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Periophthalmus barbarus Linnaeus, 1766 has many adaptations for amphibious life as a consequence of tidal zone occupation. One of them is the ability to keep a little amount of water and air in mouth while on land or in hypoxic water, correlated with closing a gill lid for gas exchange improvement. It causes that mechanisms of olfactory organ ventilation described in other species of actinopterygians (compression of accessory nasal sac(s) by the skull and jaw elements while mouth and gill lid moving) are not in operation. There is a specific mechanism of olfactory organ ventilation independent on jaw and skull elements movements. Compression of accessory nasal sacs is possible by a0 contraction and it is a movement effect on bones combined by ligaments. This process can be observed on P. barbarus as lifting the rostral part of the head.  相似文献   

The functional morphology of the olfactory organ in Spinachia spinachia (L.), which has only a single nare, was studied by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and experimental investigations. It was shown that only the incoming water passes over the olfactory epithelium. The device for ventilating this olfactory organ is an accessory ventilation sac activated by respiratory pressure changes in the buccal cavity. This one-way water current over the olfactory epithelium in a monotrematous olfactory organ was found to be possible because of the morphology of the olfactory organ combined with movements of the lateral wall of the olfactory organ and the nasal tube during respiration. The olfactory epithelium is divided into irregular islets. Both ciliated receptor cells and microvillous receptor cells are present.  相似文献   

Cover illustration . Skeletal body plan of the Atlantic mudskipper (Periophthalmus barbarus) from a lateral view. The mudskipper uses its fish feeding apparatus to successfully feed in the terrestrial environment. Each color represents a unit of fused or otherwise firmly interconnected ossified structures. Presented from a micro CT‐scan using Amira (FEI Visualization Sciences Group). See Michel et al. (pp. 1145–1160 10.1002/jmor.20291 ) for further details.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(9):1208-1219
The anuran peripheral olfactory system is composed of a number of subsystems, represented by distinct neuroepithelia. These include the main olfactory epithelium and vomeronasal organ (found in most tetrapods) and three specialized epithelia of anurans: the buccal‐exposed olfactory epithelium of larvae, and the olfactory recess and middle chamber epithelium of postmetamorphic animals. To better characterize the developmental changes in these subsystems across the life cycle, morphometric changes of the nasal chemosensory organs during larval development and metamorphosis were analyzed in three different anuran species (Rhinella arenarum , Hypsiboas pulchellus , and Xenopus laevis ). We calculated the volume of the nasal chemosensory organs by measuring the neuroepithelial area from serial histological sections at four different stages. In larvae, the vomeronasal organ was relatively reduced in R. arenarum compared with the other two species; the buccal‐exposed olfactory epithelium was absent in X. laevis , and best developed in H. pulchellus . In postmetamorphic animals, the olfactory epithelium (air‐sensitive organ) was relatively bigger in terrestrial species (R. arenarum and H. pulchellus ), whereas the vomeronasal and the middle chamber epithelia (water‐sensitive organs) was best developed in X. laevis . A small olfactory recess (likely homologous with the middle chamber epithelium) was found in R. arenarum juveniles, but not in H. pulchellus . These results support the association of the vomeronasal and middle chamber epithelia with aquatic olfaction, as seen by their enhanced development in the secondarily aquatic juveniles of X. laevis . They also support a role for the larval buccal‐exposed olfactory epithelium in assessment of oral contents: it was absent in X. laevis , an obligate suspension feeder, while present in the two grazing species. These initial quantitative results give, for the first time, insight into the functional importance of the peripheral olfactory subsystems across the anuran life cycle.  相似文献   

