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Krishna SS  Zhou T  Daugherty M  Osterman A  Zhang H 《Biochemistry》2001,40(36):10810-10818
Homoserine kinase (HSK), the fourth enzyme in the aspartate pathway of amino acid biosynthesis, catalyzes the phosphorylation of L-homoserine (Hse) to L-homoserine phosphate, an intermediate in the production of L-threonine, L-isoleucine, and in higher plants, L-methionine. The high-resolution structures of Methanococcus jannaschii HSK ternary complexes with its amino acid substrate and ATP analogues have been determined by X-ray crystallography. These structures reveal the structural determinants of the tight and highly specific binding of Hse, which is coupled with local conformational changes that enforce the sequestration of the substrate. The delta-hydroxyl group of bound Hse is only 3.4 A away from the gamma-phosphate of the bound nucleotide, poised for the in-line attack at the gamma-phosphorus. The bound nucleotides are flexible at the triphosphate tail. Nevertheless, a Mg(2+) was located in one of the complexes that binds between the beta- and gamma-phosphates of the nucleotide with good ligand geometry and is coordinated by the side chain of Glu130. No strong nucleophile (base) can be located near the phosphoryl acceptor hydroxyl group. Therefore, we propose that the catalytic mechanism of HSK does not involve a catalytic base for activating the phosphoryl acceptor hydroxyl but instead is mediated via a transition state stabilization mechanism.  相似文献   

Four isozymes of pyruvate kinase are differentially expressed in human tissue. Human pyruvate kinase isozyme M2 (hPKM2) is expressed in early fetal tissues and is progressively replaced by the other three isozymes, M1, R, and L, immediately after birth. In most cancer cells, hPKM2 is once again expressed to promote tumor cell proliferation. Because of its almost ubiquitous presence in cancer cells, hPKM2 has been designated as tumor specific PK-M2, and its presence in human plasma is currently being used as a molecular marker for the diagnosis of various cancers. The X-ray structure of human hPKM2 complexed with Mg(2+), K(+), the inhibitor oxalate, and the allosteric activator fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) has been determined to a resolution of 2.82 A. The active site of hPKM2 is in a partially closed conformation most likely resulting from a ligand-induced domain closure promoted by the binding of FBP. In all four subunits of the enzyme tetramer, a conserved water molecule is observed on the 2-si face of the prospective enolate and supports the hypothesis that a proton-relay system is acting as the proton donor of the reaction (1). Significant structural differences among the human M2, rabbit muscle M1, and the human R isozymes are observed, especially in the orientation of the FBP-activating loop, which is in a closed conformation when FBP is bound. The structural differences observed between the PK isozymes could potentially be exploited as unique structural templates for the design of allosteric drugs against the disease states associated with the various PK isozymes, especially cancer and nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia.  相似文献   

Reversible modification of Atg8 with phosphatidylethanolamine is crucial for autophagy, the bulk degradation system conserved in eukaryotic cells. Atg4 is a novel cysteine protease that processes and deconjugates Atg8. Herein, we report the crystal structure of human Atg4B (HsAtg4B) at 1.9-A resolution. Despite no obvious sequence homology with known proteases, the structure of HsAtg4B shows a classical papain-like fold. In addition to the papain fold region, HsAtg4B has a small alpha/beta-fold domain. This domain is thought to be the binding site for Atg8 homologs. The active site cleft of HsAtg4B is masked by a loop (residues 259-262), implying a conformational change upon substrate binding. The structure and in vitro mutational analyses provide the basis for the specificity and catalysis of HsAtg4B. This will enable the design of Atg4-specific inhibitors that block autophagy.  相似文献   

Levan is β-2,6-linked polymeric fructose and serves as reserve carbohydrate in some plants and microorganisms. Mobilization of fructose is usually mediated by enzymes such as glycoside hydrolase (GH), typically releasing a monosaccharide as a product. The enzyme levan fructotransferase (LFTase) of the GH32 family catalyzes an intramolecular fructosyl transfer reaction and results in production of cyclic difructose dianhydride, thus exhibiting a novel substrate specificity. The mechanism by which LFTase carries out these functions via the structural fold conserved in the GH32 family is unknown. Here, we report the crystal structure of LFTase from Arthrobacter ureafaciens in apo form, as well as in complexes with sucrose and levanbiose, a difructosacchride with a β-2,6-glycosidic linkage. Despite the similarity of its two-domain structure to members of the GH32 family, LFTase contains an active site that accommodates a difructosaccharide using the -1 and -2 subsites. This feature is unique among GH32 proteins and is facilitated by small side chain residues in the loop region of a catalytic β-propeller N-domain, which is conserved in the LFTase family. An additional oligosaccharide-binding site was also characterized in the β-sandwich C-domain, supporting its role in carbohydrate recognition. Together with functional analysis, our data provide a molecular basis for the catalytic mechanism of LFTase and suggest functional variations from other GH32 family proteins, notwithstanding the conserved structural elements.  相似文献   

