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The present study explores traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of Turkana pastoralists and cultivators in the context of a riverine forest in northern Kenya. The Turkwel River and its floodplain sustain a thick forest, which is used for grazing and extraction of non-timber forest products. However, sedentarisation and agricultural expansion have resulted in localised clear-felling of trees, while river damming has altered the natural flow regime. A series of structured, semi-structured, and group interviews were combined with a botanical inventory in order to assess the relevance of TEK to ecological research and forest conservation. Turkana informants gave 102 vernacular names for the 113 woody species. Of these, 85% had a domestic or pastoral use among the 105 specific uses that were described. Ethnobotanical knowledge was relatively homogenous and not related to age, gender, or source of livelihood. The informants had in-depth knowledge of some key ecological processes. The conceived threats to forest survival were primarily cultivation and permanent settlements, while the effects of river damming and livestock grazing were disputed. A claimed decline in rainfall was confirmed by official data. There is strong evidence that TEK could be used to generate hypotheses for research and to design sustainable conservation strategies. A revised version of the indigenous system of tree management should be incorporated into the official forestry policy in order to resolve future conflicts between pastoralists and cultivators.  相似文献   

Fifteen hectares of primary forest in Central Kalimantan were enumerated and all trees 10 cm dbh tagged and identified to species as far as possible. Tree density, relative abundance of families and species diversity were calculated, as was a mean additive species/area curve for 1 ha and a species/area curve for all 15 ha. The Jaccard index of similarity was also calculated for the 15 plots. The 15 ha enumerated contain 8771 trees with a dbh of 10 cm, belonging to 1298 morphospecies in 56 families. On average a single plot had 583 trees and 205 species. These figures are within the upper range of species diversity for the Malesian region as a whole. Dipterocarpaceae make up 14% of all trees in the plots, closely followed by Euphorbiaceae with 13%. A surprisingly low coefficient of similarity is found between the plots, the lowest being 3% and the highest 30%. Species/area curve construction showed that the asymptote is not reached in any of the 1 ha plots or when the 15 plots are added together.  相似文献   



There is scarce information about European folk knowledge of wild invertebrate fauna. We have documented such folk knowledge in three regions, in Romania, Slovakia and Croatia. We provide a list of folk taxa, and discuss folk biological classification and nomenclature, salient features, uses, related proverbs and sayings, and conservation.


We collected data among Hungarian-speaking people practising small-scale, traditional agriculture. We studied “all” invertebrate species (species groups) potentially occurring in the vicinity of the settlements. We used photos, held semi-structured interviews, and conducted picture sorting.


We documented 208 invertebrate folk taxa. Many species were known which have, to our knowledge, no economic significance. 36 % of the species were known to at least half of the informants. Knowledge reliability was high, although informants were sometimes prone to exaggeration. 93 % of folk taxa had their own individual names, and 90 % of the taxa were embedded in the folk taxonomy.Twenty four species were of direct use to humans (4 medicinal, 5 consumed, 11 as bait, 2 as playthings). Completely new was the discovery that the honey stomachs of black-coloured carpenter bees (Xylocopa violacea, X. valga) were consumed. 30 taxa were associated with a proverb or used for weather forecasting, or predicting harvests. Conscious ideas about conserving invertebrates only occurred with a few taxa, but informants would generally refrain from harming firebugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus), field crickets (Gryllus campestris) and most butterflies. We did not find any mythical creatures among invertebrate folk taxa. Almost every invertebrate species was regarded as basically harmful. Where possible, they were destroyed or at least regarded as worth eradicating. However, we could find no evidence to suggest any invertebrate species had suffered population loss as a result of conscious destruction. Sometimes knowledge pertaining to the taxa could have more general relevance, and be regarded as folk wisdom concerning the functioning of nature as a whole.


The high number of known invertebrate folk taxa suggests that it would be worth conducting further investigations in other areas of Europe.

