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Disastrous events in the country and the region caused a 13.5% increase in the prevalence of mental and behavioral disorders in Serbia in the last few years, thus making them the second largest public health problem. Due to prolonged adversities, the health system has deteriorated and is facing specific challenges. However, the reform of mental health care has been initiated, with a lot of positive movements such as the preparation of a national policy for mental health care and a law for protection of mentally ill individuals. The transformation of mental health services has started, with an accent on community care, antistigma campaigns and continuing education. Based on an assessment carried out by the National Committee on Mental Health, service provision, number of professionals working in services, funding arrangements, pathways into care, user/carer involvement and other specific issues are reported.  相似文献   

This paper describes the spontaneous rise of an indigenous asylum for the chronic mentally ill, called Lung Hwa Tang (The Hall of Dragon Metamorphoses), in contemporary Taiwan. Sociocultural factors relevant to the asylum, including the roles played by Chinese families and the current situation of mental health care in Taiwanese communities, are discussed. Despite its detrimental effect on patients, this asylum stands for an alternative mental health care system in the folk sector; it reflects a great demand from the communities for access to modern mental health services, the development of which have been very slow and inadequate in the past four decades in this rapidly developing country.  相似文献   

I examine the provision of mental health services to Medicaid recipients in New Mexico to illustrate how managed care accountability models subvert the allocation of responsibility for delivering, monitoring, and improving care for the poor. The downward transfer of responsibility is a phenomenon emergent in this hierarchically organized system. I offer three examples to clarify the implications of accountability discourse. First, I problematize the public-private "partnership" between the state and its managed care contractors to illuminate the complexities of exacting state oversight in a medically underserved, rural setting. Second, I discuss the strategic deployment of accountability discourse by members of this partnership to limit use of expensive services by Medicaid recipients. Third, I focus on transportation for Medicaid recipients to show how market triumphalism drives patient care decisions. Providers and patients with the least amount of formal authority and power are typically blamed for system deficiencies.  相似文献   

Among Hispanics, the family is viewed as the primary care giver for seriously mentally ill family members. This paper reports on a study of minority families' conceptions of serious mental illness, of their interaction with mental health resources, and on the burdens experienced by families in caring for a seriously mentally ill family member. The focus of this paper is on Hispanic families in New Jersey, with some comparative data from other ethnic group families. Families' conceptions of serious mental illness are explored and analyzed to demonstrate the importance of concepts of nervios and fallo mental in shaping families' responses to their ill family member. Social support systems for families are also explored with particular attention to the role of religious institutions and religious healing as a major source of solace.  相似文献   

In this article, I examine the impact of neoliberalism and welfare reform on the delivery of Medicaid, specifically how the advent of Medicaid managed care (MMC) has been wrought with contradictions, placing increased burdens on primary safety-net organizations and impacting the many communities they serve. I argue that federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) operate as a primary safety net among safety-net providers, supporting and subsidizing New Mexico's MMC program financially and administratively. By presenting ethnographic data, I will demonstrate how FQHCs pay many of the hidden financial and institutional costs of the shift to managed care. Such findings uncover paradoxes inherent to neoliberal ideologies and privatization, raising questions about the efficacy of a managed care system for Medicaid as well as the future of the health care safety net and access to health care for the diverse populations it serves.  相似文献   

M Rodenburg 《CMAJ》1985,132(3):244-6,248
The care of elderly patients who are mentally impaired requires reorganization in the delivery of mental health services to these patients. In this paper recommendations are made for the improvement of such services. These include the development of comprehensive psychogeriatric assessment services, which should be based mainly in general hospitals, the rationalization of the roles of facilities that provide nonpsychiatric long-term care, the development of specialized facilities for demented elderly patients, and a focus on education in psychogeriatrics for both undergraduate and postgraduate students in medicine and in other health care professions.  相似文献   

Trends in mental health service funding over the past 40 years show that the programme of hospital closures has not resulted in a significant release of resources to fund community based services. Far from being excessive, the current provision of residential services (both NHS and non-NHS) for mentally ill people is now below levels recommended as sufficient by the government, the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and the National Schizophrenia Fellowship. What clinical research evidence there is suggests that more rather than fewer residential places are required. This situation is likely to be compounded by the recent transfer of responsibility for funding private and voluntary residential care from the Department of Social Security to local authority social services departments.  相似文献   

In this article we examine the impact of Medicaid managed care on safety net organizations in New Mexico and their ability to maintain their traditional mission of charity care. We address two particular areas of concern that have arisen in the literature on Medicaid managed care. First, analysts have debated under what circumstances safety net organizations are better positioned to survive under market competition without abandoning their social orientation. Second, analysts have suggested that populations in rural areas may be more disadvantaged under Medicaid managed care due to its intensification of already-existent barriers to access. By comparing the differential ability of safety net organizations in rural and urban New Mexico to buffer their patients from potentially harmful effects of Medicaid managed care, we identify factors that place these safety nets particularly at risk. We find that a rural location, lack of affiliation with a larger organization, and lack of recourse to charitable funding are "risk factors" determining who sinks—and who floats—in this new competitive health care system, [privatization of health care, Medicaid safety net organizations, managed care, resistance, ruralurban]  相似文献   