Shikimate kinase (EC catalyzes the specific phosphorylation of the 3-hydroxyl group of shikimic acid in the presence of ATP. As the fifth key step in the shikimate pathway for aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in bacteria, fungi, and plants, but not mammals, shikimate kinase represents an attractive target for the development of new antimicrobial agents, herbicides, and antiparasitic agents. Here, we report the 1.8-Angstroms crystal structure of Helicobacter pylori shikimate kinase (HpSK). The crystal structure shows a three-layer alpha/beta fold consisting of a central sheet of five parallel beta-strands flanked by seven alpha-helices. An HpSK-shikimate-PO(4) complex was also determined and refined to 2.3 Angstroms, revealing induced-fit movement from an open to a closed form on substrate binding. Shikimate is located above a short 3(10) helix formed by a strictly conserved motif (GGGXV) after beta(3). Moreover, several highly conserved charged residues including Asp33 (in a conserved DT/SD motif), Arg57, and Arg132 (interacting with shikimate) are identified, guiding the development of novel inhibitors of shikimate kinase.  相似文献   

N-Carbamoyl-d-amino acid amidohydrolase is an industrial biocatalyst to hydrolyze N-carbamoyl-d-amino acids for producing valuable d-amino acids. The crystal structure of N-carbamoyl-d-amino acid amidohydrolase in the unliganded form exhibits a alpha-beta-beta-alpha fold. To investigate the roles of Cys172, Asn173, Arg175, and Arg176 in catalysis, C172A, C172S, N173A, R175A, R176A, R175K, and R176K mutants were constructed and expressed, respectively. All mutants showed similar CD spectra and had hardly any detectable activity except for R173A that retained 5% of relative activity. N173A had a decreased value in kcat or Km, whereas R175K or R176K showed high Km and very low kcat values. Crystal structures of C172A and C172S in its free form and in complex form with a substrate, along with N173A and R175A, have been determined. Analysis of these structures shows that the overall structure maintains its four-layer architecture and that there is limited conformational change within the binding pocket except for R175A. In the substrate-bound structure, side chains of Glu47, Lys127, and C172S cluster together toward the carbamoyl moiety of the substrate, and those of Asn173, Arg175, and Arg176 interact with the carboxyl group. These results collectively suggest that a Cys172-Glu47-Lys127 catalytic triad is involved in the hydrolysis of the carbamoyl moiety and that Arg175 and Arg176 are crucial in binding to the carboxyl moiety, hence demonstrating substrate specificity. The common (Glu/Asp)-Lys-Cys triad observed among N-carbamoyl-d-amino acid amidohydrolase, NitFhit, and another carbamoylase suggests a conserved and robust platform during evolution, enabling it to catalyze the reactions toward a specific nitrile or amide efficiently.  相似文献   

