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Between estuaries and the sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dissolved and particulate materials and living organisms are exchanged between estuaries and the sea. Net material fluxes, import or export, appear to depend on physical and biological processes within both estuarine and coastal ecosystems. In temperate zone lagoonal systems, the marsh-estuarine continuum hypothesis can provide a reasonable synthetic explanation of transport based on the level of ecosystem maturity within the system. The relative importance of riverine and lagoonal material exchanges with the coastal ocean are at present entirely speculative and make the estimation of the regional influences of material transports between estuaries and the coastal ocean uncertain. Organismic exchanges depend on both passive and active behavior mechanisms and are species specific. Few quantitative estimates of organismic fluxes exist and the role of non-commercial invertebrates and fish in these fluxes are unknown.  相似文献   

Data on the species compositions and the ages, sizes, reproductive biology, habitats and diets of the main species in the ichthyofaunas of seven estuaries in temperate southwestern Australia have been collated. Twenty-two species spawn in these estuaries, of which 21 complete their lifecycles in the estuary. The latter group, which includes several species of atherinids and gobies with short lifecycles, make far greater contributions to the total numbers of fish in the shallows of these estuaries than in those of holarctic estuaries, such as the Severn Estuary in the United Kingdom. This is presumably related in part to far less extreme tidal water movements and the maintenance of relatively high salinities during the dry summers, and thus to more favourable conditions for spawning and larval development. However, since estuaries in southwestern Australia have tended to become closed for periods, there would presumably also have been selection pressures in favour of any members of marine species that were able to spawn in an estuary when that estuary became landlocked. Furthermore, the deep saline waters, under the marked haloclines that form in certain regions during heavy freshwater discharge in winter, act as refugia for certain estuarine species. The contributions of estuarine-spawning species to total fish numbers in the shallows varied markedly from 33 or 34% in two permanently open estuaries to ≥ 95% in an intermittently open estuary, a seasonally closed estuary and a permanently open estuary on the south coast, in which recruitment of the 0 + age class of marine species was poor. The larger estuarine species can live for several years and reach total lengths of ~ 700 mm and some estuarine species move out into deeper waters as they increase in size. Several marine species use southwestern Australian estuaries as nursery areas for protracted periods. However, sudden, marked increases in freshwater discharge in winter and resultant precipitous declines in salinity in the shallows, and in other regions where haloclines are not formed, are frequently accompanied by rapid and pronounced changes in ichthyofaunal composition, partly due to the emigration of certain marine species. In contrast, the ichthyofaunal compositions of macrotidal holarctic estuaries undergo annual, cyclical changes, due largely to the sequential entry of the juveniles of different marine species for short periods. The ichthyofaunal compositions of the narrow entrance channels, wide basins and saline riverine reaches of large, permanently open southwestern Australian estuaries vary, reflecting the marked tendency for some species to be restricted mainly to one or two of these regions. Comparative data indicate that the characteristics determined for ichthyofaunas in southwestern Australian estuaries apply in general to estuaries elsewhere in temperate Australia.  相似文献   

