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A data base including length frequency distributions and catches of the Scomberomorus commerson in Oman according to fleet (gear/technique) and region has been established to carry out length cohort analyses, determine yield per recruit and simulate changes in fishing effort and/or increase in minimum length limit in catches. The analyse of data showed that: (i) The average fishing mortality rate is moderate (0.5–0.6), but acts in part on the juvenile fraction of the stock. The exploitation pattern differs, however, among fleets with some fleet components targeting largely immature kingfish and others largely the adult stock. (ii) An increase in total fishing effort would lead to long‐term losses in total catch; the losses would be highest for fleets that target the larger specimens. A reduction of the effort would, in the long term, lead to an increase in yield and spawning stock biomass. (iii) An increase of minimum length limit in catches would, in the long term, lead to a substantial increase in yield and spawning stock biomass; the gain in catch would be largest for fleet components that target the adult fraction of the stock and (iv) an increase in minimum length limit in catches combined with an increased selectivity of the fisheries (i.e. favorising fleets targeting the adult fraction of the stock) would lead to the highest gain in sustainable catch. In this case, the sustainable catch could be increased by more than 50%. Therefore, this option represents the optimal management strategy obtained in the present study.  相似文献   

Several research initiatives have been undertaken to map fishing effort at high spatial resolution using the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS). An alternative to the VMS is represented by the Automatic Identification System (AIS), which in the EU became compulsory in May 2014 for all fishing vessels of length above 15 meters. The aim of this paper is to assess the uptake of the AIS in the EU fishing fleet and the feasibility of producing a map of fishing effort with high spatial and temporal resolution at European scale. After analysing a large AIS dataset for the period January-August 2014 and covering most of the EU waters, we show that AIS was adopted by around 75% of EU fishing vessels above 15 meters of length. Using the Swedish fleet as a case study, we developed a method to identify fishing activity based on the analysis of individual vessels’ speed profiles and produce a high resolution map of fishing effort based on AIS data. The method was validated using detailed logbook data and proved to be sufficiently accurate and computationally efficient to identify fishing grounds and effort in the case of trawlers, which represent the largest portion of the EU fishing fleet above 15 meters of length. Issues still to be addressed before extending the exercise to the entire EU fleet are the assessment of coverage levels of the AIS data for all EU waters and the identification of fishing activity in the case of vessels other than trawlers.  相似文献   

Given the scarcity of information suitable for other forms of fish stock assessments, the growth, and mortality of 10 important marine exploited fishes in China's coastal seas were estimated, based on published length‐frequency data and the ELEFAN approach and software. The resulting parameters, complemented with growth curves from FishBase were then used for yield‐per‐recruit analyses. These 10 species were both traditional commercial species (Trichiurus lepturus, Larimichthys polyactis, Scomber japonicus) and less commercial interest species (Coilia nasus, Engraulis japonicus, Decapterus maruadsi, Psenopsis anomala, Coilia mystus, Setipinna tenuifilis, Harpadon nehereus). The yield‐per‐recruit analyses indicated that the fishing mortality experienced by these 10 fish species was very high, especially in view of the extremely small cod‐end mesh sizes deployed by Chinese trawlers, of about 10 mm or less (vs. 25 mm as minimum legal size). More precisely, all 10 species suffered from growth overfishing, which was very pronounced in large species. Indeed, enlarging cod‐end mesh size, by increasing mean sizes at first capture, would increase yield‐per‐recruit for all 10 fish species by a factor of up to 2.5. Obviously, such increases in mesh size would have to be in tandem with other management measures designed to ensure the sustainability of China's marine fisheries resources.  相似文献   

