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The diet of the long-fingered bat Myotis capaccinii is poorly known, and there is no previously recorded information on this species' prey preferences. To investigate these subjects, we captured 51 individuals at a nursery cave in the Iberian Peninsula, from pre-breeding to post-lactation seasons. Each bat's diet composition was assessed by faecal content analysis and its foraging places (rivers, pools and channels) identified by radio-telemetry. To estimate prey availability, we sampled arthropods in the individual bats' identified foraging places and also emulated the bats' hunting technique. The bats' diet comprised of arthropods, dominated by small insects with aquatic larvae and flying adult phases. The most consumed taxon was Nematocera (mainly Chironomidae), including adults and pupae, which were also found to be the most abundant prey over water. Other frequently consumed prey were brachycerans, lepidopterans, arachnids, trichopterans and neuropterans. Diet proportions were compared with prey availability to infer a rank of preferences. The preferred prey were lepidopterans and arachnids, both having a terrestrial life cycle and a bigger size than any other taxa consumed. Without discarding the possible underestimation of prey's aerial availability, the observed preference pattern seems to be a consequence of selection for size more than for specific taxa. Apparently M. capaccinii efficiently exploit water-related prey according to availability when the bats hunt low over the water's surface, and are also able to take more profitable prey found higher in the air.  相似文献   

Variation in bird morphology (notably sex size dimorphism) has been suggested to contribute to differences in food use between individuals. We explore the hypothesis of food partitioning (diet overlap and prey size selection) in two sympatric subspecies of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo with respect to bird morphology (subspecies and sex) in inland French waters. These areas represent a recent and increasing contact zone used as a common non-territorial winter feeding area by the continental P. c. sinensis and the marine P. c. carbo subspecies. A high dietary overlap between subspecies and sexes was found at the major sites studied. Prey size selection was found to be site-specific and generally related to a gradient of structural size and body mass (male P. c. carbo  > male P. c. sinensis  > female P. c. carbo  > female P. c. sinensis ). With respect to bird morphology, differences in prey size consumed by Great Cormorants were more pronounced between sexes in freshwater habitats than between subspecies. This was reinforced by the fact that P. c. carbo birds entering inland areas were smaller than birds on the coast. These results also suggest that bird morphology is an important determinant of dietary differences. Our study demonstrated that P. c. carbo is an efficient generalist forager in continental areas, and food partitioning in type and size of prey between the two subspecies is low.  相似文献   

The diet, prey selection, and growth of larval and juvenile Oneida Lake burbot, Lota lota (L.), was investigated from the time of first hatch in mid-April until their disappearance from the pelagic zone at the beginning of June. Mean length increased exponentially from 3–20 mm on 18 April to 15–00 mm on 29 May. The number and size of prey in burbot stomachs, and the prey size most selected by burbot increased as they grew. Prey width, not prey length, limited the size of prey ingested. The smallest burbot ate and selected highly for the largest prey they could ingest, but older burbot did not. As burbot grew, prey selection was highest first for the rotifer Asplanchna , followed by copepod nauplii, then cyclopoid copepods. Daphnia and calanoid copepods and cyclopoid copepods were selected to similar degrees by 29 May. For a given size, however, cyciopoid copepods were selected more strongly than any other prey type from 18 to 29 May. There were no significant differences in prey selection among offshore, nearshore, and onshore habitats, nor among depths in the offshore habitat.  相似文献   

Diet and prey size spectrum of pikeperch in lakes in central Finland   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The stomach content of pikeperch Sander lucioperca was studied in 24 lakes in central Finland. The most important prey species was smelt Osmerus eperlanus then perch Perca fluviatilis . The proportion of cyprinids as prey increased with pikeperch total length ( L T) and lake phosphorus content. Prey L T and pikeperch L T correlated positively, but the prey‐to‐predator size ratio correlated negatively with pikeperch L T.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to describe the diet and estimate the trophic level and food selection of Jenyns's sprat Ramnogaster arcuata, one of the common fishes in the Bahía Blanca estuary in Argentina. The copepods Acartia tonsa [53·7% index of relative importance (I(RI))] and Eurytemora americana (13·4% I(RI)), the mysid Arthromysis magellanica (13·9%I(RI)) and the small shrimp Peisos petrunkevitchi (8·2% I(RI)) were the most important food items for this species, and its diet exhibited monthly variability with respect to the principal prey categories. The zooplankton species in the study area consisted of 32 taxa. Acartia tonsa was the most abundant species [54% individuals (N) m(-3)], followed by Balanus glandula (13·8% N m(-3)) and E. americana (10·1% N m(-3)). The rest of the zooplankton groups represented <3% N m(-3). The most preferred items throughout the year were A. magellanica and Idotea sp. The trophic level value estimated was 3·1.  相似文献   