The threat mental health professionals perceive in managed care, as indicated by their writings on the subject, is re-examined in light of evidence from an ethnographic study. Fieldwork focusing on clinician experiences of managed care was carried out at an urban community mental health center. Existing explanations of "the threat"—the possibility of deprofessionalization and the potential for deterioration in the quality of care—proved inadequate to account for the power it wielded at this site, perhaps because its full impact had yet to be felt at the time of data collection. A "rereading " suggests the meaning of managed care for this group of clinicians lies in the prospect of being gradually, unknowingly, and unwillingly reprofessionalized from critics into proponents simply by virtue of continuing to practice in a managed care context, and in losing a moral vision of good mental health treatment in the process, [clinician experience, mental health, managed care, medical anthropology]  相似文献   

The elderly mentally ill make considerable demands on health and social services. To evaluate the need for these services a one-day census of all people aged 65 and over was carried out in an area containing 220 000 people (40 000 over 65). Data were obtained on the nursing needs and psychiatric state of the 2162 elderly people in hospital or local authority residential homes for the elderly, or living at home receiving care from the community nursing service. One-third were classified as having psychiatric problems, more than half of them being outside hospital. Residential homes and community nurses play a significant part in caring for the elderly mentally ill, and an integrated but flexible manpower policy is important.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To report outcome of targeting community mental health services to people with schizophrenia in an inner London district who had been shown, one year after discharge, to have high levels of psychotic symptomatology and social disability but very low levels of supported housing and structured day activity. DESIGN--Repeat interview survey of symptoms, disability, and receipt of care four years after index discharge. SETTING--Inner London health district with considerable social deprivation and a mental hospital in the process of closure. SUBJECTS--51 patients originally aged 20-65 years who satisfied the research diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Contact with services during the three months before interview, levels of symptoms (from present state examination), global social disability rating. RESULTS--65% (33/51) of the study group had been readmitted at least once in the three years between surveys. Recent contacts with community psychiatric nurses and rates of hospital admission increased (8 at one year v 24 at four years, p < 0.01; 5 v 13, p < 0.06). Conversely, fewer patients were in contact with social workers (17 v 7, p < 0.03). Proportions in supported housing, day care, or sheltered work did not change. Unemployment rates remained very high. A considerable reduction (almost a halving) in psychiatric symptoms was observed, but there was no significant change in mean levels of social disability. CONCLUSIONS--The policy of targeting the long term mentally ill resulted in significant increases in professional psychiatric input to the cohort but failed to improve access to social workers or suitable accommodation. Improvements in social functioning did not follow from reductions in the proportions of patients with psychotic mental states. Social interventions are likely to be crucial to achieving the Health of the Nation target of improving social functioning for the seriously mentally ill, as improving mental state seems in itself to be insufficient.  相似文献   

Since 1974 a psychiatric hospital security unit, designed to serve the whole catchment area, has cared for mentally ill (mostly psychotic) patients with disturbed behaviour that cannot be managed in open wards. There are a few long-term dangerous patients but most stay only briefly. The admission of women to the unit was not followed by the expected reduction in violence. The unit has facilities for occupational therapy, physical recreation, work, and study, which are particularly important for those who are too dangerous to leave it. The unit''s calming influence depends as much on the supportive effect of the high staff ratio as on the use of tranquillisers. This type of unit is not suitable for patients with personality disturbances who "act out" or for mentally abnormal offenders; but it functions well as a crisis centre for the disturbed mentally ill, and there is an increasing demand for its services.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of mentally abnormal offenders are sentenced to prison. The decision to treat or imprison them is influenced by the attitudes of consultant psychiatrists and their staff. The process whereby those decisions were made and the willingness of consultants to offer treatment were investigated. A retrospective survey of all (362) mentally abnormal men remanded to Winchester prison for psychiatric reports over the five years 1979-83 showed that one in five were rejected for treatment by the NHS consultant psychiatrist responsible for their care. Those with mental handicaps, organic brain damage, or a chronic psychotic illness rendering them unable to cope independently in the community were the most likely to be rejected. They posed the least threat to the community in terms of their criminal behaviour yet were more likely to be sentenced to imprisonment. Such subjects were commonly described by consultants as too disturbed or potentially dangerous to be admitted to hospital or as criminals and unsuitable for treatment. Consultants in mental hospitals were most likely and those in district general hospitals and academic units least likely to accept prisoners.The fact that many mentally ill and mentally handicapped patients can receive adequate care and treatment only on reception into prison raises serious questions about the adequacy of current management policies and the range of facilities provided by regional health authorities.  相似文献   

