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Genetic analyses are useful tools for reconstructing glacial distribution patterns and postglacial expansion corridors. However, little information is available about the latter. We reconstruct the expansion corridors of the butterfly Polyommatus coridon from its glacial refugium to the northern edge of its current distribution by comparing populations from southern Lower Saxony (central Germany) to other existing genetic data sets. The populations from Lower Saxony clearly belonged to a western lineage that expanded postglacially from the Adriatic‐Mediterranean region. They form part of a southern German group passing through the Burgundian Gap. In the southern German group, populations belong to a western subgroup. Therefore, expansion followed the Rhine valley and through Hesse, finally reaching southern Lower Saxony and western Thuringia in central Germany. Thus, we present a complete colonization route from the glacial refugium to the northern distribution range of P. coridon. Such data are useful for understanding the biogeographic structure and migration corridors for other mobile Mediterranean species.  相似文献   

The golden-striped salamander (Chioglossa lusitanica) is an ecologically specialized species, endemic to north-western Iberia. Patterns of genetic variation were assessed at seven polymorphic enzyme loci and one mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) marker (cytochrome b) in 17 populations across its range. Estimates of enzyme genetic diversity revealed a high degree of genetic subdivision (FST = 0.68), mainly attributable to the existence of two groups of populations. The groups were located, respectively, north and south of the Mondego River, indicating that this river coincided with a major historical barrier to gene flow. A significant decrease in genetic variability from the Mondego northwards was associated with the Douro and Minho rivers. mtDNA sequence variation revealed a congruent pattern of two haplotype groups (d = 2.2%), with a geographical distribution resembling that of allozymes. The pattern and depth of genetic variation is consistent with the following hypotheses: (i) subdivision of an ancestral range of the species prior to the middle Pleistocene; (ii) secondary contact between populations representing historical refugia; (iii) relatively recent range expansion giving rise to the northern part of the species range; and (iv) loss of genetic variation through founder effects during range expansion across major rivers.  相似文献   

Distribution margins constitute areas particularly prone to random and/or adaptive intraspecific differentiation in plants. This trend may be particularly marked in species discontinuously distributed across mountain ranges, where sharp geographic isolation gradients and habitat boundaries will enhance genetic isolation among populations. In this study, we analysed the level of neutral genetic differentiation among populations of the long-lived shrub Daphne laureola (Thymelaeaceae) across the Baetic Ranges, a glacial refugium and biodiversity hotspot in the western Mediterranean Basin. Within this area, core and marginal populations of D. laureola were compared with regard to their spatial isolation, size, genetic diversity and differentiation. A spatially explicit analysis conducted on the vast majority of the species' known populations in the study area (N = 111) showed that marginal populations (western and eastern) present larger spatial isolation than core populations, but are not smaller. We compared genetic diversity and differentiation between core and marginal populations using a subsample of 15 populations and 225 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Core and marginal populations did not differ in genetic diversity, probably because of the occurrence of large populations on the local margins. Western populations were strongly differentiated from the other populations. In addition, spatial and genetic differentiation among populations was larger on the western margin. Eastern populations constituted a genetically homogeneous group closely related to core populations, despite their greater spatial isolation. Results suggest that studies on phenotypic differentiation between core and marginal populations of D. laureola, and presumably other species having discontinuous distributions across the Baetic ranges, should take into account geographical differences in levels of genetic differentiation between the different distribution borders.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of post-Wisconsinan glacial range expansion on the phylogeography of the saw-combed fishfly, Nigronia serricornis Say (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) because aquatic insects are under-represented in postglacial studies (and in phylogeography in general), and because the effects of ecological degradation on the population genetics of environmental indicator species like N. serricornis cannot be measured unless the underlying phylogeography is understood. Sequence data from a 630-base fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene were subjected to amova and nested clade analysis for 30 populations (n = 344) of N. serricornis. Both the amova and nested clade analysis revealed substantial population structure; 44.4% of the variance occured among populations. Three northward migrations are apparent: one from Tennessee into Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan and Ontario, a second that radiated eastward from Pennsylvania, and a third that moved along the coast from North Carolina into Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine and then into New York. The latter two of these migrations were the result of contiguous range expansions, while the former expansion, out of Tennessee, appears to have been rapid with little gene flow from the source population. Additional clades included a group of haplotypes in central Kentucky that appear to have expanded along preglacial drainages, and clades in North Carolina and Georgia that have remained centrally located. Haplotype diversity decreased from south to north, a pattern that has been widely reported for animal and plant populations that expanded with the retreat of the Wisconsinan glaciation.  相似文献   

