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Aims Distyly is one of the most widespread floral polymorphisms promoting cross-fertilization. Evolutionary transition from obligate cross-fertilized distyly to predominantly self-fertilized homostyly is frequently documented in various groups. However, empirical studies concerning the ecological factors connected with this transition are still lacking. Primula chungensis, suggested to be evolving from distyly to homostyly, provides an ideal model for the study of the ecological factors concerned with this transition. We study P. chungensis to understand if autonomous self-fertilization would provide reproductive assurance for the self-fertilized homo-styled morph in the field.Methods The incompatibility features of P. chungensis were tested with hand-pollination experiments. We compared the capacity of autonomous self-fertilization between the distylous and homo-styled morph of P. chungensis in the field by excluding the pollinators with bags. In addition, the degrees of herkogamy of some P. chungensis plants were between the short-styled and homo-styled morphs. These plants were studied to understand whether they were able to obtain greater reproductive assurance when the herkogamy in the flowers was reduced.Important findings All three morphs of P. chungensis were highly self- and intra-morph compatible. The degree of herkogamy positively correlated with the capacity for autonomous self-fertilization. A negative correlation between the degree of herkogamy and the magnitude of pollen limitation was found, but no significant correlation was found between the degree of herkogamy and the contribution of cross-fertilization to overall fertilization. This study suggests that reducing the degree of herkogamy can significantly increase the reproductive assurance for a self-compatible plant. Our results provided evidence that the homo-styled morph of P. chungensis had the highest capacity for autonomous self-fertilization and the highest seed production in the field, because autonomous self-fertilization provided reproductive assurance for the homo-styled morph. This may cause selection towards the transition from distyly to homostyly.  相似文献   

One of the most consensual ecological effects of the current climate warming is the alteration of the environmental timing of ecosystems. Phenological shifts, at different levels of food webs, are predicted to have major effects on species assemblages. Indeed it is unlikely that all species should be able to respond to the phenological shifts of their environment evenly. Yet questions remain about the specific traits that predict the ability of a species to track the temporal fluctuations of its environment. In this study, we use data from the French Constant Effort Site ringing program over a 20 years period (1989–2008) to estimate the ability of 20 common passerine species to adjust their breeding phenology to spring temperature variations. We show that the sensitivity of species breeding phenology to climate relates to species mean migration distance, species’ thermal and habitat niche breadth and brain mass. Species with the broadest ecological and thermal niches, the shortest mean migration distances and the largest brains were most able to adjust their breeding phenology to temperature variations. Our results thus identify long distance migrants and ecological specialists as species that could most suffer from the future expected climate change and suggests phenological adjustment as one possible mechanism underlying the replacement of specialist species by more generalist ones, the so called functional biotic homogenization.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: What constitutes a baseline level of success for protein fold recognition methods? As fold recognition benchmarks are often presented without any thought to the results that might be expected from a purely random set of predictions, an analysis of fold recognition baselines is long overdue. Given varying amounts of basic information about a protein-ranging from the length of the sequence to a knowledge of its secondary structure-to what extent can the fold be determined by intelligent guesswork? Can simple methods that make use of secondary structure information assign folds more accurately than purely random methods and could these methods be used to construct viable hierarchical classifications? EXPERIMENTS PERFORMED: A number of rapid automatic methods which score similarities between protein domains were devised and tested. These methods ranged from those that incorporated no secondary structure information, such as measuring absolute differences in sequence lengths, to more complex alignments of secondary structure elements. Each method was assessed for accuracy by comparison with the Class Architecture Topology Homology (CATH) classification. Methods were rated against both a random baseline fold assignment method as a lower control and FSSP as an upper control. Similarity trees were constructed in order to evaluate the accuracy of optimum methods at producing a classification of structure. RESULTS: Using a rigorous comparison of methods with CATH, the random fold assignment method set a lower baseline of 11% true positives allowing for 3% false positives and FSSP set an upper benchmark of 47% true positives at 3% false positives. The optimum secondary structure alignment method used here achieved 27% true positives at 3% false positives. Using a less rigorous Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP)-like sensitivity measurement the random assignment achieved 6%, FSSP-59% and the optimum secondary structure alignment method-32%. Similarity trees produced by the optimum method illustrate that these methods cannot be used alone to produce a viable protein structural classification system. CONCLUSIONS: Simple methods that use perfect secondary structure information to assign folds cannot produce an accurate protein taxonomy, however they do provide useful baselines for fold recognition. In terms of a typical CASP assessment our results suggest that approximately 6% of targets with folds in the databases could be assigned correctly by randomly guessing, and as many as 32% could be recognised by trivial secondary structure comparison methods, given knowledge of their correct secondary structures.  相似文献   

