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The neuroarchitecture of Acoela has been at the center of morphological debates. Some authors, using immunochemical tools, suggest that the nervous system in Acoela is organized as a commissural brain that bears little resemblance to the central, ganglionic type brain of other flatworms, and bilaterians in general. Others, who used histological staining on paraffin sections, conclude that it is a compact structure (an endonal brain; e.g., Raikova 2004; von Graff 1891; Delage Arch Zool Exp Gén 4:109-144, 1886). To address this question with modern tools, we have obtained images from serial transmission electron microscopic sections of the entire hatchling of Symsagittifera roscoffensis. In addition, we obtained data from wholemounts of hatchlings labeled with markers for serotonin and tyrosinated tubulin. Our data show that the central nervous system of a juvenile S. roscoffensis consists of an anterior compact brain, formed by a dense, bilobed mass of neuronal cell bodies surrounding a central neuropile. The neuropile flanks the median statocyst and contains several types of neurites, classified according to their types of synaptic vesicles. The neuropile issues three pairs of nerve cords that run at different dorso-ventral positions along the whole length of the body. Neuronal cell bodies flank the cords, and neuromuscular synapses are abundant. The TEM analysis also reveals different classes of peripheral sensory neurons and provides valuable information about the spatial relationships between neurites and other cell types within the brain and nerve cords. We conclude that the acoel S. roscoffensis has a central brain that is comparable in size and architecture to the brain of other (rhabditophoran) flatworms.  相似文献   

Based on the literature and own data, consecutive stages of development of the central nervous system (CNS) in the lower Bilateria are considered-separation of brain from parenchyma, formation of its own envelopes, and development of the trunk and orthogonal nervous system. Results of histochemical (cholinergic and catecholaminergic) and immunocytochemical (5-HT-and FMRF-amid immunoreactive) studies of the CNS in representatives of Acoela, free living and parasitizing Platyhelminthes and Rotifera are considered. The comparative analysis makes it possible to describe development and complication of the initially primitive Bilateria pleux nervous system. A special attention will be paid to the Acoela phylogenesis, based on molecular-biology data and results of study of their nervous system.  相似文献   

Pneumococcal meningitis is a life-threatening disease characterized by acute purulent infection of the meninges causing neuronal injury, cortical necrosis and hippocampal apoptosis. Cholinergic neurons and their projections are extensively distributed throughout the central nervous system. The aim of this study was to assess acetylcholinesterase activity in the rat brain after pneumococcal meningitis. In the hippocampus, frontal cortex and cerebrospinal fluid, acetylcholinesterase activity was found to be increased at 6, 12, 24, 48 and 96 hr without antibiotic treatment, and at 48 and 96 hr with antibiotic treatment. Our data suggest that acetylcholinesterase activity could be related to neuronal damage induced by pneumococcal meningitis.  相似文献   

The family of novel transmembrane proteins (TMEM) 132 have been associated with multiple neurological disorders and cancers in humans, but have hardly been studied in vivo. Here we report the expression patterns of the five Tmem132 genes (a, b, c, d and e) in developing mouse nervous system with RNA in situ hybridization in wholemount embryos and tissue sections. Our results reveal differential and partially overlapping expression of multiple Tmem132 family members in both the central and peripheral nervous system, suggesting potential partial redundancy among them.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), assessed by indirect measurement of aortic pressure, is blunted in obesity. Additionally, the potential effect of cardiac autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity, aortic compliance, and metabolic parameters on BRS of obese subjects was investigated. Research Methods and Procedures: A group of 30 women with BMI >30 kg/m2 and a group of 30 controls with BMI <25 kg/m2 were examined. BRS was estimated by the sequence technique, cardiac ANS activity by short‐term spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV), and aortic compliance by the method of applanation tonometry. Results: BRS was lower in obese women (9.18 ± 3.77 vs. 19.63 ± 9.16 ms/mm Hg, p < 0.001). The median values (interquartile range) of the power of both the high‐frequency and low‐frequency components of the HRV were higher in the lean than in the obese participants [1079.2 (202.7 to 1716.9) vs. 224.1 (72.7 to 539.6) msec2, p = 0.001 and 411.8 (199.3 to 798.0) vs. 235.8 (99.4 to 424.5) msec2, p = 0.01 respectively]. Low‐to‐high‐frequency ratio values were higher in the obese subjects [0.82 (0.47 to 2.1) vs. 0.57 (0.28 to 0.89), p = 0.02]. Aortic augmentation values were not significantly different between lean and obese subjects. Multivariate analysis demonstrated a significant and independent association between BRS and age (p = 0.003), BMI (p < 0.001), and high‐frequency power of HRV (p < 0.001). These variables explained 72% of the variation of BRS values. Discussion: BRS is severely reduced in obese subjects. BMI, age, and the parasympathetic nervous system activity are the main determinants of BRS. Baroreflex behavior is of clinical relevance because an attenuated BRS represents a negative prognostic factor in cardiovascular diseases, which are common in obesity.  相似文献   

