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Chaetoceros convolutus and C. concavicornis have been implicated in the death of salmon in netpens in the Pacific Northwest by damaging the salmon's gills. To better understand how environmental factors affect the distribution of these two species, the interacting effects of light, temperature and salinity on growth rate were examined by growing these species under a range of temperatures (4–18 °C), light (10–175 μmol photon m−2 s−1) and salinities (10–30‰). For C. convolutus, the growth rate showed a hyperbolic relationship with irradiance at 8, 14 and 18 °C and light saturation occurred at 9, 14 and 20 μmol photon mt s−1 respectively. At 4 °C for C. convolutus and 8 °C for C. concavicornis, cells grew at μmax, even at the lowest irradiances tested (10 μmol photon m−2 s−1). For C. convolutus, the amount of light required to saturate growth rate increased with temperature in an approximately linear fashion. The Q10 was 1.88, calculated by averaging over both species. C. concavicornis was the more euryhaline species growing at salinities as low as 17.5‰, while C. convolutus grew only at 25‰ and above.  相似文献   

The zonation of non-breeding waterbirds along the Schelde estuary (The Netherlands–Belgium), one of the longest estuaries in NW-Europe with still a complete salinity gradient, including a large freshwater tidal area, was described. Numbers of birds were counted monthly over the period October 1991 to June 1997. Highest numbers of waterbirds were observed in late autumn and winter, with annual peak numbers ranging between 150,000 and 235,000 individuals for the whole estuary. Based on a multivariate analysis different waterbird communities were observed along the salinity gradient. The polyhaline areas of the estuary were numerically dominated by the waders Oystercatcher and Dunlin. Due to the presence of a large brackish marsh in the mesohaline zone, the waterbird community in this area was dominated by the herbivores Wigeon and Greylag Goose. In the oligohaline and freshwater tidal areas, the waterbird community was dominated by duck species, with Teal and Mallard being the most important. The international importance of the Schelde estuary for waterbirds was evidenced by the fact that for 21 waterbird species the 1% level criterion, according to the Ramsar convention, was exceeded. The relation of the observed diversity and community patterns with the functional and habitat diversity of the Schelde estuary as well as the effect of recent conservation measures to preserve this habitat were discussed.  相似文献   

St Lucia Lake on the north coast of Natal, South Africa, has an area of 325 km2 and is the largest estuarine complex in Africa. It consists of a 20 km tidal channel, averagingca. 400 m in width, linking the sea with the non-tidal lake which is H-shaped with a maximum length ofca. 40 km and width ofca. 20 km. Except during flood periods the depth of the lake does not exceed 2 m. The salinity gradient depends on evaporation, the configuration of the mouth and on the input of fresh water from four rivers which discharge into the northern and western areas of the lake. If fresh water input is high, the lake and much of the channel may be fresh. An intermediate stage features a normal salinity gradient while a third stage shows a reversed salinity gradient with salinities in excess of 100‰ in the upper reaches of the system. Changing salinities have marked effects on the biota. Aquatic macrophytes show cycles of appearance and disappearance depending on salinity tolerance and the presence of dormant stages. The resident benthic faunal species go through cycles of range expansion and contraction depending on prevailing salinities and recolonisation by dispersal phases. To date salinities in the southern part of the lake have approached, but not exceeded, lethal levels and this has therefore acted as a reservoir area. Catchment degradation and water abstraction are anticipated to exacerbate future salinity extremes. This has resulted in concern for the long term viability of this Ramsar site which has major southern African populations of hippopotamus and crocodile, provides breeding sites for South African Red Data water bird species and plays an important nursery role for marine fish and penaeid prawns.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effects of captivity on the behaviour of wild and domestic animals have been relatively well studied, but little has been published on morphological changes in wild animals in captivity. We review the evidence for changes in a wide variety of mammalian taxa, with non-mammalian examples where relevant.
  • 2 We consider the morphological effects of the process of domestication, and compare changes in both hard and soft tissues in captive and domestic animals with those in their wild counterparts. These include skull shape differences, brain size reduction, postcranial adaptations and digestive tract changes.
  • 3 We also summarize studies that have looked at morphological change in feral animals in comparison with their wild and domestic ancestors, and consider their use as an analogue for morphological change in captive-bred animals that have been released into the wild.
  • 4 We then discuss the importance of this work for the wider aims of conservation of endangered species and captive breeding over many generations, and emphasize the importance of studying these changes now, while for many species, the process is just beginning rather than many generations down the line, or immediately prior to release, where survival of captive-bred animals may be severely compromised.