Based upon the results of long-term monitoring of zooplankton in the Curonian and Vistula estuaries carried out by the author, specific features of the structure and functioning of the zooplankton communities are studied. It is shown that the zooplankton communities in the open (Vistula Bay) and closed (Curonina Bay) types of estuaries differ in the species structures, numbers, biomasses, and functioning. The similarity of the zooplankton communities of these estuaries has to do with the commonness of their trophic structure. The zooplankton community in the Vistula estuary is more affected by the gradient of abiotic factors than the Curonian bay community. The mechanism providing the stability of the zooplankton communities in the open-type estuaries is the energy flow through the omnivorous species and the increase in the number of facultative predators at the terminal links of the trophic chain. It is shown that the Vistula estuary zooplankton community has a higher specific productivity rate and a higher rate of its circulation and use.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years there has been a wealth of research examining the geomorphology of Australian estuaries. This paper reviews the major regional controls on estuarine geomorphic development and discusses the focus of research efforts to understand estuarine evolution, configuration and processes controlling geomorphic development and change. The presence and position of estuaries along the Australian coastline is controlled by large-scale climate-led changes in sea-level, the antecedent structure of the coast and tectonic activity. The configuration of Australia’s estuaries is controlled by a number of environmental factors identified by 34 including climate, oceanographic regime, sediment availability, structure and mineralogy, and tectonics. Interaction of these factors produce a range of estuarine configurations around the Australian continent from wave-dominated, microtidal, bar-built estuaries in the south to low energy macrotidal estuaries in the north which have produced extensive low-lying coastal plains. The principle focus of geomorphologists during the past 30 years has been understanding the medium to long-term development of estuaries in response to fluctuating sea-level over the past 125 000 years. Classifications and models of estuarine development and associated biological community response to estuary development have been identified based on lateral and vertical sedimentary sequences. Results have provided essential information on the physical resources and characteristics of estuarine systems including the distribution of sediment facies that host a variety of different ecological communities. There has been a paucity of research examining contemporary processes controlling geomorphic change in Australia’s estuaries. A morphodynamic approach to the study of estuaries is advocated that evaluates morphology-process responses as estuaries evolve. This approach requires increased research efforts to identify regional differences in estuarine geomorphic development, hydrodynamic processes and sedimentation. It is also advocated that studies examine how the morphodynamic behaviour of estuaries over thousands of years has influenced estuary ecology. Such studies will provide a more complete understanding of the factors influencing the morphology and ecology of contemporary estuaries.  相似文献   

Nutrient cycling and foodwebs in Dutch estuaries   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
P. H. Nienhuis 《Hydrobiologia》1993,265(1-3):15-44
In this review several aspects of the functioning of the Dutch estuaries (Ems-Dollard, Wadden Sea, Oosterschelde, Westerschelde, Grevelingen and Veerse Meer) have been compared. A number of large European rivers (especially Rhine) have a prevailing influence on the nutrient cycling of most Dutch estuaries. Owing to the increased loading of the estuaries with nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, effects of eutrophication on the biological communities could be demonstrated, mainly in the western Wadden Sea. The causality, however, of the relation between increased nutrient loading and increased biomass and production of primary producers in the turbid tidal Dutch ecosystems is questioned. The most obvious biological effects of eutrophication have been observed in a non-tidal brackish lagoon, Veerse Meer. The estuarine food web received major attention. Budget studies of the main primary producers revealed a dominance of phytoplankton in all Dutch estuaries, followed by microphytobenthos in the tidal systems and macrophytes in the lagoons. The quantitative distribution of primary producers and primary and secondary consumers shows remarkable similarities along the physical and chemical estuarine gradients, notwithstanding the large variability in space and the considerable inconstancy over time. Among the secondary consumers (waterfowl, marine fish, larger invertebrates) the levels of organic carbon consumption — expressed in g C m−2 y−1 — are almost the same, when tidal estuaries are compared with non-tidal lagoons, notwithstanding the fact that the consumer populations show large qualitative differences. The transfer from primary consumers to secondary consumers reveals a bottle neck: especially during late winter, when macrozoobenthos reaches its lowest biomass, food may be a serious limiting resource for large numbers of migratory waders foraging on the intertidal flats. The consequences of the Deltaplan, the closure of several estuaries in the southwest of the Netherlands and their subsequent transfer into non-tidal lagoons, offer complicated case studies of ecosystem changes. Several examples of long-term trends in ecosystem development in Grevelingen lagoon have been discussed.  相似文献   

