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ABSTRACT Nestling begging and parental provisioning can attract nest predators and reduce reproductive success, so parents and their offspring might be expected to respond adaptively by minimizing predator‐attracting cues when predators threaten nests. Male Red‐winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) are well known for their antipredator alarm calls that contain information about the approach of potential nest predators. We examined the begging behavior of nestlings and the provisioning behavior of females in response to antipredator alarm calls of males to test the adaptive response hypothesis. Playback experiments provided no evidence that alarm calls function to switch off vocal begging; nestlings were equally likely to beg vocally during playback and control periods. Video recordings showed that male alarm calling had no significant effect on inappropriate vocal begging (in the absence of an adult), but significantly reduced the incidence of spontaneous calling (in the absence of begging). Adult females responded to male antipredator alarm calls by delaying their provisioning visits. In addition, although having no significant effect on use of nest‐arriving calls by females, male alarm calling significantly reduced their use of nest‐leaving calls. We conclude that nestling and female Red‐winged Blackbirds respond to male alarm calls in ways that might reduce the risk of predation, but nestlings beg vocally when females arrive to feed them, regardless of male alarm calling, perhaps to avoid a competitive disadvantage with broodmates.  相似文献   

Alarm calls given by parents when risk is detected during nesting may be considered a form of parental defense. We analyzed variations in callings of breeding pairs of the Southern House Wren Troglodytes musculus during the nesting cycle and when faced with different predator models. Nesting birds were exposed to stuffed models at different nesting stages (early and late during incubation, and nests with younger and older nestlings). Nests were also exposed to different predator models where the calling response of breeding adults and acoustic structure variations of the calls were analyzed. The presence of a predator model increased the parents’ alarm calls along the nesting stage. This result supports the hypothesis that the higher the nest reproductive value, the higher the nest defense performed by the Southern House Wren. However, it also supports the notion that alarm calls could be used by parents to silence nestlings and reduce their detectability. Alarm calls also varied according to the predator model presented. We suggest that alarm calls variations of Southern House Wrens could encode information about the kind of predator and the risk envisaged through variations of call rates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Plasma corticosterone concentrations in birds often increase about 3 min after exposure to a stressor such as capture and handling. When measuring adrenal responsiveness of nestlings in broods with more than one nestling, standardizing capture protocols to equalize the stressor among nestlings if they simultaneously perceive the presence and activity of a researcher as a stressor is logistically difficult. The objective of our study was to determine if nestling Black-legged Kittiwakes ( Rissa tridactyla ) in broods of two mount a corticosterone response when the first nestling is removed from the nest or, alternatively, if each initiates a corticosterone response only at the time it is handled. We obtained blood samples from one nestling within 3 min of initial disturbance of the nest, and then removed and sampled its sibling 10 min later. For younger nestlings, we found no difference in corticosterone levels between those sampled at 3 min and their sibling sampled at 10 min. In contrast, older nestlings sampled at 10 min after initial nest disturbance had elevated corticosterone levels compared to those sampled within 3 min. In addition, nestlings sampled within 3 min of capture had elevated corticosterone when exposed to protracted periods of investigator disturbance at nearby nests. Our results suggest that it is necessary to treat initial disturbance of the nest as the onset of the stress response for all nestlings in multi-nestling broods when handling older nestlings or nestlings of unknown age. In addition, for species that nest in dense colonies, the presence of an investigator at one nest may be a stressor for nestlings in adjacent nests.  相似文献   

Begging in birds is a complex behaviour used by nestlings to solicit feeds from caregivers. Besides calling when parents are present, nestlings of some species also perform less conspicuous repeat calls when parents are absent. The fact that these calls are produced when parents are not at the nest does not mean that parents cannot hear them when they approach the nest or forage in its vicinity. In this study, we experimentally investigated the relationship between parent‐absent repeat calls (ARC) and frequency of parental visits, considering parent/offspring communication as a possible implication of these acoustic signals. A playback experiment was conducted to detect changes in parental investment in response to increases in parent‐ARC, expecting a differential sexual response. Results showed that females clearly responded to repeat calls, increasing their visit rate significantly with respect to females that received the control treatment. Males, on the contrary, did not change their visit rate in response to the treatment. This result provides evidence for a role of parent/offspring communication in parent‐absent repeat calling, an additional function to sibling negotiation processes. The sex‐specific response that we found is in agreement with previous studies that have found that females are more responsive than males to variation in solicitation and hunger signals performed by nestlings.  相似文献   