Kuwait's fisheries include shrimp trawlers, gill nets, intertidal stake nets, and demersal fish traps, known locally as gargoor. The gargoor fishery used to be the nation's most important in terms of value and landings volume, but declines in catch rates have reduced its ranking. This paper describes the status of the gargoor artisanal fishery. The main landings place was sampled for catch and effort, and fish length‐frequency data from May 2003 to December 2005. The catch rate, monthly average number of boats operating, and the number of gargoor cleared were estimated for dhow boats fishing in Kuwait's waters and international waters, and speed boats operating in Kuwait waters only. Over the duration of the study period, the speedboat catch rates were higher than those of dhow boats, i.e., 3.7 kg/trap‐pull vs. 2.6 and 2.5 kg/trap‐pull for dhows fishing in Kuwait's territorial waters and international waters, respectively. The grouper, Epinephelus coicodes, was the main species captured, contributing 19.3% and 17.8% to the dhow catch in Kuwait waters and international waters, respectively. The catch rates by dhow boats declined from an average of 4.7 kg/trap‐pull in 2003 to 2.7 kg/trap‐pull in 2005 representing a 41% decrease. If this decreasing catch rate trend continues, then fishing effort should be reduced to allow stock recovery. It is recommended that the number of gargoor fished in Kuwaiti waters should be limited and that several no‐fishing zones be established to ensure the minimum spawning stock biomass and preserve biodiversity for all fisheries.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence has demonstrated that the life history traits of fishes have changed in many exploited populations, caused principally by intense fishing mortality and size‐selectivity of the fishing gear. Broad and intensive trawl fishing over an extended period has the enormous potential to change the biological characters of exploited fish populations. An individual‐based model was developed to explore the interactions between trawl fishing and evolutionary changes in length‐at‐age and age structure of an exploited fish population. A perennial fish population was simulated with a multiple age structure in the model to examine the effects of long‐term trawl fishing on hairtail, Trichiurus lepturus, in the East China Sea. The results revealed that distribution of the body length‐at‐age and the age structure of the fish population were irreversibly changed under long‐term trawl fishing. The simulated results confirm that the length‐at‐age is increasing shorter, the younger individuals dominate, the influence of trawl selectivity on the biological traits of the fish population is highly significant, and that these changes have potentially evolutionary consequences on the fish body length‐at‐age.  相似文献   

The black scabbardfish is a deep-sea teleost species with high commercial interest in the NE Atlantic. While it is caught by large offshore trawlers in the North of Europe, in the south it is captured by artisanal longlines. On the Portuguese continental slope, in the south of ICES Division IXa, a longline fleet has been engaged in the capture of black scabbardfish for more than 20 years. This paper reviews and analyses the features of this fishery from a temporal perspective based on information from different data sources. The fishery is based on the port of Sesimbra, where a family type fishing community strives to keep catches profitable without altering the artisanal features that characterizes the fleet. Although the fleet has experienced some technical improvements through time, the fishing operations and strategy have changed very little. Fishing occurs at particular areas on the slope, where individual vessels have their own fishing grounds. Annual landings surpassed 4,000 tonnes in the early 1990’s, but decreased to nearly 3,000 tonnes and have remained at this level since 2000. The length structure of the landings was stable from 2000 to 2005, with a modal (total length) class of 1,090 mm. Monthly landings per unit effort estimated by a generalized linear model did not present any marked trend for the period 2000–2004. The landings reported in mainland Portugal were compared with the ones from other regions of the ICES area and the different characteristics of the fisheries operating in the north and south of Europe were analysed.  相似文献   

