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Ultrastructural characteristics of vegetative and zoosporangial stages of cultured Perkinsus marinus, a pathogen of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, were examined by transmission electron microscopy. An axenic cell culture was propagated from infected Chesapeake Bay oyster hemolymph. Different stages of the in vitro cell cycle, including schizonts and different size trophonts, were examined. Trophonts had spherical nuclei with wide perinuclear spaces, mitochondria with tubular cristae, and vacuoles with vacuoplasts. There were micropores on the inside of cell walls. A tubular network in the cytoplasm connected lomasomes to vacuoles, and contained vacuoplast precursor material. Vacuoplasts and precursor material diminished when cell cultures were not fed, suggesting a function in metabolite storage. Cells divided by schizogony or binary fission. Daughter cells in a schizont were not alike, and may specialize for different functions. Some of the daughter cells in a schizont died. Some hypnospores, directly isolated from infected oyster hemolymph enlarged in Ray's fluid thioglycollate medium, and were induced to zoosporulate. Zoosporangia contained varicose, hypha-like structures, whose apical tips gave rise to prezoospores. Ultrastructural characteristics of the vegetative and zoosporangial stages did not resemble any apicomplexan parasites other than members of the genus Perkinsus.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Perkinsus marinus , a pathogen of eastern oysters ( Crassostrea virginica ), has been successfully propagated in vitro. Cultures of the parasite were initiated from heart fragments of an infected oyster. the cultured protozoan (designated Parkinsus -1) was similar in morphology at both the light and transmission electron microscopy levels to histozoic stages of P. marinus in naturally infected oysters. In addition, cultured cells incubated in fluid thioglycollate medium produced enlarged cells (prezoosporangia) that stained blue-black in Lugol's solution, a response characteristic to Perkinsus spp. and used in routine diagnosis. Polyclonal antibodies raised against P. marinus prezoosporangia reacted positively to Perkinsus -1. Finally, the cultured cells infected susceptible oysters and reisolation of Perkinsus -1 cells was possible from the hearts of experimentally infected oysters. the culture medium contained most of the known constituents of cell-free hemolymph of oysters. the success achieved in culturing P. marinus will allow further investigations aimed at reducing mortalities caused by this important oyster pathogen and at addressing many unanswered questions about its biology and pathobiology.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Because the in vitro cell cycle of the apicomplexan oyster pathogen Perkinsus marinus generates cell populations heterogeneous for size and typified by aggregation, both turbidimetric and counting methods for determining population densities and proliferation rates are inaccurate or cumbersome. We show that a commercial, tetrazolium-based cell proliferation assay yields a soluble formazan chromophore upon intracellular reduction by P. marinus . at a rate proportional to cell population biovolume. Using this assay system, we have 1) defined selected culture system parameters which maximize P. marinus in vitro proliferation, 2) assessed selected chemosensitivities, and 3) standardized the assay system for quantification of densities and doubling times of populations propagated with our optimized system. Growth was supported by four tested base media and was maximized in 1:1 DME/Ham's F-12. Temperatures of 10–40° C permitted growth, which was maximized at 35° C. pH 6.0–8.5 permitted growth, which was maximized at 7.0–7.5. Osmolalities of 340–1,930 mOsm supported growth, which was maximized at 790 mOsm. Serum supplements from 1–10% (v/v) did not enhance log phase growth, but enhanced stationary phase metabolic activity in proportion to concentration. Our isolate (ATCC 50439) has a 13 h log phase doubling time when propagated under optimized conditions: 28° C, 800 mOsm, pH 7.0, 1:1 DME/Ham's F-12 medium, 5% (v/v) FBS. It is tolerant of antibacterial agents at concentrations commonly used in vertebrate tissue culture, but is inhibited by several antimycotics at similar concentrations.  相似文献   

