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A new species of Scyphophyllidium inhabits Mustelus mento near La Paloma, Uruguay. It resembles Scyphophyllidium giganteum from the Atlantic Ocean and specimens identified as S. giganteum from California by having anapolytic strobilae 155-258 mm long, 250-300 craspedote proglottids, scoleces 1.2-1.4 mm wide, necks 34-41 mm long, immature and mature proglottids wider than long, gravid proglottids wider than long to longer than wide, genital pores averaging 28% of proglottid length from the anterior end, relatively flat ovaries with digitiform lobes reaching the lateralmost extent of the testicular field, vitellaria in 2 fields converging toward the proglottid midline, straight and short cirrus sacs, and postvaginal vas deferens. The bothridia of the new species have accessory bothridial suckers that are smaller than those of California specimens; European specimens reportedly lack accessory bothridial suckers. The new species possesses a uterine duct that joins the uterus at the level of the genital atrium and ventral osmoregulatory ducts medial rather than lateral to the dorsal ducts, an arrangement described for Californian but not European specimens. It differs from both European and Californian specimens by having longer cirri, more testes per proglottid, prominent scales covering the neck, and vaginae and uterine ducts coiled immediately preovarially. Pithophorus, Marsupiobothrium, and Scyphophyllidium may form a clade.  相似文献   

Three species of Calliobothrium inhabit the spiral intestine of Mustelus schmitti in Argentina and Uruguay. Calliobothrium verticillatum australis is redescribed and its taxonomic status modified to species as C. australis. Calliobothrium barbarae n. sp. can be distinguished from all other species of Calliobothrium, which are small bodied, nonlaciniate, and without accessory piece between the bases of axial hook, by worm length, number of segments, cocoon morphology, and hooks shape. Calliobothrium lunae n. sp. is different from other Calliobothrium spp., which are small bodied, nonlaciniate. and have an accessory piece, by the number of segments and testes, hook shape, cocoon morphology, and the presence of ciliumlike projections on the distal surface of muscular pads. Calliobothrium australis is clearly distinguished from other large-bodied, laciniate species of the genus by worm length, number of testes, ovary shape, cocoon morphology, hook shape, and in being hyperapolytic. The oioxenous specificity involving Calliobothrium spp. and Mustelus spp. described by previous authors is confirmed in this study.  相似文献   

Throughout 1997, the catches of artisanal gillnetters working off the coast of northeastern Brazil were sampled monthly for Bagre marinus (Mitchill 1815). Significantly more females (n = 207) than males (n = 82) were caught, although there was no significant difference in their size compositions (21–47 cm fork length, FL). All males sampled (21–40 cm FL) had developed gonads and were classified as sexually mature. According to macroscopic and microscopic examination of their reproductive tract, females were separated into four reproductive stages (immature, maturing, mature, and resting). Size at 50% sexual maturity for females was estimated to be 33 cm FL. A positive linear relationship was detected between the size of mature females and their fecundity (between 11 and 32 oocytes). Clear reproductive progress indicated a spawning period between March and May. We conclude that further fishery‐independent data are required to determine patterns of male abundances and distributions.  相似文献   

A total of 311 sharptooth smooth-hound Mustelus dorsalis were collected in the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica from March 1999 to May 2000 to determine reproduction and feeding habits. The fishes were collected using hook and line. 250 females and 61 males were identified. The females are bigger (550-660 mm) and heavier (400-1,000 g) than males (500-585 mm and 200-300 g, respectively). All samples collected were mature and the minimum length to first maturity observed is 500 and 541 mm for females and males, respectively. From September to March individuals were mature, while samples caught during April and August were immature. A total of 1,259 embryos were analyzed. Number of embryos per liter ranged from two to six, the total length is from 130 to 205 mm and the weight from 6 to 35 g. This shark is a polyphagous opportunistic carnivore that preys on crustaceans (Squilla hancocki, S. parva, Litopenaeus sp.), fishes (Anchoa sp., Caranx sp., Lutjanus sp., Engraulis sp.) and mollusks (Loligo sp. and Octopus sp.). Main prey item was S. hancocki. The presence of mature sharks of both sexes along the year and the consumption of food items associated to shallow coastal rocky waters suggest that this sector of Nicoya Gulf is a nursery ground and an essential habitat. Based on these results the establishment of an integral management plan is proposed.  相似文献   

