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Colonies of the ant, Leptothorax (s. str.) gredleri may contain several inseminated female reproductives of which typically only one is laying eggs. Observations suggest that “functional monogyny” is caused by aggressive interactions among nestmate queens. Only the most dominant queen reproduces. Subordinate queens either leave the colony to found their own nests solitarily or by budding, or stay in the nest without reproducing, but may eventually replace the dominant queen. The interrelations of life history of L. gredleri, population structure and habitat characteristics are examined.  相似文献   

A colony of red wood ants can inhabit more than one spatially separated nest, in a strategy called polydomy. Some nests within these polydomous colonies have no foraging trails to aphid colonies in the canopy. In this study we identify and investigate the possible roles of non-foraging nests in polydomous colonies of the wood ant Formica lugubris. To investigate the role of non-foraging nests we: (i) monitored colonies for three years; (ii) observed the resources being transported between non-foraging nests and the rest of the colony; (iii) measured the amount of extra-nest activity around non-foraging and foraging nests. We used these datasets to investigate the extent to which non-foraging nests within polydomous colonies are acting as: part of the colony expansion process; hunting and scavenging specialists; brood-development specialists; seasonal foragers; or a selfish strategy exploiting the foraging effort of the rest of the colony. We found that, rather than having a specialised role, non-foraging nests are part of the process of colony expansion. Polydomous colonies expand by founding new nests in the area surrounding the existing nests. Nests founded near food begin foraging and become part of the colony; other nests are not founded near food sources and do not initially forage. Some of these non-foraging nests eventually begin foraging; others do not and are abandoned. This is a method of colony growth not available to colonies inhabiting a single nest, and may be an important advantage of the polydomous nesting strategy, allowing the colony to expand into profitable areas.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The natural history of prototype and variant Pneumocystis Corinii populations in several colonies of rats were monitored over time periods ranging from 1 to 4 yean. Karyotypic profiles of organism populations from individual rats were evaluated for the proportion of prototype: variant P. carinii and the number of animals harboring co-infections were enumerated. Throughout the observation periods: (1) each P. carinii population retained its distinctive karyotype; (2) the proportions of prototype:variant within the lungs fluctuated; and (3) the number of rats co-infected within a colony varied. These surveys suggest a competition between 2 similarly adapted populations.  相似文献   

异质性生境中的植物克隆生长:风险分摊   总被引:129,自引:13,他引:116       下载免费PDF全文
董鸣 《植物生态学报》1996,20(6):543-548
在异质生境中克隆生长使克隆分株处于不同的小生境中,从而将基株死亡风险以不同方式分摊。分摊有利于维持或提高基株适合度,因此,植物克隆生长被认为具有对小尺度生境异质性的生态对策性意义。拟—年生克隆草本Trientalis europaea对养分梯度的反应给出了基株风险分摊的实例。文中提出—个关于分株间连接维持时间对生境异质性反应的假说。  相似文献   

