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Range shifts of tropical marine species to temperate latitudes are predicted to increase as a consequence of climate change. To date, the research focus on climate‐mediated range shifts has been predominately dealt with the physiological capacity of tropical species to cope with the thermal challenges imposed by temperate latitudes. Behavioural traits of individuals in the novel temperate environment have not previously been investigated, however, they are also likely to play a key role in determining the establishment success of individual species at the range‐expansion forefront. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of shoaling strategy on the performance of juvenile tropical reef fishes that recruit annually to temperate waters off the south east coast of Australia. Specifically, we compared body‐size distributions and the seasonal decline in abundance through time of juvenile tropical fishes that shoaled with native temperate species (‘mixed’ shoals) to those that shoaled only with conspecifics (as would be the case in their tropical range). We found that shoaling with temperate native species benefitted juvenile tropical reef fishes, with individuals in ‘mixed’ shoals attaining larger body‐sizes over the season than those in ‘tropical‐only’ shoals. This benefit in terms of population body‐size distributions was accompanied by greater social cohesion of ‘mixed’ shoals across the season. Our results highlight the impact that sociality and behavioural plasticity are likely to play in determining the impact on native fish communities of climate‐induced range expansion of coral reef fishes.  相似文献   

With rapidly increasing rates of contemporary extinction, predicting extinction vulnerability and identifying how multiple stressors drive non-random species loss have become key challenges in ecology. These assessments are crucial for avoiding the loss of key functional groups that sustain ecosystem processes and services. We developed a novel predictive framework of species extinction vulnerability and applied it to coral reef fishes. Although relatively few coral reef fishes are at risk of global extinction from climate disturbances, a negative convex relationship between fish species locally vulnerable to climate change vs. fisheries exploitation indicates that the entire community is vulnerable on the many reefs where both stressors co-occur. Fishes involved in maintaining key ecosystem functions are more at risk from fishing than climate disturbances. This finding is encouraging as local and regional commitment to fisheries management action can maintain reef ecosystem functions pending progress towards the more complex global problem of stabilizing the climate.  相似文献   

The future distribution of river fishes will be jointly affected by climate and land use changes forcing species to move in space. However, little is known whether fish species will be able to keep pace with predicted climate and land use‐driven habitat shifts, in particular in fragmented river networks. In this study, we coupled species distribution models (stepwise boosted regression trees) of 17 fish species with species‐specific models of their dispersal (fish dispersal model FIDIMO) in the European River Elbe catchment. We quantified (i) the extent and direction (up‐ vs. downstream) of predicted habitat shifts under coupled “moderate” and “severe” climate and land use change scenarios for 2050, and (ii) the dispersal abilities of fishes to track predicted habitat shifts while explicitly considering movement barriers (e.g., weirs, dams). Our results revealed median net losses of suitable habitats of 24 and 94 river kilometers per species for the moderate and severe future scenarios, respectively. Predicted habitat gains and losses and the direction of habitat shifts were highly variable among species. Habitat gains were negatively related to fish body size, i.e., suitable habitats were projected to expand for smaller‐bodied fishes and to contract for larger‐bodied fishes. Moreover, habitats of lowland fish species were predicted to shift downstream, whereas those of headwater species showed upstream shifts. The dispersal model indicated that suitable habitats are likely to shift faster than species might disperse. In particular, smaller‐bodied fish (<200 mm) seem most vulnerable and least able to track future environmental change as their habitat shifted most and they are typically weaker dispersers. Furthermore, fishes and particularly larger‐bodied species might substantially be restricted by movement barriers to respond to predicted climate and land use changes, while smaller‐bodied species are rather restricted by their specific dispersal ability.  相似文献   

