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Amylocystis lapponica (Romell) Singer is a widely distributed wood‐decaying polypore fungus found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Despite its huge distribution range it occurs rather patchily and seems narrowly associated with old‐growth forest stands. Notably, it has been used as an ‘indicator species’, believed to reflect the long‐term presence of dead wood, naturalness of forest stands, and indirectly, species richness and possibly composition. In this study we focused on the last issue – whether or not there is a link between the occurrence of A. lapponica and the species richness and composition of other wood‐decaying fungi. Selecting log characteristics and microclimate as similar as possible, we compared 12 logs with and 12 logs without visible fruit bodies of A. lapponica to examine: 1) if visible fruit bodies corresponded with molecular identification of the mycelia, 2) if fungal species richness and composition of the substrate were related to A. lapponica occurrence, and 3) if A. lapponica was restricted to certain parts of the log. Fungal species were recorded by inspecting visible fruit bodies and by culture isolation and ITS sequencing from wood disc samples. Laboratory and field identification of A. lapponica had 71% correspondence, and mycelia were identified in two logs without visible fruit bodies. Twice as many fungal species were detected using ITS sequencing compared to fruit body identification. Total species richness was similar between the two log categories, but number of species per log was slightly higher in A. lapponica logs. Antrodia serialis (Fr.) Donk, and possibly also Fomitopsis pinicola (Sw.:Fr.) P. Karst. and Phellinus nigrolimitatus (Romell) Bourdot & Galzin, occurred more frequently in A. lapponica logs. Mycelia of A. lapponica were restricted to less decayed parts of the wood in the centre of the middle part of the logs.  相似文献   

The decline of one farmland bird, the migratory European starling, has been attributed to both agricultural intensification and farmland abandonment and to factors operating both during the winter and during the breeding season. We analysed population data from thirty‐three Swedish nestbox colonies over more than two decades to determine if the national decline was caused by a common factor affecting all colonies or by local changes in the breeding grounds affecting starling colonies. We found that numbers of breeding starling had declined significantly, but at different rates in different colonies. The local population sizes were affected by previous years’ productivity at both national and local scales, suggesting that changes in habitat quality at both scales could affect local population trends. There were no long‐term trends in reproductive output, but fledgling production was lowest at intermediate years. The local population changes were positively related to local changes in reproductive output, but only when including complete nest‐failures. A relationship between population declines and low mean local productivity was the result of the association between population sizes and reproductive success over time, since decline rates of starlings were not related to the average success during the first part of the study, but to the average success during the later part of the study. The relationship between population change and changes in reproductive output was evident, but fledgling production showed negative density‐dependence. In conclusion this study suggests that the decline of the starling population in Sweden has been affected by processes at small spatial scales during the breeding season affecting reproductive success, but does not exclude an additional role for processes at large spatial scales or outside the breeding season.  相似文献   

The response of organisms to anthropogenic or natural modification of the environment is one of the most important questions in conservation biology and ecological theory. In spite of the fact that orchids are one of the most studied groups of plants, little information exists regarding their response to habitat alteration. The few existing studies are biased toward European orchid species and no consensus exists with regard to the response of orchids to human and natural disturbance. In this study, we sampled 30 transects (0.1 ha each) of oak forest located in Morelos, Central Mexico, and measured 13 variables related to forest aging and stump abundance, and six variables of orchid species richness and abundance. Neither abundance nor the richness and specific abundance of orchid genus or species were related to timber extraction. The abundance of dead standing trees in the forest, a surrogate variable of forest age, was positively related to abundance of orchids of the genus Malaxis, orchid richness and orchid abundance. This finding suggests that the conservation of all facets of the studied forest orchid community is dependent on natural processes (such as self-thinning) and the maintenance of older areas of the forest, and concurs with previous studies that suggest that natural disturbance is a key process for orchid survival.  相似文献   