The majority of people have back pain at some point in their lives and most are cured without any intervention. However, some patients develop chronic back pain and persistent disability. There is strong evidence that psychological factors significantly correlate with the development of chronic back pain. Back pain has also emerged as the strongest predictor of major depression. Assessing and treating patients in a manner that integrates psychosocial and biological aspects of care is the essence of excellent family medicine. This case illustrates the importance for primary care physicians of screening for depression and other psychosocial factors in assessing patients with persistent back pain.  相似文献   

Why are Dormice rare? A case study in conservation biology   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In the last 100 years, the Dormouse Muscardinus avellcmarius has disappeared from about half its geographical range in Britain. Evidence is presented which indicates that declining range and numbers are due to a complex interplay of factors which include fragmentation, deterioration and loss of specialized habitat. The Dormouse is unusual in being a relatively A-selected small mammal, with exacting ecological requirements which render it very vulnerable, particularly to habitat fragmentation. The Dormouse is also sensitive to climate, both directly and probably indirectly through the effects of weather on the timing and abundance of food (insects, flowers and fruits). Combined with low population density and low intrinsic rate of population increase, this makes the Dormouse highly vulnerable, not just to absolute climatic measures (e.g. temperature, rainfall), but especially to climatic stochasticity, particularly at the edge of its range. There are strong associations between the distribution and changing status of the Dormouse and various climatic parameters, and clear parallels with other climate-sensitive taxa, notably bats and butterflies.
The Dormouse is a very specialized species, highly sensitive to environmental change, resulting in its piecemeal, progressive extinction, particularly in northern counties. It is likely to be a very sensitive indicator species for monitoring future changing environments and an excellent model for studying the effects of habitat fragmentation, climatic shifts and climatic stochasticity.  相似文献   

  1. Many policies and studies globally have highlighted the pivotal role of wetland ecosystems regarding wetland biota and their ecological status. With the strengthening of wetland ecosystem management legislation and policy, wetland restoration should also consider increasing habitat diversity to improve biota. We explore whether the construction of artificial ecological islands can increase the diversity of and macroinvertebrates before assessing the effects of actively constructing islands via human intervention on wetland protection.
  2. We discuss changes in macroinvertebrate diversity (i) with and without islands, (ii) at different water‐level gradients surrounding the islands, (ⅲ) on different island substrates, and (ⅳ) at different time scales. We used ANOVA, ANOSIM, and cluster analysis to test the differences.
  3. The macroinvertebrate communities had spatially heterogeneous distributions which changes over time due to both natural and anthropogenic stresses. The establishment of islands significantly increased the community composition and biodiversity of the macroinvertebrate. Water depth and substrate affect community composition of macrozoobenthos. The abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrates can influence the biodiversity of their predators (fish and waterbirds). Potentially, the construction of islands could provide some cobenefits for the conservation of wetland fauna.
Synthesis and applications. Establishing artificial ecological islands in broad open‐water areas and increasing water‐level gradient and substrate diversity can increase microhabitat availability and habitat heterogeneity. These changes can adapt to different ecological niches of aquatic organisms, increase biodiversity, and have a positive effect on the ecological restoration of inland freshwater marshes and wetlands.  相似文献   

In 2003, the parasite fauna of 197 European eels Anguilla anguilla, captured at three different locations (Laufenburg, Karlsruhe and Beneeden Leeuwen) in the River Rhine, was analysed. The eels harboured a total of 18 species, among them the protozoa (Myxidium giardi, Myxobolus kotlani and Trypanosoma granulosum), acanthocephalans (Acanthocephalus anguillae, Acanthocephalus lucii, Echinorhynchus truttae, Pomphorhynchus laevis), nematodes (Paraquimperia tenerrima, Pseudocapillaria tomentosa, Camallanus lacustris, Raphidascaris acus, Spinitectus inermis and Anguillicola crassus), cestodes (Bothriocephalus claviceps and Proteocephalus macrocephalus) and monogeneans (Pseudodactylogyrus sp.). The parasite fauna at the different locations is discussed with respect to the crustacean fauna present at these locations. The investigation shows that changes in the composition of the crustacean fauna, due to the anthropogenic breakdown of a biogeographic barrier, are reflected in the composition of the intestinal eel parasite fauna.  相似文献   

