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Eye position influences auditory responses in primate inferior colliculus   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Groh JM  Trause AS  Underhill AM  Clark KR  Inati S 《Neuron》2001,29(2):509-518
We examined the frame of reference of auditory responses in the inferior colliculus in monkeys fixating visual stimuli at different locations. Eye position modulated the level of auditory responses in 33% of the neurons we encountered, but it did not appear to shift their spatial tuning. The effect of eye position on auditory responses was substantial-comparable in magnitude to that of sound location. The eye position signal appeared to interact with the auditory responses in at least a partly multiplicative fashion. We conclude that the representation of sound location in primate IC is distributed and that the frame of reference is intermediate between head- and eye-centered coordinates. The information contained in these neurons appears to be sufficient for later neural stages to calculate the positions of sounds with respect to the eyes.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological theories proposed a critical role of the interaction between the medial temporal lobe and neocortex in the formation of long-term memory for facts and events, which has often been tested by learning of a series of paired words or figures in humans. We identify neural mechanisms of this long-term memory formation process by single-unit recording and molecular biological methods in an animal model of visual pair-association task in monkeys. In our previous studies, we found a group of neurons that manifested selective responses to both of the paired associates (pair-coding neuron) in the anterior inferior temporal (IT) cortex. It provides strong evidence that single IT neurons acquire the response-selectivity through associative learning, and suggests that the reorganized neural circuits for the pair-coding neurons serve as the memory engram of the pair-association learning. In this article, we investigated further mechanisms of the neural circuit reorganization. First, we tested the role of the backward connections from the medial temporal lobe to IT cortex. lbotenic acid was injected unilaterally into the entorhinal and perirhinal cortex which provided massive backward projections ipsilaterally to IT cortex. We found that the limbic lesion disrupted the associative code of the IT neurons between the paired associates, without impairing the visual response to each stimulus. Second, we ask why the limbic-neocortical interactions are so important. We hypothesize that limbic neurons would undergo rapid modification of synaptic connectivity and provide backward signals that guide reorganization of neocortical neural circuits. We then investigated the molecular basis of such rapid synaptic modifiability by detecting the expression of immediate-early genes. We found strong expression of zif268 during the learning of a new set of paired associates, most intensively in area 36 of the perirhinal cortex. All these results with visual pair-association task support our hypothesis, and demonstrate that the ‘consolidation’ process, which was first proposed on the basis of clinico-psychological evidence, can now be examined in the primate with neurophysiolocical and molecular biological approaches.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(18):4172-4179.e6
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The reversal potential of GABAA receptor channels is known to be less negative than the resting membrane potential under some cases. Recent electrophysiological experiments revealed that a GABAergic unitary conductance with such a depolarized reversal potential could not only prevent but also facilitate action potential generation depending on the timing of its application relative to the excitatory unitary conductance. Using a two-dimensional point neuron model, we simulate the experiments regarding the integration of unitary conductances, and execute bifurcation analysis. Then we extend our analysis to the case in which the neuron receives two kinds of periodic input trains-an excitatory one and a GABAergic one. We show that the periodic depolarizing GABAergic input train can modulate the output time-averaged firing rate bidirectionally, namely as an increase or a decrease, in a devil's-staircase-like manner depending on the phase difference with the excitatory input train. Bifurcation analysis reveals the existence of a wide variety of phase-locked solutions underlying such a graded response of the neuron. We examine how the input time-width and the value of the GABAA reversal potential affect the response. Moreover, considering a neuronal population, we show that depolarizing GABAergic inputs bidirectionally modulate the amplitude of the oscillatory population activity.  相似文献   

Selective modulation of NMDA responses by reduction and oxidation   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
E Aizenman  S A Lipton  R H Loring 《Neuron》1989,2(3):1257-1263
Electrophysiological responses to the glutamate analog N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) measured in three different central neuronal preparations are subject to a novel modulatory mechanism: they are substantially potentiated after exposure to the disulfide reducing agent dithiothreitol, while oxidation with 5-5-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid decreases the magnitude of the response. Modification of the NMDA response by either oxidation or reduction does not appear to affect the pharmacological properties of the receptor-channel complex. Since we observe that the redox state of the native receptor-channel complex varies widely among neurons, an in vivo mechanism that can strongly regulate NMDA-activated functions by either reduction or oxidation may exist. In addition, these results suggest that it may be possible to design specific redox agents for characterizing the NMDA receptor-channel complex.  相似文献   