The siganid production in the Philippines is continuously declining from 2007 up to present. In Palompon, Leyte, annual yield of siganids, particularly Siganus canaliculatus (Park, 1797) also showed a decreasing trend of total production. This is consistent that this stock is under heavy pressure, and when left unmanaged, this could lead to further overexploitation and the collapse of the stock in the long run. Regardless of this, detailed reproductive biology and potential of this species are very few in the Philippines. Therefore, this study was conducted to provide information on the reproductive biology and breeding cycle of S. canaliculatus in Palompon, Leyte where fishing pressure is high and sound management formulation is necessary. S. canaliculatus is a group‐synchronous, multiple spawners with skewed sex ratio where males predominates over females. Maturity stages based on macroscopic examinations identified four maturity stages (immature, developing, mature and spent) while six maturity stages (immature, developing, mature, spawning, spent and re‐developing) were identified through histological analysis. A single ovo‐testis was identified among the 669 specimens examined. Based on histological sections, the smallest size of mature male was 5.5 cm standard length, and the smallest mature female was 7.1 cm standard length. On the other hand, length at first maturity for mature fish were 8.1 cm standard length for males and 9.7 cm standard length for females. Two defined peaks of gonadosomatic index were identified in both sexes: a major peak from February to May and a minor protracted one from July to December. Mature and older ovaries and testes occurred throughout the year, an indication of your round breeding season of S. canaliculatus in Palompon. Implementing a fishing ban during the major and the minor breeding spawning peaks would allow the mature and older individuals to contribute first to the population; allowing the continuity of the stock.  相似文献   

A survey‐based assessment of an eastern Mediterranean data‐limited black anglerfish (Lophius budegassa; Spinola, 1807) stock was carried out to elucidate its population and exploitation trends. A catch‐based method was also applied to estimate its maximum sustainable yield (MSY). The effect on the long‐term spawning stock biomass and yield of a wide range of exploitation regimes (combinations of F and selectivity) was investigated using an age‐structured population model parameterised for Mediterranean anglerfish stocks. The analysis indicated an increasing trend of anglerfish fishing mortality (F) in the eastern Mediterranean from the mid‐1990s onwards, and that recent catches were 41% higher than the median MSY estimate. Catching Mediterranean anglerfish at least three years after they mature at an = 0.4–1 year?1 would ensure high yields at sustainable levels of stock depletion. Examination of the empirical exploitation regimes in five anglerfish stocks across the Mediterranean Sea illustrates their unfulfilled potential for higher sustainable yields, mainly due to overexploitation of juveniles.  相似文献   

A stochastic age-structured population model was developed to explore biologically favourable levels of effort and closing periods within the sardine pelagic fishery in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Results suggested that the developed age-structured model captured the observed biomass fluctuations and catches reasonably well and represents the first comprehensive investigation of alternative management strategies for eastern Mediterranean sardine fishery that include stochasticity. The present study provided direct evidence for the importance of the correct timing of the temporal fishing ban. Significant benefits were found both in terms of biomass and catch from a corrective shift in the fishing closed period. The current findings suggested that protecting the younger age groups from fishing in the period October–December, by shifting the ban period earlier than December may profit, biologically, the stock and economically the fishing sector. Progressive reductions in fishing mortality/effort also yield significant positive biological and fishery benefits in the short term.  相似文献   

Using life-history invariants, this paper develops techniques that allow the estimation of maximum sustainable yield and the fishing mortality rate that produces the maximum yield from estimates of the growth parameters, the length at first capture and the steepness of the stock recruitment relationship. This allows sustainable yields and fishing capacity to be estimated from sparse data, such as those available for developing country fisheries.  相似文献   

Stochastic simulations were used to evaluate the influence of recruitment pattern (log‐normal, decreasing), size selectivity (normal, logistic model) and fishing mortality pattern (abrupt, continuous increase in fishing mortality) on the evolution of mean length and the dispersion of mean length for a relatively long‐lived deep‐water species, the black spot sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo). An abrupt increase in fishing mortality resulted in mean size decreasing and stabilizing at a lower level while a steady increase in fishing mortality caused the continuous decrease in mean size that has been reported for many long‐lived species. Decrease in mean size was greatest for logistic model simulations and for cases where fish were susceptible to capture at a small size. Logistic selectivity, with decreasing recruitment and increasing fishing mortality over time, resulted in mean length and variability in mean length trends similar to that observed for the Strait of Gibraltar fishery. Furthermore, it was found with the declining recruitment that moderate increases in fishing mortality can result in significant decreases in mean length. Given the importance of mean size as an indicator of the state of a resource, these simulations are a useful alternative or complement to standard fisheries assessment methods, helping to provide information on exploitation patterns and rates that can be used for conservation and management.  相似文献   

