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Male Weaponry in a Fighting Cricket   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sexually selected male weaponry is widespread in nature. Despite being model systems for the study of male aggression in Western science and for cricket fights in Chinese culture, field crickets (Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Gryllinae) are not known to possess sexually dimorphic weaponry. In a wild population of the fall field cricket, Gryllus pennsylvanicus, we report sexual dimorphism in head size as well as the size of mouthparts, both of which are used when aggressive contests between males escalate to physical combat. Male G. pennsylvanicus have larger heads, maxillae and mandibles than females when controlling for pronotum length. We conducted two experiments to test the hypothesis that relatively larger weaponry conveys an advantage to males in aggressive contests. Pairs of males were selected for differences in head size and consequently were different in the size of maxillae and mandibles. In the first experiment, males were closely matched for body size (pronotum length), and in the second, they were matched for body mass. Males with proportionately larger weaponry won more fights and increasing differences in weaponry size between males increased the fighting success of the male with the larger weaponry. This was particularly true when contests escalated to grappling, the most intense level of aggression. However, neither contest duration nor intensity was related to weaponry size as predicted by models of contest settlement. These results are the first evidence that the size of the head capsule and mouthparts are under positive selection via male-male competition in field crickets, and validate 800-year-old Chinese traditional knowledge.  相似文献   

Population densities of invasive species fluctuate spatially and temporally, suggesting that the intensity of their aggressive interactions with native species is similarly variable. Although inter‐specific aggression is often thought to increase with population density, it is often theorized that it should be exceeded by intra‐specific aggression since conspecifics share a greater degree of resource overlap. Yet, the magnitude of intra‐specific aggression is seldom considered when examining aggressive interactions, particularly those between invasive and native species. Here, we manipulated the density of the invasive eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, and observed its aggressive interactions with juveniles of the native Australian bass, Macquaria novemaculeata in a laboratory setting. For both species, the magnitudes of intra‐ and inter‐specific aggression were recorded. Regardless of density, the native M. novemaculeata was more aggressive towards heterospecifics than G. holbrooki was. In addition to this, M. novemaculeata was more aggressive to G. holbrooki than towards conspecifics, at both low‐ and high‐density conditions. In contrast, G. holbrooki was similarly aggressive towards M. novemaculeata and G. holbrooki at a high density, yet at low density, displayed significantly more aggression towards conspecifics than M. novemaculeata. These findings demonstrate the importance of considering intra‐specific aggression when exploring behavioural interactions between native and invasive species.  相似文献   

After pair formation, male crickets should reduce calling to minimize the risks to males of attracting predators and/or rivals. We tested this hypothesis in two cricket species, one in which males exhibit a high mating propensity (Gryllus veletis)and another in which the mating propensity of males is constrained by the manufacture of elaborate, bipartite spermatophores (Gryllodes sigillatus).Calling durations of male G. veletisdeclined precipitously after the introduction of females but remained unchanged in G. sigillatus.We attribute the asymmetric effect of female proximity on male calling to differences in the mating propensity of males of the two species. Male G. veletisabstain from further calling in favor of repeated matings with the same female. Male G. sigillatusprobably lack the opportunity to mate repeatedly with the same female and, thus, resume calling shortly after mating to increase their probability of attracting additional mates.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory suggests males in good condition should be more successful than males in poor condition when competing with rivals for territories and mates. Understanding how condition influences the interplay between aggression, mate attraction, and courtship displays could help explain why variation is maintained in traits that confer fitness. Using laboratory‐reared Jamaican field crickets, Gryllus assimilis, we found that fine‐scale temporal components of mate attraction signals were positively correlated with body condition (residual body mass) and body size; signaling effort was positively correlated with both body condition and fine‐scale temporal signaling components; aggression was positively correlated with signaling effort; number of eggs laid was positively correlated with female body size, male body condition and aggression. Together our correlative study suggests that variation in body condition and size may drive some of the variation in cricket mate attraction signaling and aggression. Given condition and body size are influenced by foraging ability, nutrient availability and the organism’s ability to uptake and retain these essential nutrients could explain some of the persistent variation in fitness conferring traits.  相似文献   