Maternally inherited endosymbionts of arthropods are one of the most abundant and diverse group of bacteria. These bacterial endosymbionts also show extensive horizontal transfer to taxonomically unrelated hosts and widespread recombination in their genomes. Such horizontal transfers can be enhanced when different arthropod hosts come in contact like in an ecological community. Higher rates of horizontal transfer can also increase the probability of recombination between endosymbionts, as they now share the same host cytoplasm. However, reports of community‐wide endosymbiont data are rare as most studies choose few host taxa and specific ecological interactions among the hosts. To better understand endosymbiont spread within host populations, we investigated the incidence, diversity, extent of horizontal transfer, and recombination of three endosymbionts (Wolbachia, Cardinium, and Arsenophonus) in a specific soil arthropod community. Wolbachia strains were characterized with MLST genes whereas 16S rRNA gene was used for Cardinium and Arsenophonus. Among 3,509 individual host arthropods, belonging to 390 morphospecies, 12.05% were infected with Wolbachia, 2.82% with Cardinium and 2.05% with Arsenophonus. Phylogenetic incongruence between host and endosymbiont indicated extensive horizontal transfer of endosymbionts within this community. Three cases of recombination between Wolbachia supergroups and eight incidences of within‐supergroup recombination were also found. Statistical tests of similarity indicated supergroup A Wolbachia and Cardinium show a pattern consistent with extensive horizontal transfer within the community but not for supergroup B Wolbachia and Arsenophonus. We highlight the importance of extensive community‐wide studies for a better understanding of the spread of endosymbionts across global arthropod communities.  相似文献   

Canada's federal recovery strategy for boreal woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) classifies areas burned by forest fire as disturbed habitat. This assignment of fire as a disturbance has potential economic and social implications across Canada, and influences plans and actions to achieve caribou conservation and recovery. Previous researchers have reported caribou avoid burned habitat, but these studies did not typically consider unburned residual patches within fire perimeters. Additionally, the implications of burned habitat on individual caribou survival is unclear. We examined resource selection by boreal woodland caribou of burns, and unburned residual patches, using global positioning system (GPS) locations for 201 caribou across 6 caribou populations in Alberta, Canada. We also examined if burned habitat affected the survival of adult female caribou. Caribou avoided burns and unburned residual patches. Increased use of burned habitats, however, did not lower the survival of adult caribou. Collectively, these results provide evidence to support current assertions that burns, and the embedded unburned residual patches are not preferred caribou habitat and increase our understanding of the implications of forest fire for caribou vital rates. Our investigation offers important information about the role of forest fire in caribou ecology and enhances the identification of disturbed habitat under recovery strategy guidelines to effectively address caribou population declines. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Roads have many effects on the mammal populations of their surroundings. Prey species are thought to establish dense populations in road verges due to a predation release effect, which arise as a side-effect of roadside avoidance by predators and/or predator roadkill. A species that has been suggested to benefit from predation release and attain high densities near roads is the European rabbit, a keystone species in Mediterranean ecosystems. We monitored rabbit relative abundance at three distances from a motorway (50, 450 and 850 m) during a 6 month period, as well as hunting and predator pressures, in a suitable area for rabbits. The lowest rabbit abundance was found next to the motorway (6.76 ± 8.87 pellets/m2 per month) and the highest abundance at an intermediate distance (17.65 ± 23.11 pellets/m2 per month). Hunting and carnivore pressures were highest at the sampling transect located farthest from the infrastructure. Thus, variability in rabbit abundance did not match the predation release effect found close to the motorway, and some sort of road avoidance or other process must underlie the observed abundance pattern. We advocate for a formal measurement of prey populations response to roads prior to any generalization as, in the case of rabbit, the response to roads and the potential cascading effects on other species may depend on landscape characteristics.  相似文献   

