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In Vargem Grande, an endemic area of cutaneous leishmaniasis in State of Rio de Janeiro, where Lutzomyia intermedia had been found infected with Leishmania braziliensis, we performed a series of captures of sandflies to increase the knowledge on their behaviour. The following species were found among 8,671 sandflies collected: L. intermedia, L. migonei, L. longipalpis, L. lanei, L. fischeri, L. firmatoi, L. monticola, L. schreiberi, L. whitmani, L. pelloni, L. barrettoi e L. (Pi) sp. Inside houses and outdoors close to the houses, on human bait and in light traps, the predominant species was L. intermedia, followed by L. migonei, both being more numerous between 9 and 11 p.m. than from 6 to 8 p.m. In a plantation, L. migonei was predominant. In simultaneous captures on man and dog as baits, L. intermedia was more frequent on the former, L. migonei on the latter.  相似文献   

To improve our knowledge on the breeding and behaviour of sandflies in captivity, we established closed colonies of Lutzomyia intermedia and Lutzomyia longipalpis. Data are here presented on the feeding preferences of larvae and adults and their influence on the development and survival of each species. Fish food is accepted by the larvae of both species; it is easily available, unexpensive and does not encourage the growth of fungi. The larvae of both species, in all stages accepted food of vegetal and mixed origin, but the 1st and 2nd stage larvae of L. intermedia preferred vegetal food, while the 3rd and 4th stage larvae of L. longipalpis showed a discreet preference for mixed food. Previous feeding on sugar was not necessary to induce a blood meal. Both species can feed on man, dog, hamster and bird, but better development was obtained when the females was fed on hamster. The female of L. longipalpis were more resistant to the absence of blood meal than those of L. intermedia, although 70% of both were able to survive on a sugar meal up to seven days.  相似文献   

Lutzomyia intermedia and Lutzomyia whitmani occur sympatrically in the district of Posse, municipality of Petrópolis, in the State of Rio de Janeiro (114 km from the city of Rio de Janeiro), where sand flies were captured weekly for three consecutive years in both the peridomicile and forest, in two first years from 18:00 to 22:00 h, using a Shannon trap and CDC light traps. The anthropophilic habit was assessed by recording the specimens that bit the human captors. Considering the different capture types and sites, the following species were identified: Brumptomyia brumpti, B. cardosoi, B. guimaraesi, Lutzomyia amarali, L. longipalpis, L. microps, L. costalimai, L. edwardsi, L. firmatoi, L. migonei, L. termitophila, L. tupynambai, L. fischeri, L. pessoai, L. lutziana, L. shannoni, L. barrettoi, L. intermedia, L. whitmani, L. lloydi, and L. minasensis. L. intermedia (38.3%) and L. whitmani (38.6%) predominated. L. intermedia predominated in the peridomicile, where it displayed more intense anthropophily, while L. whitmani displayed greater density in the banana plantations and forest, preferential sites for biting humans. Studies on seasonality showed that while L. intermedia displayed greater density in the hottest months of the year (December, January, and February), L. whitmani was abundant in the coolest months (June, July, and August), although both occurred throughout the year.  相似文献   

A study about the horizontal stratification of the sand fly fauna in two distinct ecosystems, caatinga area, endemic for visceral leishmaniasis, and the tropical rain forest area, endemic for cutaneous leishmaniasis, was performed in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Lutzomyia longipalpis was predominant in the caatinga, and following it came the species L. capixaba and L. oswaldoi. In the tropical rain forest other species were found, such as L. intermedia, L. migonei, L. whitmani, L. yuilli, L.fischeri, L. damascenoi, L. evandroi, L. monticola, and L. lenti. It was found that the geographical limits of the vector species of visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis are clearly defined by the biological and phytogeographic characteristics.  相似文献   

