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Phillip Guan Martin S. Banks 《Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences》2016,371(1697)
Depth constancy is the ability to perceive a fixed depth interval in the world as constant despite changes in viewing distance and the spatial scale of depth variation. It is well known that the spatial frequency of depth variation has a large effect on threshold. In the first experiment, we determined that the visual system compensates for this differential sensitivity when the change in disparity is suprathreshold, thereby attaining constancy similar to contrast constancy in the luminance domain. In a second experiment, we examined the ability to perceive constant depth when the spatial frequency and viewing distance both changed. To attain constancy in this situation, the visual system has to estimate distance. We investigated this ability when vergence, accommodation and vertical disparity are all presented accurately and therefore provided veridical information about viewing distance. We found that constancy is nearly complete across changes in viewing distance. Depth constancy is most complete when the scale of the depth relief is constant in the world rather than when it is constant in angular units at the retina. These results bear on the efficacy of algorithms for creating stereo content.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Vision in our three-dimensional world’. 相似文献
Whether we are riding in a car or walking, our internal map of the environment must be continuously updated to maintain spatial constancy. Using a memory eye movement task, we examined whether nonhuman primates can keep track of changes in the distance of nearby objects when moved toward or away from them. We report that memory-guided eye movements take into account the change in distance traveled, illustrating that monkeys can update retinal disparity information in order to reconstruct three-dimensional visual space during motion in depth. This ability was compromised after destruction of the vestibular labyrinths, suggesting that the extraretinal signals needed for updating can arise from vestibular information signaling self-motion through space. 相似文献
Human cortical regions involved in extracting depth from motion 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate brain regions involved in extracting three-dimensional structure from motion. A factorial design included two-dimensional and three-dimensional structures undergoing rigid and nonrigid motions. As predicted from monkey data, the human homolog of MT/V5 was significantly more active when subjects viewed three-dimensional (as opposed to two-dimensional) displays, irrespective of their rigidity. Human MT/V5+ (hMT/V5+) is part of a network with right hemisphere dominance involved in extracting depth from motion, including a lateral occipital region, five sites along the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), and two ventral occipital regions. Control experiments confirmed that this pattern of activation is most strongly correlated with perceived three-dimensional structure, in as much as it arises from motion and cannot be attributed to numerous two-dimensional image properties or to saliency. 相似文献
Several methods have been developed recently for the analysis of the spatial motion of the scapula and the arm, whereby the spatial position of shoulder bones is determined in static conditions by interrupting motion. The authors have developed a 3D motion analysis method recording scapular motion in progress with appropriate accuracy in the course of arm movements of various degrees. The objective of this study is to explore the applicability of the method developed, as well as to compare it with and verify it by other methods developed earlier. The position and displacements of shoulder bones were determined on 30 shoulders of 15 healthy people. The newly developed measurement method is based on the mechanical basic principle stating that the position and motion of a rigid body -- in this case, the bones (segments) forming the shoulder joint -- can be calculated at any moment from the spatial coordinates of three points of a segment and any changes thereof in the course of motion. Ultrasound-based triplets providing the three points (fundamental points) by a segment as required for measurement were fixed on the sternum (modeling the trunk), the clavicle, the acromion (modeling the scapula), the upper arm, and the lower arm. The position of the sixteen anatomical points involved in the study were determined by an ultrasound-based pointer in the local coordinate system specified by the fundamental points before starting measurements. The ZEBRIS ultrasound-based motion analysis system was used for measuring the spatial coordinates of triplets in the course of continuous motion. The spatial coordinates of the designated anatomical points can be calculated by the method of triangulation. The method was calibrated by a ZEBRIS mapping (3DCAD) software commercially available, and the measurement error rate of the method was determined by statistical calculations. On the basis of calibration and error calculations it could be established that the accuracy and the reproducibility of the method were appropriate, in accordance with the limit values to be found in the literature. 相似文献
Read JC 《Biological cybernetics》2002,86(2):117-136
