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Fire is a common disturbance in many ecosystems, including arid Australia. Understanding whether fauna respond in a deterministic manner towards a single end‐point, or to multiple states, is of crucial importance for conservation management. Why different taxa or assemblages display single or multiple end‐points is also important to develop a synthetic theory of succession. To examine the post‐fire changes in assemblages of spiders, we established a chronosequence study in spinifex habitat of central Western Australia. Ground‐active spiders were pitfall‐trapped over nine months in sites representing experimental fires (0 and 0.5 years post‐fire) and wildfires (3, 5, 8 and 20 years post‐fire). There were significant non‐linear changes in species richness, evenness and composition of spiders with increasing post‐fire age. For all three measures, the assemblage appeared highly deterministic, converging towards the long unburnt state. Similarity in richness, evenness and species composition to the 20‐year‐old sites all increased with increasing time since fire (3–8 years). However, experimentally burnt sites did not neatly fit this sequence. We consider two alternative hypotheses to explain this second trajectory: inertia within the system or the rapid migration and recolonization from nearby surrounding unburnt areas. Analyses indicated that half of the 179 species had significant preferences for, or were restricted to, particular post‐fire ages. This suggests that adequate pyrodiversity, both in terms of post‐fire ages and/or scale and intensity of fires, may be important for the conservation of spiders in this habitat. However, owing to the high number of singletons and low indicator values, the significance of this result for conservation management remains equivocal. Despite this, the high degree of determinism provides hope that managers can develop a good predictive understanding of post‐fire successional changes in spider assemblages in arid Australia. 相似文献
为了揭示高寒小嵩草草甸群落在放牧扰动下,探讨土壤养分供给水平的变化对生态系统初级生产力和多样性影响,为高寒草地的退化演替机理研究提供依据,以野外样地调查和室内分析法研究了放牧扰动下高寒草甸植物多样性、生产力对土壤养分条件变化的响应.结果表明,放牧干扰不仅改变了高寒小蒿草草甸群落土壤根系和蕴育土壤根系的\"载体\"量及根土比例,改变了植物群落的结构和功能,而且使土壤的物理和化学特性发生了明显的改变.随着放牧强度的增加,蕴育土壤根系的基质量逐渐减少,根土比特别是0~10 cm土层的根土比例增加;\"载体\"量减少导致大部分地下根系由于营养供给水平的降低而死亡,归还土壤中有机质的数量逐渐减少,加之地上部分持续利用,土壤养分也在不断消耗,土壤基质量的减少和土壤资源持续供给能力的下降,草地发生逆向演替(退化),表现在:物种数减少、多样性下降、能量的分配转向地下等;土壤性状上的某些改变(土壤容重、土壤湿度等),也会引起植被组成、物种多样性变化;放牧主要通过影响土壤环境及其养分含量来改变草地群落生物量(地上、地下);土壤表面的适度干扰和原有植物的适度破坏为新成员提供了小生境,从而允许新的植物侵入群落,并提高了植物的丰富度.但是,在受到强度干扰时,草地植物群落的主要物种的优势地位发生明显的替代变化. 相似文献
Melissa H. DeSiervo Lauren L. Sullivan Larissa M. Kahan Eric W. Seabloom Lauren G. Shoemaker 《Ecology letters》2023,26(7):1132-1144
Disturbance and environmental change may cause communities to converge on a steady state, diverge towards multiple alternative states or remain in long-term transience. Yet, empirical investigations of successional trajectories are rare, especially in systems experiencing multiple concurrent anthropogenic drivers of change. We examined succession in old field grassland communities subjected to disturbance and nitrogen fertilization using data from a long-term (22-year) experiment. Regardless of initial disturbance, after a decade communities converged on steady states largely determined by resource availability, where species turnover declined as communities approached dynamic equilibria. Species favoured by the disturbance were those that eventually came to dominate the highly fertilized plots. Furthermore, disturbance made successional pathways more direct revealing an important interaction effect between nutrients and disturbance as drivers of community change. Our results underscore the dynamical nature of grassland and old field succession, demonstrating how community properties such as diversity change through transient and equilibrium states. 相似文献
J. Alistair Crame 《Journal of Biogeography》2018,45(5):986-994
