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Behavioral plasticity marks an individual's ability to modulate behavior across functional contexts. Behavioral syndromes, on the other hand, appear as consistent individual variation in behavior that is both repeatable for individuals within a functional context (e.g., consistent voracity toward prey) and correlated across contexts (e.g., high voracity toward prey and high levels of boldness toward enemies). Thus, adaptive plasticity and syndromes represent two extremes of a behavioral plasticity continuum upon which most behavioral phenotypes fall. We tested for both adaptive plasticity and behavioral syndromes in the western black widow spider, Latrodectus hesperus. We measured behavior in three contexts: startle, startle + prey, and startle + mate, and found (1) classic behaviorally plastic responses to predation risk, (2) high repeatability of behavior within contexts, and (3) evidence of a correlation between startle + prey and startle + mate contexts, indicative of a behavioral syndrome. As relative behavioral plasticity may vary across populations, we also compared urban and desert populations to test whether spiders from these habitats exhibit different behaviors and/or behavioral syndromes. While we found that urban males used in mating trials courted urban females significantly more than desert females, we found no other differences in the behavior of urban and desert black widows. Thus, black widows, regardless of habitat, are characterized by both context‐specific behavioral plasticity and across‐context correlations, presenting a phenotypic complexity that is likely exhibited, to varying degrees, by most organisms.  相似文献   

There is mounting evidence that urban areas influence biodiversity. Generalizations however require that multiple urban areas on multiple continents be examined. Here we evaluated the role of urban areas on avian diversity for a South American city, allowing us to examine the effects of urban features common worldwide, using the city of Valdivia, Chile as case study. We assessed the number of birds and their relative abundance in 152 grid cells of equal size (250 m2) distributed across the city. We estimated nine independent variables: land cover diversity (DC), building density (BD), impervious surface (IS),municipal green space (MG),non-municipal green space (NG), domestic garden space (DG), distance to the periphery (DP), social welfare index (SW), and vegetation diversity (RV). Impervious surface represent 41.8% of the study area, while municipal green, non-municipal green and domestic garden represent 11.6%, 23.6% and 16% of the non- man made surface. Exotic vegetation species represent 74.6% of the total species identified across the city. We found 32 bird species, all native with the exception of House Sparrow and Rock Pigeon. The most common species were House Sparrow and Chilean Swallow. Total bird richness responds negatively to IS and MG, while native bird richness responds positively to NG and negatively to BD, IS DG and, RV. Total abundance increase in areas with higher values of DC and BD, and decrease in areas of higher values of IS, SW and VR. Native bird abundance responds positively to NG and negatively to BD, IS MG, DG and RV. Our results suggest that not all the general patterns described in previous studies, conducted mainly in the USA, Europe, and Australia, can be applied to Latin American cities, having important implications for urban planning. Conservation efforts should focus on non-municipal areas, which harbor higher bird diversity, while municipal green areas need to be improved to include elements that can enhance habitat quality for birds and other species. These findings are relevant for urban planning in where both types of green space need to be considered, especially non-municipal green areas, which includes wetlands, today critically threatened by urban development.  相似文献   

Field studies have shown that animals often abandon territorialdefense when food is abundant, but the causes of this behaviorare controversial. Sometimes the cessation of defense is attributedto the food supply being so abundant that monopolization ofthe resource gains the defender nothing, even though defensewould be energetically feasible. Other studies show that whenthe food supply is rich, such large numbers of competitors areattracted that defense is overwhelmed. Knowledge of the amountof food available relative to the numbers of consumers in theregion can resolve the controversy. When food is limited throughouta region, a localized rich foraging area will attract competitors.Defenseof such an area therefore may yield a large increase in netbenefit to the defender, depending on whether or not so manycompetitors recruit that defense is too costly. However, whena localized foraging area is rich but food is also superabundantthroughout the region, intruders may not recruit even if thearea is undefended. Therefore the benefits of defense, if itwere to occur, would be low. Field studies of nectar-feeding birds show that defense continuedon rich foraging areaswhen floral nectar was limited to thepopulation regionally, and resulted in enhanced food availabilityrelative to that in undefended areas. However, under conditionsof artificially rich food supplies (sugar-water feeders) andextremely limited food regionally, defense was sometimes overwhelmedby competitors. Cessation of defense on locally rich foragingareas also occurred when nectar was regionally superabundant.Therefore, both proposed causes of cessation of defense occurredin these systems and were easily distinguished by examiningthe degree to which food was limited in the surrounding regionrelative to localized foraging areas. I show that animals potentially can assess whether or not foodsupply is limited in the surrounding region by sampling andcomparing standing crops in defended and undefended situations.  相似文献   