Production of fish communities in 15 different-types estuaries was assessed based on the data collected as a result of 90 surveys (860 seine stations) conducted in Primorye in 2002–2015. The main contribution to production was made by semi-anadromous species (the so-iuy mullet Liza haematocheilus, Far Eastern redfins Tribolodon spp., and Japanese smelt Hypomesus nipponensis, etc.). In both external (EP ext) and internal (EP int) polyhaline estuaries (EP) a substantial portion of the production was provided by resident marine species (mainly by the saffron cod Eleginus gracilis, Far Eastern smooth flounder Liopsetta pinnifasciata, and tidepool gunnel Pholis nebulosa) and southern immigrants (flathead grey mullet Mugil cephalus, dotted gizzard shad Konosirus punctatus, Japanese halfbeak Hyporhamphus sajori, and Pacific needlefish Strongylura anastomella). In mesohaline (EM) and oligohaline (EO) estuaries, the proportion of marine residents and southern immigrants was reduced to a minimum, while that of freshwater species (bighead gudgeon Gobio macrocephalus, Prussian carp Carassius gibelio, minnow Phoxinus spp., Amur bitterling Rhodeus sericeus, spiny bitterlings Acanthorhodeus spp., etc.) substantially added to the production of semi-anadromous fish. The mean fish biomass for the vegetation season varied in the 143–1463 mgC/m2 range; the mean annual production was 174–4267 mgC/m2 and the mean P/B ratio was 0.2–3.2. In 2007, the high annual production in the Artemovka River estuary, 9356 mgC/m2, was formed by the juvenile so-iuy mullet of the strong yearclass that hatched in 2006. The lowest mean production and P/B values were typical mainly for the water bodies with a salinity more often close to that of the barrier zones (5–8‰ for α-horohalinicum and 22–26‰ for β-horohalinicum), i.e., for EM and EP ext. This relationship is explained by the features of the osmotic regulation in fish of various origins and its ontogenetic variations. In particularly, the salinity in EM is more frequently close to the critical salinity (5–8‰, α-horohalinicum); thus, the proportion of juveniles of most of the species in the catches decreases (as their resistance to salinity variations is lower). This results in higher mean values of the specific and absolute production of fish communities in EP int and EO as compared to those in EM. The conclusion was made that the estimates of fish production in the estuaries of Primorye are similar to those in the well-studied estuaries of the temperate, subtropical, and tropical zones. Moreover, they are comparable to the fish production estimates for mesotrophic and eutrophic lakes in northwestern Russia, substantially lower than those for large lowland rivers, and higher than those for small rivers. The fish production in seas, including the Japan/East Sea (0.20 gC/m2) and, particularly, Peter the Great Bay (0.28 gC/m2), is mostly lower than that in Primorye estuaries.  相似文献   

Ammonia in estuaries and effects on fish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review aims to explore the biological responses of fish in estuaries to increased levels of environmental ammonia. Results from laboratory and field studies on responses of fish to varying salinity and their responses increased ammonia will be evaluated, although studies which examine responses to ammonia, in relation to varying salinity, pH and temperature together are rare. In a survey of British estuaries the continuous measurement of total ammonia showed values that ranged from background levels increasing up to c. 10 mg N l?1 although higher values have been noted sporadically. In outer estuaries pH values tended to stabilize towards sea water values (e.g. c. pH 8). Upper reaches of estuaries are influenced by the quality of their fresh waters sources which can show a wide range of pH and water quality values depending on geological, climatic and pollution conditions. In general the ammonia toxicity (96 h LC50) to marine species (e.g. 0·09–3·35 mg l?1 NH3) appears to be roughly similar to freshwater species (e.g. 0·068–2·0 mg l?1 NH3). Ammonia toxicity is related to differences between species and pH rather than to the comparatively minor influences of salinity and temperature. In the marine environment the toxicity of ionized ammonia should be considered. The water quality standard for freshwater salmonids of 21 μg l?1 NH3–N was considered to be protective for most marine fish and estuarine fish although the influence of cyclical changes in pH, salinity and temperature were not considered. During ammonia exposures, whether chronic or episodic, estuarine fish may be most at risk as larvae or juveniles, at elevated temperatures, if salinity is near the seawater value and if the pH value of the water is decreased. They are also likely to be at risk from ammonia intoxication in waters of low salinity, high pH and high ammonia levels. These conditions are likely to promote ammonia transfer from the environment into the fish, both as ionized and unionized ammonia, as well as promoting ammonia retention by the fish. Fish are more likely to be prone to ammonia toxicity if they are not feeding, are stressed and if they are active and swimming. Episodic or cycling exposures should also be considered in relation to the rate at which the animal is able to accumulate and excrete ammonia and the physiological processes involved in the transfer of ammonia. In the complex environment of an estuary, evaluation of ammonia as a pollutant will involve field and laboratory experiments to determine the responses of fish to ammonia as salinity and temperature vary over a period of time. It will also be necessary to evaluate the responses of a variety of species including estuarine residents and migrants.  相似文献   