Summary The lateral geniculate body performs a spatial remapping operation. This remapping may help to preserve the apparent distance of objects under symmetrical eye movements, thereby stabilizing the appearance of visual space. In addition, a related, and perhaps more basic function of the geniculate remapping may be to increase the efficiency of the neural matrix which encodes depth information. For distant fixation, the majority of cells in this cortical matrix would be responsive to crossed disparities, but for near fixation, many of these same cells might be converted into uncrossed disparity detectors. Two types of models for the geniculate are presented, together with supporting evidence: (1) a quantitative psychophysical model describing its steady-state properties, and (2) a qualitative neurophysiological model describing the function of the geniculate laminae.This work was supported by the U.S. Air Force under contract No. AFORSR-F 44620-67-C0085. Supplementary funding was received from NASA and NIMH under grants Ns G 496 and MH 05673 awarded to Prof. H.-L. Teuber, Chairman, Dept. of Psychology, M. I. T., Cambridge, Mass.  相似文献   

Attention governs action in the primate frontal eye field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Schafer RJ  Moore T 《Neuron》2007,56(3):541-551
While the motor and attentional roles of the frontal eye field (FEF) are well documented, the relationship between them is unknown. We exploited the known influence of visual motion on the apparent positions of targets, and measured how this illusion affects saccadic eye movements during FEF microstimulation. Without microstimulation, saccades to a moving grating are biased in the direction of motion, consistent with the apparent position illusion. Here we show that microstimulation of spatially aligned FEF representations increases the influence of this illusion on saccades. Rather than simply impose a fixed-vector signal, subthreshold stimulation directed saccades away from the FEF movement field, and instead more strongly in the direction of visual motion. These results demonstrate that the attentional effects of FEF stimulation govern visually guided saccades, and suggest that the two roles of the FEF work together to select both the features of a target and the appropriate movement to foveate it.  相似文献   

Electrosensory modulation of escape responses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Once initiated, rapid escape responses of teleost fishes are thought to be completed without additional sensory modification. This suggests that the motor program for a particular response is selected for by the constellation of sensory cues existing at the time of the releasing stimulus. This paper presents initial evidence that a highly specialized, phylogenetically recent electrosensory system is integrated with a primitive motor system and allows an animal to continuously monitor its environment for producing accurate escape behaviors.Behavioral testing for directed startle responses in a Y-maze demonstrates that when presented immediately before an acoustic startle stimulus, electric fish (Eigenmannia virescens), direct their response away from the cue (a transient shorting of their electric field). Thus, electrosensory cues as brief as 100 ms provide directional information to the escape motor network.In electric fish that are curarized to facilitate intracellular recording, the normal electric organ discharge is attenuated. When an electronically generated replacement field of the same frequency and amplitude as the fish's normal signal is shorted, a fast-rising, 7 ms latency post-synaptic potential is evoked from the Mauthner cell. Similar PSPs are generated by turning the replacement stimulus on and off. In some recordings, removing the S1 replacement field elicits a rebound of other afferent activity to the Mauthner cell; replacing the field suppresses this activity.Abbreviations EHP extrinsic hyperpolarizing potential - EOD electric organ discharge - JAR jaming avoidance response - LED light emitting diode - PSP postsynaptic potential  相似文献   

Ocular dominance (OD) has long served as the model for neural plasticity. The shift of OD has been demonstrated by monocular deprivation in animals only during early visual development. Here, for the first time, we show that perceptual eye dominance can be modulated in real time in normal human adults by varying the spatial image content of movies seen dichoptically by the two eyes over a period as short as 2.5 h. Unlike OD shifts seen in early visual development, this modulation in human eye dominance is not simply a consequence of reduced interocular correlation (e.g. synchronicity) or overall contrast energy, but due to the amplitude reductions of specific image components in one eye''s view. The spatial properties driving this eye dominance change suggest that the underlying mechanism is binocular but not orientationally selective, therefore uniquely locating it to layer 4 B of area V1.  相似文献   

