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Spectral characteristics of intense mew calls of six cat (sub)species in the genus Felis were studied in captivity: European wildcat (Felis s. silvestris), African wildcat (F. s. lybica), Asiatic steppe cat (F. s. ornata), black-footed cat (F. nigripes), jungle cat (F. chaus), and sand cat (F. margarita). The body weight of the largest (jungle cat) of the six taxa is about six times that of the smallest (black-footed cat), and they live in different habitat types ranging from open desert virtually devoid of vegetation (sand cat) to various types of rather dense forest and shrubland (European wildcat). These habitats differ considerably in the conditions for sound propagation. In this study we analyzed whether and how spectral characteristics of the intense mew calls of these cat taxa are related to their body weight/size and predominant habitat type (open vs. dense). Neither the mean fundamental frequency nor the mean dominant frequency of the intense calls of these cat (sub)species showed an inverse correlation with their respective body weights (“frequency scaling rule”). Rather, the mean dominant frequency is significantly positively correlated with body weight, being lower in the calls of the smaller taxa living in open habitat compared to those of the larger taxa living in dense habitat types. The hypothesis supported best by our data is that spectral features of intense mew calls in the Felis taxa studied have evolved to reduce attenuation when propagating through their respective habitat types. B. Tonkin-Leyhausen is retired and has no institutional affiliation any longer.  相似文献   

The distribution of the three friendly close-range vocalization types known in the Felidae was plotted on a recently published phylogeny of the cat family (Felidae) based on sequence comparisons of two mitochondrial DNA genes and other molecular and biochemical characters, with extrapolated divergence ages of its various lineages. It was found to be congruent with this phylogeny. One of the sound types is likely to be present in 30 species of the family (documented in 22 so far), another is present in 4, and the third in 2 species only; these sound types represent a phylogenetic transformation series. The latter two vocalization types also differ considerably from the first in the mode of sound production. From this, evolutionary conservatism over a long epoch for the one widespread vocalization type can be inferred, and less conservatism in the type present in four species, while the emergence of the least common type is evidence of relatively considerable and rapid evolutionary change. Thus, acoustic communication signals in a group of taxa can evolve at considerably different rates, and for a specific character this rate can differ between different lineages of that group. The ultimate causes of the evolutionary stability or of the subsequent relatively rapid change in sound structure and mode of sound production in these felid vocalizations are unknown.  相似文献   

Phylogeny provides a natural measurement of biodiversity by allowing the computation of indexes that express the amount of phylogenetic diversity that are, in principle, independent of species counts and provides an objective measurement to evaluate the amount of biodiversity lost under the ongoing extinction crisis. In this note, we analyzed patterns of phylogenetic autocorrelation in extinction risks in Felidae (Mammalia: Carnivora) and estimated, using simulation procedures, the amount of phylogenetic diversity loss if k species are preserved in this clade. The simulations showed that loss of phylogenetic diversity based on the IUCN list for extinction threats in Felidae is within the expected values based on the simulated random model, a result also confirmed by the absence of phylogenetic autocorrelation in extinction risks, indicating that extinction threats are randomly distributed across the phylogeny. So, we confirm that loosing species will not necessarily generate a direct proportional loss of phylogenetic information and, consequently, that alternative measures of biodiversity could be used to establish conservation priorities under the common restriction of resources.  相似文献   

Allosaurus is one of the most common Mesozoic theropod dinosaurs. We present a histological analysis to assess its growth strategy and ontogenetic limb bone scaling. Based on an ontogenetic series of humeral, ulnar, femoral, and tibial sections of fibrolamellar bone, we estimate the ages of the largest individuals in the sample to be between 13-19 years. Growth curve reconstruction suggests that maximum growth occurred at 15 years, when body mass increased 148 kg/year. Based on larger bones of Allosaurus, we estimate an upper age limit of between 22-28 years of age, which is similar to preliminary data for other large theropods. Both Model I and Model II regression analyses suggest that relative to the length of the femur, the lengths of the humerus, ulna, and tibia increase in length more slowly than isometry predicts. That pattern of limb scaling in Allosaurus is similar to those in other large theropods such as the tyrannosaurids. Phylogenetic optimization suggests that large theropods independently evolved reduced humeral, ulnar, and tibial lengths by a phyletic reduction in longitudinal growth relative to the femur.  相似文献   

