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Understanding how animals partition effort between vigilance for predators and other conflicting activities has been a mainstay of animal behaviour research. Classical theories implicitly assume that animals alternate between high and low vigilance states over short timescales, but that average effort invested in vigilance is constant over an extended bout of such alternations. However, one recent model suggests that vigilance should be adjusted dynamically to short‐term changes in the perception of predation risk and would tend to decrease with time. Indeed, as time passes by without disturbances, perception of the need for vigilance should decrease and prey animals may allocate more time to competing activities. Here, we examined how the proportion of sleeping gulls (Larus spp.) in loafing groups changed over time. Sleeping gulls can only maintain low levels of vigilance against external threats (compared to alert individuals), and we predicted that the proportion of sleeping gulls at loafing sites should increase over time when no disturbances occur. Statistically significant changes in the proportion of sleeping gulls as a function of time occurred in the majority of sequences and an increase was observed significantly more often than predicted by chance alone. This temporal pattern cannot be caused by reduction in hunger levels because gulls are not feeding at loafing sites. The results indicate that vigilance can be adjusted dynamically in response to short‐term temporal changes in the perception of predation risk.  相似文献   

Three strains of urease-positive thermophilic Campylobacter (UPTC), designated A1, A2 and A3, were identified by biochemical characterization after isolation from faeces of seagulls in Northern Ireland in 1996. The biochemical characteristics of the strains were identical to those of strains described previously. Analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) after separate digestion with ApaI and SmaI demonstrated that the respective PFGE profiles were indistinguishable. The PFGE analysis also suggested that the genomes were approximately 1810 kb in length. This is the first example of the isolation of UPTC from flying homoiothermal animals, i.e. from seagulls (Larus spp.).  相似文献   

MARC BOSCH  DANIEL SOL 《Ibis》1998,140(3):415-421
The habitat selection and breeding performance of Yellow-legged Gulls Larus cachinnans were studied in the Medes Islands colony, northeastern Spain, during 1995 and 1996. Of the three main habitats on the islands (shrubs, grass and bare areas), gulls first occupied those with the highest percentage of tall vegetation. Gulls tended to select nest sites with 20–75% cover despite great differences in the cover in the habitats and territories, suggesting that the presence of a suitable nest site may play a major role in the choice of breeding habitat. Nest-site tenacity did not influence the preferences of gulls at any level since the same pattern of choice was observed in an area subjected to annual culls (i.e. where most of the breeding pairs were culled annually and replaced by naive birds). In spite of great differences in the physical characteristics of the habitats, little difference was found in breeding performance of the gulls between habitats. Gulls nesting in the least preferred habitat (i.e. mainly bare) had smaller clutches than those nesting in the other two habitats, possibly as a result of their later seasonal laying. Despite the similar breeding success in different habitats, gulls did not seem to distribute according to the ideal free model reported for Herring Gulls Larus argentatus since the density in the preferred habitat (i.e. shrubs) was never higher than in the other two. We suggest that the habitat selection by Yellow-legged Gulls within the colony could follow an ideal despotic distribution.  相似文献   

The ability to control infections is a key trait for migrants that must be balanced against other costly features of the migratory life. In this study we explored the links between migration and disease ecology by examining natural variation in parasite exposure and immunity in several populations of Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Larus fuscus) with different migratory strategies. We found higher activity of natural antibodies in long distance migrants from the nominate subspecies L.f.fuscus. Circulating levels of IgY showed large variation at the population level, while immune parameters associated with antimicrobial activity showed extensive variation at the individual level irrespective of population or migratory strategy. Pathogen prevalence showed large geographical variation. However, the seroprevalence of one of the gull-specific subtypes of avian influenza (H16) was associated to the migratory strategy, with lower prevalence among the long-distance migrants, suggesting that migration may play a role in disease dynamics of certain pathogens at the population level.  相似文献   

