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A sexually dimorphic male nucleus (MN) is present in Nissl-stained sections through the dorsal (d) preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus (POA/AH) of male ferrets. The MN-POA/AH is composed of a cluster of large cells which is organized in males by the action of estradiol, formed via the neural aromatization of circulating testosterone (T), during the last quarter of a 41-day gestation. Several recent studies using rodent species have raised the possibility that the hormone-induced masculinization of POA/AH morphology is mediated at least in part by a perinatal modulation of cell death. We asked whether a perinatal reduction in cell death contributes to the differentiation of the MN-POA/AH in the male ferret, which is a carnivore species. The appearance of internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, detected by in situ end labeling (ISEL) using the ApopTag™ kit (Oncor Corp.) and of pyknotic cell nuclei in Nissl-stained sections were used to estimate the occurrence of cell death. Male and female ferret kits were killed at four different ages spanning the perinatal period during which the MN-POA/AH is organized and assumes an adult phenotype. A peak density of dying cells was present in both sexes at postnatal day (P) 2, which is nearly 1 week after the age, embryonic day (E) 37, when the MN-POA/AH is first visible in male ferrets using Nissl stains. The density of cells in the sexually dimorphic dPOA/AH which were either ISEL-positive or pyknotic was similar in males and females on E34, as well as on P2, 10, and 20. In the nondimorphic ventral POA/AH, the highest density of dying cells was present in both sexes at E34, and there were significantly more ISEL-positive cells present in males than females at this particular age. In contrast to previous studies using rodents, our results suggest that in fetal male ferrets a modulation of the incidence of cell death contributes little to estradiol's organizational action in the dPOA/AH. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 34: 242–252, 1998  相似文献   

The medial preoptic nucleus is a sexually dimorphic structure whose cytoarchitecture, afferent and efferent connections, and functions have been previously described. No detailed ultrastructural study has, however, been perfomed to date. Here we describe the ultrastructural organization of this important preoptic structure of the male quail. Neuronal cell bodies of the medial preoptic nucleus generally show extensive development of protein-synthesis-related organelles (rough endoplasmic reticulum, polysomes), and of secretory structures (Golgi complexes, secretory vesicles, dense bodies). Previous morphometrical studies at the light-microscopical level have demonstrated the presence of a medial and a lateral neuronal population distinguished by the size of their cell bodies (the medial neurons are smaller than the lateral neurons). The present ultrastructural investigation confirms the difference in size, but no difference has been observed in the ultrastructural organization of the neurons. In both the medial and the lateral part, the nucleus is characterized by a large variety of cell bodies, including some that, on the basis of their ultrastructure, can be considered as putative peptidergic neurons. Close contacts are frequently observed between adjacent cell bodies that are normally arranged in clusters. Various types of synaptic endings are also present, suggesting a rich supply of nerve fibers. A few glial cells are scattered within the nucleus. In view of the crucial role of this region in regulating quail sexual behavior, the large heterogeneity of neurons and of afferent nervous fibers suggest that this region might have an important role in the integration of information arriving from different brain regions.  相似文献   

Testosterone and its metabolites masculinize the brain during a critical perinatal window, including the relative volume of sexually dimorphic brain areas such as the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN), which is larger in males than females. Serotonin (5HT) may mediate this hormone action, since 5HT given during the second week of life decreases (i.e., feminizes) SDN volume in males and testosterone‐treated females. Although previous work indicates that the 5HT2A/2C receptor is sufficient to induce feminization, it is unclear whether other serotonin receptors are required and which subpopulation(s) of SDN cells are specifically organized by 5HT. Therefore, we injected male and female Sprague‐Dawley rat pups with saline, a nonselective 5HTR agonist, a 5HT2A/2C agonist, or a 5HT2A/2C antagonist over several timecourses in early life, and measured the Nissl‐SDN as well as a calbindin+ subdivision of the SDN, the CALB‐SDN. When examined on postnatal day 18 or early adulthood, the size of the Nissl‐SDN was feminized in males treated with any of the serotonergic drugs, eliminating the typical sex difference. In contrast, the sex difference in CALB‐SDN size was maintained regardless of serotoninergic drug treatment. This pattern suggests that although gonadal hormones shape the whole SDN, individual cellular phenotypes respond to different intermediary signals to become sexually dimorphic. Specifically, 5HT mediates sexual differentiation of non‐calbindin population(s) within the SDN. The results also caution against using measurement of the CALB‐SDN in isolation, as the absence of an effect on the CALB‐SDN does not preclude an effect on the overall nucleus. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 1241–1253, 2016  相似文献   

