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The incorporation of tritium from NaB3H4 into the major protein components of myelin and the presence of weak fluorescence emission bands at wavelengths of approximately 440 and 500 nm from sodium dodecyl sulfate-solubilized, delipidated white matter are indicative of the presence of the products of aldehyde reactions with proteins. The incorporation of tritium from NaB3H4 into myelin proteins was confirmed by reaction with purified components of myelin basic protein or with lipophilin, a purified fraction of proteolipid protein. From the extent of tritium incorporation into the purified proteins, it is estimated that approximately 0.2 mol of tritium is incorporated/mol of myelin basic protein and approximately 0.4 mol of tritium/mol of proteolipid protein. There is approximately 50% greater incorporation of tritium into a more degraded, less positively charged form of the basic protein. The incorporation of tritium into normal and multiple sclerosis white matter was compared. There is a small but statistically significant difference in the percentage of the total counts incorporated into the major protein fractions for the two groups, with the multiple sclerosis samples showing a higher percentage of the counts in the Wolfgram protein and a lower percentage in the myelin basic protein compared with the normal samples.  相似文献   

Abstract: A study of purified myelin samples from normal-appearing white matter of 10 multiple sclerosis (MS) brains was undertaken and the results were compared with 10 age-matched control brains. Statistical evaluations were carried out with Student's r-test for differences. In pathological samples the yield of myelin came to only two-thirds of the corresponding controls. Enzyme assays of the 2', 3'-cyclic 3'-phosphohydrolase revealed an obviously significant reduction of specific activity to one-half in MS myelins. In myelin the contents of protein, lipid classes as cholesterol, glycolipids and phospholipids did not differ significantly. No cholesterol esters or any lysophospholipid were detectable either in MS or in controls. Within the individual phospholipids the main components were in the same order, while a significant decrease of the acidic representatives and of sphingomyelin occurred. Analysis of the fatty acid pattern of phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), including the aldehydes from the last, revealed quite similar values with no significant differences, except C22: 4 fatty acid in the PE fraction and C20: 1 fatty acid in PS, which were reduced in MS myelin samples.  相似文献   

White Matter Proteins in Multiple Sclerosis   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
Abstract: The SDS-soluble membrane proteins of plaques and of macroscopically normal white matter from multiple sclerosis brain were investigated by gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Eleven protein bands were analyzed in detail. The extensive loss of myelin proteins in plaque samples was accompanied by changes in at least three other non-myelin proteins, besides glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), which probably reflect gliosis. Densitometric analysis of the PAGE patterns of membrane fractions from MS and control white matter revealed significant quantitative differences in a number of protein bands. A reduction in myelin basic protein (BP) was associated with an equally significant increase in a high-molecular-weight peptide fragment which may prove to be a breakdown product of BP. Small but highly significant differences in the Wolfgram protein and in one non-myelin protein were also a consistent feature of the normal-appearing white matter samples. The problem of defining normal white matter in multiple sclerosis brain is discussed in relation to the results of the present study, which suggest that one of the early events in the pathogenesis of the disease prior to frank demyelination is an alteration in the protein components of the myelin sheath and possibly of glial cells.  相似文献   

Differences have been observed between myelin vesicles prepared from normal human central nervous system and from white matter of patients who died with multiple sclerosis (MS). The mean cross-sectional area of the vesicles was 5.69 +/- 0.17 micron 2 from normal myelin and 3.71 +/- 0.28 micron 2 for diseased myelin. Vesicle size was reduced to 4.08 +/- 0.21 micron 2 when normal myelin vesicles were prepared in the presence of 0.1 mM EDTA. The presence of Ca2+ during the preparation of the vesicles had no effect on the mean cross-sectional area. In the case of MS myelin vesicles, 0.1 mM EDTA had no effect on vesicle size, whereas the presence of Ca2+ increased the vesicle size from 3.71 +/- 0.28 to 5.40 +/- 0.31 micron 2. Electrokinetic analysis revealed that the electrophoretic mobility of normal myelin vesicles was -5.169 +/- 0.193 X 10(-8) compared with -6.093 +/- 0.202 X 10(-8) m2 s-1 V-1 for the MS myelin vesicles. The presence of 0.1 mM EDTA increased the electrophoretic mobility of the normal vesicles to -6.483 +/- 0.151 X 10(-8) m2 s-1 V-1 but did not significantly affect that of the MS vesicles. Addition of 0.1 mM Ca2+ decreased the electrophoretic mobility of both normal and MS vesicles to similar mobilities. From these data, the surface charge densities were calculated for both normal and MS myelin vesicles and found to be -2.93 and -5.39 mV m-1, respectively. The phase transition temperature determined by wide-angle x-ray diffraction studies was 63 degrees C for normal myelin vesicles and 43 degrees C for MS myelin vesicles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