The diet of the Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus) was investigated at the northern limit of its distribution along the South American Atlantic coast. We used two complementary methods, pellet analysis and stable isotope analysis (SIA), to describe and compare Kelp Gull feeding ecology in freshwater and marine environments. The assimilated diet over two different time scales was investigated via SIA of plasma and red blood cells, blood components with different turnover rates. Fish composed the bulk of the diet of Kelp Gulls in both marine (White Croaker Micropogonias furnieri and Banded Croaker Paralonchurus brasiliensis) and limnetic areas (Armoured Catfish Loricariidae and La Plata Croaker Pachyurus bonariensis), despite the importance of benthic prey from the intertidal zone in samples collected from the marine environment (Wedge Clam Donax hanleyanus and the Yellow Clam Mesodesma mactroides). The fish consumed by the gulls were common discards from fisheries in both environments, and marine bivalves were found at a high density at the marine beach. Diet varied between the different time scales analysed. Conventional diet data generally agreed with stable isotope model estimates, emphasising the importance of using complementary approaches in dietary studies.  相似文献   

NICOLAAS A. M. VERBEEK 《Ibis》1988,130(6):512-518
Differential predation of eggs of Glaucous-winged Gulls Larus glaucescens was studied on Mitlenatch Island, British Columbia. The predation of single eggs from 3-egg clutches by conspecifics and Northwestern Crows Corvus caurinus was recorded to assess whether the predators selected eggs at random or showed a preference for a specific egg in the laying sequence. It was found that small and light-coloured eggs, characteristically the last-laid egg in the clutch, were taken significantly more often than the other two eggs in the clutch. As chicks derived from this third egg are least likely to fledge because of their small size and the effects of asynchronous hatching, the lightness of the third egg is adaptive in that it helps to focus attention on the small egg.  相似文献   

Capsule: Herring Gull Larus argentatus colonies located along coastlines that are relatively sheltered from wave impact, associated with high intertidal prey availability, and with extensive farmland habitat in the vicinity, have increased in size over the last three decades.

Aims: To investigate potential habitat drivers, associated with local food availability, of variation in Herring Gull colony sizes.

Methods: Colony sizes were compared for 68 Herring Gull colonies across southwest Scotland and Northern Ireland to relate to the availability of potential foraging habitats surrounding each colony.

Results: Changes in Herring Gull colony sizes were spatially clustered, with between-colony differences in colony size related to coastline exposure and amount of farmland within the foraging range. At the end of the census period, colonies located in areas with the greatest availability of intertidal prey and farmland habitat were larger compared to those that were not.

Conclusion: Spatially clustered variation in changes of the size of Herring Gull colonies indicates that neighbouring colonies experienced similar environmental conditions and highlights the importance of intertidal and farmland habitats in buffering against declines. This result emphasizes the need for area-specific management for this species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Adoption of young by unrelated adults is expected to be rare in natural populations, yet a high incidence was observed in a population of Herring Gulls on the Isle of May, Scotland. The means whereby rejection was avoided, and the resulting costs and benefits to adopting parents and adopted chicks, are described.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of glacial oscillations on the genetic structure of seven species of white-headed gull that breed at high latitudes (Larus argentatus, L. canus, L. glaucescens, L. glaucoides, L. hyperboreus, L. schistisagus, and L. thayeri). We evaluated localities hypothesized as ice-free areas or glacial refugia in other Arctic vertebrates using molecular data from 11 microsatellite loci, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region, and six nuclear introns for 32 populations across the Holarctic. Moderate levels of genetic structure were observed for microsatellites (F(ST)= 0.129), introns (Φ(ST)= 0.185), and mtDNA control region (Φ(ST)= 0.461), with among-group variation maximized when populations were grouped based on subspecific classification. Two haplotype and at least two allele groups were observed across all loci. However, no haplotype/allele group was composed solely of individuals of a single species, a pattern consistent with recent divergence. Furthermore, northernmost populations were not well differentiated and among-group variation was maximized when L. argentatus and L. hyberboreus populations were grouped by locality rather than species, indicating recent hybridization. Four populations are located in putative Pleistocene glacial refugia and had larger τ estimates than the other 28 populations. However, we were unable to substantiate these putative refugia using coalescent theory, as all populations had genetic signatures of stability based on mtDNA. The extent of haplotype and allele sharing among Arctic white-headed gull species is noteworthy. Studies of other Arctic taxa have generally revealed species-specific clusters as well as genetic structure within species, usually correlated with geography. Aspects of white-headed gull behavioral biology, such as colonization ability and propensity to hybridize, as well as their recent evolutionary history, have likely played a large role in the limited genetic structure observed.  相似文献   