The occurrence of alkylated volatile iodide andselenide species was evidenced and investigatedin water, sediments and overlying atmosphere ofthree major European estuaries, such as theGironde (F), the Rhine (NL) and the Scheldt(B/NL), along with the salinity gradient. Foriodine, up to eight volatile species wereobserved as alkyl-iodides in estuarine waters.The major one (ca. 40%) was methyl-iodide(MeI) with average seasonal concentrationsranging from 1 to 100 pmol l–1. Otherspecies observed were found to correspond toseveral halomethane derivatives and lightalkyl-iodide species. For selenium, dimethylselenide (Me2Se) was the main compound(ca. 90%) over three methyl-selenidesencountered in estuarine waters. Me2Seaverage seasonal concentrations were found torange between 0.2 and 100 pmol l–1 in thewater column. The occurrence of methylatediodides and selenides seems to be mainlyrelated to the algae's biomass turnover asindicated by photosynthetic pigment tracers(i.e. chlorophyll a and phaeopigments) andseasonal variation of surface waterconcentrations. The production and release ofgaseous iodide and selenide compounds may thenresult from natural biological pathways leadingto the methylation of their inorganic form.Finally, significant volatilisation rates wereevaluated leading to average seasonal fluxrates for total volatile iodide and selenidecompounds ranging from 4 to 100 and from 1 to75 nmol m–2 d–1, respectively.Estuarine mass balance estimated from MeI andMe2Se distributions indicates thatvolatilisation to the atmosphere represents aprimary sink for MeI and Me2Se fromestuarine surface waters.  相似文献   

Drought conditions have prevailed in many areas of NSW since 2002. On the mid-north coast, below-average rainfall resulted in reduced riverine flows and the extended closure of intermittent estuaries within the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Patterns of structure of benthic infaunal communities were evaluated at the height of the drought to determine if they differed between closed, intermittent estuaries and permanently open estuaries within the region. Replicate van Veen grab samples were taken in the upper, mid- and lower reaches of six intermittent and three permanently open estuaries and sieved to retain the macrofauna. A range of physico-chemical measures was also taken at each sampling time. Multivariate analyses of assemblage data revealed a significant difference between the structure of the two estuary types and also among estuaries within each type. Differences between estuary types were attributable to small differences in the abundance of a number of taxa but also to the absence of the amphipod Urohaustorius metungi from most of the intermittent estuaries. In contrast, these small amphipods dominated communities in the lower reaches of the permanently open estuaries. Physico-chemical variables were highly variable among estuaries and were not strongly correlated with assemblage patterns. Correlations with catchment size were the strongest and, as most of the intermittent estuaries in the region are smaller than the permanently open estuaries, this confounds the interpretation of assemblage patterns in this preliminary study. In order to differentiate between the effects of catchment size and entrance status, the same estuaries need to be resurveyed during periods when at least some of the intermittent estuaries are open.  相似文献   

