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Some of the most deadly bacterial diseases, including leprosy, anthrax and plague, are caused by bacterial lineages with extremely low levels of genetic diversity, the so-called 'genetically monomorphic bacteria'. It has only become possible to analyse the population genetics of such bacteria since the recent advent of high-throughput comparative genomics. The genomes of genetically monomorphic lineages contain very few polymorphic sites, which often reflect unambiguous clonal genealogies. Some genetically monomorphic lineages have evolved in the last decades, e.g. antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, whereas others have evolved over several millennia, e.g. the cause of plague, Yersinia pestis. Based on recent results, it is now possible to reconstruct the sources and the history of pandemic waves of plague by a combined analysis of phylogeographic signals in Y. pestis plus polymorphisms found in ancient DNA. Different from historical accounts based exclusively on human disease, Y. pestis evolved in China, or the vicinity, and has spread globally on multiple occasions. These routes of transmission can be reconstructed from the genealogy, most precisely for the most recent pandemic that was spread from Hong Kong in multiple independent waves in 1894.  相似文献   

Genomic sequencing of bacterial pathogens has recently moved from the study of distantly related organisms to within-species comparisons of multiple strains. Strains often differ in their ability to cause disease, and comparative genomics is uncovering novel virulence determinants, hidden aspects of pathogenesis, and new targets for vaccine development. DNA microarrays and other gene-survey techniques are being used to quantify variability in gene content within bacterial populations, and to reveal the strain-specific basis for diversity and severity of pathology.  相似文献   

Pathoadaptive mutations: gene loss and variation in bacterial pathogens.   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Pathogenicity-adaptive, or pathoadaptive, mutations represent a genetic mechanism for enhancing bacterial virulence without horizontal transfer of specific virulence factors. Pathoadaptive evolution can be important within single infections and for defining the population structure of a pathogenic species.  相似文献   

It is becoming apparent that several intracellular bacterial pathogens of humans can also survive within protozoa. This interaction with protozoa may protect these pathogens from harsh conditions in the extracellular environment and enhance their infectivity in mammals. This relationship has been clearly established in the case of the interaction between Legionella pneumophila and its protozoan hosts. In addition, the adaptation of bacterial pathogens to the intracellular life within the primitive eukaryotic protozoa may have provided them with the means to infect the more evolved mammalian cells. This is evident from the existence of several similarities, at both the phenotypic and the molecular levels, between the infection of mammalian and protozoan cells by L. pneumophila . Thus, protozoa appear to play a central role in the transition of bacteria from the environment to mammals. In essence, protozoa may be viewed as a 'biological gym', within which intracellular bacterial pathogens train for their encounters with the more evolved mammalian cells. Thus, intracellular bacterial pathogens have benefited from the structural and biochemical conservation of cellular processes in eukaryotes. The interaction of intracellular bacterial pathogens and protozoa highlights this conservation and may constitute a simplified model for the study of these pathogens and the evolution of cellular processes in eukaryotes. Furthermore, in addition to being environmental reservoirs for known intracellular pathogens of humans and animals, protozoa may be sources of emerging pathogenic bacteria. It is thus critical to re-examine the relationship between bacteria and protozoa to further our understanding of current human bacterial pathogenesis and, possibly, to predict the appearance of emerging pathogens.  相似文献   

Bruneteau M  Minka S 《Biochimie》2003,85(1-2):145-152
This review summarizes the state of knowledge on the composition and structure of the lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from three species of Yersinia known to produce disease in humans: Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. enterocolitica and Y. pestis. We also mention recent data on the genome sequence of Yersinia pestis and the role of LPS in relation to the virulence of this bacteria.  相似文献   

A wealth of new data have become available to the scientific community as a result of the sequencing of many pathogen genomes. A recent meeting devoted to functional genomics of pathogenic microorganisms confirmed the notion that bacterial genomes are not static, because large blocks of genes can be acquired or deleted. Less complex environments usually result in reduction in genome size, while genome expansion is usually associated with environmental change and complexity. During the meeting, pathogenicity and evolutionary aspects were illustrated for enteric pathogens, as well as the microevolution of the plague bacillus Yersinia pestis. New clues for evolution and pathogenicity were derived from comparative genomics of Listeria species. The genomic organization of Bartonellae, an emerging human pathogen, was also discussed in an evolutionary context. Population and functional genomics of Anthrax-causing bacteria highlighted current scientific interest in this potential biothreat.  相似文献   