Viewed by SEM and TEM, sagittocysts of Convoluta bifoveolata Mamkaev, 1971, and needles of C. sagittifera Ivanov, 1952, have the same structure. Both are capsule-form extrusomes containing a protrusible needle. Only seven similar species of convolutimorph acoels symbiotic with green algae and C. sagittifera, without algae, possess extrusomes of this peculiar and complicated type. The sagittocyst is a clear synapomorphy of all these species. A sacciform ciliated antrum lacking a seminal vesicle is also characteristic of these species and also of three Japanese species of green (algae-symbiotic) convolutimorph acoels lacking sagittocysts. We suggest schemes of the possible evolution of male and female copulatory organs to provide a basis for better using such organs as phylogenetic characters. We regard the formation of a ciliated sacciform antrum as an independent evolutionary trend. This conclusion forms the basis for establishing the separate family Sagittiferidae. Species of this family seem to have originated in the West Pacific.  相似文献   

A. E. Douglas 《Hydrobiologia》1984,109(3):207-210
Samples of the acoel turbellarian Convoluta roscoffensis and of sediment were taken from several beaches on the Channel Islands. A positive relationship between the mean length of the animals and median particle size of the sediment is demonstrated by regression analysis. It is suggested that the size of C. roscoffensis is limited by the size of spaces between the particles.  相似文献   

Kh P Tiras 《Ontogenez》1978,9(3):262-268
The acetylcholine esterase (AChE) activity was studied in the nervous system of planarians in the normal state and during regeneration. During the regeneration of the cephalic body end, the AChE appears in the cells of the newly formed ganglion on the 5th day. During the regeneration of caudal body end, the AChE activity in the residual ganglion after the cut exceeds the normal level. The possible role of the ACh system in the processes of planarian regeneration is discussed.  相似文献   

Nervous system tissue fromPanulirus interruptus has an enzyme activity that behaves like calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM KII). This activity phosphorylates known targets of CaM KII, such as synapsin I and autocamtide 3. It is inhibited by a CaM KII-specific autoinhibitory domain peptide. In addition, this lobster brain activity displays calcium-independent activity after autophosphorylation, another characteristic of CaM KII. A cDNA from the lobster nervous system was amplified using polymerase chain reaction. The fragment was cloned and found to be structurally similar to CaM KII. Serum from rabbits immunized with a fusion protein containing part of this sequence immunoprecipitated a CaM KII enzyme activity and a family of phosphoproteins of the appropriate size for CaM KII subunits. Lobster CaM KII activity is found in the brain and stomatogastric nervous system including the commissural ganglia, commissures, stomatogastric ganglion and stomatogastric nerve. Immunoblot analysis of these same regions also identifies bands at an apparent molecular weight characteristic of CaM KII.  相似文献   