Formation of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the pre-optic area (SDN-POA) in the rat hypothalamus shows a sexually differential development of neurons. Volume of the SDN-POA in males is much bigger than that in females which is because of a neuroprotective effect of estradiol converted from circulating testosterone during a critical period of brain development. We found that neural epidermal growth factor-like like-2 (NELL2), a neural tissue-enriched protein, is a potential downstream target of estrogen. In this study, we examined a possible role of NELL2 in the development of the SDN-POA and in the normalcy of sexual behavior in the male rats. NELL2 was expressed and co-localized with estrogen receptor alpha in the SDN-POA. A blockade of NELL2 synthesis in the brain during postnatal day 0 (d0) to d4 by an intracerebroventricular injection of an antisense NELL2 oligodeoxynucleotide, resulted in a decrease in volume of the SDN-POA in males. Interestingly, it reduced some components of the male sexual behavior such as mounting and intromission, but not the sexual partner preference in adulthood. In vitro study using the hippocampal neuroprecursor HiB5 cells showed that NELL2 has a protective effect from a cell death condition. These data suggest that a relevant expression of NELL2 in the neonatal brain is important for the estrogen-induced normal development of the SDN-POA and the normalcy of sexual behavior in male rats.  相似文献   

The central component of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPNc) of the rat has served as an excellent model of sexual differentiation. The MPNc is larger in adult males than in females, and its development is regulated by perinatal gonadal hormones. Although testosterone (T) and its metabolite estradiol (E) sexually differentiate this region, the exact mechanism by which they act during development is not known. There is a dramatic sex difference in the expression of progesterone receptors (PR) in the MPN during development; perinatal males express higher levels of PR than females. Additionally, PR expression during this time is dependent on exposure to T. Thus, PR induction may be one mechanism by which T sexually differentiates the MPN. The present study investigated the potential role of PR in the sexual differentiation of the MPNc. Anatomical examination of PR distribution within the MPN of neonatal males revealed the presence of PR immunoreactive cells within the MPNc, suggesting a direct route of action for PR in the development of the MPNc. Additionally, we measured the effects of neonatal RU486 treatment, a progesterone and glucocorticoid receptor antagonist, on subsequent MPNc volume in neonatally T-treated females and neonatally castrated males, given T. RU486 treatment reduced the MPNc volume of T-treated females while it increased the volume in T-treated, neonatally castrated males. These results, taken together with the expression of PR in the MPNc, suggest that PR may influence the sexual differentiation of the MPNc volume.  相似文献   



Malignant melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer. Female sex is known to have a protective effect on incidence, tumour characteristics, and mortality from melanoma. However, the potentially modifying effect of sex on the prognostic significance of clinicopathological and investigative factors is generally not taken into consideration in biomarker studies. In this study, we compared the sex-specific distribution and prognostic value of established tumour characteristics and Ki67 expression in 255 cases of incident primary melanoma in a prospective, population-based cohort study.


The study included 255 incident cases of melanoma, 132 females and 123 males, in the Malm? Diet and Cancer Study. Tumours from 226 (88.6%) cases had been assembled in tissue microarrays. Clinicopathological factors and immunohistochemical Ki67 expression were assessed and correlated with disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) using Kaplan-Meier analysis, log rank test and univariable and multivariable Cox regression analyses, stratified for gender. Effect of gender on melanoma-specific survival (MSS) after first recurrence was also analysed.


