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The life‐history tactics of the stone loach Barbatula barbatula were studied in a Mediterranean‐type climate stream (Matarranya River) located in the Ebro River basin (north‐east Spain). Maximum observed ages were 2+ years in both sexes (1% of individuals), although only 0+ and 1+ year age groups were well represented. It is the lowest longevity reported for this species in its entire distribution. The seasonal growth period started in June and continued until November, but the pattern observed was different to northern populations. Barbatula barbatula in the Matarranya River was a multiple spawner, releasing small batches of oocytes between April and June. The fecundity of females was higher and the size of oocytes smaller in 1984 than in 1985. The relative fecundity (number of ripening and ripe oocytes g?1 of fish) was lower than in northern European populations. The role of the particular environmental conditions of a Mediterranean stream was discussed in relation to the life‐history tactics of B. barbatula.  相似文献   

The gaur (Bos guarus) is an endangered species that is a wild ancestor of domestic cattle. This study was conducted to evaluate 1) the efficacy of prostaglandin F (PG) to synchronize estrus in gaur, 2) behavior of male and female gaur around estrus, and 3) fertility after artificial insemination (AI) at the PG-induced estrus. Six female gaur were utilized, along with a vasectomized gaur bull used to aid in detecting estrus. All females were given two i.m. injections of PG (25 mg/injection) 11 days apart, and monitored for estrus for 120 hr (48 hr via chinball marks, followed by 72 hr continuous observation) after the second PG injection. Three of the six females were in estrus during the 120-hr evaluation period. One female was in estrus prior to 48 hr after the second PG injection, and two females were observed in estrus during the 72-hr continuous observation period. When a female was observed in estrus (standing to be mounted by the vasectomized bull), she was bred by AI at 12 and 24 hr after the onset of estrus. The four females not observed in estrus, including the one marked during the first 48 hr, were bred by AI at 80 and 92 hr after the second PG injection. Of the two gaur females observed in estrus, one female was first mated by the vasectomized bull at 77 hr and the second female was mated at 98 hr after PG. Both females exhibited very short durations of receptivity (less than 4 hr). The second female observed in estrus became pregnant after AI and gave birth to a healthy gaur calf after a 299-day gestation. It appears that female gaur can be synchronized with PG techniques developed for domestic cattle. These data should provide useful information for programs studying and maintaining this endangered species and may have relevance for the cattle industry, since the gaur could provide a source of diverse ancestral genetic material.  相似文献   

The present study describes the age and growth of the leatherjacket Meuschenia scaber, a common Australasian monacanthid and valued by‐catch of the inshore bottom trawl fishery in New Zealand. Age was determined from the sagittal otoliths of 651 individuals collected between July 2014 and March 2016 in the Hauraki Gulf of New Zealand. Otolith sections revealed alternating opaque and translucent zones and edge‐type analysis demonstrated that these are deposited annually. Meuschenia scaber displayed rapid initial growth, with both males and females reaching maturity in 1–2 years and 50% of both sexes matured at 1·5 years. Maximum age differed substantially between the sexes, at 9·8 years for males and 17·1 years for females. Growth rate was similar between sexes, although males reached greater mass at age than females in the early part of the lifespan. The length–mass relationship differed significantly between the sexes, with males displaying negative allometric growth and females isometric growth. Female condition was highest in July, declined in August with the onset of spawning and showed a slight peak in January and February, immediately following the spawning season. This study substantially extends the maximum longevity recorded for monacanthids, although males had much shorter lifespans and higher mortality, than females.  相似文献   