A new barbourofelid species, Prosansanosmilus eggeri , is described from the Middle Miocene (MN 5) locality of Sandelzhausen, Germany. It differs from all other European barbourofelid species in being smaller and showing a more plesiomorphic morphology, especially in the relatively less developed sabretooth adaptations, low accessory cusps on the premolars, and the remnant of a very small talonid on the carnassial. The species is, however, stratigraphically later than the more apomorphic P. peregrinus, which is known from MN 4 of Germany and France. A phylogenetic analysis based on dental characters of early nimravids, barbourofelids and felids supports previous results on skull morphology of Barbourofelis that Barbourofelinae is not closely related to the Late Eocene and Oligocene Nimravinae. Instead, both subfamilies should be treated as separate families, with the Barbourofelidae closely related to the Felidae. The Barbourofelidae differ from the Felidae as well as from the Nimravidae s.s ., particularly in the unique morphology of their basicranium. They presumably originated in Africa; P. eggeri sp. nov. is interpreted as part of a Miocene immigration of African faunal elements into Europe that took place at the beginning of MN 5. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 43−61.  相似文献   

Gorillas are the largest and among the most sexually dimorphic of all extant primates. While gorillas have been incorporated in broad-level comparisons among large-bodied hominoids or in studies of the African apes, comparisons between gorilla subspecies have been rare. During the past decade, however, behavioral, morphological, and molecular data from a number of studies have indicated that the western lowland (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and eastern mountain (Gorilla gorilla beringei) subspecies differ to a greater extent than has been previously believed. In this study I compare patterns of relative growth of the postcranial skeleton to evaluate whether differences between subspecies result from the differential extension of common patterns of relative growth. In addition, patterns of ontogeny and sexual dimorphism are also examined. Linear skeletal dimensions and skeletal weight were obtained for ontogenetic series of male and female G.g. gorilla (n = 315) and G.g. beringei (n = 38). Bivariate and multivariate methods of analysis were used to test for differences in patterns of relative growth, ontogeny, and sexual dimorphism between sexes of each subspecies and in same-sex comparisons between subspecies. Results indicate males and females of both subspecies are ontogenetically scaled for postcranial proportions and that females undergo an earlier skeletal growth spurt compared to males. However, results also indicate that the onset of the female growth spurt occurs at different dental stages in lowland and mountain gorillas and that mountain gorillas may be characterized by higher rates of growth. Finally, data demonstrate lowland and mountain gorilla females do not differ significantly in adult body size, but mountain gorilla males are significantly larger than lowland gorilla males, suggesting mountain gorillas are characterized by a higher degree of sexual dimorphism in body size. Thus, although lowland and mountain gorillas do not appear to have evolved novel adaptations of the postcranium which correlate with differences in locomotor behavior, the present investigation establishes subspecies differences in ontogeny and sexual dimorphism which may be linked with ecological variation. Specifically, these findings are evaluated in the context of risk aversion models which predict higher growth rates and increased levels of sexual dimorphism in extreme folivores. Am. J. Primatol. 43:1–31, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Horned Guan (Oreophasis derbianus) is a cracid restricted to cloud forests in the Sierra Madre of Chiapas in Mexico and the western-central Mountains in Guatemala. It is an endangered species and urgent conservation measures are required, such as non-invasive monitoring techniques. Here, we study individual features in the boom calls of Horned Guans. Boom calls are acoustic signals used by males during courtship and territorial displays. This call is made of seven notes, divided into two parts: an introductory section characterized by low-amplitude notes and a body section characterized by high-amplitude notes. We recorded 10 males during the breeding seasons of 2010 and 2011 in two captive populations and measured 22 acoustic variables of the calls. We used a combination of statistical analyses to test individuality in Horned Guan vocalizations. Our results showed that time-related variables – but not frequency-related traits – varied between individuals, and that individual calls showed no variation between years. Our results suggest that Horned Guan individuals can be distinguished using fine structural characteristics of their calls and that calls remain stable across years. We argue that such vocal signature could be used to track wild populations as a non-invasive technique in order to improve census data in the short and long term.  相似文献   