We subjected juvenile spot, Leiostomus xanthurus , to eight different salinity fluctuation schedules to evaluate the effects of magnitude, rate, mean, and direction of salinity changes on their routine metabolism. Routine respiration stabilized within 3 h after all salinity changes and no fish died. Very rapid rates of change and changes at low mean salinity elicited short-term stress responses in 40–70 mm spot. Spot adapted more rapidly to increasing salinity changes than to decreasing changes, but the acclimation state of the fish apparently did not affect their salinity tolerance. Our results also indicated that spot undergo size-dependent changes in sensitivity to salinity fluctuation which correspond to seasonal shifts in distribution.  相似文献   

A central issue in evolutionary biology is to understand the mechanisms promoting morphological evolution during speciation. In a previous study, we showed that the Neotropical cactophilic sibling species Drosophila gouveai and Drosophila antonietae can be reared in media prepared with their presumptive natural host plants (Pilosocereus machrisis and Cereus hildmaniannus) and that egg to adult viability is not independent of the cactus host. In the present study, we investigate the effects of ecological and genetic factors on interspecific divergence in wing morphology, in relation to the pattern of wing venation and phenotypic plasticity in D. gouveai and D. antonietae, by means of the comparative analysis of isofemale lines reared in the two cactus hosts. The species differed significantly in wing size and shape, although specific differences were mainly localized in a particular portion of the wing. We detected significant variation in form among lines, which was not independent of the breeding cactus, suggesting the presence of genetic variation for phenotypic plasticity and wing shape variation in both species. We discuss the results considering the plausible role of host plant use in the evolutionary history of cactophilic Drosophila inhabiting the arid zones of South America. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 655–665.  相似文献   

The green seaweed genus Chaetomorpha is characterized by unbranched filaments. Molecular phylogenetic data indicate that Chaetomorpha forms a clade that is nested in a paraphyletic assemblage of branched species (Cladophora). It follows that the unbranched condition is evolutionarily conserved and likely evolved early in the evolution of this clade. In this study we show that under laboratory culture conditions, the filaments of C. antennina frequently produce lateral branches, similar to Cladophora. Our results thus indicate that the unbranched thallus architecture is not entirely genetically constrained, but at least in part subject to morphological plasticity. Additionally, culture observations of C. antennina allowed a detailed study of rhizoidal development, which seems unique among Cladophorales.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of O2 tension, temperature, salt concentration and organic matter concentration on the growth and nitrifying activity of Nitrosomonas N3 isolated from Tay Estuary sediments have been investigated. Chemostat-grown cultures were able to grow and nitrify at dissolved O2 concentrations as low as 0.1 mg O2· 1−1 (cell population densities were 15% of those obtained in fully aerated cultures). This bacterium was sensitive to reduced temperatures as chemostat-grown cultures washed out at growth temperatures below 15°C, at dilution rates > 0.025 · h−1. Batch-grown cultures of Nitrosomonas N3 were used to study the effects of NaCl and complex organic matter concentration on nitrifying activity. Maximum rates of NH+4 oxidation were recorded at NaCl concentrations of 1% w/v, whilst tryptone soya broth (TSB), nutrient broth (NB), yeast extract broth (YEB) and peptone were inhibitory at concentrations > 10 mg · 1−1.  相似文献   

Females of the estuarine mud crab, Macrophthalmus hirtipes (Jacquinot, 1853) (Ocypodidae) carrying newly-deposited eggs were maintained in salinities of 11‰, 18‰, and 36‰ at 10°C. In 11‰ salinity eggs swelled more than in the other salinities; embryonic development was retarded; and eggs did not hatch. In 18‰ and 36‰, rates of development were generally similar and successful hatching occurred after approximately 75 days. However, late-stage eggs in 18‰ were significantly (P<0.001) larger than those in 36‰, even though initial egg volumes were the same. Zoeae were morphologically similar, except that the dorsal spine was significantly (P<0.001) longer in 36‰ compared with 18‰.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(5-6):443-451
Background: Variable habitat conditions contribute to morphological variability that plays a substantial part in evolution of plants. Understanding the extent of phenotypic plasticity has important implication for assigning individuals to taxa.

Aims: I analysed morphological variability among populations within species of the Carex flava group and tested to what extent morphological variability was associated with habitat conditions.

Methods: A total of 571 specimens from 20 populations of four species from the C. flava complex were sampled in Poland and tested by Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA). The relationship between morphological characters and habitat factors was explored by means of the redundancy analysis (RDA).