Black Hunger: Soul Food and America . Doris Witt. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2004. 292 pp.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Ingestion rate of Paraphysomonas imperforata was found to be a hyperbolic function of prey density. But the same flagellate clone had multiple ingestion responses to prey density, depending on its physiological state and physical stress it suffers. The flagellates in a physiological state of higher growth tended to have higher maximum ingestion and clearance rates than ones in a physiological state of lower growth. The same trend was observed for volume-specific maximum ingestion and volume-specific clearance rate. In response to changing prey density, the growth rate did not change as quickly as the ingestion rate, suggesting imbalance between the two. The tested physical stresses, including shaking, centrifugation, and filtration, also resulted in reduction of ingestion parameters of the flagellates. But half-saturation constants did not show any trend in response to either physiological state or physical stress. In light of the dynamic nature of protistan ingestion response to prey abundance, short incubation, which minimizes the physiological change, and careful handling, which prevents the possible physical stress, should be employed in order to avoid underestimation of in situ ingestion rates. Previously reported ingestion parameters of lab-cultured protists, which are thought to be unrealistic in natural conditions, may represent only one of multiple ingestion responses, probably prey-rich condition.  相似文献   

Ecologically similar sympatric species, subject to typical environmental conditions, may be expected to exhibit synchronous temporal fluctuations in demographic parameters, while populations of dissimilar species might be expected to show less synchrony. Previous studies have tested for synchrony in different populations of single species, and those including data from more than one species have compared fluctuations in only one demographic parameter. We tested for synchrony in inter-annual changes in breeding population abundance and productivity among four tern species on Coquet Island, northeast England. We also examined how manipulation of one independent environmental variable (predator abundance) influenced temporal changes in ecologically similar and dissimilar tern species. Changes in breeding abundance and productivity of ecologically similar species (Arctic Sterna paradisaea, Common S. hirundo and Roseate Terns S. dougallii) were synchronous with one another over time, but not with a species with different foraging and breeding behaviour (Sandwich Terns Thalasseus sandvicensis). With respect to changes in predator abundance, there was no clear pattern. Roseate Tern abundance was negatively correlated with that of large gulls breeding on the island from 1975 to 2013, while Common Tern abundance was positively correlated with number of large gulls, and no significant correlations were found between large gull and Arctic and Sandwich Tern populations. Large gull abundance was negatively correlated with productivity of Arctic and Common Terns two years later, possibly due to predation risk after fledging, while no correlation with Roseate Tern productivity was found. The varying effect of predator abundance is most likely due to specific differences in the behaviour and ecology of even these closely-related species. Examining synchrony in multi-species assemblages improves our understanding of how whole communities react to long-term changes in the environment and suggests that changes in predator abundance may differentially affect populations of sympatric seabird species.  相似文献   