Disturbance during development may have lasting effects on the growth rates and stress physiology of birds. Although repeated handling by researchers is often necessary, the possible effects of such handling on the development of semi‐altricial young are unclear. We examined the effect of daily handling on growth rates and plasma corticosterone levels of Leach's Storm‐Petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) chicks on Kent Island in the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada, during the 2011 nesting season. From post‐hatch day 7 to post‐hatch days 14–36, birds in the experimental group were extracted from burrows and measured (wing, tarsus, and mass) for ~3 min every day, whereas birds in the control group were left undisturbed. After the treatment period, blood was collected from birds in both groups within 3 min of initially reaching into burrows (baseline) and after a 30‐min restraint stress test to assess the effect of early life disturbance on programming of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) axis. A second acute restraint stress test was conducted three weeks after the end of the treatment period to investigate possible longer term effects of early life disturbance. Growth rates of wings and tarsi were similar for handled chicks (N = 18) and non‐handled control chicks (N = 21), as were baseline and 30‐min acute restraint stress‐induced corticosterone levels. As also reported in previous studies of other altricial and semi‐altricial species, older chicks (42–64 d old) had higher plasma corticosterone levels than younger chicks (21–43 d old) after acute restraint stress tests, reflecting delayed development of the HPA axis. The age‐related increase in HPA axis sensitivity observed prior to fledging could facilitate foraging and predator avoidance behaviors while minimizing exposure to high levels of corticosterone earlier in development. Overall, we found no evidence that repeated disturbance influenced either growth rates or HPA axis programming of Leach's Storm‐Petrel chicks.  相似文献   

Birds respond to unpredictable events by secreting corticosterone, which induces various responses to cope with stressful situations. However, the evidence is still elusive whether altricial nestlings perceive and respond to external stressors. We investigated the development of adrenocortical stress response to handling-related stressor in nestlings of a small passerine bird, the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). Nestlings were held in isolation from their parents during the experiment to ensure that they indeed respond to handling, not to parental alarm calls. We found that both 9- and 13-day-old nestlings were able to elicit hormonal stress response. Although baseline as well as stress-induced corticosterone levels rose slightly with age, the magnitude of difference between the control and stress-induced levels remained similar in both age groups. However, comparison with adults showed that the stress response of nestlings prior to fledging was still incomplete and significantly lower than in adults. Overall, our results indicate that altricial nestlings do respond to acute stressors, but on the contrary to previous predictions the development of corticosterone stress response during growth period is not gradual and varies remarkably between different passerine species.  相似文献   

Sublethal effects of predation constitute an important part of predation effects, which may modulate prey population and community dynamics. In birds, the risk of nest predation may cause a reduction in parental activity in the care of offspring to reduce the chance of being detected by predators. In addition, parents may modify their parental food allocation preferences within the brood in response to predation risk. Our aim in this study was to evaluate the effects of risk of nest predation on parental care and within‐nest food allocation in the European Roller (Coracias garrulus), an asynchronously hatching bird. We manipulated brood predation risk by placing a snake model near the nests that simulates the most common nest predator in the Mediterranean region. Our results show that males but not females increased their provisioning rate when they were exposed to the model and that despite this, nestlings’ body mass decreased in response to this temporary increase in predation risk. We did not find evidence that parents changed their food allocation strategy towards senior or junior nestlings in their nests in response to predation risk. These results show that the European roller modifies parental care in response to their perception of predation risk in the nest and a sex‐specific sensitivity to the threat, which suggests a different perception of offspring reproductive value by parents. Finally, our results show that changes in parental behaviour in response to nest predation risk might have consequences for nestling fitness prospects.  相似文献   

