated human glioma cells stably expressing alpha 1-PDX. MV infection in these cells did not result in syncytia. The infected cells produced all the MV proteins, but the F-protein precursor remained largely uncleaved. This did not prevent virus assembly. However, the released virions contained inactive F-protein precursor rather than mature F protein, and infectious-virus titers were reduced by 3 to 4 orders of magnitude. These results show that a mature F protein is not required for the assembly of MV but is crucial for virus infectivity. The engineered serpin may offer a novel molecular antiviral approach against MV.  相似文献   

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