Results: Variability of the generative and vegetative traits was fairly similar in Carex lepidocarpa, C. flava and Carex demissa, while it was somewhat higher in Carex viridula. The morphological traits were mostly related to soil organic matter content, calcium and carbonate, as well as to habitat fertility (C:N ratio), elevation and habitat disturbance. The results obtained do not support the separation of C. viridula var. pulchella from C. viridula var. viridula.

Conclusions: Phenotypic variability in the species of the C. flava complex is related to habitat conditions and this can lead to the differentiation of morphotypes within species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of some organisms to exhibit different phenotypes in response to environmental conditions. Many sessile marine invertebrates are morphologically plastic. In colonial cnidarians, compact morphologies are often associated with high-velocity flow regimes, whereas elongated morphologies are associated with calmer water. This ability to alter morphology in response to flow regime likely represents an adaptive strategy: these morphologies may permit efficient suspension feeding and gas exchange while reducing the risk of dislodgment in a particular flow regime. Which flow-related factors (e.g., CO2 accumulation, drag forces, prey delivery) actually signal a colony to alter its morphology are unclear. In this study, we test the hypothesis that differences in flow regime or some correlate of flow regime (in the absence of differences in prey delivery) signal a colonial cnidarian to change its morphology. To separate prey delivery from water flow, hydroid ( Bougainvillia muscus ) colonies were fed equivalent amounts in still water, regardless of the flow regime treatment to which they were exposed the rest of the time. Our results show that, regardless of prey delivery, colonies grew in ways characteristic of calm water (with a higher percentage of tall pedicels and secondary hydranths, and fewer basal stolon branches) and of high flow (with more hydranths, free stolons, and a denser basal stolon network) environments. This work suggests that, for this hydroid, prey flux is not a proximate cue mediating morphological plasticity in response to flow regime.  相似文献   

Exposure to wave action and other environmental factors can alter the morphology of intertidal barnacles. We tested several hypotheses on the causes of morphological variation in the cirri and penises of the barnacle Tetraclita stalactifera at sites differing in wave exposure, at different heights in the intertidal zone, and at different levels of population density. Unlike many other acorn barnacle species, cirrus and penis characteristics did not correspond to differences in wave exposure or crowding. However, barnacles from higher tidal elevations had thicker cirri and thicker penises than those from lower elevations. Because of reduced time submerged at higher elevations, increased thickness may be a means of compensating for reduced feeding and mating opportunity by allowing for continued feeding and mating attempts during periods of greater wave action. Our observations of differences in cirrus and penis morphology suggest that phenotypic plasticity in penis and cirrus characteristics are adaptations shared by the species T. stalactifera and other acorn barnacles, but that T. stalactifera responds differently to environmental stimuli than do other species.  相似文献   

In this study the effects of potassium iodide on the growth and metabolite accumulation of Nitzschia closterium (Ehr.) W. Smith and Phaedactylum tricornutum Bolin were investigated to assess its possible application to the mass culture of the two diatoms in open environment, extensive systems. The results indicated that supplementation of potassium iodide at a concentration of 1000 mg L−1 resulted in a reduction of the induction phase in cultures of N. closterium and P. tricornutum and led to an increase in the accumulation of biomass and extracellular polymeric substances. Conversely, the addition of potassium iodide, at all concentrations tested, showed no obvious effect on the fatty acid profiles of the two diatoms, particularly in the content of eicosapentaenoic and decosahexaenoic acid. Potassium iodide was also found to inhibit the growth of Dunaliella salina, Cryptomonas sp. and Chlorella sp. at minimum inhibitory concentrations of 356.8, 475.9 and 696.2 mg L−1, respectively. It also inhibited bacteria, including species isolated from the two diatom cultures, at a minimum concentration of 400 mg L−1. These results suggest that potassium iodide is an effective agent for inhibiting the proliferation of certain flagellate and non-flagellate algae, and bacteria, thus forming a favorable environment for diatoms to proliferate and consequently improving accumulation of biomass and EPS. These properties of potassium iodide provide a possible solution for preventing contamination from flagellate and non-flagellate algae in mass culture of the two diatoms without causing significant changes in their fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

