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《Small Ruminant Research》2009,81(1-3):62-67
A total of 6440 female sheep from Burkina Faso were scored for seven body measurements and four qualitative morphological traits. Sampling included the three main environmental areas and sheep breeds of Burkina Faso: the Sahel area (Burkina-Sahel sheep), the Sudan-Sahel area (Mossi sheep) and the Sudan area (Djallonké sheep). Canonical analyses showed that differences in body measurements between the Sudan and the Sudan-Sahel sheep were small even though most body traits showed higher average values in the Burkina-Sahel sheep: the shortest Mahalanobis distance was found between the Sudan and the Sudan-Sahel populations (1.54), whilst that between the Sudan and the Sahelian populations was the largest (7.88). Discriminant analysis showed that most Sudan (Djallonké) individuals (60.85%) were classified as Sudan-Sahel (Mossi) individuals whilst most Burkina-Sahel individuals were classified into their environmental area of sampling (89.46%). Correspondence analyses indicated that the Burkina-Sahel sheep population clustered together with dropping ears, black and brown colour patterns and presence of wattles, the Sudan sheep were closely associated with long hair and vertical and curled ears and that the Sudan-Sahel sheep did not have clear associations with qualitative phenotypic traits. At the morphological level, the Sudan-Sahel (Mossi) sheep population can be considered a geographical subpopulation belonging to the Djallonké breed, showing some particularities, namely larger body size, due to the particular environmental condition of the area in which it is managed and a continuous gene flow from Sahelian sheep, The information reported in this study will be the basis for the establishment of further characterization, conservation and selection strategies for Burkina Faso sheep.  相似文献   

A total of 123 sheep belonging to the Djallonké, Mossi, and Burkina-Sahel breeds, along with 41 Spanish Xalda sheep were genotyped for 27 microsatellites. The pair Djallonké-Mossi had the highest between breeds molecular coancestry. Admixture analysis informed on the parental role of the Burkina-Sahel and Djallonké breeds. The Mossi breed was a hybrid population nearer to the Djallonké breed. Only half of the Mossi individuals were correctly assigned to their breed. The Burkina-Sahel and Djallonké breeds can be considered ancestrally different genetic entities. Differentiation between the Djallonké and Mossi breeds may be due to introgression of Sahelian sheep.  相似文献   

In the first half of the XXth century, while Upper-Volta (now Burkina Faso) was suffering a terrible epidemic of sleeping sickness, the French colonial administration encouraged the movement of people from Upper-Volta to Ivory Coast to meet their demands for labour. This led to the establishment of Mossi villages, such as those of Koudougou, in the Ivorian forest with populations originating from areas of Upper-Volta that were not only densely populated but also severely affected by sleeping sickness. Since 2000, most cases of sleeping sickness in the Koudougou district of Burkina Faso have been in people originally from Ivory Coast. Who are they? Where did they settle in Burkina Faso? Where do they come from in Ivory Coast? After having retraced the epidemiological history of Koudougou villages in Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast, the history of ten cases of sleeping sickness detected passively at Koudougou hospital since 2000 were analysed. All cases originated from the forest area of Ivory Coast. Understanding the spread of sleeping sickness between Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast will assist in the identification of areas of disease risk.  相似文献   

Recent studies in West Africa and other parts of the world suggest that globalization and modernization make extended forms of domestic organization untenable in the face of modern economic and ecological circumstances. Unlike the large and extended domestic groups of pre-industrial and pre-colonial periods, households today tend to be small and nuclear. Thirty years ago, a series of case studies conducted on the Central Plateau of Burkina Faso documented this nucleation process among Mossi rural communities and predicted the decline and demise of Mossi extended households. This article tests the degree to which these predictions were correct based on ethnographic fieldwork in three villages in 2004. The results indicate that extended households indeed persist. Their persistence is explained by analyzing the roles of environmental and social change on the twin processes of household extension and fragmentation. Regional desiccation, off-farm income-generating opportunities, and agricultural intensification have created conditions that equally promote both household extension and fragmentation.  相似文献   