The Korean shuttles mudskipper Periophthalmus modestus has paired olfactory organs on its snout, consisting of anterior and posterior nostrils, a single olfactory canal with sensory and nonsensory epithelia, and a single accessory nasal sac. Its sensory epithelium consists of numerous islets forming a pseudostratified layer and contains various cells: olfactory receptor neurons, supporting cells, basal cells, lymphatic cells (LCs), and axon bundles. The sensory epithelium is a stratified squamous layer comprising stratified epithelial cells, mucous cells (MCs) with glycogen, flattened cells (FCs), LCs, and unidentified cells. Specific structures are as follows: (a) a tubular anterior nostril projecting outward, (b) a slit posterior nostril, (c) an elongated olfactory canal, (d) an ethmoidal accessory nasal sac, (e) axon bundles found only in the basal layer of the sensory epithelium, (f) FCs only at the top of the nonsensory epithelium, and (g) glycogen-containing MCs. Such structures seem to be unique in that they have not been observed in most teleost fishes spending their whole life in water.  相似文献   

Jungblut, L.D., Pozzi, A.G. and Paz, D.A. 2010. Larval development and metamorphosis of the olfactory and vomeronasal organs in the toad Rhinella (Bufo) arenarum (Hensel, 1867). — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 305–315. The olfactory and the vomeronasal system are the two major chemosensory systems found in terrestrial vertebrates. Among tetrapods, amphibians are unique in having an aquatic larval stage, followed by metamorphosis to a terrestrial adult. In the present work, we studied the histological development of the olfactory and vomeronasal organ and associated multicellular glands of the toad Rhinella (Bufo) arenarum, from early poshatching larva to postmetamorphic toadlets. As in other bufonids, the olfactory epithelium of R. arenarum in larvae is divided into dorsal and ventral branches in the rostral and mid‐nasal regions. At metamorphic climax, the larval pattern changes drastically and the adult olfactory configuration develops. Bowman’s glands appear in the olfactory epithelium of R. arenarum at the onset of metamorphic climax. The vomeronasal epithelium develops early in larval development in R. arenarum, around the time of operculum development. Interestingly, a novel sensory epithelium develops in the floor of the principal chamber of R. arenarum at metamorphic climax. This novel sensory epithelium resembles larval sensory epithelium lacking Bowman’s glands, and suggests that these animals would be able to sense not only air‐borne, but also water‐borne odors during their adult terrestrial life.  相似文献   

Most vertebrates have two olfactory organs, the olfactory epithelium (OE) and the vomeronasal organ. African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, which spends their entire life in water, have three types of olfactory sensory epithelia: the OE, the middle chamber epithelium (MCE) and the vomeronasal epithelium (VNE). The axons from these epithelia project to the dorsal part of the main olfactory bulb (d-MOB), the ventral part of the MOB (v-MOB) and the accessory olfactory bulb, respectively. In the MCE, which is thought to function in water, two types of receptor neurons (RNs) are intermingled and express one of two types of G-proteins, Golf and Go, respectively. However, axonal projections from these RNs to the v-MOB are not fully understood. In this study, we examined the expression of G-proteins by immunohistochemistry to reveal the projection pattern of olfactory RNs of Xenopus laevis, especially those in the MCE. The somata of Golf- and Go-positive RNs were separately situated in the upper and lower layers of the MCE. The former were equipped with cilia and the latter with microvilli on their apical surface. These RNs are suggested to project to the rostromedial and the caudolateral regions of the v-MOB, respectively. Such segregation patterns observed in the MCE and v-MOB are also present in the OE and olfactory bulbs of most bony fish. Thus, Xenopus laevis is a very interesting model to understand the evolution of vertebrate olfactory systems because they have a primitive, fish-type olfactory system in addition to the mammalian-type olfactory system.  相似文献   