How does range expansion affect genetic diversity in species with different ecologies, and do different types of genetic markers lead to different conclusions? We addressed these questions by assessing the genetic consequences of postglacial range expansion using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear restriction site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing in two congeneric and codistributed rodents with different ecological characteristics: the desert kangaroo rat (Dipodomys deserti), a sand specialist, and the Merriam's kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami), a substrate generalist. For each species, we compared genetic variation between populations that retained stable distributions throughout glacial periods and those inferred to have expanded since the last glacial maximum. Our results suggest that expanded populations of both species experienced a loss of private mtDNA haplotypes and differentiation among populations, as well as a loss of nuclear single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) private alleles and polymorphic loci. However, only D. deserti experienced a loss of nucleotide diversity (both mtDNA and nuclear) and nuclear heterozygosity. For all indices of diversity and differentiation that showed reduced values in the expanded areas, D. deserti populations experienced a greater degree of loss than did D. merriami populations. Additionally, patterns of loss in genetic diversity in expanded populations were substantially less extreme (by two orders of magnitude in some cases) for nuclear SNPs in both species compared to that observed for mitochondrial data. Our results demonstrate that ecological characteristics may play a role in determining genetic variation associated with range expansions, yet mtDNA diversity loss is not necessarily accompanied by a matched magnitude of loss in nuclear diversity.  相似文献   

Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) is a broadly distributed European conifer tree whose history has been intensively studied by means of fossil records to infer the location of full‐glacial refugia and the main routes of postglacial colonization. Here we use recently compiled fossil pollen data as a template to examine how past demographic events have influenced the species’ modern genetic diversity. Variation was assessed in the mitochondrial nad1 gene containing two minisatellite regions. Among the 369 populations (4876 trees) assayed, 28 mitochondrial variants were identified. The patterns of population subdivision superimposed on interpolated fossil pollen distributions indicate that survival in separate refugia and postglacial colonization has led to significant structuring of genetic variation in the southern range of the species. The populations in the northern range, on the other hand, showed a shallow genetic structure consistent with the fossil pollen data, suggesting that the vast northern range was colonized from a single refugium. Although the genetic diversity decreased away from the putative refugia, there were large differences between different colonization routes. In the Alps, the diversity decreased over short distances, probably as a result of population bottlenecks caused by the presence of competing tree species. In northern Europe, the diversity was maintained across large areas, corroborating fossil pollen data in suggesting that colonization took place at high population densities. The genetic diversity increased north of the Carpathians, probably as a result of admixture of expanding populations from two separate refugia.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(4):247-253
The geographical distribution of Sciurus vulgaris spans much of the Palearctic from western Europe and the UK eastward to the pacific coast of East Asia. S. vulgaris occurs in China only in the far northwest and the northeast. Understanding of the species’ postglacial expansion history in East Asia has been limited by the paucity of molecular data. In this study, we used partial D-loop and cytochrome b gene sequences to assess mitochondrial DNA variation in S. vulgaris in China. Our objectives were to (1) determine phylogeographical patterns of S. vulgaris in China; (2) understand the species’ postglacial expansion history in this region; and (3) quantify genetic diversity levels within S. vulgaris populations in China. We identified a supported phylogenetic group in S. vulgaris from China, and found no tendency for haplotypes to cluster by geographic region. Our analysis of S. vulgaris from China and other regions supports the hypothesis that the Calabria region of southern Italy is a glacial refugium for the species. We tentatively propose a postglacial expansion pattern for the squirrels: migrating from Calabria via Central and Eastern Europe to Russia and from there to China, and firstly to the northwest and then to northeast in China. We found high levels of genetic diversity in S. vulgaris populations across China as a whole, and discussed its influential factors.  相似文献   