In vitro T-cell requirements for and modulation of human B-cell responses were studied in individuals immunized in vivo to the protein antigen keyhole limpet hemocyanin or tetanus toxoid. T cells were required for antibody synthesis in both antigen-driven and pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-driven cultures. T cells were separated into T4+ and T8+ subpopulations using monoclonal antibodies, and their modulation of antibody synthesis was studied. T4+ cells functioned as helper cells in both antigen-driven and PWM-driven cultures in a dose-dependent manner. Whereas T8+ cells suppress both total and specific immunoglobulin secretion in PWM-stimulated cultures, in antigen-stimulated cultures T8+ cells do not suppress unless activated by another cell population present in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC). This cellular requirement was further investigated by prestimulation of cells prior to addition to optimally stimulated antigen-driven cultures of PBMNC or B cells, monocytes, and helper T cells. No suppression of these optimally stimulated cultures was seen when T8+ cells were precultured with antigen or PWM. However, after 3-5 days preculture of total T cells with PWM or antigen and then selection of T4+ cells, these cells were able to induce fresh autologous T8+ cells to suppress optimally stimulated antigen-driven cultures. Addition of a precultured mixture of T8+ cells with 20% T4+ cells also resulted in antigen-induced suppression. These data indicate that T8+ cells can suppress antigen-driven cultures but require the presence of preactivated T4+ cells for induction of this suppression of antigen-specific T-cell-dependent human B-cell responses.  相似文献   

Land‐use change modifies the spatial structure of terrestrial landscapes, potentially shaping the distribution, abundance and diversity of remaining species assemblages. Non‐human primates can be particularly vulnerable to landscape disturbances, but our understanding of this topic is far from complete. Here we reviewed all available studies on primates' responses to landscape structure. We found 34 studies of 71 primate species (24 genera and 10 families) that used a landscape approach. Most studies (82%) were from Neotropical forests, with howler monkeys being the most frequently studied taxon (56% of studies). All studies but one used a site‐landscape or a patch‐landscape study design, and frequently (34% of studies) measured landscape variables within a given radius from the edge of focal patches. Altogether, the 34 studies reported 188 responses to 17 landscape‐scale metrics. However, the majority of the studies (62%) quantified landscape predictors within a single spatial scale, potentially missing significant primate–landscape responses. To assess such responses accurately, landscape metrics need to be measured at the optimal scale, i.e. the spatial extent at which the primate–landscape relationship is strongest (so‐called ‘scale of effect’). Only 21% of studies calculated the scale of effect through multiscale approaches. Interestingly, the vast majority of studies that do not assess the scale of effect mainly reported null effects of landscape structure on primates, while most of the studies based on optimal scales found significant responses. These significant responses were primarily to landscape composition variables rather than landscape configuration variables. In particular, primates generally show positive responses to increasing forest cover, landscape quality indices and matrix permeability. By contrast, primates show weak responses to landscape configuration. In addition, half of the studies showing significant responses to landscape configuration metrics did not control for the effect of forest cover. As configuration metrics are often correlated with forest cover, this means that documented configuration effects may simply be driven by landscape‐scale forest loss. Our findings suggest that forest loss (not fragmentation) is a major threat to primates, and thus, preventing deforestation (e.g. through creation of reserves) and increasing forest cover through restoration is critically needed to mitigate the impact of land‐use change on our closest relatives. Increasing matrix functionality can also be critical, for instance by promoting anthropogenic land covers that are similar to primates' habitat.  相似文献   

Mean reaction times obtained with crossed hands (right had on the left and left hand on the right) are slower than reaction times obtained with uncrossed hands (right hand on the right and left hand on the left). These results have been explained as a compatibility effect between the responding hand and its spatial position. The goal of the present experiment was to establish whether the position of the hand is encoded by the subjects relative to their body (absolute position) or relative to the other hand (relative position). The subjects performed a discrimination task on two visual stimuli. Stimuli and hands were either on the same side of the body (both on the left or both on the right) or had different absolute position. In all conditions the subjects responded with crossed and uncrossed hands. The results support the hypothesis that relative position is encoded.  相似文献   

The supplementary eye field (SEF) is a region within medial frontal cortex that integrates complex visuospatial information and controls eye-head gaze shifts. Here, we test if the SEF encodes desired gaze directions in a simple retinal (eye-centered) frame, such as the superior colliculus, or in some other, more complex frame. We electrically stimulated 55 SEF sites in two head-unrestrained monkeys to evoke 3D eye-head gaze shifts and then mathematically rotated these trajectories into various reference frames. Each stimulation site specified a specific spatial goal when plotted in its intrinsic frame. These intrinsic frames varied site by site, in a continuum from eye-, to head-, to space/body-centered coding schemes. This variety of coding schemes provides the SEF with a unique potential for implementing arbitrary reference frame transformations.  相似文献   

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