We are beginning to appreciate that the origin of the modern Antarctic marine fauna is related to a series of key events throughout the Cenozoic era. In the first of these, the mass extinction at the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary (66 Ma) reset the evolutionary stage and led to a major radiation of modern taxa in the benthic realm. Although this took place in a greenhouse world, there is evidence to suggest that the radiation was tempered by the seasonality of primary productivity, and this may be a time‐invariant feature of the polar regions. Although there could well have been a single, abrupt extinction event at c. 34 Ma, there is also evidence to suggest a phased extinction of various taxa over a period of millions of years. Important new molecular phylogenetic data are indicating that a wide variety of both benthic and pelagic taxa radiated shortly after a second major phase of cooling at c. 14 Ma. Such a phenomenon is linked to a series of major palaeoceanographic changes, which in turn led to a proliferation of diatom‐based ecosystems. Although the modern benthic marine fauna can be traced back some 45–50 Myr, a substantial component of the modern pelagic one may be less than 14 Myr old. The latter is also characterized by assemblages of high abundance but comparatively low species richness and evenness. A distinctive signature of low diversity but high dominance within Antarctic marine assemblages was maintained by the interplay between temperature and primary productivity throughout the Cenozoic. 相似文献
Christian Otto 《Hydrobiologia》2000,434(1-3):35-40
The seasonal variation of the periphytic community attached to an artificial substratum (glass tubes) was studied during two different periods in a lagoon connected to the Paranapanema River, the main tributary of the Jurumirim Reservoir (São Paulo–Brazil). An analysis of dry weight, ash free dry weight, chlorophyll a, phaeophytin and primary productivity of periphyton was carried out. The first experiment lasted from August to December 1993, the second from February to June 1994. Tubes were removed after 7, 14, 21, 28, 60, 90 and 119 days of incubation. In the 1st experiment, the periphytic community reached a higher biomass after the 4th week of colonization (28th day), in the 2nd experiment after the 2nd week (14th day). This discrepancy is related to seasonal differences in environmental factors (water temperature, nutrients concentrations and water discharge) that determine initial colonization. After the first stages of colonization, the biomass and primary productivity of periphyton reached their maximum values after the 60th day of incubation. In both experiments, three developmental phases could be discerned. In the initial phase, an exponential growth was observed. In the second phase, the bioderm reached its maximum biomass and productivity. In the third phase, a decrease of biomass and productivity occurred. 相似文献
Huimin Xu Dayong Zhao Jin Zeng Congcong Jiao Zhongbo Yu Qinglong L. Wu 《Freshwater Biology》2020,65(8):1363-1375
- Understanding the successional patterns of microbial communities during a phytoplankton bloom is crucial for predicting the compositional and functional stability of lake ecosystems in response to the disturbance of a bloom. Previous studies on bacterial communities associated with blooms have rarely studied the dynamics of these communities. The successional patterns of bacterial communities within different micro-habitats (i.e. water column versus particles) and mechanisms that shape these communities that differ in composition and structure remain unclear.
- We selected a eutrophic urban lake to investigate the succession of bacterial communities during a bloom. We divided the bacterial communities into free-living (FL) and particle-attached (PA) groups based on their different lifestyles. The amplicon-based 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing technology was used to obtain bacterial community composition and phylogenetic structure.
- Our study showed distinct successional patterns between FL and PA bacterial communities, and the two bacterial lifestyles showed different responses and resilience to the bloom, in terms of diversity and relative abundance of bacterial taxa. Alpha-diversity of the PA bacterial community decreased during the bloom, whereas that of the FL bacterial community increased. More taxa in the FL bacterial community showed resilience after the disturbance than in the PA bacterial community.