The structure of the olfactory organ in larvae and adults of the basal anuran Ascaphus truei was examined using light micrography, electron micrography, and resin casts of the nasal cavity. The larval olfactory organ consists of nonsensory anterior and posterior nasal tubes connected to a large, main olfactory cavity containing olfactory epithelium; the vomeronasal organ is a ventrolateral diverticulum of this cavity. A small patch of olfactory epithelium (the “epithelial band”) also is present in the preoral buccal cavity, anterolateral to the choana. The main olfactory epithelium and epithelial band have both microvillar and ciliated receptor cells, and both microvillar and ciliated supporting cells. The epithelial band also contains secretory ciliated supporting cells. The vomeronasal epithelium contains only microvillar receptor cells. After metamorphosis, the adult olfactory organ is divided into the three typical anuran olfactory chambers: the principal, middle, and inferior cavities. The anterior part of the principal cavity contains a “larval type” epithelium that has both microvillar and ciliated receptor cells and both microvillar and ciliated supporting cells, whereas the posterior part is lined with an “adult‐type” epithelium that has only ciliated receptor cells and microvillar supporting cells. The middle cavity is nonsensory. The vomeronasal epithelium of the inferior cavity resembles that of larvae but is distinguished by a novel type of microvillar cell. The presence of two distinct types of olfactory epithelium in the principal cavity of adult A. truei is unique among previously described anuran olfactory organs. A comparative review suggests that the anterior olfactory epithelium is homologous with the “recessus olfactorius” of other anurans and with the accessory nasal cavity of pipids and functions to detect water‐borne odorants. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the structure of the olfactory organ, its accessory parts and the forebrain in the deep-sea fishAphanopus carbo. On each side of the head only one opening leads to the olfactory chamber. The olfactory folds are arranged in a rosette-like pattern, resembling the 360°-type. Secondary folds on the main folds may serve as an enlargement of the surface of the olfactory epithelium. Most of the surface area of the olfactory folds is covered by the olfactory epithelium, indicating that the receptive area is of optimal extension. The histological structure of the olfactory epithelium is similar to that in other teleost species. The number of olfactory receptors amounts to about 5×106 to 107 for the single organ. Numerous secretory cells of unknown function are located within the olfactory epithelium. The olfactory chamber is enlarged by three accessory sacs: Two ethmoidal sacs and one lacrymal sac (consisting of two parts). These sacs serve as ventilation aparatus which causes a permanent water current within the olfactory chamber and between the olfactory folds. The action of the accessory sacs is induced by the splanchnokinetic. The forebrain ofAphanopus carbo is well developed; its size ranges between that of forebrains in microsmatic and macrosmatic teleost species. A detailed investigation of the forebrain is in preparation. The diagnosis of the different parts of the olfactory apparatus ofAphanopus carbo demonstrates clearly that — in addition to the eye — this sense organ is well developed (relative to that in other teleosts). This fact suggests thatAphanopus carbo is related to a group of teleost species characterized by optical and olfactory orientation mechanisms of high performance.  相似文献   

The oval olfactory rosette of the carp Labeo rohita belongs to Burne's ('09) rosette column one or to Bateson's (1889) rosette type three. The total olfactory area of the fish is greater than its total retinal area; however, it has been classified with Teichmann's ('54) group of eye-nose fishes. Each olfactory chamber communicates with an anterior, ventral accessory sac; in spite of Burne's ('09) observation that accessory sacs are absent in carps. Movements of the jaw bones dilate and compress the accessory sac. Water is drawn in through the posterior opening (and not through the anterior as suggested by Liermann, '33, and Johnson and Brown, '62) and also expelled through it when the mouth opens and closes for normal respiratory function. Hence, the accessory sac does not draw water across the olfactory rosette through the anterior opening. At intervals, the fish opens its mouth full and wide and draws water into the chamber through the anterior opening as well.  相似文献   