Fighting is a costly behavior, consuming both time and energy. As a result, the benefits of acquiring resources must outweigh these costs. Resource value will thus influence willingness to invest in a contest through its objective (the intrinsic properties of the resource) and subjective value (context/state dependent). In burrowing crayfish, subjective resource value may vary with life stage: adults, subadults, and juveniles differ in their ability to obtain resources. As juveniles cannot dig their own burrows, we hypothesize that earlier life stages will exhibit lower aggression than later life stages. To test this, we evaluated contests between paired individuals according to their cephalothorax length (CL), encompassing different life stages of Parastacus brasiliensis. To quantify aggression levels, we recorded contest duration, the frequency of low and highly aggressive behaviors, the time to escalate to highly aggressive behaviors, the probability of initiating contests with highly aggressive behaviors, and the latency to initiate a contest. We examined the relationship between these dependent variables and CL (independent variable) using GLMs to test how aggressive behaviors develop. Contest duration increased with pair mean, winner's and loser's CL. Frequency of low aggressive behaviors increased with CL, whereas highly aggressive behaviors, latency, and time to reach highly aggressive behaviors were unrelated to CL. Smaller individuals had a higher probability of initiating contests with highly aggressive behaviors. Self‐assessment explains the contest dynamics of P. brasiliensis, with smaller individuals giving up sooner, probably due to lower energy and time budgets.  相似文献   

Repeated matings offset costs of reproduction in female crickets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Courtship food gifts can be a significant source of nutrition to females and costly for males to produce; hence, costs of reproduction should be reduced for multiple-mating females and increased for multiplemating males in a gift-giving species. We tested this hypothesis by experimentally manipulating mating opportunities of males and females of two cricket species,Gryllodes sigillatus, a gift-giving species andGryllus veletis, a non-gift-giving species. Females of both species consume the externally attached spermatophore after mating, but inG. sigillatus, the sperm-containing ampulla is accompanied by a large gelatinous spermatophylax. In both species, survival of mated females given limited access to males was reduced relative to virgin females, thus suggesting a cost of reproduction to females. However, females given unlimited mating opportunities lived as long as virgins and also produced significantly more offspring than limited-access females. These results suggest that benefits of repeated matings, particularly those arising through spermatophore consumption, offset costs of reproduction in females. Lack of a treatment by species interaction suggests that females of both species derive nutritional benefits through spermatophore consumption, and that any additional advantage to the consumption of the spermatophylax inG. sigillatus is offset by more frequent mating byG. veletis females. In contrast to females, varying mating opportunities had no effect on male survival, suggesting that mating effort is not very costly to males. Male survival increased linearly with body mass but only when males were food-deprived, suggesting that larger males possess greater initial energy reserves to sustain their longevity when food-stressed.  相似文献   

Sex‐linked segregation distorters cause offspring sex ratios to differ from equality. Theory predicts that such selfish alleles may either go to fixation and cause extinction, reach a stable polymorphism or initiate an evolutionary arms race with genetic modifiers. The extent to which a sex ratio distorter follows any of these trajectories in nature is poorly known. Here, we used X‐linked sequence and simple tandem repeat data for three sympatric species of stalk‐eyed flies (Teleopsis whitei and two cryptic species of T. dalmanni) to infer the evolution of distorting X chromosomes. By screening large numbers of field and recently laboratory‐bred flies, we found no evidence of males with strongly female‐biased sex ratio phenotypes (SR) in one species but high frequencies of SR males in the other two species. In the two species with SR males, we find contrasting patterns of X‐chromosome evolution. T. dalmanni‐1 shows chromosome‐wide differences between sex‐ratio (XSR) and standard (XST) X chromosomes consistent with a relatively old sex‐ratio haplotype based on evidence including genetic divergence, an inversion polymorphism and reduced recombination among XSR chromosomes relative to XST chromosomes. In contrast, we found no evidence of genetic divergence on the X between males with female‐biased and nonbiased sex ratios in T. whitei. Taken with previous studies that found evidence of genetic suppression of sex ratio distortion in this clade, our results illustrate that sex ratio modification in these flies is undergoing recurrent evolution with diverse genomic consequences.  相似文献   

