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Understanding genetic causes and effects of speciation in sympatric populations of sexually reproducing eukaryotes is challenging, controversial, and of practical importance for controlling rapidly evolving pests and pathogens. The major African malaria vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (s.s.) is considered to contain two incipient species with strong reproductive isolation, hybrids between the M and S molecular forms being very rare. Following recent observations of higher proportions of hybrid forms at a few sites in West Africa, we conducted new surveys of 12 sites in four contiguous countries (The Gambia, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, and Republic of Guinea). Identification and genotyping of 3499 A. gambiae s.s. revealed high frequencies of M/S hybrid forms at each site, ranging from 5 to 42%, and a large spectrum of inbreeding coefficient values from 0.11 to 0.76, spanning most of the range expected between the alternative extremes of panmixia and assortative mating. Year-round sampling over 2 years at one of the sites in The Gambia showed that M/S hybrid forms had similar relative frequencies throughout periods of marked seasonal variation in mosquito breeding and abundance. Genome-wide scans with an Affymetrix high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarray enabled replicate comparisons of pools of different molecular forms, in three separate populations. These showed strong differentiation between M and S forms only in the pericentromeric region of the X chromosome that contains the molecular form-specific marker locus, with only a few other loci showing minor differences. In the X chromosome, the M/S hybrid forms were more differentiated from M than from S forms, supporting a hypothesis of asymmetric introgression and backcrossing.  相似文献   

Guenons (tribe Cercopithecini) are the most widely distributed nonhuman primate in the tropical forest belt of Africa and show considerable phenotypic, taxonomic, and ecological diversity. However, genomic information for most species within this group is still lacking. Here, we present a high-quality de novo genome (total 2.90 Gb, contig N50 equal to 22.7 Mb) of the mona monkey (Cercopithecus mona), together with genome resequencing data of 13 individuals sampled across Nigeria. Our results showed differentiation between populations from East and West of the Niger River ∼84 ka and potential ancient introgression in the East population from other mona group species. The PTPRK, FRAS1, BNC2, and EDN3 genes related to pigmentation displayed signals of introgression in the East population. Genomic scans suggest that immunity genes such as AKT3 and IL13 (possibly involved in simian immunodeficiency virus defense), and G6PD, a gene involved in malaria resistance, are under positive natural selection. Our study gives insights into differentiation, natural selection, and introgression in guenons.  相似文献   

Speciation is the process by which reproductively isolated lineages arise, and is one of the fundamental means by which the diversity of life increases. Whereas numerous studies have documented an association between ecological divergence and reproductive isolation, relatively little is known about the role of natural selection in genome divergence during the process of speciation. Here, we use genome-wide DNA sequences and Bayesian models to test the hypothesis that loci under divergent selection between two butterfly species (Lycaeides idas and L. melissa) also affect fitness in an admixed population. Locus-specific measures of genetic differentiation between L. idas and L. melissa and genomic introgression in hybrids varied across the genome. The most differentiated genetic regions were characterized by elevated L. idas ancestry in the admixed population, which occurs in L. idas-like habitat, consistent with the hypothesis that local adaptation contributes to speciation. Moreover, locus-specific measures of genetic differentiation (a metric of divergent selection) were positively associated with extreme genomic introgression (a metric of hybrid fitness). Interestingly, concordance of differentiation and introgression was only partial. We discuss multiple, complementary explanations for this partial concordance.  相似文献   

Sympatric speciation illustrates how natural and sexual selection may create new species in isolation without geographic barriers. However, recent genomic reanalyses of classic examples of sympatric speciation reveal complex histories of secondary gene flow from outgroups into the radiation. In contrast, the rich theoretical literature on this process distinguishes among a diverse range of models based on simple genetic histories and different types of reproductive isolating barriers. Thus, there is a need to revisit how to connect theoretical models of sympatric speciation and their predictions to empirical case studies in the face of widespread gene flow. Here, theoretical differences among different types of sympatric speciation and speciation‐with‐gene‐flow models are reviewed and summarized, and genomic analyses are proposed for distinguishing which models apply to case studies based on the timing and function of adaptive introgression. Investigating whether secondary gene flow contributed to reproductive isolation is necessary to test whether predictions of theory are ultimately borne out in nature.  相似文献   