Although bacteria are unicellular organisms, they have the ability to act in concert by synthesizing and detecting small diffusing autoinducer molecules. The phenomenon, known as quorum sensing, has mainly been proposed to serve as a means for cell-density measurement. Here, we use a cell-based model of growing bacterial microcolonies to investigate a quorum-sensing mechanism at a single cell level. We show that the model indeed predicts a density-dependent behavior, highly dependent on local cell-clustering and the geometry of the space where the colony is evolving. We analyze the molecular network with two positive feedback loops to find the multistability regions and show how the quorum-sensing mechanism depends on different model parameters. Specifically, we show that the switching capability of the network leads to more constraints on parameters in a natural environment where the bacteria themselves produce autoinducer than compared to situations where autoinducer is introduced externally. The cell-based model also allows us to investigate mixed populations, where non-producing cheater cells are shown to have a fitness advantage, but still cannot completely outcompete producer cells. Simulations, therefore, are able to predict the relative fitness of cheater cells from experiments and can also display and account for the paradoxical phenomenon seen in experiments; even though the cheater cells have a fitness advantage in each of the investigated groups, the overall effect is an increase in the fraction of producer cells. The cell-based type of model presented here together with high-resolution experiments will play an integral role in a more explicit and precise comparison of models and experiments, addressing quorum sensing at a cellular resolution.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of reproductive skew (the partitioning of reproduction among co‐breeding individuals) is one of the major questions in social evolution. In ants, multiple‐queen nests are common and reproductive skew among queens has been shown to vary tremendously both within and between species. Proximate determinants of skew may be related to both queen and worker behaviour. Queens may attempt to change their reproductive share through dominance interactions, egg eating and by changing individual fecundity. Conversely, workers are in a position to regulate the reproductive output of queens when rearing the brood. This paper investigates queen behaviour at the onset of egg laying and the effect of queen fecundity and worker behaviour on brood development and reproductive shares of multiple queens in the ant Formica fusca. The study was conducted in two‐queen laboratory colonies where the queens produced only worker offspring. The results show that in this species reproductive apportionment among queens is not based on dominance behaviour and aggression, but rather on differences in queen fecundity. We also show that, although the queen fecundity at the onset of brood rearing is a good indicator of her final reproductive output, changes in brood composition occur during brood development. Our results highlight the importance of queen fecundity as a major determinant of her reproductive success. They furthermore suggest that in highly derived polygyne species, such as the Formica ants, direct interactions as a means for gaining reproductive dominance have lost their importance.  相似文献   

Insect bacterial symbionts contribute to many essential biological functions of their hosts and can also influence host fecundity and fitness. The physiological contribution symbionts provide can aid in immune response and xenobiotic detoxification. Both of these immune factors can directly impact strategies aimed at managing insect populations. One biological control strategy that shows promise in insects is the use of single-stranded RNA viruses within the group Dicistroviridae. The Solenopsis invicta Virus (SINV; Dicistroviridae), a ssRNA virus, has been proposed as a potential biological control agent for the urban pest S. invicta Buren or red imported fire ant (RIFA). SINV has been shown to be prevalent in RIFA populations of Texas and Florida; however, mortality is associated with high viral load. In other insect microbe systems, presence of particular bacteria induced resistance against Dicistrovirus. If this type of relationship is present in the RIFA–SINV system, their bacterial community could reduce the effectiveness of SINV as a biological control system. The advantage of 454 pyro-sequencing is that it enables classification of unculturable bacteria. This study examines the bacterial community in brood, workers, and reproductive cast members from colonies with and without SINV infection. Manipulation of the bacterial community may alter virus infection and replication within the mid-gut. Understanding the differences in the microbial community of ant colonies may provide insights that will refine current efforts designing control strategies for this important urban pest.  相似文献   

Animals are often threatened by predators, parasites, or competitors, and attacks against these enemies are a common response, which can help to remove the danger. The costs of defense are complex and involve the risk of injury, the loss of energy/time, and the erroneous identification of a friend as a foe. Our goal was to study the specificity of defense strategies. We analyzed the aggressive responses of ant colonies by confronting them with workers of an unfamiliar congeneric species, a non‐nestmate conspecific, a co‐occurring congeneric competitor species, and a social parasite—a slave‐making ant. As expected, the latter species, which can inflict dramatic fitness losses to the colony, was treated with most aggression. A co‐occurring competitor was also attacked, but the ants used different behaviors in their responses to both enemies. While the slavemaker was attacked by biting and stinging and was approached with spread mandibles, the competitor was dragged, a behavioral strategy only possible if the defending ant is similar in size and strength to the opponent. Non‐nestmate conspecifics were treated aggressively as well, but less than the slavemaker and the co‐occurring competitor, presumably because they are less easily recognized as enemies. An unfamiliar congeneric species was rarely attacked. This first detailed study comparing the aggressive responses of ant colonies toward slave‐making ants to other species posing different threats indicates that the responses of ant colonies are adjusted to the risk each opponent poses to the colony.  相似文献   