- The influence of phytoplankton blooms on the assembly of the bacterial community can be viewed as niche selection that led to the decrease in the relative importance of stochastic processes in shaping both FL and PA bacterial communities. This study shows the ecological significance of the bacterial community response to bloom events in lakes. It also shows that assembly processes differ for bacterial communities that have different lifestyles in lake ecosystems disturbed by phytoplankton blooms.
微生物结皮是荒漠化治理中新的热点之一,但其关键形成生物--微型藻类如何通过群落结构的变化向地衣结皮、藓类结皮转变的机理仍是未知的.本文以时空替代法,将沙坡头流沙,4、8、17、34及42龄结皮当作同一群落演替进程中的6个阶段,通过系统聚类、丰分量分析的方法首次对这一问题进行了研究,结果显示该地荒漠藻群落的原生演替朝着蓝藻总丰度和爪哇伪枝藻(Scytonema javanicum)丰度逐渐下降,纤细席藻(Phormidiumtenue)、绿藻、硅藻丰度逐渐增加的方向进行;多样性随群落演替的发展而增高;生物量在初期呈正向演替,后期随地衣、藓类的入侵逐渐下降;演替速度非常缓慢,高龄结皮中的优势种仍是建群种,只是优势度略有下降;水分、植被覆盖、地形、时间,土壤理化性质都影响演替途径和速度,特别是Mn含量对演替有重要的阈值作用. 相似文献
Michael Hickman 《Hydrobiologia》1979,64(2):105-121
Ministik Lake (longitude 113°01; latitude 53°21), a well-mixed, shallow (mean depth 1.83 m), eutrophic lake is characterized by eutrophic chlorococcalean and cyanophycean phytoplankton associations, and little change in standing crop size with increasing depth. Standing crops and primary productivity are low during the winter but pronounced spring and late summer/early autumn maxima occur. Mean yearly areal standing crop (B) and primary productivity (A) were 199.2 mg m–2 chlorophyll a and 319.5 mg C hr–1 m–2 respectively. Annual productivity was estimated at 1399,6 g C m–2yr–1. The mean increase in the extinction coefficient () per unit increase in standing crop (B) was 0.03 In units m–1. High non-algal light attenuation (q) occurred averaging 46% which prevented the ratio B from attaining more than 74.2% of the theoretical maximum except once when selfshading occurred. Insignificant relationships existed between B (mg m–3 chlorophyll a) and Amax (mg C hr–1 m–3), A and B and A and B. Close correlations existed between A and Amax/ and A and I0 (W m–2). The depth of the euphotic zone (Zeu) varied between 0.6 and 2.0 m; the average relationship between zeu and was zeu = 3.78/te, and the mean standing crop in the euphotic zone represented 58.3% of the theoritical maximum. The high q values made the model of Talling (1957) inapplicable to this lake. The Q10 value for the lake was 1.20. max (mg C chlorophyll a
–1 hr–1) was closely related to both temperature and irradiance, and depressed by high pH values.Growth of the cyanophycean algae was correlated with temperature, chlorophycean algae with phosphate-phosphorus and temperature and the diatoms with dissolved silica and phosphate-phosphorus, but only in the case of Chaetoceros elmorii did any nutrient appear limiting. Indirect evidence that free CO2 limited photosynthetic rates is provided by the max:pH relationship. 相似文献
缙云山森林群落次生演替中土壤理化性质的动态变化 总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45
选择典型、有代表性的不同演替阶段群落,进行了植被调查和土壤分析.结果表明,土壤理化性质在演替方向和土壤剖面上表现出较强的规律.土壤有机质随植被从低级向高级演进逐渐积累,分别是19.5(X1)、37.0(X2)、50.1(X3)和71.6 g·kg-1(X4);土壤全N、碱解氮和速效钾等也呈上升趋势;土壤pH和盐基饱和度降低,阳离子交换量增加.在土壤剖面上,有机质、全N等指标表现出A>B>C层的趋势.灰色关联度分析表明,随着演替的进行,土壤肥力提高,物种丰富度和郁闭度也相应增加.不同群落土壤理化性质在不同季节有显著差异,但这种差异并不影响植物与土壤在大时间尺度下的演变方向.土壤理化性质的动态变化与植物演替相适应. 相似文献
Priority effects are an important ecological force shaping biotic communities and ecosystem processes, in which the establishment of early colonists alters the colonization success of later‐arriving organisms via competitive exclusion and habitat modification. However, we do not understand which biotic and abiotic conditions lead to strong priority effects and lasting historical contingencies. Using saprotrophic fungi in a model leaf decomposition system, we investigated whether compositional and functional consequences of initial colonization were dependent on initial colonizer traits, resource availability