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The quality of biomolecular dynamics simulations relies critically on the force field that is used to describe the interactions between particles in the system. Force fields, which are generally parameterized using experimental data on small molecules, can only prove themselves in realistic simulations of relevant biomolecular systems. In this work, we begin the validation of the new 53A6 GROMOS parameter set by examining three test cases. Simulations of the well-studied 129 residue protein hen egg-white lysozyme, of the DNA dodecamer d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2, and a proteinogenic 3-dodecapeptide were performed and analysed. It was found that the new parameter set performs as well as the previous parameter sets in terms of protein (45A3) and DNA (45A4) stability and that it is better at describing the folding–unfolding balance of the peptide. The latter is a property that is directly associated with the free enthalpy of hydration, to which the 53A6 parameter set was parameterized.  相似文献   

The present article reports long timescale (200 ns) simulations of four beta-D-hexopyranoses (beta-D-glucose, beta-D-mannose, beta-D-galactose and beta-D-talose) using explicit-solvent (water) molecular dynamics and vacuum stochastic dynamics simulations together with the GROMOS 45A4 force field. Free-energy and solvation free-energy differences between the four compounds are also calculated using thermodynamic integration. Along with previous experimental findings, the present results suggest that the formation of intramolecular hydrogen-bonds in water is an 'opportunistic' consequence of the close proximity of hydrogen-bonding groups, rather than a major conformational driving force promoting this proximity. In particular, the conformational preferences of the hydroxymethyl group in aqueous environment appear to be dominated by 1,3-syn-diaxial repulsion, with gauche and solvation effects being secondary, and intramolecular hydrogen-bonding essentially negligible. The rotational dynamics of the exocyclic hydroxyl groups, which cannot be probed experimentally, is found to be rapid (10-100 ps timescale) and correlated (flip-flop hydrogen-bonds interconverting preferentially through an asynchronous disrotatory pathway). Structured solvent environments are observed between the ring and lactol oxygen atoms, as well as between the 4-OH and hydroxymethyl groups. The calculated stability differences between the four compounds are dominated by intramolecular effects, while the corresponding differences in solvation free energies are small. An inversion of the stereochemistry at either C(2) or C(4) from equatorial to axial is associated with a raise in free energy. Finally, the particularly low hydrophilicity of beta-D-talose appears to be caused by the formation of a high-occurrence hydrogen-bonded bridge between the 1,3-syn-diaxial 2-OH and 4-OH groups. Overall, good agreement is found with available experimental and theoretical data on the structural, dynamical, solvation and energetic properties of these compounds. However, this detailed comparison also reveals some discrepancies, suggesting the need (and providing a solid basis) for further refinement.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations provide a valuable approach to the dynamics, structure, and stability of membrane-protein systems. Coarse-grained (CG) models, in which small groups of atoms are treated as single particles, enable extended (>100 ns) timescales to be addressed. In this study, we explore how CG-MD methods that have been developed for detergents and lipids may be extended to membrane proteins. In particular, CG-MD simulations of a number of membrane peptides and proteins are used to characterize their interactions with lipid bilayers. CG-MD is used to simulate the insertion of synthetic model membrane peptides (WALPs and LS3) into a lipid (PC) bilayer. WALP peptides insert in a transmembrane orientation, whilst the LS3 peptide adopts an interfacial location, both in agreement with experimental biophysical data. This approach is extended to a transmembrane fragment of the Vpu protein from HIV-1, and to the coat protein from fd phage. Again, simulated protein/membrane interactions are in good agreement with solid state NMR data for these proteins. CG-MD has also been applied to an M3-M4 fragment from the CFTR protein. Simulations of CFTR M3-M4 in a detergent micelle reveal formation of an alpha-helical hairpin, consistent with a variety of biophysical data. In an I231D mutant, the M3-M4 hairpin is additionally stabilized via an inter-helix Q207/D231 interaction. Finally, CG-MD simulations are extended to a more complex membrane protein, the bacterial sugar transporter LacY. Comparison of a 200 ns CG-MD simulation of LacY in a DPPC bilayer with a 50 ns atomistic simulation of the same protein in a DMPC bilayer shows that the two methods yield comparable predictions of lipid-protein interactions. Taken together, these results demonstrate the utility of CG-MD simulations for studies of membrane/protein interactions.  相似文献   