All non‐cultivated, vascular plant species were recorded in two reference sites of each 100 km2 situated in traditionally managed agro‐pastoral landscapes of the Sudanean and Sahelian zones of Burkina Faso, West Africa. The reference sites contained 421 and 267 species, respectively, of which 131 were common to the two sites. Although the reference sites are highly disturbed by human activity they harbour a significant proportion of the plant diversity of the regions due to a high heterogeneity within the sites. Thus, more than one fourth of the flora of Burkina Faso is found in the two reference sites that cover only 0.07% of the country area. The reference sites are characterized by a high percentage of species that are weedy (50–76%), widely distributed (African or pantropical distribution) (84–92%), andor restricted to inundated areas (25–33%). The present case study emphasises the need to conserve wild species in cultural landscapes.  相似文献   

The authors collected Sahelian sorghum landraces of Burkina Faso in 1984 and 74 of these accessions were characterized in 1985–1986 at Gampela in Burkina Faso (West Africa). The five races of cultivated sorghum were represented in this zone but 63.5% of the accessions were Guinea type. Great intra-and inter-accession variability was found. Plants were tall and had long panicles and small to intermediate seeds. There was a strong association between days-to-flowering, number of internodes, panicle length and height. The 100-kernel weight showed an antagonism with days to flowering and tillering. Multivariate analyses were made which enabled the accessions to be classified into four groups. The group most adapted to the sahelian zone, sahelian group, was semi-late, developed intermediate size of vegetative organs, had moderate tillering and had the best yield per plant.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization in Africa leads to a spatial concentration of people with different cultural origins and socioeconomic backgrounds resulting in a great diversity of life styles and livelihood strategies. One common strategy in Maroua/Cameroon and Bobo-Dioulasso/Burkina Faso is urban sheep keeping. Cluster analyses identified distinct socioeconomic groups with similarities between the towns: traditional livestock keepers, households headed by well educated government employees or traders, and more vulnerable groups formed of households headed by females, retired people or people with limited formal education. The household types in Bobo varied in their perception of the importance and the development of urban sheep keeping and their future plans. Those in Maroua differed in management intensity and in the potential to adapt their practices to the urban environment. Development interventions to reduce environmental pollution and risks for human health associated with urban sheep keeping need to account for these differences in the target group.  相似文献   

In Sub‐Saharan Africa, An. gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) Giles 190, largely contributes to malaria transmission. Therefore, the authors carry out a proteomic analysis to compare its metabolic state, depending on different pesticide pressures by selecting areas with/without cotton crops. The proteomes data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD016300. From a total of 1.182 identified proteins, 648 are retained for further statistical analysis and are attributed to biological functions, the most important of which being energy metabolism (120 proteins) followed by translation‐biogenesis (74), cytoskeleton (71), stress response (62), biosynthetic process (60), signalling (44), cellular respiration (38), cell redox homeostasis (25), DNA processing (17), pheromone binding (10), protein folding (9), RNA processing (9), other proteins (26) and unknown functions (83). In the Sudano‐Sahelian region, 421 (91.3%) proteins are found in samples from areas both with and without cotton crops. By contrast, in the Sahelian region, only 271 (55.0%) are common to both crop areas, and 233 proteins are up‐regulated from the cotton area. The focus is placed on proteins with putative roles in insecticide resistance, according to literature. This study provides the first whole‐body proteomic characterisation of An. gambiae s.l. in Burkina Faso, as a framework to strengthen vector control strategies.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis is one of the waterborne diseases which benefit from environmental and behavioral changes induced by the mobilization of surface water resources in Sahelian countries, such as Burkina Faso. Studies have established the existence of human schistosomiasis in the Kou valley, one of the oldest hydro-agricultural zones in the country. However, the role of population behavior in the transmission pattern of this disease and its socioeconomic impact in this valley are poorly understood. It is in response to these questions that this study was undertaken. The objectives of this study were to identify activities that exposed most of the Valley's population to infection by schistosomiasis, and to contribute knowledge on the consequences of this disease. The study was conducted in the cold dry season at the Kou Valley, located in the South Sudanese area of Burkina Faso. It has adopted the strategy of direct observation to examine host–parasites interactions. The study of the socioeconomic consequences of the infection has been first to identify subjects that actually carry the parasite by screening the population by the Kato–Katz method. These were then subjected to a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Epi Info 6.4. This work has revealed six activities at risk of infection for the residents of the Valley with an increased risk of factor for rice farming, household activities and swimming. In view of these activities, women and young people seem to be most vulnerable to infection. This disease causes significant economic losses as a function of socio-professional categories of infected persons.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica is a root hemiparasite that attacks onlyGramineae, includingSorghum and millet for which it is a principal cause of lowered yield. Enzyme electrophoresis was used to investigate genetic diversity inStriga hermonthica and to determine the level of differentiation between host-specialized populations. Nine genetic loci coding eight enzymes were interpreted and data obtained from three populations: oneSorghum-adapted population from Sudan and two populations from Burkina Faso, oneSorghum-adapted and the other millet-adapted. Levels of polymorphism were similarly high in all three populations (P=0.625, A=2.6–2.8, H=0.293–0.401). Genotypic frequencies at most loci conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations in each population, consistent with outcrossing as predicted from previous studies of floral biology. Occasional heterozygote deficiencies were probably the result of Wahlund effect. The mean value of FST over the three populations was 0.068, indicating a slight to moderate level of genetic differentiation among the populations. The two Burkina Faso populations were more closely related (S=0.940, D=0.006) than either was to the Sudan population, suggesting that geographic separation is more important than host specialization in contributing to population differentiation. TheSorghum-adapted population was slightly closer to the Burkina FasoSorghum-adapted population (S=0.873, D=0.047) than to Burkina Faso millet-adapted population (S=0.851, D=0.074). The absence of substantial genetic divergence between host-specific populations ofStriga could result either from recent evolution of host-specialized strains or from strong selection for physiological specialization in the face of substantial gene flow between the populations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT   Understanding how and why domestic groups alter their function and form has long been a theme within anthropology. Numerous accounts have detailed the processes that drive household transformations and their underlying mechanisms. Mostly, these studies describe how domestic groups fission and fuse between extended and nuclear forms. In recent years, scholars have emphasized that these transformations should be understood within larger contexts of social and environmental change. Mossi communities on the Central Plateau of Burkina Faso provide an excellent opportunity to explore such processes because the large extended households documented 30 years ago were predicted to decline and eventually disappear. In this study, I examine dynamics of household transformations and test the validity of this prediction. I use perspectives from sustainability science and computer-simulation modeling to understand how regional desiccation, agricultural intensification, and livelihood diversification articulate with domestic transitions.  相似文献   