The protozoan oyster pathogen Perkinsus marinus is classified in the phylum Apicomplexa, although molecular-genetic and ultrastructural evidence increasingly concur on its closer phylogenetic relationship with the dinoflagellates. To test for evidence of serological epitopes common to P. marinus and dinoflagellates, we probed 19 free-living and 8 parasitic dinoflagellate, or dinoflagellate-like, species for cross-reactivity with polyclonal antibodies to P. marinus. Three of 19 free-living dinoflagellates (16%), and 7 of 8 parasitic dinoflagellates (88%) were labeled by anti-P. marinus antibodies. In reciprocal immunoassays using polyclonal antibodies to the Hematodinium sp. dinoflagellate parasite of Norway lobsters, Nephrops norvegicus, P. marinus and the same 7 parasitic dinoflagellates labeled by anti-P. marinus antibodies, were again labeled. The dinoflagellate-like parasite of prawns Pandalus platyceros was not labeled by either antibody reagent. These reciprocal results confirm the presence of shared antibody-binding epitopes on cells of P. marinus and several dinoflagellates. The apparent widespread serological affinity between P. marinus and the parasitic dinoflagellates suggests a closer phylogenetic link to the syndinean dinoflagellate lineage. The consistent failure of the dinoflagellate-like prawn parasite to bind either antibody reagent shows that this parasite is serologically distinct from both P. marinus and Hematodinium-species parasitic dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

Cultured Perkinsus marinus cells were exposed for 24 hr to salinities of 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 22 ppt at temperatures of 1, 5, 10, 15 and 28°C in artificial seawater (ASW) and to the same salinities at 28°C in ASW with the osmotic concentration adjusted with sucrose to the equivalent of 22 ppt. At 28°C mortality increased as salinity decreased below 22 ppt. Mortality was greater than 99% at 0 ppt and greater than 90% at 3 ppt. Mortality was 70% at 6 ppt, 43% at 9 ppt and 20% at 12 ppt. Mortality was low (<5%) and equal to that at 22 ppt in all treatments where osmotic concentration was maintained with sucrose. Mortality occurred rapidly, within 5 min of exposure to experimental conditions. In the region where mortality was most sensitive to salinity changes (6–12 ppt), lower temperature caused an increase in mortality, but the temperature effect was significant only at 9 ppt.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The oyster parasite Perkinsus marinus replicates in our medium consisting of Dulbecco modified Eagle's medium: Ham's F12 nutrient mixture (1:1) supplemented with 1–5% fetal bovine serum, with a doubling time of 24 hours during the exponential phase of the culture. Fetal bovine serum concentrations above 5% dramatically reduced parasite proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. We tested the individual effects of the three major protein components of fetal bovine serum (fetuin, transferrin and albumin) on the replication of the parasite in a serum-free medium. At the concentrations tested, fetuin enhanced parasite growth, whereas albumin had a modest positive effect and transferrin was inhibitory. Proteolytic digestion of fetuin, strongly diminished its growth-enhancing properties, indicating that the overall glycoprotein architecture may be required for activity. On the contrary, desialylation of fetuin slightly enhanced its growth-promoting activity. The addition of fetuin at 1.7 mg/ml to the serum-free DME: Ham's F12 medium yielded growth rates that are comparable to those obtained with our standard culture methodology. This has resulted in a fully defined culture medium that will allow for a rigorous characterization of excretory/secretory products involved in modulating or blocking the host's humoral and cellular defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

The in vitro effects of the Perkinsus marinus serine protease on the intracellular survival of Vibrio vulnificus in oyster hemocytes were examined by using a time-course gentamicin internalization assay. Results showed that protease-treated hemocytes were initially slower to internalize V. vulnificus than untreated hemocytes. After 1 h, the elimination of V. vulnificus by treated hemocytes was significantly suppressed compared with hemocytes infected with invasive and noninvasive controls. Our data suggest that the serine protease produced by P. marinus suppresses the vibriocidal activity of oyster hemocytes to effectively eliminate V. vulnificus, potentially leading to conditions favoring higher numbers of vibrios in oyster tissues.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Early development of Eimeria papillata (Apicomplexa) in the mouse was evaluated using Nomarski interference-contrast and brightfield microscopy. Sporozoite-shaped meronts, which were motile and contained a large posterior refractile body and a smaller anterior refractile body, were observed entering and leaving host cells in the jejunum of an experimentally infected mouse at 26 h post inoculation (HPI). However, early developmental stages were not observed in tissue of the duodenum, ileum, cecum and colon. the mean length and width of these meronts (n = 20) were 12.0 μm and 3.7 μm, respectively. Spherical or subspherical meronts containing crescent-shaped merozoites were observed at 36 HPI.  相似文献   