Alarm calls are usually used to signal the presence of a threat to members of the same species and have been studied broadly in social foraging species. We analysed the effects of conspecific alarm calls on the parental behaviour of a territorial species, the southern house wrens (Troglodytes aedon musculus), during nestling stage. We compared the parental response of adults feeding 9–11-day-old nestlings when faced with conspecific alarm calls and with a control non-sympatric species’ song broadcast from a neighbouring territory. We measured the time required by parents to return to the nest (latency) when exposed to the stimuli and estimated parent’s nest visitation rate and mean visit duration. Parents took longer to resume parental activities when we broadcast a conspecific alarm call, but they did not modify their nest visitation rate or the mean visit duration. Heterospecific songs did not seem to affect parental behaviour. Our results suggest that nesting southern house wrens can use alarm calls uttered from neighbouring territories to assess the presence of a threat and adjust their parental behaviour accordingly.  相似文献   

Evolutionary models suggest that the cost of a signal can ensure its honesty. Empirical studies of nestling begging imply that predator attraction can impose such a cost. However, parents might reduce or abolish this cost by warning young of the presence of danger. We tested, in a controlled field playback experiment, whether alarm calls cause 5-, 8- and 11-day-old nestlings of the white-browed scrubwren, Sericornis frontalis, to suppress vocalization. In this species, nestlings vocalize when parents visit the nest ('begging') and when they are absent ('non-begging'), so we measured effects on both types of vocalization. Playback of parental alarm calls suppressed non-begging vocalization almost completely but only slightly reduced begging calls during a playback of parental feeding calls that followed. The reaction of nestlings was largely independent of age. Our results suggest two reasons why experiments ignoring the role of parents probably overestimate the real cost of nestling vocalizations. Parents can warn young from a distance about the presence of danger and so suppress non-begging vocalizations that might otherwise be overheard, and a parent's presence at the nest presumably indicates when it is safe to beg.  相似文献   

Predation is an important source of nest mortality in many bird species and calling near the nest can increase this risk, yet adults of many species regularly vocalize near their nests. Some of these calls serve clearly adaptive functions, such as alarm or provisioning calls. However, many species also give conspicuous ‘contact’ calls near the nest, which is puzzling because the function of these calls is unclear, and they might attract predators. Most studies of parental vocalizations near nests have focused on specific vocalizations and single hypotheses, yet there is a diversity of vocalization types and potential functions. We review the literature on the diversity and possible function of parental vocalizations near the nest, and then investigate the puzzle of conspicuous contact calling near nests by white‐browed scrubwrens Sericornis frontalis. In scrubwrens, ‘chip‐zz’ contact calls were almost always used when adults approached nests, and when they approached one another or changed location. Call composition also changed: the proportion of ‘chip’ elements increased as callers approached the nest or other adults. Neither adult sex nor nestling age affected calling. Thus, chip‐zz calls appear to be used as ongoing signals to other group members of the caller's activity and location, particularly relative to the nest. Nestlings appeared to use the calls as cues of adult arrival, and increased calling as adults approached nests. Further, adults called less after a predator was on the territory, suggesting that parents may be able to reduce the risk of chip‐zz calls betraying nest location, or possibly use the absence of calling as a signal of danger. This study thus demonstrates that calling near nests could inform both adults and nestlings about the caller's behaviour, and could serve multiple functions. Future studies will need to experimentally test these functions, as well as the other hypotheses reviewed here.  相似文献   

Parent birds often give alarm calls when a predator approaches their nest. However, it is not clear whether these alarms function to warn nestlings, nor is it known whether nestling responses are species-specific. The parental alarms of reed warblers, Acrocephalus scirpaceus ("churr"), dunnocks, Prunella modularis ("tseep"), and robins, Erithacus rubecula ("seee") are very different. Playback experiments revealed that nestlings of all three species ceased begging only in response to conspecific alarm calls. These differences between species in response are not simply a product of differences in raising environment, because when newly hatched dunnocks and robins were cross-fostered to nests of the other two species, they did not develop a response to their foster species' alarms. Instead, they still responded specifically to their own species' alarms. However, their response was less strong than that of nestlings raised normally by their own species. We suggest that, as in song development, a neural template enables nestlings to recognize features of their own species' signals from a background of irrelevant sounds, but learning then fine-tunes the response to reduce recognition errors.  相似文献   