Apart from being a prominent (inhibitory) neurotransmitter that is widely distributed in the central and peripheral nervous system, -aminobutyric acid (GABA) has turned out to exert trophic actions. In this manner GABA may modulate the neuroplastic capacity of neurons and neuron-like cells under various conditions in situ and in vitro. In the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) of adult rat, GABA induces the formation of free postsynaptic-like densities on the dendrites of principal neurons and enables implanted foreign (cholinergic) nerves to establish functional synaptic contacts, even while preexisting connections of the preganglionic axons persist. Apart from postsynaptic effects, GABA inhibits acetylcholine release from preganglionic nerve terminals and changes, at least transiently, the neurochemical markers of cholinergic innervation (acetylcholinesterase and nicotinic receptors). In murine neuroblastoma cells in vitro, GABA induces electron microscopic changes, which are similar in principle to those seen in the SCG. Both neuroplastic effects of GABA, in situ and in vitro, could be mimicked by sodium bromide, a hyperpolarizing agent. In addition, evidence is available that GABA via A- and/or B-receptors may exert direct trophic actions. The regulation of both types of trophic actions (direct, receptor-mediated vs. indirect, bioelectric activity dependent) is discussed.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Claude Baxter.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that blockade of normal excitation in the immature nervous system may have profound effects on neuronal survival during the period of natural cell death. Cell loss following depression of electrical activity in the central nervous system (CNS) may explain the neuropsychiatric deficits in humans exposed to alcohol or other CNS depressants during development. Thus, understanding the role of electrical activity in the survival of young neurons is an important goal of modern basic and clinical neuroscience. Here we review the evidence from in vivo and in vitro model systems that electrical activity participates in promoting neuronal survival. We discuss the potential role of moderate elevations of intracellular calcium in promoting survival, and we address the possible ways in which activity and conventional trophic factors may interact.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system (ENS) is a vital part of the autonomic nervous system that regulates many gastrointestinal functions, including motility and secretion. All neurons and glia of the ENS arise from neural crest-derived cells that migrate into the gastrointestinal tract during embryonic development. It has been known for many years that a subpopulation of the enteric neural crest-derived cells expresses pan-neuronal markers at early stages of ENS development. Recent studies have demonstrated that some enteric neurons exhibit electrical activity from as early as E11.5 in the mouse, with further maturation of activity during embryonic and postnatal development. This article discusses the maturation of electrophysiological and morphological properties of enteric neurons, the formation of synapses and synaptic activity, and the influence of neural activity on ENS development.  相似文献   

A free‐living viviparous acoel, Childia vivipara sp. nov., from the Gullmar fjord of the Swedish coast is described. The new species is assigned to the taxon Childia based on histological, ultrastructural and molecular sequence similarities. All available molecular markers (18S rRNA, 28S rRNA and histone H3) and several morphological characters, obtained using transmission electron microscopy and confocal scanning laser microscopy of whole mount specimen stained with TRITC‐labelled phalloidin, support the placement of C. vivipara in the taxon Childia. Childia vivipara and other Childia species share the following morphological synapomorphies: well‐developed copulatory organs built of tightly packed stylet needles, proximal part of the stylet inserted into the seminal vesicle, reversed body‐wall musculature, absence of ventral diagonal muscles, presence of dorsal diagonal muscles, and presence of ventral straight longitudinal muscles between frontal pore and mouth, 9 + 1 sperm axoneme structure, six distal sperm cytoplasmic microtubules, and extensive overlap of axonemes and nucleus. The new species can be easily distinguished from other Childia species by its viviparous mode of reproduction and single curved stylet. Observations on late embryonic development based on the oldest developing embryos are discussed.  相似文献   

Nagao M  Masuda S  Ueda M  Sasaki R 《Cytotechnology》1995,18(1-2):83-91
We describe possible functions of carbohydrates attached to growth factors and strategies to examine the functions, concentrating on erythropoietin, a major regulator of erythropoiesis. Erythropoietin in erythropoiesis functions as an endocrine hormone; it is produced by kidney cells and transferred into the circulation to hemopoietic sites. In the brain, erythropoietin acts on neurons in a paracrine fashion. Comparison of glycosylation has been made between kidney and brain erythropoietins.Abbreviations BHK Baby Hamster Kidney - Epo Erythropoietin - Epo-R erythropoietin receptor  相似文献   