In this study we use a taxon-based approach to examine previous, as well as new findings on several topics pertaining to the peripheral olfactory components in teleost fishes. These topics comprise (1) the gross anatomy of the peripheral olfactory organ, including olfactory sensory neuron subtypes and their functional parameters, (2) the ultrastructure of the olfactory epithelium, and (3) recent findings regarding the development of the nasal cavity and the olfactory epithelium. The teleosts are living ray-finned fish, and include descendants of early-diverging orders (e.g., salmon), specialized descendants (e.g., goldfish and zebrafish), as well as the Acanthopterygii, numerous species with sharp bony rays, including perch, stickleback, bass and tuna. Our survey reveals that the olfactory epithelium lines a multi-lamellar olfactory rosette in many teleosts. In Acanthopterygii, there are also examples of flat, single, double or triple folded olfactory epithelia. Diverse species ventilate the olfactory chamber with a single accessory nasal sac, whereas the presence of two sacs is confined to species within the Acanthopterygii. Recent studies in salmonids and cyprinids have shown that both ciliated olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) and microvillous OSNs respond to amino acid odorants. Bile acids stimulate ciliated OSNs, and nucleotides activate microvillous OSNs. G-protein coupled odorant receptor molecules (OR-, V1R-, and V2R-types) have been identified in several teleost species. Ciliated OSNs express the G-protein subunit Gαolf/s, which activates cyclic AMP during transduction. Localization of G protein subunits Gα0 and Gαq/11 to microvillous or crypt OSNs, varies among different species. All teleost species appear to have microvillous and ciliated OSNs. The recently discovered crypt OSN is likewise found broadly. There is surprising diversity during ontogeny. In some species, OSNs and supporting cells derive from placodal cells; in others, supporting cells develop from epithelial (skin) cells. In some, epithelial cells covering the developing olfactory epithelium degenerate, in others, these retract. Likewise, there are different mechanisms for nostril formation. We conclude that there is considerable diversity in gross anatomy and development of the peripheral olfactory organ in teleosts, yet conservation of olfactory sensory neuron morphology. There is not sufficient information to draw conclusions regarding the diversity of teleost olfactory receptors or transduction cascades.  相似文献   

The olfactory epithelium and the vomeronasal organ of the Japanese striped snake were examined by lectin histochemistry. Of the 21 lectins used in the study, all lectins except succinylated‐wheat germ agglutinin (s‐WGA) showed similar binding patterns in the vomeronasal receptor cells and the olfactory receptor cells with varying intensities. The binding patterns of s‐WGA varied among individuals in the vomeronasal and olfactory receptor cells, respectively. Four lectins, Bandeiraea simplicifolia lectin‐II (BSL‐II), Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), Sophora japonica agglutinin (SJA), and Erythrina cristagalli lectin (ECL) stained secretory granules and the organelles in the olfactory supporting cells and did not stain them in the vomeronasal supporting cells. These results suggest that the glycoconjugate moieties are similar in the vomeronasal and olfactory receptor cells of the Japanese striped snake. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Using histological techniques and computer‐aided three‐dimensional reconstructions of histological serial sections, we studied the development of the olfactory and vomeronasal organs in the discoglossid frog Discoglossus pictus. The olfactory epithelium in larval D. pictus represents one continuous unit of tissue not divided into two separate portions. However, a small pouch of olfactory epithelium (the “ventromedial diverticulum”) is embedded into the roof of the buccal cavity, anteromedial to the internal naris. The lateral appendix is present in D. pictus through the entire larval period and disappears during the onset of metamorphosis. The disappearance of the lateral appendix at this time suggests that it is a typical larval organ related to aquatic life. The vomeronasal organ develops during hindlimb development, which is comparatively late for anurans. The development of the vomeronasal organ in D. pictus follows the same general developmental pattern recognized for neobatrachians. As with most anurans, the vomeronasal glands appear later than the vomeronasal organ. After metamorphosis, the olfactory organ of adult D. pictus is composed of a series of three interconnected chambers: the cavum principale, cavum medium, and cavum inferius. We suggest that the ventromedial diverticulum at the anterior border of the internal naris of larval D. pictus might be homologous with the ventral olfactory epithelium of bufonids and with the similar diverticulum of Alytes. J. Morphol. 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