PurposeAlthough cerebral perfusion alterations have long been acknowledged in multiple sclerosis (MS), the relationship between measurable perfusion changes and the status of highly active MS has not been examined. We hypothesized that alteration of perfusion can be detected in normal appearing white matter and is increased in high inflammatory patients.ResultsThirteen patients were classified as high-inflammatory. Compared to low-inflammatory patients, the high-inflammatory group demonstrated significantly higher CBV (p = 0.001) and CBF (p = 0.014) values. A mixed model analysis to assess independent variables associated with CBV and CBF revealed that white matter lesion load and atrophy measurements had no significant influence on CBF and CBV.ConclusionThis work provides evidence that high inflammatory lesion load is associated with increased CBV and CBF, underlining the role of global modified microcirculation prior to leakage of the blood-brain barrier in the pathophysiology of MS. Perfusion changes might therefore be sensitive to active inflammation apart from lesion development without local blood–brain barrier breakdown, and could be utilized to further assess the metabolic aspect of current inflammation.  相似文献   

多发性硬化发病机制复杂,病毒感染在其发病中可能起着举足轻重的作用,目前多项研究支持他们之间的关联性;分子模拟、免疫调节网络的失调、表位扩展、旁路激活、超抗原激活和直接细胞损伤等是病毒感染导致多发性硬化发病的主要机理。本文就相关研究进行综述。  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated in the pathophysiology of both experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis (MS). NO-mediated protein damage in MS appears to be confined to large plaques where 3-nitrotyrosine has been detected. To determine whether nitrosative damage takes place beyond visible MS plaques, the occurrence of various NO-triggered protein modifications in normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) of eight MS brains was assessed and compared to that in white matter (WM) of four control brains. As determined by amino acid analysis and western blotting, no evidence of tyrosine nitration was found in the MS samples studied, suggesting that they did not contain appreciable amounts of plaque-derived material. The amino acid composition of total myelin proteins and proteolipid protein (PLP) was also unaltered in the diseased tissue, as was the fatty acid composition of PLP. In addition, we detected no changes in the number of protein free thiols suggesting that oxidation do not occur to any appreciable extent. However, the levels of nitrite in MS-NAWM were higher than those in control WM, while in the MS-gray matter (GM) the concentration of this ion was unaltered. Furthermore, five of the MS samples analyzed, and the same as those with high levels of glial fibrilary acidic protein, showed increased amounts of protein nitrosothiols as determined by the biotin switch method. S-nitrosation of GM proteins was again normal. There was no indication of N-nitrosation of tryptophan and N-terminal amino groups in both control and MS tissue. Overall, the data suggests that WM, but not GM, from MS brains is subjected to considerable nitrosative stress. This is the first report to present direct evidence of increased protein S-nitrosation and nitrite content in the brain parenchyma of MS patients.  相似文献   



Multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated not only with focal inflammatory lesions but also diffuse pathology in the central nervous system (CNS). Since there is no firm association between the amount of focal inflammatory lesions and disease severity, diffuse pathology in normal appearing white matter (NAWM) may be crucial for disease progression. Immunomodulating treatments for MS reduce the number of focal lesions, but possible effects on diffuse white matter pathology are less studied. Furthermore, it is not known whether intrathecal levels of inflammatory or neurodegenerative markers are associated with development of pathology in NAWM.


Quantitative proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) was used to investigate NAWM in 27 patients with relapsing MS before and after one year of treatment with natalizumab as well as NAWM in 20 healthy controls at baseline. Changes in 1H-MRS metabolite concentrations during treatment were also correlated with a panel of intrathecal markers of inflammation and neurodegeneration in 24 of these 27 patients.


The group levels of 1H-MRS metabolite concentrations were unchanged pre-to posttreatment, but a pattern of high magnitude correlation coefficients (r = 0.43–0.67, p<0.0005–0.03) were found between changes in individual metabolite concentrations (total creatine and total choline) and levels of pro-inflammatory markers (IL-1β and CXCL8).


