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Most mammals scent‐mark, and a variety of hypotheses have been put forward to explain this behaviour. Most of our knowledge about scent marking in domestic dogs comes from studies carried out on laboratory or companion dogs, while few studies have been carried out on free‐ranging dogs. Here, we explored the functional significance of different scent‐marking behavioural patterns in a pack of free‐ranging domestic dogs by testing two non‐exclusive hypotheses: the indirect territorial defence and the dominance/threat hypotheses. Through direct observation, we recorded the locations of dog scent marks (urination, defecation and ground scratching) and information regarding the identity and posture of the marking animal. We found evidence that markings are used by dogs to form a ‘property line’ and to threaten rivals during agonistic conflicts. Both males and females utilized scent marking to assert dominance and probably to relocate food or maintain possession over it. Raised‐leg urination and ground scratching probably play a role in olfactory and visual communication in both males and females. Urinations released by females, especially through flexed‐leg posture, may also convey information about their reproductive state. Finally, our observations suggest that defecation does not play an essential role in olfactory communication among free‐ranging dogs and that standing and squat postures are associated with normal excretion. Our results suggest that many of the proposed functions of marking behaviours are not mutually exclusive, and all should be explored through detailed field and laboratory studies.  相似文献   

Additional somatosensory contact of preterm human infants improves a variety of developmental assessment scores, but less is known about its lasting consequences. In rodents, maternal contact may influence the programming of juvenile social play behavior. Therefore, we used a paradigm where we can control the levels of somatosensory contact associated with maternal care. We find that additional somatosensory contact of offspring can have lasting consequences on juvenile social play behavior in a sex-dependent manner. Specifically, additional somatosensory stimuli reduced male social play behavior, but did not change female play behavior. We then examined if this additional infant contact altered some neurobiological substrates associated with play within the juvenile amygdala. Control males had lower levels of 5HT2a receptor mRNA levels contrasted to females; however, similar to its sex-dependent effect on juvenile social play, males that received additional somatosensory contact had higher serotonin 5HT2a receptor mRNA levels than control males. No difference was found in females. As serotonin signaling typically opposes juvenile play behavior, these data suggest that maternal touch can program lasting differences in juvenile social play and 5HT2a receptors mRNA levels within the juvenile amygdala.  相似文献   

The sensory ecology of foragers is fundamentally influenced by changes in environmental conditions such as ambient light. Changes in ambient light may hinder the effectiveness of particular senses (e.g., impaired vision at night), but many predators rely on multiple sensory systems and may continue to forage despite changes in light availability. Exactly how predator behaviors and sensory systems compensate under changes in light availability in the field is not well understood. We used radio telemetry and portable video surveillance cameras to quantify the sit‐and‐wait chemosensory foraging behavior of free‐ranging red diamond (Crotalus ruber) and northern Pacific (Crotalus oreganus oreganus) rattlesnakes during day and night periods. The two most common behaviors we observed were chemosensory probes, a behavior we describe in detail for the first time, and mouth gapes. During chemosensory probes, rattlesnakes extend their head beyond their coil, explore the surrounding area while tongue‐flicking, and subsequently return to a stationary position inside their coil. Foraging rattlesnakes probed at significantly higher rates during nocturnal vs. diurnal hours. Similarly, mouth gaping occurred during a higher percentage of nocturnal vs. diurnal hours for foraging snakes. Nearly half of all mouth gapes were followed immediately with a chemosensory probe, suggesting that mouth gaping also serves a chemosensory function in this context. Our results suggest that chemical cues play an increasingly important role in mediating rattlesnake foraging behavior at night. Examining how abiotic factors, such as light availability, influence the sensory ecology of free‐ranging predators is essential for accurately characterizing their interactions with prey.  相似文献   

Developmental science is rich with observations of social interactions, but few available methodological and statistical approaches take full advantage of the information provided by these data. The authors propose implementation of the unified structural equation model (uSEM), a network analysis technique, for observational data coded repeatedly across time; uSEM captures the temporal dynamics underlying changes in behavior at the individual level by revealing the ways in which a single person influences—concurrently and in the future—other people. To demonstrate the utility of uSEM, the authors applied it to ratings of positive affect and vigor of activity during children's unstructured laboratory play with unfamiliar, same-sex peers. Results revealed the time-dependent nature of sex differences in play behavior. For girls more than boys, positive affect was dependent upon peers' prior positive affect. For boys more than girls, vigor of activity was dependent upon peers' current vigor of activity.  相似文献   