In the Yellow-legged Gull Larus cachinnans , males are the larger sex, and show more reproductive variance than females. We predicted that the proportion of male chicks in a brood should increase with female body condition. We investigated brood sex ratio by using DNA markers taken from samples of hatchlings or dead embryos, and female body condition using plasma cholesterol concentration as a reliable indicator. The brood sex ratio of females in good condition was male biased and the sex ratio of females in poor condition was female biased. This relationship was also significant in those nests where all the eggs laid were sexed. Thus, manipulation of embryo mortality cannot explain the biases reported in this study, suggesting that the sex ratio of the eggs was biased prior to laying. These results confirm that sex-ratio manipulation in gulls operates under natural conditions, and supports earlier experimental findings.  相似文献   

Animal-borne bio-logging devices are routinely fitted to seabirds to learn about their behaviour and physiology, as well as their interactions with the marine environment. The assessment and reporting of deleterious impacts from such devices on the individuals carrying them is critical to inform future work and improve data quality and animal welfare. We assessed the impacts of thoracic-harness attachments on the breeding performance and inter-annual return rates of Great Black-backed Gulls. We found that tagged individuals hatched fewer eggs per nest (0.67) than two different control groups (handled but not tagged – 2.0, and not handled – 1.9) and had lower hatching success rates per nest (27% compared with 81% and 82% in control groups). Inter-annual return rates were similar between tagged and control groups, but the harness attachment potentially caused the death of an individual 5 days after deployment. Overall, the harness attachment was a lead driver of nest failure. We urge extreme caution for those wanting to use harness-mounted devices on Great Black-backed Gulls.  相似文献   


Pellets of indigestible material regurgitated by Herring Gulls Larus argentatus breeding on Lady Isle, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, were collected in 2018 and 2019 and examined for earthworm chaetae. Nearly two-thirds (65.6%) of the 314 pellets came from gulls that had consumed one or more earthworms. Significantly fewer pellets (57.6%) contained chaetae in 2018, a relatively dry May to July, than in 2019 (72.0%) when rainfall was close to the long-term average for May to July. There were significant associations between the presence of large quantities of terrestrial vegetation in the pellet and the detection of large numbers of earthworm chaetae and/or fragments of terrestrial arthropods, suggesting that recent consumption of these food items is likely when pellets contain large quantities of vegetation.  相似文献   

A nematode species belonging to the genus Cosmocephalus was collected from the stomach of 2 common gulls, Larus canus. The common gulls were found dead on the seaside of Gangneung City, the Republic of Korea. The worms were identified and classified by light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on the basis of important taxonomic characters. The nematodes were characterized by a body length 9.1-9.3 mm (males) and 15.5-15.9 mm (females) and cordons recurrent in anterior direction and anastomosing laterally at about the level of anterior quarter of the buccal cavity. The salient bicuspid deirids were located on the posterior to the cordons. Lateral alae were well-developed, extending from the level just posterior of deirids to the level about middle of the body. LM and SEM observations identified the worms as C. obvelatus. This is the first reported case of C. obvelatus infection in common gulls in Korea.  相似文献   

