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The rate of ribosome biogenesis, which is downregulated in terminally differentiated cells and upregulated in most cancers, regulates the growth rate and is linked to the cell's proliferative potential. The U3 box C/D small nucleolar RNP (snoRNP) is an integral component of the small subunit (SSU) processome and is essential for 18S rRNA processing. We show that U3 snoRNP assembly, and therefore U3 snoRNA accumulation, is regulated through the U3-specific protein hU3-55K. Furthermore, we report that the levels of several SSU processome components, including the U3 snoRNA but not other box C/D snoRNAs, are specifically downregulated during human lung (CaCo-2) and colon (CaLu-3) epithelial cell differentiation. c-Myc is reported to play an integral role in regulating ribosome production by controlling the expression of many ribosome biogenesis factors. Our data, however, indicate that this regulation is not dependent on c-Myc since the level of this protein does not change during epithelial cell differentiation. In addition, depletion of c-Myc had only a mild affect on the levels of SSU processome proteins. CaCo-2 cells are colon adenocarcinoma epithelial cells that are believed to revert to their precancerous state during differentiation. This suggests a significant increase in the levels of specific SSU processome components during tumorogenesis.  相似文献   

The 15.5K protein directly binds to the 5' stem-loop of the U4 small nuclear RNA, the small nucleolar (sno) RNA box C/D motif, and the U3 snoRNA-specific box B/C motif. The box B/C motif has also been shown to be essential for the association of the U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein-specific protein hU3-55K. We therefore set out to determine how 15.5K and hU3-55K recognize the box B/C motif. By using an in vitro assembly assay, we show that hU3-55K effectively binds a sub-fragment of the U3 snoRNA surrounding the B/C motif that we have named the U3BC RNA. The association of hU3-55K with the U3BC RNA is dependent on the binding of 15.5K to the box B/C motif. The association of hU3-55K with the U3BC RNA was found to be also dependent on a conserved RNA structure that flanks the box B/C motif. Furthermore, we show that hU3-55K, a WD 40 repeat containing protein, directly cross-links to the U3BC RNA. Our data support a new structural model of the box B/C region of the U3 snoRNA in which the box B/C motif is base-paired to form a structure highly similar to that of both the U4 5' stem-loop and the box C/D motif.  相似文献   

Fibrillarin binds directly and specifically to U16 box C/D snoRNA   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Eukaryotic nucleoli contain a large family of box C/D small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complexes (snoRNPs) that are involved in processing and site-specific methylation of pre-rRNA. Several proteins have been reported to be common factors of box C/D snoRNPs in lower and higher eukaryotes; nevertheless none of them has been clearly shown to directly interact with RNA. We previously identified in Xenopus laevis, by means of UV crosslinking in vivo, two proteins associated with box C/D snoRNAs, fibrillarin and p68. Here we show that fibrillarin interacts directly and specifically with the U16 box C/D snoRNA in a X. laevis oocyte nuclear extract and that it does not require p68 for binding. Specific binding is also obtained with a recombinant fibrillarin demonstrating that the protein is able to bind directly and specifically to U16 snoRNA by itself.  相似文献   

利用已报道的黑腹果蝇U83基因搜索果蝇基因数据库,鉴定了10种新的果蝇科U83同源基因,它们均位于相应物种核蛋白基因rpl3的内含子中。以冈比亚按蚊为外类群,对11种果蝇的U83核苷酸序列作进化关系分析,用邻接法重建了系统发生树,结果与传统方法构建的系统发生树相比,能反映果蝇科的大致进化关系,但还存在部分差别。为增加序列信息,把序列长度拓展至整个U83所在的内含子,同法构建系统发生树,结果与传统系统发生树几乎完全一致。该研究是用boxC/D snoRNA基因序列构建系统发生树的首次尝试,实验结果证明U83可以很好地用于构建果蝇科内各物种的种系发生树。  相似文献   

