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Species distribution modeling (SDM) is an essential method in ecology and conservation. SDMs are often calibrated within one country's borders, typically along a limited environmental gradient with biased and incomplete data, making the quality of these models questionable. In this study, we evaluated how adequate are national presence‐only data for calibrating regional SDMs. We trained SDMs for Egyptian bat species at two different scales: only within Egypt and at a species‐specific global extent. We used two modeling algorithms: Maxent and elastic net, both under the point‐process modeling framework. For each modeling algorithm, we measured the congruence of the predictions of global and regional models for Egypt, assuming that the lower the congruence, the lower the appropriateness of the Egyptian dataset to describe the species' niche. We inspected the effect of incorporating predictions from global models as additional predictor (“prior”) to regional models, and quantified the improvement in terms of AUC and the congruence between regional models run with and without priors. Moreover, we analyzed predictive performance improvements after correction for sampling bias at both scales. On average, predictions from global and regional models in Egypt only weakly concur. Collectively, the use of priors did not lead to much improvement: similar AUC and high congruence between regional models calibrated with and without priors. Correction for sampling bias led to higher model performance, whatever prior used, making the use of priors less pronounced. Under biased and incomplete sampling, the use of global bats data did not improve regional model performance. Without enough bias‐free regional data, we cannot objectively identify the actual improvement of regional models after incorporating information from the global niche. However, we still believe in great potential for global model predictions to guide future surveys and improve regional sampling in data‐poor regions.  相似文献   

Invasive freshwater macroalgae are rarely described. Montagnia macrospora is a freshwater red alga introduced from South America to East Asia via the global aquarium trade. The earliest occurrence record of this alga in Taiwan is dated 2005. To determine whether M. macrospora has become invasive in Taiwan and to understand the traits that facilitated its invasion, we took a multifaceted approach that combines examination of ecological background and population genetic analysis. Our island‐wide survey showed that M. macrospora is widespread in the field across Taiwan, where the climate greatly differs from that of South America, and can self‐sustain for nearly a decade. Our population genetic analysis revealed a lack of genetic diversity of Mmacrospora in Taiwan, consistent with the hypothesis that the alga expanded through asexual reproduction. Moreover, during our long‐term ecological assessments and field surveys, we observed that M. macrospora is an ecological generalist that can survive in a wide range of temperature, pH, illumination, and nutrient enrichment. Taken together, our data suggest that M. macrospora has successfully invaded the freshwater ecosystems of Taiwan, likely due to its ability to disperse asexually and to grow under broad environmental conditions. We hope that our study brings attention to invasive freshwater algae, which have been overlooked in conservation planning and management.  相似文献   

张鑫  尹文萍  谢菲  樊辉  陈飞 《生态学报》2022,42(12):5067-5078
生境适宜性评价是物种保护和生境管理与规划的基础。近几十年来,云南境内野生亚洲象数量剧增,外扩迁移事件频发,而新迁入区域生境适宜状况因物种出现点数据缺乏而难以评价,掣肘迁移亚洲象保护与风险防范应急。以亚洲象新近迁入的元江-李仙江流域为案例区,采用荟萃分析统计亚洲象生境评价因子,结合相关性分析和方差膨胀因子独立性检验,筛选出生境评价因子;基于开源遥感数据产品量化生境因子,综合主成分分析和层次分析计算生境评价因子权重,采用生境适宜性指数(Habitat Suitability Index, HSI)模型评价元江-李仙江流域亚洲象生境适宜性,并分析其景观格局。结果表明:(1)元江-李仙江流域亚洲象生境适宜性空间格局主要表现为由下游至上游呈递减趋势,最适生境主要分布于流域下游段,而流域上游段适宜生境少;(2)元江流域生境适宜性低于李仙江流域,且其生境斑块连接度更低、破碎化更严重;(3)2021年“北移象群”北迁沿程生境适宜性由西南向东北呈下降趋势。基于亚洲象生境适宜性评价结果,科学引导野生亚洲象迁入适宜生境区,以规避人象冲突,保障外迁亚洲象群及其活动区居民生命财产安全,服务于区域生物多样性保护与...  相似文献   