The human mitochondrial deoxyribonucleotidase catalyzes the dephosphorylation of thymidine and deoxyuridine monophosphates and participates in the regulation of the dTTP pool in mitochondria. We present seven structures of the inactive D41N variant of this enzyme in complex with thymidine 3'-monophosphate, thymidine 5'-monophosphate, deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate, uridine 5'-monophosphate, deoxyguanosine 5'-monophosphate, uridine 2'-monophosphate, and the 5'-monophosphate of the nucleoside analog 3'-deoxy 2'3'-didehydrothymidine, and we draw conclusions about the substrate specificity based on comparisons with enzyme activities. We show that the enzyme's specificity for the deoxyribo form of nucleoside 5'-monophosphates is due to Ile-133, Phe-49, and Phe-102, which surround the 2' position of the sugar and cause an energetically unfavorable environment for the 2'-hydroxyl group of ribonucleoside 5'-monophosphates. The close binding of the 3'-hydroxyl group of nucleoside 5'-monophosphates to the enzyme indicates that nucleoside analog drugs that are substituted with a bulky group at this position will not be good substrates for this enzyme.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The specificity of ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) toward their four substrates is governed by the binding of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) to the allosteric specificity site. Similar patterns in the kinetics of allosteric regulation have been a strong argument for a common evolutionary origin of the three otherwise widely divergent RNR classes. Recent structural information settled the case for divergent evolution; however, the structural basis for transmission of the allosteric signal is currently poorly understood. A comparative study of the conformational effects of the binding of different effectors has not yet been possible; in addition, only one RNR class has been studied. RESULTS: Our presentation of the structures of a class III anaerobic RNR in complex with four dNTPs allows a full comparison of the protein conformations. Discrimination among the effectors is achieved by two side chains, Gln-114 and Glu-181, from separate monomers. Large conformational changes in the active site (loop 2), in particular Phe-194, are induced by effector binding. The conformational differences observed in the protein when the purine effectors are compared with the pyrimidine effectors are large, while the differences observed within the purine group itself are more subtle. CONCLUSIONS: The subtle differences in base size and hydrogen bonding pattern at the effector site are communicated to major conformational changes in the active site. We propose that the altered overlap of Phe-194 with the substrate base governs hydrogen bonding patterns with main and side chain hydrogen bonding groups in the active site. The relevance for evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Onconase® (ONC) is a homolog of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A) from the frog Rana pipiens. ONC displays antitumoral activity and is in advanced clinical trials for the treatment of cancer. Here, we report the first atomic structures of ONC-nucleic acid complexes: a T89N/E91A ONC-5′-AMP complex at 1.65 Å resolution and a wild-type ONC-d(AUGA) complex at 1.90 Å resolution. The latter structure and site-directed mutagenesis were used to reveal the atomic basis for substrate recognition and turnover by ONC. The residues in ONC that are proximal to the scissile phosphodiester bond (His10, Lys31, and His97) and uracil nucleobase (Thr35, Asp67, and Phe98) are conserved from RNase A and serve to generate a similar bell-shaped pH versus kcat/KM profile for RNA cleavage. Glu91 of ONC forms two hydrogen bonds with the guanine nucleobase in d(AUGA), and Thr89 is in close proximity to that nucleobase. Installing a neutral or cationic residue at position 91 or an asparagine residue at position 89 virtually eliminated the 102-fold guanine:adenine preference of ONC. A variant that combined such substitutions, T89N/E91A ONC, actually preferred adenine over guanine. In contrast, installing an arginine residue at position 91 increased the guanine preference and afforded an ONC variant with the highest known kcat/KM value. These data indicate that ONC discriminates between guanine and adenine by using Coulombic interactions and a network of hydrogen bonds. The structure of the ONC-d(AUGA) complex was also used to probe other aspects of catalysis. For example, the T5R substitution, designed to create a favorable Coulombic interaction between ONC and a phosphoryl group in RNA, increased ribonucleolytic activity by twofold. No variant, however, was more toxic to human cancer cells than wild-type ONC. Together, these findings provide a cynosure for understanding catalysis of RNA cleavage in a system of high medicinal relevance.  相似文献   



Protein Kinase Casein Kinase 2 (PKCK2) is an ubiquitous Ser/Thr kinase expressed in all eukaryotes. It phosphorylates a number of proteins involved in various cellular processes. PKCK2 holoenzyme is catalytically active tetramer, composed of two homologous or identical and constitutively active catalytic (α) and two identical regulatory (β) subunits. The tetramer cannot phosphorylate some substrates that can be phosphorylated by PKCK2α in isolation. The present work explores the structural basis of this feature using computational analysis and modeling.


We have initially built a model of PKCK2α bound to a substrate peptide with a conformation identical to that of the substrates in the available crystal structures of other kinases complexed with the substrates/ pseudosubstrates. In this model however, the fourth acidic residue in the consensus pattern of the substrate, S/T-X-X-D/E where S/T is the phosphorylation site, did not result in interaction with the active form of PKCK2α and is highly solvent exposed. Interaction of the acidic residue is observed if the substrate peptide adopts conformations as seen in β turn, α helix, or 310 helices. This type of conformation is observed and accommodated well by PKCK2α in calmodulin where the phosphorylation site is at the central helix. PP2A carries sequence patterns for PKCK2α phosphorylation. While the possibility of PP2A being phosphorylated by PKCK2 has been raised in the literature we use the model of PP2A to generate a model of PP2A-PKCK2α complex. PKCK2β undergoes phosphorylation by holoenzyme at the N-terminal region, and is accommodated very well in the limited space available at the substrate-binding site of the holoenzyme while the space is insufficient to accommodate the binding of PP2A or calmodulin in the holoenzyme.


