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The shikimic acid pathway, ubiquitous in microorganisms and plants, provides precursors for the biosynthesis of primary metabolites such as the aromatic amino acids and folic acid. Several branchpoints from the primary metabolic pathway also provide aromatic and, in some unusual cases, nonaromatic precursors for the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. We report herein recent progress in the analysis of two unusual branches of the shikimic acid pathway in streptomycetes; the formation of the cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (CHC)-derived moiety of the antifungal agent ansatrienin and the dihydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid (DHCHC) starter unit for the biosynthesis of the immunosuppressant ascomycin. A gene for 1-cyclohexenylcarbonyl-CoA reductase, chcA, which plays a role in catalyzing three of the reductive steps leading from shikimic acid to CHC has been characterized from Streptomyces collinus. A cluster of six open reading frames (ORFs) has been identified by sequencing in both directions from chcA and the putative role of these in CHC biosynthesis is discussed. The individual steps involved in the biosynthesis of DHCHC from shikimic acid in Streptomyces hygroscopicus var ascomyceticus has been delineated and shown to be stereochemically and enzymatically distinct from the CHC pathway. A dehydroquinate dehydratase gene (dhq) likely involved in providing shikimic acid for both DHCHC biosynthesis and primary metabolism has been cloned, sequenced and characterized. Received 17 February 1998/ Accepted in revised form 26 April 1998  相似文献   

Calcium chelators such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and sodium citrate produce repetitive activity and prolong the spike of internodal cells of Nitella flexilis. Removal of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+ from the outside of the cell by washing the preparation with Tris propionate or Tris chloride hyperpolarizes the cells but does not initiate repetitive activity or increase the duration of the spike appreciably. It was concluded that cell-bound Ca2+ controls the threshold for stimulation and the duration of the spike, and that the removal of Ca2+ from the cell membrane, either by chelation or displacement, changes the normal behaviour of the cell by altering its permeability to some other ion or ions.  相似文献   

The absorption of nitrate and the activity of nitrate reductase were much lower in Ca-deficient plants ofCururbita pepo L., cv. ‘Kveta’ than in normal plants grown in complete nutrient solution for a period of 8 days. After the addition of nitrate to the nutrient medium, nitrate reductase activity in the roots of NO3-deficient plants sharply rose during the first 6 h and then remained constant during the following 6 h; the content of endogenous NO3 ? rose slowly and continuously. These processes were depressed in (Ca, NO3)-deficient plants independently of the addition of Ca2+ to the medium in the variant with NO3 ?. Thus it seems that the whole nitrogen metabolism,i.e. both NO3 ? absorption and the synthesis of nitrate reductase, is impaired in Ca-deficient plants.  相似文献   

The activities of the soluble and microsomal phosphatidate phosphatases (EC are greater in the livers of essential-fatty-acid-deficient rats than in rats fed diets containing linoleic acid.  相似文献   

1. Added Ca2+ inhibited lactate formation from sugar phosphates by intact Ehrlich ascites-tumour cells. Lactate formation from glucose by these cells was unaffected by added Ca2+. 2. The Ca2+ inhibition of lactate formation by intact cells occurred in the extracellular medium. 3. Intact ascites-tumour cells did not take up Ca2+ in vitro. 4. Glycolysis of sugar phosphates by cell extracts as well as pyruvate formation from 3-phosphoglycerate and phosphoenolpyruvate was inhibited by Ca2+. 5. It was concluded that Ca2+ inhibited the pyruvate-kinase (EC reaction. Further, Ca2+ inhibition of pyruvate kinase could be correlated with the overall inhibition of glycolysis. 6. Concentrations of Ca2+ usually present in Krebs–Ringer buffers, inhibited glycolysis and pyruvate-kinase activity by approx. 50%. 7. The inhibition of glycolysis by added Ca2+ could be partially reversed by K+ and completely reversed by Mg2+ or by stoicheiometric amounts of EDTA. 8. The hypothesis is advanced that the inability of tumour cells to take up Ca2+ is a factor contributing towards their high rate of glycolysis.  相似文献   

The ionophore A23187 is a potent inhibitor of oxalate supported calcium uptake if added before uptake is initiated by ATP and is a much weaker inhibitor of uptake once uptake has been initiated. This observation is shown to be due to a failure of oxalate to capture the transported calcium at the beginning of uptake because the rate of calcium oxalate crystallization is initially slow, thereby allowing the ionophore to release the accumulated calcium. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that calcium oxalate crystallization shows a lag phase which is absent when calcium oxalate seeds are in the reaction system. Once calcium uptake has progressed, calcium oxalate seeds are present in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and calcium oxalate crystallization proceeds sufficiently rapidly that the ionophore cannot compete successfully for calcium. That A23187 and oxalate compete for intravesicular ionic calcium is shown by the stimulation which each produces in ATPase activity and by the dependence of ionophore activity on oxalate concentration.The failure of calcium oxalate crystallization to reach equilibrium during the early phase of calcium uptake caused us to examine whether at any time during calcium uptake, crystallization reaches equilibrium. Skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum accumulated calcium at such a high rate that oxalate, in concentrations up to 20mM, was unable to clamp intravesicular calcium at equilibrium values. The lower rate of calcium accumulation by cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum and/or perhaps its greater permeability to oxalate apparently allows intravesicular calcium to be clamped by oxalate.  相似文献   