Women were significantly younger at diagnosis than men (p?=?0.012). The most common tumour sites were the legs in women (37.5%) and the dorsal trunk in men (37.8%). Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed that tumour location had no prognostic impact in women, but in men, location to the frontal trunk was significantly associated with a reduced DFS compared with all other locations combined and location to the dorsal trunk was significantly associated with a prolonged OS. High Ki67 expression was significantly associated with a reduced DFS and OS in men but not in women, also when adjusted for other factors. In men, but not in women, ulceration was an independent prognostic factor for both DFS and OS. MSS after first local, regional or distant recurrence was significantly shorter for men than for women.


The results from this study demonstrate that the prognostic value of tumour location, Ki67 expression and ulceration in melanoma differs according to gender. These findings need to be validated in future studies, as they may help improve prognostication in patients with melanoma. Moreover, our findings demonstrate that sex-stratified analyses add valuable information to biomarker studies.  相似文献   

The aromatase of the preoptic area is significantly more active in males than in females. This sex dimorphism in enzyme activity is still found in birds that have been gonadectomized and treated with a same dose of testosterone. This suggests that the sex difference is not the result of a differential activation by the adult hormonal environment but rather is organized neonatally by steroid hormones. As the central aromatization of testosterone is a limiting step in the activation of copulatory behavior by testosterone, the lower aromatase activity in the preoptic area of females might be responsible, at least in part, for their lower sensitivity to the activating effects of testosterone on behavior. Three experiments were carried out to determine whether early manipulations of the hormonal environment, which are known to differentiate sexual behavior, also affect in a permanent way the aromatase activity in the preoptic area. Injection of estradiol benzoate into male embryos on day 9 of incubation decreased the preoptic aromatase activity in parallel to its demasculinizing effect on behavior. Unexpectedly the same treatment tended to increase enzyme activity in females so that the physiological relevance of the observed enzymatic change remains questionable. In two independent experiments, we confirmed that neonatal ovariectomy of female quail interferes with their behavioral differentiation. Females gonadectomized at 4 days post-hatch showed significantly more male-type sexual behavior as adult in response to testosterone than females gonadectomized at the age of 5 weeks. These experiments also confirmed that the preoptic aromatase activity is higher in males than in females but no evidence for an effect of the age of gonadectomy on the enzyme activity could be obtained. The sex difference and experimental modifications observed in the aromatase activity of the preoptic area were not seen in the posterior hypothalamus demonstrating that these effects are specific. The mechanisms controlling the sex difference in aromatase activity are discussed. The difference might be organized by the action of embryonic steroids as suggested by the changes observed in males injected with estradiol benzoate in egg. Alternatively, activational mechanisms cannot be ruled out at present. In one experiment, the activity of the preoptic aromatase was positively correlated with the sexual activity of the birds.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Variation in anogenital distance (AGD) in female newborn rats depends upon androgenization secondary to transplacental/transmembraneous testosterone from adjacent intrauterine male siblings. Since the size of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area of the hypothalamus (SDN-POA) and the degree of pituitary sensitivity to GnRH are neuroendocrine markers of neonatal androgenization, we compared these to AGD in castrated adult male and female rats. Compared to 1-day-old female rats with short AGD (less than or equal to 1.4 mm), 1-day-old female rats with long AGD (greater than 1.4 mm) had significantly larger SDN-POA volumes as adults. In contrast, LH secretion following GnRH injection did not differ in the two subgroups. Our results emphasize that some endpoints of central nervous system sexual differentiation in the adult rat are predicted by the appearance of a masculinized genital tract at birth. It follows that the complete evaluation of potential androgenizing agents will require systematic assessment of multiple morphologic and functional endpoints.  相似文献   