A microcosm experiment was conducted to assess the effects of salinity on coastal lagoon plankton assemblages. Five salinity levels were replicated four-fold in 3801 fiberglass tanks. Salinity levels used were 0, 8.5, 17, 34 and 51 ppt, or 0, 25, 50, 100 and 150 percent seawater. These were achieved by mixing concentrated lagoon water and tapwater in different proportions. Tanks were inoculated with plankton collected from San Dieguito Lagoon (Del Mar, San Diego County, California) and other fresh and saline waterbodies in the area. Selected physical-chemical variables, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and other invertebrate populations were monitored on five sampling dates over a 114 day period (13 August–5 December 1986).Total phytoplankton abundance increased with salinity, for salinities >17 ppt. Most taxa showed marked effects of salinity, though the pattern of the effects often varied greatly from date to date. Chlorophytes tended to be most abundant at 51 ppt. Pyrrhophytes were most abundant at 0 or 51 ppt, and least abundant at 8.5 or 17 ppt. Cryptophytes increased with increasing salinity. Euglenophytes exhibited no salinity effect on any date. Bacillariophytes were most abundant at 8.5–34 ppt and least abundant at 51 ppt, with individual taxa showing maxima at 0–17 ppt (Navicula, Synedra), 8.5–34 ppt (Surirella, Amphora), and 34 ppt (Cylindrotheca).Total zooplankton abundance decreased with salinity, for salinities > 17 ppt. The dominant taxa were protozoans, rotifers, cladocerans, and copepods, and all but the first group showed strong salinity effects. Protozoan abundance was unaffected by salinity. Rotifers were most abundant at 0 ppt (Keratella, Filinia) or 8.5 ppt (Brachionus). With few exceptions, cladocerans (Alona, Ceriodaphnia, Scapholeberis) were found only at 0 ppt. Abundance of calanoid copepods decreased with increasing salinity, with individual taxa showing maxima at 0 ppt (Diaptomus), 8.5–17 ppt (Pseudodiaptomus, Eurytemora), and 34 ppt (Acartia). Cyclopoid copepods were most abundant at 17 ppt, with individual taxa showing maxima at 0 ppt (Eucyclops), 8.5 ppt (Halicyclops), and 17 ppt (Oithona). Harpacticoid copepods (Cletocamptus, Tachidius) were most abundant at 17–34 ppt. Ostracods and mosquito (Culex) larvae were most abundant at 8.5 ppt and absent at 34 and 51 ppt. Polychaetes generally were most abundant at 17–34 ppt, and water boatmen (Trichocorixa) at 8.5–34 ppt. Various physical and chemical variables also showed significant variations with salinity. Tending to increase with salinity were temperature, ammonia and orthophosphate concentrations. Decreasing with salinity were pH, dissolved oxygen and silica concentrations. The causes and interrelationships of these salinity effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of fine grain environmental variability on morphological plasticity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Virtually all studies investigating morphological plasticity have focused on how organisms change in response to treatments that are constant throughout the experiment but which have different means. In this study, we investigated the possibility that organisms can morphologically respond to other environmental parameters like the amount of environmental variability or environmental maximum. Sea urchin larvae adjust the length of their feeding structure, a band of cilia, in response to different mean food concentrations. We investigated whether sea urchin larvae are also capable of responding to environmental variability or maxima by rearing larvae on four fluctuating diets, where all treatments had the same mean concentration of food. Larvae reared on a low variable diet produced longer larval arms (i.e. a longer ciliary band) than larvae reared on more variable diets. This response is similar to the morphological change that occurs when the mean food concentration is reduced (small mean = long arms), and indicates that organisms can morphologically respond to environmental parameters other than the environmental mean – such as the amount of environmental variability or the environmental maxima. We also quantified the shape of the relationship between larval arm length and fixed food concentrations to determine whether our results might be explained by nonlinearity in this relationship (i.e. Jensen's inequality). The shape of the relationship was inconsistent with a Jensen's inequality explanation. In addition, sea urchin larvae were unable to track fluctuations in food concentrations. This inability to track our imposed environmental fluctuations indicates that there was a time delay greater than 2 days in the response of larvae to changes in food concentrations. Since plutei likely experience fluctuations in food concentrations at least once a day, it is possible that larvae cannot track natural fluctuations in food concentration. We discuss the importance of our results in light of adaptive interpretations of plasticity and predictions of morphological response.  相似文献   