Although polyploidy is widespread, its significance to the generation of biodiversity remains unclear. Many polyploids have been derived recurrently. For a particular polyploid, gene‐flow between the products of independent origin is typical where they come into contact. Here, we use AFLP DNA‐fingerprinting and chloroplast DNA sequences to demonstrate parallel polyploid speciation within both of the ferns Asplenium cimmeriorum and A. gracillimum. Both of these taxa comprise at least two allopolyploids, recurrently derived from the same progenitor pair. Each of these allopolyploids remain genetically distinguishable even with extensive sympatry, and could therefore be considered distinct species. To our knowledge, parallel speciation on this scale amongst recurrent polyploids has not been previously reported. With their parallel origins, these ‘evolutionary replicates’ provide an unrivalled opportunity to investigate how the reproductive barriers and ecological differentiation necessary for speciation arise following polyploidy.  相似文献   

The great tit (Parus major) has been considered to be the most typical example of an avian ring species. The terminal taxa of the ring (major and minor sectors) are supposed to be reproductively isolated in a zone of secondary contact in the middle Amur valley, Siberia. Our study combines molecular markers (cytochrome‐b), bioacoustic analyses and morphological characters to judge the ring species status of the great tit complex. Despite a notable percentage of intermediately coloured birds in the mixed population of middle Amur, a lack of mitochondrial introgression between the major and minor sectors and a small number of true hybrids among voucher specimens from this area suggest at least a partial reproductive barrier between both sectors. In contrast, variation of morphological and especially acoustic characters along the ring‐shaped area and the phylogenetic structure of the P. major group do not match the ring species concept. Bioacoustic and molecular data (cytochrome‐b sequences) reveal two large and closely related subspecies blocks, the sectors major and bokharensis in the Western Palaearctic and central Asia, and the sectors minor and cinereus in the Eastern Palaearctic and South‐east Asia, respectively. The two western sectors diverged only recently (0.5 Mya) and they were separated from the eastern group by Pleistocene events about 1.5 Mya. Songs from allopatric regions of the two subspecies blocks differ distinctly in frequency parameters and element composition. In the area of secondary contact, males of all phenotypes share the same frequency range of song, close to the range of the typical minor song. Hybrids and major males sing mixed repertoires of typical major and minor strophe types as well as mixed strophes. In contrast, phenotypic minor males display only pure minor strophes. Differences in mate choice and mating success based on repertoire size are believed to uphold the reproductive barrier between major and minor birds in the area of sympatry. Taxonomic consequences suggest three separate species in the Parus major complex: Parus major s.s. (including the very closely related bokharensis sector), Parus minor and Parus cinereus. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 86 , 153–174.  相似文献   

Whether chromosomal rearrangements promote speciation by providing barriers to gene exchange between populations is one of the long-standing debates in evolutionary biology. This question can be addressed by studying patterns of gene flow and selection in hybrid zones between chromosomally diverse taxa. Here we present results of the first study of the genetic structure of a hybrid zone between chromosomal races of morabine grasshoppers Vandiemenella viatica , P24(XY) and viatica 17, on Kangaroo Island, Australia. Chromosomal and 11 nuclear markers revealed a narrow hybrid zone with strong linkage disequilibrium and heterozygote deficits, most likely maintained by a balance between dispersal and selection. Widths and positions of clines for these markers are concordant and coincident, suggesting that selection is unlikely to be concentrated on a few chromosomes. In contrast, a mitochondrial marker showed a significantly wider cline with centre offset toward the P24(XY) side. We argue that the discordance between the mitochondrial and nuclear/chromosomal clines and overall asymmetry of the clines suggest a secondary origin of the contact zone and potential movement of the zone after contact. Genome-wide scans using many genetic markers and chromosomal mapping of these markers are needed to investigate whether chromosomal differences directly reduce gene flow after secondary contact.  相似文献   

