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1.  The excitatory and inhibitory influences on the gill ofAplysia Juliana, which are mediated by the branchial nerve, were studied by means of electrophysiological techniques. Excitatory and inhibitory pathways in the nerve were stimulated simultaneously or selectively.
2.  The branchial nerve was found to contain both excitatory and inhibitory pathways which did not contain synapses in the branchial ganglion. The excitatory pathways caused longitudinal shortening of the gill along the efferent branchial vessel and the inhibitory pathways were modulatory, depressing the longitudinal shortening.
3.  Branchial nerve stimulation elicited two types of excitatory junctional potential (EJP), which were not mediated by the branchial ganglion, in a muscle cell of the efferent branchial vessel. One type was attributed to the central motor neuron and the other type to a motor neuron which is probably situated in the neural plexus of the gill periphery.
4.  Four inhibitory pathways from the central nervous system to the gill were found.
5.  Inhibitory junctional potentials (IJPs) recorded from muscle cells of the efferent branchial vessel in response to branchial nerve stimulation did not have monosynaptic characteristics. It is thought that inhibitory motor neurons which were activated by the branchial nerve might exist at the neural plexus of the gill.
6.  A single EJP which has been induced by a stimulus pulse applied to the excitatory pathway of the branchial nerve may be depressed in an all-or-none manner by a stimulus pulse applied to the inhibitory pathway, if this is done within a distinct short period prior to or after the stimulus inducing the EJP. This indicates that the central motor neuron receives presynaptic inhibition at its periphery.
7.  The motor neurons of the neural plexus seem to receive inhibitory innervation. Suppression of endogenous EJPs in the efferent vessel persisted for a long period even after cessation of stimulation.
8.  A certain branchioganglionic neuron (BGN) was found to receive inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) inputs from the branchial nerve.
9.  The multimodality of both the excitatory and the inhibitory pathways in the branchial nerve may explain the compound neural modulations of gill movements.

1.  The effects of potassium channel blockade on afferent axons and terminal regions in frog dorsal roots and spinal cords, respectively, were investigatedin vitro.
2.  A condition-test (C-T) protocol was used to assess the population relative refractory period. Characteristics of main axons were evaluated by stimulation at the proximal end of transected dorsal roots (DR). Characteristics of terminal regions were tested by stimulation at the base of the dorsal horn (DH).
3.  DH recovery of excitability was delayed by low concentrations of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) and tetraethylammonium (TEA) alone or combined. The same treatments did not affect recovery to DR stimulation.
4.  DH recovery of excitability was not delayed by solutions suppressing terminal calcium influx.
5.  We conclude that sensitivity of the relative refractory period to potassium channel blocking agents differs between main axons and axon terminal regions. This may indicate differences between axon terminals and main axons in the mechanism of action potential repolarization.
6.  We hypothesize that rapid action potential repolarization by pharmacologically sensitive potassium channels in presynaptic terminal regions keeps terminal action potentials short. Terminal action potential brevity would limit calcium influx, thus preventing terminal calcium overload but contributing to transmission failures at spinal synapses.

1.  Most Purkinje neurons show ongoing spike activity. In approximately 75%, this activity disappeared after peduncle lesion and in some of these the activity stopped when water flow over the gills was interrupted. Approximately one-fourth of Purkinje cells (PC's) showed continuing ongoing activity after afferent input was abolished.
2.  Stimulation of spinal cord elicited both simple spikes, mainly in ipsilateral PC's, and some complex responses (via climbing fibers) usually contralateral and of longer latency than the simple spikes.
3.  Tactile stimulation of skin and flexion of tail or fins, also lateral line stimulation by a water stream, evoked bursts of spikes in PC-s. Input was by mossy fibers and mechanoreceptive fields were large.
4.  Stimulation of vestibular nerve produced both simple and complex responses in PC's. Auditory stimuli were most effective at 800–1200 Hz in eliciting responses via mossy fibers. Responses to sound were phasic changes in ongoing frequency, bursts followed by inhibition or on-off excitation.
5.  Responses to visual stimuli were recorded in granule cells and Purkinje cells, also in mossy axons. Many PC's showed excitatory-inhibitory sequences; a few climbing fiber responses were recorded. The mossy fiber visual input is from optic tectum relay.
6.  Some PC's were activated by two or three sensory modalities.