Taking aim on bacterial pathogens: from phage therapy to enzybiotics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The bactericidal activity of bacteriophages has been used to treat human infections for years as an alternative or a complement to antibiotic therapy. Nowadays, endolysins (phage-encoded enzymes that break down bacterial peptidoglycan at the terminal stage of the phage reproduction cycle) have been used successfully to control antibiotic-resistant pathogenic bacteria in animal models. Their cell wall binding domains target the enzymes to their substrate, and their corresponding catalytic domains are able to cleave bonds in the peptidoglycan network. Recent research has not only revealed the surprising rich structural catalytic diversity of these murein hydrolases but has also yielded insights into their modular organization, their three-dimensional structures, and their mechanism of recognition of bacterial cell wall. These results allow endolysins to be considered as effective antimicrobials with potentially important applications in medicine and biotechnology.  相似文献   

Comparative genomics demonstrated that the chromosomes from bacteria and their viruses (bacteriophages) are coevolving. This process is most evident for bacterial pathogens where the majority contain prophages or phage remnants integrated into the bacterial DNA. Many prophages from bacterial pathogens encode virulence factors. Two situations can be distinguished: Vibrio cholerae, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, and Clostridium botulinum depend on a specific prophage-encoded toxin for causing a specific disease, whereas Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium harbor a multitude of prophages and each phage-encoded virulence or fitness factor makes an incremental contribution to the fitness of the lysogen. These prophages behave like "swarms" of related prophages. Prophage diversification seems to be fueled by the frequent transfer of phage material by recombination with superinfecting phages, resident prophages, or occasional acquisition of other mobile DNA elements or bacterial chromosomal genes. Prophages also contribute to the diversification of the bacterial genome architecture. In many cases, they actually represent a large fraction of the strain-specific DNA sequences. In addition, they can serve as anchoring points for genome inversions. The current review presents the available genomics and biological data on prophages from bacterial pathogens in an evolutionary framework.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, the combinatorial potential of carbohydrates is used for the modulation of protein function. However, despite the wealth of cell wall and surface-associated carbohydrates and glycoconjugates, the accepted dogma has been that prokaryotes are not able to glycosylate proteins. This has now changed and protein glycosylation in prokaryotes is an accepted fact. Intriguingly, in Gram-negative bacteria most glycoproteins are associated with virulence factors of medically significant pathogens. Also, important steps in pathogenesis have been linked to the glycan substitution of surface proteins, indicating that the glycosylation of bacterial proteins might serve specific functions in infection and pathogenesis and interfere with inflammatory immune responses. Therefore, the carbohydrate modifications and glycosylation pathways of bacterial proteins will become new targets for therapeutic and prophylactic measures. Here we discuss recent findings on the structure, genetics and function of glycoproteins of medically important bacteria and potential applications of bacterial glycosylation systems for the generation of novel glycoconjugates.  相似文献   

Microbial minimalism: genome reduction in bacterial pathogens   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
Moran NA 《Cell》2002,108(5):583-586
When bacterial lineages make the transition from free-living or facultatively parasitic life cycles to permanent associations with hosts, they undergo a major loss of genes and DNA. Complete genome sequences are providing an understanding of how extreme genome reduction affects evolutionary directions and metabolic capabilities of obligate pathogens and symbionts.  相似文献   

L Goldman 《Biophysical journal》1995,69(6):2369-2377
The time course of Na channel inactivation from closed states was determined on inside-out excised patches from neuroblastoma N1E 115. Closed-state inactivation develops as a single exponential with mean time constants of 66.4 ms at -80 mV, 29.6 ms at -70 mV, 20.1 ms at -60 mV, and 15.1 ms at -50 mV. Corresponding mean steady-state values of the fitted exponentials were 0.321, 0.098, 0.035, and 0. Closed-state inactivation, in general, should develop either with a delay or as more than one exponential, depending on which closed state(s) directly inactivate. The absence of additional components cannot be attributed to a rate of exchange between closed states too rapid to detect. The time course is simply accounted for if all closed states directly inactivate and do so with the same rate constant for each closed state, suggesting that those conformational changes constituting the transitions between closed states have little effect on the structural components involved in inactivation. Closed to inactivated rate constants ranged from a mean of 0.0108 ms-1 at -80 mV to 0.0690 ms-1 at -50 mV. This voltage dependency is entirely intrinsic to closed-state inactivation with closed to inactivated rate constants similar for all closed states. Over the potential range studied nearly all the inactivation is from closed states.  相似文献   

