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An effective DNA extraction protocol for brown algae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Successful extraction of total DNA from brown algae, which are generally polysaccharide and polyphenol rich, is often problematic using current methods. Persistent polysaccharide and polyphenolic compounds can hinder further application of modern molecular techniques requisite to molecular‐based evolutionary studies. Our broad and long‐term research goals with fucalean taxa, especially Sargassum, and problems with existing DNA extraction methods were an impetus to develop a reliable DNA extraction method. Initial research established hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) based total‐DNA methods as the most viable for further empirical development. Several constituents effective at either complexing secondary compounds or creating a reductive extraction environment were increased in concentration or added to the extraction buffer. These seemingly minor changes resulted in the creation of a highly reductive extraction buffer and effective total‐ DNA harvesting technique. We detail these modifications and demonstrate the reliability of the modified protocol with a variety of brown algae and tissue preservation methods. Such DNA is shown to be suitable for a variety of molecular techniques.  相似文献   

DNA条形码在鞘翅目昆虫分子系统学研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张媛  郭晓华  刘广纯  张卓 《昆虫知识》2011,48(2):410-416
近年来,DNA条形码(DNA Barcoding)技术已经成为生物分类学研究中备受关注的新型技术,并在鞘翅目昆虫系统发育研究中得到广泛应用。本文总结了鞘翅目昆虫DNA条形码研究所用COⅠ基因序列,概述了DNA条形码在鞘翅目昆虫的物种分类鉴定、发现新种和隐存种、系统发育关系研究等方面的应用,并对DNA条形码研究技术新进展和标准序列筛选需要注意的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

To choose one or more appropriate molecular markers or gene regions for resolving a particular systematic question among the organisms at a certain categorical level is still a very difficult process. The primary goal of this review, therefore, is to provide a theoretical information in choosing one or more molecular markers or gene regions by illustrating general properties and phylogenetic utilities of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that have been most commonly used for phylogenetic researches. The highly conserved molecular markers and/or gene regions are useful for investigating phylogenetic relationships at higher categorical levels (deep branches of evolutionary history). On the other hand, the hypervariable molecular markers and/or gene regions are useful for elucidating phylogenetic relationships at lower categorical levels (recently diverged branches). In summary, different selective forces have led to the evolution of various molecular markers or gene regions with varying degrees of sequence conservation. Thus, appropriate molecular markers or gene regions should be chosen with even greater caution to deduce true phylogenetic relationships over a broad taxonomic spectrum.  相似文献   

Increased expression of DNA repair genes contributes to the extreme resistance shown by melanoma to conventional DNA-damaging chemotherapeutics. One such chemotherapeutic effective against a range of other cancers, but not melanoma, is cisplatin. The DNA repair protein, ERCC1, is needed to remove cisplatin-induced DNA damage. We have shown that ERCC1 is essential for melanoma growth and resistance to cisplatin in a mouse xenograft model. Untreated xenografts of our transformed Ercc1-proficient melanocyte cell line grew very rapidly as malignant melanoma. Cisplatin treatment caused initial shrinkage of xenografts, but cisplatin-resistant regrowth soon followed. Cells reisolated into culture had twofold elevated levels of ERCC1 compared to both input cells and cells reisolated from untreated xenografts. An isogenic Ercc1-deficient derivative grew equally well in vitro as the Ercc1-proficient melanocyte cell line. However, in xenografts, the Ercc1-deficient melanomas were much slower to establish and were completely cured by just two cisplatin treatments.  相似文献   