Altricial offspring of birds solicit food provisioning by complexbegging displays, implying acoustic and visual signals. Differentcomponents of begging behavior may function as reliable signalsof offspring state and thus reproductive value, on which parentsbase optimal parental decisions about allocation of criticalresources (e.g., food). We experimentally manipulated componentsof general condition of nestling barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)by (1) altering brood size by cross-fostering an unbalanced number of nestlings between pairs of synchronous broods andthus manipulating the level of within-brood competition forfood, (2) injecting some nestlings with a harmless immunogen,simulating an infection, and (3) preventing part of the nestlingsfrom receiving food for a short period while establishing controlgroups. We recorded rate of begging response by individual nestlings as parents visited the nest and recorded begging calls usinga DAT recorder to analyze six sonagraphic features of vocalizations.Our factorial experiment revealed that nestlings deprived offood begged more frequently when parents visited the nest comparedto their non—food-deprived nest mates. Food deprivationincreased duration of syllables forming begging calls, whereas brood size enlargement resulted in increased latency of responseto parental calls. Heavy nestlings in good body condition vocalizedat a relatively low peak frequency. To our knowledge, thisis the first study in which begging rate and sonagraphic structureof begging calls are shown to reliably reveal a diverse setof components of offspring general state, on which parental decisions may be based.  相似文献   

Amelia Wein  Raoul Schwing  Ludwig Huber 《Ibis》2020,162(3):1012-1023
Vocal behaviour of nesting altricial birds is subject to selection pressure from several sources. Offspring beg to attract parents’ attention, thus increasing the chances of being fed, but also increasing the chances of being detected by predators. Research on passerines has shown that parents may reduce the risk of nest predation by alarm calling to warn nestlings to be quiet, and by producing food calls which solicit begging when parents are present to defend the nestlings. Both nestlings and parents may reduce the risk of predator detection by producing calls of low amplitude and high entropy which are acoustically difficult to locate. Although extensive research has been undertaken on nesting passerine vocalizations, little is known about parrots in this regard, and studies are needed to determine whether parrots show similar adaptations. We investigated the calling behaviour of Kea Nestor notabilis mothers during the nesting period to determine whether maternal vocalizations were adapted in a way that could increase the chance of brood success. A microphone was installed inside the nest to record calls produced both inside the nest and in the direct vicinity. Our prediction was that calls outside the nest would be easy to locate and could function as alarm calls to alert conspecifics or distract the predator, whereas calls inside the nest would be difficult to locate and could serve to communicate with nestlings without alerting predators. Our results accorded with these predictions. Calls produced outside the nest were loud and tonal, and corresponded to previously described Kea alarm calls. Calls produced inside the nest, however, were high-entropy and low-amplitude calls, and formed a distinct structural category. We thus provide the first evidence that a parrot species has a vocal category for communication inside the nest, and that calls within this category are structured in a way that could reduce the risk of nest predation.  相似文献   

Anti-predatory strategies of birds are diverse and may include predator-specific alarm calls. For example, oriental tit (Parus minor) parents can distinguish snakes from other predators and produce snake-specific referential vocalizations ("jar" call) when a snake poses a threat to their nest. The “jar” call has a very specific function to induce fledging of nestlings close to fledging age. This reaction ensures nestlings' survival in natural encounters with snakes that are capable of entering nest cavities and kill entire broods. Sciurid rodents, like chipmunks, may pose a similar threat to cavity-nesting birds. We explored the hypothesis that parents use the fledging-inducing alarm vocalizations in this situation, because chipmunks, like snakes, can kill the brood upon entering the nest cavity. We compared alarm calls of parents toward two predators (chipmunk and snake) who pose a similar threat to the nestlings in a nest cavity, and toward an avian predator (Eurasian jay) who cannot enter nest cavities and poses no threat to the nestlings in a nest. Our results show that the vocal responses of oriental tits were different among the three predators. This suggests that the acoustic properties of vocal responses to predators are different between predators of a similar hunting strategy (nest-cavity entering). The playback of recorded vocal responses of parents to chipmunks did not trigger the fledging of old nestlings, whereas the vocalizations toward a snake did, as shown by earlier studies. Our study suggests that the vocal response of parents does not carry information about the ability of predators to enter the nest cavity and confirms the special status of alarm calls triggered by snakes.  相似文献   