The influence of relatedness on male–male aggression was tested in three‐spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus. The intensity of aggression against brothers and non‐kin males did not differ significantly, indicating that kin recognition plays at most a minor role in aggressive interactions between male G. aculeatus.  相似文献   

Although play–fighting is widespread among juvenile mammals, its adaptive significance remains unclear. It has been proposed that play is beneficial for developing skills to improve success in adult contests (motor‐training hypothesis), but the links between juvenile play–fighting and adult aggression are complex and not well understood. In this theoretical study, we investigate the coevolution between juvenile play–fighting and adult aggression using evolutionary computer simulations. We consider a simple life history with two sequential stages: a juvenile phase in which individuals play–fight with other juveniles to develop their fighting skills; and an adult phase in which individuals engage in potentially aggressive contests over access to resources and ultimately mating opportunities, leading to reproductive success. The simulations track genetic evolution in key traits affecting adult contests, such as the level of aggression, as well as juvenile investment in play–fighting, capturing the coevolutionary feedbacks between juvenile and adult decisions. We find that coevolution leads to one of two outcomes: a high‐play, high‐aggression situation with highly aggressive adult contests preceded by a prolonged period of juvenile play–fighting to improve fighting ability, or a low‐play, low‐aggression situation in which adult contests are resolved without fighting and there is minimal investment in play–fighting before individuals mature. Which of these outcomes is favoured depends on the mortality costs and on the type of societal structure: societies with strong reproductive skew, favouring monopolization of resources, show high levels of adult aggression and high investment in juvenile play–fighting, whereas societies with low reproductive skew have both low adult aggression and low levels of play–fighting. A review of empirical evidence, particularly in the primate genus Macaca, highlights some limitations of our model and suggests that other, complementary functional explanations are needed to account for the full range of competitive and cooperative forms of play–fighting. Our study illustrates the power of evolutionary simulations to shed light on the long‐standing puzzle of animal play.  相似文献   

A field study of disputes over ownership of mating territories by male tarbush grasshoppers (Ligurotettix planum) revealed that most contests were settled ritualistically via the antiphonal exchange of acoustic signals. Males used a special aggressive signal, referred to as the “shuck” call, in these encounters. Individuals that never produced shuck calls invariably departed the contested sites, and a playback experiment showed that shuck calls elicited higher response levels from males than sexual advertisement calls. Approximately 1/5 of all territorial contests escalated to biting, grappling, or kicking. The outcomes of territorial contests that were settled via purely acoustic encounters could not be predicted by the size of the participants. Prior residency was a predictor of winning in some contests, but often the competing males did not possess clear intruder/resident roles. However, a signal parameter that was a combined measure of the rate of shuck calls and their mean length predicted the winner of most acoustic encounters. Contests that escalated, though, were generally distinguished by participants that displayed comparable measures of all signal parameters save call length. A tradeoff occurred between call rate and length in most individuals. This, as well as the finding that call length did predict winning in escalated contests, implies that these signal parameters may reflect an individual's strength or motivation. Contests in which the signal parameters of the males were similar tended to be prolonged and escalated. This relationship suggests that individuals assess the signals of their rivals and depart if they cannot match their call rate and length. That both call rate and length are assessed may enhance the reliability with which signals can be used to predict a rival's fighting ability in the event of escalation. Various simple mechanisms for signal assessment are proposed. A second playback experiment suggested that the insects heard less effectively while they called. Timing mechanisms that preclude the overlap of calls during contests occur, and they may have evolved because of the importance of precise assessment of the signals of rivals. Such mechanisms circumvent the potential impairment in perception noted above and also generate a conspicuous feature of L. planum contests — mutual alternation of signals.  相似文献   