The incidence of introgression during the diversification process and the timespan following divergence when introgression is possible are poorly understood in the neotropics where high species richness could provide extensive opportunities for genetic exchange. We used thousands of genome-wide SNPs to infer phylogenetic relationships, calculate ages of splitting, and to estimate the timing of introgression in a widespread avian neotropical genus of woodcreepers. Five distinct introgression events were reconstructed involving taxa classified both as subspecies and species including lineages descending from the basal–most split, dated to 7.3 million years ago. Introgression occurred between just a few hundred thousand to about 2.5 million years following divergence, suggesting substantial portions of the genome are capable of introgressing across taxa boundaries during a protracted time window of a few million years following divergence. Despite this protracted time window, we found that the proportion of the genome introgressing (6–11%) declines with the time of introgression following divergence, suggesting that the genome becomes progressively more immune to introgression as reproductive isolation increases.  相似文献   

When two species are incompletely isolated, strengthening premating isolation barriers in response to the production of low fitness hybrids may complete the speciation process. Here, we use the sister species Drosophila subquinaria and Drosophila recens to study the conditions under which this reinforcement of species boundaries occurs in natural populations. We first extend the region of known sympatry between these species, and then we conduct a fine‐scale geographic survey of mate discrimination coupled with estimates of gene flow within and admixture between species. Within D. subquinaria, reinforcement is extremely effective: we find variation in mate discrimination both against D. recens males and against conspecific allopatric males on the scale of a few kilometres and in the face of gene flow both from conspecific populations and introgression from D. recens. In D. recens, we do not find evidence for increased mate discrimination in sympatry, even where D. recens is rare, consistent with substantial gene flow throughout the species’ range. Finally, we find that introgression between species is asymmetric, with more from D. recens into D. subquinaria than vice versa. Within each species, admixture is highest in the geographic region where it is rare relative to the other species, suggesting that when hybrids are produced they are of low fitness. In sum, reinforcement within D. subquinaria is effective at maintaining species boundaries, but even when reinforcing selection is strong it may not always result in a pattern of strong reproductive character displacement due to variation in the frequency of hybridization and gene flow from neighbouring populations.  相似文献   

Altitudinal gradients are characterized by steep changes of the physical and biotic environment that present challenges to plant adaptation throughout large parts of the world. Hybrid zones may form where related species inhabit different neighbouring altitudes and can facilitate interspecific gene flow and potentially the breakdown of species barriers. Studies of such hybrid zones can reveal much about the genetic basis of adaptation to environmental differences stemming from changes in altitude and the maintenance of species divergence in the face of gene flow. Furthermore, owing to recombination and transgressive effects, such hybrid zones can be sources of evolutionary novelty. We document plant hybrid zones associated with altitudinal gradients and emphasize similarities and differences in their structure. We then focus on recent studies of a hybrid zone between two Senecio species that occur at high and low altitude on Mount Etna, Sicily, showing how adaptation to local environments and intrinsic selection against hybrids act to maintain it. Finally, we consider the potential of altitudinal hybrid zones for generating evolutionary novelty through adaptive introgression and hybrid speciation. Examples of homoploid hybrid species of Senecio and Pinus that originated from altitudinal hybrid zones are discussed.  相似文献   

How early stages of speciation in free-spawning marine invertebrates proceed is poorly understood. The Western Pacific abalones, Haliotis discus, H. madaka, and H. gigantea, occur in sympatry with shared breeding season and are capable of producing viable F1 hybrids in spite of being ecologically differentiated. Population genomic analyses revealed that although the three species are genetically distinct, there is evidence for historical and ongoing gene flow among these species. Evidence from demographic modeling suggests that reproductive isolation among the three species started to build in allopatry and has proceeded with gene flow, possibly driven by ecological selection. We identified 27 differentiation islands between the closely related H. discus and H. madaka characterized by high FST and dA, but not high dXY values, as well as high genetic diversity in one H. madaka population. These genomic signatures suggest differentiation driven by recent ecological divergent selection in presence of gene flow outside of the genomic islands of differentiation. The differentiation islands showed low polymorphism in H. gigantea, and both high FST, dXY, and dA values between H. discus and H. gigantea, as well as between H. madaka and H. gigantea. Collectively, the Western Pacific abalones appear to occupy the early stages speciation continuum, and the differentiation islands associated with ecological divergence among the abalones do not appear to have acted as barrier loci to gene flow in the younger divergences but appear to do so in older divergences.  相似文献   