印度野牛(Bos gaurus)在中国分布在云南省南部和西藏藏南地区。2016年2-3月和2016年11-12月, 我们在西双版纳州、普洱市及高黎贡山区域开展印度野牛调查, 并对藏南地区进行文献调研, 共获得47处印度野牛有效出现位点数据。目前云南地区印度野牛种群数量约180-210头, 面临着严重的生存危机; 在高黎贡山未发现印度野牛。利用印度野牛分布位点数据, 选取地形、土地覆被类型、人类足迹指数、距水源和道路距离以及气候共5类14种因子作为自变量建立MaxEnt生态位模型, 通过模拟云南和西藏印度野牛的适宜分布区, 分析各环境因子对该物种分布的影响。结果表明: 模型预测精度较高, 平均AUC (area under the curve)值为0.994。印度野牛潜在适宜栖息地可划分为高适宜、次适宜、低适宜和不适宜4个等级。高适宜栖息地主要分布在云南省西双版纳和藏南地区, 其中西双版纳部分镶嵌有次适宜和低适宜栖息地斑块, 面积为4,987 km²; 藏南部分高适宜栖息地面积为13,995 km²。次适宜栖息地主要分布于云南省南部、高黎贡山区域以及藏南高适宜栖息地区的边缘, 总面积为32,778 km²。低适宜和不适宜栖息地区连接成片, 位于云南省中部、北部地区和藏南地区北部。Jackknife检验结果显示, 季节温度变化和等温线对印度野牛潜在分布区的影响较大, 而地形因子和降水变化的影响较弱。遥感地物分类结果表明: 橡胶林等人工经济林的种植占据了西双版纳野牛的适宜栖息地, 降低了景观连接度。建议管理部门加大对天然林的保护力度, 控制橡胶林等人工林在野牛适宜栖息地的扩张, 提高景观连接度, 以促进该物种种群的恢复。  相似文献   

Visitors to zoos can be a source of potential disturbance and stress to some captive, nonhuman animals in the wild. To determine the influence of visitor presence on captive bison (Bos gaurus gaurus), the study analyzed the behavior of 4 individuals at the Arignar Anna Zoological Park, India. The study often observed the behavior of the animals on visitor-present days and on days when visitors were absent. In the presence of zoo visitors, the bison showed a higher level of intragroup aggression and moving behavior. In contrast, the bison rested more when no visitors were present. The results revealed that the presence of zoo visitors significantly influenced the behavior of captive bison and thereby may have affected their welfare.  相似文献   

This study investigated demographic structure and reproductive characteristics of the Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus, in relation to landing trends in the northern‐central Adriatic Sea. Results highlighted the occurrence of only small‐sized and young‐age individuals, and a marked decline from the 1990s to the present in maximum age (from 8 to 3 years) and total length (LT; from 420 to 360 mm). Fecundity ranged between 40 000 and 190 000 eggs, and was related to female LT. High levels of atresia implied lower values of actual fecundity. Sexual maturity was attained by 72·8% of individuals in their first year of life at 200 mm. The reduction in maximum LT resulted in a marked decline in the population egg production, while the reduction in maximum age implied that females participated in fewer spawning events.  相似文献   

The primary prey of tigers across much of South‐East Asia has been depleted, reducing the ability of already limited habitat to support tigers. To better understand the extent to which two of the largest prey species, gaur (Bos gaurus) and banteng (Bos javanicus), contribute to the tiger's diet, we estimated the average size of these species killed by tigers. This information is needed to more accurately calculate biomass of these species in the tiger's diet and to devise strategies to increase tiger carrying capacity where habitat is fragmented and limited in west‐central Thailand. We used temporally clumped locations of 24 satellite radio‐collared tigers to identify their kill sites and obtained mandibles from 82 gaur and 79 banteng. Kills were aged by teeth eruption sequence, sectioning the M1 molar and counting cementum annuli. Of all gaur killed, 45.2% were adults; of all banteng killed, 55.7% were adults. The average weight of banteng killed was 423.9 kg, which was similar to the 397.9 kg average weight for gaur. The mean weight of both prey species is 3.5–4.5 times greater than the predicted 1:1 preferred prey to predator ratio. In the absence of medium‐sized prey, killing these larger animals may be especially critical for female tigers provisioning nearly independent young when male offspring are already larger than the mother. This is the first study to present data on the average weights of gaur and banteng killed in South‐East Asia, and these results suggest that these are key prey species to target in tiger prey recovery efforts.  相似文献   