The kinetochore checkpoint pathway, involving the Mad1, Mad2, Mad3, Bub1, Bub3 and Mps1 proteins, prevents anaphase entry and mitotic exit by inhibiting the anaphase promoting complex activator Cdc20 in response to monopolar attachment of sister kinetochores to spindle fibres. We show here that Cdc20, which had previously been shown to interact physically with Mad2 and Mad3, associates also with Bub3 and association is up-regulated upon checkpoint activation. Moreover, co-fractionation experiments suggest that Mad2, Mad3 and Bub3 may be concomitantly present in protein complexes with Cdc20. Formation of the Bub3-Cdc20 complex requires all kinetochore checkpoint proteins but, surprisingly, not intact kinetochores. Conversely, point mutations altering the conserved WD40 motifs of Bub3, which might be involved in the formation of a beta-propeller fold devoted to protein-protein interactions, disrupt its association with Mad2, Mad3 and Cdc20, as well as proper checkpoint response. We suggest that Bub3 could serve as a platform for interactions between kinetochore checkpoint proteins, and its association with Mad2, Mad3 and Cdc20 might be instrumental for checkpoint activation.  相似文献   

U3 snoRNP, the most abundant of the small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein particles (snoRNPs), has previously been demonstrated to participate in pre-rRNA maturation. Here we report the purification of U3 snoRNP from CHO cells using anti-m3G-immunoaffinity and mono Q anion-exchange chromatography. Isolated U3 snoRNPs contain three novel proteins, of 15, 50 and 55 kDa respectively. These proteins may represent core U3 snoRNP proteins whose binding mediates the association of other proteins, such as fibrillarin, that are lost during purification. Using a rabbit antiserum raised against the 55 kDa protein, and an in vitro reconstitution assay, we have localised the 55 kDa protein binding site on the U3 snoRNA. Stable binding of the 55 kDa protein requires sequences located between nucleotides 97 and 204 of the human U3 snoRNA, including the evolutionarily conserved B and C sequence motifs.  相似文献   

The initiator protein of the plasmid pPS10, RepA, has a putative helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif at its C-terminal end. RepA dimers bind to an inverted repeat at the repA promoter (repAP) to autoregulate RepA synthesis. [D. García de Viedma, et al. (1996) EMBO J. in press]. RepA monomers bind to four direct repeats at the origin of replication (oriV) to initiate pPS10 replication This report shows that randomly generated mutations in RepA, associated with defficiencies in autoregulation, map either at the putative HTH motif or in its vicinity. These mutant proteins do not promote pPS10 replication and are severely affected in binding to both the repAP and oriV regions in vitro. Revertants of a mutant that map in the vicinity of the HTH motif have been obtained and correspond to a second amino acid substitution far upstream of the motif. However, reversion of mutants that map in the helices of the motif occurs less frequently, at least by an order of magnitude. All these data indicate that the helices of the HTH motif play an essential role in specific RepA-DNA interactions, although additional regions also seem to be involved in DNA binding activity. Some mutations have slightly different effects in replication and autoregulation, suggesting that the role of the HTH motif in the interaction of RepA dimers or monomers with their respective DNA targets (IR or DR) is not the same.  相似文献   

The 5' stem-loop of the U4 snRNA and the box C/D motif of the box C/D snoRNAs can both be folded into a similar stem-internal loop-stem structure that binds the 15.5K protein. The homologous proteins NOP56 and NOP58 and 61K (hPrp31) associate with the box C/D snoRNPs and the U4/U6 snRNP, respectively. This raises the intriguing question of how the two homologous RNP complexes specifically assemble onto similar RNAs. Here we investigate the requirements for the specific binding of the individual snoRNP proteins to the U14 box C/D snoRNPs in vitro. This revealed that the binding of 15.5K to the box C/D motif is essential for the association of the remaining snoRNP-associated proteins, namely, NOP56, NOP58, fibrillarin, and the nucleoplasmic proteins TIP48 and TIP49. Stem II of the box C/D motif, in contrast to the U4 5' stem-loop, is highly conserved, and we show that this sequence is responsible for the binding of NOP56, NOP58, fibrillarin, TIP48, and TIP49, but not of 15.5K, to the snoRNA. Indeed, the sequence of stem II was essential for nucleolar localization of U14 snoRNA microinjected into HeLa cells. Thus, the conserved sequence of stem II determines the specific assembly of the box C/D snoRNP.  相似文献   