Aim To identify the migration routes and wintering grounds of the core populations of the near‐threatened pallid harrier, Circus macrourus, and highlight conservation needs associated with these phases of the annual cycle. Location Breeding area: north‐central Kazakhstan; Wintering areas: Sahel belt (Burkina Faso to Ethiopia) and north‐west India. Methods We used ring recovery data from Kazakhstan and satellite tracking data from 2007 to 2008 on six adults breeding in north‐central Kazakhstan to determine migration routes and locate wintering areas. In addition, one first‐year male was tagged in winter 2007–2008 in India. Results Data evidenced an intercontinental migratory divide within the core pallid harrier population, with birds wintering in either Africa or India. The six individuals tagged in north‐central Kazakhstan followed a similar route (west of the Caspian Sea and Middle East) towards east Africa, before spreading along the Sahel belt to winter either in Sudan, Ethiopia, Niger or Burkina Faso. Spring migration followed a shorter, more direct route, with marked interindividual variation. The bird tagged in India spent the summer in central Kazakhstan. Half of the signal losses (either because of failure or bird mortality) occurred on the wintering areas and during migration. Main conclusions Our study shows that birds from one breeding area may winter over a strikingly broad range within and across continents. The intercontinental migratory divide of pallid harriers suggests the coexistence of distinct migratory strategies within the core breeding population, a characteristic most likely shared by a number of threatened species in central Asia. Conservation strategies for species like the pallid harrier, therefore, require considering very large spatial scales with possibly area‐specific conservation issues. We highlight urgent research priorities to effectively inform the conservation of these species.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic and climatic factors are important determinants of algal distribution in aquatic systems. This study aimed to identify temporary pond‐groups of phytoplankton assemblages and to establish the interactions between environmental variables and phytoplankton structure. Phytoplankton samples were collected and preserved with 5% formalin; water samples for chemical analysis were taken in August and September 2007, 2008, and 2009 in 86 ponds randomly selected in the Sahelian sector and the Sudanian sector (protected and unprotected areas) of Burkina Faso. Plankton species were examined using light microscopy and identified using standard methods. A Fuchs‐Rosenthal chamber was used for algal cell counting. NMDS ordination, indicator species analysis and canonical analysis were performed using Pc‐Ord and CANOCO. Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U‐tests using the software Statistica were performed to compare parameters between pond‐groups. Three pond‐groups were identified: the Sahelian pond‐group, dominated by Lyngbya martensiana and Pseudanabaena constricta; the protected area pond‐group, dominated by Euglena caudata and Trachelomonas raciborskii; and the unprotected area pond‐group, dominated by Closterium venus and Euglena proxima. At P < 0.05, species composition and abundance in algal groups were mostly associated with nitrate, pH, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity. The Sahelian and the Sudanian sectors were different in pH, water transparency, and species richness. Univariate and multivariate analyses illustrate that variations in the physicochemical properties of water and algal structure followed climatic and anthropogenic gradients. The classification of ponds into algal associations demonstrated that algal assemblages may be used as reliable indicators of habitat conditions.  相似文献   