The ecology of common snook Centropomus undecimalis in Amatique Bay, a tropical estuary in eastern Guatemala, was investigated and life‐history traits were used to conduct a meta‐analysis of the species from Florida to Brazil. The reproduction cycle of C. undecimalis in Amatique was strongly related to the precipitation cycle, with a lag of 2 months. Spawning occurred from April to November with a peak spawning after the onset of the summer rains. Protandric sex reversal occurred early in the dry season (December) before somatic recovery from spawning. The growth cycle preceded that of body condition by c. 1 month, and was out of phase with the reproductive cycle. Growth was fast, as many individuals reached >70% of the maximum observed total length (LT, 102 cm) after 3 years. Sex transition occurred within a relatively narrow LT range (70–79 cm), but over a wide range of ages, indicating plasticity in this respect. The meta‐analysis indicated a latitudinal‐temperature gradient in life‐history traits, as well as different seasonal patterns relative to temperature and hydrographical cycles. Centropomus undecimalis from cooler winter waters (e.g. Florida) reach larger maximum LT and LT at sex change, as well as greater gonado‐somatic indices and longer life spans. Further, increased fishing mortality results in younger age at sex reversal and male predominance in the populations compared. Recognition of large‐scale biogeographic patterns in this important, but little studied, fish species helps in the formulation of management advice in other areas of its occurrence.  相似文献   

Most dioecious plants are perennial and subject to trade‐offs between sexual reproduction and vegetative performance. However, these broader life‐history trade‐offs have not usually been incorporated into theoretical analyses of the evolution of separate sexes. One such analysis has indicated that hermaphroditism is favoured over unisexuality when female and male sex functions involve the allocation of nonoverlapping types of resources to each sex function (e.g. allocations of carbon to female function vs. allocations of nitrogen to male function). However, some dioecious plants appear to conform to this pattern of resource allocation, with different resource types allocated to female vs. male sex functions. Using an evolutionarily stable strategy approach, we show that life‐history trade‐offs between sexual reproduction and vegetative performance enable the evolution of unisexual phenotypes even when there are no direct resource‐based trade‐offs between female and male sex functions. This result might help explain the preponderance of perennial life histories among dioecious plants and why many dioecious plants with annual life histories have indeterminate growth with ongoing trade‐offs between sexual reproduction and vegetative growth.  相似文献   

This work investigates life‐history traits of the long‐nosed skate Dipturus oxyrinchus, which is a common by‐catch in Sardinian waters. The reproductive variables were analysed from 979 specimens sampled during scientific and commercial hauls. Females (10·4–117·5 cm total length, LT) attained larger sizes than males (14·5–99·5 cm LT). To evaluate age and growth, a sub‐sample of 130 individuals (76 females and 54 males) were used. The age was estimated by annuli counts of sectioned vertebral centra. Four models were used for the length‐at‐age data: the von Bertalanffy, the exponential, the Gompertz and the logistic functions. According to the Akaike's information criterion, the Gompertz model seemed to provide the best fitting curve (L mean ± s.e. : 127·55 ± 4·90 cm, k: 0·14 ± 0·09, IP: 3·97 ± 0·90 years). The oldest female and male were aged 17 (115·5 cm LT) and 15 years (96·0 cm LT), respectively. Lengths at maturity were 103·5 cm for females and 91·0 cm for males, corresponding to 90% of the maximum observed length in both sexes. The monthly distribution of maturity stages highlighted an extended reproductive cycle, with spawning females and active males being present almost throughout the year, as confirmed by the gonado‐somatic index. Ovarian fecundity reached a maximum of 26 yolked follicles with a mean ± s.e. size of 19·7 ± 6·5 mm.  相似文献   