Isolation of Mediterranean species in the southern European peninsulas during the cold glacial phases often resulted in differentiation of several genetic lineages confined to the respective peninsulas. However, whilst there is good genetic evidence for multiple refugia in Iberia, there are only limited data available for the Balkans. Therefore, we wish to examine the hypothesis of a strong genetic structuring within southeastern Europe for the existence of multiple Balkan differentiation centres and/or several leading edges. As a model we use the marbled white butterfly, Melanargia galathea. We studied 18 allozyme loci of 564 individuals from 16 populations distributed over a large part of southeastern Europe. The single populations showed moderately high genetic diversity and no northward decline of genetic diversity was detected. The overall genetic differentiation between populations was considerable (F(ST) 7.0%). Cluster analysis discriminated three genetic groups: (i) a western flank in the former Yugoslavia, parts of eastern Austria and Hungary; (ii) an eastern flank with populations from Bulgaria and Romania (south of the southern Carpathians and eastern Carpathians); and (iii) the eastern Carpathian Basin. Hierarchical variance analysis distributed 53% of the variance among populations between these three groups. One sample from the Greek-Bulgarian border clustered within the eastern flank, but showed some tendency towards the eastern Carpathian Basin populations. Two populations from Carinthia clustered together with the eastern Carpathian Basin ones and a population from Styria showed an intermediate genetic composition between the three groups. Most probably, the eastern and the western flank groups are due to postglacial range expansion from the northeastern and the northwestern edges of the glacial differentiation centre (so-called leading edges). The eastern Carpathian Basin group may have resulted from postglacial expansion from northern Greece through valley systems of the central Balkan peninsula, maybe even expanding westwards north of the Balkan mountains reaching some parts of eastern Austria (e.g. Carinthia). Therefore, the Balkanic refugium of M. galathea may or may not have been continuous along the coastal areas of the Mediterranean, but must have been strongly genetically structured.  相似文献   

The role of Southern European peninsulas as glacial refugia for temperate species has been widely established, but phylogeographic patterns within refugia are being only recently addressed. Here we describe the phylogeographic patterns for Southern water vole ( Arvicola sapidus ) in its whole distribution across Iberia and France. Control region and cytochrome b sequences were obtained for 228 samples from 130 localities across Iberia and France. Eighty-five haplotypes were found in total yielding a high overall mitochondrial diversity (π = 0.027; H  = 0.974). Phylogeographic structure was relatively shallow (3.1% average intraspecific divergence) with few supported clades and 95% and 90% maximum parsimony unconnected networks, but significant, as reflected in increased pairwise nucleotide divergences with distance ( r  = 0.197, P  = 0.03) and significant autocorrelation up to ∼500 km. Spatial analysis of molecular variance analysis detected seven geographical groups explaining 43.73% of the total mitochondrial variation. We detected demographic expansions in three of these groups. A recent colonization of France from Iberia was suggested and estimated around 62 000 years bp by an isolation-with-migration model. Our results suggest the contribution of episodes of isolation in glacial subrefugia in Iberia, but seem to exclude a long-term isolation over successive glacial cycles. Phylogeographic divergence was probably tempered by relatively large population sizes and rapid and extensive mixing among subrefugia during interglacials, that might have eroded the phylogeographic structure accumulated at glacial peaks. Phenotypic differences in A. sapidus do not delineate historically isolated intraspecific divisions and do not warrant subspecific delimitations. Our results do support the existence of subrefugia within Iberia and their role in promoting intraspecific divergences.  相似文献   