 An understanding of the indirect effects of fishing on predator-prey relationships is required for the development of valid multispecies yield models for reef fisheries and for determining the factors governing fish community structure at larger scales. We used an underwater visual census technique to examine the indirect effects of fishing on the biomass and diversity (species richness) of reef fishes in a series of ten traditional Fijian fishing grounds (qoliqoli) subject to a range of fishing intensities. All members of the families Chaetodontidae (butterflyfishes), Labridae (wrasses), Lutjanidae (snappers), Mullidae (goatfishes), Scaridae (parrotfishes) and the sub-family Epinephelinae (groupers and coral trout) which could be reliably identified were censused. Each species censused was assigned to one of three trophic groups: herbivore, invertebrate feeder or piscivore. The biomass of all piscivorous fishes and of large (>30 cm) piscivorous fishes differed significantly between qoliqoli and was significantly correlated with fishing intensity. However, the biomass of piscivorous fishes was not correlated with the biomass or diversity of their potential prey (which were not targeted by the fishery). This suggested that the indirect effects of fishing did not have an important bearing on fish diversity or biomass and that predation by the target species did not play an important role in structuring these Fijian reef fish communities. The results contrast with those from a number of studies at smaller scales and provided further indications that the structure of reef fish communities is not governed by a single dominant process, but by a range of processes which operate on different scales in different circumstances. Accepted: 29 July 1996  相似文献   

为更好地保护和管理西沙永兴岛附近海域珊瑚礁鱼类,于2020—2021年对永兴岛上岸渔获物进行了调查研究,分析了鱼类群落结构组成及其变化和演替特征。结果表明:调查共发现永兴岛附近海域珊瑚礁鱼类101种,隶属于5目21科,以鲈形目鱼类最多,占总种类的84.16%,生物量超总渔获物的90%;科级水平鹦嘴鱼科鱼类最多,达21种,生物量超总渔获物的45%。28种珊瑚礁鱼类是永兴岛附近海域主要捕捞对象,占总渔获物的80%以上。永兴岛附近海域珊瑚礁鱼类呈现过度捕捞,一是主要渔获物中的中大型鱼类均重偏小;二是本海域个体体型最大的鱼类出现较多消亡;三是肉食性鱼类大量消亡;四是植食性鱼类生物量占比超过了肉食性鱼类。永兴岛附近海域珊瑚礁鱼类已经演替到以植食性鱼类为主导的生态系统;大量海胆的出现,表明了这一珊瑚礁生态系统在进一步衰退,向以海胆为主导的生态系统演变。保护西沙永兴岛附近海域珊瑚礁鱼类已经刻不容缓,需要严格地控制本海域的捕捞强度。  相似文献   

Aim To delineate biogeographical patterns in Galapagos shallow‐water reef fauna at regional scales. Location Galapagos Islands. Methods Fishes and macro‐invertebrates were quantitatively censused using underwater visual techniques along more than 500 transects at defined depth strata across the Galapagos archipelago. Data were analysed using multivariate techniques to define regional patterns and identify species typical of different regions. Results Subtidal communities of fishes and macro‐invertebrates on shallow reefs differed consistently in species composition across the Galapagos archipelago, with three major biogeographical groupings: (1) the ‘far‐northern area’ containing the islands of Darwin and Wolf, (2) the ‘central/south‐eastern area’, including the east coast of Isabela, and (3) the ‘western area’, encompassing Fernandina and western Isabela. In addition, the northern islands of Pinta, Marchena and Genovesa form a separate region in the central/south‐eastern area, and Bahia Elizabeth and Canal Bolivar separate from other parts of the western area. The far‐northern bioregion is characterized by high fish species richness overall, including a high proportion of species of Indo‐Pacific origin. However, very few endemic fishes or species with distributions extending south from Ecuador (‘Peruvian’ species) are present, and the bioregion also possesses relatively low species richness of mobile macro‐invertebrate taxa. By contrast, the ‘western’ bioregion possesses disproportionately high numbers of endemic fish taxa, high numbers of cool‐temperate Peruvian fish species, and high invertebrate species richness, but very few species of Indo‐Pacific origin. The Bahia Elizabeth/Canal Bolivar bioregion possesses more endemic species and fewer species with Peruvian affinities than coasts within the western bioregion. The northern bioregion of Pinta, Marchena and Genovesa represents an overlap zone with affinities to both the far‐northern and south‐eastern islands. The south‐eastern bioregion includes species from a variety of different sources, particularly ‘Panamic’ species with distributions extending north to Central America. Main conclusions On the basis of congruent divisions for reef fish and macro‐invertebrate communities, the Galapagos archipelago can be separated into three major biogeographical areas, two of which can be further subdivided into two regions. Each of these five bioregions possesses communities characterized by a distinctive mix of species derived from Indo‐Pacific, Panamic, Peruvian and endemic source areas. The conservation significance of different regions is not reflected in counts of total species richness. The regions with the lowest overall fish species richness possess a temperate rather than tropical climate and highest levels of endemism.  相似文献   

