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Oxidoreductases which control the metabolic end-products in helminth parasites and their intermediate hosts were reviewed, in a trial to elucidate the respiratory metabolism during host-parasite associations. Special attention was given to Schistosoma parasites and their molluscan hosts.  相似文献   

Choice of breeding habitat can have a major impact on fitness. Sensitivity of habitat choice to environmental cues predicting reproductive success, such as density of harmful enemy species, should be favored by natural selection. Yet, experimental tests of this idea are in short supply. Brown-headed cowbirds Molothrus ater commonly reduce reproductive success of a wide diversity of birds by parasitizing their nests. We used song playbacks to simulate high cowbird density and tested whether cowbird hosts avoid such areas in habitat selection. Host species that made settlement decisions during manipulations were significantly less abundant in the cowbird treatment as a group. In contrast, hosts that settled before manipulations started and non-host species did not respond to treatments. These results suggest that hosts of cowbirds can use vocal cues to assess parasitism risk among potential habitat patches and avoid high risk habitats. This can affect community structure by affecting habitat choices of species with differential vulnerability.  相似文献   

寄生蜂寻找隐蔽性寄主害虫的行为机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王小艺  杨忠岐 《生态学报》2008,28(3):1257-1269
林木蛀干类害虫具有高度的隐蔽性,是林业上的一类重要害虫,也是目前世界上最难防治的害虫类群之一.寄生蜂在与寄主长期的协同进化过程中,形成了搜索、发现和攻击寄主害虫的独特机制,能够有效地找到并寄生它们.总结了寄生性天敌寻找、发现并成功定位隐蔽性寄主害虫的行为学机制.寄生蜂可以利用来自嗅觉的化学信息物质(如寄主、寄主粪便、虫道共生菌的挥发性气味)、寄主成虫的化学通讯物质、来自视觉的植物表面色差信息、来自触觉的寄主保护物性状特征、来自寄主取食和运动所产生的介质振动信号以及来自寄主活动和代谢的红外辐射等多种途径有效地发现隐蔽性害虫的位置,从而完成寄生行为.有些寄生蜂还能综合利用来源不同的多种信息,从而提高寄主定位的可靠性和准确性.本文还对寄生蜂寻找寄主的这些线索在生物防治上可能的利用途径和前景进行了讨论.这对促进我国在该领域的研究,充分利用天敌昆虫,提高生物防治效率具有参考价值.  相似文献   

Wang X Y  Yang Z Q 《农业工程》2008,28(3):1257-1269
Wood borers are important forest insect pests and difficult to be controlled owing to their concealed behavior. However, parasitic wasps can effectively ascertain and parasitize wood borers as well as other concealed pests by using special searching, finding and attacking mechanisms, which have been developed during the course of long-term coevolution with their hosts. The present paper summarizes the behavioral mechanisms of parasitic wasps involved in searching and locating their concealed hosts. Parasitic wasps can accurately find the location of their hidden hosts and then parasitize them, usually by using olfactory semiochemicals from hosts (lavare and adults), host frass and symbiotic microorganisms in host galleries; visual signals from color contrast of plant surface; contact stimuli from characters of host physical defense; substrate vibrations produced by host feeding and movement; infrared radiation from host activities and metabolizability. Some parasitic wasps may integrate the information of several stimuli from different sources to enhance the reliability and accuracy of host locations. In addition, the potentials for utilizing the host location signals of parasitoids in biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs between virulence (defined as the ability to infect a resistant host) and life‐history traits are of particular interest in plant pathogens for durable management of plant resistances. Adaptation to plant resistances (i.e., virulence acquisition) is indeed expected to be associated with a fitness cost on susceptible hosts. Here, we investigated whether life‐history traits involved in the fitness of the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida are affected in a virulent lineage compared to an avirulent one. Both lineages were obtained from the same natural population through experimental evolution on resistant and susceptible hosts, respectively. Unexpectedly, we found that virulent lineages were more fit than avirulent lineages on susceptible hosts: they produced bigger cysts, containing more larvae and hatching faster. We thus discuss possible reasons explaining why virulence did not spread into natural G. pallida populations.  相似文献   

Social parasites are involved in a coevolutionary arms race, which drives increasing specialization resulting in a very narrow host range. The Formicoxenus ants are a small group of social parasites with a xenobiotic lifestyle. Formicoxenus quebecensis and Formicoxenus provancheri are highly specialized ants using chemical mimicry to blend into their respective Myrmica ant host colonies. However, Formicoxenus nitidulus is unique in being able to survive in over 11 different ant host species. We observed that when live or dead F. nitidulus adults are seized by their host they are immediately dropped undamaged, despite possessing a cuticular hydrocarbon profile that differs markedly from its host. Hexane extracts of the F. nitidulus cuticle made previously acceptable prey items unattractive to their Formica host, indicating a chemical deterrent effect. This is the first time that a social parasite has been shown to exploit the generalized deterrence strategy to avoid host aggression over long periods of time. This supports the idea that coevolved and generalist diseases or parasites require fundamentally different defence mechanisms. We suggest that F. nitidulus uses its cuticular chemistry, possible alkadienes, as a novel deterrent mechanism to allow it to switch hosts easily and so become a widespread and abundant social parasite.  相似文献   