The genetic consequences of range expansions have generally been investigated at wide geographical and temporal scales, long after the colonization event. A unique ecological system enabled us to both monitor the colonization dynamics and decipher the genetic footprints of expansion over a very short time period. Each year an epidemic of the poplar rust (Melampsora larici‐populina) expands clonally and linearly along the Durance River, in the Alps. The colonization dynamics observed in 2004 showed two phases with different genetic outcomes. Upstream, fast colonization maintained high genetic diversity. Downstream, the colonization wave progressively faltered, diversity eroded, and differentiation increased, as expected under recurrent founder events. In line with the high dispersal abilities of rust pathogens, we provide evidence for leapfrog dispersal of clones. Our results thus emphasize the importance of colonization dynamics in shaping spatial genetic structure in the face of high gene flow.  相似文献   

Drosophila buzzatii Patterson & Wheeler, a cactophilic species that feeds and breeds in the rotting tissues of various Opuntia cactus species, was inadvertently introduced to Australia from Argentina sometime during the period 1931–1936. After a bottleneck at introduction, its spread through the cactus distribution was probably very rapid as a result of natural dispersal from the site of introduction and from three other foci colonized from the introduction site by human intervention. By 1940, the Opuntia distribution and consequently that of D. buzzatii was reduced to spatially isolated populations, with probable further bottlenecking of at least some of the D. buzzatii populations. Allozyme data (primarily six polymorphic loci) from flies collected during April 1972 to February 1996 at 67 localities were used to examine current population differentiation and relationships, as well as to infer aspects of their demographic history. Although there is significant isolation‐by‐distance, genetic relationships among the populations are not simply related to geographical distance, implying that genetic drift has contributed to population differentiation. However, the biotic and, to an extent, the physical environment are not the same in Australia as in Argentina. Consequently, exposure to novel environments has led to local adaptation and further population differentiation. Genetic variation and the structure of Australian populations apparently are determined by founder effects (drift) at the level of individual breeding sites (cactus rots), by diversifying selection among rots within a locality, as well as by drift and geographically varying selection among localities. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 682–698.  相似文献   

1. Many insects are expanding their distribution range polewards as a result of climate change, which has been shown to be associated with founder effects leading to a reduction in genetic diversity and an increase in genetic differentiation. These spatial genetic patterns may arise from colonisation from a broad expansion front or a limited neighbourhood after a stepping stone model of dispersal. The temporal persistence of such founder effects are poorly understood, mainly because studies looking at the fine‐scale initial temporal dynamics of the genetic signature of a range expansion are rare. 2. Using microsatellite markers, we performed a detailed spatiotemporal genetic analysis of the range expanding damselfly Coenagrion scitulum (Rambur) along a coastal axis during the first years after colonisation. 3. A decrease was in (private) allelic richness when going northwards along the coastline, which is consistent with a scenario of cumulative founder events. In spite of the spatiotemporal dynamics in the observation records of the species along the coastline, the spatial genetic data indicated a major contribution from the broad expansion front during the colonisation of the coastline rather than a stepping‐stone colonisation process. 4. The fine‐scale temporal dynamics of the range expansion indicated the absence of persistent founder effects and instead showed considerable temporal instability in genetic indices at the more northern edge populations. This may be explained by genetic immigration and admixture from the broad expansion front in this active disperser.  相似文献   