Down-regulated in renal cell carcinoma 1 (DRR1) is mapped at 3p21.1, and is a candidate tumor suppressor gene. However, its biological roles have yet to be elucidated. Here, we developed polyclonal antibodies against DRR1 protein, and examined its expression during embryogenesis and carcinogenesis. The DRR1 protein was preferentially expressed in axonal projections of the central and peripheral nervous system of mice during embryonic days 10.5-16.5. Consistent with this expression pattern, the protein was detected in the neurites of primary cultured cortical neurons of rats at embryonic day 18.5. Survival of these cells was significantly inhibited by RNAi-induced downregulation of DRR1 expression. DRR1 was poorly expressed in established cancer cell lines, including neuroblastoma cells, whereas strong expression was observed in normal cells. A neuroblastoma model, MYCN transgenic mice, revealed that DRR1 protein was expressed in the celiac ganglion 2 weeks after birth when neuroblast hyperplasia was also observed; however, there was no longer any expression of DRR1 protein in tumors originating from the ganglion 8 weeks after birth. Together, our data indicate that DRR1 protein is expressed in normal cells, particularly in the nervous system during embryogenesis, is involved in neuronal cell survival, and is downregulated during neuroblastoma carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

We have investigated indirectly the presence of nitric oxide in the enteric nervous system of the digestive tract of human fetuses and newborns by nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunocytochemistry and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPHd) histochemistry. In the stomach, NOS immunoactivity was confined to the myenteric plexus and nerve fibres in the outer smooth musculature; few immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were found in ganglia of the outer submucous plexus. In the pyloric region, a few nitrergic perikarya were seen in the inner submucous plexus and some immunoreactive fibres were found in the muscularis mucosae. In the small intestine, nitrergic neurons clustered just underneath or above the topographical plane formed by the primary nerve strands of the myenteric plexus up to the 26th week of gestation, after which stage, they occurred throughout the ganglia. Many of their processes contributed to the dense fine-meshed tertiary nerve network of the myenteric plexus and the circular smooth muscle layer. NOS-immunoreactive fibres directed to the circular smooth muscle layer originated from a few NOS-containing perikarya located in the outer submucous plexus. In the colon, caecum and rectum, labelled nerve cells and fibres were numerous in the myenteric plexus; they were also found in the outer submucous plexus. The circular muscle layer had a much denser NOS-immunoreactive innervation than the longitudinally oriented taenia. The marked morphological differences observed between nitrergic neurons within the developing human gastrointestinal tract, together with the typical innervation pattern in the ganglionic and aganglionic nerve networks, support the existenc of distinct subpopulations of NOS-containing enterice neurons acting as interneurons or (inhibitory) motor neurons.  相似文献   

Identification of Acetylcholinesterase Receptors in Rotifera   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
We have identified acetylcholinesterase (AChE) receptors in six freshwater rotifers. Using β-bungarotoxin labelled with fluoresceinisothiocyanate (FITC), muscarinic and nicotinic receptors were found in Brachionus quadridentatus (females and males), Lecane luna, Lecane quadridentata, Plationus patulus, and Rotaria neptunia. Using α-bungarotoxin-FITC, nicotinic receptors were identified in B. quadridentatus, Lecane bulla, L. luna, L. quadridentata, P. patulus and R. neptunia. Concentrations as low as 1.5 nM of β-bungarotoxin, and 5 nM of α-bungarotoxin identified receptors in the digestive tract. Higher concentrations of both toxins identified additional receptors associated with the lorica. A preliminary analysis of fluorescence intensity in L. quadridentata showed that response to α-bungarotoxin increases with age from newborn to 48-h old, but not in older individuals, thus suggesting an increase in binding sites, and possibly in number of nicotinic receptors, during the first 48-h of life. Our study extends the number of rotifer species in which AChE receptors have been reported.  相似文献   

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