Charge and shape complimentarity seems to play a role in substrate recognition and binding to PKCK2α, along with the consensus pattern. The detailed conformation of the substrate peptide binding to PKCK2 differs from the conformation of the substrate/pseudo substrate peptide that is bound to other kinases in the crystal structures reported. The ability of holoenzyme to phosphorylate substrate proteins seems to depend on the accessibility of the P-site in limited space available in holoenzyme.

The quinazolinone and pyridol-pyrimidine classes of p38 MAP kinase inhibitors have a previously unseen degree of specificity for p38 over other MAP kinases. Comparison of the crystal structures of p38 bound to four different compounds shows that binding of the more specific molecules is characterized by a peptide flip between Met109 and Gly110. Gly110 is a residue specific to the alpha, beta and gamma isoforms of p38. The delta isoform and the other MAP kinases have bulkier residues in this position. These residues would likely make the peptide flip energetically unfavorable, thus explaining the selectivity of binding. To test this hypothesis, we constructed G110A and G110D mutants of p38 and measured the potency of several compounds against them. The results confirm that the selectivity of quinazolinones and pyridol-pyrimidines results from the presence of a glycine in position 110. This unique mode of binding may be exploited in the design of new p38 inhibitors.  相似文献   

RNA modifications can regulate the stability of RNAs, mRNA–protein interactions, and translation efficiency. Pseudouridine is a prevalent RNA modification, and its metabolic fate after RNA turnover was recently characterized in eukaryotes, in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, we present structural and biochemical analyses of PSEUDOURIDINE KINASE from Arabidopsis (AtPUKI), the enzyme catalyzing the first step in pseudouridine degradation. AtPUKI, a member of the PfkB family of carbohydrate kinases, is a homodimeric α/β protein with a protruding small β-strand domain, which serves simultaneously as dimerization interface and dynamic substrate specificity determinant. AtPUKI has a unique nucleoside binding site specifying the binding of pseudourine, in particular at the nucleobase, by multiple hydrophilic interactions, of which one is mediated by a loop from the small β-strand domain of the adjacent monomer. Conformational transition of the dimerized small β-strand domains containing active site residues is required for substrate specificity. These dynamic features explain the higher catalytic efficiency for pseudouridine over uridine. Both substrates bind well (similar Km), but only pseudouridine is turned over efficiently. Our studies provide an example for structural and functional divergence in the PfkB family and highlight how AtPUKI avoids futile uridine phosphorylation which in vivo would disturb pyrimidine homeostasis.  相似文献   

Many intriguing facets of lipoxygenase (LOX) catalysis are open to a detailed structural analysis. Polyunsaturated fatty acids with two to six double bonds are oxygenated precisely on a particular carbon, typically forming a single chiral fatty acid hydroperoxide product. Molecular oxygen is not bound or liganded during catalysis, yet it is directed precisely to one position and one stereo configuration on the reacting fatty acid. The transformations proceed upon exposure of substrate to enzyme in the presence of O2 (RH + O2 → ROOH), so it has proved challenging to capture the precise mode of substrate binding in the LOX active site. Beginning with crystal structures with bound inhibitors or surrogate substrates, and most recently arachidonic acid bound under anaerobic conditions, a picture is consolidating of catalysis in a U‐shaped fatty acid binding channel in which individual LOX enzymes use distinct amino acids to control the head‐to‐tail orientation of the fatty acid and register of the selected pentadiene opposite the non‐heme iron, suitably positioned for the initial stereoselective hydrogen abstraction and subsequent reaction with O2. Drawing on the crystal structures available currently, this review features the roles of the N‐terminal β‐barrel (C2‐like, or PLAT domain) in substrate acquisition and sensitivity to cellular calcium, and the α‐helical catalytic domain in fatty acid binding and reactions with O2 that produce hydroperoxide products with regio and stereospecificity. LOX structures combine to explain how similar enzymes with conserved catalytic machinery differ in product, but not substrate, specificities.  相似文献   

The membrane-water interface forms a uniquely heterogeneous and geometrically constrained environment for enzymatic catalysis. Integral membrane enzymes sample three environments – the uniformly hydrophobic interior of the membrane, the aqueous extramembrane region, and the fuzzy, amphipathic interfacial region formed by the tightly packed headgroups of the components of the lipid bilayer. Depending on the nature of the substrates and the location of the site of chemical modification, catalysis may occur in each of these environments. The availability of structural information for alpha-helical enzyme families from each of these classes, as well as several beta-barrel enzymes from the bacterial outer membrane, has allowed us to review here the different ways in which each enzyme fold has adapted to the nature of the substrates, products, and the unique environment of the membrane. Our focus here is on enzymes that process lipidic substrates. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Bacterial Lipids edited by Russell E. Bishop.  相似文献   