Ecosystems that provide environmental opportunities but are poor in species and functional richness generally support speciation as well as invasion processes. These processes are expected not to be equally effective along elevational gradients due to specific ecological, spatial, and anthropogenic filters, thus controlling the dispersal and establishment of species. Here, we investigate speciation and invasion processes along elevational gradients. We assess the vascular plant species richness as well as the number and percentage of endemic species and non‐native species systematically along three elevational gradients covering large parts of the climatic range of La Palma, Canary Islands. Species richness was negatively correlated with elevation, while the percentage of Canary endemic species showed a positive relationship. However, the percentage of Canary–Madeira endemics did not show a relationship with elevation. Non‐native species richness (indicating invasion) peaked at 500 m elevation and showed a consistent decline until about 1,200 m elevation. Above that limit, no non‐native species were present in the studied elevational gradients. Ecological, anthropogenic, and spatial filters control richness, diversification, and invasion with elevation. With increase in elevation, richness decreases due to species–area relationships. Ecological limitations of native ruderal species related to anthropogenic pressure are in line with the absence of non‐native species from high elevations indicating directional ecological filtering. Increase in ecological isolation with elevation drives diversification and thus increased percentages of Canary endemics. The best preserved eastern transect, including mature laurel forests, is an exception. The high percentage of Canary–Madeira endemics indicates the cloud forest's environmental uniqueness—and thus ecological isolation—beyond the Macaronesian islands.  相似文献   

We assessed the relationship between habitat heterogeneity and bird species richness and composition within wetlands of the floodplain of the Middle Paraná River, Argentina. Given the high habitat heterogeneity in these wetland systems, we sought to determine whether (i) there was a positive relationship between bird species richness and habitat heterogeneity; (ii) whether bird species richness was associated with certain types of individual habitat types; (iii) whether there was a pattern of species nestedness and turnover between sites as a function of habitat heterogeneity and composition, respectively; and (iv) whether individual species exhibited associations with habitat heterogeneity. Point counts were used to survey birds at 60 sites. We estimated the area of eight habitat types found within a 200‐m radius from the centre of each site and calculated number and Pielou's evenness of habitat types. These indices, together with area proportion of each habitat type, were used as explanatory factors of bird species richness in linear regression models. Habitat heterogeneity per se rather than area of individual habitat types was a more important predictor of species richness in these fluvial wetlands. Sites with more habitat types supported more bird species. Results showed that individual bird species were associated with different habitat types and, therefore, sites that contained more habitat types contained more species. Number of habitat types accounted for species nestedness between sites whereas composition of habitat types accounted for species turnover between sites. Results suggest that selection of heterogeneous sites by individual species could help explain the positive heterogeneity–species richness relationship. Our findings highlight the importance of habitat heterogeneity per se resulting from flood disturbances in maintaining bird richness in fluvial systems.  相似文献   

彭羽  王越  马江文  范敏  白岚  周涛 《生态学报》2019,39(13):4883-4891
植物群落物种多样性的快速无损估测一直是近几十年生态学领域的热点研究问题。相对于大尺度的卫星遥感数据,高光谱遥感数据具有光谱和空间分辨率高的优势。采用ASD HH2便携式高光谱仪,收集浑善达克沙地中部120个样方的高光谱数据,并对样方的alpha多样性指数进行同步测定。对高光谱遥感数据进行预处理,采用相关性分析、主成分分析和经验波段筛选法,从数百个波段中选择敏感波段。采用90个样方的高光谱数据作为训练样本,对筛选的敏感波段进行多元线性逐步回归分析,获得12个回归模型。采用另外30个样方的高光谱数据作为验证样本,对回归模型的拟合效果进行检验。结果发现,采用主成分分析法提取敏感波段的回归模型拟合效果最好,Pielou指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Simpson指数拟合均达到显著水平。对我国植物物种多样性微尺度的快速评估和高光谱遥感具有一定参考意义,并对未来植物多样性高光谱遥感研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

评价植被冠层降雨截留能力,是生态系统水循环的重要研究内容。以广东省中小流域为例,结合地面监测站点的降雨量数据和MODIS叶面积指数遥感数据,利用植被冠层降雨截留模型,定量模拟和分析了广东省流域尺度2004—2016年的地表植被冠层降雨截留能力及其时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)2004—2012年广东省年均植被冠层降雨截留率持续下降,2016年略有上升,并且随着时间的推移,流域之间的植被冠层降雨截留率差异越来越小。(2)广东省植被冠层降雨截留能力呈现山区东西两翼高,山区中部以及沿海地区低的显著空间差异格局,这种空间格局与植被覆盖LAI主要呈现由珠三角向外围递增的圈层空间格局特征密切相关,而与由南向北逐渐递减的降雨空间格局特征相关性不大。(3)森林覆盖对流域植被冠层降雨截留能力有着一定的影响,其中流域内阔叶林占森林面积的比例对这种影响的程度起着最为关键的作用。  相似文献   