The relative performance of molecular dynamics (MD) computer simulations of fluids written in ANSI C is compared to that achieved by a comparable program written in Java. The performance of the Java program is shown to be dependent upon its runtime environment. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) from the Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.2 provides a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler option on Solaris and Windows 95 platforms which decreases the execution time by approximately 4–10× compared to the standard Java interpreter. The compiled Java implementation of the MD computer simulation runs between 30–100% slower. depending on the platform, compared to the equivalent C implementation. The stability of the two simulations, as measured by conservation of energy is shown to be identical to within ~ 1% over 105 time steps.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have become a popular and powerful technique to study lipids and membrane proteins. We present some general questions and issues that should be considered prior to embarking on molecular dynamics simulation studies of membrane proteins and review common simulation methods. We suggest a practical approach to setting up and running simulations of membrane proteins, and introduce two new (related) methods to embed a protein in a lipid bilayer. Both methods rely on placing lipids and the protein(s) on a widely spaced grid and then 'shrinking' the grid until the bilayer with the protein has the desired density, with lipids neatly packed around the protein. When starting from a grid based on a single lipid structure, or several potentially different lipid structures (method 1), the bilayer will start well-packed but requires more equilibration. When starting from a pre-equilibrated bilayer, either pure or mixed, most of the structure of the bilayer stays intact, reducing equilibration time (method 2). The main advantages of these methods are that they minimize equilibration time and can be almost completely automated, nearly eliminating one time consuming step in MD simulations of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Biomolecular force fields for use in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of proteins, DNA, or membranes are generally parametrized against ab initio quantum-chemical and experimental data for small molecules. The application of a force field in a simulation of a biomolecular system, such as a protein in solution, may then serve as a test of the quality and transferability of the force field. Here, we compare various properties obtained from two MD simulations of the protein hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) in aqueous solution using the latest version, GROMOS96, of the GROMOS force field and an earlier version, GROMOS87+, with data derived from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments: NOE atom-atom distance bounds, (3)J(HNalpha)-coupling constants, and backbone and side-chain order parameters. The convergence of these quantities over a 2-ns period is considered, and converged values are compared to experimental ones. The GROMOS96 simulation shows better agreement with the NMR data and also with the X-ray crystal structure of HEWL than the GROMOS87+ simulation, which was based on an earlier version of the GROMOS force field.  相似文献   

We apply a newly parameterized central force field to highlight the problem of proton transport in fuel cell membranes and show that central force fields are potential candidates to describe chemical reactions on a classical level. After a short sketch of the parameterization of the force field, we validate the obtained force field for several properties of water. The experimental and simulated radial distribution functions are reproduced very accurately as a consequence of the applied parameterization procedure. Further properties, geometry, coordination, diffusion coefficient and density, are simulated adequately for our purposes. Afterwards we use the new force field for the molecular dynamics simulation of a swollen polyelectrolyte membrane similar to the widespread Nafion 117. We investigate the equilibrated structures, proton transfer, lifetimes of hydronium ions, the diffusion coefficients, and the conductivity in dependence of water content. In a short movie we demonstrate the ability of the obtained force field to describe the bond breaking/formation, and conclude that this force field can be considered as a kind of a reactive force field. The investigations of the lifetimes of hydronium ions give us the information about the kinetics of the proton transfer in a membrane with low water content. We found the evidence for the second order reaction. Finally, we demonstrate that the model is simple enough to handle the large systems sufficient to calculate the conductivity from molecular dynamics simulations. The detailed analysis of the conductivity reveals the importance of the collective moving of hydronium ions in membrane, which might give an interesting encouragement for further development of membranes. Figure: The structure of water in one pore of the highly hydrated Nafion membranes. Figure The structure of water in one of pore of the highly hydrated Nafion membrane Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The cyclic octa-peptide octreotide and its derivatives are used as diagnostics and therapeutics in relation to particular types of cancers. This led to investigations of their conformational properties using spectroscopic, NMR and CD, methods. A CF3-substituted derivative, that was designed to stabilize the dominant octreotide conformer responsible for receptor binding, turned out to have a lower affinity. The obtained spectroscopic data were interpreted as to show an increased flexibility of the CF3 derivative compared to the unsubstituted octreotide, which could then explain the lower affinity.In this article, we use MD simulation without and with time-averaged NOE distance and time-averaged local-elevation 3J-coupling restraining representing experimental NMR data to determine the conformational properties of the different peptides in the different solvents for which experimental data are available, that are compatible with the NOE atom–atom distance bounds and the 3JHNHα-couplings as derived from the NMR measurements. The conformational ensembles show that the CF3 substitution in combination with the change of solvent from water to methanol leads to a decrease in flexibility and a shift in the populations of the dominant conformers that are compatible with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of liquid water were performed at 258K and a density of 1.0?g/cm3 under various applied external electric field, ranging 0~1010?V/m. The influence of external field on structural and dynamical properties of water was investigated. The simple point charge (SPC) model is used for water molecules. An enhancement of the water hydrogen bond structure with increasing strength of the electric field has been deduced from the radial distribution functions and the analysis of hydrogen bonds structure. With increasing field strength, water system has a more perfect structure, which is similar to ice structure. However, the electrofreezing phenomenon of liquid water has not been detected since the self-diffusion coefficient was very large. The self-diffusion coefficient decreases remarkably with increasing strength of electric field and the self-diffusion coefficient is anisotropic.  相似文献   