or a combination thereof. To test these ideas, we factorially manipulated leaf litter biochemistry and initial fungal colonist identity, quantifying subsequent community composition, using neutral genetic markers, and community functional characteristics, including enzyme potential and leaf decay rates. During the first 3 months, initial colonist respiration rate and physiological capacity to degrade plant detritus were significant determinants of fungal community composition and leaf decay, indicating that rapid growth and lignolytic potential of early colonists contributed to altered trajectories of community assembly. Further, initial colonization on oak leaves generated increasingly divergent trajectories of fungal community composition and enzyme potential, indicating stronger initial colonizer effects on energy‐poor substrates. Together, these observations provide evidence that initial colonization effects, and subsequent consequences on litter decay, are dependent upon substrate biochemistry and physiological traits within a regional species pool. Because microbial decay of plant detritus is important to global C storage, our results demonstrate that understanding the mechanisms by which initial conditions alter priority effects during community assembly may be key to understanding the drivers of ecosystem‐level processes. 相似文献
Within plant communities, niche‐based species sorting can occur among distinct soil patches (microsites), increasing coexistence and diversity. Microsite edges (microedges) may also offer additional niche space. Therefore, in recently abandoned croplands, which often have uniform soils caused by a legacy of tillage (soil homogenization), the plant species diversity of future restoration efforts may be reduced. We conducted an experiment during the early establishment phase (3 years) of a tallgrass prairie restoration on former cropland to determine if soil homogenization decreases species diversity and alters community composition, and if microedges offer additional niche space. Heterogeneous plots with sand‐ or woodchip‐enriched patches were compared to plots made up of the same components, but distributed homogeneously, and pits and mounds were compared to flat topsoil. Homogenization decreased diversity in flat topsoil plots relative to pit plots and increased diversity in woodchip plots. In both cases, the treatments with the lowest canopy cover and greatest plant density had the greatest diversity. Sand and topographic homogenization decreased diversity, but when a drought occurred in year two, the effect was suppressed in the sand treatment and magnified in the pit plots. Microedges had properties unique from adjacent patches. Overall, variability in heterogeneity–diversity relationships was affected by interactions with plant growth patterns and environmental conditions. Our results indicate that while the addition of contrasting soil microsites has the potential to promote increased diversity in grassland restoration on former cropland, the patch components and design must be optimized to achieve this management goal. 相似文献
- Early colonising ecosystem engineers modify habitats and alter the abundance of basal resources following disturbances. These changes can have profound effects on ecosystem recovery via facilitative or inhibitory effects on subsequent colonists.
- We quantified how black fly larvae, which can be pioneer species during secondary succession in streams, influence initial community recovery following a simulated drying disturbance.
- Black fly larvae anchor themselves to the stream substratum with silk, and diatoms adhere to the silk of black flies. Therefore, we hypothesised that black flies speed community recovery following disturbances by increasing the accrual rate of basal resources with their silk.