Cryptic and endangered fauna, including many primate taxa, pose challenges for noninvasive collection of biomaterials. As a result, application of noninvasive genotyping to primates has been limited to the use of samples such as feces and hair for the extraction of PCR‐amplifiable DNA. We present a method for noninvasive collection of saliva from habituated, free‐ranging monkeys. The method utilizes a low‐cost apparatus that controls for contamination and is usable with individual, free‐ranging primates. Saliva samples were collected from 18 individuals in a population of Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) in the Valley of Wild Monkeys in Huangshan, People's Republic of China. DNA was extracted from these samples and PCR‐amplified for both mitochondrial and nuclear genes, Cytochrome B and MHC‐DR Beta 1, respectively. These results indicate this is an effective technique for the noninvasive collection of saliva across age and sex class, and dominance rank in a free‐ranging, terrestrial primate species. This device could have wide application for obtaining high‐quality saliva samples from free‐ranging primate populations for use in epidemiological studies, hormonal analyses of HPA axis function, pathogen screening, noninvasive genotyping, and behavioral genetics. Am. J. Primatol. 74:1064‐1070, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Understanding of eating behaviors associated with obesity requires objective and accurate monitoring of food intake patterns. Accurate methods are available for measuring total energy expenditure and its components in free‐living populations, but methods for measuring food intake in free‐living people are far less accurate and involve self‐reporting or subjective monitoring. We suggest that chews and swallows can be used for objective monitoring of ingestive behavior. This hypothesis was verified in a human study involving 20 subjects. Chews and swallows were captured during periods of quiet resting, talking, and meals of varying size. The counts of chews and swallows along with other derived metrics were used to build prediction models for detection of food intake, differentiation between liquids and solids, and for estimation of the mass of ingested food. The proposed prediction models were able to detect periods of food intake with >95% accuracy and a fine time resolution of 30 s, differentiate solid foods from liquids with >91% accuracy, and predict mass of ingested food with >91% accuracy for solids and >83% accuracy for liquids. In earlier publications, we have shown that chews and swallows can be captured by noninvasive sensors that could be developed into a wearable device. Thus, the proposed methodology could lead to the development of an innovative new way of assessing human eating behavior in free‐living conditions.  相似文献   

Natural infection of wild mammals by protozoa parasites is quite common in nature. For Neotropical Primates different infections of parasites that are etiological agent of disease in human have been identified. In particular, infections by Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania sp., have been reported for some New World primate species, but there are no reports of infection with these parasites in any primate species in Mexico. A serological study was conducted on two howler monkey species (Alouatta pigra and A. palliata) from the Mexican states of Campeche and Tabasco. A total of 55 serum samples (20 samples from A. pigra, 20 samples from A. palliata, and 15 samples from semifree ranging A. palliata of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz as negative controls) were analyzed for the detection of immunoglobulin G antibodies against T. cruzi and Leishmania mexicana through enzyme linked immunosorbent assay test, indirect immunofluorescence assay and Western blot. The overall prevalence of antibodies in howler monkeys was 17.5% for T. cruzi and 30% for L. mexicana. Our results also indicate that A. pigra is more susceptible to develop leishmaniasis than A. palliata. Finally, the finding of positive serology in these primates should be given serious consideration for public health, given the potential role of these primate species as wild reservoirs for these diseases and the increasing contact of monkeys with human populations due to habitat loss and fragmentation. Am. J. Primatol. 75:161‐169, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This is the first study to examine how both structural and functional components of individuals’ social networks may moderate the association between biological sex and experimental pain sensitivity. One hundred and fifty-two healthy adults (mean age = 22yrs., 53% males) were measured for cold pressor task (CPT) pain sensitivity (i.e., intensity ratings) and core aspects of social networks (e.g., proportion of friends vs. family, affection, affirmation, and aid). Results showed consistent sex differences in how social network structures and intimate relationship functioning modulated pain sensitivity. Females showed higher pain sensitivity when their social networks consisted of a higher proportion of intimate types of relationship partners (e.g., kin vs. non kin), when they had known their network partners for a longer period of time, and when they reported higher levels of logistical support from their significant other (e.g., romantic partner). Conversely, males showed distinct patterns in the opposite direction, including an association between higher levels of logistical support from one’s significant other and lower CPT pain intensity. These findings show for the first time that the direction of sex differences in exogenous pain sensitivity is likely dependent on fundamental components of the individual’s social environment. The utility of a social-signaling perspective of pain behaviors for examining, comparing, and interpreting individual and group differences in experimental and clinical pain reports is discussed.  相似文献   

