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Diapause development is a complex process involving several eco‐physiological phases. Understanding these phases, especially diapause termination, is vital for interpreting the life history of many insect species and for developing suitable predictive models of population dynamics. The pine processionary moth is a major defoliator of pine and a vertebrate health hazard in the Mediterranean region. This species can display either univoltine or semivoltine development, with a pupal diapause extending from a few months to several years, respectively. Although the ecological and applied importance of diapause is acknowledged, its physiological regulation in either case remains obscure. In the present study, we characterize pre‐termination, termination and post‐termination phases of pupae developing as univoltine or remaining in prolonged diapause. Changes in metabolic activity are monitored continuously using thermocouples, comprising a novel method based on direct calorimetry, and periodically by use of O2 respirometry. The two methods clearly detect diapause termination in both types of pupae before any visible morphological or behavioural changes can be observed. Univoltine individuals are characterized by an increase in metabolic activity from pre‐termination through to termination and post‐termination, ultimately resulting in emergence. Remarkably, a synchronous termination is observed in individuals that enter prolonged diapause instead of emerging; however, in these pupae, the increased metabolic activity is only transient. The present study represents a starting point toward understanding the eco‐physiology of diapause development processes in the pupae of the pine processionary moth.  相似文献   

1 Defoliation by larvae of the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa, is negligible in stands of Pinus pinaster colonized by the Argentine ant Linepithema humile which preys fiercely on the young moth larvae. In contrast, such damage is widespread where pine plantations are colonized by native ants, predominantly Tapinoma nigerrimum and Lasius niger, which seemingly disregard the larvae. 2 Where L. humile- and native ant-occupied sectors adjoin, there is a 20–50 m overlap in the transition area between L. humile- and native ant-occupied pines. This was most evident in a > 500 ha plantation where there was severe or very severe T. pityocampa attack in native ant sectors contrasting with none in adjoining L. humile sectors. 3 Predation by L. humile is no doubt enhanced by its existence as super-colonies over very large areas, by its foraging activity and recruitment on trees throughout the time when T. pityocampa and other prey are present, and by honeydew- producing Homoptera which help retain foraging L. humile workers in pine tree crowns. 4 The role of L. humile could be enhanced by cultivations that disturb the soil and restrain ground vegetation.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. During range expansions of phytophagous insects, secondary or novel hosts may allow colonisation of areas without primary hosts. Because plant species often differ in their relative attractiveness and suitability for insects, insect preference for, and performance on, these hosts can determine recruitment potential in the current and future expansion areas.
2. This study explores the relative roles of female preference and larval performance in an important pine defoliator, Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera, Notodontidae), which colonises three Pinus species at its current range margin in the Italian Alps: P. nigra (primary host), P. sylvestris (secondary host), and P. mugo (novel host).
3. Host use patterns in multiple insect populations were studied through choice and no-choice oviposition experiments in cages, field surveys of mixed stands, and laboratory and field monitoring of larval growth and mortality. It was predicted that a specific life-history trait – time limitation of short-lived females to lay a single batch of eggs – would act as a component of female performance, and lead to similar rates of host acceptance in no-choice settings.
4. In the choice experiment, P. nigra was accepted the most frequently while P. sylvestris was accepted the least frequently, confirming nest density patterns in the field. Contrary to prediction, females remained discriminating in no-choice settings in spite of time limitation. In contrast, relative growth rate (RGR) and mortality of larvae did not differ significantly among the three hosts, highlighting a discrepancy between female preference and larval performance.
5. Recruitment potential of T. pityocampa in future expansion into stands of P. sylvestris and P. mugo is evaluated by combining host quality, conservatism in oviposition behaviour, habitat suitability, and the opportunity for local adaptation.  相似文献   