In spite of their ecological and economic importance, reef fishes from the coast of Oaxaca, Mexico are rarely studied, therefore precluding their management and conservation. In order to identify the set of habitat characteristics/environmental conditions that predict major shifts in fish assemblages in space and time, a stationary census (5′, φ = 5 m) was conducted on a semi‐monthly basis from 2006 to 2009 at patch reefs along the coast. Habitat configuration was gathered using 25 m long point‐intersect transects (data every 25 cm), recording all underlying coral species and substrate characteristics (rocks, sand, algal mats, rubble or dead corals). Recorded were 65 452 fishes grouped in 11 orders, 36 families, 65 genera and 89 species. Labridae (nine species), Pomacentridae (eight species) and Serranidae (seven species) were the most frequent families. Abundance is severely skewed among species; four species Thalassoma lucasanum, Chromis atrilobata, Apogon pacificus and Stegastes acapulcoensis comprise nearly 59% of the fish abundance, 11 species contribute 30%, whereas most of the species (75) can be considered as rare since they contribute <1% each to the total. Species richness and family‐level assemblage composition are similar to those recorded elsewhere in the eastern Pacific. Non‐parametric multivariate analysis of variance demonstrated that changes of diversity metrics might be associated with environmental differences on the scale of hundreds of meters to kilometers, as well as coupled with major changes on oceanographic variables throughout time, exerting meaningful changes on reef‐related fish assemblages.  相似文献   

We quantify the relative importance of multi‐scale drivers of reef fish assemblage structure on isolated coral reefs at the intersection of the Indian and Indo‐Pacific biogeographical provinces. Large (>30 cm), functionally‐important and commonly targeted species of fish, were surveyed on the outer reef crest/front at 38 coral reef sites spread across three oceanic coral reef systems (i.e. Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Rowley Shoals), in the tropical Indian Ocean (c. 1.126 x 106 km2). The effects of coral cover, exposure, fishing pressure, lagoon size and geographical context, on observed patterns of fish assemblage structure were modelled using Multivariate Regression Trees. Reef fish assemblages were clearly separated in space with geographical location explaining ~53 % of the observed variation. Lagoon size, within each isolated reef system was an equally effective proxy for explaining fish assemblage structure. Among local‐scale variables, ‘distance from port’, a proxy for the influence of fishing, explained 5.2% of total variation and separated the four most isolated reefs from Cocos (Keeling) Island, from reefs with closer boating access. Other factors were not significant. Major divisions in assemblage structure were driven by sister taxa that displayed little geographical overlap between reef systems and low abundances of several species on Christmas Island corresponding to small lagoon habitats. Exclusion of geographical context from the analysis resulted in local processes explaining 47.3% of the variation, highlighting the importance of controlling for spatial correlation to understand the drivers of fish assemblage structure. Our results suggest reef fish assemblage structure on remote coral reef systems in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean reflects a biogeographical legacy of isolation between Indian and Pacific fish faunas and geomorphological variation within the region, more than local fishing pressure or reef condition. Our findings re‐emphasise the importance that historical processes play in structuring contemporary biotic communities.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean Sea is a hotspot of biodiversity, and climate warming is expected to have a significant influence on its endemic fish species. However, no previous studies have predicted whether fish species will experience geographic range extensions or contractions as a consequence of warming. Here, we projected the potential future climatic niches of 75 Mediterranean Sea endemic fish species based on a global warming scenario implemented with the Mediterranean model OPAMED8 and a multimodel inference, which included uncertainty. By 2070–2099, the average surface temperature of the Mediterranean Sea was projected to warm by 3.1 °C. Projections for 2041–2060 are that 25 species would qualify for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List, and six species would become extinct. By 2070–2099, 45 species were expected to qualify for the IUCN Red List whereas 14 were expected to become extinct. By the middle of the 21st century, the coldest areas of the Mediterranean Sea (Adriatic Sea and Gulf of Lion) would act as a refuge for cold‐water species, but by the end of the century, those areas were projected to become a ‘cul‐de‐sac’ that would drive those species towards extinction. In addition, the range size of endemic species was projected to undergo extensive fragmentation, which is a potentially aggravating factor. Since a majority of endemic fishes are specialists, regarding substratum and diet, we may expect a reduced ability to track projected climatic niches. As a whole, 25% of the Mediterranean Sea continental shelf was predicted to experience a total modification of endemic species assemblages by the end of the 21st century. This expected turnover rate could be mitigated by marine protected areas or accelerated by fishing pressure or competition from exotic fishes. It remains a challenge to predict how these assemblage modifications might affect ecosystem function.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted on Tamandaré reefs, northeast Brazil and aimed to analyse the importance of different factors (e.g. tourism activity, fishing activity, coral abundance and algal abundance) on reef fish abundance and species richness. Two distinct reef areas (A ver o mar and Caieiras) with different levels of influence were studied. A total of 8239 reef fish individuals were registered, including 59 species. Site 1 (A ver o mar) presented higher reef fish abundance and richness, with dominance of roving herbivores (29.9 %) and mobile invertebrate feeders (28.7 %). In contrast, at Site 2 (Caieiras) territorial herbivores (40.9 %) predominated, followed by mobile invertebrate feeders (24.6 %). Concerning the benthic community, at Site 1 macroalgae were recorded as the main category (49.3 %); however, Site 2 was dominated by calcareous algae (36.0 %). The most important variable explaining more than 90 % of variance on reef fish abundance and species richness was macroalgae abundance, followed by fishing activity. Phase shifts on coral reefs are evident, resulting in the replacement of coral by macroalgae and greatly influencing reef fish communities. In this context, it is important to understand the burden of the factors that affect reef fish communities and, therefore, influence the extinction vulnerability of coral reef fishes.  相似文献   