The debate whether the coevolution of plants and insects or macroevolutionary processes (phylogeny) is the main driver determining the arsenal of molecular defensive compounds of plants remains unresolved. Attacks by herbivorous insects affect not only the composition of defensive compounds in plants but also the entire metabolome. Metabolomes are the final products of genotypes and are constrained by macroevolutionary processes, so closely related species should have similar metabolomic compositions and may respond in similar ways to attacks by folivores. We analyzed the elemental compositions and metabolomes of needles from three closely related Pinus species with distant coevolutionary histories with the caterpillar of the processionary moth respond similarly to its attack. All pines had different metabolomes and metabolic responses to herbivorous attack. The metabolomic variation among the species and the responses to folivory reflected their macroevolutionary relationships, with Ppinaster having the most divergent metabolome. The concentrations of terpenes were in the attacked trees supporting the hypothesis that herbivores avoid plant individuals with higher concentrations. Our results suggest that macroevolutionary history plays important roles in the metabolomic responses of these pine species to folivory, but plant–insect coevolution probably constrains those responses. Combinations of different evolutionary factors and trade‐offs are likely responsible for the different responses of each species to folivory, which is not necessarily exclusively linked to plant–insect coevolution.  相似文献   

In Patagonian Monte, as in other arid ecosystems, grazing has triggered changes in vegetation and soil such as plant cover reduction, changes in species composition and soil nutrient losses. Several mechanisms were proposed interconnecting these changes, but evidence supporting them is very scarce. On the basis of published data concerning plant cover by species along grazing gradients and leaf litter production of dominant species, we estimated the effects of grazing on a – quality (N, soluble phenolics and lignin concentrations) and b – quantity (leaf litterfall (LLF) and inputs of nitrogen, soluble phenolics and lignin to the soil) of leaf litter in the Patagonian Monte, discriminating the effect of plant cover reduction from that of species composition. We also evaluated the relationship between senesced leaves traits and the response of species to grazing (i.e. their relative change in plant cover). Grazing causes a reduction in LLF and in the inputs of nitrogen, soluble phenolics and lignin to the soil. In the case of LLF, this reduction was not only a result of the decrease in plant cover but also due to changes in species composition. In contrast, our results showed that the reduction in nitrogen, soluble phenolics and lignin inputs to the soil by LLF is only a consequence of plant cover reduction. Additionally, litter quality was affected through increasing concentration of N and secondary compounds (soluble phenolics and lignin). N and soluble phenolics concentration on senesced leaves were positively related to the response of species to grazing, suggesting that other factors instead of N are relevant to sheep foraging decisions.  相似文献   

We tested whether both shrubs and grasses are able to develop similar active fine-root systems in the upper soil layer of the arid Patagonian Monte ecosystem with non-seasonal precipitation. We selected in the field shrub patches consisting of one isolated modal plant of the dominant shrub Larrea divaricata Cav., grass patches formed by one or more bunches of the dominant grass Stipa tenuis Phil. (15 cm diameter), and mixed patches consisting of one individual of L. divaricata with bunches of S. tenuis under its canopy. We assessed the biomass, regrowth, and activity of fine roots (diameter <1.4 mm) of each species in the upper soil (50 cm depth) of each patch type at 3-month intervals. We also measured the N concentration in fine roots to estimate the relative contribution of each species to fine-root biomass of mixed patches. We injected Li+ in the soil as a chemical tracer to detect fine-root activity of each species in the upper soil. Fine-root biomass was higher in mixed patches than in grass patches while fine-root biomass in shrub patches did not differ from the two former. We did not find differences in fine-root regrowth among patch types. Li+ injection provided evidence of active fine roots of both species in the upper soil when it was wet. N concentration in fine roots suggested the prevalence of fine roots of L. divaricata in the upper soil of mixed patches. Our results support evidence of the ability of fine roots of both the shrub and the grass species to occupy the upper soil. These findings did not support the two-layer model (H Walter, Ecology of tropical and subtropical vegetation, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1971) and provide evidence of this model would be less applicable to arid ecosystems with non-seasonal precipitation. Further, our results highlighted some issues deserving more research such as the outcome of belowground competition between neighboring plants of both contrasting life forms, the eventual limited fine-root carrying capacity of the upper soil, and differences in fine-root lifespan between species of both contrasting life form.  相似文献   

Abstract Plant species richness influences primary productivity via mechanisms that (1) favour species with particular traits (selection effect) and (2) promote niche differentiation between species (complementarity). Influences of species evenness, plant density and other properties of plant communities on productivity are poorly defined, but may depend on whether selection or complementarity prevails in species mixtures. We predicted that selection effects are insensitive to species evenness but increase with plant density, and that the converse is true for complementarity. To test predictions, we grew three species of annuals in monocultures and in three‐species mixtures in which evenness of established plants was varied at each of three plant densities in a cultivated field in Texas, USA. Above‐ground biomass was smaller in mixtures than expected from monocultures because of negative ‘complementarity’ and a negative selection effect. Neither selection nor complementarity varied with species evenness, but selection effects increased at the greatest plant density as predicted.  相似文献   