The bulk of mental health services for people with depression are provided in primary care settings. Primary care providers prescribe 79 percent of antidepressant medications and see 60 percent of people being treated for depression in the United States, and they do that with little support from specialist services. Depression is not effectively managed in the primary care setting. Collaborative care based on a team approach, a population health perspective, and measurement-based care has been proven to treat depression more effectively than care as usual in a variety of settings and for different populations, and it increases people’s access to medications and behavioral therapies. Psychiatry has the responsibility of supporting the primary care sector in delivering mental health services by disseminating collaborative care approaches under recent initiatives and opportunities made possible by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  相似文献   

In the last half of the 20th century, the community mental health movement, based on a public health model, came to dominate patterns of care for mental patients. In the process, brutal deinstitutionalization of very ill patients took place, at least in the United States. These events were not inevitable. In 1949, the Menningers of Topeka, Kansas, began administering Topeka State Hospital, which was in deplorable condition. By concentrating expenditures on clinical personnel, the Menningers humanely deinstitutionalized many patients before chlorpromazine, before the entitlement programs of the U.S. federal government such as Medicaid (1965), and before the community psychiatry movement got under way. Topeka State Hospital furnished a model of mental health care that centered a whole system on a last-resort, large, specialized state mental hospital. This inadvertent social experiment suggests that a clinical approach to mental health care offers a hard-headed alternative to present arrangements.  相似文献   

There is a ‘catch 22’ situation about applying coercion in psychiatric care. Autonomous choices undeniably are rights of patients. However, emphasizing rights for a mentally‐ill patient could jeopardize the chances of the patient receiving care or endanger the public. Conversely, the beneficial effects of coercion are difficult to predict. Thus, applying coercion in psychiatric care requires delicate balancing of individual‐rights, individual well‐being and public safety, which has not been achieved by current frameworks. Two current frameworks may be distinguished: the civil liberty approach and the Stone model. Both frameworks are restrictive, and not respectful of human dignity. In a civil liberty approach, individuals who are severely mentally‐ill but not dangerous would be denied care because they do not meet the dangerousness threshold or because the use of coercion will not lead to rebirthing of autonomy. This is unsatisfactory. Albeit involuntary interventions such as talk therapies, peer‐support etc., may not always lead to rebirthing of autonomy or free patients from mental illness; they can however help to maintain the dignity of each mentally ill patient. In place of these frameworks, this study proposes a new ethical framework for applying coercion in psychiatric care that is respectful of human dignity. Specifically, it draws on insights from the African ethico‐cultural system by using the Yoruba concept Omo‐olu‐iwabi to develop this new framework. This way, the study shows that only a more respectful approach for applying coercion in psychiatric care can lead to the careful balancing of the competing interests of individual's rights, individual's well‐being and public safety.  相似文献   

The current global economic crisis is expected to produce adverse mental health effects that may increase suicide and alcohol-related death rates in affected countries. In nations with greater social safety nets, the health impacts of the economic downturn may be less pronounced. Research indicates that the mental health impact of the economic crisis can be offset by various policy measures. This paper aims to outline how countries can safeguard and support mental health in times of economic downturn. It indicates that good mental health cannot be achieved by the health sector alone. The determinants of mental health often lie outside of the remits of the health system, and all sectors of society have to be involved in the promotion of mental health. Accessible and responsive primary care services support people at risk and can prevent mental health consequences. Any austerity measures imposed on mental health services need to be geared to support the modernization of mental health care provision. Social welfare supports and active labour market programmes aiming at helping people retain or re-gain jobs can counteract the mental health effects of the economic crisis. Family support programmes can also make a difference. Alcohol pricing and restrictions of alcohol availability reduce alcohol harms and save lives. Support to tackle unmanageable debt will also help to reduce the mental health impact of the crisis. While the current economic crisis may have a major impact on mental health and increase mortality due to suicides and alcohol-related disorders, it is also a window of opportunity to reform mental health care and promote a mentally healthy lifestyle.  相似文献   

Depression, anxiety, and somatoform disorders are 2 to 3 times more prevalent in women than in men. Since the advent of managed care and other pressures on the healthcare delivery system in the United States, there has been a notable diminishment of services and service funding for treatment of mental health conditions, whether they are temporary, transitional, or chronic. As a result of this trend, we have seen an increase in the number of patients seeking help for emotional and mental health concerns from their family doctors or, in the case of women, from their obstetrician-gynecologists. We have also found that emotional and mental health problems are often converted into physical symptomatology that carries fewer stigmas and is often viewed as easier to treat. Many women use their obstetrician-gynecologists for primary care, particularly during their reproductive years. Provision of behavioral healthcare is critical to health maintenance for many of these women. Barriers to the integration of behavioral healthcare into obstetrics and gynecology practice need to be understood and systemically addressed.  相似文献   

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