The distribution of macroinvertebrates and fishes in Tasmanian estuaries   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The distributions of 390 taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates collected in forty-eight estuaries and 101 fish species collected in seventy-five Tasmanian estuaries were related to geographical and environmental variables. Distribution patterns for the two taxonomic groups were largely congruent at both between and within-estuary scales. Faunal composition and the number of species collected at a site were primarily related to site salinity, the biomass of seagrass and tidal range. At the broader estuary scale, the distributions of macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages were primarily correlated with the presence of an entrance bar. Species richness varied with geographical location for both macrofauna and fishes, with highest numbers of species occurring in the Furneaux Group, north-eastern Tasmania and south-eastern Tasmania. These patterns primarily reflected differences in estuary type between regions rather than concentrations of locally endemic species. Although the majority of species collected during the study were marine vagrants, they constituted a very low proportion of total animal densities within estuaries. Only four species considered exotic to Tasmania were identifed. Nearly all species recorded from Tasmanian estuaries occurred widely within the state and have also been recorded in south-eastern Australia. Only 1% of estuarine fish species and < 5% of invertebrate species were considered endemic to the state. The generally wide ranges of species around Tasmania were complicated by (i) the absence of most species from the west coast (ii) a small (< 10%) component of species that occurred only in the north-east and Furneaux Group (eastern Bass Strait), and (iii) a few species (< 5%) restricted to other regions. The low number of species recorded from estuaries along the western Tasmanian coast reflected extremely low faunal biomass in that area. This depression in biomass on the west coast was attributed to unusually low concentrations of dissolved nutrients in rivers and dark tannin-stained waters which greatly restricted algal photosynthesis and primary production.  相似文献   

N. C. Davidson 《Hydrobiologia》1990,195(1):145-162
Estuaries are amongst the most productive, but scarce, ecosystems in the world. Britain and the southern North Sea have many and extensive estuaries. Many British North Sea coast estuaries are nationally and internationally important for nature conservation for their variety of sand-dune, saltmarsh, sandflat and mudflat habitats, and the plants and animals that they support. The wildlife of estuaries are currently being affected by a great many of man's activities. Many, particularly land-claim, pollution and recreational activities cause loss and damage to this scarce wildlife habitat. Conservation of British estuaries is achieved mainly through site safeguard — the notification of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and declaration of National Nature Reserves (NNRs) by the Nature Conservancy Council (NCC), and the designation of sites of international importance under the Ramsar Convention and the EC Directive on Wild Birds — and the amelioration of existing damage by sensitive management and pollution control. Several nationwide surveys, particularly NCC's Estuaries Review, are underway in Britain. These will provide sound comparable information on all estuarine sites, and will form the basis for developing an overall estuarine conservation strategy.  相似文献   

A. A. Amadi 《Hydrobiologia》1990,208(1-2):27-38
A bar-built estuary, a drowned river valley and two river delta estuaries were compared and contrasted to elucidate the impact of some abiotic factors, notably climate, salinity, and oxygen on the distribution of the aquatic fauna and flora.Salinity was recognizable as the key factor responsible for the population dynamics in these habitats. The mangrove community is characteristically zoned, but development and distribution of the trees is restricted in view of coastal geomorphic and hydrological processes to the western banks of the estuaries.The preponderance of marine fish species in estuaries was confirmed, although the wide salinity tolerance of some prolific-breeding Cichlidae from freshwater was noted. Forty-eight species of bony fishes were recorded in Lagos Lagoon, the Escravos, and Qua Ibo estuaries and classified by salinity tolerance into stenohaline and euryhaline marine species (66%), and freshwater species (34%). The same estuarine ichthyofauna were split into trophic groups: piscivores (46%), zooplankton feeders (10%), meiobenthos feeders (27%), and macrobenthos feeders (17%).  相似文献   

Methane distribution in European tidal estuaries   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
Methane concentrations have been measured along salinity profilesin nine tidal estuaries in Europe (Elbe, Ems, Thames, Rhine,Scheldt, Loire, Gironde, Douro and Sado). The Rhine, Scheldt andGironde estuaries have been studied seasonally. A number ofdifferent methodologies have been used and they yieldedconsistent results. Surface water concentrations ranged from0.002 to 3.6 M, corresponding to saturation ratios of 0.7 to1580 with a median of 25. Methane concentrations in thefresh-water end-members varied from 0.01 to 1.4 M. Methaneconcentrations in the marine end-members were close to saturationoffshore and on the order of 0.1 M in estuarine plumes. Methaneversus salinity profiles in river-dominated, stratified estuaries(Rhine and Douro) appeared rather erratic whereas those in thewell mixed, long-residence time estuaries (Elbe, Ems, Thames,Scheldt, Loire, Gironde and Sado) revealed consistent trends. Inthese systems dissolved methane initially decreases withincreasing salinity, then increases to a maximum at intermediateto high salinities before decreasing again going offshore. Tidalflats and creeks were identified as a methane source to estuarinewaters. The global estuarine flux of methane to the atmospherehas been calculated by combining the median water-air methanegradient (68.2 nmol dm–3) with a global area weighted transfercoefficient and the global area of estuaries. Estuaries emit 1.1to 3.0 Tg CH4 yr–1, which is less than 9% of the global marinemethane emission.  相似文献   