Although several hypotheses aim to explain insect herbivory on plants, the relative importance of plant traits, environment, and organizational scale (i.e., individual or community) to herbivory damage level is not well understood. We used an approach based on a local scale, divided into individual and community levels, to test if plant traits, soil characteristics, and plant density explain leaf damage. We sampled 983 individuals in 49 plots distributed over dense and open savanna formations in Emas National Park. In order to explain plant damage, we performed a multi-model inference analysis of four plant traits associated with plant damage, five soil characteristics, and plant density. We did not find any support to plant vigor or plant stress hypotheses at individual plant level. However, the resource concentration hypothesis and plant stress hypothesis explained leaf damage at the community level. We found that increased availability of calcium (Ca) in soils reduced plant damage at the community level. Because soil Ca concentration is a major constraint to plant development in the Brazilian savanna, we postulated that its increasing availability permits plants to invest more in defense strategies. We demonstrate that plant density, Ca soil concentration, and leaf size can be used to predict the plant damage suffered by woody species in savannas at community level.  相似文献   

What structures the organization of mixed‐species bird flocks, so that some ‘nuclear’ species lead the flocks, and others follow? Previous research has shown that species actively listen to each other, and that leaders are gregarious; such gregarious species tend to make contact calls and hence may be vocally conspicuous. Here we investigated whether vocal characteristics are associated with leadership, using a global dataset of mixed‐species flock studies and recordings from sound archives. We first asked whether leaders are different from following or occasional species in flocks in the proportion of the recordings that contain calls (n = 58 flock studies, 145 species), and especially alarm calls (n = 111 species). We found that leaders tended to have a higher proportion of their vocalizations that were classified as calls than occasional species, and both leaders and following species had a significantly higher proportion of their calls rated as alarms compared to occasional species. Next, we investigated the acoustic characteristics of flock participants’ calls, hypothesizing that leaders would make more calls, and have less silence on the recordings. We also hypothesized that leaders’ calls would be simple acoustically, as contact calls tend to be, and thus similar to each other, as well as being detectable, in being low frequency and with high frequence bandwidth. The analysis (n = 45 species, 169 recordings) found that only one of these predictions was supported: leading species were less often silent than following or occasional species. Unexpectedly, leaders’ calls were less similar to each other than occasional species. The greater amount of information available and the greater variety of that information support the hypothesis that leadership in flocks is related to vocal communication. We highlight the use of sound archives to ask questions about behavioral and community ecology, while acknowledging some limitations of such studies.  相似文献   

This study compares soluble phenolics and lignin content in two wetland macrophytes with contrasting life strategies grown under a varying nutrient supply in the field and in a greenhouse experiment. The differences are explained in terms of the protein competition model (PCM) hypothesis relating changes in secondary metabolites to changing nutrient limitation. The two study species, Eleocharis cellulosa (EC) and Typha domingensis (TD), are both widespread in tropical and subtropical freshwater and brackish marshes of the New World, and are often found in P-limited rather than N-limited conditions. TD is a fast-growing competitor with large nutrient requirements. EC is a stress tolerator, quite well adapted to growth in nutrient-limiting environments. In both species, the concentration of phenolics was negatively correlated with increasing growth (due to increasing nutrient levels). This is in agreement with the PCM hypothesis, which predicts an increase in phenolic synthesis when protein synthesis (and consequently growth) is low due to limited resource availability. An interesting difference was found in the correlation between tissue nutrients and phenolics. TD from both the field and the greenhouse showed a negative correlation between tissue P and phenolics, while EC displayed a significant negative correlation between tissue N and phenolics. EC is adapted to low P, and increased tissue P content represents luxury consumption (uptake of P for storage) which is not reflected in increased growth and thus is not correlated with phenolics. These are the first steps in elucidating the relationship among nutrient availability, growth and phenolic content in two important primary producers of tropical and subtropical marshes.  相似文献   