Structural basis of the drug-binding specificity of human serum albumin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Human serum albumin (HSA) is an abundant plasma protein that binds a remarkably wide range of drugs, thereby restricting their free, active concentrations. The problem of overcoming the binding affinity of lead compounds for HSA represents a major challenge in drug development. Crystallographic analysis of 17 different complexes of HSA with a wide variety of drugs and small-molecule toxins reveals the precise architecture of the two primary drug-binding sites on the protein, identifying residues that are key determinants of binding specificity and illuminating the capacity of both pockets for flexible accommodation. Numerous secondary binding sites for drugs distributed across the protein have also been identified. The binding of fatty acids, the primary physiological ligand for the protein, is shown to alter the polarity and increase the volume of drug site 1. These results clarify the interpretation of accumulated drug binding data and provide a valuable template for design efforts to modulate the interaction with HSA.  相似文献   

The enzymatic cleavage of the nicotinamide-glycosidic bond on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(+)) has been proposed to go through an oxocarbenium ion-like transition state. Because of the instability of the ionic intermediate, there has been no structural report on such a transient reactive species. Human CD38 is an ectoenzyme that can use NAD(+) to synthesize two calcium-mobilizing molecules. By using NAD(+) and a surrogate substrate, NGD(+), we captured and determined crystal structures of the enzyme complexed with an intermediate, a substrate, and a product along the reaction pathway. Our results showed that the intermediate is stabilized by polar interactions with the catalytic residue Glu(226) rather than by a covalent linkage. The polar interactions between Glu(226) and the substrate 2',3'-OH groups are essential for initiating catalysis. Ser(193) was demonstrated to have a regulative role during catalysis and is likely to be involved in intermediate stabilization. In addition, a product inhibition effect by ADP-ribose (through the reorientation of the product) or GDP-ribose (through the formation of a covalently linked GDP-ribose dimer) was observed. These structural data provide insights into the understanding of multiple catalysis and clues for drug design.  相似文献   

Human Lyn tyrosine kinase is expressed in hematopoietic tissues and plays crucial roles in the signal transduction of hematopoietic immune system. Its excess activity is involved in several tumors. The crystal structure has revealed that the potent inhibitor staurosporine binds to human Lyn kinase domain at the ATP-binding site. The remarkable structural features of the staurosporine-binding region will offer valuable structural insights for the structure-based design of novel Lyn-selective inhibitors.  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) is a member of the AGC group of protein kinases. Whereas PKA has served as a structural model for the protein kinase superfamily, all previous structures of the catalytic subunit contain a phosphorylated activation loop. To understand the structural effects of activation loop phosphorylation at Thr-197 we used a PKA mutant that does not autophosphorylate at Thr-197. The enzyme crystallized in the apo-state, and the structure was solved to 3.0 ?. The N-lobe is rotated by 18° relative to the wild-type apoenzyme, which illustrates that the enzyme likely exists in a wide range of conformations in solution due to the uncoupling of the N- and C-lobes. Several regions of the protein including the activation loop are disordered in the structure, and there are alternate main chain conformations for the magnesium positioning loop and catalytic loop causing a complete loss of hydrogen bonding between these two active site structural elements. These alterations are reflected in a 20-fold decrease in the apparent phosphoryl transfer rate as measured by pre-steady-state kinetic methods.  相似文献   

PII is a highly conserved regulatory protein found in organisms across the three domains of life. In cyanobacteria and plants, PII relieves the feedback inhibition of the rate-limiting step in arginine biosynthesis catalyzed by N-acetylglutamate kinase (NAGK). To understand the molecular structural basis of enzyme regulation by PII, we have determined a 2.5-A resolution crystal structure of a complex formed between two homotrimers of PII and a single hexamer of NAGK from Arabidopsis thaliana bound to the metabolites N-acetylglutamate, ADP, ATP, and arginine. In PII, the T-loop and Trp(22) at the start of the alpha1-helix, which are both adjacent to the ATP-binding site of PII, contact two beta-strands as well as the ends of two central helices (alphaE and alphaG) in NAGK, the opposing ends of which form major portions of the ATP and N-acetylglutamate substrate-binding sites. The binding of Mg(2+).ATP to PII stabilizes a conformation of the T-loop that favors interactions with both open and closed conformations of NAGK. Interactions between PII and NAGK appear to limit the degree of opening and closing of the active-site cleft in opposition to a domain-separating inhibitory effect exerted by arginine, thus explaining the stimulatory effect of PII on the kinetics of arginine-inhibited NAGK.  相似文献   

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