为了研究大林姬鼠两亚种(韩国的指名亚种及中国东北和内蒙古地区的东北亚种)线粒体DNA 的变异程度并确定朝鲜亚种的分类地位,我们分别将来自韩国和中国东北长白山地区的两亚种的线粒体DNA 的细胞色素b 基因和控制区进行了测序分析。我们将测序所得到细胞色素b 基因序列与来自基因库的大林姬鼠5 个亚种的相应的单倍型进行了分析,结果显示大林姬鼠可分为4 个类群[类群1:韩国大林姬鼠指名亚种;类群2:中国长白山和内蒙古地区的东北亚种、俄罗斯外加贝尔的majuculus 亚种;类群3:中国长春的东北亚种、俄罗斯Primorye(俄罗斯远东地区) rufulus 亚种、俄罗斯库页岛(俄罗斯远东地区)和日本北海道地区的giliacus 亚种;类群4:中国黑龙江海林地区的东北亚种]。线粒体的控制区序列分析显示韩国指名亚种也不同于中国东北地区的东北亚种。本研究的类群1,2 和3 与Serizawa et al. (2002)的研究的K、S 和R 的分支相对应。这表明韩国指名亚种(类群1 和分支K)的线粒体DNA 与其他类群不同。另外,我们还发现在细胞色素b 基因构建的系统树中,东北亚种可以与类群2 (分支S)及类群3 (分支R 的不同亚种聚合在一起。我们认为线粒体DNA 的母性遗传与两个相邻亚种的个体之间的种内杂交造成了基于细胞色素b 序列对东北亚种的聚类分析结果与基于形态学特征的分类结果的不一致。因此,我们提出对这些显示出核苷酸序列多样性的东北亚种不能只用细胞色素b的数据进行亚种分类,还应该结合形态学和核DNA 特征进行进一步分析。最后,我们还发现韩国的指名亚种的细胞色素b 序列在平均距离16. 93% 的基础上不同于来自基因库的A. speciosus。Jones and Johnson (1965)指出了韩国的大林姬鼠在形态上的区别,所以我们认为韩国的大林姬鼠指名亚种A. p. peninsulae 是一种具有形态和遗传特异性的地方亚种。  相似文献   

The interaction mechanism and binding mode of capecitabine with ctDNA was extensively investigated using docking and molecular dynamics simulations, fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, DNA thermal denaturation studies, and viscosity measurements. The possible binding mode and acting forces on the combination between capecitabine and DNA had been predicted through molecular simulation. Results indicated that capecitabine could relatively locate stably in the G-C base-pairs-rich DNA minor groove by hydrogen bond and several weaker nonbonding forces. Fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime measurements confirmed that the quenching was static caused by ground state complex formation. This phenomenon indicated the formation of a complex between capecitabine and ctDNA. Fluorescence data showed that the binding constants of the complex were approximately 2 × 104 M?1. Calculated thermodynamic parameters suggested that hydrogen bond was the main force during binding, which were consistent with theoretical results. Moreover, CD spectroscopy, DNA melting studies, and viscosity measurements corroborated a groove binding mode of capecitabine with ctDNA. This binding had no effect on B-DNA conformation.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of present-day brown bears (Ursus arctos) has been extensively studied over the years and appears to be geographically structured into five main clades. The question of the past diversity of the species has been recently addressed by ancient DNA studies that concluded to a relative genetic stability over the last 35,000 years. However, the post-last glacial maximum genetic diversity of the species still remains poorly documented, notably in the Old World. Here, we analyse Atlas brown bears, which became extinct during the Holocene period. A divergent brown bear mitochondrial DNA lineage not present in any of the previously studied modern or ancient bear samples was uncovered, suggesting that the diversity of U. arctos was larger in the past than it is now. Specifically, a significant portion (with respect to sequence divergence) of the intraspecific diversity of the brown bear was lost with the extinction of the Atlas brown bear after the Pleistocene/Holocene transition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Feathers are increasingly collected as a nondestructive source of DNA for avian genetic research. Although feather samples are not optimal in some important ways than more robust blood or tissue samples, feather sampling requires less training for field workers, results in shorter handling times for the organism, generates no hazardous wastes, and requires simpler storage procedures. Along with these largely positive attributes comes a set of challenges, particularly the relatively low copy number of DNA present in feather samples. We compared the utility and reliability of feathers to the more traditional blood samples as sources of DNA for polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based molecular sexing of Black-capped Chickadees ( Poecile atricapilla ). DNA from 102 individuals was extracted separately from both single rectrices and from blood samples, and the sex of each bird was then determined using standard PCR-based methods. We found complete agreement between sex determinations based on feather versus blood DNA extractions. Slight variations in lab protocols were necessary to obtain consistent results from these two DNA sources; and we briefly discuss other sources of error that could occur in feather-based molecular sexing studies. This controlled comparison of feather versus blood samples demonstrates that plucked rectrices provide a highly reliable source of DNA for molecular sexing of wild birds.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most abundant form of genetic variation. SNPs are important markers that link sequence variations to phenotypic changes. Because of the importance of SNPs in the life and medical sciences, a great deal of effort has been devoted to developing accurate, rapid, and cost-effective technologies for SNP analysis. In this article, we describe a novel method for SNP genotyping based on differential fluorescence emission due to cleavage by Thermus thermophilus RNase HII (TthRNase HII) of DNA heteroduplexes containing an SNP site-specific chimeric DNA-rN1-DNA molecular beacon (cMB). We constructed a loop sequence for a cMB that contains a single SNP-specific ribonucleotide at the central site. When the cMB probe is hybridized to a target double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), a perfect match of the cMB/DNA duplex permits efficient cleavage with TthRNase HII, whereas a mismatch in the duplex due to an SNP greatly reduces efficiency. Cleavage efficiency is measured by the incremental difference of fluorescence emission of the beacon. We show that the genotypes of 10 individuals at 12 SNP sites across a series of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) can be determined correctly with respect to conventional DNA sequencing. This novel TthRNase HII-based method offers a platform for easy and accurate SNP analysis.  相似文献   