Krapovickas, V., Mancuso, A.C., Marsicano, C.A., Domnanovich, N.S. & Schultz, C.L. 2013: Large tetrapod burrows from the Middle Triassic of Argentina: a behavioural adaptation to seasonal semi‐arid climate? Lethaia, Vol. 46, pp. 154–169. We report the discovery of large burrow casts in the early Middle Triassic Tarjados Formation, at Talampaya National Park, north‐western Argentina. Facies analysis indicates the burrows are preserved in sandbars deposited by an ephemeral river under semi‐arid and seasonal climatic conditions. The structures are mostly preserved in longitudinal cross‐section and consist of an opening, an inclined tunnel (ramp), and a terminal chamber. The ramp is 8–14 cm in height, up to 130 cm in length and penetrates 49–63 cm bellow the palaeosurface with an inclination of 22°–30°. We studied burrow cast dimensions, overall architectural morphology, surficial marks, and compared them with other large burrows of both invertebrate and vertebrate origin. A tetrapod origin of the burrow casts was established based on: distinctive architecture, and size, which is more than twice the most common size range for large terrestrial invertebrate burrows. Comparison with other Upper Permian and Triassic tetrapod burrows allows us to identify three general morphological groups: (1) simple inclined burrows; (2) helical burrows; and (3) burrow network complexes, representing different behaviours. A study of tetrapod body fossils preserved within other Upper Permian and Triassic burrows shows that the Tarjados structures were most likely produced by non‐mammalian cynodonts. The environmental and climatic context suggests that aridity and seasonality played a fundamental role selecting burrowing behaviour in therapsids and that by the Early–Middle Triassic their burrowing behaviour attained a complexity comparable to modern mammals. □Argentina, behaviour, palaeoclimate, Permo‐Triassic, Tarjados Formation, Tetrapod burrows.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to analyse the active dispersal of Triatoma infestans and the role of chickens as passive carriers of this insect in peridomestic areas of La Rioja, Argentina. To measure active dispersal, monthly catches were made on six consecutive nights for five months (in the warm season) using light traps (for flying insects) and sticky dispersal barriers (for walking insects). The nutritional and reproductive states of adults were evaluated. Over the course of the sampling period, a total of eight flying adults, six walking nymphs and 10 walking adults of the species T. infestans were captured, as well as specimens of Triatoma guasayana, Triatoma eratyrusiformis and Triatoma platensis. Our data demonstrate for the first time that females of T. infestans can disperse by walking. This may be an adaptive strategy because it allows them to move with eggs and/or with good blood reserves, which are not possible when flying. All flying and walking individuals of both genders were of an appropriate physiological state that would allow for colonisation of the target habitat. However, manual inspection of 122 chickens suggests that it is unlikely that these animals passively transport T. infestans. Finally, the dispersal activity of T. infestans was compared with other triatomines using a dispersion index.  相似文献   

According to life-history theory, the development of immune function should be balanced through evolutionary optimization of the allocation of resources to reproduction and through mechanisms that promote survival. We investigated interspecific variability in cell-mediated immune response (CMI), as measured by the phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) assay, in relation to clutch size, longevity and other life-history traits in 50 species of birds. CMI exhibited significant repeatability within species, and PHA responses in chicks were consistently stronger than in adults. Univariate tests showed a variety of significant relationships between the CMI of both chicks and adults with respect to size, development period and lifespan, but not clutch size or prevalence of blood parasites in adults. Multivariate analyses confirmed these patterns but independent variables were too highly correlated to isolate unique influences on CMI. The positive relationship of chick CMI to nestling period is further complicated by a parallel relationship of chick CMI to the age at testing. However, multivariate analysis showed that chick CMI varies uniquely with length of the nestling period. Adult CMI was associated with a strong life-history axis of body size, development rate and longevity. Therefore, adult CMI may be associated with prevention and repair mechanisms related to long lifespan, but it also may be allometrically related to body size through other pathways. Neither chick CMI nor adult CMI was related to clutch size, contradicting previous results linking parasite-related mortality to CMI and the evolution of clutch size (reproductive investment) in birds.  相似文献   

