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Arrays of microelectrodes for AC electrokinetic experiments were fabricated by weaving together stainless steel wires (weft) and flexible polyester yarn (warp) in a plain weave pattern. The cloth produced can be used to collect cells in low conductivity media by dielectrophoresis (DEP). The construction of model biofilms consisting of a yeast layer on top of a layer of M. luteus is demonstrated, using polyethylenimine (PEI) as the flocculating agent. This technique offers an alternative to the formation of biofilms at microelectrodes made by photolithography, and would allow the construction of biofilms with defined internal architectures by DEP at much larger scales than was possible previously. Furthermore, the flexibility of the cloth would also allow it to be distorted or folded into various shapes.  相似文献   

It is shown that dielectrophoresis—the movement of particles in non‐uniform electric fields—can be used to create engineered skin with artificial placodes of different sizes and shapes, in different spatial patterns. Modeling of the electric field distribution and image analysis of the cell aggregates produced showed that the aggregation is highly predictable. The cells in the aggregates remain viable, and reorganization and compaction of the cells in the aggregates occurs when the artificial skin is subsequently cultured. The system developed could be of considerable use for the in vitro study of developmental processes where local variations in cell density and direct cell–cell contacts are important. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;105: 945–954. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Dielectric characterization of bacterial cells using dielectrophoresis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of dielectrophoretic collection spectra of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus suspensions are used for obtaining dielectric characteristics of both types of bacteria. The experiments are interpreted using a numerical method that models the cells as compartmented spherical or rod-like particles. We show the usefulness of this simple method to extract significant information about the electrical properties of Gram-negative and -positive bacteria.  相似文献   

Biological proliferation is optimized at various levels of organization, including the molecule (e.g. nucleic acids, prions), the cell (e.g. prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells), and the community (e.g. microbial biofilms, bioaggregates). Although it was initially assumed that this occurred through the genesis of information within DNA alone, it now appears that innovative design originates at other levels of organization in addition to DNA. For example, the recombination of community structures affects the proliferation rate of genetic structures; and the recombination of genetic structures affects the proliferation rate of community structures. This feedback mechanism computes compromises between the form and function of both community and nucleic acid. A nested series of proliferating objects (e.g. genetic structure, cell structure, community structure) is thus capable of continually updating the form of each object in the series. This accounts for the calculative nature of prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells, biofilms, bioaggregates, microbial consortia, and most other complex adaptive systems. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Positive dielectrophoresis can be used to create aggregates of animal cells with 3D architectures. It is shown that the cells, when pulled together into an aggregate by positive dielectrophoresis in a low-conductivity iso-osmotic solution, adhere to each other. The adherence of the cells to each other is non-specific and increases in time, and after 10-15 min becomes strong enough to immobilize the cells in the aggregate, enabling the ac electric field to be released, and the iso-osmotic buffer to be replaced by growth or other media. Cell viability is maintained. The new method of immobilization significantly simplifies the construction of aggregates of animal cells by dielectrophoresis, and increases the utility of dielectrophoresis in tissue engineering and related areas.  相似文献   

Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) such as embryonic stem cells and induced PSCs can differentiate into all somatic cell types such as cardiomyocytes, nerve cells, and chondrocytes. However, PSCs can easily lose their pluripotency if the culture process is disturbed. Therefore, cell sorting methods for purifying PSCs with pluripotency are important for the establishment and expansion of PSCs. In this study, we focused on dielectrophoresis (DEP) to separate cells without fluorescent dyes or magnetic antibodies. The goal of this study was to establish a cell sorting method for the purification of PSCs based on their pluripotency using DEP and a flow control system. The dielectrophoretic properties of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) with and without pluripotency were evaluated in detail, and mESCs exhibited varying frequency dependencies in the DEP response. Based on the variance in DEP properties, mixed cell suspensions of mESCs can be separated according to their pluripotency with an efficacy of approximately 90%.  相似文献   