In the search for drugs with anti-trypanosome activity, we had previously synthesized two series of platinum and palladium analogous compounds of the formula [MIICl2(HL)], where HL were bioactive 5-nitrofuryl or 5-nitroacroleine thiosemicarbazone derivatives. In this work, we thoroughly characterized [MIICl2(HL)] complexes interaction with DNA by using different techniques: gel electrophoresis, DNA viscosity measurements, circular dichroism (CD) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Electrophoresis results showed that all complexes induced a withdrawal of DNA superhelicity demonstrated by a decrease in electrophoretic mobility of supercoiled DNA form. This effect on migration was dependent on dose but also on the nature of both the metal and the ligand. In general, the effect produced by palladium complexes was significantly more intense than that observed for the corresponding platinum analogs. Differences between palladium and platinum complexes were also observed in CD experiments. While palladium complexes induce evident calf thymus (CT)-DNA profile changes compatible with B-DNA to Z-DNA conformational transition, no clear effect was observed for platinum ones. Additionally, AFM studies showed that changes in the shape of plasmid DNA, like supercoiling, kinks and thickness increase resulted more intense for the former. In addition, either Pd or Pt complexes increased the viscosity of CT DNA solutions in a concentration dependent manner. Although the nature of DNA interaction of both series of analogous palladium and platinum complexes seemed to be similar, an explanation for the observed differential intensity of the effect could be related to the known kinetic stability differences between palladium and platinum compounds.  相似文献   