Computer vision and reflectance-based analyses are becoming increasingly important methods to quantify and characterize phenotypic responses by whole organisms to environmental factors. Here, we present the first study of how a non-destructive and completely non-invasive method, body reflectance profiling, can be used to detect and time stress responses in adult beetles. Based on high-resolution hyperspectral imaging, we acquired time series of average reflectance profiles (70 spectral bands from 434-876 nm) from adults in two beetle species, maize weevils (Sitophilus zeamais) and larger black flour beetles (Cynaus angustus). For each species, we acquired reflectance data from untreated controls and from individuals exposed continuously to killing agents (an insecticidal plant extract applied to maize kernels or entomopathogenic nematodes applied to soil applied at levels leading to ≈100% mortality). In maize weevils (exposed to hexanic plant extract), there was no significant effect of the on reflectance profiles acquired from adult beetles after 0 and 12 hours of exposure, but a significant treatment response in spectral bands from 434 to 550 nm was detected after 36 to 144 hours of exposure. In larger black flour beetles, there was no significant effect of exposure to entomopathogenic nematodes after 0 to 26 hours of exposure, but a significant response in spectral bands from 434-480 nm was detected after 45 and 69 hours of exposure. Spectral bands were used to develop reflectance-based classification models for each species, and independent validation of classification algorithms showed sensitivity (ability to positively detect terminal stress in beetles) and specificity (ability to positively detect healthy beetles) of about 90%. Significant changes in body reflectance occurred at exposure times, which coincided with published exposure times and known physiological responses to each killing agent. The results from this study underscore the potential of hyperspectral imaging as an approach to non-destructively and non-invasively quantify stress detection in insects and other animals.  相似文献   

Clear Lake, Iowa, USA is a shallow, agriculturally eutrophic lake that has changed drastically over the past century. Eight macrophyte surveys since 1896 were pooled and examined to characterize long-term impacts of eutrophication on macrophyte community composition and relative abundance. Surveys in 1981 and 2000 revealed few submergent and floating-leaved species and a dominance in emergent species (Scirpus, Typha). Over the past century, however, species richness has declined from a high of 30 species in 1951 to 12 found today, while the community composition has shifted from submergent-(99%) to emergent-dominated floras (84%). Potamogeton praelongus was the first emergent species to disappear but was followed by several other clear water Potamogeton species. Several floating leaved and emergent genera increased in relative abundance with eutrophication, notably Nuphar, Nymphaea, Phragmites, Polygonum, Sagittaria, Scirpus, and Typha. P. pectinatus was present over the entire century due to its tolerance of eutrophic conditions. Macrophyte growth was generally light-limited, with 93% of the variance in relative abundance of submergent species explained by changes in water transparency. Clear Lake exhibits signs of alternative stable states, oscillating between clear and turbid water, coupled with high and low submerged species relative abundance. The maximum macrophyte richness occurred as the lake oscillated between submergent- and emergent-dominated states. Changes in the water level have also impacted macrophyte growth since the area of the lake occupied by emergent macrophytes was negatively correlated with water level. Strongest correlations indicated that macrophytes respond to water level variations with a 2-year time-lag.  相似文献   


Shark-based tourism that uses bait to reliably attract certain species to specific sites so that divers can view them is a growing industry globally, but remains a controversial issue. We evaluate multi-year (2004–2011) underwater visual (n = 48 individuals) and acoustic tracking data (n = 82 transmitters; array of up to 16 receivers) of bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas from a long-term shark feeding site at the Shark Reef Marine Reserve and reefs along the Beqa Channel on the southern coast of Viti Levu, Fiji. Individual C. leucas showed varying degrees of site fidelity. Determined from acoustic tagging, the majority of C. leucas had site fidelity indexes >0.5 for the marine reserve (including the feeding site) and neighbouring reefs. However, during the time of the day (09:00–12:00) when feeding takes place, sharks mainly had site fidelity indexes <0.5 for the feeding site, regardless of feeding or non-feeding days. Site fidelity indexes determined by direct diver observation of sharks at the feeding site were lower compared to such values determined by acoustic tagging. The overall pattern for C. leucas is that, if present in the area, they are attracted to the feeding site regardless of whether feeding or non-feeding days, but they remain for longer periods of time (consecutive hours) on feeding days. The overall diel patterns in movement are for C. leucas to use the area around the feeding site in the morning before spreading out over Shark Reef throughout the day and dispersing over the entire array at night. Both focal observation and acoustic monitoring show that C. leucas intermittently leave the area for a few consecutive days throughout the year, and for longer time periods (weeks to months) at the end of the calendar year before returning to the feeding site.  相似文献   