The relative abundance and size of prey fish in the stomachs of the predator Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro were compared with those recorded in the field to estimate prey selection. Fish samples were taken monthly in the Manso Reservoir (State of Mato Grosso, Brazil) immediately after the impoundment, from March 2000 to February 2001 (period I) and from March 2003 to February 2004 (period II). In period I, the small relative dominance of the prey in the environment seemed to have lead to random foraging. In period II, however, when the forage fish Moenkhausia dichroura was dominant in the environment, the predator shifted its diet, foraging mainly on this prey. Species with short relative body depth were positively selected. The prey size classes between 30 and 49 mm, and 50 and 69 mm standard length ( L S) were the most abundant in the environment. Small prey were predominantly selected by A. pantaneiro . Even when a given prey or prey size was predominant in the environment, A. pantaneiro was a selective predator and maintained its preferences associated to prey type and L S, although it consumed the most abundant resource.  相似文献   

The diets and prey selection of six species of tuna baitfish (the engraulids Stolephorus devisi and S. heterolobus, three dussumierids of genus Spratelloides, and the apogonid Archamiazosterophora. were examined at two heavily fished and one unfished site in the Solomon Islands. All species ate almost exclusively nektonic zooplankton, especially crustaceans. Calanoid copepods were the most importantpreyofallspeciesexcept A. zosterophora, whichateagreater biomassoflarvalfish. Baitfishcould be divided into two groups according to prey taxa: the apogonid A. zosterophora and the engraulids S. devisi and S. heterolobus ate similar prey in similar proportions; the three dussumierid species (Spratelloides) ate smaller zooplankton and a greater proportion of calanoids than the other species. The size of prey eaten differed greatly between baitfish species. A. zosterophora ate larger prey than other species. The two Stolephorus species ate similar-size prey, which were larger than the prey of the three species of Spratelloides. Among the Spratelloides, S. delicatulus ate smaller prey than the other two species. All species differed in the size of calanoids, carids and brachyurans they ate. In all cases, prey differed more by the minimum dimension (width) than by volume. There were significant relationships between fish length and prey width and volume, except for Archamia. However, in terms ofvolume, the prey of Stolephorus increased with fish size at a much greater rate than in Spratelloides species. Baitfish diets were compared to the zooplankton available. Prey selection by the three Spratelloides species and two Sfolephorus species was density-dependent for all common prey types, although Stolephorus positively selected hyperiid amphipods and brachyurans. Archamia showed strong negative selection for calanoids and selected larger zooplankters, including fish larvae and carids, avoiding smaller, more common, prey. Overall baitfish density and zooplankton density did not correlate at either of the heavily fished sites. Nor were there consistent differences for any species in diet or changes in prey selection between the heavily fished and unfished sites. This suggests that, in these lagoons, commercial baitfish catches are not directly influenced by the composition or density of prey.  相似文献   

The trophic linkage between yellow perch Perca flavescens and two exotic prey items, alewife Alosa pseudoharengus and round goby Neogobius melanostomus , was investigated in the extreme southern area of Lake Michigan during the summer of 2002. Yellow perch ≥100 mm total length, L T( n  = 1293) exhibited size selective feeding, with 148 fish containing round gobies and 120 fish containing alewives. The mean round goby L T, preyed on by yellow perch, was 23% of the predator L T, with a range of 7 to 47%, and mean alewife L T was 32% of yellow perch L T, with a range of 18 to 46%. Although the selection of prey size by yellow perch increased proportionally with yellow perch L T, prey consumed appeared smaller than theoretically possible based on gape size.  相似文献   

Prey size and species selection of pikeperch Sander lucioperca and Volga pikeperch Sander volgensis were investigated in relation to predator size in the shallow Lake Balaton, Hungary. Although their gape sizes were similar, S. lucioperca shifted to piscivory earlier and consumed fewer, but larger, prey than S. volgensis. Prey species preference of the two piscivores also differed. A bimodal prey size distribution resulted in a reclining sigmoid curve for the life span predator size to prey size relationship with inflexion points between 266 and 284 mm predator standard length (L(S) ) in S. lucioperca. In S. volgensis, as well as in S. lucioperca L(S) ≤ 350 mm, prey size increased monotonically with predator L(S) , following a power trend for all prey size variables. Prey depth to predator L(S) relationship varied significantly with prey species and prey number in both piscivores, and prey depth tended to be smaller in predators consuming more than one prey. Both predator species characteristically selected less active, benthic prey fishes in spite of their spiny fin rays, and small- and mid-sized predators selected for small prey. Relatively large prey were also eaten, however, especially by the smallest and largest S. lucioperca.  相似文献   