This study compares the fishing activity and landings of the trawl and creel fisheries for Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus (L.)) off the Portuguese coast, and evaluates the financial viability of two vessels typical of each fleet. Crustacean trawlers are part of an industrial fleet that, besides Nephrops, targets deep water shrimps. Creels are used by a multi-gear, multi-target artisanal fleet, fishing only in areas unavailable to trawlers and, when catching Nephrops, set specifically to target this species. Trawlers have in recent years contributed with 85% of the landings in weight, but only 74% in value (2005-2009 average). Despite smaller landings, the Nephrops creel fishery provides individuals of larger size and in better condition, thereby obtaining higher unit prices. Economic viability was also higher for the creel vessel, with trawling being only viable if major costs (such as labor and fuel) are covered by the revenue from other target species (e.g., the rose shrimp). At present, Nephrops populations on the South and SW coast are subject to intense fishing and to a recovery plan. The possibility of reallocation of some of the fishing effort directed at Nephrops from trawlers to creels is discussed in terms of the conservation of the resource and economic return.  相似文献   

1. We describe the changes in trophic dynamics in Lake Maggiore from c. 1943 to 2002 using subfossil cladoceran data from a high resolution sediment record, long‐term contemporary data series and historical information. During this period the lake went through a eutrophication phase until 1980 followed by oligotrophication. 2. During the eutrophication period a major increase occurred in the abundance of Chydorus sphaericus, the proportion of planktonic cladocerans and total abundance of cladocerans in the sediment. Since 1980 the abundance declined again and subfossil Eubosmina mucro length and contemporary Daphnia body length increased, most probably as a result of higher abundance of invertebrate predators. 3. Changes in the fish stock composition caused by the introduction of exotic fish during the pre‐eutrophication period and a complete ban on fishing because of Dichloro‐diphenil‐ethanes (DDTs) pollution of the lake (during oligotrophication) could also be detected in the community assemblage and size structure of the sediment zooplankton. 4. We found good correspondence between trophic changes inferred from cladoceran subfossils (community composition, size and predation pressure) and contemporary data, suggesting that sediment samples can be used to infer past development in trophic dynamics, including predation by fish and pelagic invertebrates in lakes with scarce neolimnological data. 5. Furthermore, by combining palaeolimnological cladoceran data rarely obtained from contemporary samples (e.g. benthic and plant‐associated cladocerans, mucro length of bosminids) with contemporary data of organisms poorly represented in the sediment record (e.g. remains of Bythotrephes and fishes) a more complete understanding of changes in trophic dynamics was obtained. 6. The detection in the sediments of meteorological events whose effects on zooplankton had been recorded in the long‐term studies also provided evidence that eutrophication tends to override climate signals. 7. We conclude that a combined palaeo‐neolimnological approach can be a powerful tool for elucidating past changes in the trophic dynamics of lakes and the interaction with climate induced changes, not least when high resolution sediment records are available.  相似文献   