Deafferentation experiments during postembryonic development show morphological and/or physiological changes of receptor fibers and of identified auditory interneurons in the CNS of the locusts Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria after unilateral ablation of one tympanic organ either in the larva or the adult animal.
1.  In Locusta migratoria, 5 days after deafferentation, intact, contralateral receptor fibers had sprouted collaterals in the frontal acoustic neuropil of the metathoracic ganglion (Figs. 1, 2). Collateral sprouts were only rarely found in Schistocerca gregaria.
2.  After about 20 days the deafferented auditory interneurons receive new inputs from the contralateral receptors (Figs. 3, 5, 7, 10). This largely restores their thresholds and intensity/response functions. Collaterals from the first order interneurons cross the midline to the contralateral neuropil (BSN1 neuron, Fig. 4), which is never seen in intact animals. By contrast, in the TN1 neuron no consistent morphological change due to the deafferentation could be found (Fig. 6).
3.  Interneurons of higher order (AN1, TN3 neuron in locusts) regain their response pattern (Fig. 7) without morphological changes (Fig. 9). Bilateral recordings show that the deafferented interneurons respond more weakly to auditory stimuli than the intact neuron, but the response to vibration stimuli remains unchanged (TN3 neuron, Fig. 8).

Intracellular recordings were carried out on locust flight motoneurons after hemisection of individual thoracic ganglia. With the exception of minimal surgical manipulations, the animals were intact and able to perform tethered flight. Analysis of the synaptic drive recorded in the motoneurons during flight motor activity revealed the extent to which ganglion hemisection influenced the premotor rhythm generating network.
1.  Hemisection of the mesothoracic ganglion (Fig. 2) as well as hemisection of both the mesothoracic and the prothoracic ganglia (Fig. 3) had no significant effects on the pattern of synaptic input to the flight motoneurons. Thus the rhythm generating premotor network does not depend on commissural information transfer in the mesothoracic and the prothoracic ganglia. This conclusion was supported by experiments in which more extensive surgical isolations of thoracic ganglia were carried out (Fig. 5).
2.  Removal of input from wing receptors (deafferentation) in addition to hemisection of the mesothoracic ganglion (Fig. 4) resulted in rhythmic and coordinated oscillations of the motoneuron membrane potential which were indistinguishable from those observed in deafferented animals with all ganglia intact.
3.  Hemisection of the metathoracic ganglion had more pronounced effects on the patterns of synaptic drive to the flight motoneurons and their spike discharge. Rhythmic activity which was often subthreshold could, however, still be recorded following a metathoracic split (Fig. 6).
4.  No rhythmic synaptic input was observed after hemisection of both mesothoracic and metathoracic ganglia (Fig. 7).

We have identified a nerve carrying auditory afferents and characterized their physiological responses in the tiger beetle,Cicindela marutha.
1.  The tympana are located at the lateral margins of the first abdominal tergum. The nerve carrying the tympanal afferents is a branch of the dorsal root from the first abdominal ganglion.
2.  Both male and female auditory afferent responses are sharply tuned to 30 kHz with sensitivities of 50–55 dB SPL.
3.  The auditory afferents show little adaptation and accurately code the temporal characteristics of the stimulus with the limit of a resolution of 6–10 ms.
4.  The difference in threshold between contralateral and ipsilateral afferents for lateral stimuli is greatest at 30 kHz and is at least 10–15 dB.
5.  Ablation studies indicate that the floppy membrane in the anterolateral corner of the tympanum is crucial for transduction while the medial portion of the tympanum is less important.
6.  The tiger beetle and acridid (locust and grasshopper) ears have evolved independently from homologous peripheral structures. The neural precursor of the tympanal organs in both animals is likely the pleural chordotonal organ of the first abdominal segment.