Although little is known on the impact of environment on telomere length dynamics, it has been suggested to be affected by stress, lifestyle and/or life‐history strategies of animals. We here compared telomere dynamics in erythrocytes of hatchlings and fledglings of the brood parasite great spotted cuckoos (Clamator glandarius) and of magpies (Pica pica), their main host in Europe. In magpie chicks, telomere length decreased from hatching to fledging, whereas no significant change in telomere length of great spotted cuckoo chicks was found. Moreover, we found interspecific differences in the association between laying date and telomere shortening. Interspecific differences in telomere shortening were interpreted as a consequence of differences in lifestyle and life‐history characteristics of magpies and great spotted cuckoos. In comparison with magpies, cuckoos experience reduced sibling competition and higher access to resources and, consequently, lower stressful environmental conditions during the nestling phase. These characteristics also explain the associations between telomere attrition and environmental conditions (i.e. laying date) for magpies and the absence of association for great spotted cuckoos. These results therefore fit expectations on telomere dynamics derived from interspecific differences in lifestyle and life history of brood parasites and their bird hosts.  相似文献   

Brood parasites use the parental care of others to raise their young and sometimes employ mimicry to dupe their hosts. The brood-parasitic finches of the genus Vidua are a textbook example of the role of imprinting in sympatric speciation. Sympatric speciation is thought to occur in Vidua because their mating traits and host preferences are strongly influenced by their early host environment. However, this alone may not be sufficient to isolate parasite lineages, and divergent ecological adaptations may also be required to prevent hybridization collapsing incipient species. Using pattern recognition software and classification models, we provide quantitative evidence that Vidua exhibit specialist mimicry of their grassfinch hosts, matching the patterns, colors and sounds of their respective host's nestlings. We also provide qualitative evidence of mimicry in postural components of Vidua begging. Quantitative comparisons reveal small discrepancies between parasite and host phenotypes, with parasites sometimes exaggerating their host's traits. Our results support the hypothesis that behavioral imprinting on hosts has not only enabled the origin of new Vidua species, but also set the stage for the evolution of host-specific, ecological adaptations.  相似文献   

Optimal time allocation in parasitic wasps searching for hosts and food   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many species of parasitic wasp feed on sugar sources such as nectar and honeydew in order to replenish their energy reserves and so extend their life expectancy, which is often correlated with higher reproductive success. Recent research suggests that carbohydrates are also a key component in flight fuel in such insects. The importance of sugar in fuelling locomotion suggests location of sugar-rich food may be more important in parasitoid foraging behaviour than has previously been assumed. If sugar sources and hosts are separated in space, parasitoids have to allocate their time between sugar-searching and host-searching. Using a stochastic dynamic programming model we predict optimal time allocation decisions of parasitoids. Although the model was parameterized using data for Cotesia rubecula , the sensitivity analysis shows that the model predictions are applicable to many parasitoid wasp species. The key prediction of the model is that parasitoids should always search for food if energy reserves drop to low levels, even if the probability of finding food and the average food reward are small. This is in stark contrast to an alternative model proposed by Sirot and Bernstein (1996) which suggests parasitoids should never search for food if food availability is low.  相似文献   

Silver Lamprey (Ichthyomyzon unicuspis) in the Wisconsin River attached within the branchial cavity of Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) significantly more often (6.5% of 1,578 attachments) than would be expected by chance on the basis of its relative surface area (3.7%), with as many as four lampreys found together within the branchial cavity of the same Paddlefish. Similar behavior has occasionally been noted for lampreys in other systems, but the phenomenon may be underreported when the lampreys are concealed from view. As suggested previously for some parasitic trychomycterid catfishes, lampreys in the branchial cavity may benefit from accessing blood under pressure, especially in the ventral aorta. In addition, Silver Lamprey within the branchial cavities of Paddlefish may be relatively protected from any negative effects that might result from Paddlefish breaching.  相似文献   

The ectoparasitic mite, Varroa destructor, shifted host from the eastern honeybee, Apis cerana, to the western honeybee, Apis mellifera. Whereas the original host survives infestations by this parasite, they are lethal to colonies of its new host. Here, we investigated a population of A. cerana naturally infested by the V. destructor Korea haplotype that gave rise to the globally invasive mite lineage. Our aim was to better characterize traits that allow for the survival of the original host to infestations by this particular mite haplotype. A known major trait of resistance is the lack of mite reproduction on worker brood in A. cerana. We show that this trait is neither due to a lack of host attractiveness nor of reproduction initiation by the parasite. However, successful mite reproduction was prevented by abnormal host development. Adult A. cerana workers recognized this state and removed hosts and parasites, which greatly affected the fitness of the parasite. These results confirm and complete previous observations of brood susceptibility to infestation in other honeybee host populations, provide new insights into the coevolution between hosts and parasites in this system, and may contribute to mitigating the large‐scale colony losses of A. mellifera due to V. destructor.  相似文献   