We are using the domestic ram as an experimental model to examine the role of aromatase in the development of sexual partner preferences. This interest has arisen because of the observation that as many as 8% of domestic rams are sexually attracted to other rams (male-oriented) in contrast to the majority of rams that are attracted to estrous ewes (female-oriented). Our findings demonstrate that aromatase expression is enriched in a cluster of neurons in the medial preoptic nucleus called the ovine sexually dimorphic nucleus (oSDN). The size of the oSDN is associated with a ram's sexual partner preference, such that the nucleus is 2–3 times larger in rams that are attracted to females (female-oriented) than in rams that are attracted to other rams (male-oriented). Moreover, the volume of the oSDN in male-oriented rams is similar to the volume in ewes. These volume differences are not influenced by adult concentrations of serum testosterone. Instead, we found that the oSDN is already present in late gestation lamb fetuses (~day 135 of gestation) when it is ~2-fold greater in males than in females. Exposure of genetic female fetuses to exogenous testosterone during the critical period for sexual differentiation masculinizes oSDN volume and aromatase expression when examined subsequently on day 135. The demonstration that the oSDN is organized prenatally by testosterone exposure suggests that the brain of the male-oriented ram may be under-androgenized during development.  相似文献   

A sexually dimorphic male nucleus (MN) of the preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus (POA/AH), comprising large, estradiol-receptor containing neurons, is formed in male ferrets due to the action of estradiol, derived from the neural aromatization of circulating testosterone, during the last quarter of a 41-day gestation. Two experiments were conducted to compare the birthdates and the migration pattern of cells into the sexually dimorphic portion of the dorsomedial POA/AH as well as the nondimorphic ventral nucleus (VN) of the POA/AH of males and females. In experiment 1 the thymidine analog, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), was injected into the amniotic sacs of fetuses of different mothers between embryonic (E) days 18 and 30. Kits from all mothers were sacrificed on E38, and brains were processed to localize BrdU immunoreactivity (IR) for determining the birthdates of neurons in the POA/AH. Cells in the MN-POA/AH of males and in a comparable region of females were born between E22 and E28; cells in the nondimorphic VN-POA/AH of both sexes were born between these same ages. These results suggest that cells in the sexually dimorphic as well as the nondimorphic subdivision of the ferret POA/AH are born during the same embryonic period. This is well before the ages (E30–E41) when administering testosterone to females can stimulate, and blocking androgen aromatization in males can inhibit, MN-POA/AH differentiation. In experiment 2 BrdU was injected on E24, and kits from different litters were perfused on E30, E34, or E38. Brains were processed for BrdU-IR as well as glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), which served as a marker for radial glial processes. The orientation of radial glial processes in fetal brains of both sexes suggested that cells migrate into the dorsomedial POA/AH from proliferative zones lining the lateral as well as the third ventricles. Quantitative, computer-assisted image analysis of BrdU-IR in groups of male and female brains supported this hypothesis. There were no significant sex differences in the distribution of BrdU-IR over the three ages studied, suggesting that formation of the MN-POA/AH in males cannot be attributed to an effect of estradiol on the migration of those cells born on E24 into this sexually dimorphic structure. Finally, total BrdU-IR did not change significantly in the POA/AH of male and female kits killed at E30, E34, or E38 while the area of the POA/AH increased more than 2.5-fold over this period, suggesting that few of the POA/AH cells born on E24 die during this period in either sex. In the absence of evidence that formation of the male ferret's MN-POA/AH depends on steroid-induced changes in neurogenesis, cell migration, or death, we suggest that the specification of a particular neuronal phenotype (e.g., large somal size; capacity to produce some undetermined neurotransmitter or neuropeptide) may be responsible. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A sexually dimorphic nucleus exists in the dorsal region of the ferret preoptic/anterior hypothalamic area (POA/AH), and is called the male nucleus of the POA/AH (MN-POA/AH) because it is found only in males. Development of the MN-POA/AH was studied in male ferrets, and for comparison a sexually nondimorphic ventral POA/AH nucleus was studied in both sexes. The MN-POA/AH was conspicuous in males as early as embryonic day 37 (E37) of a 41-day gestation, and its volume increased until postnatal day 56 (P56). No nucleus was present in the dorsal POA/AH of females at any age. The densities and average somal areas of cells in the dorsal POA/AH were similar in males and females at E33, before the MN-POA/AH could be visualized. However, at E37 and E41 dorsal cells were greater in density and/or somal area in males than in females, accounting for the appearance of a nucleus in males at these ages. To insure that the dorsal POA/AH nucleus seen in males at E37 and E41 was the presumptive MN-POA/AH present in adult males, pregnant ferrets were given progesterone and either implanted subcutaneously (s.c.) with testosterone (T) or ovariectomized and implanted s.c. with the aromatase inhibitor, 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD), on day 30 of gestation. As predicted from previous studies in which subjects were sacrificed in adulthood, formation of a dorsal POA/AH nucleus was promoted in female ferrets by T, and blocked in males by maternal ovariectomy and ATD treatment for animals sacrificed at E41. Much evidence suggests that behavioral sexual differentiation is accomplished in the male ferret between age E28 and P20. The MN-POA/AH is present and potentially functional in males during a considerable portion of this perinatal period.  相似文献   