Social foraging provides animals with opportunities to gain knowledge about available food. Studies indicate that animals are influenced by social context during exploration and are able to learn socially. Carrion and hooded crows, which are opportunistic generalists with flexible social systems, have so far received little focus in this area. We combined observational and experimental approaches to investigate social interactions during foraging and social influences on crow behaviour within a free‐ranging population at Vienna Zoo, which included 115 individually marked crows. We expected the crows to be tolerant of conspecifics during foraging due to high food abundance. We predicted that social context would enhance familiar object exploration, as well as a specific foraging strategy: predation by crows on other species. We found that crows were highly tolerant of one another, as reflected by their high rates of cofeeding – where they fed directly beside conspecific(s) – relative to affiliative or agonistic interactions. Evidence for social facilitation – when the observer's behaviour is affected by the mere presence of a model – was found in both object exploration and predation behaviour. Specifically, crows touched the objects more frequently when others were present (whilst only approaching the objects when alone), and conspecifics were present more frequently during predation events involving the high‐risk target species. Evidence for enhancement during object exploration – where the observer's attention is drawn to a place or object by a model's actions – was not confirmed in this context. Our results highlight the role played by the presence of conspecifics across different contexts: natural foraging behaviour, familiar object exploration and a specific foraging strategy. To our knowledge, this is one of the first corvid studies aimed at teasing apart specific social influence and learning mechanisms in the field. These crows therefore make promising candidates for studying social learning and its consequences under naturalistic conditions.  相似文献   

Obligate social parasites of Hymenoptera, known as inquilines, have received enormous attention due to the elaborate adaptations they exhibit for exploiting their hosts, and because they have frequently been used to infer sympatric speciation. Their population biology can be difficult to infer as they are both rare and difficult to extract from host nests. Sex allocation has been studied for very few inquilines of social Hymenoptera. Here we report sex ratio patterns in the allodapine bee Inquilina schwarzi, which is an obligate social parasite of another allodapine, Exoneura robusta. We show that the sex ratio of this inquiline varies with its brood number, it is female-biased in the smallest broods, but becomes more even in larger broods, where the population-wide sex ratio is close to parity. We argue that this pattern of bias is consistent with local resource competition, where inquiline females compete to inherit their natal colony. We also argue that extremely female-biased sex ratios of the host species, combined with overall sex ratio parity in the parasite, may help ameliorate disparity in effective population sizes between these two species which are locked in an evolutionary arms race.  相似文献   

The adaptive function of male masturbation is still poorly understood, despite its high prevalence in humans and other animals. In non‐human primates, male masturbation is most frequent among anthropoid monkeys and apes living in multimale–multifemale groups with a promiscuous mating system. In these species, male masturbation may be a non‐functional by‐product of high sexual arousal or be adaptive by providing advantages in terms of sperm competition or by decreasing the risk of sexually transmitted infections. We investigated the possible functional significance of male masturbation using behavioral data collected on 21 free‐ranging male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) at the peak of the mating season. We found some evidence that masturbation is linked to low mating opportunities: regardless of rank, males were most likely to be observed masturbating on days in which they were not observed mating, and lower‐ranking males mated less and tended to masturbate more frequently than higher‐ranking males. These results echo the findings obtained for two other species of macaques, but contrast those obtained in red colobus monkeys (Procolobus badius) and Cape ground squirrels (Xerus inauris). Interestingly, however, male masturbation events ended with ejaculation in only 15% of the observed masturbation time, suggesting that new hypotheses are needed to explain masturbation in this species. More studies are needed to establish whether male masturbation is adaptive and whether it serves similar or different functions in different sexually promiscuous species.  相似文献   