An important goal in evolutionary ecology is to understand how and why coexisting closely related species partition habitat among themselves. Although studies of interspecific interactions typically focus on males, interactions between females may also play an important role in shaping habitat use within multi‐species communities. The green anole (Anolis carolinensis) exhibits a wide range of habitat use in south‐eastern Louisiana, but its observed habitat use is restricted and altered in areas where it occurs with the introduced Anolis sagrei. We staged interactions between these two species in the laboratory to test the hypothesis that A. sagrei dominate A. carolinensis in contests over shared habitat. We examined whether species identity, bite force, dewlap size, and body size affected the outcome of interspecific interactions between both males and females, and tested the prediction that bite force and size would be the most important determinants of interaction outcomes in both sexes. In male interspecific interactions, we found that individuals with relatively larger dewlaps tended to score higher on aggressive behaviours regardless of species identity, and that interactions consisted of signalling and rarely escalated to physical combat. However, we found that A. sagrei females achieved higher aggressive scores than A. carolinensis females in almost all cases, lending support to the notion that female interspecific behaviour is probably more important than male behaviour in driving changes in habitat use. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 843–851.  相似文献   

In the socially polymorphic spider Anelosimus studiosus, males mature early in the reproductive season and recruit to the webs of juvenile females and guard them until they mature. During the period before females mature, males and females engage in repeated bouts of non‐conceptive (play) sexual behavior, where the pair courts and engages in mock copulation; both males and females gain performance‐enhancing experience via these encounters. In this study, we examined the factors that underlie individual variation in the tendency to engage in non‐conceptive mating and determine whether it impacts male–male competition for females. We found that docile females, being less resistant to mating in general, are more likely to accept male courtship and non‐conceptive copulation as juveniles. Personality type influenced the exhibition of non‐conceptive sexual behavior in males as well. High body condition males of the aggressive phenotype were more likely to engage in non‐conceptive sexual behavior than males with lower body condition. Body condition did not influence docile males’ propensity to engage in non‐conceptive sexual behavior, but female size did. Docile males engaged in more non‐conceptive sexual displays with larger females. Engaging in non‐conceptive sexual displays negatively impacted male performance in staged male–male contests for access to females. This cost was greatest for males of the aggressive phenotype, which are otherwise favored in male–male contests. Our findings indicate expression of non‐conceptive sexual displays is linked to personality and results in reproductive performance trade‐offs for male A. studiosus.  相似文献   

Many parasites alter the behaviour of their host to their own advantage, yet hosts often vary in their susceptibility to manipulation. The ecological and evolutionary implications of such variation can be profound, as resistant host populations may suffer lower parasite pressures than those susceptible to manipulation. To test this prediction, we assessed parasite‐induced aggressive behaviours across 16 populations of two Temnothorax ant species, many of which harbour the slavemaker ant Protomognathus americanus. This social parasite uses its Dufour's gland secretions to manipulate its hosts into attacking nestmates, which may deter defenders away from itself during invasion. We indeed find that colonies that were manipulated into attacking their Dufour‐treated nestmates were less aggressive towards the slavemaker than those that did not show slavemaker‐induced nestmate attack. Slavemakers benefited from altering their hosts’ aggression, as both the likelihood that slavemakers survived host encounters and slavemaker prevalence in ant communities increased with slavemaker‐induced nestmate attack. Finally, we show that Temnothorax longispinosus colonies were more susceptible to manipulation than Temnothorax curvispinosus colonies. This explains why T. curvispinosus colonies responded with more aggression towards invading slavemakers, why they were less likely to let slavemakers escape and why they were less frequently parasitized by the slavemaker than T. longispinosus. Our findings highlight that large‐scale geographic variation in resistance to manipulation can have important implications for the prevalence and host preference of parasites.  相似文献   