N‐myc belongs to the myc proto‐oncogene family, which is involved in numerous cellular processes such as proliferation, growth, apoptosis, and differentiation. Conditional deletion of N‐myc in the mouse nervous system disrupted brain development, indicating that N‐myc plays an essential role during neural development. How the development of the olfactory epithelium and neurogenesis within are affected by the loss of N‐myc has, however, not been determined. To address these issues, we examined an N‐mycFoxg1Cre conditional mouse line, in which N‐myc is depleted in the olfactory epithelium. First changes in N‐myc mutants were detected at E11.5, with reduced proliferation and neurogenesis in a slightly smaller olfactory epithelium. The phenotype was more pronounced at E13.5, with a complete lack of Hes5‐positive progenitor cells, decreased proliferation, and neurogenesis. In addition, stereological analyses revealed reduced cell size of post‐mitotic neurons in the olfactory epithelium, which contributed to a smaller olfactory pit. Furthermore, we observed diminished proliferation and neurogenesis also in the vomeronasal organ, which likewise was reduced in size. In addition, the generation of gonadotropin‐releasing hormone neurons was severely reduced in N‐myc mutants. Thus, diminished neurogenesis and proliferation in combination with smaller neurons might explain the morphological defects in the N‐myc depleted olfactory structures. Moreover, our results suggest an important role for N‐myc in regulating ongoing neurogenesis, in part by maintaining the Hes5‐positive progenitor pool. In summary, our results provide evidence that N‐myc deficiency in the olfactory epithelium progressively diminishes proliferation and neurogenesis with negative consequences at structural and cellular levels. © 2013 The Authors. Developmental Neurobiology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 643–656, 2014  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(12):1726-1738
In viviparous, teleost fish, with postfertilization maternal nutrient provisioning, embryonic structures that facilitate maternal‐fetal nutrient transfer are predicted to be present. For the family Poeciliidae, only a handful of morphological studies have explored these embryonic specializations. Here, we present a comparative morphological study in the viviparous poeciliid genus, Poeciliopsis . Using microscopy techniques, we examine the embryonic surface epidermis of Poeciliopsis species that vary in their level of postfertilization maternal nutrient provisioning and placentation across two phylogenetic clades and three independent evolutionary origins of placentation. We focus on surface features of the embryo that may facilitate maternal‐fetal nutrient transfer. Specifically, we studied cell apical‐surface morphology associated with the superficial epithelium that covers the body and sac (yolk and pericardial) of embryos at different developmental stages. Scanning electron microscopy revealed common surface epithelial cells across species, including pavement cells with apical‐surface microridges or microvilli and presumed ionocytes and/or mucus‐secreting cells. For three species, in the mid‐stage embryos, the surface of the body and sac were covered in microvillus epithelium. The remaining species did not display microvillus epithelium at any of the stages examined. Instead, their epithelium of the body and sac were composed of cells with apical‐surface microridges. For all species, in the late stage embryos, the surface of the body proper was composed of apical‐surface microridges in a “fingerprint‐like arrangement.” Despite the differences in the surface epithelium of embryos across Poeciliopsis species and embryonic developmental stages, this variation was not associated with the level of postfertilization maternal nutrient provisioning. We discuss these results in light of previous morphological studies of matrotrophic, teleost fish, phylogenetic relationships of Poeciliopsis species, and our earlier comparative microscopy work on the maternal tissue of the Poeciliopsis placenta.  相似文献   

