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The large bowel intestinal flora of mammals is made up mostly of O2-intolerant anaerobic microorganisms which are irreversibly damaged by brief exposure to air. The aim of our work was to investigate the effect of atmospheric O2 on human intestinal anaerobic microorganisms. Thirty O2-intolerant bacterial strains that reached 100% mortality after 120 min of air exposure were isolated. Ten of these strains were tested for their atmospheric O2 sensitivity as a function of air exposure time; all tested microorganisms showed a similar mortality trend on exposure to air. In fact, 50% of cells survive, on the average, after 4–5 min of atmospheric O2; this percentage decreases to 3–5% after only 20 min, and after 40 min only one cell in a thousand survives; all strains reached 100% mortality in a time range of 100–120 min. The strains examined were identified as belonging to the generaEubacterium, Peptostreptococcus, andCoprococcus.  相似文献   

Facultatively anaerobic bacteria are able to adapt to many different growth conditions. Their capability to change their metabolism optimally is often ensured by FNR-like proteins. The FNR protein ofEscherichia coli functions as the main regulator during the aerobic-to-anaerobic switch. Low oxygen tensions activate this protein which is expressed constitutively and is inactive under aerobic conditions. The active form is dimeric and contains a [4Fe−4S]2+ cluster. The direct dissociation of the cluster to the [2Fe−2S]2+ cluster by the effect of oxygen leads to destabilization of the FNR dimer and to loss of its activity. The active FNR induces the expression of many anaerobic genes; the set comprises over 100 of controlled genes. Many other bacteria contain one or more FNR analogues. All these proteins form the FNR family of regulatory proteins. Properties of these proteins are very distinct, sometimes even among representatives of different strains of the same bacterial species. FNR-like proteins together with other regulators (e.g., two-component system ArcBA, nitrate-sensing system NarXL,etc.) control a complicated network of modulons that is characteristic for every species or even strain and enables fine tuning of gene expression.  相似文献   

A facultatively anaerobic, gram-negative, non-sporeforming, motile rod-shaped bacterium was isolated from methanogenic consortia degrading 3-methoxy-4-hydroxycinnamate (ferulate). Consortia were originally enriched from a laboratory anaerobic digester fed sewage sludge. In the absence of exogenous electron acceptors and with the addition of 0.1% yeast extract, the isolated bacterium transformed ferulate under strictly anaerobic conditions (N2-CO2 gas phase). Ferulate (1.55 mM) was demethoxylated and dehydroxylated with subsequent reduction of the side chain, resulting in production of phenylpropinate and phenylacetate. Under aerobic conditions, the substrate was completely degraded, with transient appearance of caffeate as the first aromatic intermediate and beta-ketoadipate as an aliphatic intermediate. The pure culture has been tentatively assigned to the genus Enterobacter with the type strain DG-6 (ATCC 35929). Tentative pathways for both fermentative and oxidative degradation of ferulate are now proposed.  相似文献   

Organisms able to grow on arabinogalactan, pectin, xylan, wheat bran, guar, apple cell walls, and mucin were isolated by enrichment from human feces. The number of polysaccharide fermenters and the properties of the predominant bacteria varied between subjects. The ability to use one polysaccharide was not related to the ability to use others. Some organisms (e.g., Bacteroides spp.) isolated on other substrates also utilized mucin, but were not isolated in the mucin enrichment. The mucin fermenters isolated by enrichment had a very restricted ability to utilize complex polysaccharides and their constituent monosaccharides, suggesting that the presence of plant polysaccharides in the human colon is unlikely to prevent the use of colonic mucin as an energy source by bacteria. Characterization with a range of biochemical tests showed that many of the isolates, but especially the mucin fermenters, did not resemble organisms described previously.  相似文献   