Animals often exhibit consistent individual differences in behavior (i.e., animal personality) and correlations between behaviors (i.e., behavioral syndromes), yet the causes of those patterns of behavioral variation remain insufficiently understood. Many authors hypothesize that state‐dependent behavior produces animal personality and behavioral syndromes. However, empirical studies assessing patterns of covariation among behavioral traits and state variables have produced mixed results. New statistical methods that partition correlations into between‐individual and residual within‐individual correlations offer an opportunity to more sufficiently quantify relationships among behaviors and state variables to assess hypotheses of animal personality and behavioral syndromes. In a population of wild Belding's ground squirrels (Urocitellus beldingi), we repeatedly measured activity, exploration, and response to restraint behaviors alongside glucocorticoids and nutritional condition. We used multivariate mixed models to determine whether between‐individual or within‐individual correlations drive phenotypic relationships among traits. Squirrels had consistent individual differences for all five traits. At the between‐individual level, activity and exploration were positively correlated whereas both traits negatively correlated with response to restraint, demonstrating a behavioral syndrome. At the within‐individual level, condition negatively correlated with cortisol, activity, and exploration. Importantly, this indicates that although behavior is state‐dependent, which may play a role in animal personality and behavioral syndromes, feedback mechanisms between condition and behavior appear not to produce consistent individual differences in behavior and correlations between them.  相似文献   

Sex differences in spatial memory have long been observed in humans, non-human primates and rodents, but the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for these differences remain obscure. In the present study we found that adolescent male rats outperformed female rats in 7 d and 28 d retention probes, but not in learning trials and immediate probes, in the Morris water maze task. Male rats also had larger long-term potentiation (LTP) at hippocampal temproammonic-CA1 (TA-CA1) synapses, which have been implicated to play a key role in place field and memory consolidation, when protocols designed to elicit late-stage LTP (LLTP) were used. Interestingly, the ratio of evoked AMPA/NMDA currents was found to be smaller at TA-CA1 synapses in male rats compared to female rats. Protein biotinylation experiments showed that male rats expressed more surface GluN1 receptors in hippocampal CA1 stratum lacunosum-moleculare (SLM) than female rats, although GluA1 expression was also slightly higher in male rats. Taken together, our results suggest that differences in the expression of AMPA and NMDA receptors may affect LTP expression at TA-CA1 synapses in adolescent male and female rats, and thus possibly contribute to the observed sex difference in spatial memory.  相似文献   

From March 1997 to February 1998, I investigated the activity patterns of 2 groups and the ranging patterns of 5 groups of eastern black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza), aka guerezas, in the Kakamega Forest, Kenya. Guerezas at Kakamega spent more of their time resting than any other population of colobine monkeys studied to date. In addition, I recorded not one instance of intragroup aggression in 16,710 activity scan samples, providing preliminary evidence that intragroup contest competition may be rare or absent among guerezas at Kakamega. Mean daily path lengths ranged from 450 to 734 m, and home range area ranged from 12 to 20 ha, though home range area may have been underestimated for several of the study groups. Home range overlap was extensive with 49–83% of each group's range overlapped by the ranges of other groups. Despite the high level of home range overlap, the frequently entered areas (quadrats entered on 30% of a group's total study days) of any one group were not frequently entered by any other study group. Mean daily path length is not significantly correlated with levels of availability or consumption of any plant part item. Mean daily path length is also not significantly correlated with group size, though the largest group did have the longest mean daily path length. This finding suggests that intragroup scramble competition may have been rare or absent among guerezas at Kakamega except perhaps in the largest group, which was unusually large.  相似文献   

Retroviral RNA encapsidation involves a recognition event between genomic RNA (gRNA) and one or more domains in Gag. In HIV-1, the nucleocapsid (NC) domain is involved in gRNA packaging and displays robust nucleic acid (NA) binding and chaperone functions. In comparison, NC of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), a deltaretrovirus, displays weaker NA binding and chaperone activity. Mutation of conserved charged residues in the deltaretrovirus bovine leukemia virus (BLV) matrix (MA) and NC domains affects virus replication and gRNA packaging efficiency. Based on these observations, we hypothesized that the MA domain may generally contribute to NA binding and genome encapsidation in deltaretroviruses. Here, we examined the interaction between HTLV-2 and HIV-1 MA proteins and various NAs in vitro. HTLV-2 MA displays higher NA binding affinity and better chaperone activity than HIV-1 MA. HTLV-2 MA also binds NAs with higher affinity than HTLV-2 NC and displays more robust chaperone function. Mutation of two basic residues in HTLV-2 MA α-helix II, previously implicated in BLV gRNA packaging, reduces NA binding affinity. HTLV-2 MA binds with high affinity and specificity to RNA derived from the putative packaging signal of HTLV-2 relative to nonspecific NA. Furthermore, an HIV-1 MA triple mutant designed to mimic the basic character of HTLV-2 MA α-helix II dramatically improves binding affinity and chaperone activity of HIV-1 MA in vitro and restores RNA packaging to a ΔNC HIV-1 variant in cell-based assays. Taken together, these results are consistent with a role for deltaretrovirus MA proteins in viral RNA packaging.  相似文献   