The persistence of seemingly maladaptive genes in organisms challenges evolutionary biological thought. In Xiphophorus fishes, certain melanin patterns form malignant melanomas because of a cancer‐causing gene (Xiphophorus melanoma receptor kinase; Xmrk), which arose several millions years ago from unequal meiotic recombination. Xiphophorus melanomas are male biased and induced by androgens however male behaviour and Xmrk genotype has not been investigated. This study found that male X. cortezi with the spotted caudal (Sc) pattern, from which melanomas originate, displayed increased aggression in mirror image trials. Furthermore, Xmrk males (regardless of Sc phenotype) bit and performed more agonistic displays than Xmrk deficient males. Male aggressive response decreased when males viewed their Sc image as compared with their non‐Sc image. Collectively, these results indicate that Xmrk males experience a competitive advantage over wild‐type males and that intrasexual selection could be an important component in the evolutionary maintenance of this oncogene within Xiphophorus.  相似文献   

How honest or reliable signaling can evolve and be maintained has been a major question in evolutionary biology. The question is especially puzzling for a particular class of signals used in aggressive interactions: threat signals. Here, we report a study on song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) in which we assayed males with playbacks on their territories to quantify their aggressiveness (flights and close proximity) and aggressive signaling levels (rates of soft song, a close‐range signal reliably predicting attack) and asked whether these traits affect individuals’ survival on territory. We found that the effect of aggressive signaling via soft song interacted with aggressive behaviors such that there was a negative correlational selection: among males with low aggression, those males that signaled at higher levels (over‐signalers) had higher survival whereas among males with high aggression those that signaled at low levels (under‐signalers) survived longer. In other words, males that deviate from reliable signaling have a survival advantage. These results, along with previous research that suggested most of the deviation from reliable signaling in this system is in the form of under‐signaling (high‐aggression males signaling at low levels) pose a puzzle for future research on how this reliable signaling system is maintained.  相似文献   

Plant–plant interactions are among the fundamental processes that shape structure and functioning of arid and semi‐arid plant communities. Despite the large amount of studies that have assessed the relationship between plant–plant interactions (i.e., facilitation and competition) and diversity, often researchers forget a third kind of interaction, known as allelopathy. We examined the effect of plant–plant interactions of three dominant species: the perennial grass Lygeum spartum, the allelopathic dwarf shrub Artemisia herba‐alba, and the nurse shrub Salsola vermiculata, on plant diversity and species composition in a semi‐arid ecosystem in NE Spain. Specifically, we quantified the interaction outcome (IO) based on species co‐occurrence, we analyzed diversity by calculation of the individual species–area relationship (ISAR), and compositional changes by calculation of the Chao‐Jaccard similarity index. We found that S. vermiculata had more positive IO values than L. spartum, and A. herba‐alba had values between them. Lygeum spartum and A. herba‐alba acted as diversity repellers, whereas S. vermiculata acted as a diversity accumulator. As aridity increased, A. herba‐alba transitioned from diversity repeller to neutral and S. vermiculata transitioned from neutral to diversity accumulator, while L. spartum remained as diversity repeller. Artemisia herba‐alba had more perennial grass species in its local neighborhood than expected by the null model, suggesting some tolerance of this group to its “chemical neighbor”. Consequently, species that coexist with A. herba‐alba were very similar among different A. herba‐alba individuals. Our findings highlight the role of the nurse shrub S. vermiculata as ecosystem engineer, creating and maintaining patches of diversity, as well as the complex mechanism that an allelopathic plant may have on diversity and species assemblage. Further research is needed to determine the relative importance of allelopathy and competition in the overall interference of allelopathic plants.  相似文献   