Despite a clinical improvement and a global decrease in levels of inflammatory markers in cerebrospinal fluid during treatment, high levels of pro-inflammatory CXCL8 and IL-1β were associated with an increase in 1H-MRS metabolites indicative of continued gliosis development and membrane turnover in NAWM.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP) consists of several components or charge isomers (C-1 through C-8) generated by one or a combination of posttranslational modifications. One of these, C-8, has been shown to contain citrulline (Cit) at defined sites formed by deimination of six arginyl residues. This unusual modification has allowed us to raise antibodies specific for this charge isomer only. To do this, a synthetic peptide, Gly-Cit-Cit-Cit-Cit, was coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin and injected into rabbits. The antibodies so generated reacted only with C-8 and not with any of the other charge isomers. A second antibody fraction was raised against the synthetic peptide ACitHGFLPCitHR naturally occurring between residues 24 and 33 of C-8 (all other charge isomers contain R instead of Cit at positions 25 and 31). These antibodies preferred C-8 but reacted with the other charge isomers, to the extent of approximately 25-30% of the reactivity shown with C-8. In studies with C-8 from multiple sclerosis (MS) MBP, much greater reactivity was obtained with these antibodies when compared with their reactivity with C-8 from normal MBP. Because the total number of Cit residues in C-8 from MS and normal MBP is the same, the difference in reactivity may be related to structural factors. The antibodies raised with the tetra-Cit peptide were reacted with three pairs of synthetic peptides: 24ARHGFLPRHR33 and ACitHGFLPCitHR; 120GQRPGFGYGGRAS132 and GQCitPGFGYGGCitAS; and 157GGRDSRSGSPMARR170 and GGCitDSRSGSPMACitR. They reacted only with the Cit-containing peptides in the order 157-170 greater than 120-130 greater than 24-33.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A genetic component in the susceptibility to multiple sclerosis (MS) has long been known, and the first and major genetic risk factor, the HLA region, was identified in the 1970’s. However, only with the advent of genome-wide association studies in the past five years did the list of risk factors for MS grow from 1 to over 50. In this review, we summarize the search for MS risk genes and the latest results. Comparison with data from other autoimmune and neurological diseases and from animal models indicates parallels and differences between diseases. We discuss how these translate into an improved understanding of disease mechanisms, and address current challenges such as genotype-phenotype correlations, functional mechanisms of risk variants and the missing heritability.  相似文献   

Circulating antibody to the bovine white matter proteolipid apoprotein was detected in rabbits 1 month after a single injection of the water-soluble form of the apoprotein. By double immunodiffusion, the antiserum reacted specifically with the delipidated proteolipid apoprotein and the crude proteolipid fraction containing complex lipids; after exposure of the proteolipid apoprotein to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), no reactivity was observed. The antiserum did not react with other myelin components, i.e., basic protein, cerebroside or GM1 ganglioside, nor was there reactivity with non-neural proteolipids. The anti-apoprotein antibody was purified by affinity chromatography. The antibody-antigen interaction is apparently very hydrophobic, since elution of the antibody from the affinity column requires buffer containing 0.5% Triton X-100-4 M-urea.  相似文献   

Abstract: Various cryoprotective agents [glycerol, dimethylsulphoxide, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP 40)], all dissolved in Krebs phosphate medium were tested for their effects on cytoplasmic preservation in oligodendroglia isolated from bovine white matter stored at -30°C. Of these agents, only PVP 40 (15% wt/vol) produced a significant improvement in recovery of oligodendroglial cytoplasm compared with untreated frozen brain. Cells isolated after PVP 40 pretreatment contained levels of membrane-bound enzymes similar to those found in cells isolated from fresh white matter. There was, however, some loss of soluble protein. Studies of galactocerebroside synthesis in neuronal and oligodendroglial perikarya have shown that the glial cells contain ceramide galactosyltransferase at much higher specific activity than the neurones.  相似文献   

High Resolution Proton NMR Spectroscopy of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Abstract: Tissue from postmortem multiple sclerosis and normal control brains was extracted with perchloric acid and analysed using proton NMR spectroscopy. The content of N -acetyl-derived groups (the sum of N -acetylaspartate, acetate, and N -acetylaspartylglutamate) was decreased in multiple sclerosis plaques compared with normal control white matter (mean, 4.36 vs. 6.64 µmol/g wet weight). In normal appearing white matter adjacent to plaques a corresponding decrease was seen, with no change in white matter distant from plaques. A decrease in the content of total creatine was observed in multiple sclerosis plaques in comparison with normal control white matter (mean, 4.64 vs. 6.56 µmol/g wet weight), which correlated strongly with the decrease in N -acetyl-derived groups. No changes in other metabolites such as total choline or myo -inositol were seen. The decreases in content of N -acetyl-derived groups are in agreement with observations from in vivo proton NMR spectroscopy in multiple sclerosis patients. The decrease in total creatine is in contrast to most of the observations made in vivo where total creatine is assumed to be unchanged and metabolite levels are often expressed as a total creatine ratio. The use of a total creatine ratio in vivo could lead to an underestimation of reductions in N -acetylaspartate and an apparent increase in other metabolites in the multiple sclerosis lesion.  相似文献   