The human protein interleukin-4 (IL-4) has been simulated at two different pH values 2 and 6, with different amounts of counterions present in the aqueous solution, and with two different force-field parameter sets using molecular dynamics simulation with the aim of validation of force field and simulation set-up by comparison to experimental nuclear magnetic resonance data, such as proton–proton nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) distance bounds, 3 J(HN,HCα) coupling constants and backbone N–H order parameters. Thirteen simulations varying in the length from 3 to 7 ns are compared.

At pH 6 both force-field parameter sets used do largely reproduce the NOE's and order parameters, the GROMOS 45A3 set slightly better than the GROMOS 53A6 set. 3 J values predicted from the simulation agree less well with experimental values. At pH 2 the protein unfolds, unless counterions are explicitly present in the system, but even then the agreement with experiment is worse than at pH 6. When simulating a highly charged protein, such as IL-4 at pH 2, the inclusion of counterions in the simulation seems mandatory.  相似文献   

爆炸冲击波作用到人体胸部时,肺部会出现肺出血及肺水肿等症状,这是人体爆炸创伤的主要原因,深入研究很有必要.为了更好地理解爆炸创伤的机理,应研究冲击波与微观组织作用的力学过程,但具有一定的难度.本文从基本的生物膜做起,运用分子动力学研究冲击波对DPPC膜造成的损伤,通过停止活塞来控制冲击波的冲量,观察冲击过程中膜的恢复情况.通过观察不同冲量下冲击波经过膜后磷脂分子及其周围水分子分布,发现随着冲量增大,膜越来越无序混乱,褶皱更严重,疏水区水分子越来越多.将膜冲击过程划为3个阶段,分别为冲击阶段、恢复阶段和后效阶段.发现当冲量大于153 m Pa·s时,在冲击过程中没有观察到膜的损伤恢复.  相似文献   

The membrane spanning domain (MSD) of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein gp41 is important for fusion and infection. We used molecular dynamics (MD) simulations (3.4 μs total) to relate membrane and peptide properties that lead to water solvation of the α-helical gp41 MSD's midspan arginine in pure dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and in 50/50 DPPC/cholesterol membranes. We find that the midspan arginine is solvated by water that penetrates the inner leaflet, leading to a so-called water defect. The water defect is surprisingly robust across initial conditions and membrane compositions, but the presence of cholesterol modulates its behavior in several key ways. In the cholesterol-containing membranes, fluctuations in membrane thickness and water penetration depth are localized near the midspan arginine, and the MSD helices display a tightly regulated tilt angle. In the cholesterol-free membranes, thickness fluctuations are not as strongly correlated to the peptide position and tilt angles vary significantly depending on protein position relative to boundaries between domains of differing thickness. Cholesterol in an HIV-1 viral membrane is required for infection. Therefore, this work suggests that the colocalized water defect and membrane thickness fluctuations in cholesterol-containing viral membranes play an important role in fusion by bringing the membrane closer to a stability limit that must be crossed for fusion to occur.  相似文献   

Depth-dependent fluorescence quenching by lipid-attached quenchers (e.g., bromine atoms and doxyl groups) is an important tool for determining the penetration of proteins and peptides into lipid bilayers. Extracting quantitative information and accurate calculations of the depth of the fluorophore are complicated by thermal disorder, resulting in broad distributions of the transverse positions of both quenchers and fluorophores. Twenty-one years ago a methodology called distribution analysis (DA) was introduced, based on the emerging view of the complexity of the transverse organization of lipid bilayer structure. The method is aimed at extracting quantitative information on membrane penetration, such as position and width of fluorophore's distribution along the depth coordinate and its exposure to the lipid phase. Here we review recent progress in refining the DA method and illustrate its applications to protein–membrane interactions. We demonstrate how basic assumptions of the DA approach can be validated using molecular dynamics simulations and how the precision of depth determination is improved by applying a new protocol based on a combination of steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence quenching. Using the example of the MPER fragment of the membrane-spanning domain of the HIV-1 gp41 fusion protein, we illustrate how DA applications and computer simulations can be used together to reveal the molecular organization of a protein–membrane complex. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Interfacially Active Peptides and Proteins. Guest Editors: William C. Wimley and Kalina Hristova.  相似文献   