We present five case studies among articulate (rhynchonelliform) brachiopods, i.e. of Rhynchonellida, Cancellothyridoidea, Terebratuloidea, Dyscolioidea, Laqueoidea, and various terebratulids with modified long‐loops, in an attempt to illustrate and better understand congruence and conflict between morpho‐classification and rDNA‐based molecular clade structure, having been prompted to address these issues by difficulties encountered when describing the newly collected brachiopod, E biscothyris bellonensis gen. et sp. nov. The five studies reveal dramatic conflict in the Rhynchonellida and Terebratuloidea/Dyscolioidea, good congruence in the Cancellothyridoidea and Laqueoidea, and fair congruence (albeit with weak phylogenetic signal) in the long‐looped terebratulids. We suggest that the leading cause of the observed conflict lies in the use of inadequately specific morphological characters and morpho‐classification. Phylogenetic systematic (cladistic) analyses of Rhynchonellida also conflict markedly with the rDNA gene tree, leading us to recognize that such analyses are not only conceptually circular (using morphological characters to assess a morphological classification) but also to propose that they are biased by the act of classification that necessarily precedes the identification of putatively homologous characters; when the prior classification does not reflect evolutionary history, phylogenetic analysis will do likewise. In addition, we propose that the brachiopod community has overlooked the significance of two sources of morphological homoplasy affecting brachiopod systematics: (1) the loss of co‐adapted genomic complexes caused by mass extinctions at the end of the Permian; and (2) the pervasive consequences of developmental integration and constraint resulting from the integrated roles of the outer mantle epithelium in shell deposition and growth that underly the determination of form and the shell‐based classification. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Recently, we identified the mimotope UH‐CIS6 as a novel candidate antibody target for clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) and relapsing‐remitting (RR) multiple sclerosis (MS). The purpose of this study was to further validate UH‐CIS6 as an antibody target for CIS and MS and to identify the in vivo antibody target of UH‐CIS6. First, a UH‐CIS6 peptide ELISA was optimized. Next, we investigated the antibody response toward UH‐CIS6 in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with CIS (= 20), MS (= 43) and other neurological diseases (= 42). Immunoprecipitation of anti‐UH‐CIS6 antibodies on a normal human brain lysate was performed to identify the in vivo antibody target of UH‐CIS6. The cellular expression of an in vivo candidate target was investigated by immunohistochemistry using MS brain tissue sections. Antibody reactivity toward UH‐CIS6 was detected in a significantly increased proportion of CSF samples from CIS and RR‐MS patients as compared with neurological controls (= 0.046). We identified and confirmed coronin‐1a as the in vivo antibody target for UH‐CIS6. Furthermore, coronin‐1a was expressed by T cells and macrophages in an active MS lesion. Together, these results demonstrate that coronin‐1a is a novel antibody target for CIS and MS.  相似文献   

A laboratory colony was established in order to enable molecular sexing in premature stages in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. We found four male-specific amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) in the planthopper, and sequenced one of the AFLPs along with its 5' flanking region (1,423 bp in total). PCR primers were designed based on the nucleotide sequence information so that the PCR product was present in male planthoppers and absent in female planthoppers. However, we could not completely distinguish males from females, because the PCR amplification product was absent in some of the males screened. We, therefore, established a laboratory colony, in which all males carried this sequence. We can directly sex pre-adult stages in this colony using our PCR primers, making this strain of considerable value for studies that require sex separation in egg and nymphal stages.  相似文献   


The binding characteristics of calf thymus DNA (ct-DNA) with dasatinib (DSTN), a tyrosine kinase inhibitor was assessed through multi-spectroscopic methodologies and viscosity measurement combined with molecular docking as well as DFT calculation to understand the binding mechanism, affinity of DSTN onto ct-DNA, effect of DSTN on ct-DNA conformation, and among others. The results confirmed DSTN bound onto ct-DNA, leading to forming the DSTN–ct-DNA complex with the binding constant of 4.82?×?103 M?1 at 310?K. DSTN preferentially inserted to the minor groove of ct-DNA with rich A-T region, that was the binding mode of DSTN onto ct-DNA was groove binding. The enthalpic change (ΔH0) and entropic change (ΔS0) during the binding process of DSTN with ct-DNA were 128.9?kJ mol?1 and 489.2?J mol?1 K?1, respectively, confirming clearly that the association of DSTN with ct-DNA was an endothermic process and the dominative driven-force was hydrophobic interaction. Meanwhile, the results also indicated that there was a certain extent of electrostatic force and hydrogen bonding, but they maybe play an auxiliary role. The CD measurement results confirmed the alteration in the helical configuration of ct-DNA but almost no change in the base stacking after binding DSTN. The results revealed that there was the obvious change in the conformation, the dipole moment, and the atomic charge distribution of DSTN in the B-DNA complexes, compared with free DSTN, to satisfy the conformational adaptation. From the obtained fronitier molecular orbitals of DSTN, it can be inferred that the nature of DSTN alters with the change of the environment around DSTN.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