The role of among-species gene flow in eukaryotic evolution remains controversial. Putative hybrid lineages are common in water fleas, but their ecological success is often associated with polyploidy and the production of asexual propagules. Advanced hybrid lineages with sexual propagules are expected to be geographically restricted because their successful dispersal is contingent on overcoming fertility complications, assimilation by parent taxa, and competition with parent taxa. Here we provide evidence that a diploid lineage of Daphnia has been formed by introgression between distantly related species and attained a broad distribution (Nearctic) despite its requirement for sexual propagules. The evidence is based on geographical discordance, phylogenetic discordance, recombinant genotypes and additive genotypes of the nuclear internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS) and mitochondrial DNA. Additive genotypes also provided evidence of hybridization between introduced European Daphnia and North American Daphnia. We argue that the unique biology of Holarctic lacustrine water fleas and the spatial separation of lineages during Pleistocene glaciation have promoted hybridization and its evolutionary consequences.  相似文献   

Summary A diverse group of theoretical and empirical studies are integrated into a composite model of sympatric speciation via habitat specialization. It is shown that disruptive selection on a continuous distribution of habitat preference can lead to the evolution of prezygotic reproductive isolation as a correlated character. The form of selection eliminates the major theoretical objections to the process of sympatric speciation. The principal difference between this model and the allopatric model of speciation is that the initial barrier to gene flow between subpopulations is produced by the evolution of gaps in the phenotypic distribution of spatial/temporal habitat use, rather than an extrinsic geographical barrier.  相似文献   

Abstract Beginning with E. Mayr's study in 1954, tropical sea urchins have played an important role in studies of speciation in the sea, but what are the processes of cladogenesis and divergence that give rise to new species in this group? We attempt to answer this question in the genus Lytechinus. Unlike the majority of other tropical sea urchin genera, which have circumtropical distributions, Lytechinus is mostly confined to the tropics and subtropics of the New World. We sequenced a region of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and the entire molecule of nuclear bindin (a sperm gamete recognition protein) of nearly all species in the genus, and we assayed isozymes of three partially sympatric closely related species and subspecies. We found that in both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and in bindin the genus Lytechinus is paraphyletic, encompassing Sphaerechinus granularis as the sister species of L. euerces. The rest of the species are arranged in an Atlantic clade composed of L. williamsi and L. variegatus, and a Pacific clade containing L. anamesus, L. pictus, L. semituberculatus, and L. panamensis. Divergence between these clades suggests that they were separated no later than the closure of the Isthmus of Panama, and possibly before this time. Our data confirm that L. anamesus and L. pictus from California are a single species, and provide no evidence of differentiation between L. variegatus variegatus from the Caribbean and L. variegatus atlanticus from Bermuda. Lytechinus variegatus variegatus mtDNA is distinct from that of L. variegatus carolinus from the North American seaboard and the Gulf of Mexico, whereas their bindins are very similar. However, there is clear evidence of introgression of mtDNA between the two subspecies and they share alleles in all sampled isozyme loci. Lytechinus williamsi from the Caribbean shares mtDNA haplotypes with L. variegatus variegatus, and they also share isozymes in all assayed loci. Their bindin, however, is distinct and coalesces within each morphospecies. A private clade of mtDNA in L. williamsi may be indicative of former differentiation in the process of being swamped by introgression, or of recent speciation. Recent sudden expansions in effective population size may explain the predominance of a few mitochondrial haplotypes common to the two species. Despite the high divergence of bindin (relative to differentiation of mtDNA) between L. variegatus and L. williamsi, comparison of amino acid replacement to silent substitutions by various methods uncovered no evidence for positive selection on the bindin of any clade of Lytechinus. With the possible exception of L. williamsi and L. variegatus, our results are consistent with a history of allopatric speciation in Lytechinus. The molecular results from Lytechinus, along with those of other similar studies of sea urchins, suggest that the general speciation patterns deduced in the middle of last century by Mayr from morphology and geography have held up, but also have uncovered peculiarities in the evolution of each genus.  相似文献   