Inhibitory effect of garlic on bacterial pathogens from spices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An unconventional technique for primary screening of bacterial susceptibility to garlic (Allium sativum Linn.), using a slice from its clove, was described. Aqueous extracts of garlic were found to possess a potent bacteriostatic principle against Gram-positive as well as Gram-negative foodborne bacterial pathogens. In agar medium, the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of garlic were 6–10 mg ml–1 for Bacillus cereus, 30–40 mg ml–1 for Staphylococcus aureus (excepting the isolate from garlic, where the MIC was 100 mg ml–1), 20–30 mg ml–1 for Clostridium perfringens, 10 mg ml–1 for Escherichia coli (30 mg ml–1 for the garlic isolate), 40–100 mg ml–1 for Salmonella, and 10–40 mg ml–1 for Shigella. It inhibited the growth of all these strains, which were resistant to some commonly used antibiotics. Most of the tested strains were resistant to penicillins, although sensitive to garlic. While the growth of B. cereus and Cl. perfringens was completely inhibited at 10 and 70 mg garlic, respectively, ml–1 test broth, their respective enterotoxin production ceased at 10 and 50 mg garlic ml–1.  相似文献   

The trehalose biosynthesis pathway has recently received attention for therapeutic intervention combating infectious diseases caused by bacteria, helminths or fungi. Trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase (TPP) is a key enzyme of the most common trehalose biosynthesis pathway and a particularly attractive target owing to the toxicity of accumulated trehalose-6-phosphate in pathogens.Here, we characterised TPP-like proteins from bacterial pathogens implicated in nosocomial infections in terms of their steady-state kinetics as well as pH- and metal-dependency of their enzymatic activity. Analysis of the steady-state kinetics of recombinantly expressed enzymes from Acinetobacter baumannii, Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Pseudomonas stutzeri yielded similar kinetic parameters as those of other reported bacterial TPPs. In contrast to nematode TPPs, the divalent metal ion appears to be bound only weakly in the active site of bacterial TPPs, allowing the exchange of the resident magnesium ion with other metal ions. Enzymatic activity comparable to the wild-type enzyme was observed for the TPP from P. stutzeri with manganese, cobalt and nickel. Analysis of the enzymatic activity of S. maltophilia TPP active site mutants provides evidence for the involvement of four canonical aspartate residues as well as a strictly conserved histidine residue of TPP-like proteins from bacteria in the enzyme mechanism. That histidine residue is a member of an interconnected network of five conserved residues in the active site of bacterial TPPs which likely constitute one or more functional units, directly or indirectly cooperating to enhance different aspects of the catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Ten strains of bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria were isolated from retail cuts of meat. These 10 strains along with 11 other bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria were tested for inhibitory activity against psychotrophic pathogens, including four strains of Listeria monocytogenes, two strains of Aeromonas hydrophila, and two strains of Staphylococcus aureus. Inhibition due to acid, hydrogen peroxide, and lytic bacteriophage were excluded. The proteinaceous nature of the inhibitory substance was confirmed by demonstration of its sensitivity to proteolytic enzymes. Eight of the meat isolates had inhibitory activity against all four L. monocytogenes strains. Bacteriocin activity against L. monocytogenes was found in all of the strains obtained from other sources. Activity against A. hydrophila and S. aureus was also common.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that fish populations are regulated primarily in the juvenile (pre-recruit) phase of the life cycle, although density dependence in growth and reproductive parameters within the recruited phase has been widely reported. Here we present evidence to suggest that density-dependent growth in the recruited phase is a key process in the regulation of many fish populations. We analyse 16 fish populations with long-term records of size-at-age and biomass data, and detect significant density-dependent growth in nine. Among-population comparisons show a close, inverse relationship between the estimated decline in asymptotic length per unit biomass density, and the long-term average biomass density of populations. A simple population model demonstrates that regulation by density-dependent growth alone is sufficient to generate the observed relationship. Density-dependent growth should be accounted for in fisheries' assessments, and the empirical relationship established here can provide indicative estimates of the density-dependent growth parameter where population-specific data are lacking.  相似文献   

A computer search for gene arrangements that are present in Gram-positive bacteria but are absent from Proteobacteria and vice versa was carried out. Four such arrangements were detected, based on which major bacterial phyla were divided into two groups; Thermotoga, Deinococcus-Thermus, Chloroflexi (green non-sulfur bacteria), and Fusobacteria, represent Gram-positive bacterial gene arrangements, while Aquifex, Spirochetes, Planctomycetes, Chlorobi (green sulfur bacteria), Bacteroides show Proteobacterial arrangements. The division is almost consistent with another partition of the major phyla based on the comparison of domain architectures of RNA polymerase subunits and sigma factor, suggesting a fundamental split of the major bacterial phyla at an early stage of bacterial evolution.  相似文献   

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