Shifts in species ranges are a global phenomenon, well known to occur in response to a changing climate. New species arriving in an area may become pest species, modify ecosystem structure, or represent challenges or opportunities for fisheries and recreation. Early detection of range shifts and prompt implementation of any appropriate management strategies is therefore crucial. This study investigates whether ‘first sightings’ of marine species outside their normal ranges could provide an early warning of impending climate‐driven range shifts. We examine the relationships between first sightings and marine regions defined by patterns of local climate velocities (calculated on a 50‐year timescale), while also considering the distribution of observational effort (i.e. number of sampling days recorded with biological observations in global databases). The marine trajectory regions include climate ‘source’ regions (areas lacking connections to warmer areas), ‘corridor’ regions (areas where moving isotherms converge), and ‘sink’ regions (areas where isotherms locally disappear). Additionally, we investigate the latitudinal band in which first sightings were recorded, and species’ thermal affiliations. We found that first sightings are more likely to occur in climate sink and ‘divergent’ regions (areas where many rapid and diverging climate trajectories pass through) indicating a role of temperature in driving changes in marine species distributions. The majority of our fish first sightings appear to be tropical and subtropical species moving towards high latitudes, as would be expected in climate warming. Our results indicate that first sightings are likely related to longer‐term climatic processes, and therefore have potential use to indicate likely climate‐driven range shifts. The development of an approach to detect impending range shifts at an early stage will allow resource managers and researchers to better manage opportunities resulting from range‐shifting species before they potentially colonize.  相似文献   

Population density, number of species, diversity, and species-area relationships of fish species in eight common coral reef-associated families were studied in three marine parks receiving total protection from fishing, four sites with unregulated fishing, and one reef which recently received protection from fishing (referred to as a transition reef). Data on coral cover, reef topographic complexity, and sea urchin abundance were collected and correlated with fish abundance and species richness. The most striking result of this survey is a consistent and large reduction in the population density and species richness of 5 families (surgeonfish, triggerfish, butterflyfish, angelfish, and parrotfish). Poor recovery of parrotfish in the transition reef, relative to other fish families, is interpreted as evidence for competitive exclusion of parrotfish by sea urchins. Reef substrate complexity is significantly associated with fish abundance and diversity, but data suggest different responses for protected versus fished reefs, protected reefs having higher species richness and numbers of individuals than unprotected reefs for the same reef complexity. Sea urchin abundance is negatively associated with numbers of fish and fish species but the interrelationship between sea urchins, substrate complexity, coral cover, and management make it difficult to attribute a set percent of variance to each factor-although fishing versus no fishing appears to be the strongest variable in predicting numbers of individuals and species of fish, and their community similarity. Localized species extirpation is evident for many species on fished reefs (for the sampled area of 1.0 ha). Fifty-two of 110 species found on protected reefs were not found on unprotected reefs.  相似文献   