Summary Constitutive production of extracellular matrix with attachment and growth-promoting effects by an ovarian cancer cell line (UWOV2 (Pf)) growing in entirely protein-free conditions is described. This extracellular matrix has an ordered fibrillar, network structure consisting mainly of type IV collagen and laminin, as well as containing hyaluronan, glycoproteins, and proteoglycans. Type IV collagen appears to provide mainly structural support while other matrix components are responsible for the attachment and growth-promoting effects. This culture system provides an ideal model for studying the effects of extracellular matrix on cell attachment and growth. This system is also important in studying the concept of autonomous growth because the production of extracellular matrix by these cells appears to be growth regulatory even in an entirely protein-free culture system.  相似文献   

Genetic and biochemical characterization of microbes often requires the use of clonal cultures. A method to clone the oyster parasite Perkinsus marinus is described. Individual cells are isolated via micromanipulation and maintained above an actively proliferating "feeder layer" of P. marinus on a 0.45-microm membrane. Extracellular products released from the proliferating feeder layer can diffuse across the membrane and bathe the isolated cell, stimulating it to proliferate. The method is relatively simple and should be applicable to most protists that can be cultured in the laboratory.  相似文献   

In vitro excystation of sporozoites of the heteroxenous coccidian Caryospora simplex Léger, 1904 (Apicomplexa: Eimeriorina) is described. Sporocysts freed mechanically from oocysts released a maximum of 51% of their sporozoites within 45 min at 25°C and a maximum of 74% within 20 min at 37°C when incubated in a 0.25% (w/v) trypsin–0.75% (w/v) sodium taurocholate (bile salt) excystation solution. At emergence from sporocysts, sporozoites were weakly motile then became highly active after about 2 min in excystation solution. Sporozoites within sporocysts exposed to bile salt only became highly motile within 25 min at 25°C and within 15 min at 37°C but did not excyst. When exposed only to trypsin at the above temperatures, the Stieda body dissolved; the substieda body remained intact, and the sporozoites exhibited only limited motility within sporocysts; only a few excysted. Intact, sporulated oocysts incubated at 25° or 37°C in 0.02 M cysteine-HC1 and a 50% CO2 atmosphere for 18 h had no morphologic changes in the oocyst wall. Further incubation of these intact oocysts in excystation solution for 30 min at 37°C caused neither motility of sporozoites within sporocysts nor excystation. Grinding oocysts for 30 sec in a motor-driven, teflon-coated tissue grinder caused motility of some sporozoites within sporocysts but did not result in excystation.  相似文献   

A tetrazolium dye reduction assay was used to study factors governing the killing of bacteria by oyster hemocytes. In vitro tests were performed on bacterial strains by using hemocytes from oysters collected from the same location in winter and summer. Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains, altered in motility or colonial morphology (opaque and translucent), and Listeria monocytogenes mutants lacking catalase, superoxide dismutase, hemolysin, and phospholipase activities were examined in winter and summer. Vibrio vulnificus strains, opaque and translucent (with and without capsules), were examined only in summer. Among V. parahaemolyticus and L. monocytogenes, significantly (P < 0.05) higher levels of killing by hemocytes were observed in summer than in winter. L. monocytogenes was more resistant than V. parahaemolyticus or V. vulnificus to the bactericidal activity of hemocytes. In winter, both translucent strains of V. parahaemolyticus showed significantly (P < 0.05) higher susceptibility to killing by hemocytes than did the wild-type opaque strain. In summer, only one of the V. parahaemolyticus translucent strains showed significantly (P < 0.05) higher susceptibility to killing by hemocytes than did the wild-type opaque strain. No significant differences (P > 0.05) in killing by hemocytes were observed between opaque (encapsulated) and translucent (nonencapsulated) pairs of V. vulnificus. Activities of 19 hydrolytic enzymes were measured in oyster hemolymph collected in winter and summer. Only one enzyme, esterase (C4), showed a seasonal difference in activity (higher in winter than in summer). These results suggest that differences existed between bacterial genera in their ability to evade killing by oyster hemocytes, that a trait(s) associated with the opaque phenotype may have enabled V. parahaemolyticus to evade killing by the oyster’s cellular defense, and that bactericidal activity of hemocytes was greater in summer than in winter.  相似文献   