Nestling birds face a dilemma: they can increase parental provisioning by begging more intensively, but by doing so may also increase their risk of predation. Nestlings could deal with this dilemma by reducing begging intensity after parents have warned them of a nearby predator. We therefore tested experimentally whether nestling scrubwrens, Sericornis frontalis, increase begging intensity with hunger but reduce it after adult alarm calls. Single 5- and 8-day-old nestlings were temporarily taken into the laboratory for playback experiments. Over a 90-min period of food deprivation we simulated parental visits every 10 min by playing back adult feeding calls. Hungrier nestlings begged louder and longer to simulated parental visits, but contrary to expectation did not beg less if they had previously heard playback of alarm calls, and even begged to the alarm calls themselves. The results were similar for both ‘mobbing’ and ‘flee’ alarm calls. Nestlings also gave distinctive calls in the 10-min interval between simulated parental visits, and the number of these calls increased with hunger and after playback of alarm calls. We suggest that nestlings acquire the ability to respond appropriately to alarm calls late in the nestling period and that therefore parents might be selected to avoid alarm calling when defending young nestlings.Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Uniparental offspring desertion occurs in a wide variety of avian taxa and usually reflects sexual conflict over parental care. In many species, desertion yields immediate reproductive benefits for deserters if they can re‐mate and breed again during the same nesting season; in such cases desertion may be selectively advantageous even if it significantly reduces the fitness of the current brood. However, in many other species, parents desert late‐season offspring when opportunities to re‐nest are absent. In these cases, any reproductive benefits of desertion are delayed, and desertion is unlikely to be advantageous unless the deserted parent can compensate for the loss of its partner and minimize costs to the current brood. We tested this parental compensation hypothesis in Hooded Warblers Setophaga citrina, a species in which males regularly desert late‐season nestlings and fledglings during moult. Females from deserted nests effectively doubled their provisioning efforts, and nestlings from deserted nests received just as much food, gained mass at the same rate, and were no more likely to die from either complete nest predation or brood reduction as young from biparental nests. The female provisioning response, however, was significantly related to nestling age; females undercompensated for male desertion when the nestlings were young, but overcompensated as nestlings approached fledging age, probably because of time constraints that brooding imposed on females with young nestlings. Overall, our results indicate that female Hooded Warblers completely compensate for male moult‐associated nest desertion, and that deserting males pay no reproductive cost for desertion, at least up to the point of fledging. Along with other studies, our findings support the general conclusion that late‐season offspring desertion is likely to evolve only when parental compensation by the deserted partner can minimize costs to the current brood.  相似文献   

Young birds and mammals are extremely vulnerable to predators and so should benefit from responding to parental alarm calls warning of danger. However, young often respond differently from adults. This difference may reflect: (i) an imperfect stage in the gradual development of adult behaviour or (ii) an adaptation to different vulnerability. Altricial birds provide an excellent model to test for adaptive changes with age in response to alarm calls, because fledglings are vulnerable to a different range of predators than nestlings. For example, a flying hawk is irrelevant to a nestling in a enclosed nest, but is dangerous to that individual once it has left the nest, so we predict that young develop a response to aerial alarm calls to coincide with fledging. Supporting our prediction, recently fledged white-browed scrubwrens, Sericornis frontalis, fell silent immediately after playback of their parents' aerial alarm call, whereas nestlings continued to calling despite hearing the playback. Young scrubwrens are therefore exquisitely adapted to the changing risks faced during development.  相似文献   