In developing rats, sex differences in the number of apoptotic cells are found in the central division of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPNc), which is a significant component of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area, and in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV). Specifically, male rats have more apoptotic cells in the developing AVPV, whereas females have more apoptotic cells in the developing MPNc. To determine the mechanisms for the sex differences in apoptosis in these nuclei, we compared the expression of the Bcl-2 family members and active caspase-3 in postnatal female and male rats. Western blot analyses for the Bcl-2 family proteins were performed using preoptic tissues isolated from the brain on postnatal day (PD) 1 (day of birth) or on PD8. In the AVPV-containing tissues of PD1 rats, there were significant sex differences in the level of Bcl-2 (female > male) and Bax (female < male) proteins, but not of Bcl-xL or Bad proteins. In the MPNc-containing tissues of PD8 rats, there were significant sex differences in the protein levels for Bcl-2 (female < male), Bax (female > male), and Bad (female < male), but not for Bcl-xL. Immunohistochemical analyses showed significant sex differences in the number of active caspase-3-immunoreactive cells in the AVPV on PD1 (female < male) and in the MPNc on PD8 (female > male). We further found that active caspase-3-immunoreactive cells of the AVPV and MPNc were immunoreactive for NeuN, a neuronal marker. These results suggest that there are sex differences in the induction of apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway during development of the AVPV and MPNc.  相似文献   

The medial preoptic nucleus of the Japanese quail is a testosterone-sensitive structure that is involved in the control of male copulatory behavior. The full understanding of the role played by this nucleus in the control of reproduction requires the identification of its afferent and efferent connections. In order to identify neural circuits involved in the control of the medial preoptic nucleus, we used the lipophilic fluorescent tracer DiI implanted in aldheyde-fixed tissue. Different strategies of brain dissection and different implantation sites were used to establish and confirm afferent and efferent connections of the nucleus. Anterograde projections reached the tuberal hypothalamus, the area ventralis of Tsai, and the substantia grisea centralis. Dense networks of fluorescent fibers were also seen in several hypothalamic nuclei, such as the anterior medialis hypothalami, the paraventricularis magnocellularis, and the ventromedialis hypothalami. A major projection in the dorsal direction was also observed from the medial preoptic nucleus toward the nucleus septalis lateralis and medialis. Afferents to the nucleus were seen from all these regions. Implantation of DiI into the substantia grisea centralis also revealed massive bidirectional connections with a large number of more caudal mesencephalic and pontine structures. The substantia grisea centralis therefore appears to be an important center connecting anterior levels of the brain to brain-stem nuclei that may be involved in the control of male copulatory behavior.  相似文献   