The life history of Dules auriga, a small hermaphrodite serranid species inhabiting deep waters and a frequent component of the discarded catch of bottom trawling in southern Brazil, was studied to assess the fishery effects on the stock through the estimation of the remaining spawning‐potential ratio. Sampling was conducted throughout a year and included specimens to determine sex, maturity and age. Age was validated by the edge type and marginal‐increment analysis. The oldest and the largest individuals were 9 years and 195 mm total length. Growth parameters fitted to the von Bertalanffy equation were L = 178·34 mm, k = 0·641 year?1 and t0 = ?0·341 years. Length and age at first maturity were 140·72 mm and 2 years, respectively. The reproductive season was throughout the austral spring and summer. The assessment of the effects of fishing showed that it may have resulted in a loss of 50% of the spawning potential. This loss may be higher when taking into account the uncertainty in the life‐history parameters and could be considered of concern for the population. Fast growth, moderate longevity, long spawning season, small size and age at maturity make D. auriga relatively resilient to the removal of biomass by fishing. When considering the uncertainty, however, the losses of the spawning potential have been severely reducing the population resilience in the face of ecosystem changes.  相似文献   

Pine wilt disease (PWD) has caused significant Masson pine mortality in the Three Gorges reservoir region in central China. In this study, five uniform Masson pine stand types infected by PWD were selected and surveyed on slopes and aspects with similar environmental conditions. In sites that had been infected, soil bulk density was reduced, and the difference among the groups was statistically significant (< 0.05) at the 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm soil layers, but not at 20–40 cm. Other soil water‐related physical properties, excluding noncapillary porosity, significantly differed among the groups in all soil layers. Additionally, the values of available phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium were higher in the invaded stands, but the total nitrogen and organic matter contents were lower. Masson pine does not become reestablished following PWD‐induced mortality but is instead replaced by broad‐leaved tree species. Among the 19 examined environmental variables, five were found to be significantly related with the ordination of plant community structure: Masson pine stumps (MPS), K+, capillary water holding capacity (CWHC), capillary porosity (CP), and soil water content (SWC). Among these factors, the plant community structure was principally related to MPS and K+. The findings of this study show that the outbreak of PWD has impacted Masson pine forest soil properties and altered forest community composition. The disease is negatively related with the presence of Masson pine and positively associated with that of broad‐leaved tree species.  相似文献   

以高分辨率SPOT-5影像为基础数据源,结合1∶1万地形图计算地形位综合指数,利用ArcGIS的空间叠加和缓冲分析功能,识别三峡库区重点生态恢复县不同地形位与不同道路、水体和聚落缓冲半径下的林地分布特征.结果表明: 研究区林地资源总量丰富,且以乔木林和灌木林地为主,受地形制约和林地自然基础影响,林地主要分布在“两山”(方斗山、七曜山)区;林地地形位分布指数随地形位梯度的增大而呈整体上升趋势,乔木林和灌木林地表现尤为明显,其他林地类型则相反;不同缓冲半径内林地面积占缓冲范围面积的比例在道路、水体和聚落周围随缓冲半径的变化,与林地地形位分布指数有很强的相似性;不同缓冲半径内各林地类型占样区相应林地面积的比例仅在聚落周围呈现竹林、疏林地和未成林造林地高于乔木林和灌木林地;样区林地分布首先受以山地为特征的大地貌格局所左右,而不同地形位以及不同道路、水体和聚落缓冲半径下的林地分布则主要受大地貌格局主导下样区人为活动的胁迫所驱动.  相似文献   

Wan Maznah  W. O.  Mansor  Mashhor 《Hydrobiologia》2002,487(1):229-241
The diatom communities collected from artificial substrates (glass slides) at 12 sampling sites along Pinang River Basin were analysed. Species composition was highly variable among sampling sites, and the highest diversity value (mean H = 3.56 bit/individual) and species richness (mean S = 17.32) was recorded at a polluted station in an estuary, which received salt-water intrusion during high tide. The downstream sampling stations were heavily organically polluted with Saprobic Index values ranging between 2.81 and 3.10, while upstream stations were relatively clean with Saprobic Index values recorded between 1.40 and 1.96. The diatom community structure and the specific sensitivity of certain diatom species can be related to the degree of water quality in Pinang River Basin. The abundance of certain diatom species could be used as biological indicators to measure impacts of river pollution.  相似文献   