The lengths of the male genital filaments and female spermathecal ducts were measured in phlebotomine sand flies of the Lutzomyia intermedia species complex and the ratios between these characters calculated. Ratios for L. intermedia s. s. from Northeast vs Southeast Brazil (Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais), Espírito Santo/Minas Gerais vs Rio de Janeiro/S?o Paulo and L. intermedia vs L. neivai were significantly different at P < 0.1, 0.05 and 0.01 respectively when compared using ANOVA. The spermathecal ducts and genital filaments of L. intermedia were significantly longer than those of L. neivai (P < 0.01) and could be used to differentiate these species. The taxonomic and biological significance of these differences is discussed.  相似文献   

In a study on putative vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Baturité, Ceará State, Brazil, six sandfly species were identified: Lutzomyia longipalpis, L. wellcomei, L. peresi, L. whitmani, L. shannoni and L. migonei. In general L. whitmani and L. migonei were the predominant species. They were collected in periodomiciliary areas and were attracted by man and equines. L. whitmani was the most anthropophilic species. Studies using animals as bait showed that blood-feeding occurs throughout the night. Previously L. whitmani had been found infected with a Leishmania species of the braziliensis complex and L. migonei was infected with peripylarian flagellates. In combination these findings suggest that they may be responsible for periodomestic transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

During two consecutive years, studies on the sand fly fauna in Po?o das Antas and Fazenda Bom Retiro, two Atlantic Rain Forest Reserves from the State of Rio de Janeiro, were performed using Shannon traps, CDC light traps and human bait collections. Eleven species were identified; Lutzomyia longipalpis, L. migonei, L. edwardsi, L. intermedia, L. whitmani, L. fischeri, L. shannoni, L. ayrozai, L. hirsuta, L. monticola and L. misionensis (first occurrence in the State of Rio de Janeiro). L. intermedia and L. whitmani were the predominant anthropophilic species around houses, while L. hirsuta predominated in the forest.  相似文献   

Phlebotomine sand flies are often captured with human bait and/or light traps, either with or without an animal bait. More recently, synthetic attractants have been used as bait in traps to improve the capture of phlebotomine sand flies as well as other insects of medical and veterinary importance. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the kairomone 1-octen-3-ol (octenol) and the synthetic human odor BG-Mesh LureTM (BGML - lactic acid, caproic acid and ammonia) baited in modified CDC light traps on the capture of phlebotomine sand flies. The experiments followed the 5x5 Latin square design. Among the species caught, Lutzomyia intermedia apparently presented a dose-dependent response to octenol. The response obtained with the BGML, alone or in combination with octenol (5 mg/h), indicated some degree of attractiveness of these baits to different phlebotomine sand fly species. Octenol seems to be more attractive to L. intermedia than to Lutzomyia longipalpis, while the BGML presented a higher success in capturing L. longipalpis. When the components of the BGML were used separately, there was no increase in catching the female of L. intermedia. Apparently, there was no synergistic effect between the octenol and the BGML. In conclusion, the octenol and the BGML were demonstrated to be possible baits to attract some phlebotomine sand fly species.  相似文献   

The females of the two species of the Lutzomyia intermedia complex can be easily distinguished, but the males of each species are quite similar. The ratios between the extra-genital and the genital structures of L. neivai are larger than those of L. intermedia s. s., according to ANOVA. An artificial neural network was trained with a set of 300 examples, randomly taken from a sample of 358 individuals. The input vectors consisted of several ratios between some structures of each insect. The model was tested on the remaining 58 insects, 56 of which (96.6%) were correctly identified. This ratio of success can be considered remarkable if one takes into account the difficulty of attaining comparable results using traditional statistical techniques.  相似文献   

Captures of sand flies were carried out in peridomiciliary, domiciliary and forest environments on S?o José farm, located in Carmo county where an autochthonous case of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis occurred to investigate the probable vector of the disease. A total of 4.595 sand flies belonging to six species of the genus Lutzomyia were captured: L. intermedia (Lutz & Neiva), L. lenti (Mangabeira), L. whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho) L. migonei (Fran?a), L. ayrozai (Barretto & Coutinho) andL. quinquefer (Dyar). L. intermedia was the predominant species (99.1%), its highest frequencies occurring between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.  相似文献   