The excessive and unsustainable exploitation of our marine resources has led to the promotion of marine reserves as a fisheries management tool. Marine reserves, areas in which fishing is restricted or prohibited, can offer opportunities for the recovery of exploited stock and fishery enhancement. This study examines the impact of the creation of marine protected areas, from both economic and biological perspectives. The consequences of reserve establishment on the long-run equilibrium fish biomass and fishery catch levels are evaluated. We include reserve size as control variable to maximize catch at equilibrium. A continuous time model is used to simulate the effects of reserve size on fishing catch. Fish movements between the sites is assumed to take place at a faster time scale than the variation of the stock and the change of the fleet size. We take advantage of these two time scales to derive a reduced model governing the dynamics of the total fish stock and the fishing effort. Simulation results suggest that the establishment of a protected marine reserve will always lead to an increase in total fish biomass, an optimal size of a marine reserve can achieve to maximize the catch at equilibrium.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of the black pomfret, Parastromateus niger, sampled from commercial gill‐net catches from Kuwaiti waters of the Arabian Gulf, were investigated from October 2003 to September 2005. Length‐based stock assessment using the FiSAT software package showed an asymptotic length of 65 cm TL and growth curvature of 0.34 year−1. Raw data as well as that corrected for probability of capture indicated a recruitment from February to September. The total mortality coefficient was estimated to be 1.20, a natural mortality of 0.68 and fishing mortality of 0.52. The selectivity model based on the running average showed that 25% of 14.0 cm TL fish, 50% of specimens reaching 16.3 cm TL, and 75% of all specimens of 20.2 cm TL encountering the gear were retained. Relative yield‐per‐recruit analyses revealed a current exploitation rate of 0.43; this is below the maximum sustainable yield index, indicating for sustainable fishery of P. niger that the exploitation rate could be increased to 0.6, provided size of the fish at first capture, i.e. the legal size, is also increased to 32.5 cm TL. These results suggest that P. niger stocks in Kuwaiti waters, contrary to existing views, are moderately exploited. This conclusion, however, is critically dependent on the estimate of natural mortality, which requires further confirmation.  相似文献   

Using marine reserves to estimate fishing mortality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The proportion of a fish stock that is killed by fishing activity is often calculated as the catch divided by the estimated stock biomass. However, stock biomass is notoriously difficult to estimate reliably, and moreover, the catch may be uncertain or misreported and does not include losses due to discarding. In all too many fisheries, these difficulties have lead to underestimates of total fishing mortality and the commercial demise of the fishery. No‐take marine reserves eliminate fishing mortality from within their boundaries and, for species that exhibit seasonal migratory behaviour, comparison of reserves with fished areas can provide direct estimates of the proportion killed by fishing. For an important exploited species in New Zealand, seasonal changes in density of sub‐legal fish at three marine reserves were similar in both reserve and adjacent non‐reserve areas. However, this result did not hold for legal‐size fish, and the difference in seasonal change between reserved and non‐reserved areas was used to obtain direct estimates of the total localized fishing mortality in the non‐reserve area over 6‐month periods. Estimates of the percentage of legal‐size fish killed by fishing ranged from 70 to 96%. These results demonstrate an unanticipated practical benefit from marine reserves that goes beyond their ecological role.  相似文献   



This study examines the impact of subsidies on the profitability and ecological stability of the North Sea fisheries over the past 20 years. It shows the negative impact that subsidies can have on both the biomass of important fish species and the possible profit from fisheries. The study includes subsidies in an ecosystem model of the North Sea and examines the possible effects of eliminating fishery subsidies.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Hindcast analysis between 1991 and 2003 indicates that subsidies reduced the profitability of the fishery even though gross revenue might have been high for specific fisheries sectors. Simulations seeking to maximise the total revenue between 2004 and 2010 suggest that this can be achieved by increasing the effort of Nephrops trawlers, beam trawlers, and the pelagic trawl-and-seine fleet, while reducing the effort of demersal trawlers. Simulations show that ecological stability can be realised by reducing the effort of the beam trawlers, Nephrops trawlers, pelagic- and demersal trawl-and-seine fleets. This analysis also shows that when subsidies are included, effort will always be higher for all fleets, because it effectively reduces the cost of fishing.