Aim Primary and secondary genetic clines in post-glacial colonized regions have different implications for biogeographic distributions and the origin of species. Primary clines arise in situ after colonization as adaptive responses to environmental gradients, while secondary clines are caused by contact between vicariant lineages. Here we analyse primary versus secondary origin of a genetic cline in the tephritid fly Urophora cardui in Jutland, Denmark, in a post-glacial landscape. Location Western Palaearctic. Methods Phylogeographic and demographic analyses of U. cardui based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genealogies, hierarchical genetic variance tests based on allozymes and distribution analysis of a rare allele from the Jutland cline. Results There was no phylogeographic divergence between the Jutland population of U. cardui north of the cline and neighbouring western European regional populations, which all shared the common western European mtDNA haplotype H1. At nuclear loci, by contrast, the North Jutland population was diverged above the mean level of divergence among regional populations and had no loss of genetic variation. A rare allozyme allele that was frequent in the cline area (up to 45%) and was missing north of the cline also occurred at low frequency (0–14%) elsewhere in the sampling range. Shallow phylogeographic divergence was observed between Russian and western European populations and between English and continental populations. Main conclusions The genetic variation patterns support primary cline evolution and parapatric divergence in Jutland following a demographic expansion of a western European ancestral source population of U. cardui, and suggest cryptic refugia and/or selection in other European population assemblages. The patterns of intra-specific regional divergence are discussed with respect to the interpretation of cryptic refugia in Europe after the most recent ice age.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic markers may reveal informative patterns of population processes such as historical migration, which may substantiate inference on postglacial re-colonization inferred, e.g., from fossil records. Palynological records of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra) suggest that the species has re-colonized the central Alps from a southeastern Alpine refugium after the last glacial maximum. Such a migration pathway likely resulted in a gradual decrease in genetic diversity with increasing distance to the glacial refugium, owing to founder events at the leading range edge. The present distribution of P. cembra in Switzerland consists of two rather distinct ranges, namely the inner-alpine parts of the Grisons and Valais, respectively, and additional disjunct occurrences in the northern and southern periphery of the Alps as well as between the two main ranges. We screened chloroplast microsatellite loci on 39 Swiss P. cembra populations and show that the genetic structure detected was congruent with a common ancestry from a single glacial refugium, likely located at the (south-)eastern periphery of the Alps. In contrast, our data rejected the alternative hypothesis of a distinct genetic separation of the two main ranges of Swiss stone pine in Switzerland. We further show that low genetic diversity within and high differentiation among peripheral populations in the northern Alps as well as the genetic differentiation between core and peripheral populations reflect genetic drift as a consequence of colonization history and limited gene flow by pollen and seed.
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Zusammenfassung  Molekulargenetische Marker enthalten wertvolle Information über Populationsprozesse wie historische Wanderungen, wodurch Annahmen zur postglazialen Wiederbesiedelung, beispielsweise abgeleitet von Fossilfunden, unterstützt werden k?nnen. Palynologische Funde von Arve (Pinus cembra) lassen vermuten, dass diese Art nach dem letzten glazialen Maximum von einem Refugium in den süd?stlichen Alpen wieder in die zentralen Alpen eingewandert ist. Ein solcher Rückwanderungsweg dürfte aufgrund von Gründereffekten an der Wanderungsfront eine graduelle Verringerung der genetischen Variation mit zunehmender Distanz zum Glazialrefugium bewirkt haben. Die heutige Verbreitung von P. cembra in der Schweiz weist zwei deutlich getrennte Gebiete auf, n?mlich inneralpine Bereiche der Kantone Graubünden und Wallis, mit jeweils isolierten Vorkommen in den n?rdlichen und südlichen Randalpen. Wir untersuchten Chloroplasten-Mikrosatelliten in 39 Schweizer Populationen von P. cembra und zeigen, dass die gefundene genetische Struktur übereinstimmt mit der Annahme einer gemeinsamen Abstammung aus einem einzigen Glazialrefugium, welches vermutlich am (süd-)?stlichen Rand der Alpen lag. Im Gegensatz dazu widerlegen unsere Daten die alternative Hypothese einer deutlichen genetischen Trennung der zwei Hauptvorkommen der Arve in der Schweiz. Im Weiteren zeigen unsere Resultate eine geringe genetische Variation innerhalb und einen hohen Differenzierungsgrad zwischen n?rdlichen Randalpenvorkommen, sowie eine genetische Differenzierung zwischen zentralen und peripheren Populationen. Dies weist auf genetische Drift hin, welche die Besiedlungsgeschichte und einen beschr?nkten Genfluss durch Pollen und Samen widerspiegelt.