A facultatively anaerobic, gram-negative, non-sporeforming, motile rod-shaped bacterium was isolated from methanogenic consortia degrading 3-methoxy-4-hydroxycinnamate (ferulate). Consortia were originally enriched from a laboratory anaerobic digester fed sewage sludge. In the absence of exogenous electron acceptors and with the addition of 0.1% yeast extract, the isolated bacterium transformed ferulate under strictly anaerobic conditions (N2-CO2 gas phase). Ferulate (1.55 mM) was demethoxylated and dehydroxylated with subsequent reduction of the side chain, resulting in production of phenylpropinate and phenylacetate. Under aerobic conditions, the substrate was completely degraded, with transient appearance of caffeate as the first aromatic intermediate and beta-ketoadipate as an aliphatic intermediate. The pure culture has been tentatively assigned to the genus Enterobacter with the type strain DG-6 (ATCC 35929). Tentative pathways for both fermentative and oxidative degradation of ferulate are now proposed.  相似文献   

AIMS: To demonstrate the occurrence of cellulolytic bacteria in the termite Zootermopsis angusticollis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Applying aerobic cultivation conditions we isolated 119 cellulolytic strains from the gut of Z. angusticollis, which were assigned to 23 groups of aerobic, facultatively anaerobic or microaerophilic cellulolytic bacteria. 16S rDNA restriction fragment pattern and partial 16S rDNA sequence analysis, as well as numerical taxonomy, were used for the assignment of the isolates. The Gram-positive bacteria of the actinomycetes branch could be assigned to the order Actinomycetales including the genera Cellulomonas/Oerskovia, Microbacterium and Kocuria. The Gram-positive bacteria from the order Bacillales belonged to the genera Bacillus, Brevibacillus and Paenibacillus. Isolates related to the genera Afipia, Agrobacterium/Rhizobium, Brucella/Ochrobactrum, Pseudomonas and Sphingomonas/Zymomonas from the alpha-proteobacteria and Spirosoma-like from the "Flexibacteriaceae" represented the Gram-negative bacteria. CONCLUSIONS: A cell titre of up to 10(7) cellulolytic bacteria per ml, determined for some isolates, indicated that they may play a role in cellulose digestion in the termite gut in addition to the cellulolytic flagellates and termite's own cellulases. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The impact of bacteria on cellulose degradation in the termite gut has always been a matter of debate. In the present survey we investigated the aerobic and facultatively anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria in the termite gut.  相似文献   

Two bacterial isolates from parathion-amended flooded soil, Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp., were examined for their ability to decompose nitrophenols. Uniformly labelled 14C-p-nitrophenol was metabolized by both bacteria, 14CO2 and nitrite being end products. A substantial portion (23% for Pseudomonas sp. and 80% for Bacillus sp.) of radioactivity applied as p-nitrophenol was accounted for as 14CO2 at the end of a 72-h period; 8 to 16% remained in the water phase after solvent extraction. Pseudomonas sp. produced nitrite also from 2,4-dinitrophenol, but only after a lag, and not from o- and m-nitrophenols. Interestingly, m-nitrophenol, known for its resistance to biodegradation because of meta substitution, was decomposed by Bacillus sp., resulting in the formation of nitrite and phenol; o-nitrophenol and 2,4-dinitrophenol resisted degradation by this bacterium.  相似文献   

Organisms able to grow on arabinogalactan, pectin, xylan, wheat bran, guar, apple cell walls, and mucin were isolated by enrichment from human feces. The number of polysaccharide fermenters and the properties of the predominant bacteria varied between subjects. The ability to use one polysaccharide was not related to the ability to use others. Some organisms (e.g., Bacteroides spp.) isolated on other substrates also utilized mucin, but were not isolated in the mucin enrichment. The mucin fermenters isolated by enrichment had a very restricted ability to utilize complex polysaccharides and their constituent monosaccharides, suggesting that the presence of plant polysaccharides in the human colon is unlikely to prevent the use of colonic mucin as an energy source by bacteria. Characterization with a range of biochemical tests showed that many of the isolates, but especially the mucin fermenters, did not resemble organisms described previously.  相似文献   