目的:探索脑梗死患者中脑白质病变的危险因素。方法:以2012 年1 月至2014 年12 月我院神经内科收治的837 例脑梗死 患者为研究对象,采用Fazekas量表评价核磁共振T2WI脑室旁白质和皮质下白质病变严重程度。分别比较不同程度脑室旁白质 病变、皮质下白质病变患者间各个危险因素的差异,采用Logistic 回归分析脑白质病变的危险因素。结果:年龄、高血压是脑室旁 白质(OR 年龄=1.090,95%CI:0.073-0.099,P<0.05;OR 高血压=1.699,95%CI:0.242-0.818,P<0.05)和皮质下白质病变(OR 年龄 =1.074,95%CI:0.059-0.083,P<0.05;OR高血压=1.353,95%CI:0.017-0.588,P<0.05)共同的危险因素。收缩压(OR=1.008,95%CI: 0.001-0.015,P<0.05)是皮质下白质病变的危险因素。结论:在脑梗死患者中,年龄、高血压是脑室旁白质病变、皮质下白质病变共 同的危险因素,收缩压是皮质下白质病变的危险因素。  相似文献   

Abstract: Central nervous system proteins, immobilized on cellulose nitrate sheets, can be identified by incubation with specific antisera. Using this technique, no disease-related antibodies against CNS proteins were detected in the cerebrospinal fluid, brain extracts, or sera from cases of multiple sclerosis, although a positive response was seen in sera from animals with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.  相似文献   

We have previously identified a distinct class of antibodies expressed by B cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of early and established relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) patients that is not observed in healthy donors. These antibodies contain a unique pattern of mutations in six codons along VH4 antibody genes that we termed the antibody gene signature (AGS). In fact, patients who have such B cells in their CSF are identified as either having RRMS or developing RRMS in the future. As mutations in antibody genes increase antibody affinity for particular antigens, the goal for this study was to investigate whether AGS+ antibodies bind to brain tissue antigens. Single B cells were isolated from the CSF of 10 patients with early or established RRMS. We chose 32 of these B cells that expressed antibodies enriched for the AGS for further study. We generated monoclonal full-length recombinant human antibodies (rhAbs) and used both immunological assays and immunohistochemistry to investigate the capacity of these AGS+ rhAbs to bind brain tissue antigens. AGS+ rhAbs did not recognize myelin tracts in the corpus callosum. Instead, AGS+ rhAbs recognized neuronal nuclei and/or astrocytes, which are prevalent in the cortical gray matter. This pattern was unique to the AGS+ antibodies from early and established RRMS patients, as AGS+ antibodies from an early neuromyelitis optica patient did not display the same reactivity. Prevalence of CSF-derived B cells expressing AGS+ antibodies that bind to these cell types may be an indicator of gray matter-directed autoimmunity in early and established RRMS patients.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized coated vesicles from bovine white matter and compared them to those isolated from gray matter. The virtual absence of synaptic vesicle antigens in the white matter coated vesicles indicates they are distinct from those found in gray matter and from vesicles derived from synaptic membranes. The white matter coated vesicles also lack compact myelin components, e.g., the myelin proteolipid, galactocerebroside, and sulfatides, as well as the periaxolemmal myelin marker myelin-associated glycoprotein. On the other hand, these vesicles contain 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide phosphohydrolase. The vesicles also contain high levels of plasmolipin, a protein present in myelin and oligodendrocytes. Plasmolipin was found to be four to five times higher in white matter coated vesicles than in gray matter coated vesicles. Based on western blot quantitation, the concentration of plasmolipin in white matter coated vesicles is 3-4% of the vesicle bilayer protein. These studies indicate that a significant proportion of coated vesicles from white matter may be derived from unique membrane domains of the myelin complex or oligodendroglial membrane, which are enriched in plasmolipin.  相似文献   

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