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cDNA clones encoding the human erythrocyte band 7 membrane protein were isolated by immunoscreening from bone marrow and HeLa cell lambda gt 11 cDNA libraries, and their nucleotide sequences were determined. HeLa- and bone marrow cell-derived sequences were identical, except for one nucleotide; the deduced sequence of 287 amino acids was confirmed by sequence identity with peptides of the erythroid protein. Structure analysis assigned band 7 protein to the type Ib transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

Band 3 is the predominant approximately 90,000-dalton polypeptide component of the human erythrocyte membrane. It was solubilized selectively, along with the other major glycoproteins, by extracting membrane ghosts with Triton X-100 under nondenaturing conditions. Two major polypeptides remained associated with Band 3 under these conditions; however one (Band 6) could be dissociated at an ionic strength of 0.15 and the other (Band 4.2) by treatment with p-chloromercuribenzoate. Band 3 was then purified (greater than or equal to 97%) by aminoethyl cellulose ion exchange chromatography. The isolated protein was free of phospholipid and was moderately enriched in apolar amino acid residues; it contained galactose and glucosamine but very little sialic acid and galactosamine. When Band 3 was labeled by treatment of ghosts with galactose oxidase plus KB3H4 and then purified, the electrophoretic mobility of its radioactivity lagged slightly behing that of its Coomassie blue staining profile. Variation in glycosylation could therefore cause the diffuse trailing zone characteristically observed for Band 3 on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. The ultraviolet circular dichroism of Band 3 was stable in nonionic detergent and suggested an alpha helix content of 43%, a value close to that estimated for this polypeptide in the membrane.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte protein band 3 was purified from a Triton X-100 extract of white ghosts. This purification, including an ion-exchange chromatography and a group-affinity chromatography, was automated. The apparatus was assembled from commercially available elements and allowed for the recovery of 2 to 3 mg pure band 3 in 2 hr. The purification could be repeated several times a day. The advantages of automation are discussed.  相似文献   

Gengliosides generally provide a small portion of the complex carbohydrate content of cell surfaces. An exception is the central nervous system where they comprise up to 5–10% of the total lipid of some membranes. This tissue is unique in that the quantity of lipid-bound sialic acid exceeds that of the protein-bound fraction. Over 30 different molecular species have been characterized to date. These range in complexity from sialosylgalactosyl ceramide with 2 sugars to the pentasialoganglioside of fish brain with 9 carbohydrate units. Virtually all cellular and subcellular fractions of brain that have been carefully examined contain gangliosides to one degree or another, but the majority of brain ganglioside is located in the neurons. Their mode of distribution within the neuron has not been entirely clarified by subcellular studies. Calculations based on reported values for axon terminal density and synaptosomal ganglioside concentration in the rat reveal that nerve endings contribute less than 12% of total cerebral cortical ganglioside. It is concluded that the plasma membranes of neuronal processes contain most of the neuronal ganglioside. These and other considerations suggest the possibility that gangliosides may be distributed over the entire neuronal surface.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte band 3 was covalently labeled within the integral membrane domain by incubating intact erythrocytes with the phosphorescent probe eosinyl-5-maleimide. The rotational diffusion of band 3 in membranes prepared from these labeled cells was measured using the technique of time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy. Three rotational correlation times ranging from 16 to 3800 microseconds were observed, suggesting that band 3 exists in different aggregate states within the plane of the membrane. The oxidizing agent phenylhydrazine was used to induce hemichrome formation within intact erythrocytes. The immobilization of band 3 in membranes prepared from these erythrocytes suggests that the binding of hemichromes induces clustering of band 3. The addition of purified hemichromes to erythrocyte ghosts leads to a similar effect. We have also examined the mobility of the cytoplasmic domain of band 3. This region was labeled indirectly using a phosphorescently labeled antibody which binds to an epitope within the cytoplasmic domain. We observed very rapid motion of the cytoplasmic region of band 3, which was only partially restricted upon hemichrome binding. This suggests that the integral and cytoplasmic domains of band 3 may be independently mobile.  相似文献   