Fish track wastewater pollution to estuaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Excess nitrogen is a forceful agent of ecological change in coastal waters, and wastewater is a prominent source of nitrogen. In catchments where multiple sources of nitrogen pollution co-exist, biological indicators are needed to gauge the degree to which wastewater-N can propagate through the receiving food webs. The purpose of this study was to test whether estuarine fish are suitable as indicators of sewage-N pollution. Fish were analysed from three estuaries within a 100-km strip on the Australian East Coast. The estuaries differ substantially in wastewater loading: (1) the Maroochy Estuary receives a large fraction of the local shire’s treated sewage, (2) the Mooloolah Estuary has no licensed treated wastewater outfalls but marinas/harbours and stormwater may contribute nitrogen, and (3) the Noosa Estuary which neither receives licensed discharges nor has suspected wastewater loads. Sampling for fish included both high rainfall (‘wet’ season) and low rainfall (‘dry’ season) periods. Muscle-δ15N was the variable predicted to respond to treated wastewater loading, reflecting the relative enrichment in 15N resulting from the treatment process and distinguishing it from alternative N sources such as fertiliser and natural nitrogen inputs (both 15N-depleted). Of the 19 fish species occurring in all three estuaries, those from the Maroochy Estuary had significantly elevated δ15N values (up to 9.9‰), and inter-estuarine differences in fish-δ15N were consistent across seasons. Furthermore, not only did all fish from the estuary receiving treated wastewater carry a very distinctive sewage-N tissue signal, but enriched muscle-δ15N was also evident in all species sampled from the one estuary in which sewage contamination was previously only suspected (i.e. the Mooloolah Estuary: 0.2–4.8‰ enrichment over fish from reference system). Thus, fish-δ15N is a suitable indicator of wastewater-N not only in systems that receive large loads, but also for the detection of more subtle nitrogen inputs. Arguably, fish may be preferred indicators of sewage-N contamination because they: (1) integrate nitrogen inputs over long time periods, (2) have an element of ‘ecological relevance’ because fish muscle-δ15N reflect movement of sewage-N through the food chain, and (3) pollution assessments can usually be based on evidence from multiple species.  相似文献   

河口地区牡蛎礁的生态功能及恢复措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在许多温带河口区,牡蛎礁是具有重要生态功能的特殊生境。牡蛎礁在净化水体、提供栖息生境、保护生物多样性和耦合生态系统能量流动等方面均具有重要的功能。近100年来,由于过度采捕、环境污染、病害和生境破坏等原因,许多温带河口区牡蛎种群数量持续下降,河口生态系统的结构与功能受到破坏,富营养化越来越严重。为了修复河口生态系统、净化水质和促进渔业可持续发展,近20年来,世界各地开展了一系列牡蛎礁的恢复活动,尤其美国在东海岸及墨西哥湾建立了大量的人工牡蛎礁,许多研究结果证实,构建的人工牡蛎礁经过2~3年时间,就能恢复自然生境的生态功能。本文介绍了我国首次牡蛎增殖放流工程-长江口南北导堤牡蛎礁,近2年的监测结果显示,长江口导堤牡蛎种群数量快速增长,附近水生生态系统的结构与功能得到明显改善。最后,针对目前牡蛎礁恢复过程中存在的不足,提出了需进一步研究的课题,包括牡蛎基础生物学(病害和分子系统进化),牡蛎礁恢复的关键技术、科学程序及成功的评价标准等。  相似文献   

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