Multiple paternity was investigated in the starry smooth‐hound shark, Mustelus asterias Cloquet, 1821. Analysis of 12 pregnant females and their embryos, at four microsatellite loci, showed that at least 58% carried multiply‐sired litters. Paternal skew was observed, with one male siring most of the embryos within a litter, although no patterns of association were detected between the identity of the father and the size or the uterine position of the embryos. Sperm storage was observed in the oviducal glands of all twelve females. Results shed light on the complexity of reproductive strategies and selective processes in M. asterias. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 119–125.  相似文献   

The present study provides information on length distribution, reproductive biology and diet of Mustelus mosis based on individuals caught in waters off the eastern Arabian Peninsula. Although ageing of vertebral centra was attempted, band pairs were of low clarity and counts could not be confidently assigned.  相似文献   

1. Age-related alterations in the distribution of water-soluble, high molecular weight (colloidal), and water-insoluble proteins of the lens of smooth dogfish (Mustelus canis) were measured. 2. The ages of these animals ranged approx from 2 to 50 yr, during which time the lenses grew from 100 to 1500 mg (wet wt). The lenses contained approx 50% water. 3. Water-insoluble protein accumulated to a level greater than 50% of the total proteins by the time the animals reached maturity. The lenses of other animals, such as mammals and humans, would be opaque if they had a similar insoluble protein content. 4. Each protein fraction contained the same protein chains (mol. et 1900-25,000 daltons), as observed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, except the water-insoluble fraction, which seemed to contain several extra protein chains with higher molecular weights, which represent fiber cell membrane components. 5. Further purification of these fiber cell membranes indicated that their protein chain makeup was mainly from the same low molecular weight chains present in the soluble and high molecular weight colloidal proteins.  相似文献   

Many large predatory fishes are in decline and tuna sustainability is high on the global agenda. Slender tuna (SLT), Allothunnus fallai, is data-poor and a rare contemporary example of a globally unexploited temperate tuna. This study analysed 214 otoliths for age and growth of fish collected in the South Atlantic. Observed ages varied between 9 and 42 years for a size range of 68–90 cm fork length. We reveal important life history data for SLT before exploitation and underline the relevance of data-poor stocks in understanding wider questions for exploited tuna.  相似文献   

The genus Mustelus is the most species‐rich of the widespread family Triakidae whereby its taxonomy and systematics have been historically challenging. They represent a significant fraction of the shark catches of small‐scale fisheries in the Gulf of California. In order to provide information useful for their management and conservation, the morphological and genetic distinction of the four species found in the northern Gulf of California (M. albipinnis, M. californicus, M. henlei and M. lunulatus) were analyzed. Discriminant analysis of 10 morphometric variables placed each species in a distinct and significantly different region of multivariate morpho‐space. The variables contributing most to their distinction were inter‐nostril width, mouth length, upper and lower labial furrow length, and mouth width. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR‐RFLP) of the nuclear ITS2 ribosomal DNA (rDNA) confirmed that each species represents a genetically cohesive and independent evolutionary lineage. In spite of the difficulty in differentiating these Mustelus species, a few cephalic measurements are useful to separate them. A PCR‐RFLP assay (using RsaI and MspI on ITS2 rDNA amplicons) is also proposed for the molecular differentiation of these commercially harvested smooth‐hound sharks, constituting the first molecular marker available for their identification. These data provide morphological and genetic tools that can be used to improve their management and conservation.  相似文献   

This study records the occurrence of a blue shark Prionace glauca foetus, with morphological abnormalities in the trunk and cephalic region, from a female caught by a pelagic longline in October 2003, in southern Brazil.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - Nine egg capsules of the Rasptail Skate (Rostroraja velezi) were collected from their southernmost distributional range in northern Peruvian waters for their...  相似文献   