Abstract 23 Bacterial strains isolated from human fecal flora were screened for hydrolysis of iodothyronine sulfates. Three obligate anaerobic bacterial strains possessed sulfatase activity. Two strains were identified as Peptostreptococcus productus , the other strain probably belonged to the genus Eubacterium or Lachnospira . In anaerobic incubations with growing bacteria up to 78% of the iodothyronine sulfates were deconjugated in 24 h. Hydrolysis was dependent on the bacterial strains and on the iodothyronine sulfates tested. This study extents previous observations of similar iodothyronine sulfatase activities associated with bacteria from rat intestinal microflora [5]. By analogy, hydrolysis of iodothyronine sulfates by anaerobic bacteria from human intestinal microflora probably represents an exo-enzymatic process.  相似文献   

Abstract 35 bacterial strains isolated from the human faecal flora were screened for hydrolysis of the glucuronides of 3,3',5-triiodothyronine and 3,3'-diiodothyronine. Two Gram-positive obligately anaerobic strains possessed glucuronidase activity. These strains probably belong to the genus Eubacterium , but ethanol was produced in high concentrations during glucose fermentation, which makes final classification difficult. Considering the number of bacteria in the intestinal flora (> 108/ml) and the biliary excretion of iodothyronine conjugates, the strains must be able to hydrolyse a major part of the total daily intestinal supply of these iodothyronine metabolites. The study extends previous observations with faecal suspensions of human and rat origin [24]. The relevance of bacterial β-glucuronidase activity for a possible enterohepatic circulation of iodothyronines is discussed.  相似文献   

Human intestinal microbial flora were screened for their abilities to reduce nitroaromatic compounds by growing them on brain heart infusion agar plates containing 1-nitropyrene. Bacteria metabolizing 1-nitropyrene, detected by the appearance of clear zones around the colonies, were identified as Clostridium leptum, Clostridium paraputrificum, Clostridium clostridiiforme, another Clostridium sp., and a Eubacterium sp. These bacteria produced aromatic amines from nitroaromatic compounds, as shown by thin-layer chromatography, high-pressure liquid chromatography, and biochemical tests. Incubation of three of these bacteria with 1-nitropyrene, 1,3-dinitropyrene, and 1,6-dinitropyrene inactivated the direct-acting mutagenicity associated with these compounds. Menadione and o-iodosobenzoic acid inhibited nitroreductase activity in all of the isolates, indicating the involvement of sulfhydryl groups in the active site of the enzyme. The optimum pH for nitroreductase activity was 8.0. Only the Clostridium sp. required added flavin adenine dinucleotide for nitroreductase activity. The nitroreductases were constitutive and extracellular. An activity stain for the detection of nitroreductase on anaerobic native polyacrylamide gels was developed. This activity stain revealed only one isozyme in each bacterium but showed that the nitroreductases from different bacteria had distinct electrophoretic mobilities.  相似文献   

A variety of autotrophic, sulfur- and hydrogen-oxidizing thermophilic bacteria were isolated from thermogenic composts at temperatures of 60–80° C. All were penicillin G sensitive, which proves that they belong to the Bacteria domain. The obligately autotrophic, non-spore-forming strains were gram-negative rods growing at 60–80°C, with an optimum at 70–75°C, but only under microaerophilic conditions (5 kPa oxygen). These strains had similar DNA G+C content (34.7–37.6 mol%) and showed a high DNA:DNA homology (70–87%) with Hydrogenobacter strains isolated from geothermal areas. The facultatively autotrophic strains isolated from hot composts were gram-variable rods that formed spherical and terminal endospores, except for one strain. The strains grew at 55–75° C, with an optimum at 65–70° C. These bacteria were able to grow heterotrophically, or autotrophically with hydrogen; however, they oxidized thiosulfate under mixotrophic growth conditions (e.g. pyruvate or hydrogen plus thiosulfate). These strains had similar DNA G+C content (60–64 mol%) to and high DNA:DNA homology (> 75%) with the reference strain of Bacillus schlegelii. This is the first report of thermogenic composts as habitats of thermophilic sulfur- and hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria, which to date have been known only from geothermal manifestations. This contrasts with the generally held belief that thermogenic composts at temperatures above 60° C support only a very low diversity of obligatory heterotrophic thermophiles related to Bacillus stearothermophilus. Received: 20 July 1995 / Accepted: 25 September 1995  相似文献   