Local names of vascular plants, accompanied by botanical specimens, were collected in the John Crow Mountains, Portland Parish, Jamaica. Each of the names was volunteered by one local informant; many were independently corroborated by others. We recorded 91 names of forest trees and shrubs, 20 names of climbers, and 33 names of other plants. The uneven distribution of local names among different categories of plants is discussed. The names are mostly of English origin, with a scattering from Spanish, Amerindian and West African languages. Many names are not listed in the standard floras; 20 names are apparently hitherto unrecorded in print. The same name was often found to be applied to a different species from the usage given in the floras, showing the variation in vernacular names from one part of the island to another.  相似文献   

Tree species composition (diameter at breast height (dbh) 10 cm) was studied in primary, selectively logged and heavily burnt forests in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The number of trees, tree species, and the Fishers's- diversity index were determined for the first 15 years (burnt forest) and 25 years (selectively logged forest) after disturbance. Additionally the population structure of six common and typical Macaranga pioneer tree species was compared through time between selectively logged, burnt and primary forest. Both selectively logged and burnt forest showed a significant reduction in number of trees and tree species per surface area directly after disturbance. Fire especially affected dominant tree species, while for selective logging the opposite was observed. In selectively logged forest the number of trees, tree species and the Fishers's- index reached pre-disturbance levels within c. 15 years. For burnt forest, only the number of trees recovered to pre-disturbance levels. The number of tree species stayed constant after disturbance, while the Fishers's- index decreased. The six studied Macaranga pioneer tree species seedlings were present in all forest types. Their density seems to be unrelated to light levels in the forest understorey but strongly related to the number of mature parent trees. Their sapling densities were strongly related to light levels in the forest understorey. The studied Macaranga species formed an important part of both under- and over-storey in burnt forest 15 years after disturbance, while they were almost absent in the understorey and only moderately common in the overstorey of selectively logged forest.  相似文献   

This paper provides a brief account of 31 plants associated with herbal remedies among the Hayas, a tribe of Kagera region, Tanzania. Reports from informants were obtained during field studies in June 1987. For each species are given the botanical name, vernacular name, collection number, locality, habit, dis-tribution and medical uses. The data are compared with information from literature for medical uses, and listed isolated constituents and pharmacological effects. The Hayas have had a rich herbal folklore, but this is fading due to increasing acculturation and depletion of plant cover.  相似文献   

Hong Kong is an extreme example of tropical landscape degradation, with no substantial remnants of the original forest cover and a highly impoverished disperser fauna. Seed availability is a potential limiting factor in vegetation recovery in such landscapes. To assess the quantity and quality of the seed rain of woody taxa, seed traps were placed in the major upland vegetation types: fire-maintained grassland, shrubland, and secondary forest. Within the grassland site, traps were placed under isolated trees, isolated male and female shrubs of Eurya chinensis, and in the open. Seeds were collected every 2 weeks for 2 years. The seed rain was highest under female shrubs in grassland (6455 seeds m−2 year−1), where it was almost entirely confined to their fruiting period. Next highest were isolated trees (890 seeds), followed by male isolated shrubs (611 seeds), shrubland (558 seeds), forest (129 seeds) and open grassland (47 seeds). The number of seed taxa was highest in shrubland (59), followed by isolated trees (42), forest (42), female isolated shrubs (28), male isolated shrubs (15), and open grassland (9). The seed rain differed in species composition between the forest, shrubland, and grassland sites, while the differences within the grassland site were largely in terms of quantity. Birds (particularly bulbuls, Pycnonotus spp.) are known or inferred to be the major dispersal agents for 85% of the seed taxa trapped, 99% of the total number of seeds trapped, and 99.8% of the seeds trapped in the grassland site. Few taxa and of the total seeds were dispersed by wind and no seed taxa were definitely dispersed by fruit bats. The results suggest that even in the most degraded landscape the seed rain is adequate for the development of woody vegetation cover, but that human intervention will be needed for the restoration of plant diversity.  相似文献   