Along with manipulating habitat, the direct release of domesticated individuals into the wild is a practice used worldwide to augment wildlife populations. We test between possible outcomes of human‐mediated secondary contact using genomic techniques at both historical and contemporary timescales for two iconic duck species. First, we sequence several thousand ddRAD‐seq loci for contemporary mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) throughout North America and two domestic mallard types (i.e., known game‐farm mallards and feral Khaki Campbell's). We show that North American mallards may well be becoming a hybrid swarm due to interbreeding with domesticated game‐farm mallards released for hunting. Next, to attain a historical perspective, we applied a bait‐capture array targeting thousands of loci in century‐old (1842–1915) and contemporary (2009–2010) mallard and American black duck (Anas rubripes) specimens. We conclude that American black ducks and mallards have always been closely related, with a divergence time of ~600,000 years before present, and likely evolved through prolonged isolation followed by limited bouts of gene flow (i.e., secondary contact). They continue to maintain genetic separation, a finding that overturns decades of prior research and speculation suggesting the genetic extinction of the American black duck due to contemporary interbreeding with mallards. Thus, despite having high rates of hybridization, actual gene flow is limited between mallards and American black ducks. Conversely, our historical and contemporary data confirm that the intensive stocking of game‐farm mallards during the last ~100 years has fundamentally changed the genetic integrity of North America's wild mallard population, especially in the east. It thus becomes of great interest to ask whether the iconic North American mallard is declining in the wild due to introgression of maladaptive traits from domesticated forms. Moreover, we hypothesize that differential gene flow from domestic game‐farm mallards into the wild mallard population may explain the overall temporal increase in differentiation between wild black ducks and mallards, as well as the uncoupling of genetic diversity and effective population size estimates across time in our results. Finally, our findings highlight how genomic methods can recover complex population histories by capturing DNA preserved in traditional museum specimens.  相似文献   

Clonal reproduction in vertebrates can always be traced back to hybridization events as all known unisexual vertebrates are hybrids between recognized species or genetically defined races. Interestingly, clonal vertebrates often also rely on interspecific matings for their reproduction because gynogenesis (sperm-dependent parthenogenesis) and hybridogenesis are common modes of propagation. While in most cases these hybridization events leave no hereditary traces in the offspring, occasionally the genome exclusion mechanism fails and either small parts of male genetic material remain inside the oocyte in the form of microchromosomes, or fusion of the sperm nucleus with the oocyte nucleus leads to polyploid individuals. In this review, we highlight the important role of hybridization for the origin and evolution of a unisexual hybrid: the Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa.  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridization, i.e. hybridization with backcrossing, can lead to the fusion of two species, but it can also lead to evolution of a new trajectory through an enhancement of genetic variation in a new or changed ecological environment. On Daphne Major Island in the Galápagos archipelago, ~1–2% of Geospiza fortis finches breed with the resident G. scandens and with the rare immigrant species G. fuliginosa in each breeding season. Previous research has demonstrated morphological convergence of G. fortis and G. scandens over a 30‐year period as a result of bidirectional introgression. Here we examine the role of hybridization with G. fuliginosa in the evolutionary trajectory of G. fortis. Geospiza fuliginosa (~12 g) is smaller and has a more pointed beak than G. fortis (~17 g). Genetic variation of the G. fortis population was increased by receiving genes more frequently from G. fuliginosa than from G. scandens (~21 g). A severe drought in 2003–2005 resulted in heavy and selective mortality of G. fortis with large beaks, and they became almost indistinguishable morphologically from G. fuliginosa. This was followed by continuing hybridization, a further decrease in beak size and a potential morphological fusion of the two species under entirely natural conditions.  相似文献   

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