Parental effects have been largely unexplored in marine organisms and may play a significant role in dictating the phenotypic range of traits in coral offspring, influencing their ability to survive environmental challenges. This study explored parental effects and life-stage differences in the Hawaiian reef-building coral Montipora capitata from different environments by examining the biochemical composition of mature coral colonies and their eggs. Our results indicate that there are large biochemical differences between adults and eggs, with the latter containing higher concentration of lipids (mostly wax esters), ubiquitinated proteins (which may indicate high turnover rate of proteins) and antioxidants (e.g., manganese superoxide dismutase). Adults displayed high phenotypic plasticity, with corals from a high-light environment having more wax esters, lighter tissue δ13C signatures and higher Symbiodinium densities than adults from the low-light environment who had higher content of accessory pigments. A green-algal pigment (α-carotene) and powerful antioxidant was present in eggs; it is unclear whether this pigment is acquired from heterotrophic food sources or from endolithic green algae living in the adult coral skeletons. Despite the broad phenotypic plasticity displayed by adults, parental investment in the context of provisioning of energy reserves and antioxidant defense was the same in eggs from the different sites. Such equality in investment maximizes the capacity of all embryos and larvae to cope with challenging conditions associated with floating at the surface and to disperse successfully until an appropriate habitat for settlement is found.  相似文献   

Common reed die-back is a widely investigated phenomenon in Central Europe, not frequently recorded in S-European areas and almost unknown in the Mediterranean Basin. Symptoms of reed decline recently observed in the Italian Peninsula provided the starting point for a detailed investigation on a reed population in one of the largest freshwater ecosystems in Central Italy. The analyses were conducted over two vegetative seasons in 19 plots at seven locations. A set of 13 morphologic and phenologic reed traits were screened, monitored and statistically analysed. The data indicated the presence of the reed die-back syndrome in a wet Mediterranean ecosystem and enabled us to highlight a set of usable traits to detect the condition of decline. Among them, the stem height and diameter, the number of nodes, the relative growth rate and the lateral root diameter resulted the most significant factors highlighting the declining condition. Some environmental characteristics of the reed stands were also taken into account. The period of submersion and the presence of standing litter emerged as important features of the stands, strictly related to the degree of decline in the population. The results draw attention to the risk, in southern Europe too, of the loss of an ecosystem which plays an important role in biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate how simulation studies can be used to answer questions about identifiability and consequences of omitting effects from a model. The methodology is presented through a case study where identifiability of genetic and/or individual (environmental) maternal effects is explored. Our study system is a wild house sparrow (Passer domesticus) population with known pedigree. We fit pedigree‐based (generalized) linear mixed models (animal models), with and without additive genetic and individual maternal effects, and use deviance information criterion (DIC) for choosing between these models. Pedigree and R‐code for simulations are available. For this study system, the simulation studies show that only large maternal effects can be identified. The genetic maternal effect (and similar for individual maternal effect) has to be at least half of the total genetic variance to be identified. The consequences of omitting a maternal effect when it is present are explored. Our results indicate that the total (genetic and individual) variance are accounted for. When an individual (environmental) maternal effect is omitted from the model, this only influences the estimated (direct) individual (environmental) variance. When a genetic maternal effect is omitted from the model, both (direct) genetic and (direct) individual variance estimates are overestimated.  相似文献   

What are the driving forces for water lifting in the xylem conduit?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
After Renner had shown convincingly in 1925 that the transpirational water loss generates tensions larger than 0.1 MPa (i.e. negative pressures) in the xylem of cut leafy twigs the Cohesion Theory proposed by Böhm, Askenasy, Dixon and Joly at the end of the 19th century was immediately accepted by plant physiologists. Introduction of the pressure chamber technique by Scholander et al. in 1965 enforced the general belief that tension is the only driving force for water lifting although substantial criticism regarding the technique and/or the Cohesion Theory was published by several authors. As typical for scientific disciplines, the advent of minimal‐ and non‐invasive techniques in the last decade as well as the development of a new, reliable method for xylem sap sampling have challenged this view. Today, xylem pressure gradients, potentials, ion concentrations and volume flows as well as cell turgor pressure gradients can be monitored online in intact transpiring higher plants, and within a given physiological context by using the pressure probe technique and high‐resolution NMR imaging techniques, respectively. Application of the pressure probe technique to transpiring plants has shown that negative absolute pressures (down to ? 0.6 MPa) and pressure gradients can exist temporarily in the xylem conduit, but that the magnitude and (occasionally) direction of gradients contrasts frequently the belief that tension is the only driving force. This seems to be particularly the case for plants faced with problems of height, drought, freezing and salinity as well as with cavitation of the tensile water. Reviewing the current data base shows that other forces come into operation when exclusively tension fails to lift water against gravity due to environmental conditions. Possible candidates are longitudinal cellular and xylem osmotic pressure gradients, axial potential gradients in the vessels as well as gel‐ and gas bubble‐supported interfacial gradients. The multiforce theory overcomes the problem of the Cohesion Theory that life on earth depends on water being in a highly metastable state.  相似文献   

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