The northward expansion of round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) in the Mediterranean Sea, together with declines and fluctuations in biomass and landings of European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) observed in recent decades, may suggest potential inter‐specific competition in the pelagic domain. The coexistence of sympatric zooplanktivorous fish species might therefore be exposed in part to trophic niche overlap and competition for food. Combining visual diet characterization under the microscope with DNA metabarcoding from stomach contents of fish collected in spring results show that predation on relatively large krill is equally important for sardinella than for the other two niche overlapping species. Furthermore, an important overlap is found in their isotopic niche, especially with anchovy, using nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) stable isotopes in muscle tissue. In fact, the three fish species are able to feed effectively in the whole prey size spectrum available during the sampled season, from the smallest diatoms and copepods to the larger prey (i.e., decapods and euphausiids), including fish larvae. Moreover, effective predation upon other large prey like siphonophores, which is observed only when multi‐proxy analyses in stomach contents are applied, might also be relevant in the diet of sardinella. The overlapping diet composition in spring, together with the effective use of food resource by sardinella, can be of special interest in potential future scenarios with warmer water temperature leading to lower zooplankton and/or higher jellyfish availability, where sardinella may take advantage over other species due to its feeding plasticity.  相似文献   

This study examines the diet of nine taxa from seven families of pre-settlement coral-reef fish larvae collected in the lagoon of New Caledonia, south-west Pacific. Chesson's index of electivity indicated that the major prey groups in the diets, i.e . small copepods, small unidentified crustaceans and eggs, were positively selected by all larvae, provided they were at least 150 μm wide. This result emphasizes the role of larvae's behaviour on their feeding.  相似文献   

The rapidly growing field of molecular diet analysis is becoming increasingly popular among ecologists, especially when investigating methodologically challenging groups, such as invertebrate generalist predators. Prey DNA detection success is known to be affected by multiple factors; however, the type of dietary sample has rarely been considered. Here, we address this knowledge gap by comparing prey DNA detection success from three types of dietary samples. In a controlled feeding experiment, using the carabid beetle Pterostichus melanarius as a model predator, we collected regurgitates, faeces and whole consumers (including their gut contents) at different time points postfeeding. All dietary samples were analysed using multiplex PCR, targeting three different length DNA fragments (128, 332 and 612 bp). Our results show that both the type of dietary sample and the size of the DNA fragment contribute to a significant part of the variation found in the detectability of prey DNA. Specifically, we observed that in both regurgitates and whole consumers, prey DNA was detectable significantly longer for all fragment sizes than for faeces. Based on these observations, we conclude that prey DNA detected from regurgitates and whole consumers DNA extracts are comparable, whereas prey DNA detected from faeces, though still sufficiently reliable for ecological studies, will not be directly comparable to the former. Therefore, regurgitates and faeces constitute a useful, nonlethal source for dietary information that could be applied to field studies in situations when invertebrate predators should not be killed.  相似文献   