Ho CM  Hotta T  Guo F  Roberson RW  Lee YR  Liu B 《The Plant cell》2011,23(8):2909-2923
In plant cells, microtubules (MTs) in the cytokinetic apparatus phragmoplast exhibit an antiparallel array and transport Golgi-derived vesicles toward MT plus ends located at or near the division site. By transmission electron microscopy, we observed that certain antiparallel phragmoplast MTs overlapped and were bridged by electron-dense materials in Arabidopsis thaliana. Robust MT polymerization, reported by fluorescently tagged End Binding1c (EB1c), took place in the phragmoplast midline. The engagement of antiparallel MTs in the central spindle and phragmoplast was largely abolished in mutant cells lacking the MT-associated protein, MAP65-3. We found that endogenous MAP65-3 was selectively detected on the middle segments of the central spindle MTs at late anaphase. When MTs exhibited a bipolar appearance with their plus ends placed in the middle, MAP65-3 exclusively decorated the phragmoplast midline. A bacterially expressed MAP65-3 protein was able to establish the interdigitation of MTs in vitro. MAP65-3 interacted with antiparallel microtubules before motor Kinesin-12 did during the establishment of the phragmoplast MT array. Thus, MAP65-3 selectively cross-linked interdigitating MTs (IMTs) to allow antiparallel MTs to be closely engaged in the phragmoplast. Although the presence of IMTs was not essential for vesicle trafficking, they were required for the phragmoplast-specific motors Kinesin-12 and Phragmoplast-Associated Kinesin-Related Protein2 to interact with MT plus ends. In conclusion, we suggest that the phragmoplast contains IMTs and highly dynamic noninterdigitating MTs, which work in concert to bring about cytokinesis in plant cells.  相似文献   

The U3 snoRNA is required for 18S rRNA processing and small subunit ribosome formation in eukaryotes. Different from other box C/D snoRNAs, U3 contains an extra 5′ domain that pairs with pre-rRNA and a unique B/C motif essential for recruitment of the U3-specific Rrp9 protein. Here, we analyze the structure and function of Rrp9 with crystallographic, biochemical, and cellular approaches. Rrp9 is composed of a WD repeat domain and an N-terminal region. The crystal structures of the WD domain of yeast Rrp9 and its human ortholog U3-55K were determined, revealing a typical seven-bladed propeller fold. Several conserved surface patches on the WD domain were identified, and their function in RNP assembly and yeast growth were analyzed by mutagenesis. Prior association of Snu13 with the B/C motif was found to enhance the specific binding of the WD domain. We show that a conserved 7bc loop is crucial for specific recognition of U3, nucleolar localization of Rrp9, and yeast growth. In addition, we show that the N-terminal region of Rrp9 contains a bipartite nuclear localization signal that is dispensable for nucleolar localization. Our results provide insight into the functional sites of Rrp9.  相似文献   

The fundamental mechanisms of mitosis are conserved throughout evolution in eukaryotes, including ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of cell cycle regulators by the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome. The spindle checkpoint protein Cdc20 activates the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome in a substrate-specific manner. It is present in the cytoplasm and concentrated in the centrosomes throughout the cell cycle, accumulates at the kinetochores in metaphase, and is no longer detected following anaphase. However, it is unknown whether Cdc20 has the same activities and distribution during meiosis in male germ cells. We found that in mice, Cdc20 accumulates in the cytoplasm of pachytene spermatocytes during meiosis I, is distributed throughout spermatocytes undergoing meiotic division, and is present in the cytoplasm of postmeiotic spermatids. Several proteins bind to and regulate the function of Cdc20 during mitosis. We identified speriolin and determined that it is a novel spermatogenic cell-specific Cdc20-binding protein, is present in the cytoplasm, and is concentrated at the centrosomes of spermatocytes and spermatids and that a leucine zipper domain is required to target speriolin to the centrosome. The seven tandem WD motifs of Cdc20 probably fold into a seven-blade beta-propeller structure, and we determined that they are required for speriolin binding and for localization of Cdc20 to the centrosomes and nucleus, suggesting that speriolin might regulate or stabilize the folding of Cdc20 during meiosis in spermatogenic cells.  相似文献   

Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 2 (HIPK2) is a member of the nuclear protein kinase family, which induces both p53- and CtBP-mediated apoptosis. Levels of HIPK2 were increased by UV irradiation and cisplatin treatment, thereby implying the degradation of HIPK2 in cells under normal conditions. Here, we indicate that HIPK2 is ubiquitinated and degraded by the WD40-repeat/SOCS box protein WSB-1, a process that is blocked under DNA damage conditions. Yeast two-hybrid screening was conducted to identify the proteins that interact with HIPK2. WSB-1, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, was characterized as an HIPK2-interacting protein. The coexpression of WSB-1 resulted in the degradation of HIPK2 via its C-terminal region. Domain analysis of WSB-1 showed that WD40-repeats and the SOCS box were required for its interaction with and degradation of HIPK2, respectively. In support of the degradation of HIPK2 by WSB-1, HIPK2 was polyubiquitinated by WSB-1 in vitro and in vivo. The knockdown of endogenous WSB-1 with the expression of short hairpin RNA against WSB-1 increases the stability of endogenous HIPK2 and resulted in the accumulation of HIPK2. The ubiquitination and degradation of HIPK2 by WSB-1 was inhibited completely via the administration of DNA damage reagents, including Adriamycin and cisplatin. These findings effectively illustrate the regulatory mechanisms by which HIPK2 is maintained at a low level, by WSB-1 in cells under normal conditions, and stabilized by genotoxic stresses.  相似文献   

The U3 snoRNA coding sequences from the genomic DNAs of Kluyveromyces delphensis and four variants of the Kluyveromyces marxianus species were cloned by PCR amplification. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the amplification products revealed a unique U3 snoRNA gene sequence in all the strains studied, except for K. marxianus var. fragilis. The K. marxianus U3 genes were intronless, whereas an intron similar to those of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae U3 genes was found in K. delphensis. Hence, U3 genes with and without intron are found in yeasts of the Saccharomycetoideae subfamily. The secondary structure of the K. delphensis pre-U3 snoRNA and of the K. marxianus mature snoRNAs were studied experimentally. They revealed a strong conservation in yeasts of (1) the architecture of U3 snoRNA introns, (2) the 5'-terminal domain of the mature snoRNA, and (3) the protein-anchoring regions of the U3 snoRNA 3' domain. In contrast, stem-loop structures 2, 3, and 4 of the 3' domain showed great variations in size, sequence, and structure. Using a genetic test, we show that, in spite of these variations, the Kluyveromyces U3 snoRNAs are functional in S. cerevisiae. We also show that S. cerevisiae U3A snoRNAs lacking the stem-loop structure 2 or 4 are functional. Hence, U3 snoRNA function can accommodate great variations of the RNA 3'-terminal domain.  相似文献   

Regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) constitute a family of proteins with a conserved RGS domain of approximately 120 amino acids that accelerate the intrinsic GTP hydrolysis of activated Galpha(i) and Galpha(q) subunits. The phosphorylation-dependent interaction of 14-3-3 proteins with a subset of RGS proteins inhibits their GTPase-accelerating activity in vitro. The inhibitory interaction between 14-3-3 and RGS7 requires phosphorylation of serine 434 of RGS7. We now show that phosphorylation of serine 434 is dynamically regulated by TNF-alpha. Cellular stimulation by TNF-alpha transiently decreased the phosphorylation of serine 434 of RGS7, abrogating the inhibitory interaction with 14-3-3. We examined the effect of 14-3-3 on RGS-mediated deactivation kinetics of G protein-coupled inwardly rectifying K(+) channels (GIRKs) in Xenopus oocytes. 14-3-3 inhibited the function of wild-type RGS7, but not that of either RSG7(P436R) or RGS4, two proteins that do not bind 14-3-3. Our findings are the first evidence that extracellular signals can modulate the activity of RGS proteins by regulating their interaction with 14-3-3.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic nucleoli contain a large family of box C+D small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) species, all of which are associated with a common protein Nop1p/fibrillarin. Nop58p was identified in a screen for synthetic lethality with Nop1p and shown to be an essential nucleolar protein. Here we report that a Protein A-tagged version of Nop58p coprecipitates all tested box C+D snoRNAs and that genetic depletion of Nop58p leads to the loss of all tested box C+D snoRNAs. The box H+ACA class of snoRNAs are not coprecipitated with Nop58p, and are not codepleted. The yeast box C+D snoRNAs include two species, U3 and U14, that are required for the early cleavages in pre-rRNA processing. Consistent with this, Nop58p depletion leads to a strong inhibition of pre-rRNA processing and 18S rRNA synthesis. Unexpectedly, depletion of Nop58p leads to the accumulation of 3' extended forms of U3 and U24, showing that the protein is also involved in snoRNA synthesis. Nop58p is the second common component of the box C+D snoRNPs to be identified and the first to be shown to be required for the stability and for the synthesis of these snoRNAs.  相似文献   

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