A humped-back relationship between species richness and community biomass has frequently been observed in plant communities, at both local and regional scales, although often improperly called a productivity-diversity relationship. Explanations for this relationship have emphasized the role of competitive exclusion, probably because at the time when the relationship was first examined, competition was considered to be the significant biotic filter structuring plant communities. However, over the last 15 years there has been a renewed interest in facilitation and this research has shown a clear link between the role of facilitation in structuring communities and both community biomass and the severity of the environment. Although facilitation may enlarge the realized niche of species and increase community richness in stressful environments, there has only been one previous attempt to revisit the humped-back model of species richness and to include facilitative processes. However, to date, no model has explored whether biotic interactions can potentially shape both sides of the humped-back model for species richness commonly detected in plant communities. Here, we propose a revision of Grime's original model that incorporates a new understanding of the role of facilitative interactions in plant communities. In this revised model, facilitation promotes diversity at medium to high environmental severity levels, by expanding the realized niche of stress-intolerant competitive species into harsh physical conditions. However, when environmental conditions become extremely severe the positive effects of the benefactors wane (as supported by recent research on facilitative interactions in extremely severe environments) and diversity is reduced. Conversely, with decreasing stress along the biomass gradient, facilitation decreases because stress-intolerant species become able to exist away from the canopy of the stress-tolerant species (as proposed by facilitation theory). At the same time competition increases for stress-tolerant species, reducing diversity in the most benign conditions (as proposed by models of competition theory). In this way our inclusion of facilitation into the classic model of plant species diversity and community biomass generates a more powerful and richer predictive framework for understanding the role of plant interactions in changing diversity. We then use our revised model to explain both the observed discrepancies between natural patterns of species richness and community biomass and the results of experimental studies of the impact of biodiversity on the productivity of herbaceous communities. It is clear that explicit consideration of concurrent changes in stress-tolerant and competitive species enhances our capacity to explain and interpret patterns in plant community diversity with respect to environmental severity.  相似文献   

Ardón M  Pringle CM 《Oecologia》2008,155(2):311-323
We examined the hypothesis that high concentrations of secondary compounds in leaf litter of some tropical riparian tree species decrease leaf breakdown by inhibiting microbial and insect colonization. We measured leaf breakdown rates, chemical changes, bacterial, fungal, and insect biomass on litterbags of eight species of common riparian trees incubated in a lowland stream in Costa Rica. The eight species spanned a wide range of litter quality due to varying concentrations of nutrients, structural and secondary compounds. Leaf breakdown rates were fast, ranging from 0.198 d−1 (Trema integerrima) to 0.011 d−1 (Zygia longifolia). Processing of individual chemical constituents was also rapid: cellulose was processed threefold faster and hemicellulose was processed fourfold faster compared to similar studies in temperate streams. Leaf toughness (r = −0.86, P = 0.01) and cellulose (r = −0.78, P = 0.02) were the physicochemical parameters most strongly correlated with breakdown rate. Contrary to our initial hypothesis, secondary compounds were rapidly leached (threefold faster than in temperate studies), with all species losing all secondary compounds within the first week of incubation. Cellulose was more important than secondary compounds in inhibiting breakdown. Levels of fungal and bacterial biomass were strongly correlated with breakdown rate (fungi r = 0.64, P = 0.05; bacteria r = 0.93, P < 0.001) and changes in structural compounds (lignin r = −0.55, P = 0.01). Collector−gatherers were the dominant functional group of insects colonizing litterbags, in contrast to temperate studies where insect shredders dominate. Insect biomass was negatively correlated with breakdown rate (r = −0.70, P = 0.02), suggesting that insects did not play an important role in breakdown. Despite a wide range of initial concentrations of secondary compounds among the eight species used, we found that secondary compounds were rapidly leached and were less important than structural compounds in determining breakdown rates. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Plants close their stomata during drought to avoid excessive water loss, but species differ in respect to the drought severity at which stomata close. The stomatal closure point is related to xylem anatomy and vulnerability to embolism, but it also has implications for phloem transport and possibly phloem anatomy to allow sugar transport at low water potentials. Desiccation‐tolerant plants that close their stomata at severe drought should have smaller xylem conduits and/or fewer and smaller interconduit pits to reduce vulnerability to embolism but more phloem tissue and larger phloem conduits compared with plants that avoid desiccation. These anatomical differences could be expected to increase in response to long‐term reduction in precipitation. To test these hypotheses, we used tridimensional synchroton X‐ray microtomograph and light microscope imaging of combined xylem and phloem tissues of 2 coniferous species: one‐seed juniper (Juniperus monosperma) and piñon pine (Pinus edulis) subjected to precipitation manipulation treatments. These species show different xylem vulnerability to embolism, contrasting desiccation tolerance, and stomatal closure points. Our results support the hypothesis that desiccation tolerant plants require higher phloem transport capacity than desiccation avoiding plants, but this can be gained through various anatomical adaptations in addition to changing conduit or tissue size.  相似文献   