NICOLÁS SUÁREZ  & PABLO YORIO 《Ibis》2005,147(3):544-551
The Dolphin Gull Larus scoresbii is a little-known, rare species endemic to southern South America. Knowledge of its feeding ecology is essential for development of management and conservation strategies. To obtain information on their use of food resources and on the frequency and duration of their foraging trips, we followed seven individuals by radiotelemetry during the breeding season of 2002 at the Punta Tombo Reserve, Argentina. In 99% of mapped locations ( n  = 4069) the Gulls were within 2.4 km of their colony. Dolphin Gulls foraged mostly at the colonies of three other species, feeding on Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus and Imperial Cormorant Phalacrocorax atriceps regurgitates and on Southern Sea Lion Otaria flavescens faeces. The sea lion colony was the most frequently visited foraging area, accounting for 64% of the total ( n  = 260 trips). A similar trend was observed during both the incubation (60%, n  = 38 trips) and the chick (64%, n  = 40 trips) stages. The mean number of trips per day was 3.8 (range = 3–5), with a mean duration of 123 min (sd = ±27). Trip duration differed between foraging areas, being significantly longer at the sea lion than at the penguin and cormorant colonies. The small foraging range given by its particular feeding strategy suggests that Dolphin Gulls, in contrast to most other seabirds that range over large expanses of ocean in search of food, may be effectively conserved within protected areas during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Several bird species benefit from anthropogenic food subsidies, such as landfills and fishing discards, that are being reduced owing to introduced legislation. For instance, since 2019, Europe has passed legislation to reduce dramatically the amount of fisheries discards through the Landing Obligation (LO), which states that all fish species under Total Allowable Catch (TAC) should not be discarded at sea. This European discard ban is expected to impact some gulls, as several gull populations have been observed to be heavily reliant on this resource. In this work, GPS tracking data from adult Yellow-legged Gulls Larus michahellis and Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) data (i.e. detailed data of the spatial distribution of fishing vessels) are used to determine the utilization of the marine habitat and the level of interaction of gulls with fishing activity offshore and discards in the south-eastern part of the Bay of Biscay. We found that these gulls had a low use of the marine habitat (ca. 15%) compared with terrestrial habitats, in contrast to the ca. 40% of the diet of this population which comprises marine prey. Furthermore, we detected that most of the gull tracking positions at sea did not interact with the fishing vessels (an overlap of 21.5% between gulls and VMS data). Conversely, other gull populations of the Iberian Peninsula were found to depend much more strongly on fishing activity. Therefore, the Yellow-legged Gull population of the SE Bay of Biscay did not obtain most of its fish prey from interactions with offshore fishing activity but most possibly by taking fish remains in harbours and by feeding themselves. Consequently, we expect a minimal effect of the European policies oriented to ban fishing discards offshore on this population, which would be more affected by policies directed towards the reduction of food availability in landfills or fish landing management in harbours.  相似文献   

Cloacal swabs collected from 264 ring-billed gulls (Larus delawarensis) at four sites near Montréal, Canada were cultured for the presence of Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp. and Listeria spp. All birds were apparently healthy when captured or killed. Of all birds examined, 8.7%, 15.9% and 9.5%, respectively, were infected with Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp. and Listeria monocytogenes. Overall, 29.9% of gulls sampled harbored one or more of these bacteria. Gulls probably play only a minor role in the epizootiology of these bacteria.  相似文献   

Migration is a critical period in a bird’s life that can affect the fitness of individuals. Intra-population migratory patterns and the way different sex and/or age classes within a population differ in timing and/or distance of migration are not completely understood. The present study aims to observe inter- and intra-population migratory patterns in the western population of Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Larus fuscus spp.), shedding light on age-related differences of temporal patterns of occurrence in the Portuguese coastal areas during migration and winter. One thousand seven hundred and fifty-four colour ring records were analysed matching a 30-year period of observations on the Portuguese coast between 1975 and 2005. During migration, the graellsii population represents 90% of the migratory flow of L. fuscus through Portugal with the intermedius accounting for 9% and the fuscus population, being vestigial in this period, accounting for 1%. Nevertheless, interesting significant differences were observed between the age classes of the three populations during this period, the graellsii population having a large number of first winters (40% of the migratory contingent of this population) followed by immatures and adults whilst in the intermedius and fuscus populations, the largest age class is the adults. During winter, no inter-population differences were found. When comparing migration and winter periods, intra-population differences were found in the graellsii and fuscus populations regarding distribution and age classes. These results indicate different migratory routes amongst different populations suggesting a leapfrog migration in L. fuscus and also a differential age-related migration pattern that might result from first winters migrating further south in search of a wintering place since adults heavily occupy the closest wintering quarters in their attempt to arrive earlier at their breeding ground.  相似文献   

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