1. Morphological defence structures evolve against predators but are costly to the individual, and are induced only when required. A well‐studied example is the development of longer abdominal spines in dragonfly larvae in the presence of fish. Numerous attempts to discover trade‐offs between spine size and behaviour, development time or body size have, however, produced little evidence. 2. We considered a physiological trade‐off. Spines consist of cuticle and using material to build longer structures may result in less material remaining elsewhere. We therefore measured exocuticle thickness at nine locations on Leucorrhinia dubia larvae from habitats with and without fish. 3. Our results show a significant effect of the interaction between fish presence and spine length on head and fore leg exocuticle thickness. Relative thickness increased with relative length of lateral spine 9 in the absence of fish, whereas no such relationship existed with fish. Hence, synthesis and secretion of cuticle material occur as a trade‐off when larvae react to fish presence. 4. We assume the mechanism to be a selective synthesis of material with different responses in different parts of the larval body. These findings offer a new angle to the fish/spine trade off debate.  相似文献   

We used inter-simple sequence repeat fingerprinting to analyze the genetic structure of 16 populations of Stentor coeruleus from three lakes and three ponds in China. Using 14 polymorphic primers, a total of 99 discernible DNA fragments were detected, among which 76 (76.77%) were polymorphic, indicating median genetic diversity in these populations. Further, both Nei's gene diversity (h) and Shannon's information index (I) between the different populations revealed a median genetic diversity. At the same time, gene flow was interpreted to be low. The main factors responsible for the median level of diversity and low gene flow within populations are probably due to a low frequency of sexual recombinations. Analysis of molecular variance showed that there was high genetic differentiation among the five water bodies. Both cluster analysis and a nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis suggested that genotypes isolated from the same locations displayed a higher genetic similarity than those from different ones, separating populations into subgroups according to their geographical locations. However, there is a weak positive correlation between the genetic distance and geographical distance.  相似文献   

Myotis lucifugus, once among the most widespread and common bats in North America, has been forecast to be extirpated east of the Rockies in as few as 16 years by the spread of white-nose syndrome. Recent genetic research has demonstrated that this species is paraphyletic and part of a broader species complex; however, only one lineage (Myotis lucifugus lucifugus [M. l. lucifugus]) is present in eastern North America. I used molecular tools and niche modeling to validate this and investigate the role that historical biogeography has played in the phylogenetic and population genetic structure of this species to determine if the eastern subspecies represents an evolutionarily distinct population.To establish the genetic structure within M. l. lucifugus, I densely sampled maternity colonies in Minnesota and sequenced 182 individuals for a portion of cytochrome b. Phylogenetic reconstruction and a haplotype network were used to infer the relationships among mitochondrial haplotypes. Population growth statistics were calculated to determine if there was evidence of significant expansion, and an environmental niche model (ENM) was constructed based on conditions during the last glacial maximum (LGM) to illustrate potential glacial refugia. All individuals derived from a single mitochondrial lineage. Genetic evidence points to population growth starting approximately 18 kya. ENM results show that there was likely a single large southern refugium extending across the southeastern United States and possibly several isolated refugia in western North America. Myotis lucifugus lucifugus likely maintained both a large range and a large population during the peaks of the glacial cycles, and its population appears to have expanded following the retreat of the Laurentide ice sheet. This imperiled lineage likely diverged in isolation from other members of the M. lucifugus/western long-eared Myotis during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Israel marks a crossroads between three continents encompassing several phytogeographical and zoogeographical zones. In this complex area, the flow of species from different biogeographical regions creates opportunities to study how geographical division and colonization routes affect current distribution and structure of resident populations of organisms associated with desert and arid environments, habitats that may have persisted throughout Pleistocene glacial periods. The present paper analyses the population history of the spider Stegodyphus lineatus in the contiguous Negev and Judean deserts in Israel using allozyme and mtDNA variation. The distinct patterns of variation indicate that Judean and Negev populations are vicariant lineages. The residence time was longer in Judea, where populations were more polymorphic for mtDNA, showed isolation by distance and were less structured than in the Negev. The Negev population, possibly linked to other Mediterranean populations of S. lineatus , consisted of two subdivisions derived from a recent eastward expansion across the central Negev watershed. Despite differences in age and level of structure, all lineages show similar dispersal processes dominated by restricted gene flow. The distribution patterns of allozyme and mtDNA markers are unrelated to geographical patterns of precipitation and vegetation. Rather, they follow large-scale topographic features, namely the water divide between Mediterranean and Afro-Syrian rift drainages and between eastern and western Negev drainages.   © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 739–754.  相似文献   

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