According to the rule of academican E. N. Pavlovskiy, any organism of host is an environment of inhabit for a parasite (Pavlovskiy, 1934). It was analysed, which "ecological niche" or microbiotop (= microhabitat) is occupied by this or that species of symbiotic (parasitic) copepods in organisms of different groups invertebrate-hosts. The assumption lying in a basis of the given analysis means that each group of hosts may give to cohabitants only certain variants of microbiotopes independently on the general morphological structure and life mode of hosts. Five types of microbiotops offered by various groups of hosts for symbiotic copepods are designated (Ta[symbol: see text] 2). 1. The body surface of benthic invertebrates as a microbiotope is characterized by conditions being little different (concerning any kind of physical and chemical influences on copepods) from those in external environment on any other substrate. Apparently a trophical dependence plays a determining role in this case. There are certain directions in a development of adaptations, which are characteristic in some extent for all water ectoparasitic crustaceans and have one functional task--to help to an ectoparasite to keep itself on a surface of host body. In the first, the maxillules and maxillipeds significantly are developed, they get a form of large claws, with which the dopepods are strongly attached on a surface of host body and have an opportunity to move on it without a danger to be washed off. In the second, the form of the body undergoes a dorso-ventral expression and expansion of prosome, forms a cephalic shield allowing to the symbiont to press itself tightly to the host body surface and to avoid the loss of host (tab. 2). In occasions, some ectoparasites stimulate the formation of galls in skin tissues of the host, that also provides the parasite with constant conditions, without any threat to lose the host. However, this phenomenon has not a wide distribution and is observed in some groups of crustacean and echinoderm hosts. 2. The narrow tubular cavities in the organism of host either they are a part of external environment (as in channel system of spongia) or a part of internal environment of organism (as channels of blood system or thin parts of a digestive system) have always rigidly limited sizes and form. Characteristics of all parasites occupying this microbiotopes are the strong transformations. They are expressed by the reduction of legs or any other appendages (frequently in a significant degree), loss of segmentation to some extent and in eruciform (or vermiform) form of a body (tab. 2). This microbiotope is occupied by an ectoparasite in one case only (Spongicola uncifer from channel system of spongia) and by endoparasites in all other cases. 3. Large cavities connected with external environment. The formations of various genesis, such as mantle cavity of molluscs, gill cavity and marsupium of crustaceans, bursal cavity of ophiuroids and branchial cavity of ascidians, concern this type of microbiotopes. All of them are characterized by the relative difference from the external environment and rather large volume (in comparison to sizes of copepods), that provides the parasites with a sufficient protection from factors of the external environment and constant source of food such as elements of host body or food's particles brought by the water flow. Morphological changes in inhabitants of the microbiotope have two directions. They practically are absent in the overwhelming majority copepods, living in the mantle of cavity of the lamellibranches. On the other hand, the inhabitants of gill cavity and marsupium of crustaceans, bursal cavities of ophiuroids and branchial cavity of ascidians are characterized by the presence of strong transformations. Usually there are expressed in a loss of segmentation to some extent, reduction of appendages and swelling of body, as in species of the genus Sphaeronella (tab. 2). Changes are also observed in the life cycle: the tendency to reduce stages of development (development of nauplii stage, which takes place under the ovarial cover). In this case the copepodid stages hatch from the ova. 4. The internal cavity of organism of host. This type of microbiotopes in different groups of the hosts is represented in a various degree. We recognise it in a coelome of polychaetes, lacunar system of molluscs, mixocoel of crustaceans, coelome of echinoderms and cavity of body in ascidians. Two basic evolutionary directions are observed in copepods occupying this microbiotope. In the first case, the parasite is not exposed to transformations and keeps the initial plan of structure as in ancestral free-living forms. In the second case the parasites are exposed to strong transformations, they either live directly in cavity's liquid, or are surrounded by a cyst (as in Cucumaricolidae). 5. Microbiotope of the last type is most specific. The simultaneous existence in two environments--external environment (environment of the second order) and internal environment (environment of the first order) leads to the complete loss of ancestral type in a structure and level of organisation. At the same time both morphological and functional division of the parasite body into two parts produces a new formation--the ectosome and endosome. In this case we deals with the phenomenon of mesoparasitism.  相似文献   

Cumulative evolution has been proposed to explain the high diversity of marine fish parasites. The process is based on the idea that marine parasites, being generalists, are able to follow new food web pathways and colonize novel hosts, subsequently undergoing speciation. Opportunities to colonize new hosts via different food chains might also arise from the ability to use paratenic hosts that maintain or increase transmission. However, caution is advised in the adoption of the term 'cumulative evolution' in evolutionary biology because of historical precedent. This term has previously been applied to the cultural evolution of tool design.  相似文献   

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