Band-3 protein from human erythrocyte membranes was isolated, without using detergents, by a two-step procedure: (1) The peripheral proteins were removed from the membrane by treatment with 10% acetic acid. (2) The remaining lipoprotein complex was solubilized in approximately 92% (v/v) acetic acid and then separated into its components by preparative zonal electrophoresis in a gradient made up of acetic acid, water and sucrose. Band 3 was recovered from the gradient at a yield of 60 - 70% and purity of about 95%. Approximately 25 mg of band 3 could be prepared in one run. The protein is soluble in aqueous solutions, even in the absence of organic solvents or detergents. In addition to band 3, the proteins stained by periodic acid/Schiff's reagent (the sialoglycoproteins) are also separated from the other proteins.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes bearing the Rh(D) antigen have an Mr 30,000 integral membrane protein which can be surface-labeled with 125I and can be quantitatively immunoprecipitated from Triton X-100-solubilized spectrin-depleted membrane vesicles. The 125I-labeled Rh(D)-associated protein was purified to radiochemical homogeneity from membrane skeletons solubilized in sodium dodecyl sulfate and urea by hydroxylapatite chromatography, gel filtration, and preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The Rh(D)-associated protein was purified nearly 200-fold from 2 units of erythrocytes from DD individuals by employing similar methods on a large scale using the purified 125I-labeled Rh(D)-associated protein as a tracer. The product appeared to be greater than 95% pure and migrated as a diffuse band of Mr approximately 30,000-32,000 on silver-stained sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis gels poured from 12% acrylamide. It is estimated that the Rh(D)-associated protein makes up approximately 0.5% of the original membrane protein. When concentrated, partially purified Rh(D)-associated protein forms dimers and larger oligomers which are stable in sodium dodecyl sulfate and urea. The Rh(D)-associated protein was protected from degradation when intact erythrocytes or inside out membrane vesicles were enzymatically digested. These studies indicate that the Mr 30,000 protein associated with the Rh(D) antigen is linked to the membrane skeleton, resides within the lipid bilayer with minimal extra- or intracellular protrusions, exists normally as an oligomer, and can be purified in denatured form.  相似文献   

The major intrinsic protein of the human erythrocyte membrane commonly referred to as "Band 3", was isolated by a multi-step procedure. Extraction of ghost membranes in dilute solutions of lithium diiodosalicylate removed most of the proteins considered to be extrinsic to the membrane. The resulting membrane fragments were solubilized in sodium dodecyl sulfate, and the major sialoglycoprotein (glycophorin A) was removed by wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. Gel filtration in sodium dodecyl sulfate was used as the final step to yield the band 3 polypeptide in electrophoretically homogeneous form.  相似文献   

The 42,000 major outer membrane protein of Chromatium vinosum was purified by a combination on ion-exchange chromatography, gel filtration, and isoelectric focusing. Upon isoelectric focusing, the final material produced four major hands. Three of the four bands were isolated and analyzed for similarity or differences. Protease peptide maps and cyanogen bromide maps of the three isoelectric species were identical. When the isolated isoelectric species were refocused, each produced multiple isoelectric species, suggesting that the procedure used was generating the multiple charged species. Protease treatment of the isolated outer membrane produced a 31,000 fragment from the 42,000 protein. This fragment was isolated by preparative sodium sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Although the amino acid compositions of the 42,000 protein and its 31,000 trypsin fragment were different, their polarity index was the same (45%). The amino-terminal sequences of the 42,000 protein and 31,000 trypsin fragment were identical, and it concluded that the amino-terminal was buried in the membrane.  相似文献   

Ejaculated human spermatozoa were subjected to nitrogen cavitation (600 psi for ten min) to remove the plasma membrane (PM). Electron microscopic examination of the cavitated cells revealed that 33% of the PM was removed from the sperm which includes both the head and tail regions. The released membrane was separated from the cavitated cells by centrifugation followed by a discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. A single membrane population was resolved at the 1.0 M sucrose interface. Examination of the isolated membranes by electron microscopy revealed vesicles of various sizes displaying unit membrane structures. Biochemical analysis of the isolated membranes showed a threefold enrichment in the surface membrane marker 5' nucleotidase and also suggested little contamination by enzymes from the cytosol (lactate dehydrogenase) or mitochondria (cytochrome oxidase). Analytical lipid analysis of the isolated membranes revealed a 26-fold enrichment in the distribution of cholesterol, an 11-fold enrichment of phospholipids, and a cholesterol:phospholipid molar ratio of 0.83. Also found was a twofold increase in glycosphingolipids which are ubiquitous components of PM in eukaryotic cells. These data indicate that the membrane vesicles isolated after nitrogen cavitation are primarily PM.  相似文献   