Our previous studies revealed that the dielectrophoresis method is effective for separating cells having different dielectric properties. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the separation characteristics of two kinds of cells by direct current (DC) voltage offset/alternating current (AC) voltage using an insulating porous membrane dielectrophoretic separator. The separation device gives dielectrophoretic (DEP) force and electrophoretic (EP) force to dispersed particles by applying the DC‐offset AC voltage. This device separates cells of different DEP properties by adopting a structure in which only the parallel plate electrodes and the insulating porous membrane are disposed in the flow path through which the cell‐suspension flows. The difference in the retention ratios of electrically homogeneous 4.5 μm or 20.0 μm diameter standard particles was a maximum of 82 points. Furthermore, the influences of the AC voltage or offset voltage on the retention ratios of mouse hybridoma 3‐2H3 cells and horse red blood cells (HRBC) were investigated. The difference in the retention ratio of the two kinds of cells was a maximum of 56 points. The separation efficiency of this device is expected to be improved by changing the device shape, number of pores, and pore placement. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:1292–1300, 2016  相似文献   

The effect of surfactants on membrane-attached biofilms (MABs) was studied in a lab-scale extractive membrane bioreactor (EMB). Twenty-two surfactants were screened for their potential of increasing the cell wall negative charge (i.e. the electrostatic repulsion between bacteria) of Burkholderia sp. JS150 bacterial strain. Surfactants resulting in increased bacterial negative charge were further investigated for their effects on MAB population morphology and MAB attachment behaviour. Microscopic investigation of the bacterial population in MABs showed that surfactants affect the development of flagella, suggesting changes in the attachment capability of the JS150 strain in the presence of different surfactants. Among the screened surfactants, teepol showed the best characteristics in relation to the reduction of MAB accumulation, and it was tested in an EMB system for the extraction of monochlorobenzene from a synthetic wastewater. Comparison with a control EMB, operated without surfactants under the same conditions, proved that teepol effectively reduces MAB accumulation on the membrane walls. As a result, the overall mass transfer coefficient in the presence of teepol was 53% higher than in the control EMB.  相似文献   

In this study, a useful method was developed to fabricate array patterns of microparticles not on electrode surfaces, but on arbitrary surfaces, using negative‐dielectrophoresis (n‐DEP). First, electrodes were designed and electric field simulations were performed to manipulate microparticles toward target areas. Based on the simulation results, multilayered array and grid (MLAG) electrodes, consisting of array electrodes surrounded by insulated regions and a grid electrode, were fabricated for the formation of localized, non‐uniform electric fields. The MLAG electrode was mounted to a target substrate in a face‐to‐face configuration with a spacer. When an AC voltage (4.60 Vrms and 1 MHz) was applied to the MLAG electrode, array patterns of 6 and 20 µm diameter microparticles were rapidly fabricated on the target substrate with ease. The results suggest that MLAG electrodes can be widely applied for the fabrication of biochips including cell arrays. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 709–718 © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study we describe an original, efficient, and innovative printed circuit board (PCB) device able to generate dielectrophoresis-based, software-controlled cages that can be moved to any place inside a microchamber. Depending on their dielectrophoretic properties, eukaryotic cells can be "entrapped" in cages and moved under software control. The main conclusion gathered from the experimental data reported is that the PCB device based on dielectrophoresis permits levitation and movement of different tumor cells at different dielectrophoresis conditions. The results presented herein are therefore the basis for experiments aimed at forced interactions or separation of eukaryotic cells using "lab-on-a-chip." In fact, because many cages can be controlled at the same time, and two or more cages can be forced to share the same or a different location, it is possible, in principle, either to bring in contact cells of a differing histotype or to separate them.  相似文献   