Summary More than three hundred nematode genus-group names omitted from or published since the CIH Keys to nematode parasites are listed. These names were abstracted from the generic indices of the Host-Parasite Catalogue of the Parasitic Worms Section, British Museum (Natural History). The various taxa are arranged, as far as possible, alphabetically according to the calssification used in the CIH Keys. Abbreviated references to the authorities for the taxa are given. It is hoped that this list will form a useful supplement to these keys.  相似文献   

Changes in composition and structure of plant communities in relation tothe soil and snow cover variation were analyzed along an altitudinal transect(1150–1750 m) from the mountain-temperate forests to a woodyshrub community and alpine meadows on Mt Velký Gápel', Slovakia.The soils below the treeline (1510 m) had a more developedorganic layer above the mineral substratum. Generally, soil depth decreased asthe altitude increased, although the maximum values were recognized at a middlealtitude in a beech stand. Snow was redistributed by westerly winds from theridgeline down to the upper forest margin. Mean snow depth decreased withaltitude up to almost snow-free sites around the summit. In the 48 plots at 16sites we recorded 118 taxa including 6 tree, 7 shrub, 18 grass, 42 herb, 5fern,25 moss and 15 lichen species. The species diversity showed no distinctrelationship to altitude but declined with canopy consolidation. The TWINSPANfloristic classification distinguished five groups of community typescharacterised by different dominants, and a further three clusters of samplesfrom transition zones. Horizontal compositional heterogeneity increased inareaswhere trees were aggregated and tree basal area was smaller. Vegetationcomposition became more patchy at open-canopy Acerpseudoplatanus–Abies alba mixed forest at 1150 m,in Picea abies forest limit 1470 m, andin Pinus mugo krummholz at 1590 m. Speciesturnover of the entire transect was 6.1 half-changes as estimated by DCA.Despite this heterogeneity, none of the 15 elevational bands had significantaggregation of species' limits. Vegetation varied continuously, with individualspecies overlapping in transition zones delimited by dominant taxa. Thecoincident aggregation of up-slope and down-slope boundaries was found at abelt1430–1510 m. This discrete ecotone corresponds to a shiftfrom the closed coniferous forest to P. mugo krummholz.Thesecond inherent up-slope boundary aggregation indicated the P.mugo krummholz – alpine meadow vegetation transition at1700 m. Spatial analysis (K-function) of eight forest plots(0.12 ha each) showed that at lower elevation, adult trees of thebroad-leaf forest were closer to a random arrangement while at higherelevation,trees of evergreen coniferous stands became aggregated toward the forest limitwith the highest intensity from 2 to 4 m. Altitudinal gradient andrelated factors explained 35% of the variance in vegetation data.Canonical correspondence analysis also showed that main vegetation changesabovethe treeline area were associated with the topographic pattern of pine shrubsand snow cover.  相似文献   