Chronic nutritional iron deficiency of 2 to 5 weeks duration reduced the blood hemoglobin content to 30-50% of control values and resulted in an increase in rat adrenal tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) (EC activity. Kinetic and mixing experiments indicated that this increase was due to an increase in enzyme protein. The body weight of iron-deficient rats ranged from 60 to 80% of control; this factor, however, was not responsible for the increase in adrenal TH as enzyme activity was directly proportional to final body weight. To determine whether the increase in adrenal TH in iron-deficient rats was due to increased sympathetic activity to the adrenal medulla, the splanchnic nerve was cut. The increased TH was still observed after adrenal denervation; this indicates that the mechanism of response to iron deficiency lies within the adrenal itself. Age of the rats is important in determining whether the increase in TH activity will occur.  相似文献   

The enzymatic behavior and inhibition patterns of collagenase of Clostridium histolyticum in the presence of 0.5 M and 3.4 mM CaCl2 have been examined viscosimetrically. The more concentrated salt was found to enhance the rate of digestion of calfskin collagen when either measured viscosimetrically or colorimetrically by trinitrobenzenesulfonate. However, the rate of digestion of calfskin gelatin is unaffected by 0.5 M CaCl2 as determined colorimetrically. Calcium chloride also proved to have a marked effect on the inhibitory behavior of a series of imidazole compounds. Histidine (10mM) is about three-fold more effective as an inhibitor in 0.5 M CaCl2 than in 3.4 mM CaCl2, whereas a reverse effect is true for histamine, Imidazolylpropionate (10mM) was only weakly inhibitory (16%) in 0.5 M CaCl2 and not at all in 3.4 mM CaCl2. Inhibition by 10 mM imidazole was not detectable. These observations may be useful in the design of inhibitors for tissue collagenases which share a number of common characteristics with the bacterial enzyme.  相似文献   

Methylmalonate and propionate, the major metabolites of the propionate pathway of fatty and amino acid metabolism used at 1-4 mM cause selective inhibition of succinate and palmitoyl carnitine oxidation in liver mitochondria. Methylmalonate is more specific towards succinate, whereas propionate--towards palmitoyl carnitine oxidation. Methylmalonate is transported to mitochondria at a high rate with no effect on succinate transport. Being injected intramusculary methylmalonate has no inhibiting effect on the oxidative activity of mitochondria but is able to activate succinate and palmitoyl carnitine oxidation. The inhibiting effect of propionate on palmitoyl carnitine oxidation is a long-term one. Injections of these metabolites precursors, isoleucine, methionine and valine, produce an activating effect on succinate oxidation. Thus, propionate pathway metabolites may participate in the regulation of lipid-carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

Bean plants ( Phaseolus vulgaris ) were grown for 16–20 days with or without phosphate in Knop nutrient medium. It was found in previous experiments that for roots grown on a Pi-deficient medium respiration is mainly carried out by the cyanide-insensitive pathway. Mitochondria isolated from—Pi, roots had poor respiratory control and their respiration exhibited 62% inhibition by cyanide and was inhibited (30%) by salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM). In contrast, mitochondria obtained with control (+Pi) roots had respiratory control and ADP/O ratios typical for succinate as the substrate; their respiration was inhibited to 95% by cyanide and insensitive to SHAM. The integrity of mitochondrial membranes was similar in both types of mitochondria. Cytochrome oxidase activity, however, was about 20% lower in -Pi mitochondria, but the cytochrome composition was the same in both types of mitochondria. The cytochrorae pathway was not operating at full capacity in mitochondria isolated from—Pi roots but the alternative oxidation pathway participated in a great part in mitochondrial respiration, similar to in vivo whole roots. The participation of the non-phosphorylating., alternative pathway decreased the respiratory control ratio in mitochondria and had an effect on the total adenine nucleotide pool and energy charge values which were lower (16 and 13% respectively) in -Pi roots. About 50% lower ADP and 20% lower ATP levels were observed whereas AMP levels were several times higher.  相似文献   

Adrenomedullin (ADM) is upregulated in cardiac tissue under various pathophysiological conditions, particularly in septic shock. The intracellular mechanisms involved in the effect of ADM on adult rat ventricular myocytes are still to be elucidated. Ventricular myocytes were isolated from adult rats 4 h after an intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 10 mg/kg). Membrane potential and L-type calcium current (I(Ca,L)) were determined using whole cell patch-clamp methods. APD in LPS group was significantly shorter than control values (time to 50% repolarization: LPS, 169 +/- 2 ms; control, 257 +/- 2 ms, P < 0.05; time to 90% repolarization: LPS, 220 +/- 2 ms; control, 305 +/- 2 ms, P < 0.05). I(Ca,L) density was significantly reduced in myocytes from the LPS group (-3.2 +/- 0.8 pA/pF) compared with that of control myocytes (-6.7 +/- 0.3 pA/pF, P < 0.05). The ADM antagonist ADM-(22-52) reversed the shortened APD and abolished the reduction of I(Ca,L) in shock myocytes. In myocytes from control rats, incubating with ADM for 1 h induced a marked decrease in peak I(Ca,L) density. This effect was reversed by ADM-(22-52). The G(i) protein inhibitor, pertussis toxin (PTX), the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, KT-5720, and the specific cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibitor, nimesulide, reversed the LPS-induced reduction in peak I(Ca,L). The results suggest a COX-2-involved PKA-dependent switch from G(s) coupled to PTX-sensitive G(i) coupling by ADM in adult rat ventricular myocytes. The present study delineates the intracellular pathways involved in ADM-mediated effects on I(Ca,L) in adult rat ventricular myocytes and also suggests a role of ADM in sepsis.  相似文献   

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