The mating systems of seven previously unstudied members of the colletid bee genus Hylaeus Fabricius and one of Hyleoides Smith are described. Male mating tactics can be categorized as territorial (perched males defend flowers or other sites that attract receptive females) or non-territorial (patrolling males search for receptive females at flowering plants). The four species in which some territorial males occur are characterized by: 1. grappling fights among males for preferred perches; 2. territorial control by larger males; 3. the possession of prominent spines or other projections on the venter of the abdomen in larger males; and 4. the occurrence of some males that are as large as, or larger than, the largest females of their species (the ‘large-male phenomenon’). In contrast, the four species that lack territorial males are distinctive in that males: 1. do not engage in grappling contests; 2. lack abdominal weaponry; and 3. are smaller than the largest females of their species. In addition, we searched for the large-male phenomenon in museum collections of four species of Hylaeus that exhibit male abdominal spines (presumed to be the weapons used by territorial individuals) and two other species that lack these attributes (presumed non-territorial patrolling species). The results tend to support the sexual-selection-for-fighting-ability hypothesis, which argues that the evolution of unusually large males is a selective consequence of aggressive male—male competition for access to mates. The limitations of the present data set as a comparative test of this hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Androgens are known to mediate aggressive and defensive behaviour in many vertebrate species. However, high concentrations of androgens might also conflict with the expression of nurturing behaviours and therefore a trade‐off can exist between aggressive and nurturing behaviours during parental care. We explored the role of testosterone in paternal care in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), where males provide both sole defence of the young from predators and sole nurturing behaviour such as fanning of the eggs. At the onset of parental care, we manipulated testosterone levels in males using testosterone propionate implants. We then observed the frequency of nurturing and aggressive behaviours displayed by the males over 6 d of parental care. Testosterone‐implanted fish were more aggressive when presented with a brood predator, performing more bites, opercular flares and lateral displays than control males. Testosterone‐implanted males, however, were not less nurturing than control fish, performing similar levels of fanning and nest‐cleaning behaviours. Thus, our results support a positive relationship between testosterone and paternal aggression but no testosterone‐mediated trade‐off between paternal nurturing and aggression.  相似文献   

Cannibalism can have important demographic and ecological effects on populations. Typically, cannibalism is size‐structured, where larger individuals eat smaller conspecifics. Initial cursory observations of the whip spider, Phrynus longipes, however, suggested that cannibalism might not be size‐structured in this species, perhaps because cannibalism is often a by‐product of territory contests. We staged paired interactions and recorded latency to escalate to physical aggression or cannibalize to understand the dynamics of cannibalism and resource contests. We employed a multimodel comparative approach to tease apart the contest characteristics that best predicted cannibalism during behavioral trials between P. longipes opponents. We found that, while armament size symmetry predicted escalation of contests, cannibalism was best predicted by body mass asymmetry. Further, cannibalism was most likely to occur among individuals similar in armament, but dissimilar in body mass. This suggests a discrepancy between phenotypes that may have evolved to communicate resource holding potential (e.g., armaments which benefit individuals if dishonest), and body mass as a cue of resource holding potential.  相似文献   

Understanding how landscape structure influences biodiversity patterns and ecological processes are essential in ecological research and conservation practices. Forest discontinuity is a primary driver affecting the population persistence and genetic structure of forest‐dwelling species. However, the actual impacts on populations are highly species‐specific. In this study, we tested whether dispersal capability and host specialization are associated with susceptibility to forest discontinuity using three closely related, sympatric fungivorous ciid beetle species (two host specialists, Octotemnus assimilis and O. crassus; one host generalist, O. kawanabei). Landscape genetic analyses and the estimation of effective migration surfaces (EEMS) method consistently demonstrated contrasting differences in the relationships between genetic structure and configuration of forest land cover. Octotemnus assimilis, one of the specialists with a presumably higher dispersal capability due to lower wing loading, lacked a definite spatial genetic structure in our study landscape. The remaining two species showed clear spatial genetic structure, but the results of landscape genetic analyses differed between the two species: while landscape resistance appeared to describe the spatial genetic structure of the specialist O. crassus, genetic differentiation of the generalist O. kawanabei was explained by geographic distance alone. This finding is consistent with the prediction that nonforest areas act more strongly as barriers between specialist populations. Our results suggest that differences in host range can influence the species‐specific resistance to habitat discontinuity among closely related species inhabiting the same landscape.  相似文献   

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