Shrew species have been proposed to utilize an echo‐based orientation system to obtain additional acoustic information while surveying their environments. This system has been supported by changes in vocal emission rates when shrews encounter different habitats of varying complexity, although detailed acoustic features in this system have not been reported. In this study, behavioral experiments were conducted using the long‐clawed shrew (Sorex unguiculatus) to assess this orientation system. Three experimental conditions were set, two of which contained obstacles. Short‐click, noisy, and different types of tonal calls in the audible‐to‐ultrasonic frequency range were recorded under all experimental conditions. The results indicated that shrews emit calls more frequently when they are facing obstacles or exploring the experimental environment. Shrews emitted clicks and several different types of tonal calls while exploring, and modified the use of different types of calls for varying behavior. Furthermore, shrews modified the dominant frequency and duration of squeak calls for different types of obstacles, that is, plants and acrylic barriers. The vocalizations emitted at short inter‐pulse intervals could not be observed when shrews approached these obstacles. These results are consistent with the echo‐based orientation hypothesis according to which shrews use a simple echo‐orientation system to obtain information from their surrounding environments, although further studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The surface area‐to‐volume ratio of cells is one of the key factors affecting fundamental biological processes and, thus, fitness of unicellular organisms. One of the general models for allometric increase in surface‐to‐volume scaling involves fractal‐like elaboration of cellular surfaces. However, specific data illustrating this pattern in natural populations of the unicellular organisms have not previously been available. This study shows that unicellular green algae of the genus Micrasterias (Desmidiales) have positive allometric surface‐to‐volume scaling caused by changes in morphology of individual species, especially in the degree of cell lobulation. This allometric pattern was also detected within most of the cultured and natural populations analysed. Values of the allometric S:V scaling within individual populations were closely correlated to the phylogenetic structure of the clade. In addition, they were related to species‐specific cellular morphology. Individual populations differed in their allometric patterns, and their position in the allometric space was strongly correlated with the degree of allometric S:V scaling. This result illustrates that allometric shape patterns are an important correlate of the capacity of individual populations to compensate for increases in their cell volumes by increasing the surface area. However, variation in allometric patterns was not associated with phylogenetic structure. This indicates that the position of the populations in the allometric space was not evolutionarily conserved and might be influenced by environmental factors.  相似文献   

Many studies have been conducted about the information contained in the anatomy of the mammalian middle ear. Most of these only use a few specimens. Thus we aim to provide a quantitative analysis of the intraspecific and interspecific variations of the middle ear, focusing on the auditory bulla. For that purpose, we focused on the mustelids, as a quite generalist taxon and, more specifically, on the European badger, Meles meles. Our study includes two types of statistical methods. We first compared the mean of a subjectively chosen measure between individuals of the same species and between individuals of different species. We then used a multidimensional scaling procedure to cluster individuals according to different measures. We conclude that the middle ear varies effectively less intraspecifically than interspecifically. However, we think that the few anatomical parameters to measure in the auditory bulla involve using more specimens or focusing on geometric morphometrics in studies focusing on middle ear.  相似文献   