1.  Some units in the lateral ocellar nerves of the locust,Locusta migratoria, are influenced transsynaptically by the activity of ascending fibres in the thoracic connectives and therefore may be efferent to the afferent ocellar system.
2.  A variety of sensory inputs excite the ocellar nerve units, including illumination of the compound eyes, active and passive movement of the wings, wind stimuli to the thorax and sound.
3.  Most ocellar interneurons are influenced transsynaptically by electrical stimulation of the cervical connectives. L-neurons are depolarized and the components of their response to a rectangular light pulse are changed in amplitude. Only a few S-neurons could be examined. All of them were excited directly or indirectly.
4.  The descending ocellar interneurons (DN's) are influenced by stimulation of the contralateral connective, perhaps via efference to the ocellus or to ocellar L-cells.

1.  Direct contact between intra-epithelial nerve endings and ciliated cells was observed in frog (Rana pipiens) palate epithelium.
2.  Electrical stimulation of the palatine nerve to the explant or the explant culture induced an increase in ciliary beat frequency in explant and outgrowth cells.
3.  Atropine inhibited electrically stimulated ciliary beat frequency increase in the explant and outgrowth cells.
4.  Gap junctional intercellular communication appears to be involved in the propagation of stimulated ciliary beat frequency increase from innervated to non-innervated ciliated cells.

1.  In this commentary we discuss results obtained by a micromethod for the study of Cl permeability across single nerve membranes from rabbit Deiters' neurons.
2.  These results showed the presence of GABAA receptors on the nerve cell membrane cytoplasmic side.
3.  We could show that these receptor complexes have a higher affinity for GABA than their extracellularly facing counterparts. Moreover, they present a phenomenon of desensitization. Another distinct property is that upon activation by GABA, they expose positive charges at their cytoplasmic mouths.
4.  We propose that these receptor complexes could functionin situ as a device for extruding Cl anions from the nerve cell interior. This phenomenon would create an electrochemical gradient for Cl penetration into the cell upon the action of extracellular GABA, after its presynaptic release.

1.  Coordinated movements of the wings during flight in the locust result from coordinated activity of flight neurons in the thoracic ganglia. Many flight interneurons and motoneurons fire synchronous bursts of action potentials during the expression of the flight motor pattern. The mechanisms which underlie this synchronous firing were investigated in a deafferented preparation of Locusta migratoria.
2.  Simultaneous intracellular recordings were taken from flight neurons in the mesothoracic ganglion using glass microelectrodes filled with fluorescent dye.
3.  Three levels of synchronous activity between synergistic motoneurons and between the right and left partners of bilaterally symmetrical pairs of interneurons were observed: bursting which was loosely in phase but which showed little correlation between the temporal parameters of individual bursts in the two neurons; bursting which showed synchrony of the beginning and end of bursts; and bursts which showed highly synchronous spike-for-spike activity.
4.  Direct interactions between the neurons had little or no part to play in maintaining any of the levels of synchrony, even in instances of very close synchrony (spikes in different neurons occurring within 1 ms of each other). Highly synchronous firing was a consequence of common synaptic input impinging on neurons with similar morphological and physiological properties.

1.  Non-visual sensory systems are likely to be important in antarctic fish since these fish inhabit an area where low light levels occur for long periods. This study was undertaken to examine the suitability of the lateral line system for prey detection.
2.  Recordings were made from afferent fibres of the anterior lateral line in the antarctic fishPagothenia borchgrevinki.
3.  A vibrating probe was used to stimulate the lateral line at a range of frequencies between 10 and 100 Hz.
4.  Most units responded best at a stimulus frequency of 40 Hz. Below the best frequency the response typically declined steeply and at higher frequencies it was usually better sustained.
5.  Crustacea identified as major components of the diet ofPagothenia borchgrevinki were individually attached to a force transducer to determine the vibrations produced by swimming movements.
6.  The Fourier amplitude spectra of swimming crustaceans exhibited prominent low frequency peaks at 3–6 Hz and higher frequency peaks in the 30–40 Hz range.
7.  It is concluded that the overlap in the frequency response characteristics of the anterior lateral line and the frequencies produced by crustacean prey clearly establishes the suitability of the lateral line for prey detection.
8.  In several instances recordings were made from fish primary afferent neurons responding to a swimming amphipod. These recordings confirm that crustacean swimming is indeed a potent natural stimulus of the lateral line system.