The results of a palynological analysis of the organic content of earthenware pots from the Kodiani burial mound (27th–25th centuries b.c.) are reported. The character of the palynological spectrum differs significantly from that of a buried soil within the same burial mound. In the samples taken from the pots, pollen concentration is very high, pollen grains are perfectly preserved and an abundance of pollen from insect-pollinated plants is recorded. It is well known that these features are peculiar to honey palynospectra. In all three pots the pollen of Rosaceae, a family of plants that produce good honey, is dominant. However, the second, third and fourth most dominant pollen types in all three samples are different. For example, Tilia pollen is the second dominant in only one pot. In the second pot, Apiaceae and Poaceae are predominant, and in the third pot, Poaceae, both wild and cultural, is the second dominant. It is clear that the different pots contained different types of honey. The variety of honey types indicates highly developed bee-keeping in the Early Bronze Age. In the same regions of Georgia, agriculture was also highly developed. Wheat cultivation was very important. According to the palynospectra, the landscape and climate of this period were probably quite different to those of today.  相似文献   

徐瑶  陈涛 《生态学报》2016,36(16):5078-5087
藏北草地是我国重要的畜牧业生产基地和生态安全屏障。基于遥感和GIS技术,利用1990、2000、2010年3期不同时相的TM、ETM+和CEBERS遥感影像,对申扎县草地资源退化状况进行了遥感监测,并采用生态经济学评估模型对草地生态系统8个方面的服务功能价值损失进行了评估测算。结果表明:1990—2010年,申扎县草地退化面积增加了47.40×10~4hm~2,生态系统服务功能价值损失高达5.20×10~8元;其中1990—2000年,草地退化较严重,该时段也是生态系统服务功能价值损失较多的时期;2000—2010年,草地退化趋势变缓。藏北草地提供生物量价值仅约占生态系统服务功能总价值的7.0%,草地生态服务功能远大于其提供的生物量价值,因此必须从生态服务功能的的理念出发去经营草地,从而实现草地的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Aim Ixodes scapularis is the most important vector of human tick‐borne pathogens in the United States, which include the agents of Lyme disease, human babesiosis and human anaplasmosis, among others. The density of host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs is an important component of human risk for acquiring Borrelia burgdorferi, the aetiological agent of Lyme disease. In this study we used climate and field sampling data to generate a predictive map of the density of host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs that can be used by the public, physicians and public health agencies to assist with the diagnosis and reporting of disease, and to better target disease prevention and control efforts. Location Eastern United States of America. Methods We sampled host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs in 304 locations uniformly distributed east of the 100th meridian between 2004 and 2006. Between May and September, 1000 m2 were drag sampled three to six times per site. We developed a zero‐inflated negative binomial model to predict the density of host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs based on altitude, interpolated weather station and remotely sensed data. Results Variables that had the strongest relationship with nymphal density were altitude, monthly mean vapour pressure deficit and spatial autocorrelation. Forest fragmentation and soil texture were not predictive. The best‐fit model identified two main foci – the north‐east and upper Midwest – and predicted the presence and absence of I. scapularis nymphs with 82% accuracy, with 89% sensitivity and 82% specificity. Areas of concordance and discordance with previous studies were discussed. Areas with high predicted but low observed densities of host‐seeking nymphs were identified as potential expansion fronts. Main conclusions This model is unique in its extensive and unbiased field sampling effort, allowing for an accurate delineation of the density of host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs, an important component of human risk of infection for B. burgdorferi and other I. scapularis‐borne pathogens.  相似文献   

区域建设用地适宜性评价是区域规划空间布局的重要前提和基础,是区域土地资源合理利用的重要依据.基于GIS软件平台,采用区域综合实力与空间可达性分析方法对冀中南区域发展潜力进行了空间定量分析,采用生态环境敏感性方法对研究区发展的生态约束进行定量评价,进而借鉴损益分析法,构建了由发展潜力和生态约束构成的潜力-约束模型,并通过相互作用判别矩阵,得到不同发展理念下的建设用地适宜性情景方案.结果表明: 研究区综合实力与空间发展潜力均呈首位分布,且点轴发展模式明显;生态环境敏感性总体上呈西高东低的分布格局;区域经济发展理念对区域生态安全格局和城市建设用地增长空间规模具有重要影响.潜力-约束模型重新构建了区域用地发展适宜性的评判原则与方法,能够较为科学地实现区域综合发展潜力的空间栅格化,获取研究区未来用地的发展趋势和空间布局,可以为城市与区域规划提供科学依据,是实现区域“精明增长”与“精明保护”的有效途径.  相似文献   