The variation in species composition of trees 7.6 cm gbh in thirty-eight plots (mostly c. 0.2 ha in extent) from physiognomically-defined kerangas forest were re-analyzed by principal components analysis ordination (species centering and standardization by sample norm). Analyses were performed separately on basal area abundances, on the densities of trees in three size classes (7.6, 30.5 and 61.0 cm gbh) and on the density of small and large trees (7.6-<30.5 and 30.5-<61.0 cm gbh). A total of 636 taxa were reduced to 381 for analysis, removing those of very low density and plot frequency.Three groups of plots were identified: forest at low elevation, and generally coastal, on deep humus podzols; forest at intermediate elevation on mostly red-yellow podzols with affinities to dipterocarp forest; and forest at high elevation on mostly peaty podzols. The first group was divisible into five subgroups along a drainage gradient, while the more poorly drained plots showing affinities to peatswamp forest. Forty to eighty of the taxa, depending on the criteria for selection, were sufficient to define a stable, reduced spatial structure of the data matrix. Two subgroups, both coastal on deep podzols, represent the extreme form of kerangas forest per se. A comparison of Agathis borneensis- and Shorea albida-dominated plots revealed few other associated and differentiating taxa.Patterns were clearest from analyses of basal area data and of densities of all and small trees. Ordinations and grouping of plots for small, but not large, tree densities were similar to those for basal area. Different species were differentiated on the basis of the abundance measure, leading to group (tabular) definition of associations in a dual manner. A new system of summarization is presented which combines basal area, density and frequency in a graded hierarchical approach.The association between vegetation and soil type was difficult to unravel because of the limited environmental space sampled. Soil type was confounded with elevation, rainfall and geographical location. A major factor is clay content probably affecting nutrient status and water holding properties. Modal analysis of small tree densities showed clearest patterns in this respect. There were no patterns at the family or genus level, nor in leaf size spectra within kerangas.Problems in the treatment, analysis and summarization of tropical forest data sets are discussed. These problems centre on the scale and intensity of field sampling and the advantages of measuring small trees leading to a dual basal area and density approach. All published studies, including this one, within kerangas forest have used inadequate sampling for the purposes of revealing species changes with respect to soil type and composition.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal and forest regeneration were studied on a 30×150 m strip cleared by strip-cutting, a system of forest management designed for sustained yield (Hartshorn 1989), in high terrace rain forest in the Department of Loreto, Peru. After one year the strip was dominated by seedlings of a few bat- and bird-dispersed pioneer tree species (Cecropia spp., Melastomataceae, and Alchornea triplinervia); stump sprouts from cut trees and saplings that survived the clearing were less numerous. The density of saplings (>2 m in height) surviving the clearing was 903 per hectare; 94% of these survived the subsequent 18 months. About 30% of 417 stumps (>7.5 cm diameter at breast height) resprouted within 3 months, with an additional 10% sprouting in the subsequent 10 months. Sprouting frequency was greater for small stumps than large and varied greatly among plant families. Seed deposition over this year was much lower in the interior of the strip, both in species richness and numbers of seeds, than within the forest; strip edges were intermediate in richness and number. The decline in seed input from forest to edge to strip, both in species and in numbers of seeds, was most pronounced for bird-dispersed taxa (primarily Melastomataceae); bat- and wind- dispersed taxa were more evenly distributed. The similarity in bat species composition between the strip and nearby primary forest was higher than the similarity in bird species composition between these habitats, reflecting a failure of many forest bird species to venture into the strip. The predominance of Cecropia spp. and other pioneers of minimal commercial value in the regeneration question the sustainability of strip-cutting. Subsequent succession and future tree species composition on the cleared strip will depend not only on the survivorship and growth of sprouts, survivors, and seedlings, but also on responses of different seed-dispersing animal taxa to changes in the species composition and structure of the vegetation in the strip.  相似文献   

Droughts and forest fires, induced by the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event, have increased considerably over the last decades affecting millions of hectares of rainforest. We investigated the effects of the 1997–1998 forest fires and drought, associated with an exceptionally severe ENSO event, on fruit species important in the diet of Malayan sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) in lowland dipterocarp forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. Densities of sun bear fruit trees (≥10 cm DBH) were reduced by ~80%, from 167±41 (SD) fruit trees ha?1 in unburned forest to 37±18 fruit trees ha?1 in burned forest. Densities of hemi-epiphytic figs, one of the main fallback resources for sun bears during periods of food scarcity, declined by 95% in burned forest. Species diversity of sun bear food trees decreased by 44% in burned forest. Drought also affected sun bear fruit trees in unburned primary forest, with elevated mortality rates for the duration of 2 years, returning to levels reported as normal in region in the third year after the ENSO event. Mortality in unburned forest near the burn-edge was higher (25±5% of trees ≥10 cm DBH dead) than in the forest interior (14±5% of trees), indicating possible edge effects. Combined effects of fire and drought in burned primary forest resulted in an overall tree mortality of 78±11% (≥10 cm DBH) 33 months after the fire event. Disturbance due to fires has resulted in a serious decline of fruit resources for sun bears and, due to the scale of fire damage, in a serious decline of prime sun bear habitat. Recovery of sun bear populations in these burned-over forests will depend on regeneration of the forest, its future species composition, and efforts to prevent subsequent fire events.  相似文献   