Emergence phenology has been shown to advance considerably in the past decades in many lepidopterans. Noctuid moths (Noctuidae) constitute a species‐rich family of lepidopterans with a large diversity of life history traits presumably driving climatic responsiveness. In our study we aim to assess the role of life‐history and ecological traits in climatic responsiveness of noctuid moths, whilst controlling for phylogenetic dependence. We used a long‐term dataset of European noctuid moths collected from a light‐trap in northeastern Hungary. As the study site is located at the intersection of several biogeographical zones harbouring a large number of noctuid moth species, our dataset provides a unique possibility to investigate the moths’ climatic sensitivity. To estimate the role of life‐history traits and ecological factors in driving lepidopterans’ response to climatic trends, we employed three proxies related to the species’ ecology (habitat affinity, food plant specialization and food type) and two robust types of life‐history traits (migration strategy and hibernation form). The degree of temporal shifts of various measures of emergence phenology was related to hibernation stage, food type and migration strategy. Large‐scale phylogenetic relatedness exerted little constraint in all models fitted on each measure of phenology. Our results imply that noctuid moths overwintering as adults exhibited greater degrees of phenological shifts than species hibernating as larvae or pupae. It implies that moths hibernating as adults are forced to suspend activity in our climate and the prolongation of autumn activity might be the result of increased plasticity in flight periods.  相似文献   

Abstract. An international group of scientists is building a ‘trait base’, an open internet database of life‐history traits of the Northwest European flora (LEDA) that can be used as a tool in planning, in nature conservation and restoration, and in other applied research. The species‐trait matrix will comprise referenced information under control of an editorial board, for species of the Northwest European flora, combining existing information and additional measurements. The focus will be on 26 plant traits that describe three key features of plant dynamics: persistence, regeneration, and dispersability. Currently 35% of the species‐trait matrix has been filled; however, as the LEDA trait base consortium aims to deliver a database as complete as possible, all input from the scientific community is welcome.  相似文献   

The Mojave Desert of North America has become fire‐prone in recent decades due to invasive annual grasses that fuel wildfires following years of high rainfall. Perennial species are poorly adapted to fire in this system, and post‐fire shifts in species composition have been substantial but variable across community types. To generalize across a range of conditions, we investigated whether simple life‐history traits could predict how species responded to fire. Further, we classified species into plant functional types (PFTs) based on combinations of life‐history traits and evaluated whether these groups exhibited a consistent fire‐response. Six life‐history traits varied significantly between burned and unburned areas in short (up to 4 years) or long‐term (up to 52 years) post‐fire datasets, including growth form, lifespan, seed size, seed dispersal, height, and leaf longevity. Forbs and grasses consistently increased in abundance after fire, while cacti were reduced and woody species exhibited a variable response. Woody species were classified into three PFTs based on combinations of life‐history traits. Species in Group 1 increased in abundance after fire and were characterized by short lifespans, small, wind‐dispersed seeds, low height, and deciduous leaves. Species in Group 2 were reduced by fire and distinguished from Group 1 by longer lifespans and evergreen leaves. Group 3 species, which also decreased after fire, were characterized by long lifespans, large non‐wind dispersed seeds, and taller heights. Our results show that PFTs based on life‐history traits can reliably predict the responses of most species to fire in the Mojave Desert. Dominant, long‐lived species of this region possess a combination of traits limiting their ability to recover, presenting a clear example of how a novel disturbance regime may shift selective environmental pressures to favor alternative life‐history strategies.  相似文献   

This study quantified variation in key life‐history traits of the widespread African mouth‐brooding cichlid Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor victoriae. Egg size, number, batch reproductive effort, size at maturity and brooding efficiency were compared among field populations across a wide range of dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations from extreme hypoxia to normoxia. In the laboratory, a similar suite of characters was quantified in F1 of low‐ and high‐DO origin reared under low or high DO. In general, females from low‐DO habitats and females reared under low DO were characterized by a smaller size at maturity and no difference in batch reproductive effort when compared with females from high‐DO habitats or females reared under normoxia. A trade‐off between egg size and number was evident in the field and in the laboratory‐rearing experiment, but the direction of the trade‐off differed. Egg size was negatively correlated with egg number across field populations; females collected from low‐DO sites generally had more, smaller eggs relative to females from high‐DO sites. In the laboratory‐rearing experiment, F1 females of high‐DO origin produced larger, fewer eggs than F1 females of low‐DO origin, lending support to the field results and suggesting a heritable component to these traits. There was also an element of developmental plasticity, F1 females raised under low DO produced larger, fewer eggs compared with F1 females raised under high DO (regardless of population) suggesting that DO may interact with other variables to determine egg size in the field.  相似文献   