Many northern lake‐rich regions are undergoing pronounced hydrological change, yet inadequate knowledge of the drivers of these landscape‐scale responses hampers our ability to predict future conditions. We address this challenge in the thermokarst landscape of Old Crow Flats (OCF) using a combination of remote sensing imagery and monitoring of stable isotope compositions of lake waters over three thaw seasons (2007–2009). Quantitative analysis confirmed that the hydrological behavior of lakes is strongly influenced by catchment vegetation and physiography. Catchments of snowmelt‐dominated lakes, typically located in southern peripheral areas of OCF, encompass high proportions of woodland/forest and tall shrub vegetation (mean percent land cover = ca. 60%). These land cover types effectively capture snow and generate abundant snowmelt runoff that offsets lake water evaporation. Rainfall‐dominated lakes that are not strongly influenced by evaporation are typically located in eastern and northern OCF where their catchments have higher proportions of dwarf shrub/herbaceous and sparse vegetation (ca. 45%), as well as surface water (ca. 20%). Evaporation‐dominated lakes, are located in the OCF interior where their catchments are distinguished by substantially higher lake area to catchment area ratios (LA/CA = ca. 29%) compared to low evaporation‐influenced rainfall‐dominated (ca. 10%) and snowmelt‐dominated (ca. 4%) lakes. Lakes whose catchments contain >75% combined dwarf shrub/herbaceous vegetation and surface water are most susceptible to evaporative lake‐level drawdown, especially following periods of low precipitation. Findings indicate that multiple hydrological trajectories are probable in response to climate‐driven changes in precipitation amount and seasonality, vegetation composition, and thermokarst processes. These will likely include a shift to greater snowmelt influence in catchments experiencing expansion of tall shrubs, greater influence from evaporation in catchments having higher proportions of surface water, and an increase in the rate of thermokarst lake expansion and probability of drainage. Local observations suggest that some of these changes are already underway.  相似文献   

草原鼠害是影响草原生态平衡的重要因素,草原鼠害监测是鼠害防治工作的重要环节。无人机低空遥感是一种新的鼠害监测方法,其具备高空间分辨率、高时效、低成本、低损耗等特点,在新疆鼠害监测防治方法中完成了示范工作。于2015年10月与2016年5月对新疆古尔班通古特沙漠南缘的荒漠林大沙鼠典型鼠害区进行两次无人机低空航拍,分别获取分辨率0.02m与0.024m的实验区超高分辨率影像,对两片实验区整幅影像进行目视解译,获得鼠洞分布情况;在鼠洞分布图基础上进行缓冲区分析并添加趋势线,获取鼠洞空间分布趋势,与研究区山体阴影图叠加分析鼠洞分布与地形间的相互关系。通过GIS格网与GIS叠加分析,获取鼠洞洞群覆盖率。得出如下结论:无人机低空遥感可以为大沙鼠鼠害调查提供准确度甚高的解译结果;古尔班通古特沙漠南缘局部研究区的荒漠林大沙鼠鼠害区洞群覆盖率分别为19.4%、18.8%,已为高密度发生区;研究区大沙鼠鼠洞表现出明显的聚集特征和带状分布特征;聚集特征说明鼠洞是以洞群的形式存在;研究区鼠洞带状分布特征与地形有着密不可分的关系;根据其空间分布特征可以科学规划鼠害治理方案;此研究表明无人机低空遥感在鼠害监测防治方面具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

A method for the numerical assessment of the foliar injury caused by the photochemical oxidant, peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), was devised, using three injury indices: fresh weight (FW) loss, decreased photosynthetic pigment content, and increased ion leakage, which can be measured using the same leaves. The injury indices clearly indicated a larger number of PAN-sensitive leaves and a more severe level of injury in the PAN-sensitive variety of Petunia hybrida, White Champion (WHITE), compared to the PAN-tolerant variety, Blue Champion (BLUE). FW and photosynthetic pigment content decreased correlatively in both varieties, but ion leakage increased only in WHITE. Morphological observations revealed that ion leakage started concurrently with the start of plasmolysis-like symptoms at the mesophyll cells of injured WHITE leaves, whereas FW loss corresponded to the shrinkage of cells without loss of their round shape in BLUE leaves. PAN injuries measured by the injury indices were markedly increased in the presence of light, and the morphological changes following PAN exposure were similar to those caused by the superoxide-generating chemical, paraquat. The results suggested that PAN injuries indicated by the three injury indices are all light-dependent, but are caused through several independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

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