In much of the world, soil-nesting ants are among the leading agents of biomantling and bioturbation, depositing excavated soil on the surface or in underground chambers. Colonies of the Florida harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex badius excavate a new nest once a year on average, depositing 0.1 to 12 L (3 L average) of soil on the surface. Repeated surveys of a population of about 400 colonies yielded the frequency of moves (approximately once per year), the distance moved (mean 4 m), and the direction moved (random). The area of the soil disc correlated well with the volume and maximum depth of the nest, as determined by excavation and mapping of chambers. The population-wide frequency distribution of disc areas thus yielded the frequency distribution of nest volumes and maximum depths. For each surveyed colony, the volume of soil excavated from six specified depth ranges and deposited on the surface was estimated. These parameters were used in a simulation to estimate the amount of soil mantled over time by the observed population of P. badius colonies. Spread evenly, P. badius mantling would create a soil layer averaging 0.43 cm thick in a millennium, with 10–15% of the soil deriving from depths greater than 1 m. Biomantling by P. badius is discussed in the context of the ant community of which it is a part, and in relation to literature reports of ant biomantling.  相似文献   

The axillary bud-break and multiple bud induction were obtained from the nodal explants of field-grown culms of Bambusa tulda in liquid Murashige and Skoog’s (MS) basal medium supplemented with 2.0 mg l?1 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), 1.0 mg l?1 kinetin (Kn) and 8% coconut water. Multiple shoots regenerated and proliferated in the liquid MS medium fortified with 3.0 mg l?1 indolebutyric acid (IBA). While, in B. balcooa, MS medium supplemented with 2.5 mg l?1 BAP and 1.0 mg l?1 Kn induced axillary bud-break, bud multiplication and subsequently shoot elongation was obtained after three passages in the same medium. A clump with at least three shoots of both these bamboo species was used as propagule for successful root induction in half-strength MS liquid basal medium supplemented with 0.2 mg l?1 IBA. Sympodial type of microrhizomes developed in B. tulda and the regenerants acclimatized in the soil easily. Explants collected in the month of October produced best in vitro regeneration response in these two bamboo species. Endogenous phenol content proved detrimental for efficient shoot regeneration. The clonal fidelity of the regenerants was established by RAPD analysis advocating clonal propagation through axillary meristem culture of B. balcooa and B. tulda is reliable for commercial exploitation.  相似文献   

Leaf-cutting ants (genera Atta and Acromyrmex ) are considered dominant herbivores of Neotropical forests. However, so far quantitative, long-term, and large-scale assessments of their impact on these ecosystems are rare, because the available assessment methods were laborious and/or destructive. We describe a rapid, nondestructive, and inexpensive method to estimate the long-term harvest of Atta colombica colonies. Workers of A. colombica dump the colony refuse (exhausted fungal substrate) outside the nest. A single trail connects the refuse pile and the nest. In contrast to the foraging activity, the refuse deposition rate (the number of deposited refuse particles per minute) is diurnally constant and varies little on subsequent days. The number of refuse particles deposited per day was tightly correlated with the number of harvested fragments in nests of differing sizes ( R 2= 0.77, P < 0.0001). Therefore, the daily harvest of a particular colony can be calculated from short-term counts (5 min) of the refuse deposition rate at any time of the day. Combining these data with information on average fragment size (weight and/or area) allows the calculation of the total daily amount of biomass and/or foliage area harvested by the colony. This new method facilitates quantifying A. colombica herbivory on scales of populations and ecosystems, or over long-term scales.  相似文献   



Plastic root-foraging responses have been widely recognized as an important strategy for plants to explore heterogeneously distributed resources. However, the benefits and costs of root foraging have received little attention.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In a greenhouse experiment, we grew pairs of connected ramets of 22 genotypes of the stoloniferous plant Potentilla reptans in paired pots, between which the contrast in nutrient availability was set as null, medium and high, but with the total nutrient amount kept the same. We calculated root-foraging intensity of each individual ramet pair as the difference in root mass between paired ramets divided by the total root mass. For each genotype, we then calculated root-foraging ability as the slope of the regression of root-foraging intensity against patch contrast. For all genotypes, root-foraging intensity increased with patch contrast and the total biomass and number of offspring ramets were lowest at high patch contrast. Among genotypes, root-foraging intensity was positively related to production of offspring ramets and biomass in the high patch-contrast treatment, which indicates an evolutionary benefit of root foraging in heterogeneous environments. However, we found no significant evidence that the ability of plastic foraging imposes costs under homogeneous conditions (i.e. when foraging is not needed).