1 Larvae of Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) develop throughout the winter, although their feeding activity and survival can be impaired by adverse climatic factors. The present study investigated the survival at low temperature of larvae originating from a population with range expansion in an alpine valley in Northern Italy.
2 The supercooling point of individually analysed larvae averaged at −7 °C. This value insufficiently described the cold hardiness of the larvae; 39% of the tested larvae were alive when returned to room temperature immediately after freezing. When larval colonies inside their nest were exposed to −17 °C for 1 h after gradual temperature decrease, survival was 70.4%.
3 Rearing of larvae in the laboratory at different day/night temperatures indicated an effect of cumulative chill injury on larvae. A logistic regression explained the relationship between negative thermal sum (h°C below 0 °C) received in the laboratory experiment and larval survival. A similar relationship was demonstrated between negative thermal sum and survival of larval colonies in the field.
4 In the laboratory experiment, some tested larvae were able to survive for up to 8 weeks without feeding depending on rearing temperature. As expected, feeding occurred only when larvae were reared at temperatures of 9 °C day/0 °C night.
5 We classify the larvae of T. pityocampa as being moderate freezing tolerant. The winter behaviour allows this species to track climate warming by a rapid expansion into those areas that become compatible with the insect's development.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The work reported here analysed host utilisation by the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae), the relationship between moth oviposition patterns and larval performance, the chemical characteristics of the plant in relation to the performance of different larval instars, and the role of these factors in the outbreak capacity of the species. In order to do this, a combination of field and laboratory techniques was used to study three pine species differing in nutritional characteristics.
2. Moths oviposited in the three pine species analysed, although cluster pine received a lower number of batches. Late-instar larvae were able to feed on all three pine species, however first-instar larvae developed on Scots and black pine but died on cluster pine. Consequently, oviposition in cluster pine can be considered an oviposition mistake, and indicates that moths are rather unselective when ovipositing on different pine species.
3. Chemical analysis of needles suggested that the quantity of nitrogen was the main factor responsible for the difference in survival of larvae.
4. The oviposition pattern of the moth and the larval susceptibility to food quality in Thaumetopoea pityocampa agree with the theory that unselective oviposition of the moth is a precondition for eruptive dynamics in phytophagous insects.
5. The success of the larvae depends mainly on the probability of the moth finding a suitable host. This probability is determined strongly by the changes of structure and coverage in Mediterranean pine woodlands, due to human management.  相似文献   

Aim We investigated the Quaternary history of the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa, an oligophagous insect currently expanding its range. We tested the potential role played by mountain ranges during the post‐glacial recolonization of western Europe. Location Western Europe, with a focus on the Pyrenees, Massif Central and western Alps. Methods Maternal genetic structure was investigated using a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. We analysed 412 individuals from 61 locations and performed maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony phylogenetic analyses and hierarchical analysis of molecular variance, and we investigated signs of past expansion. Results A strong phylogeographic pattern was found, with two deeply divergent clades. Surprisingly, these clades were not separated by the Pyrenees but rather were distributed from western to central Iberia and from eastern Iberia to the Italian Peninsula, respectively. This latter group consisted of three shallowly divergent lineages that exhibited strong geographic structure and independent population expansions. The three identified lineages occurred: (1) on both sides of the Pyrenean range, with more genetically diverse populations in the east, (2) from eastern Iberia to western France, with a higher genetic diversity in the south, and (3) from the western Massif Central to Italy. Admixture areas were found at the foot of the Pyrenees and Massif Central. Main conclusions The identified genetic lineages were geographically structured, but surprisingly the unsuitable high‐elevation areas of the main mountainous ranges were not responsible for the spatial separation of genetic groups. Rather than acting as barriers to dispersal, mountains appear to have served as refugia during the Pleistocene glaciations, and current distributions largely reflect expansion from these bottlenecked refugial populations. The western and central Iberian clade did not contribute to the northward post‐glacial recolonization of Europe, yet its northern limit does not correspond to the Pyrenees. The different contributions of the identified refugia to post‐glacial expansion might be explained by differences in host plant species richness. For example, the Pyrenean lineage could have been trapped elevationally by tracking montane pines, while the eastern Iberian lineage could have expanded latitudinally by tracking thermophilic lowland pine species.  相似文献   