A rotating annular reactor (Roto Torque) was used for qualitative and quantitative studied on biofilm heterogeneity. In contrast to the classic image of biofilms as smooth, homogeneous layers of biomass on a substratum, studies using various pure and mixed cultures consistently revealed more-dimensional structures that resembled dunes and ridges, among others. These heterogeneities were categorized and their underlying causes analyzed. Contrary to expectations, motility of the microorganisms not a decisive factor in determining biofilm homogeneity. Small Variations in substratum geometry homogeneity. Small variations in substratum geometry and flow patterns were clearly reflected in the biofilm pattern. Nonhomogeneous flow and shear patterns in the reactor, together with inadequate mixing resulted in significant, position-dependent differences in surface growth. It was therefore not possible to take representative samples of the attached biomass. Like many other types of reactors, the Roto Torque reactor is valuable for qualitative and morphological biofilm experiments but less suitable for quantitative physiological and kinetics studies using attached microorganisms. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

There is a huge interest in developing strategies to effectively eliminate biofilms due to their negative impact in both industrial and clinical settings. In this study, structural damage was induced on two day‐old B. subtilis biofilms using the interaction of 532 nm pulsed laser with gold thin films. Radiant exposure of 225 mJ/cm2 induced distinct changes on the surface structure and overall morphology of the matured biofilms after laser irradiation. Moreover, at the radiant exposure used, changes in the colour and viscosity of the biofilm were observed which may indicate a compromised extracellular matrix. Irradiated biofilms in the presence of gold film also showed strong propidium iodide signal which implies an increase in the number of dead bacterial cells after laser treatment. Thus, this laser‐based technique is a promising approach in targeting and eradicating matured biofilms attached on surfaces such as medical implants.


The force-deflection and removal characteristics of bacterial biofilm were measured by two different techniques before and after chemical, or enzymatic, treatment. The first technique involved time lapse imaging of a biofilm grown in a capillary flow cell and subjected to a brief shear stress challenge imparted through increased fluid flow. Biofilm removal was determined by calculating the reduction in biofilm area from quantitative analysis of transmission images. The second technique was based on micro-indentation using an atomic force microscope. In both cases, biofilms formed by Staphylococcus epidermidis were exposed to buffer (untreated control), urea, chlorhexidine, iron chloride, or DispersinB. In control experiments, the biofilm exhibited force-deflection responses that were similar before and after the same treatment. The biofilm structure was stable during the post-treatment shear challenge (1% loss). Biofilms treated with chlorhexidine became less deformable after treatment and no increase in biomass removal was seen during the post-treatment shear challenge (2% loss). In contrast, biofilms treated with urea or DispersinB became more deformable and exhibited significant biofilm loss during the post-treatment flow challenge (71% and 40%, respectively). During the treatment soak phase, biofilms exposed to urea swelled. Biofilms exposed to iron chloride showed little difference from the control other than slight contraction during the treatment soak. These observations suggest the following interpretations: (1) chemical or enzymatic treatments, including those that are not frankly antimicrobial, can alter the cohesion of bacterial biofilm; (2) biocidal treatments (e.g., chlorhexidine) do not necessarily weaken the biofilm; and (3) biofilm removal following treatment with agents that make the biofilm more deformable (e.g., urea, DispersinB) depend on interaction between the moving fluid and the biofilm structure. Measurements such as those reported here open the door to development of new technologies for controlling detrimental biofilms by targeting biofilm cohesion rather than killing microorganisms.  相似文献   

As bacteria aggregate and form biofilms on surfaces in the human body such as tissues, indwelling medical devices, dressings and implants, they can cause a significant health risk. Bacterial biofilms possess altered phenotypes: physical features that facilitate antibiotic resistance and evasion of the host immune response. Since metabolic and physical factors contribute to biofilm maturation and persistence, an objective in antibiofilm therapy is to target these factors to deliver innovative approaches for solving these important health problems. Currently, there is little research on the direct immunological effects resulting from the introduction of foreign components to the body pertaining to biofilm inhibition methods. Detailed research involving animal models is necessary to better understand the biological side effects of synthetic peptides, genetically modified bacteriophages and isolated proteins and any resistance that may develop from these approaches.  相似文献   