阿黑皮素原(Pro-opiomelanocortin, POMC)在动物采食和能量平衡调控中发挥重要作用, 文章对绵羊POMC基因外显子3进行扩增和测序, 筛选多态性位点, 并分析多态位点与湖羊和东弗里生×湖羊杂种羊生长性状的相关性。测序后发现湖羊POMC基因外显子3有2个单碱基突变(g.273 T/C和g.456 G/A), 根据273位点处发生的T/C突变, 建立PCR-RFLP分析方法, 并对162只湖羊和130只东湖杂种羊进行检测分析。结果发现, 在湖羊群体中检测到TT(0.469)、TC(0.438)和CC(0.093)3种基因型, 而在东湖杂种羊群体中仅检测到TT(0.754)和TC(0.246)两种基因型。POMC基因外显子3的273位点多态性与生长性状的相关性研究结果显示:湖羊群体中CC基因型个体的2月龄断奶重、4月龄尻高及TC基因型个体4月龄体长和管围均显著高于TT型个体(P<0.05); CC基因型个体的4月龄重、6月龄重极显著高于TT和TC基因型个体(P<0.01); CC基因型个体的4月龄体高和体长极显著高于TT型个体(P<0.01), 且显著高于TC基因型个体(P<0.05)。此外, CC型个体的管围极显著高于TT基因型个体(P<0.01)。东湖杂种羊群体中TC基因型个体的2月龄断奶重、4月龄重及4月龄体高、体长、胸深和管围都显著高于TT型个体(P<0.05), TC型个体的6月龄重极显著高于TT型个体(P<0.01)。研究结果表明, POMC基因外显子3与绵羊生长性状相关, C等位基因对体重及体尺性状的增加更有利。该结果为进一步探讨POMC基因作为绵羊生长性状的辅助选育标记奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Declining Wild Mushroom Recognition and Usage in Burkina Faso   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Declining Wild Mushroom Recognition and Usage in Burkina Faso. Ethnomycological investigation was carried out in Burkina Faso, West Africa, using standardized interviews focused on 40 representative mushroom species assembled in a traveling herbarium (photographs plus preserved specimens). A total of 540 informants from 18 localities representing three main ethnic groups—Mòosé, Bobo, and Gouin—were interviewed, though the bulk of those interviewed were Mòosé (or Mossi) from the more populous central region of the country. Among the study species, as many as 24 were considered edible by the different ethnic groups; a few medicinal uses also were noted. The edibility of a common Chlorophyllum species is confirmed for the three ethnic groups. Mushroom nomenclature is not well developed in any of the three groups as evidenced by the fact that many mushrooms, including some common edible species, do not appear to have specific local names, but are instead simply referred to by a general term for “mushroom.” Preliminary observations about inter–ethnic variation in recognition, naming, and appreciation of mushrooms are noted. Older people recognized many more mushroom species than did younger people, and women appeared to be slightly more knowledgeable about mushrooms than men. The most important finding is that the gathering and consumption of wild edible mushrooms seems to be dying out in Burkina Faso, especially in the central part of the country, apparently because of declining mushroom populations resulting from disappearing forest habitats. NOTE TO VENDOR: In place of the corresponding author, send proof to this paper’s editor, David Aroro, maxfun @cruzio.com  相似文献   