Childhood and adolescence are important life stages for the acquisition of knowledge about non-timber forest products (NTFPs). We show at which stage in life traditional plant knowledge is learned and analyze whether cross-cultural ethnobotanical knowledge transmission takes place. We evaluate whether the degree of forest dependency influences ethnobotanical knowledge by comparing two indigenous communities in Suriname. Traditional knowledge was documented and vouchers collected during forest walks with adult informants. Questionnaires were completed by 74 schoolchildren (age 4 to 14) to capture their knowledge of names and uses of nine important NTFPs. We tested for knowledge differences by ethnicity and NTFP categories. Local names for NTFPs were analyzed to determine cross-cultural transmission of ethnobotanical knowledge. Children from the forest-dependent Trio community (n?=?23) possessed similar knowledge of NTFPs as their more urbanized peers from Apoera (n?=?51). NTFP uses were acquired at an earlier age than plant names. Food and commercial NTFP uses were better known than medicinal plant uses. Cross-cultural transfer of knowledge occurred between the two communities. NTFP knowledge of children appeared to be influenced more by the time they spent within the forest, either walking to school or walking to agricultural plots, than by the level of forest dependency or acculturation.  相似文献   

Tang  Cindy Q.  Ohsawa  Masahiko 《Plant Ecology》1999,145(2):221-233
Altitudinal distribution of evergreen broad-leaved trees and changes in their leaf sizes were studied on a humid subtropical mountain, Mt. Emei (3099 m a.s.l., 29°34.5 N, 103°21.5 E), Sichuan, China. Among the total woody flora of ca. 540 species, evergreen broad-leaved trees account for 88 species in 39 genera and 23 families, corresponding to the northern limit of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved trees. The number of evergreen broad-leaved tree species greatly decreased from the low-altitudinal, evergreen broad-leaved forest zone (600–1500 m) to the mid-altitudinal, mixed forest zone (1500–2500 m), and to the high-altitudinal, coniferous forest zone (2500–3099 m). The overall trend of reduced leaf size toward upper zones was analyzed and documented in detail. The 88 species were assigned to three leaf-size classes: notophylls (48%), microphylls (36%), and mesophylls (16%). The leaf size was relatively small and the specific leaf weight (SLW, mg cm–2) was much larger in high altitude as compared to low altitude. No overall correlation was found between leaf size and SLW, but leaf size decreased as SLW increased toward high altitude for certain species having relatively wide altitudinal ranges. Moreover, leaf size varied with forest stratification: canopy trees were predominantly notophyllous species, while subcanopy and understorey trees were mainly microphyllous species. The tendency is compatible with the trend found in other mountains of East Asia.  相似文献   

Aboveground biomass of tropical rain forest stands in Indonesian Borneo   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aboveground plant biomass was examined in a tall virgin tropical lowland evergreen rain forest dominated by Dipterocarpaceae in Sebulu, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, with special reference to the gap-, building- and mature phases of the forest growth cycle. From the records of dimensions of sample trees examined by the stratified clip technique and DBH inventory data of trees in a study plot, the biomass of larger trees (DBH 4.5 cm) was estimated by the allometric correlation method. The biomass of smaller plants (DBH < 4.5 cm) was estimated by harvesting the plants in small quadrat plots. Although large differences were found between aboveground-biomass-estimates in different patches of different growth stages, the aboveground biomass in a 1.0 ha plot was 509 t/ha, and the one-sided LAI was 7.3 ha/ha. These values seem to result from the tall forest architecture with huge emergent trees (over 70 m high) and a moderate packing of plant mass indicated by the basal area value of 38.8 m2/ha for trees with DBH 4.5 cm.This study was financed through a grant to H. Ogawa from the Overseas Scientific Research Funds of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Tokyo. Sponsorship from the Lembaga Ilumu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Jakarta, the Lembaga Biologi National (LBN), Bogor, and the Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor is gratefully acknowledged. We are also grateful to Drs Soetiyati, M. Rifai, K. Kartawinata, and the staffs of P. T. Kutai Timber Indonesia for their kind support, Dr K. Ogino for his advice and cooperation in field work, and Dr H. Kataoka for providing us with the geological map of Samarinda Province.  相似文献   



This study was conducted to identify medicinal plants and spices used for medicine by the community of Beni-Sueif, Upper Egypt.