A plate assay was developed for the detection of anaerobic bacteria that produce azoreductases. With this plate assay, 10 strains of anaerobic bacteria capable of reducing azo dyes were isolated from human feces and identified as Eubacterium hadrum (2 strains), Eubacterium spp. (2 species), Clostridium clostridiiforme, a Butyrivibrio sp., a Bacteroides sp., Clostridium paraputrificum, Clostridium nexile, and a Clostridium sp. The average rate of reduction of Direct Blue 15 dye (a dimethoxybenzidine-based dye) in these strains ranged from 16 to 135 nmol of dye per min per mg of protein. The enzymes were inactivated by oxygen. In seven isolates, a flavin compound (riboflavin, flavin adenine dinucleotide, or flavin mononucleotide) was required for azoreductase activity. In the other three isolates and in Clostridium perfringens, no added flavin was required for activity. Nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that each bacterium expressed only one azoreductase isozyme. At least three types of azoreductase enzyme were produced by the different isolates. All of the azoreductases were produced constitutively and released extracellularly.  相似文献   

Data on the interrelation between the pathways of the carbon source catabolism and isoprenoid biosynthesis in anaerobic and facultatively anaerobic bacteria were obtained. Two pathways of isoprenoid biosynthesis (nonmevalonate and mevalonate) were revealed in the representatives of the genus Clostridium. The nonmevalonate pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis and the glycolytic pathway of substrate oxidation are typical of glucose-grown bacteria, whereas the pentose phosphate cycle operates in xylose-grown bacteria. The mevalonate pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis was revealed in strain Clostridium thermosaccharolyticum DSM 571 grown in the presence of mevinolin, as well as in a number of lactic acid bacteria. Mevinolin is known to react with the lactate dehydrogenase complex, preventing reduction of pyruvate. The nonmevalonate pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis was revealed in Bifidobacterium bifidum. The role of different metabolic pathways in isoprenoid biosynthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior of four captive adult koalas was investigated at the San Francisco Zoo. This study examined the correlations between koala preference for selected Eucalyptus species and the nutritional and chemical components of those species. The total grams of Eucalyptus leaves consumed daily per animal were not significantly different, averaging 400 grams. There were significant differences (P < 0.05) in consumption of the nine different Eucalyptus species across the 16-day feeding study. Significant differences in chemical composition (percent) were found among all Eucalyptus species examined. There was a significant positive correlation (P = 0.04) between quantity of a given Eucalyptus species consumed and crude protein level. A significant negative correlation was found between consumption and ADF (P = 0.01). No overall group pattern of correlation emerged between koala consumption and Eucalyptus essential oil content, although there were associations between individual koalas and certain essential oils (including cineole). The results suggest that it may not be the amount of an oil that determined Eucalyptus selection by the koalas, but rather the presence of a single oil or a combination of oils in the leaves. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human intestinal microbial flora were screened for their abilities to reduce nitroaromatic compounds by growing them on brain heart infusion agar plates containing 1-nitropyrene. Bacteria metabolizing 1-nitropyrene, detected by the appearance of clear zones around the colonies, were identified as Clostridium leptum, Clostridium paraputrificum, Clostridium clostridiiforme, another Clostridium sp., and a Eubacterium sp. These bacteria produced aromatic amines from nitroaromatic compounds, as shown by thin-layer chromatography, high-pressure liquid chromatography, and biochemical tests. Incubation of three of these bacteria with 1-nitropyrene, 1,3-dinitropyrene, and 1,6-dinitropyrene inactivated the direct-acting mutagenicity associated with these compounds. Menadione and o-iodosobenzoic acid inhibited nitroreductase activity in all of the isolates, indicating the involvement of sulfhydryl groups in the active site of the enzyme. The optimum pH for nitroreductase activity was 8.0. Only the Clostridium sp. required added flavin adenine dinucleotide for nitroreductase activity. The nitroreductases were constitutive and extracellular. An activity stain for the detection of nitroreductase on anaerobic native polyacrylamide gels was developed. This activity stain revealed only one isozyme in each bacterium but showed that the nitroreductases from different bacteria had distinct electrophoretic mobilities.  相似文献   

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