Epipelic diatoms are important constituents of estuarine microphytobenthic biofilms. Field‐based investigations have shown that the production of carbohydrates by such taxa is ecologically important. However, limited information exists on the dynamics of carbohydrate production by individual species of epipelic diatoms. The production of low and high molecular weight extracellular carbohydrates in axenic cultures of five species of benthic estuarine diatoms, Cylindrotheca closterium (Ehrenberg), Navicula perminuta (Grun.) in Van Heurck, Nitzschia frustulum (Kütz.) Grunow, Nitzschia sigma (Kütz.) Grunow, and Surirella ovata (Kütz.) Grunow, were investigated. All species produced colloidal (water‐soluble) carbohydrates during growth, with maximal production occurring during stationary phase. During logarithmic growth, approximately 20% of extracellular carbohydrates consisted of polymeric material (extracellular polymeric substances [EPS]), but during stationary phase, EPS content increased to 34%–50%. Pyrolysis–mass spectrophotometry analysis showed differences in the composition of EPS produced during logarithmic and stationary phase. All species synthesized glucan as a storage carbohydrate, with maximum glucan accumulation during the transition from log to stationary phase. Short‐term labeling with 14C‐bicarbonate found that between 30 and 60% of photoassimilates were released as colloidal carbohydrate, with EPS consisting of approximately 16% of this colloidal fraction. When cells were placed in darkness, EPS production increased, and between 85 and 99% of extracellular carbohydrate produced was polymeric. Glucan reserves were utilized in dark conditions, with significant negative correlations between EPS and glucan for N. perminuta and S. ovata. Under dark conditions, cells continued to produce EPS for up to 3 days, although release of low molecular weight carbohydrates rapidly ceased when cells were dark treated. Three aspects of EPS production have been identified during this investigation: (1) production during rapid growth, which differs in composition from (2) EPS directly produced as a result of photosynthetic overflow during growth limiting conditions and (3) EPS produced for up to 3 days in the dark using intracellular storage reserves (glucans). The ecological implications of these patterns of production and utilization are discussed.  相似文献   

The validity of the separation of the diatom genus Plagiodiscus from Surirella has been investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy of the two original constituent species of Plagiodiscus, P. martensianus and P. nervatus, and of S. gemma, the species of Surirella which has been generally thought to have most in common with Plagiodiscus. On the basis both of the general valve structure and of some rather unusual features which are described here for the first time, Plagiodiscus is confirmed as a genus separate from Surirella.
Other species of Surirella which have features in common with Plagiodiscus and Surirella gemma, namely Surirella neumeyeri, S. baldjickii, S. bertillonii, S. foliata, S. contigua and S. gemmoides have been examined in greater or lesser detail as material has permitted; the systematic position of these organisms is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Domestication is a type of experimental evolution in which humans have artificially selected for specific desired traits. Selected strain animals can be utilized to identify correlated responses by comparing them to the wild strain. In particular, domestic turkeys have been selected for increased body mass and high‐growth rate, most significantly over the past 60 years. Yet it remains unclear how artificial selection has affected the morphology and evolution of the musculoskeletal system as a whole. Here, we compare growth rate over 21 weeks, hind limb bone scaling across ontogeny via in vivo CT scanning, and muscle proportions in wild and domestic turkeys to identify differences in structural scaling and the potential contributions of selection and developmental plasticity to whole‐organism morphology. The domestic turkeys grew at a higher rate (0.14 kg/day vs. 0.05 kg/day) and reached over 3 times the body mass of wild birds. Comparing the proportional muscle masses in adult turkeys, only the trunk had a greater mass ratio in the domestic turkey, driven solely by M. pectoralis (2.8 times larger). The proportional increase in only breast meat and no other muscles highlights the surgical precision attainable with artificial selection. The domestic turkey femur and tibiotarsus displayed increases in polar moment of area, apparently maintaining torsional strength as body mass increased. The lack of dimensional change in the more vertically held tarsometatarsus is consistent with the pattern expected due to developmental plasticity. These results from the domestic turkey emphasize that there are morphological limits to preserving the balance between growth and function, and varying rates of trait evolution can further complicate this equilibrium.  相似文献   

The code Gobiosoma robustum and clown Microgobius gulosus gobies were grown in the laboratory over 27 days at two salinities (5 and 35), two food levels [low (a fixed proportion of initial mass) and high (saturation)] and both with and without the presence of the other species. Both species exhibited greatest growth at the high food level and the low (5) salinity. Neither species was affected by the presence of the other species, and there were no overall differences in growth between the two species. Thus, the observed competitive superiority of G. robustum over M. gulosus does not seem to confer an advantage relative to feeding success. Furthermore, as growth of G. robustum was greater at the lower salinity, it is clear that some factor other than salinity is restricting this species from north‐eastern Florida Bay. Additional work on the importance of predation and food resources in various regions of Florida Bay is needed to further evaluate the underlying mechanisms responsible for the bay‐wide distribution of these species.  相似文献   

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