The first epidemic tegumentary leishmaniasi? outbreak in the province of Misiones was recorded in 1998, in the locality of Puerto Esperanza. Phlebotominae collected in the region, previously or simultaneously to the outbreak (September 1993-December 1998) showed that the species Lutzomyia intermedia s. l. was prevalent (94%, n 6,150) at all the sites sampled with miniature light trap (10) and Shannon trap (3). L. pessoai, L. whitmani, L. migonei, L. shannoni, L. fischeri, L. misionensis, Brumptomyia avellari and B. guimaraesi were also captured. Sand fly distribution in time and space suggests that in the province of Misiones (1) the species already present before 1990 could give rise to the epidemic by the density/dispersion fluctuation of their local populations; (2) the abundance of L. intermedia s. l. was associated with environments with ecotones of primary-secondary vegetation, close to water bodies and with moderate human disturbance; (3) this species showed, towards the end of 1997, peaks of exceptional abundance, subsequent to rainfall peaks in 1996. This increase in abundance of potential vector sand fly populations close to houses with colonizable surroundings could have generated the 1998 epidemic outbreak.  相似文献   

In the present study, some morphological structures of antennae, maxillary palps and caudal setae of fourth instar larvae of laboratory-reared phlebotomine sand flies (Lutzomyia longipalpis, L. migonei, L. evandroi, L. lenti, L. sericea, L. whitmani and L. intermedia) of the State of Ceará, Brazil, were examined under scanning electron microscopy. The antennal structures exhibited considerable variation in the morphology and position. A prominent digitiform distal segment has been observed only on the antenna of species of the subgenus Nyssomyia. The taxonomic relevance of this and other antennal structure is discussed. The papiliform structures found in the maxillae and the porous structures of the caudal setae of all species examined may have chemosensory function. Further studies with transmission electron microscopy are needed to better understand the physiological function of these external structures.  相似文献   

Responses of Lutzomyia sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) to carbon dioxide (CO2) and human odour were investigated by field experiments in Parana State, southern Brazil. Catches of two predominant species: Lu. intermedia (Antunes & Coutinho) and Lu. whitmani Lutz & Neiva, were compared between traps baited with a human adult or with CO2 emitted at the human-equivalent rate. When the baits were only 40 cm apart, no difference of attractiveness was detected. When baits were separated by 20 m, however, significantly fewer sandflies (44% Lu. intermedia, 46% Lu. whitmani) were trapped with CO2 compared with human bait. This is the first field evidence that anthropophilic sandflies are attracted by human kairomones in addition to CO2. For both species [Lutzomyia intermedia and Lu. whitmani] [corrected], the proportion of human attractiveness attributable to CO2 was significantly more [corrected] for males than females; for Lu. intermedia males human bait was no more attractive than CO2 alone. Gender differences in sandfly olfactory sensitivity are likely to be associated with behavioural differences on the host, where females feed on blood and males find mates. With traps 20 m apart, both Lutzomyia spp. showed roughly linear increased responses (log-log scale) to 0.08-0.55% CO2 equivalent to 0.5-4 humans. This would explain why host size is generally proportional to attractiveness, as observed for other species of phlebotomine sandflies.  相似文献   

The identification of breeding sites of sand flies is of great epidemiological interest. A soil emergence trap for investigating potential sand fly breeding sites is described. The trap was tested in two rural areas in the Mogi Gua?u River Valley where the American cutaneous leishmaniasis is an endemic disease. Seventy-three sand fly individuals of three species, Lutzomyia intermedia s. l., L. whitmani and L. pessoai, were collected on the forest floor and peridomicile.  相似文献   

In 1997, 1998 and 1999 we performed several captures in the State of Piauí, in the counties of Barro Duro, Campo Maior, Castelo, Floriano, Picos, S?o Raimundo Nonato and Teresina. We used CDC light traps inside houses, in a primary forest and in one cave. Seventeen species were collected being Lutzomyia longipalpis, Lutzomyia samueli, Lutzomyia whitmani and Lutzomyia lenti the most captured species. The genus Brumptomyia, L. whitmani, Lutzomyia sordellii, Lutzomyia carmelinoi, Lutzomyia termitophila, Lutzomyia peresi and Lutzomyia quinquefer are reported for first time in Piauí. We call the attention for the presence of L. whitmani and L. longipalpis, important vectors of leishmaniasis in various regions of South America.  相似文献   