The cedar processionary moth, Thaumetopoea bonjeani (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae), is one of the most serious pests of Cedrus atlantica in north-western Africa (Algeria and Morocco). We report on T. bonjeani egg mortality and the diversity and abundance of parasitoids associated with its eggs in the area of Djurdjura Mountain (Tala-Guilef, Algeria). For this goal, 223 egg batches were collected from C. atlantica over two cohorts (2012 and 2013). The average number of eggs per egg batch increased from 143 in 2012 to 171 in 2013, while the egg mortality decreased from 47.4% and 23.9%, respectively, possibly because of a dilution effect. The most important factors of egg mortality were parasitoids and predators, with hymenopteran egg parasitoids killing from 12.1% to 34.9%, and predators from 5.2% to 7.4% of the eggs. The pattern of egg parasitism was driven largely by Ooencyrtus pityocampae, accounting for about 94% of the total parasitoids, followed by Baryscapus servadeii and Trichogramma embryophagum. An hyperparasitoid Chartocerus sp. was collected for the first time from eggs of Thaumetopoea species. As the two major egg parasitoids are shared with the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa in the same area, it is likely that parasitoid abundance may depend on the occurrence of both hosts.  相似文献   

The pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa, causes serious defoliation to Cedrus, Pinus and Pseudotsuga trees, as well as health problems in humans, pets and farm animals due to their urticating hairs. Environmentally friendly strategies for the management of T. pityocampa include: removal of egg batches, removal of nests, trapping of migrant larvae, spraying microbial or Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) insecticides and biocontrol, as well as pheromone‐based adult trapping and mating‐disruption. In the present paper, results on innovative technology for the control of T. pityocampa infestation using pheromone mass‐trapping are reported. Two 1‐ha plots were identified in the study area (central‐south Italy), a pine woodland recreational site growing Pinus halepensis. In the experimental plot (MT‐plot), 10 G‐traps (funnel trap type) baited with (Z)‐13‐hexadecen‐11‐ynyl acetate sex pheromone component were placed for mass‐trapping of adults; the other plot was used as a control‐plot (C‐plot). The T. pityocampa population was monitored using the two central traps in the MT‐plot and two traps positioned in the C‐plot. In addition, the winter nests made by T. pityocampa larvae overwintering on pine trees were counted. After 2 years of mass‐trapping, the number of adults trapped by the monitoring pheromone traps decreased in the MT‐plot, but not in the C‐plot, whereas the number of nests decreased in both plots. Statistical results highlighted significant differences in trap catches between the two plots but not between years. In the case of nests, differences among plots were not significant before the mass‐trapping, but significant after 1‐year treatment. According to our results, the mass‐trapping technique is able to reduce T. pityocampa infestations. This pheromone method can be applied in combination with other control systems in the context of integrated pest management in recreational areas.  相似文献   

Latitude, a surrogate of climatic conditions, is commonly used in the examination of life-history variation. However, the climatic mechanisms underlying latitudinal life-history variation have only rarely been tested. Here, we test whether the number of climates to which species are subjected in their ranges predicts geographical life-history variation. In particular, we examine whether eurytopic species, the range of which covers more climates, show different reproductive effort to stenotopic species, which are distributed over climatically more homogeneous environments. We examined female body mass, egg mass controlled for female body mass, clutch size and the number of breeding attempts per season for 34 sedentary and short-distance migratory passerine species of the Western Palearctic. For each species, we assessed how many climate zones extend over the species' wintering and breeding ranges. We found that avian body mass, and also clutch size, significantly increases with the number of climatic zones extended over the species' wintering range. In turn, species whose breeding ranges span more climates show more breeding attempts per season. Whereas the mass of a single egg declines, clutch size increases with increasing climatic variation in breeding ranges. Our study suggests that the level of climatic variation over species' ranges during and outside the breeding season might be responsible for variation in life-history traits in open-nesting Western Palearctic passerines.  相似文献   

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