Previously we have found that small lesions confined to the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) or the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) blocked the cyclic release of gonadotropins in the female rat, inducing a persistent estrous state. Since the MPN is located just caudal to the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) where LHRH cell bodies are most concentrated, we applied an immunocytochemical technique to examine the possibility that the lesions had simply disrupted LHRH neurons or fibers. Using a new anti-LHRH provided by Dr. V. D. Ramirez, we found that the distribution pattern of immunoreactive LHRH cell bodies and fibers was similar to that previously reported, although the staining was more intense and extensive with low background. There was no concentration of LHRH cell bodies and fibers in the MPN or SCN and, in fact, these nuclei generally showed a lower density of stained elements than did surrounding tissue. In persistent estrous animals with lesions confined to the MPN there was no detectable reduction of stained fibers in the median eminence. These results, along with the results of other workers, suggest that persistent estrus following lesions of the MPN or SCN is not due to reduction of LHRH neurons or fibers. Rather, they support the hypothesis that these nuclei are critical for triggering the ovulatory release of LHRH.  相似文献   

Models predicting mechanisms driving sexual cannibalism in spiders with sexual size dimorphism (SSD) often assume that spiders use post‐copulatory food to channel nutrients into eggs and fecundity is altered through changes in clutch size or egg mass. I tested these assumptions using an orb web spider with extreme SSD, Argiope keyserlingi. I fed mated female spiders prey of either high protein‐low energy or low protein‐high energy composition. I measured egg energy density; a measure of the relative volumes of yolk and albumen. I predicted that if A. keyserlingi increase their egg energy density upon feeding on prey of a specific nutrient composition, they could enhance their fecundity by investing in more energy dense eggs. However, if the egg energy densities are dissimilar to their post‐copulatory prey they must be drawing energy from their somatic reserves to invest in eggs. In a further experiment I allowed female spiders to mate with and cannibalize males to determine if cannibalism induces similar effects on egg energy density. Male spider protein energy ratio was measured and found to resemble the high protein‐low energy prey. I found disagreement between the composition of post‐copulatory food and eggs in both experiments. Additionally, spiders fed high protein‐low energy prey lost weight indicating that they draw on their energy reserves to invest in eggs. I thus concluded that spiders that feed on high protein‐low energy prey or on males increase their egg energy density and, possibly, fecundity. However, the nutrient content of the prey or males cannot provide for investment in eggs. The energy invested in eggs is drawn from somatic reserves, probably induced by an as yet undescribed physiological trigger.  相似文献   

Prenatal alcohol treatment prolonged the gestation period by 1 day in 5 out of 11 mothers and decreased the anogenital distance of pups of both sexes measured at birth. There were no effects on body weights of the pups at birth, total number of pups per litter, or sex ratio. The postnatally alcohol-treated males (pups nursed by alcohol-drinking mothers) had a significantly earlier preputial separation than animals treated with alcohol prenatally only or controls. There were no differences among the groups on the parameters of adult masculine sexual behavior, plasma testosterone, weights of sex accessory glands, or open-field behavior. Animals treated perinatally with alcohol showed a significant inhibition of penile reflexes. Repeated testing, however, abolished this effect.  相似文献   

In developing rats, sex differences in the number of apoptotic cells are found in the central division of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPNc), which is a significant component of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area, and in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV). Specifically, male rats have more apoptotic cells in the developing AVPV, whereas females have more apoptotic cells in the developing MPNc. To determine the mechanisms for the sex differences in apoptosis in these nuclei, we compared the expression of the Bcl‐2 family members and active caspase‐3 in postnatal female and male rats. Western blot analyses for the Bcl‐2 family proteins were performed using preoptic tissues isolated from the brain on postnatal day (PD) 1 (day of birth) or on PD8. In the AVPV‐containing tissues of PD1 rats, there were significant sex differences in the level of Bcl‐2 (female > male) and Bax (female < male) proteins, but not of Bcl‐xL or Bad proteins. In the MPNc‐containing tissues of PD8 rats, there were significant sex differences in the protein levels for Bcl‐2 (female < male), Bax (female > male), and Bad (female < male), but not for Bcl‐xL. Immunohistochemical analyses showed significant sex differences in the number of active caspase‐3‐immunoreactive cells in the AVPV on PD1 (female < male) and in the MPNc on PD8 (female > male). We further found that active caspase‐3‐immunoreactive cells of the AVPV and MPNc were immunoreactive for NeuN, a neuronal marker. These results suggest that there are sex differences in the induction of apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway during development of the AVPV and MPNc. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   