Our results show that plants of P. reptans adjust their root-foraging intensity according to patch contrast. Moreover, the results show that the root foraging has an evolutionary advantage in heterogeneous environments, while costs of having the ability of plastic root foraging were absent or very small.  相似文献   

Inclusive fitness theory predicts that, other things equal, individuals within social groups should direct altruistic behaviour towards their most highly related group‐mates to maximise indirect fitness benefits. In the social insects, most previous studies have shown that within‐colony kin discrimination (nepotism) is absent or weak. However, the number of studies that have investigated within‐colony kin discrimination at the level of individual behaviour remains relatively small. We tested for within‐colony kin discrimination in the facultatively multiple‐queen (polygynous) ant, Leptothorax acervorum. Specifically, we tested whether workers within polygynous colonies treated queens differently as a function of their relatedness to them. Colonies containing two egg‐laying queens were filmed to measure the rate at which individually marked workers antennated and groomed or fed each queen. Relatedness between individual queens and workers was calculated from their genotypes at four microsatellite loci. The results showed there were no differences in the rates at which workers antennated or groomed/fed their more related queen and their less related queen. Workers interacted preferentially with their potential mother queen with respect to grooming/feeding but not with respect to antennation. However, because of high queen turnover, the frequency of adult workers with their potential mother queen still present within the colony was relatively low. Overall, therefore, we found no evidence for within‐colony kin discrimination in the context of the average worker's treatment of queens in polygynous L. acervorum colonies.  相似文献   

Spatially heterogeneous distribution of interspecific competitors and intraspecific aggregation of offspring ramets may affect the growth and size structure of clonal plant populations, but these have been rarely studied. We conducted a greenhouse experiment in which we grew a population of eight offspring ramets (plants) of the stoloniferous clonal plant Hydrocotyle vulgaris aggregately or segregately in two homogeneous treatments with or without a competing grass Festuca elata and a heterogeneous treatment with a patchy distribution of the grass. In patchy grass treatments, H. vulgaris produced markedly more biomass, ramets and stolons in open patches (without grasses) than in grass patches, but displayed lower size variations as measured by coefficient of variation of biomass, ramets and stolons among the eight plants. In open areas, H. vulgaris produced statistically the same amounts of biomass and even more stolons and showed higher size variations in patchy grass treatments than in open (no grass) treatments. In grass areas, H. vulgaris grew much worse and displayed higher size variations in patchy grass treatments than in full grass treatments. Ramet aggregation decreased the growth of H. vulgaris in open treatments and in both open and grass patches in patchy grass treatments, but had little effect in full grass treatments. Ramet aggregation had little effect on size variations. Therefore, heterogeneous distribution of competitors can affect the growth and size structure of clonal plant populations, and ramet aggregation may decrease population growth when they grow in open environments or heterogeneous environments with a patchy distribution of interspecific competitors.  相似文献   

克隆整合对异质性盐分胁迫下积雪草生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以匍匐茎草本克隆植物积雪草(Centella asiatica)为材料进行盆栽试验,研究了克隆整合特性对异质性盐分胁迫条件下植物生长的影响。试验中将远端分株(较幼分株)分别处于盐分胁迫或正常土壤条件下,切断或保持其与近端分株(较老分株)间的匍匐茎连接。结果表明:盐分胁迫下,克隆整合提高了受胁迫远端分株和整个克隆片断的叶面积和生物量等生长指标;与未遭受盐分胁迫处理相比,匍匐茎连接处理导致远端分株的根冠比显著降低。克隆整合还减轻了盐分胁迫对分株的叶绿素含量和光化学效率的影响,但盐分胁迫下,匍匐茎连接处理远端分株的净光合速率与匍匐茎切断处理远端分株并无显著差异,连接受胁迫的远端分株并没有引起近端分株生物量的明显损耗以及光合速率的补偿性提高。总之,克隆整合促进了积雪草遭受盐分胁迫的分株和整个克隆片段的生长,这对于丰富和发展异质性环境胁迫下克隆植物的生态适应对策具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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