The suitability of the infiltration-centrifugation method for collection of apoplastic fluid from intact leaves was evaluated for different plant species. Large differences with respect to infiltrability of the leaves, which correlated inversely with stomatal and mesophyll resistance, became apparent. Osmolality of infiltration medium (deionised water, 0.2 m M CaCl2, 10 m M KCl, 180 m M 2-[N-morpholino]ethane-sulphonic acid) and incubation time, time passed between onset of infiltration and end of centrifugation, revealed relatively little influence on the composition of the apoplastic washing fluid (AWF). In contrast, the pH of the infiltrated solution highly influenced the concentration of sucrose and hexoses. With increasing centrifugation force, hexosephosphate isomerase (HPI) activity in the AWF, which was taken as an indication for cytoplasmic contamination, increased. At the same time, Ca2+ concentration in the AWF increased even more. Since Ca2+ cannot originate from the cytoplasm, the suitability of HPI as marker for cytoplasmic contamination is questioned. From the composition of the AWF, it is concluded that, if centrifugation force does not exceed 1   000 g , cytoplasmic contamination is negligible and that the infiltration-centrifugation technique reveals an easy and inexpensive way to study apoplastic solutes. The infiltration-centrifugation method was also suitable to determine apoplastic air volume (Vair) and apoplastic water volume (Vwater), which are necessary for the calculation of the ion concentration in the leaf apoplast. It could be shown that the leaves of different species and the apical and basal leaves of single plants differ in Vair and Vwater.  相似文献   

Primary and secondary sex traits are influenced by the same sex hormones, and the expression of secondary sex traits may consequently signal males' capacity for sperm production. Sperm quality may also be influenced by immune activity, as sperm are non-self to the male. Parasite infections alter immune activity and may thus reduce ejaculate quality. In the Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) the red abdominal colour is considered an ornament that signals important information in mate choice. We captured and individually caged sexually mature male Arctic charr during the spawning period. Afterwards we estimated abdominal colour, parasite infections, gonad mass and several spermatological and immunological variables. Intensity of abdominal colour was positively correlated to testes mass, milt mass and sperm cell numbers produced. Additionally, males with low parasite intensities had high testes mass and produced milt with high sperm density, indicating a trade-off between parasite resistance and development of primary sex traits. Our measures of immunity were, however, not related to primary sex traits. We conclude that females evaluating male abdominal coloration may obtain information about differences between males in fertilization potential and parasite resistance.  相似文献   

This study demonstrated that the dietary composition of each of three abundant reef-associated labrid species in temperate Western Australia differed significantly with latitude and changed with increasing body size and almost invariably differed among those species when they co-occurred. These results were derived from comparisons and multivariate analyses of volumetric dietary data, obtained from the foregut contents of Coris auricularis, Notolabrus parilus and Ophthalmolepis lineolatus from the Jurien Bay Marine Park (JBMP) and waters off Perth, 250 km to the south. Latitudinal differences in the dietary compositions of each species in exposed reefs typically reflected greater contributions by large crustaceans, bivalve molluscs, echinoids and annelids to the diets in the waters off Perth than in the JBMP, whereas the reverse was true for gastropods and small crustaceans. The diet of each species exhibited similar, but not identical, quantitative changes with increasing body size, with the contributions of small crustaceans declining and those of large crustaceans and echinoids increasing, while that of gastropods underwent little change. Within the JBMP, the dietary compositions of both C. auricularis and N. parilus were similar in exposed and sheltered reefs and the same was true for N. parilus in the sheltered reefs and interspersed areas of seagrass. The latter similarity demonstrated that, in both of those divergent habitat types, N. parilus feeds on prey associated with either the sand or the macrophytes that cover and lie between the reefs. Although the main dietary components of each species were the same, i.e. gastropods, small crustaceans (mainly amphipods and isopods), large crustaceans (particularly penaeids and brachyuran crabs) and echinoids, their contributions varied among those species, which accounts for the significant interspecific differences in diet. Coris auricularis had the most distinct diet, due mainly to an ingestion of greater volumes of small crustaceans, e.g. amphipods and isopods, and lesser volumes of large crustaceans, e.g. brachyuran crabs, which was associated with a relatively narrower mouth and smaller teeth and the absence of prominent canines at the rear of the jaw. The above intra and interspecific differences in dietary composition would reduce, on the south-west coast of Australia, the potential for competition for food among and within these three abundant labrids, each of which belongs to different genera within the Julidine clade.  相似文献   

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