微生物絮凝剂在甘蔗糖厂中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过初筛、复筛,从活性污泥中分离出一株富产絮凝剂并适用于甘蔗蔗汁絮凝澄清的微生物菌株A。根据生化和生理特征及光学显微镜和电镜扫描的形态观察,初步鉴定该菌株为轮枝孢属(Verticilliumsp.)。同时对菌株进行培养条件的初步实验,获得该菌株产絮凝剂的最佳培养条件为:pH6.0,28℃,140r/min,培养4d。最佳碳氮源分别为葡萄糖和牛肉膏。微生物发酵液在蔗汁沉降试验中的絮凝率为69.2%,清汁色值IU为87.4。  相似文献   

Bacterial transformation by naked DNA is thought to contribute to gene transfer and microbial evolution within natural environments. In nature many microbial communities exist as complex assemblages known as biofilms where genetic exchange is facilitated. It may be possible to take advantage of natural transformation processes to modify the phenotypes of biofilm communities giving them specific and desirable functions. Work described here shows that biofilms composed of either pure cultures or mixed populations can be transformed with specific catabolic genes such that the communities acquire the ability to degrade a particular xenobiotic compound. Biofilms were transformed by plasmids bearing genes encoding green fluorescent protein (mut2) and/or atrazine chlorohydrolase (atzA). Confocal microscopy was used to quantify the number of transformants expressing mut2 in the biofilms. Degradation of atrazine by expressed atzA was quantified by tandem mass spectrometry. PCR analysis was performed to confirm the presence of atzA in transformed biofilms. These results indicate that it should be possible to use natural transformation to enhance bioremediation processes performed by biofilms.  相似文献   

The cohesive strength of microbial biofilms cultivated on a rotating disc has been measured using fluid dynamic gauging (FDG). The thickness of heterotrophic mixed culture biofilms was found to depend on substrate concentration and shear force at the biofilm surface during the cultivation. For high substrate concentrations and low shear forces the biofilm thickness increased to several 100 microm within 7 days. Low substrate concentration and higher shear forces yielded thin biofilms of about 100 microm thickness. Independent from cultivation conditions and thickness of the biofilms their cohesive strength ranged between 6.0 and 7.7 N m(-2). The ratio between cohesive strength measured with FDG and shear forces applied during biofilm cultivation have ranged from 200 to 1,100. Higher concentrations of iron in the cultivation media has a positive effect on the stability of the biofilms cultivated. By using the CLSM technique a stable base biofilm with a high amount of stained EPS glycoconjugates could be visualized after gauging. The thickness of the base biofilm was about 100 microm for all biofilms cultivated and was not removable under the applied shear conditions used during FDG.  相似文献   

The construction of artificial biofilms with defined internal architectures is described. Bacterial cells are suspended in a low conductivity medium, guided to specific areas in a microelectrode array by dielectrophoresis (DEP), and then immobilised using the flocculating agent poly(ethylenimine). Multispecies biofilms can be constructed by introducing different species at different times. The rapid construction of such biofilms with defined internal architectures provides, when combined with visual reporters of gene activity, a powerful new method for the investigation of the effects of the spatial organisation on interactions between bacterial species in biofilms. To demonstrate the utility of the technique as a method for investigating metabolic interactions in biofilms, aggregates were constructed from Acinetobacter sp. C6 and Pseudomonas putida::gfp. The Acinetobacter degrades benzyl alcohol, overproducing benzoate, which in turn is consumed by the Pseudomonas strain. The P. putida has a chromosomally expressed cassette encoding a gfp downstream of the promoter which controls degradation of benzoate, making the interaction between the two strains in the metabolism of benzyl alcohol visible by the production of green fluorescent protein (GFP). Microscopic observation of the biofilms, including the use of confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), confirmed that metabolic exchange occurred. In addition, it was observed that the bacteria appear to have a preferred biofilm architecture, with P. putida in the bottom layer, and Acinetobacter at the top.  相似文献   

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