We surveyed the phlebotomine fauna in the Parque Nacional Cavernas do Perua?u, Minas Gerais, Brazil, aiming to associate the presence of vector with the risk of leishmaniasis transmission. Field captures were performed with CDC light traps between February and March 2003. A total of 436 sand flies were captured, belonging to 14 species. The predominant species (28.7%) was Lutzomyia ischnacantha Martins, Souza e Falc?o, followed by L. renei (27,06%) and L. cavernicola (13,07%). The finding of L. intermedia, a species that is incriminated as vector of cutaneous leishmaniasis, has to be taken into account.  相似文献   

Geographic and ecological distributions of three Lutzomyia sand flies that are cutaneous leishmaniasis vectors in South America were analysed using ecological niche modelling. This new tool provides a large-scale perspective on species' geographic distributions, ecological and historical factors determining them, and their potential for change with expected environmental changes. As a first step, the ability of this technique to predict geographic distributions of the three species was tested statistically using two subsampling techniques: a random-selection technique that simulates 50% data density, and a quadrant-based technique that challenges the method to predict into broad unsampled regions. Predictivity under both test schemes was highly statistically significant. Visualisation of ecological niches provided insights into the ecological basis for distributional differences among species. Projections of potential geographic distributions across scenarios of global climate change suggested that only Lutzomyia whitmani is likely to be experiencing dramatic improvements in conditions in south-eastern Brazil, where cutaneous leishmaniasis appears to be re-emerging; Lutzomyia intermedia and Lutzomyia migonei may be seeing more subtle improvements in climatic conditions, but the implications are not straightforward. More generally, this technique offers the possibility of new views into the distributional ecology of disease, vector, and reservoir species.  相似文献   

Lutzomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) and L. whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho, 1939) (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae), two important vectors of American cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil, occur in sympatry in the locality of Posse county, Petropolis municipality, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We investigated the influence of the lunar cycle on the frequency of specimens of the two species caught while attempting to bite the collectors and in CDC light traps. Analysis of the numbers of sand flies captured in different lunar phases for two consecutive years in the peridomestic site and forest shows that there is a significant positive correlation between moonlight intensity and the numbers of L. intermedia and L. whitmani females collected while blood-feeding, whereas the opposite was observed for the CDC traps.  相似文献   

The development of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis in experimentally infected Lutzomyia intermedia, showed colonization of the hindgut from 48 h after the infective blood-meal, and the migration of flagellates to the foregut, with a massive infection of the cardia at the 5th day post infection. Up to 10 days following the infective blood-meal, very few parasites were seen in the pharynx and cibarium. The role of L. intermedia as a vector of cutaneous leishmaniasis is discussed according to the established criteria.  相似文献   

Sand flies within the genus Lutzomyia serve as the vectors for all species of the protozoan parasite Leishmania in the New World. In this paper, we present a summary of the 29 species of Lutzomyia and one of Brumptomyia previously reported for Nicaragua and report results of our recent collections of 565 sand flies at eight localities in the country from 2001-2006. Lutzomyia longipalpis was the predominant species collected within the Pacific plains region of western Nicaragua, while Lutzomyia cruciata or Lutzomyia barrettoi majuscula were the species most frequently collected in the central highlands and Atlantic plains regions. The collection of Lutzomyia durani (Vargas & Nájera) at San Jacinto in July 2001 is a new record for Nicaragua. Leishmaniasis is endemic to Nicaragua and occurs in three forms: cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. Cutaneous infections are the most prevalent type of leishmaniasis in Nicaragua and they occur in two different clinical manifestations, typical cutaneous leishmaniasis and atypical cutaneous leishmaniasis, depending on the species of the infecting Leishmania parasite. The distribution of sand flies collected during this study in relation to the geographic distribution of clinical forms of leishmaniasis in the country is also discussed.  相似文献   

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