Steroid hormones, particularly 17beta-estradiol (E2), regulate the development and expression of neural structures and sexual behavior. Recently, we demonstrated that E2-regulated responses are controlled by quantitative trait loci. In this study, we quantified 1) volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN) of the preoptic area (POA); 2) medial basal hypothalamic (MBH)-POA aromatase and 5alpha-reductase enzyme activities during prenatal development and in adults; 3) serum LH, testosterone, FSH, E2, prolactin (PRL), and corticosterone levels; 4) reproductive organ (i.e., testis and ventral prostate) weights; and 5) male mating behavior in Noble (NB/Cr) and Wistar-Furth (WF/NCr) rat strains to determine the genetic influence on the measured parameters. Maximal phenotypic divergence in male SDN-POA volumes was seen between NB/Cr versus WF/NCr and BDIX/Cr rats (among nine rat strains initially examined), with the average SDN-POA volume of NB/Cr male rats being significantly greater ( approximately 30%) than that of either WF/NCr or BDIX/Cr males. Subsequent experiments investigated WF/NCr versus NB/Cr male rats in further detail. Significantly higher MBH-POA aromatase activity was seen in adult WF/NCr versus NB/Cr males, while MBH-POA 5alpha-reductase rates were not significantly different (within or between sex) for the two rat strains assayed. Serum LH levels were significantly higher (by greater than sixfold) in WF/NCr versus NB/Cr males, whereas testis organ:body weight and ventral prostate:body weight ratios in WF/NCr versus NB/Cr males were significantly smaller (by approximately 6-fold for testis and approximately 1.5-fold for prostate values). Serum FSH levels were significantly higher (by twofold) in WF/NCr versus NB/Cr males. However, serum testosterone levels were not significantly different, whereas E2 levels were approximately twofold higher (but not significantly different) in WF/NCr versus NB/Cr animals. No significant differences were found in basal (i.e., nonstress) serum PRL or corticosterone levels between the WF/NCr and NB/Cr males. In male copulatory tests, NB/Cr males exhibited significantly more aggressive sexual behavior (e.g., in mounting, intromission, and ejaculation parameters) compared with WF/NCr males. Taken together, these findings indicate that WF/NCr males are, in general, low responders, whereas NB/Cr males are high responders to hormonal signals. The obtained data suggest that the correlative, phenotypic variation in SDN-POA volume (i.e., structure) and reproductive hormone patterns and mating behavior (i.e., function) of WF/NCr versus NB/Cr males is regulated by potentially E2-mediated mechanisms that are genetically controlled.  相似文献   

The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and centromedial amygdala share many neuroanatomical and neurochemical characteristics, suggesting similarities in their development. Here we compare the neurogenesis of a group of cells for which already several common characteristics have been documented, that is, the sexually dimorphic arginine vasopressin-immunoreactive (AVP-ir) cells of the BNST and amygdala. To determine when these cells are born, pregnant rats received intraperitoneal injections of the thymidine analogue bromo-2-deoxy-5-uridine (BrdU) on one of nine embryonic days, E10 to E18; E1 being the day that a copulatory plug was found. At 3 months of age, the offsprings of these females were killed and their brains stained immunocytochemically for BrdU and AVP. Most AVP-ir cells were labeled with BrdU by injections on E12 and E13. Although BrdU labeling of AVP-ir cells did not differ between the BNST and amygdala, it differed between males and females. From E12 to E13, the percentage of BrdU-labeled AVP-ir cells decreased more in males than in females. AVP-ir cells appeared to be born earlier than most other cells in the same area, the majority of which were labeled with BrdU by injections on E14, E15, and E16. The similarities in the birthdates of AVP-ir cells in the BNST and amygdala may help to explain why these cells take on so many similar characteristics. The sex difference in birthdates of AVP-ir cells may help to explain which cellular processes underlie the sexual differentiation of these cells. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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