Three major hypotheses have been proposed to explain the role of membrane-spanning proteins in establishing/maintaining membrane stability. These hypotheses ascribe the essential contribution of integral membrane proteins to (i) their ability to anchor the membrane skeleton to the lipid bilayer, (ii) their capacity to bind and stabilize membrane lipids, and (iii) their ability to influence and regulate local membrane curvature. In an effort to test these hypotheses in greater detail, we have modified both the membrane skeletal and lipid binding interactions of band 3 (the major membrane-spanning and skeletal binding protein of the human erythrocyte membrane) and have examined the impact of these modifications on erythrocyte membrane morphology, deformability, and stability. The desired changes in membrane skeletal and protein-lipid interactions were induced by 1) reaction of the cells with 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (DIDS), an inhibitor of band 3-mediated anion transport that dissociates band 3 into dimers (increasing its surface area in contact with lipid) and severs band 3 linkages to the membrane skeleton; 2) a fragment of ankyrin that ruptures the same ankyrin-band 3 bridge to the membrane skeleton, but drives the band 3 subunit equilibrium toward the tetramer (i.e. decreasing the band 3 surface area in contact with lipid); and 3) an antibody to the ankyrin-binding site on band 3 that promotes the same changes in band 3 skeletal and lipid interactions as the ankyrin fragment. We observed that although DIDS induced echinocytic morphological changes in the treated erythrocytes, it had little impact on either membrane deformability or stability. In contrast, resealing of either the ankyrin fragment or anti-band 3 IgG into erythrocytes caused spontaneous membrane fragmentation and loss of deformability/stability. Because these and other new observations cannot all be reconciled with any single hypothesis on membrane stability, we suggest that more than one hypothesis may be operative and provide an explanation of how each might individually contribute to net membrane stability.  相似文献   

Two minor glycoproteins GP-II and GP-III, were isolated from human erythrocyte membranes and characterized chemically and immunologically. The chemical composition of GP-II and GP-III was similar: GP-II consisted of 81% protein and 19 % carbohydrate of which 4.9 % was hexose. 5.4 % hexosamine and 7.8 % sialic acid. GP-III consisted of 76 % protein and 24 % carbohydrate of which 7.6 % was hexose, 7.2 % hexosamine and 8.1 % sialic acid. The amino acid composition of GP-II and GP-III was also similar. GP-II and GP-III, however, differed in chemical composition from the MN glycoprotein. GP-II and GP-III were associated with the blood group activities Ss, I and A, but not with the MN antigens. GP-III had higher blood group activities per μg of protein than did GP-II. The specific activities for the Ss blood group antigens were increased 3–10-fold by purification of GP-III from the aqueous phase of chloroform methanol extracts.  相似文献   

We have purified a 37,000-dalton polypeptide (p37) from the red cell membrane that was found in previous studies to undergo a lineage-specific alteration in its membrane association. Our data suggest that p37 associates with the red cell membrane through electrostatic interactions that are resistant to 0.5 M NaCl or 10 mM EDTA. Conditions found to elute p37 from red cell ghosts include H2O at pH 12, 0.1 N NaOH + 1 mM ethanol and 1.0% Triton X-100. p37 was purified substantially from ghosts by Triton X-100 solubilization followed by sequential DEAE-Sephadex and CM-Sephadex chromatography. When p37 was analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, a family of isoelectric focusing variants was detected ranging in pI from 7.0 to 7.8. All of the isoelectric focusing variants showed homology to one another when compared serologically with anti-p37 antibodies or by limited peptide mapping using Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease. The isoelectric focusing variants appear to represent distinct, yet related polypeptides rather than degrees of post-translational modifications to a single species, inasmuch as all of the variants are present in anti-p37 immunoprecipitates prepared from in vitro translations programmed with p37 mRNA.  相似文献   

Summary The major intrinsic protein of the human erythrocyte membrane commonly referred to as Band 3, was isolated by a multi-step procedure. Extraction of ghost membranes in dilute solutions of lithium diiodosalicylate removed most of the proteins considered to be extrinsic to the membrane. The resulting membrane fragments were solubilized in sodium dodecyl sulfate, and the major sialoglycoprotein (glycophorin A) was removed by wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. Gel filtration in sodium dodecyl sulfate was used as the final step to yield the band 3 polypeptide in electrophoretically homogeneous form.  相似文献   

A 12,000 dalton serum amyloid A protein (SAA) has been isolated by chromatography on Sephadex in 10% formic acid. It is similar immunologically to the previously characterized 8500 dalton tissue amyloid A (AA) protein. The results of amino acid analyses, peptide maps, and the identity of the first 11 residues of the SAA and AA proteins support the idea that AA represents the amino terminal fragment of SAA and is derived from it by proteolysis.  相似文献   

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