The Gaur Bos gaurus ranges from India to peninsular Malaysia. Its distribution, status and conservation in the Indian subcontinent are reviewed here on the basis of available information, both published papers and unpublished census reports of forest departments, and field survey data from north‐eastern India and parts of Bhutan and Nepal. The Gaur is found in three disjunct regions, south‐western India, central India and north‐eastern India (including Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh). Within these regions the distribution is highly fragmented and includes a number of small non‐viable isolated populations. The habitat in north‐eastern India is still contiguous with that in Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh and to some extent with Nepal. Although the estimated population of the Gaur is 23 000–34 000, it is declining alarmingly. Populations outside the protected areas may not last long. An action plan has been proposed for its conservation.  相似文献   

Flatfishes are poorly represented in published literature regarding life‐history strategies, as opposed to some other taxonomic groups of teleost fish. The present work constitutes an integrated approach to life‐history traits of the Order Pleuronectiformes occurring in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. Data was exhaustively collected for several species of the families Scophthalmidae, Pleuronectidae, Bothidae and Soleidae, namely life‐history parameters from the von Bertalanffy growth model (L and k), absolute fecundity and size at maturity (Lm), as well as ecological and environmental data, with regard to the species and their area of occurrence. An inter‐specific ordination analysis based on life‐history parameters and environmental factors revealed distinct patterns of life‐history strategies, not necessarily grouped by phylogenetic affinities. Species with a more northern range of distribution were distinguishable from those with southern affinities by showing larger sizes, lower growth rates, earlier spawning, shorter spawning periods and higher fecundity. Possible environmental causes for these traits are discussed. Intra‐specific analyses were also performed and were generally in agreement with other authors, yet some disagreement was found for the inter‐specific analysis.  相似文献   

This study indicated that the life‐history traits of European barracuda Sphyraena sphyraena are apparently better suited to their environmental conditions compared to the more physically restricted life‐history traits of the yellow‐mouth barracuda Sphyraena viridensis, which co‐habit the north‐western Mediterranean Sea. The latter thermophilic species has a considerably higher reproductive potential as it invests its energy reserves in larger numbers of hydrated eggs per spawning batch. This would favour its population growth rates within the study area, especially if sea warming continues, in which case it is likely that the spawning phenology of this species would give it an advantage.  相似文献   

This paper examines the life history of humpback red snapper Lutjanus gibbus, an important fishery species for coastal communities across the Indo-Pacific, in southern New Caledonia, where the species is lightly exploited. A total of 243 L. gibbus were sampled between January 2013 and December 2016 from occasional harvests of commercial fishers. Examination of sectioned otoliths revealed that opaque increment formation occurred annually between November and March, coinciding with the species' spawning season. Estimates of maximum age were similar between sexes, with observed ages of 38 and 36 years for females and males, respectively, extending the reported longevity of this species by at least 11 years. Growth differed significantly between sexes, with males reaching greater length at age and greater asymptotic length than females (38.88 v. 31.46 cm fork length (LF). Total mortality for all samples was estimated as 0.13 and was slightly higher for males (0.16) than females (0.11). Estimates of natural and fishing mortality were low and slightly higher for males than females. Male L. gibbus were found to mature at slightly greater lengths and younger ages than females, with the length and age at which 50% of individuals attained maturity estimated to be 25.8 cm LF and 3.9 years of age for females and 26.8 cm LF and 3.4 years of age for males. The results provide key baseline information from which to assess the effect of fishing on the species for populations in New Caledonia and adjacent locations and, when viewed with those of other studies, highlight the importance of understanding spatial patterns in demography of harvested fish species across gradients of exploitation and environmental influences.  相似文献   

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