Diversity among 124 sorghum landraces from 10 villages surveyed in 3 regions of Burkina Faso covering different agroecological zones was assessed by 28 agromorphological traits and 29 microsatellite markers. 94.4% of the landraces collected belonged to the botanical race guinea (consisting of 96.6% guinea gambicum and 3.4% guinea margaritiferum), 74.2% had white kernels, 13.7% had orange and 12.1% had red kernels. Compared to the “village nested within zone” factor, the “variety nested within village within zone” factor predominately contributed to the diversity pattern for all nine statistically analysed quantitative traits. The multivariate analyses performed on ten morphological traits identified five landrace groups, and of these, the red kernel sorghum types appeared the most homogenous. 2 to 17 alleles were detected per locus with a mean 4.9 alleles per locus and a gene diversity (He) of 0.37. Landraces from the sub-Sahelian zone had the highest gene diversity (He = 0.38). Cluster analysis revealed that the diversity was weakly stratified and could not be explained by any biophysical criteria. One homogenous guinea margaritiferum group was distinguished from other guinea landraces. The red kernel type appeared to be genetically distinct from all other guinea landraces. The kernel colour was the principal structuring factor. This is an example of a homogeneous group of varieties selected for a specific use (for local beer preparation), mainly grown around the households in compound fields, and presenting particular agromorphological and genetic traits. This is the most original feature of sorghum diversity in Burkina Faso and should be the focus of special conservation efforts.  相似文献   

To date, no comprehensive study has been performed on mitochondrial genetic diversity of the West African goat. Here, we analysed a 481-bp fragment of the HVI region of 111 goats representing four native West African populations, namely the three main Burkina Faso breeds, zoo-farm kept Dwarf goats and endangered Spanish goat breeds used as the outgroup. Analyses gave 83 different haplotypes with 102 variable sites. Most haplotypes (65) were unique. Only three haplotypes were shared between populations. Haplotypes were assigned to cluster A except for H45 (belonging to the Spanish Bermeya goat) which was assigned to cluster C. amova analysis showed that divergence between groups (ΦCT) was not statistically significant regardless of whether the partition in two hierarchical levels that was fitted included Spanish samples or not. The West African goat scenario shown here is consistent with that previously reported for the species: haplogroup A is predominant and has a very high haplotype diversity regardless of the geographic area or sampled breed. The large phenotypic differences observable between the West African Dwarf and Sahelian long-legged goat populations are not detectable with mitochondrial markers. Moreover, a previously suggested introgression of Sahelian goat southwards because of desertification could not be assessed using mtDNA information.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood lymphocytes from 20 individuals living in a malaria endemic area (Burkina Faso) were transformed with Epstein-Barr virus. No antigen specific selection, nor stimulation of B-cells were performed prior to transformation. 20 cell lines were established, 14 secreted polyclonal antibodies directed against erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium falciparum. 4 lines were cloned and the supernatant analysed and characterised against Plasmodium falciparum antigens.  相似文献   

Human antibody response to the Anopheles gambiae salivary protein gSG6 has recently emerged as a potentially useful tool for malaria epidemiological studies and for the evaluation of vector control interventions. However, the current understanding of the host immune response to mosquito salivary proteins and of the possible crosstalk with early response to Plasmodium parasites is still very limited. We report here the analysis of IgG1 and IgG4 subclasses among anti-gSG6 IgG responders belonging to Mossi and Fulani from Burkina Faso, two ethnic groups which are known for their differential humoral response to parasite antigens and for their different susceptibility to malaria. The IgG1 antibody response against the gSG6 protein was comparable in the two groups. On the contrary, IgG4 titers were significantly higher in the Fulani where, in addition, anti-gSG6 IgG4 antibodies appeared in younger children and the ratio IgG4/IgG1 stayed relatively stable throughout adulthood. Both gSG6-specific IgG1 and IgG4 antibodies showed a tendency to decrease with age whereas, as expected, the IgG response to the Plasmodium circumsporozoite protein (CSP) exhibited an opposite trend in the same individuals. These observations are in line with the idea that the An. gambiae gSG6 salivary protein induces immune tolerance, especially after intense and prolonged exposure as is the case for the area under study, suggesting that gSG6 may trigger in exposed individuals a Th2-oriented immune response.  相似文献   

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