A new protozoan of the genus Perkinsus is described from the muscle and hemolymph of the blacklip abalone, Haliotis ruber, from South Australia. It occurs in the muscle of the adductor and mantle, and free and in brownish masses in the hemolymph. Cells cultured in thioglycollate medium produced a prezoosporangium which stained blue-black with iodine. The parasite differs from Perkinsus marinus, the only other member of the class, in having a much larger trophozoite, an eosinophilic vacuoplast when present, a short discharge tube, and appears to be uninfective to oysters.  相似文献   

The meront stage of the oyster protozoan parasite, Perkinsus marinus, cultivated in two media with different fatty acid profiles was analyzed for its fatty acid and lipid class composition. The composition of fatty acids in the prezoosporangium stage of the parasite as well as that of the host oyster were investigated. Although the lipid class composition of meronts was dominated by phospholipids and triacylglycerol, there was no triaclgycerol detected in either culture medium. Despite the difference in fatty acid composition of the two media, the fatty acid composition of meronts in each medium was dominated by 14:0, 16:0, 18:0, 18:1(n-9), 20: (n-9), 18:2(n-6) and 20:4(n-6), a profile that differed from its host. The quantities of total lipids and fatty acids in meronts increased as the number of meronts increased and far exceeded the initial amounts in the media and in the initial cell inoculum. The meronts harvested 25 d post-inoculation, had about 3 to 6 times higher total lipids and 4 to 13 times higher fatty acids than the amounts contained in the media. The fatty acid profiles of both prezoosporangia and oysters resembled each other and consisted primarily of 16:0, 20:4(n-6), 20:5(n-3), 22:2delta7,15, and 22:6(n-3). These results indicate that during meront proliferation, the parasite synthesizes certain fatty acids and lipid classes. For development from meront to prezoosporangium, the parasite may rely on its host for lipid resources.  相似文献   

The development of Caryospora bigenetica in vitro is described by light microscopy. Sporozoites from snake-derived oocysts were purified and inoculated onto cultures of primary testicle cells of the cotton rat, cotton rat kidney cells, and human fetal lung cells. Intracellular sporozoites were observed one and two days postinoculation (DPI). Motile, extracellular first-generation merozoites were present 3 DPI, and second-generation merozoites were present 5 DPI. Mature gamonts were observed 9 DPI and developed into unsporulated oocysts by 10 DPI. Oocysts sporulated in vitro, and excystation was observed. Cells that were penetrated by in vitro-produced sporozoites formed caryocysts by 16 DPI. To test infectivity of in vitro-derived stages, merozoites were removed from cultured cells 5 DPI and inoculated intraperitoneally into a mouse; infection resulted. Sporulated oocysts removed from cell cultures 12 DPI produced facial swelling in an orally inoculated cotton rat.  相似文献   

Some organisms have retained plastids even after they have lost the ability to photosynthesize. Several studies of nonphotosynthetic plastids in apicomplexan parasites have shown that the isopentenyl pyrophosphate biosynthesis pathway in the organelle is essential for their survival. A phytohormone, abscisic acid, one of several compounds biosynthesized from isopentenyl pyrophosphate, regulates the parasite cell cycle. Thus, it is possible that the phytohormone is universally crucial, even in nonphotosynthetic plastids. Here, we examined this possibility using the oyster parasite Perkinsus marinus, which is a plastid‐harboring cousin of apicomplexan parasites and has independently lost photosynthetic ability. Fluridone, an inhibitor of abscisic acid biosynthesis, blocked parasite growth and induced cell clustering. Nevertheless, abscisic acid and its intermediate carotenoids did not affect parasite growth or rescue the parasite from inhibition. Moreover, abscisic acid was not detected from the parasite using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Our findings show that abscisic acid does not play any significant roles in P. marinus.  相似文献   