Consequences of reef phase shifts on fish communities remain poorly understood. Studies on the causes, effects and consequences of phase shifts on reef fish communities have only been considered for coral-to-macroalgae shifts. Therefore, there is a large information gap regarding the consequences of novel phase shifts and how these kinds of phase shifts impact on fish assemblages. This study aimed to compare the fish assemblages on reefs under normal conditions (relatively high cover of corals) to those which have shifted to a dominance of the zoantharian Palythoa cf. variabilis on coral reefs in Todos os Santos Bay (TSB), Brazilian eastern coast. We examined eight reefs, where we estimated cover of corals and P. cf. variabilis and coral reef fish richness, abundance and body size. Fish richness differed significantly between normal reefs (48 species) and phase-shift reefs (38 species), a 20% reduction in species. However there was no difference in fish abundance between normal and phase shift reefs. One fish species, Chaetodon striatus, was significantly less abundant on normal reefs. The differences in fish assemblages between different reef phases was due to differences in trophic groups of fish; on normal reefs carnivorous fishes were more abundant, while on phase shift reefs mobile invertivores dominated.  相似文献   

Pelagic fishes are among the most ecologically and economically important fish species in European seas. In principle, these pelagic fishes have potential to demonstrate rapid abundance and distribution shifts in response to climatic variability due to their high adult motility, planktonic larval stages, and low dependence on benthic habitat for food or shelter during their life histories. Here, we provide evidence of substantial climate‐driven changes to the structure of pelagic fish communities in European shelf seas. We investigated the patterns of species‐level change using catch records from 57 870 fisheries‐independent survey trawls from across European continental shelf region between 1965 and 2012. We analysed changes in the distribution and rate of occurrence of the six most common species, and observed a strong subtropicalization of the North Sea and Baltic Sea assemblages. These areas have shifted away from cold‐water assemblages typically characterized by Atlantic herring and European sprat from the 1960s to 1980s, to warmer‐water assemblages including Atlantic mackerel, Atlantic horse mackerel, European pilchard and European anchovy from the 1990s onwards. We next investigated if warming sea temperatures have forced these changes using temporally comprehensive data from the North Sea region. Our models indicated the primary driver of change in these species has been sea surface temperatures in all cases. Together, these analyses highlight how individual species responses have combined to result in a dramatic subtropicalization of the pelagic fish assemblage of the European continental shelf.  相似文献   

Presettlement and settlement‐stage fishes were studied in a large, log‐spiral bay in temperate South Africa. The aim was to describe the assemblage composition, density and distribution associated with four types of habitats common to the bay: high profile reef, low profile reef, reef‐associated sand and open sand spatially separated from reef. Samples were collected with both a plankton ring net and a light trap at each habitat type as part of a mixed‐method approach. A total of 4084 presettlement and settlement‐stage fishes belonging to 31 teleost families and 84 species were captured. Reef‐associated sand and open sand habitats yielded higher species richness and diversity than the high and low‐profile reef habitats. Engraulidae, Gobiidae, Clupeidae and Cynoglossidae were the dominant fish families captured with the ring net, while Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Carangidae and Clinidae were captured with the light trap. A temporal difference in the abundance of presettlement fishes occurred between the sampling periods with highest values recorded during the summer settlement period. Habitat type together with associated physico‐chemical variables played a pivotal role in determining presettlement fish species composition, density and distribution across habitat types.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of 5 years of monitoring reef fish post-larvae using light traps in the Bay of Tamandaré, north-east Brazil. An annotated checklist of pre-settlement fish species, their frequency of occurrence and taxonomic characteristics are provided. In total, 4,422 post-larval fishes belonging to 36 families, 56 genera and 76 species were captured. The most species-rich families were Carangidae (7), Lutjanidae (6) and Pomacentridae (4), while the families Gerreidae (30.47%), Holocentridae (16.54%), Blenniidae (12.01%), Labrisomidae (8.36%), Lutjanidae (8.29%) and Acanthuridae (5.95%) were the most abundant. This is the first study of the taxonomic diversity and assemblage structure of settlement-stage reef fishes in the tropical south-west Atlantic Ocean. Although a few common species were not captured due to selectivity of light traps, the composition and taxonomic diversity of this first collection suggests that light traps are useful for studies of the early life history of a wide range of pre-settlement reef fishes.  相似文献   