Acoustic cues present in the reproductive calls of many animal species potentially encode important information about the caller. Here, we test the response of a free‐ranging population of peri‐oestrus red deer hinds to variation in a specific acoustic cue to body size in the male roar, the formant frequencies. Our results revealed: (1) that hinds showed greater overall attention (judged by longer looking responses and lower response latencies) to roars simulating males of sub‐adult body size than to those simulating a large adult male and (2) that hinds without dependent offspring had greater looking responses to male roars and lower response latencies than hinds with dependent offspring to roars simulating sub‐adult males. These findings indicate that free‐ranging red deer hinds may use formants as acoustic cues to gauge the body size and maturity of males in their natural environment, possibly to facilitate earlier detection and avoidance of young stags that are known to harass them.  相似文献   

Sexual differentiation of rodent brain is dependent upon hormonal exposure during a “critical period” beginning in late gestation and ending in early neonatal life. Steroid hormone action at this time results in anatomical and physiological sexual dimorphisms in adult brain, but the mechanism mediating these changes is essentially unknown. The inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA, is involved in regulation of sexually dimorphic patterns of behavior and gonadotropin secretion in the adult. Recent evidence suggests that during development GABA is excitatory and provides critical neurotrophic and neuromodulatory influences. We hypothesized that steroid-induced changes in GABAergic neurotransmission during this critical period are important mediators of sexual differentiation in brain. Therefore, we quantified levels of mRNA for GAD, the rate-limiting enzyme in GABA synthesis. On Postnatal Day 1, males had significantly higher levels of GAD mRNA in the dorsomedial nucleus, arcuate nucleus, and CA1 region of hippocampus. On Postnatal Day 15, after the critical period for sexual differentiation has ended, these differences were no longer present. We examined the role of gonadal steroids in regulating GAD by removing testes of males and administering testosterone to females at birth. Exposure to testosterone was correlated with increased GAD mRNA in the dorsomedial nucleus. A sex difference in GAD mRNA was also observed in the medial preoptic area, but the influence of testosterone was inconclusive. We conclude that sex differences in the GABAergic system during development are partially hormonally mediated, and that these differences may contribute to the development of sexually dimorphic characteristics in adult brain.  相似文献   

Play in yearling yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) was studied under non-manipulative field conditions in the Upper East River Valley of Colorado. The behavior patterns constituting play were described and illustrated and 12 specific hypotheses related to sex differences were tested. The results of these tests were used to evaluate the adaptive significance of play by comparing two major functional hypotheses: motor training and social cohesion.  相似文献   

Isolation from conspecifics in young, precocial birds predictably induces distress vocalizations (DV) and androgens change this type of vocalization into male typical “crowing” (CR). In addition, opioid peptides are known to exert potent effects on avian vocal behavior. Here we investigate the organizational and activational correlates of sex-steroid actions on opioid-receptor organization and their relevance to the temporal evolution of DV and CR. From the effects of pre- and postnatal steroid applications and postnatal [3H]etorphin binding studies, we find that early steroidal effects become manifested at the behavioral level by changing the characteristic duration of vocalizations. In the male quail this extension of calling duration is accompanied by a clear decrease in opiate binding, whereas in the female there is a moderate increase in binding sites. The transition from DV to CR (within hours) induced by testosterone is correlated with “upregulation” of opiate receptor sites within unilateral brainstem areas of young male quail. Based on these findings, we suggest that organizational steroid effects change the characteristic duration of isolation-induced vocalizations and these effects appear to be manifested at the level of opioid-receptor distribution.  相似文献   

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