Theisen, B., Breucker, H., Zeiske, E., Melinkat, R. 1980. Structure and development of the olfactory organ in the garfish Belone belone (L.) (Teleostei, Atheriniformes). (Institute of Comparative Anatomy, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Anatomisches Institut, Universität Hamburg, and Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Universität Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany.) — Acta zool. (Stockh.) 61(3): 161–170. The structure and development of the olfactory organ in the garfish Belone belone (L.) were studied by light and electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). The olfactory organ has the shape of an open groove with a protruding papilla. In embryos and early juveniles the groove is smooth and is provided with a continuous sensory epithelium. During ontogenesis the papilla develops and the composition of the epithelium is changed as areas of nonsensory epithelium appear and eventually separate the sensory epithelium into islets. In adults the sensory epithelium consists of supporting, basal, and two types of receptor cells, ciliated and microvillous. In juveniles also ciliated nonsensory cells are present. This difference can be correlated with differing locomotory habits of adults and juveniles. The receptor cilia show a 9 + 0 microtubular pattern while the nonsensory cilia have the general 9 + 2 pattern. Deviating dendritic endings were found and are considered an indication of ongoing cell dynamics.  相似文献   

实验用鱼为全长35.5~40.0 cm的野生鲻(Mugil cephalus),采用石蜡切片以及透射电镜技术对鲻的嗅囊以及嗅板细胞进行观察。结果表明:鲻的嗅觉器官由左右两个呈扁平椭球形嗅囊构成,分别由前后两个鼻孔与外界相通。嗅囊长径与眼径之比为0.80,长径与短径之比为2.09。嗅囊的嗅轴左右两边分别有垂直于嗅轴并向上倾斜排列整齐的18~25个披针形嗅板,只有初级嗅板未见次级嗅板。嗅板由中央髓和两侧的嗅上皮两部分构成,中央髓由疏松的结缔组织和毛细血管组成。嗅上皮又分为感觉区和非感觉区,感觉区位于嗅板的内侧,具有发达纤毛,呈连续分布状态,非感觉区位于嗅板边缘,细胞纤毛较少。通过光镜和电镜的综合研究结果显示嗅上皮细胞大致可分为5类:基细胞、支持细胞、纤毛非感觉细胞、纤毛感觉细胞和柱状细胞。文章讨论了鲻的感官活动类型。  相似文献   

We cloned three putative odorant receptor (OR) genes from the zebrafish to use as in situ hybridization probes to follow the temporal patterns of neurons expressing OR genes through a developmental progression from embryo (12 h postfertilization) to adult. The identification of these genes is supported by sequence homology to previously reported ORs and by the morphology and location of labeled cells in in situ hybridization experiments. Cells expressing OR mRNA were first observed in the olfactory placodes between 31 and 38 h after fertilization (fish reared at 26°C). Initially, only single cells were observed to hybridize the probe; the number of labeled cells increased throughout the remainder of embryogenesis and through postembryonic growth and morphogenesis of the olfactory organ. At all ages, the positively hybridizing cells were scattered throughout the olfactory epithelium but not in the nonsensory epithelium of the olfactory organ. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The structures of the female reproductive system (ovary, oviduct and cloaca) of Ichthyophis supachaii were investigated by dissection, histology and light microscopy. Paired, elongated, sac‐like ovaries are parallel to the gut and fat bodies. Follicle stages include germinal nests of oogonia and primary oocytes, early and late previtellogenic follicles, early and late vitellogenic follicles and atretic follicles. Germinal nests of oogonia comprise oogonia and prefollicular cells. Nests of primary oocytes contain clusters of synchronously developing primary oocytes enclosed by connective tissue. Primary oocytes are associated with follicular cells. Previtellogenic follicles initially form the vitelline envelope, theca cell layers and patches of ooplasmic glycoproteins. Vitellogenic follicles contain heterogeneously sized spherical yolk granules. Atresia is present in several stages of developing follicles. The oviduct is divided into the anterior, middle and posterior parts. All oviductal parts are lined by non‐ciliated epithelium. A small number of mucous cells are present in the middle part. The cloaca of female I. supachaii is divided into the anterior and posterior chambers. The anterior chamber is lined by glandular stratified columnar epithelium, while the posterior chamber has stratified cuboidal epithelium with less mucus production. Our results contribute to useful information on the reproductive biology of caecilians.  相似文献   

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