1. Ion exchange column chromatography of red cell extracts from the smooth dogfish (Mustelus canis) reveals a phosphate pool which includes inorganic phosphate, AMP, ADP and ATP. 2. GTP and an iron complex of this nucleotide (Fe-GTP) account for approximately 40% of the principal organic phosphates. 3. ATP accounts for 30%, and AMP and ADP approximately 10% each. 4. 2,3-DPG is not detectable by either enzymatic or chromatographic analysis. 5. The use of a "purified" buffer system consisting of redistilled formic acid and de novo synthesized ammonium formate increases the ratio of GTP to Fe-GTP from approximately 1.4:1 to 10:1. This suggests that all of the iron nucleotide complexes (ATP and GTP) previously reported in red cells may not represent a normally occurring intraerythrocyte complex.  相似文献   

Declines in shark populations worldwide are of particular concern to fishery managers and conservation biologists. Molecular-based technologies provide an efficient means to collect basic life-history information and estimates of dispersal that are critical to management. A novel method for obtaining high quality mtDNA from shark jaws and teeth for shark population genetic studies is described.  相似文献   

A new species,Pilocarpus trifoliolatus Skorupa & Pirani from Pará, Brazil, is described and illustrated. The new taxon resemblesP. microphyllus Stapf ex Wardleworth andP. alatus C. J. Joseph ex Skorupa by its winged rachis and petiole and by its dilated stigma.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new diatom species, Aulacoseira calypsi Tremarin, Torgan & Ludwig, from specimens in plankton samples from Água Preta lake. This Amazonian lake is a shallow mesotrophic environment situated in northern Brazil. The species is characterized by long filaments united by spatulate linking spines, obovate to conic separation spines, a valve surface variably ornamented, straight striae on the mantle, a narrow ringleist, and one row of sessile rimoportulae near the ringleist. Aulacoseira calypsi's morphometric features are compared with the following similar species: Aulacoseira nygaardii (Camburn) Camburn & Charles, Aulacoseira lacustris (Grunow) Krammer, Aulacoseira coroniformis Pearce & Cremer, Aulacoseira occulta Siver & Hamilton, Aulacoseira lancea Siver & Hamilton, Aulacoseira gessneri (Hustedt) Simonsen, and Aulacoseira islandica (Müller) Simonsen. The species shares similarities as to frustule size, striation pattern, and narrowness of ringleist; but differs in the morphology of separation and linking spines, and the number and position of the rimoportulae.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to study and redescribe Terranova galeocerdonis (Thwaite, 1927) from Carcharias taurus off Argentina. Its fourth larval stage was described, measured and illustrated for the first time. The host and geographical range of this species is extended into the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. When the present material was compared with T. rochalimai (Pereira, 1935) and T. ginglymostomae Olsen, 1952, it was considered that both morphological and morphometrical differences between the three species did not justify differentiation at the specific level. As a result, T. rochalimai and T. ginglymostomae are considered to be junior synonyms of T. galeocerdonis.  相似文献   

I Takiuchi  D Higuchi  Y Sei  M Koga 《Sabouraudia》1982,20(4):281-288
Proteolytic activity was demonstrated when a strain of Microsporum canis was cultured in broth with human hair, but not in the medium without hair. The extracellular proteinase (keratinase) was isolated and purified by chromatography. Disc electrophoresis showed one protein band of extracellular proteinase, and the antibody against this enzyme gave a single precipitin line in agar diffusion. The IgG fraction completely neutralized the proteinase activity. The proteinase of M. canis may play a role in infection caused by this fungus, by affecting keratinized tissue such as stratum corneum and hair.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Mature crayfish were collected in 1984 from an alkaline Irish lake before and after the mating season.
2. There was some correlation between frequency of mating and decrease in vasa deferentia weight in captive males, but in the field vasa deferentia weight losses were highly variable. The data indicate that one third of adult males may not have mated in the wild.
3. All females appear to have spawned, whether or not mated, with an average 85% reduction in ovary weights over the season.
4. Pleopodal egg counts directly after laboratory spawning were on average 81% of ovarian counts; in the field, an estimated 50 days after spawning, they were only 61% of estimated ovarian egg numbers.
5. Average ovarian egg size was positively correlated with female size. Also, larger crayfish had a wider range of egg sizes than smaller crayfish.
6. It is suggested that aggression and competition for shelter among brooding females may result in a progressive loss of eggs.  相似文献   

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