In many katydids, the male feeds his mate with a large gelatinous spermatophore. Males of most species also produce elaborate calling songs. We predicted a negative relationship between spermatophore size and call frequency because of trade-offs between these two costly traits. Our comparative analysis controlling phylogeny and body size supported this prediction. Although call frequency is expected to decrease with increasing body size, after controlling for phylogeny, both variables were not related. Finally, given that song frequency and spermatophore size are likely targets of sexual selection, we examined the relationship between these variables and sexual size dimorphism (SSD) which can be influenced by sexual selection on body size. We found that only female body size was positively related to SSD, suggesting that natural and/or sexual selection on female body size may be stronger than sexual selection on male and spermatophore size.  相似文献   

Neonate ruminants produce distress calls when captured by a predator and discomfort milk begging calls when hungry. In many neonate ruminants, the distress and discomfort calls are high‐frequency vocalizations, in which the fundamental frequency is the key variable for recognition of their emotional arousal by caregivers. In contrast, in this study, we examine the low‐frequency open‐mouth distress and discomfort calls in the neonates of two species of wild‐living ungulates, which clearly highlight vocal tract resonances (formants). In the goitred gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa), the distress calls were higher in fundamental frequency (f0) and in the first and third formants than the discomfort calls. The accuracy of classifying individuals by variables of distress calls with discriminant function analysis (67%) was significantly lower than that of discomfort calls (85%). In the saiga (Saiga tatarica), only the third formant was higher in the distress calls than in the discomfort calls. The accuracy of classifying individuals by variables of distress calls (89%) did not differ significantly from that of discomfort calls (94%). Thus, the use of acoustic cues to vocal identity and to the degree of arousal differs between the two species. Calls were significantly more individualistic in the saiga, probably because this species lives in large herds and neonates use a ‘following’ antipredatory strategy, in which vocal individuality is crucial for mother–offspring communication. In contrast, goitred gazelles live in smaller groups and neonates use a ‘hiding’ antipredatory strategy. Accordingly, mothers can rely on additional environmental cues for spotting their young and this may decrease the necessity for individualization of the calls of neonates.  相似文献   

Morphological integration refers to the fact that different phenotypic traits of organisms are not fully independent from each other, and tend to covary to different degrees. The covariation among traits is thought to reflect properties of the species' genetic architecture and thus can have an impact on evolutionary responses. Furthermore, if morphological integration changes along the history of a group, inferences of past selection regimes might be problematic. Here, we evaluated the stability and evolution of the morphological integration of skull traits in Carnivora by using evolutionary simulations and phylogenetic comparative methods. Our results show that carnivoran species are able to respond to natural selection in a very similar way. Our comparative analyses show that the phylogenetic signal for pattern of integration is lower than that observed for morphology (trait averages), and that integration was stable throughout the evolution of the group. That notwithstanding, Canidae differed from other families by having higher integration, evolvability, flexibility, and allometric coefficients on the facial region. These changes might have allowed canids to rapidly adapt to different food sources, helping to explain not only the phenotypic diversification of the family, but also why humans were able to generate such a great diversity of dog breeds through artificial selection.  相似文献   

以大菱鲆幼鱼(7.56±0.03 g)为试验对象,在水温17~19℃下,设计了4个摄食水平梯度(1.0%、1.5%、2.0%和饱食)和3个投喂频率梯度(1、2和3次·d-1),探讨了不同摄食水平和投喂频率对其生长及生化成分的影响.结果表明:随着摄食水平的升高,大菱鲆幼鱼的终末体重、相对增重率和摄食率显著升高(P<0.05);特定生长率随摄食水平的增加呈线性升高;湿重、干重、蛋白质和能量转化效率出现先升高后降低的趋势;摄食水平对鱼体的体成分和组间表观消化率无显著影响(P>0.05);不同投喂频率下,终末体重、相对增重率、特定生长率及转化效率呈先升高再降低的趋势,在2次·d-1时取得最大值;投喂频率对鱼体的体成分和组间表观消化率无显著影响(P>O.05).  相似文献   

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