Aim Unique topographic features left the Red Sea and its north‐eastern extension into the Gulf of Aqaba practically devoid of coral‐reef‐based organisms during the last glacial maximum. The current ichthyofauna in these two ‘regions’ thus represents the product of relatively recent colonization by species found in the Arabian Sea, which adjoins the Red Sea at its southern tip. We used this system to test why some marine species seemingly fail to extend their geographic range, thereby generating spatial heterogeneity in biodiversity. Location The Arabian Sea, Red Sea, and the Gulf of Aqaba. Methods A list of coral‐reef‐associated fish species, belonging to the 10 most speciose families, was compiled for each region using published sources. The data were analysed (major axis regression, randomization tests) for taxonomic and body‐size‐dependent biases in colonization probabilities. A simple probabilistic model was used to examine the potential contribution of local (within‐region) extinctions to determining species composition in the Red Sea. Results Of the 462 reef‐associated species that inhabit the Arabian Sea, 69% have crossed successfully into the Red Sea; of these, 55% have crossed into the Gulf of Aqaba. A species’ probability of being found in either ‘target’ was independent of presumed innate differences, i.e. ecological correlates of taxonomic affiliation and body size. Similarly, local extinctions were found unlikely to have been of consequence over the past several thousand years. Main conclusions Present‐day differences in the species richness of reef‐associated fish species among the Arabian Sea, Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba appear to be the product of external, non‐selective constraints on colonization. The random nature of the colonization process is suggestive of ecological redundancy among coral‐reef fish species. Importantly, the study places a time frame on the processes that determine spatial patterns of biodiversity in reef fish.  相似文献   

Globally, lake fish communities are being subjected to a range of scale‐dependent anthropogenic pressures, from climate change to eutrophication, and from overexploitation to species introductions. As a consequence, the composition of these communities is being reshuffled, in most cases leading to a surge in taxonomic similarity at the regional scale termed homogenization. The drivers of homogenization remain unclear, which may be a reflection of interactions between various environmental changes. In this study, we investigate two potential drivers of the recent changes in the composition of freshwater fish communities: recreational fishing and climate change. Our results, derived from 524 lakes of Ontario, Canada sampled in two periods (1965–1982 and 2008–2012), demonstrate that the main contributors to homogenization are the dispersal of gamefish species, most of which are large predators. Alternative explanations relating to lake habitat (e.g., area, phosphorus) or variations in climate have limited explanatory power. Our analysis suggests that human‐assisted migration is the primary driver of the observed compositional shifts, homogenizing freshwater fish community among Ontario lakes and generating food webs dominated by gamefish species.  相似文献   

At the Cocos (Keeling) Islands in the north‐eastern Indian Ocean >592 fishes from at least 11 species died in a series of events in December 2007, January and February 2008 and April 2009. The dead fishes were from a wide range of taxonomic families, indicating that conditions exceeded the tolerances of a broad array of species. The 2007–2008 die‐off events occurred on the warmest and calmest days of a significantly warmer and calmer summer. Fishes died in the southern inshore areas of the coral atoll lagoon at survey sites where seawater temperature was highest (33–35° C) and dissolved oxygen was lowest (1·4–1·8 mg l?1). The water temperature at these fish‐kill survey sites (33–35° C) was significantly warmer than previous years (1997 to 2005, mean ±s.e. = 28·7 ± 0·1° C). Fishes probably died because they were unable to obtain the additional oxygen required for metabolism at higher temperatures. Repeated die‐off events over the last 130 years indicate that some fishes have not yet adapted to rises in seawater temperature. This study provides empirical evidence to support suggestions that differences in physiological tolerances to increasing sea temperatures may be important in determining the structure of future coral‐reef fish communities with respect to climate change.  相似文献   

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