1.  Physiological mapping by recording with small electrodes in the fourth root of the crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) sixth abdominal ganglion demonstrates a somatotopic segregation of afferent axons associated with mechanoreceptors on the dorsal telson surface.
2.  Degeneration of axons resulting from local lesions in the periphery yields patterns of axon distribution in the fourth root that approximately agree with the physiological results.
3.  Physiological studies of the fifth root of the sixth ganglion demonstrate a similar segregation of fibers associated with the more caudal and more medial mechanoreceptors on the dorsal telson surface.
4.  The caudal limit of the fourth root receptive field is variable; it can include receptors that normally are innervated by the most lateral fibers in the fifth root, those closest to the fourth root. Thus the fiber distributions are contiguous, and the mechanism governing their connection with appropriate interneurons is independent of the root in which they travel to reach the ganglion.

1.  Two campaniform sensilla (CS) on the proximal tibia of a hindleg monitor strains set up when a locust prepares to kick, or when a resistance is met during locomotion. The connections made by these afferents with interneurones and leg motor neurones have been investigated and correlated with their role in locomotion.
2.  When flexor and extensor tibiae muscles cocontract before a kick afferents from both campaniform sensilla spike at frequencies up to 650 Hz. They do not spike when the tibia is extended actively or passively unless it encounters a resistance. The fast extensor tibiae motor neurone (FETi) then produces a sequence of spikes in a thrusting response with feedback from the CS afferents maintaining the excitation. Destroying the two campaniform sensilla abolishes the re-excitation of FETi.
3.  Mechanical stimulation of a single sensillum excites extensor and flexor tibiae motor neurones. The single afferent from either CS evokes EPSPs in the fast extensor motor neurone and in certain fast flexor tibiae motor neurones which follow each sensory spike with a central latency of 1.6 ms that suggests direct connections. The input from one receptor is powerful enough to evoke spikes in FETi. The slow extensor motor neurone does not receive a direct input, although it is excited and slow flexor tibiae motor neurones are unaffected.
4.  Some nonspiking interneurones receive direct connections from both afferents in parallel with the motor neurones. One of these interneurones excites the slow and fast extensor tibiae motor neurones probably by disinhibition. Hyperpolarization of this interneurone abolishes the excitatory effect of the CS on the slow extensor motor neurone and reduces the excitation of the fast. The disinhibitory pathway may involve a second nonspiking interneurone with direct inhibitory connections to both extensor motor neurones. Other nonspiking interneurones distribute the effects of the CS afferents to motor neurones of other joints.
5.  The branches of the afferents from the campaniform sensilla and those of the motor neurones and interneurones in which they evoke EPSPs project to the same regions of neuropil in the metathoracic ganglion.
6.  The pathways described will ensure that more force is generated by the extensor muscle when the tibia is extended against a resistance. The excitatory feedback to the extensor and flexor motor neurones will also contribute to their co-contraction when generating the force necessary for a kick.

Twelve of the main European LCA software packages currently available are examined wirh the aim of establishing which are the most appropriate for LCAs on industrial processes. The packages performances are assessed in terms of
–  • Volume of Data
–  • WindowsTM environment
–  • Network Capabilities
–  • Impact Assessment
–  • Graphical representation of the inventory results
–  • Sensitivity analysis
–  • Units
–  • Cost
–  • User Support
–  • Flow Diagrams
–  • Burdens allocation
–  • Transparency of data
–  • Input & output parameters
–  • Demo version
–  • Quality of data
The review concludes with a Specification Table which summarises the facilities available on each software package. The general conclusion from this study is that for industrially based LCAs, there are four packages which may offer advantages over the rest. These are The Boustead Model, The Ecobilan Group’s TEAM™, PEMS 3.0 and SimaPro 3.1.  相似文献   