The study found that while removing subsidies might reduce the total catch and revenue, it increases the overall profitability of the fishery and the total biomass of commercially important species. For example, cod, haddock, herring and plaice biomass increased over the simulation when optimising for profit, and when optimising for ecological stability, the biomass for cod, plaice and sole also increased. When subsidies are eliminated, the study shows that rather than forcing those involved in the fishery into the red, fisheries become more profitable, despite a decrease in total revenue due to a loss of subsidies from the government.  相似文献   

The decadal spatio‐temporal distribution of the fishing effort and catch per unit effort (CPUE) for Chilean jack mackerel, Trachurus murphyi, stock are poorly understood. Data from the Chinese jack mackerel fleet was used to describe the location of the fishing effort and the relationship between standardized CPUE and sea surface temperatures (SST) during the period 2001–2010. A significant change in the spatio‐temporal distribution of fishing effort and standardized CPUE was observed for jack mackerel during the study period. From January to March, the average CPUE was generally <15 tonnes (t) per net, except for 2007–2009. CPUE increased significantly during the autumn‐winter (April to August), then gradually decreased in the spring and early summer (September to December). Average standardized CPUE in 2001–2005 was 23.3 t per net, but decreased to 19.7 t per net in 2006–2010. The change in the gravity center location of CPUE between months was similar during the primary fishing period (autumn to winter) in 2001–2006. After 2006, the pattern began to differ in July–October, which resulted in fishers spending more time to search for aggregations. A seasonal change was observed in the range of SSTs associated with high CPUE. Generally, the optimal SST range was from 13.0–15.0°C in autumn, 12.0–14.0°C in winter, 13–16°C in spring, and 15–19°C before 2006. However, a 1–2°C decrease in the optimal range in recent years was associated with a shift in the fishing grounds location to the southern area. In 2009, the optimal SST range was lower than in all other years. Taken together, the results suggest that a more thorough understanding of the seasonal or decadal relationship between SST and location of the fishing grounds is critical to improving the efficiency of the fishery and its management.  相似文献   

Population structure, growth, length–weight relationship, mortality and stock size of tench, Tinca tinca (L.), was studied in Lake Beyşehir, Turkey in 2005. Totals of 3360 tench (1865 males; 1795 females) were captured with gill- and trammel-nets of various mesh sizes. Male to female ratio was 1.04 : 1. The study covered length year classes. Fork lengths and total weights ranged from 9 to 37 cm and 13 to 815 g. For all individuals, the von Bertalanffy growth equation and length–weight relationship were L t = 54.2[1−exp(−0.1350( t  + 1.0281)] and W  = 0.0151  L 2.9993, respectively. Growth performance index and mean condition factor of the tench population were 2.598 and 1.513, respectively. Mortality rates were Z  = 1.97 year−1, M  = 0.29 year−1 and F  = 1.68 year−1 for total, natural, and fishing mortality, respectively. The exploitation rate was E  = 0.85, and the percentage of surviving fish was 13.9%. Tench stock was assessed as about 6–7 million individuals and 1450–1500 tonnes in biomass. It was determined that maximum sustainable yield could be obtained with an 80% level of the current fishing effort.  相似文献   

Fishery is an important economic activity in the Pantanal. Among the regions species, the Pimelodidae catfish stands out as an important part of the annual catch. This study assesses the structure, exploitation and stock management of Hemisorubim platyrhynchos and Sorubim cf. lima, the sixth and seventh largest Pimelodidae of the Pantanal. The analysis is based on fish caught by commercial fishing in the Cuiabá river and landed at the "Ant?nio Moysés Nadaf" Market in the Cuiabá city, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The findings indicate that commercial fishing activities target several fish cohorts and that usually only individuals above mean length at first maturation are caught. Estimates of the instantaneous mortality coefficient show that the current fishing mortality is low. Simulations of relative yield-per-recruit model demonstrate that the current yield of two species could be greater if the fishery effort were increased, indicating that the stocks are underexploited. However, an increase in current fishery efforts should be viewed with caution, since the stock-recruitment relationship for the species is unknown. The results indicate that the current harvest of two species in the Cuiabá River Basin is sustainable.  相似文献   

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