Few ecosystem restoration studies evaluate whether arthropods are important components of ecosystem recovery. We tested the hypothesis that ponderosa pine restoration treatments would increase adult butterfly species richness and abundance as a direct result of increased understory diversity and abundance. To examine mechanisms that potentially affect adult butterfly distribution, we quantified host plant frequency, nectar plant abundance, and insolation (light intensity) in restoration treatment and control forests. This study is unique, because this is the first invertebrate monitoring in ponderosa pine forest restoration treatments in the U.S. Southwest and also because these treatments are the first replicated ponderosa pine restoration treatments at a landscape scale. Three patterns emerged: (1) butterfly species richness and abundance were 2 and 3 times greater, respectively, in restoration treatment units than in paired control forests 1 year after treatment, and 1.5 and 3.5 times greater, respectively, 2 years after treatment, ordination of control and treatment sampling units using butterfly assemblages showed significant separation of control and restoration treatment units after restoration treatment; (2) host plant and nectar plant species richness showed little difference between treated and control forests even 2 years after treatment; and (3) insolation (light intensity) was significantly greater in treated forests after restoration. We suggest that changes in the butterfly assemblage may occur due to light intensity effects before plant community changes occur or can be detected. Butterfly assemblage differences will have additional cascading effects on the ecosystem as prey for higher trophic levels and through plant interactions including herbivory and pollination.  相似文献   

Conservation programs often focus on select species, leading to management plans based on the autecology of the focal species, but multiple ecosystem components can be affected both by the environmental factors impacting, and the management targeting, focal species. These broader effects can have indirect impacts on target species through the web of interactions within ecosystems. For example, human activity can strongly alter riparian vegetation, potentially impacting both economically-important salmonids and their associated river food web. In an Olympic Peninsula river, Washington state, USA, replicated large-scale riparian vegetation manipulations implemented with the long-term (>40 yr) goal of improving salmon habitat did not affect water temperature, nutrient limitation or habitat characteristics, but reduced canopy cover, causing reduced energy input via leaf litter, increased incident solar radiation (UV and PAR) and increased algal production compared to controls. In response, benthic algae, most insect taxa, and juvenile salmonids increased in manipulated areas. Stable isotope analysis revealed a predominant contribution of algal-derived energy to salmonid diets in manipulated reaches. The experiment demonstrates that riparian management targeting salmonids strongly affects river food webs via changes in the energy base, illustrates how species-based management strategies can have unanticipated indirect effects on the target species via the associated food web, and supports ecosystem-based management approaches for restoring depleted salmonid stocks.  相似文献   

This study examined the relation between misperception of healthy weight and obesity, as well as moderators of this relation, in a sample of middle‐aged black men. Survey data from 404 mostly immigrant, black males living in greater New York City were collected as part of a larger randomized controlled trial. Data included measures of health status, BMI, perceived healthy weight, and misperception of healthy weight. Misperception of healthy weight was more frequent among obese men (90.2%) than nonobese men (48.7%) (P < 0.001). Mean level of misperception was also significantly higher in obese men than nonobese men (P < 0.001). Health status moderated the relation between misperception of healthy weight and obesity: obese men who felt healthy or who had fewer comorbid conditions had greater misperception of healthy weight than obese men who felt unhealthy or had relatively more comorbid conditions (P < 0.01). Our findings demonstrate that misperception of healthy weight discriminates between obese and nonobese black men, and the magnitude of this relation is exacerbated in obese men who are relatively healthy. Future studies should determine the prevalence of misperception of healthy weight in more diverse populations and identify potential mediators of the relation between misperception of healthy weight and obesity.  相似文献   

Translocation is one of the fundamental tools in wildlife management but only if appropriately undertaken. In 2009, 30 black lechwe antelopes were suddenly translocated from the State House Habitat (STH) into the newly established Lusaka National Park (LNP). However, within 4 months of being translocated to LNP, 28 black lechwes (93%) died. A pathological report produced by veterinarians following a postmortem examination suggested no disease incidence affected the antelopes. The food quality of LNP was tested and compared to that in the STH and the antelopes’ native habitat of the Bangweulu wetlands (BGW) to establish if variations in food quality were responsible for the antelopes’ mortality. The findings suggest that the food quality in LNP was greatly inferior to that in STH, which could explain the observed high mortality of the antelopes in LNP. Further, the quality of food in LNP did not widely differ from that in the BGW, suggesting that the antelopes might not have survived had they been translocated to their native habitat, as they had already adapted to feeding on highly nutritious supplementary feed at the STH.  相似文献   