An understanding of the dissolution process of cellulose derivatives is important not only for basic research but also for industrial purposes. We investigated the dissolution process of cellulose triacetate II (CTA II) nano-sized crystal in DMSO solvent using molecular dynamics simulations. The nano-sized crystal consists of 18 CTA chains. During the 9 ns simulation, it was observed that one chain (C01) located at the corner of the lozenge crystal was solvated by the DMSO molecules and moved away from the remaining cluster into the DMSO solvent. The analysis showed that the breakage of the interaction between the H1, H3, and H5 hydrogens of the pyranose ring and the acetyl carbonyl oxygen in the C01 and C02 adjacent chains would be crucial for the dissolution of CTA. The DMSO molecules solvating around these atoms would prevent the re-crystallization of the CTA molecules and facilitate further dissolution.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental properties of biological membranes is the high lateral integrity provided by the lipid bilayer, the structural core and the foundation of their barrier function. This tensile strength is due to the intrinsic properties of amphiphilic lipid molecules, which spontaneously self-assemble into a stable bilayer structure due to the hydrophobic effect. In the highly dynamic life of cellular membranes systems, however, this integrity has to be regularly compromised. One of the emerging puzzles is the mechanism of localized rupture of lipid monolayer, the formation of tiny hydrophobic patches and flipping of lipid tails between closely apposed monolayers. The energy cost of such processes is prohibitively high, unless cooperative deformations in a small membrane patch are carefully organized. Here we review the latest experimental and theoretical data on how such deformations can be conducted, specifically describing how elastic stresses yield tilting of lipids leading to cooperative restructuring of lipid monolayers. Proteins specializing in membrane remodeling assemble into closely packed circular complexes to arrange these deformations in time and space.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a pharmaceutical treatment is often countered by the inadequate membrane permeability, that prevents drugs from reaching their specific intracellular targets. Cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) are able to route across cells’ membrane various types of cargo, including drugs and nanoparticles. However, CPPs internalization mechanisms are not yet fully understood and depend on a wide variety of aspects. In this contest, the entry of a CPP into the lipid bilayer might induce molecular conformational changes, including marked variations on membrane’s mechanical properties. Understanding how the CPP does influence the mechanical properties of cells membrane is crucial to design, engineer and improve new and existing penetrating peptides. Here, all atom Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations were used to investigate the interaction between different types of CPPs embedded in a lipid bilayer of dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine (DOPC). In a greater detail, we systematically highlighted how CPP properties are responsible for modulating the membrane bending modulus. Our findings highlighted the CPP hydropathy strongly correlated with penetration of water molecules in the lipid bilayer, thus supporting the hypothesis that the amount of water each CPP can route inside the membrane is modulated by the hydrophobic and hydrophilic character of the peptide. Water penetration promoted by CPPs leads to a local decrease of the lipid order, which emerges macroscopically as a reduction of the membrane bending modulus.  相似文献   

Progress in the analysis of membrane protein structure and function   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Structural information on membrane proteins is sparse, yet they represent an important class of proteins that is encoded by about 30% of all genes. Progress has primarily been achieved with bacterial proteins, but efforts to solve the structure of eukaryotic membrane proteins are also increasing. Most of the structures currently available have been obtained by exploiting the power of X-ray crystallography. Recent results, however, have demonstrated the accuracy of electron crystallography and the imaging power of the atomic force microscope. These instruments allow membrane proteins to be studied while embedded in the bi-layer, and thus in a functional state. The low signal-to-noise ratio of cryo-electron microscopy is overcome by crystallizing membrane proteins in a two-dimensional protein-lipid membrane, allowing its atomic structure to be determined. In contrast, the high signal-to-noise ratio of atomic force microscopy allows individual protein surfaces to be imaged at sub-nanometer resolution, and their conformational states to be sampled. This review summarizes the steps in membrane protein structure determination and illuminates recent progress.  相似文献   

We integrate molecular dynamics simulation methods with a newly developed supersecondary structure prediction method and compute the structure of a protein molecule, crambin. The computed structure is similar to the crystal structure with an rms error of 3.94 Å.  相似文献   

Effective force fields for Ni-C interactions developed by Yamaguchi and Maruyama for the formation of metallofullerenes are modified to simulate the catalyzed growth of single-wall carbon nanotubes on Nin clusters with n >20, and the reactive empirical bond order Brenner potential for C-C interactions is also revised to include the effect of the metal atoms on such interactions. Figure Force field parameters for carbon-metal interactions obtained from DFT calculations in small clusters.  相似文献   

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