- We compared algal and detrital resource abundance and invertebrate community recovery on recently submerged cobbles across three treatments: increased black fly abundance, added black fly silk plus ambient black fly abundance and ambient black fly abundance (control).
- After 24 h, the increased black fly treatment had more chlorophyll a, detritus and greater invertebrate abundance and richness, and replicates had more self‐similar communities than the control treatment.
- The added silk treatment responded similarly to the increased black fly treatment, supporting the hypothesis that black flies increase the rate of basal resource accrual with their silk, increasing the colonisation rates of other invertebrate species.
- Our study suggests that black flies are akin to other organisms that facilitate recovery following disturbance (e.g. alders fixing nitrogen following glacial retreat). Further research is needed to determine the effect of black flies on long‐term patterns of recovery and the applicability of our results to natural disturbances in streams.
Andrew D. Letten David A. Keith Mark G. Tozer 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2014,281(1797)
Succession has been a focal point of ecological research for over a century, but thus far has been poorly explored through the lens of modern phylogenetic and trait-based approaches to community assembly. The vast majority of studies conducted to date have comprised static analyses where communities are observed at a single snapshot in time. Long-term datasets present a vantage point to compare established and emerging theoretical predictions on the phylogenetic and functional trajectory of communities through succession. We investigated within, and between, community measures of phylogenetic and functional diversity in a fire-prone heathland along a 21 year time series. Contrary to widely held expectations that increased competition through succession should inhibit the coexistence of species with high niche overlap, plots became more phylogenetically and functionally clustered with time since fire. There were significant directional shifts in individual traits through time indicating deterministic successional processes associated with changing abiotic and/or biotic conditions. However, relative to the observed temporal rate of taxonomic turnover, both phylogenetic and functional turnover were comparatively low, suggesting a degree of functional redundancy among close relatives. These results contribute to an emerging body of evidence indicating that limits to the similarity of coexisting species are rarely observed at fine spatial scales. 相似文献
Susan G. Letcher 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2010,277(1678):97-104
The phylogenetic structure of ecological communities can shed light on assembly processes, but the focus of phylogenetic structure research thus far has been on mature ecosystems. Here, I present the first investigation of phylogenetic community structure during succession. In a replicated chronosequence of 30 sites in northeastern Costa Rica, I found strong phylogenetic overdispersion at multiple scales: species present at local sites were a non-random assemblage, more distantly related than chance would predict. Phylogenetic overdispersion was evident when comparing the species present at each site with the regional species pool, the species pool found in each age category to the regional pool or the species present at each site to the pool of species found in sites of that age category. Comparing stem size classes within each age category, I found that during early succession, phylogenetic overdispersion is strongest in small stems. Overdispersion strengthens and spreads into larger size classes as succession proceeds, corroborating an existing model of forest succession. This study is the first evidence that succession leaves a distinct signature in the phylogenetic structure of communities. 相似文献
荒漠土壤藻群落结构的原生演替 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
微生物结皮是荒漠化治理中新的热点之一,但其关键形成生物——微型藻类如何通过群落结构的变化向地衣结皮、藓类结皮转变的机理仍是未知的。本文以时空替代法,将沙坡头流沙,4、8、17、34及42龄结皮当作同一群落演替进程中的6个阶段,通过系统聚类、主分量分析的方法首次对这一问题进行了研究,结果显示该地荒漠藻群落的原牛演替朝着蓝藻总丰度和爪畦伪枝藻(Scytonema javanicum)丰度逐渐下降,纤细席藻(Phormidium tenue)、绿藻、硅藻丰度逐渐增加的方向进行;多样性随群落演替的发展而增高;生物量在初期呈正向演替,后期随地衣、藓类的入侵逐渐下降;演替速度非常缓慢,高龄结皮中的优势种仍是建群种,只是优势度略有下降;水分、植被覆盖、地形、时间,土壤理化性质都影响演替徐径和速度.特别是Mn含量对演替有重要的阈值作用。 相似文献