Young birds communicate their need to parents through complex begging displays that include visual and acoustic cues. Nestlings of interspecific brood parasites must ‘tune’ into these communication channels to secure parental care from their hosts. Various studies show that parasitic nestlings can effectively manipulate host parental behaviour through their begging calls, but how these manipulative acoustic signals develop in growing parasites remains poorly understood. We investigated the influence of social experience on begging call development in a host‐specialist brood parasite, the Screaming Cowbird Molothrus rufoaxillaris. Screaming Cowbird nestlings look and sound similar to those of the primary host, the Greyish Baywing Agelaioides badius. This resemblance is likely to be adaptive because Baywings discriminate against fledglings unlike their own and provision nests at higher rates in response to Baywing‐like begging calls than to non‐mimetic begging calls. By means of cross‐fostering and playback experiments, we tested whether the acoustic cues that elicit recognition by Baywings develop innately in Screaming Cowbird nestlings or are acquired through social experience with host parents or nest mates. Our results suggest that begging call structure was partially modulated by experience because Baywing‐reared Screaming Cowbird and host nestlings were acoustically more similar as age increased, whereas acoustic similarity between cross‐fostered and Baywing‐reared Screaming Cowbird nestlings decreased from 4–5 to 8–10 days of age. Cross‐fostered Screaming Cowbirds developed begging calls of lower minimum frequency and broader bandwidth than those of Baywing‐reared Screaming Cowbirds by the age of 8–10 days. Despite the observed differences in begging call structure, however, adult Baywings responded similarly to begging calls of 8‐ to 10‐day‐old cross‐fostered and Baywing‐reared Screaming Cowbirds, suggesting that these were functionally equivalent from the host's perspective. These findings support the idea that, although rearing environment can influence certain begging call parameters, the acoustic cues that serve for offspring recognition by Baywings develop in young Screaming Cowbirds independently of social experience.  相似文献   

Nocturnal bird species possess special adaptations to maximise visual efficiency under low light levels. However, some typically diurnal species also experience low‐light environments. For example, cavity‐nesting Passerines raise broods in dark cavities and search for food in light‐abundant surroundings. It is not clear whether they possess special adaptations for low light vision or breed in cavities at the expense of impaired parental care. In this study, we tested whether light conditions affect the provisioning efficiency of great tits. We experimentally tested how the level of natural and artificially increased illumination inside nest boxes affects parental feeding duration, frequency and timing. We monitored 15‐h of provisioning activity of great tit parents when nestlings were day seven post hatch. We used traditional ‘dark’ nest boxes and ‘bright’ nest boxes with increased illumination obtained by using semi‐transparent plastic windows. The duration of single feedings were, on average, shorter in brightened nest boxes compared to dark ones. This difference tended to be higher early in the morning and in the evening, when the illumination in dark nest boxes was the lowest. Nest box type, however, did not influence feeding frequency or times of the onset and the end of feeding. Our findings provide new evidence for impaired efficiency of parental care due to lowered light conditions. Further research is needed to test whether prolonged feeding duration has negative effects on adult time budgets and nestling energy expenditures.  相似文献   

Alarm calling has been interpreted from the viewpoint of parental investment and nest defence. Calling should increase with an increasing value of the brood to the caller or with increasing vulnerability of the brood. Parental alarm calling might also be viewed from assessment–management with callers using vocalisations to elicit affective responses in others, e.g. in silencing offspring. I examined parental alarm calling in the Cyprus Wheatear (Oenanthe cypriaca) at different developmental stages. The Cyprus Wheatear produces two alarm calls, but one is emitted only during a short period of the year (type II alarm call). The commoner alarm call (type I alarm call), however, is used year-round. Predation was simulated using consistent approach by human observers. The brood cycle was divided into (I) incubation, (II) nestling, (III) early fledging, and (IV) late fledging. Type I calls increased from phases I to III, and decreased afterwards. Type II calls were absent during incubating and occurred during nestling and early fledging stages. As a conclusion, I suggest that the type I alarm call might be used to alert the mate, deter the predator and signal strength of nest defence, while the type II alarm call is addressed to offspring.  相似文献   

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