Ethnobotanical data from local people was collected using direct interviews and a semi-structured questionnaire.


Forty-eight plant species belonging to twenty-seven families and forty-seven genera were encountered during the study. Their botanical and vernacular names, plant parts used and medicinal uses are given. Results of the study were analyzed using two quantitative tools. The factor informant consensus indicated the agreement in the use of plants and the fidelity level indicated the ratio between the number of informants who independently suggested the use of a species for the same major purpose and the total number of informants who mentioned the plant for any use. The results of the factor informant consensus showed that the cardiovascular category has the greatest agreement, followed by the immunological, gastrointestinal and respiratory categories. The most important species according to their fidelity are: Hibiscus sabdariffa L. for the cardiovascular category; Trigonella foenum-graecum L. for the immunological category; Mentha piperita L. for the gastrointestinal category and Pimpinella anisum L. for the respiratory category.


Medicinal plants are still used for treatment in Beni-Sueif community despite the availability of prescribed medications. Documentation of this ethnomedicinal knowledge is important. Evaluation of pharmacological activity for the promising medicinal plants is suggested.  相似文献   

Boubli  Jean Philippe 《Plant Ecology》2002,160(2):149-167
Pico da Neblina National Park, located in north-western Amazonia,Brazil, is characterized by considerable habitat diversity resulting from anorographic zonation of vegetation (from 100 to 3,014 m above sealevel) and a mosaic pattern of soil types with lowland primary tropicalrainforest being the predominant ecosystem. A tree inventory of the lowlandareas of the Park was conducted as part of an ecological study of primates. Twohectares of forest were inventoried within the limits of a 500 hectare studysite. There were 1569 trees with diameter at breast height 10 cm in the sample (minimum of 229 species in 45 families). Thetree species Eperua leucantha and Hevea cf.brasiliensis dominated the forest accounting for 29% of thesampled trees. Three forest types were represented: chavascal, terra firme andcaatinga. Caatinga was the least diverse forest (H = 0.9), andterrafirme the most diverse (H = 1.5). Low diversity in caatinga wasassociated with high species dominance by Eperua leucantha, Micrandrasprucei and Hevea cf. brasiliensis whichtogether accounted for 66% of all sampled trees in one caatinga plot.Compared to Amazonian forests elsewhere, the ranking order of plant families inPico da Neblina was peculiar in that Leguminosae sensulatuand Euphorbiaceae dominated the sample accounting for 52% of all markedtrees. Such families were represented by few tree species, all of which werecharacterized by dry, large-seeded sclerocarpic fruits. The consequentlow availability of fleshy fruits in the forest is suggested as a possiblecontributing factor to the observed low abundance and diversity of primates inthe lowlands of Pico da Neblina.  相似文献   

An equatorial rainforest in the coastal region of West Sumatra suffered a long period of dry and hazy weather in 1997. Canopy trees with higher growth rates before the event had reduced growth rates during the 8 months from June 1997 to an average of 23% of their 1996 growth rate. The size-dependency of growth depression in forest trees greater than 5 cm in stem diameter could be observed during this period. The weather induced defoliation, and high litterfall rates of leaves continued throughout the period. The impacts of the weather on growth rates were analyzed by using Saekis mathematical model for community production. This model suggested that the great reduction in growth-rates of active canopy trees would be caused mainly by the interacting effects of potential photosynthetic rate and leaf biomass because of their sensitive responses to drought. In the severe weather conditions, these variables were estimated to have decreased to more than 50% of their 1996 values.  相似文献   

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