Food abundance and distribution have played a central role in the conceptual theory of primate socioecology. This theory predicts that agonistic (contest) competition should occur when food is distributed in discrete, defensible patches; in contrast, when food sources are distributed uniformly or randomly, nonagonistic (scramble) competition is expected. Primatologists usually measure resource density and patchiness from a botanical perspective, without an explicit link to the biology of the animal being studied. Such an approach may be irrelevant to how the animals view the dispersion of resources. For studies related to feeding competition, we suggest the use of a method that provides a consumer-based index of food distribution. We then describe such an approach and apply it to understand agonistic behavior in white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus), at Lomas Barbudal. Instead of choosing sample plots at random, we use each actual feeding tree of a group as the center of a sample plot and we use the monkey species’ average group spread as the sampling area. This focal tree method allows us to evaluate the resource availability both within and outside of the feeding tree during a particular feeding bout. To summarize the spatial distribution of food at the level of a foraging group, we define and use an extension of Lloyd’s Dispersion Index, Lloyd’s Extended Index (LEI), designed to allow the inclusion of resources of diverse sizes and species in a single measure. We evaluate if LEI can be used to predict the frequency of aggression, if changing the area of the plot alters these results, and if calculating LEI based on fruit abundance or fruit biomass better predicts the frequency of aggression in this population of capuchins. In support of socioecological predictions, our results show that the frequency of agonism in a focal tree declines as LEI increases. This relationship is significant when LEI is calculated using a 20-m plot size and weighting tree size by fruit counts, but not when using larger plot sizes, unweighted tree counts, or weighting by fruit biomass. Our approach demonstrates the importance of carefully considering plot size and different measures of food availability when testing socioecological models relating resource distribution and quality to aggression in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

In Darwin's Black Box: The BiochemicalChallenge to Evolution I argued thatpurposeful intelligent design, rather thanDarwinian natural selection, better explainssome aspects of the complexity that modernscience has discovered at the molecularfoundation of life. In the five years since itspublication the book has been widely discussedand has received considerable criticism. Here Irespond to what I deem to be the mostfundamental objections. In the first part ofthe article I address empirical criticismsbased on experimental studies alleging eitherthat biochemical systems I discussed are notirreducibly complex or that similar systemshave been demonstrated to be able to evolve byDarwinian processes. In the remainder of thearticle I address methodological concerns,including whether a claim of intelligent designis falsifiable and whether intelligent designis a permissible scientific conclusion.  相似文献   

Habitat urbanization may change the density of predators, and it is often assumed that such changes lead to altered predation risk for urban populations of their prey. Although it is difficult to study predation hazard directly, behavior responses of prey species may be informative in inferring such habitat differences. In this study, we compared the risk‐taking behavior of urban and rural house sparrows (Passer domesticus) after simulated attacks by two of their important predators (sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus and domestic cat Felis catus). The birds were startled by moving dummies of these predators and respective control objects, and their risk taking was estimated as their latency to feed after the startle. We found that sparrows responded more strongly (had longer post‐startle feeding latencies) to sparrowhawk attacks than to the control object, and their responses differed between the habitats. First, risk taking of urban birds strongly decreased with age (older birds had longer latencies than young birds), while there was no such age difference in rural birds. Second, young urban birds responded less strongly, while older urban birds responded more strongly to the sparrowhawk than the same age groups of rural birds, respectively. We did not succeed in evoking antipredatory response by simulated cat attacks, because birds responded similarly to the dummy and the control object. Our results support that predation risk, posed at least by avian predators, is different in urban and rural habitats of house sparrows. The increased wariness of older, hence presumably more experienced, urban birds implies that sparrows may be more exposed to predation in cities.  相似文献   

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