1.  During courtship behavior, males of the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator, drum on the ground with their large chela. The types of waves this produces and some of their properties were investigated using a laser Doppler vibrometer and accelerometers under field and laboratory conditions.
2.  Rhythmical impact onto the substratum by Uca produces 3 types of surface waves: Rayleigh waves and Love waves which contain most of the energy, and the weaker surface P-waves.
3.  The group velocity of Love-waves is 50–60 m/s in wet sand. Rayleigh waves travel at 70–80 m/s in wet sand and obout 40 m/s in dry sand. The propagation velocity of surface P-waves is 150–160 m/s in compact wet sand and about 140 m/s in wet sand perforated by crab burrows. The group velocity of Rayleigh and Love waves is not influenced by the presence of crab burrows.
4.  Fast Fourier transform (FFT) spectra of single beats reveal that the energy maxima of Rayleigh and Love waves lie in the frequency range of 340–370 Hz, i.e., at much higher frequencies than the beat rate of the fiddler crabs, which is usually below 40/s. The optimal frequency is independent of the distance from the signalling male.
5.  In the optimal frequency range, the specific damping coefficient 10 for Rayleigh waves is very low and amounts to 0.13–0.16 dB/cm in wet sand and 0.23–0.49 dB/cm in dry sand. Substrate vibrations of higher frequencies are more strongly damped.
6.  Considering the size of a fiddler crab, the physical properties of the Rayleigh and Love waves in the optimal frequency range provide a suitable signal for localizing mechanisms which rely on time or phase differences but not on intensity or spectral differences of propagating substrate vibrations.
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Dr. rer. nat. degree, University of Konstanz.  相似文献   

The caudal photoreceptors (CPRs) of crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) can trigger walking and abdominal movements by their response to light.
1.  In a restrained, inverted crayfish, illumination of A6 evoked a CPR discharge followed by leg movements and bursting from the abdominal tonic flexor (TF) motoneurons. Intracellular electrical stimulation of a single CPR at high frequency (80 Hz) evoked similar responses.
2.  Responses only occurred when a single CPR axon was driven at 60 Hz or more and outlasted the stimulus.
3.  CPR stimulation also excites the pattern-initiating network (Moore and Larimer 1987) in the abdomen.
4.  The axon of the CPR projects from ganglion A6 to the brain. Terminal branches occur in the subesophageal ganglion and the brain. A small descending interneuron is dye-coupled to CPR in the subesophageal ganglion.
5.  In animals with cut circumesophageal connectives, the CPRs can evoke walking and the abdominal motor pattern.
6.  The relationship of the abdominal motor pattern to walking is altered by restraint and/or inversion. In freely moving crayfish, the cyclic abdominal motor pattern is only observed with backward walking. In restrained, inverted crayfish, the motor pattern occurs with both forward or backward walking.

  1. Sensory axons from crab (Carcinus maenas) scaphognathites enter the thoracic ganglion primarily via the LNb branch of the levator nerve. The LNa branch of the levator nerve and the depressor nerve each contain relatively few sensory axons.
  2. Acutely deafferented ventilatory central pattern generators show a free running burst rate which is lower than that observed in intact crabs. Electrical stimulation of the levator nerve, or of its LNb branch, increases the burst rate in a frequency dependent manner. Stimulation at high enough intensity to recruit afferents will restart a paused motor rhythm. Stimulation of the levator nerve with short pulse trains phase resets and can entrain the rhythm.
  3. In addition to increasing the burst rate, LNb stimulation also causes a progressive elimination of motor neurons from the bursts as the stimulating frequency increases, probably due to depolarization of the 3 oval organ ‘giant’ afferent axons in this branch. Intracellular depolarization of single oval organ afferents will also inhibit some motor neurons as well as slow or stop the rhythm.
  4. Continuous stimulation of the depressor nerve does not affect the ganglionic burst rate and this nerve contains only a few small diameter afferent axons; however, brief trains of stimuli can reset the rhythm in a phase-dependent manner.

J. Robb 《Human Evolution》1994,9(3):215-229
In recent years anthropologists have made much progress in understanding ancient activities from skeletal remains. In this paper, material from the Iron Age cemetery at Pontecagnano (VII-IV century BC) is used to illustrate activity-related traits of eight basic categories:
(1)  idiosyncratic patterns of dental wear
(2)  activity-related articular degeneration
(3)  non-pathological functional alterations (neoformations, contact facets)
(4)  mechanical remodelling of bone architecture
(5)  enthesopathies (muscular lesions)
(6)  traumatic lesions
(7)  activity-related pathologies
(8)  activity-related nutritional characteristics
These traits, and others, can be used not only singly but in conjunction to define (a) patterns of activity and occupational specialization for individuals, and (b) distributions within society reflecting the basic division of labor by geneder and class.  相似文献   

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