Many enteroviruses, members of the family Picornaviridae, cause a rapid and drastic inhibition of host cell protein synthesis during infection, a process referred to as host cell shutoff. Poliovirus, one of the best-studied enteroviruses, causes marked inhibition of host cell translation while preferentially allowing translation of its own genomic mRNA. An abundance of experimental evidence has accumulated to indicate that cleavage of an essential translation initiation factor, eIF4G, during infection is responsible at least in part for this shutoff. However, evidence from inhibitors of viral replication suggests that an additional event is necessary for the complete translational shutoff observed during productive infection. This report examines the effect of poliovirus infection on a recently characterized 3′ end translational stimulatory protein, poly(A)-binding protein (PABP). PABP is involved in stimulating translation initiation in lower eukaryotes by its interaction with the poly(A) tail on mRNAs and has been proposed to facilitate 5′-end–3′-end interactions in the context of the closed-loop translational model. Here, we show that PABP is specifically degraded during poliovirus infection and that it is cleaved in vitro by both poliovirus 2A and 3C proteases and coxsackievirus B3 2A protease. Further, PABP cleavage by 2A protease is accompanied by concurrent loss of translational activity in an in vitro-translation assay. Similar loss of translational activity also occurs simultaneously with partial 3C protease-mediated cleavage of PABP in translation assays. Further, PABP is not degraded during infections in the presence of guanidine-HCl, which blocks the complete development of host translation shutoff. These results provide preliminary evidence that cleavage of PABP may contribute to inhibition of host translation in infected HeLa cells, and they are consistent with the hypothesis that PABP plays a role in facilitating translation initiation in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   


α -Aminoalkylphosphonate di(chlorophenyl) esters and (α -aminoalkyl)phenylphosphinate phenylesters have been tested as irreversible inhibitors of human neutrophil elastase, porcine pancreatic elastase and chymotrypsin, serine proteases important in biochemical processes. Peptidyl derivatives of diphenyl (α -aminoalkyl) phosphonates have previously been shown to be potent and specific inhibitors of serine proteases at low concentrations. Addition of a halogen to the phenoxy group of the inhibitors should make the leaving group more electrophilic, and thus more reactive. Peptide phosphonate inhibitors with chlorine in the meta- or para- positions of the phenoxy ester moiety were synthesized and shown to be potent inhibitors of elastase. Tripeptide phosphonates are more potent inhibitors than dipeptide phosphonates, however, addition of the halogen did not increase the inhibitory potency of these phosphonates with elastase compared to the non-halogenated phosphonates. In the case of chymotrypsin, the halogenated phenoxy esters were more reactive, possibly due to an alternate binding mode. The novel (α -aminoalkyl)phenylphosphinate phenylesters were poor inhibitors of serine proteases.  相似文献   

目的 对海洋红酵母Y2高产类胡萝卜素的发酵条件进行优化.方法 在摇瓶条件下,研究培养基成分和培养条件对海洋红酵母Y2生长和类胡萝卜素合成的影响,同时进行海洋红酵母Y2发酵过程的动态分析.结果 海洋红酵母Y2优化培养基组合为葡萄糖45 g/L,蔗糖15 g/L,酵母粉5 g/L,蛋白胨2.5 g/L,磷酸二氢钾1 g/L,磷酸二氢钠3 g/L,硫酸镁7.5 g/L,氯化钾3 g/L,氯化钠5 g/L.最适培养参数为:温度20℃,培养基初始pH为5,接种量为10%,250 mL摇瓶装液量为10~50 mL.类胡萝卜素的合成主要集中在对数生长期和稳定期.海洋红酵母Y2最适收获时间为72 h.种龄以36 h为宜.结论 利用优化培养基,在最适条件下培养海洋红酵母Y2,类胡萝卜素产量达到4.97 mg/L,比基础培养基提高了60.32%.  相似文献   

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