Sarma  S. S. S.  Nandini  S. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,486(1):169-174
Freshwater cladocerans and rotifers were used as prey to study functional response and prey selection by adult females of Chirocephalus diaphanus under laboratory conditions. For functional response studies, we offered three rotifer species (Brachionus calyciflorus, B. patulus and Euchlanis dilatata) and three cladoceran species (Alona rectangula, Ceriodaphnia dubia and Moina macrocopa) at various densities ranging from 0.5 to 16 ind. ml–1. We found increased zooplankton consumption with increasing prey density but beyond 4 ind ml–1 cladocerans and 8 ind. ml–1 rotifers, the number of animals eaten plateaued. In general, C. diaphanus consumed fewer large prey (cladocerans) and many more smaller zooplankton (rotifers). For prey selection experiments, we used B. calyciflrous, B. patulus, C. dubia and M. macrocopa, offered at the ratio of two rotifers: one cladoceran and at three prey densities (total zooplankton numbers: 3, 6 and 12 ind. ml–1). Prey selectivity patterns followed the functional response trends. In general, regardless of prey types, with an increase in the available zooplankton, there was an increase in the number of prey consumed. At any given prey density, C. diaphanus consumed higher numbers of rotifers than cladocerans. Among the prey offered, B. patulus and M. macrocopa were positively selected. Results are discussed in light of possible control of zooplankton by anostracans in temporary ponds.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted with two predatory fishes, Lagodon rhomboides (Linnaeus) and Syngnathus floridae (Jordan & Gilbert), to determine if prey selection was a result of predator preference or prey accessibility. Prey consisted of two species of caridean shrimp, Tozeuma carolinense (Kingsley) and Hippolyte zostericola (Smith), that commonly inhabit seagrass meadows. Natural diets of both predators revealed that selection ofTozeuma and Hippolyte was not related to their field densities. My experiments demonstrated that natural prey selection was a consequence of prey accessibility, not predator preference. Experiments examining the role of prey size in predator preference revealed that large individuals were significantly preferred over small individuals. Observations of prey behavior indicated that prey motion affected predator choice. These results suggest that predator preference was primarily determined by prey visibility and that the combined effects of prey size and motion contributed to the visibility of these prey.  相似文献   

Survival during the pelagic larval phase of marine fish is highly variable and is subject to numerous factors. A sharp decline in the number of surviving larvae usually occurs during the transition from endogenous to exogenous feeding known as the first feeding stage in fish larvae. The present study was designed to evaluate the link between functional morphology and prey selection in an attempt to understand how the relationship influences mortality of a marine fish larva, Amphiprion frenatus, through ontogeny. Larvae were reared from hatch to 14 days post hatch (DPH) with one of four diets [rotifers and newly hatched Artemia sp. nauplii (RA); rotifers and wild plankton (RP); rotifers, wild plankton, and newly hatched Artemia nauplii (RPA); wild plankton and newly hatched Artemia nauplii (PA)]. Survival did not differ among diets. Larvae from all diets experienced mass mortality from 1 to 5 DPH followed by decreased mortality from 6 to 14 DPH; individuals fed RA were the exception, exhibiting continuous mortality from 6 to 14 DPH. Larvae consumed progressively larger prey with growth and age, likely due to age related increase in gape. During the mass mortality event, larvae selected small prey items and exhibited few ossified elements. Cessation of mass mortality coincided with consumption of large prey and ossification of key elements of the feeding apparatus. Mass mortality did not appear to be solely influenced by inability to establish first feeding. We hypothesize the interaction of reduced feeding capacities (i.e., complexity of the feeding apparatus) and larval physiology such as digestion or absorption efficiency contributed to the mortality event during the first feeding period. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The nature of prey selection by two centrarchids (white crappie and bluegill) is presented as a model incorporating optimal foraging strategies. The visual field of the foraging fish as represented by the reactive distance is analysed in detail to estimate the number of prey encounters per search bout. The predicted reactive distances are compared with experimental data. The energetic cost associated with fish foraging behaviour is calculated based on the sequence of events that takes place for each prey consumed. Comparisons of the relative abundance of prey species and size categories in the stomach to the lake environment indicated that both white crappie and bluegill (length < 100 mm) strongly select prey utilising an energy optimization strategy. In most cases, the fish exclusively selected large Daphnia ignoring evasive prey types (Cyclops, Diaptomids) and small cladocera. This selectivity is the result of fish actively avoiding prey with high evasion capabilities even though they appear to be high in energetic content and having translated this into optimal selectivity through capture success rates. The energy consideration and visual system, apart from the forager's ability to capture prey, are the major determinants of prey selectivity for large-sized bluegill and white crappie still at planktivorous stages.  相似文献   

PearreJr  & Maass 《Mammal Review》1998,28(3):125-139
House Cats Felis catus L., whether attached to human households or not, appear to be versatile opportunistic predators. Their principal prey in most areas are mammals (rodents and rabbits), with bird prey secondary. Trophic niche breadth, as measured by the standard deviation of the spectrum of logarithmically transformed prey sizes ('SLH'), shows a latitudinal trend, being greater in low latitudes: it is also greater in periods of high prey availability. This appears to be influenced by inclusion of very small prey, especially insects, in areas and seasons when they are available. Both the niche breadth and the mean prey size (niche position) appear to be constant as population mean cat size increases. The most common prey size for cats is about 1% of their own body weights, which is much less than most previously reported values for carnivores.  相似文献   

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