The generation of a species-rich DNA barcode database in combination with rapid and affordable sequencing techniques will dramatically change specimen identification in ecological, biogeographical and taxonomic applications. Though cytochrome c oxidase 1 has been shown to be a useful tool for differentiating some groups of marine algae, its wide application in the Phaeophyceae has yet to be studied. The presence of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inhibiting compounds in members of the Fucales, Laminariales and Tilopteridales, that are often co-extracted with DNA, has hampered the rapid processing associated with barcode projects. Polyphenolics and polysaccharides are present in concentrations such that DNA extraction methods typically include extensive series of washes, organelle extractions and/or cesium columns. In this paper we examine the utility of cytochrome c oxidase 1 for barcoding the Phaeophyceae and present a method for extracting PCR friendly DNA from brown macroalgae in about 2 h, dramatically reducing the time required from previous methods, some of which take days. This method is easily adapted to a 96 well, high-throughput format and may have applications in other organisms where the presence of similar PCR inhibiting compounds hinders molecular analyses. We extracted DNA from 106 isolates representing 29 species from 20 genera in nine families from five orders of Phaeophyceae. We were able to amplify the barcode marker (cytochrome c oxidase 1) from all samples and a nuclear marker (internal transcribed spacer region) from 54 selected samples. Cytochrome c oxidase 1 was able to differentiate clearly among species, showing within species divergence of 0.00–0.46%, with the exception of one previously studied genus, and between species divergences of greater than 3%.  相似文献   

With recent advances in molecular biology, it is now possible to use the trace amounts of DNA in faeces to non-invasively sample endangered species for genetic studies. A highly vulnerable population of approximately 100 great bustards (Otis tarda) exists in Morocco necessitating the use of non-invasive protocols to study their genetic structure. Here we report a reliable silica-based method to extract DNA from great bustard faeces. We found that successful extraction and amplification correlated strongly with faeces freshness and composition. We could not extract amplifiable DNA from 30% of our samples as they were dry or contained insect material. However 100% of our fresh faecal samples containing no obvious insect material worked, allowing us to assess the levels of genetic variation among 25 individuals using a 542 bp control region sequence. We were able to extract DNA from four out of five other avian species, demonstrating that faeces represents a suitable source of DNA for population genetics studies in a broad range of species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ciliates are a major evolutionary lineage within the alveolates, which are distributed in nearly all habitats on our planet and are an essential component for ecosystem function, processes and stability. Accurate identification of these unicellular eukaryotes through, for example, microscopy or mating type reactions is reserved to few specialists. To satisfy the demand for a DNA barcode for ciliates, which meets the standard criteria for DNA barcodes defined by the Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL), we here evaluated the D1‐D2 region of the ribosomal DNA large subunit (LSU‐rDNA). Primer universality for the phylum Ciliophora was tested in silico with available database sequences as well as in the laboratory with 73 ciliate species, which represented nine of 12 ciliate classes. Primers tested in this study were successful for all tested classes. To test the ability of the D1‐D2 region to resolve conspecific and congeneric sequence divergence, 63 Paramecium strains were sampled from 24 mating species. The average conspecific D1‐D2 variation was 0.18%, whereas congeneric sequence divergence averaged 4.83%. In pairwise genetic distance analyses, we identified a D1‐D2 sequence divergence of <0.6% as an ideal threshold to discriminate Paramecium species. Using this definition, only 3.8% of all conspecific and 3.9% of all congeneric sequence comparisons had the potential of false assignments. Neighbour‐joining analyses inferred monophyly for all taxa but for two Paramecium octaurelia strains. Here, we present a protocol for easy DNA amplification of single cells and voucher deposition. In conclusion, the presented data pinpoint the D1‐D2 region as an excellent candidate for an official CBOL barcode for ciliated protists.  相似文献   

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