The extraction of stereoscopic depth from retinal disparity, and motion direction from two-frame kinematograms, requires
the solution of a correspondence problem. In previous psychophysical work [Read and Eagle (2000) Vision Res 40: 3345–3358],
we compared the performance of the human stereopsis and motion systems with correlated and anti-correlated stimuli. We found
that, although the two systems performed similarly for narrow-band stimuli, broad-band anti-correlated kinematograms produced
a strong perception of reversed motion, whereas the stereograms appeared merely rivalrous. I now model these psychophysical
data with a computational model of the correspondence problem based on the known properties of visual cortical cells. Noisy
retinal images are filtered through a set of Fourier channels tuned to different spatial frequencies and orientations. Within
each channel, a Bayesian analysis incorporating a prior preference for small disparities is used to assess the probability
of each possible match. Finally, information from the different channels is combined to arrive at a judgement of stimulus
disparity. Each model system – stereopsis and motion – has two free parameters: the amount of noise they are subject to, and
the strength of their preference for small disparities. By adjusting these parameters independently for each system, qualitative
matches are produced to psychophysical data, for both correlated and anti-correlated stimuli, across a range of spatial frequency
and orientation bandwidths. The motion model is found to require much higher noise levels and a weaker preference for small
disparities. This makes the motion model more tolerant of poor-quality reverse-direction false matches encountered with anti-correlated
stimuli, matching the strong perception of reversed motion that humans experience with these stimuli. In contrast, the lower
noise level and tighter prior preference used with the stereopsis model means that it performs close to chance with anti-correlated
stimuli, in accordance with human psychophysics. Thus, the key features of the experimental data can be reproduced assuming
that the motion system experiences more effective noise than the stereoscopy system and imposes a less stringent preference
for small disparities.
Received: 2 March 2001 / Accepted in revised form: 5 July 2001 相似文献
Effects of body position change on thoracoabdominal motion 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Vellody V. P.; Nassery M.; Druz W. S.; Sharp J. T. 《Journal of applied physiology》1978,45(4):581-589
Surface lightness perception is affected by scene interpretation. There is some experimental evidence that perceived lightness under bi-ocular viewing conditions is different from perceived lightness in actual scenes but there are also reports that viewing conditions have little or no effect on perceived color. We investigated how mixes of depth cues affect perception of lightness in three-dimensional rendered scenes containing strong gradients of illumination in depth.Methodology/Principal Findings
Observers viewed a virtual room (4 m width×5 m height×17.5 m depth) with checkerboard walls and floor. In four conditions, the room was presented with or without binocular disparity (BD) depth cues and with or without motion parallax (MP) depth cues. In all conditions, observers were asked to adjust the luminance of a comparison surface to match the lightness of test surfaces placed at seven different depths (8.5–17.5 m) in the scene. We estimated lightness versus depth profiles in all four depth cue conditions. Even when observers had only pictorial depth cues (no MP, no BD), they partially but significantly discounted the illumination gradient in judging lightness. Adding either MP or BD led to significantly greater discounting and both cues together produced the greatest discounting. The effects of MP and BD were approximately additive. BD had greater influence at near distances than far.Conclusions/Significance
These results suggest the surface lightness perception is modulated by three-dimensional perception/interpretation using pictorial, binocular-disparity, and motion-parallax cues additively. We propose a two-stage (2D and 3D) processing model for lightness perception. 相似文献13.
We investigate the interaction of learning and evolution in a changing environment. A stable learning capability is regarded
as an emergent adaptive system evolved by natural selection of genetic variants. We consider the evolution of an asexual population.
Each genotype can have ‘fixed’ and ‘flexible’ alleles. The former express themselves as synaptic connections that remain unchanged
during ontogeny and the latter as synapses that can be adjusted through a learning algorithm. Evolution is modelled using
genetic algorithms and the changing environment is represented by two optimal synaptic patterns that alternate a fixed number
of times during the ‘life’ of the individuals. The amplitude of the change is related to the Hamming distance between the
two optimal patterns and the rate of change to the frequency with which both exchange roles. This model is an extension of
that of Hinton and Nowlan in which the fitness is given by a probabilistic measure of the Hamming distance to the optimum.
We find that two types of evolutionary pathways are possible depending upon how difficult (costly) it is to cope with the
changes of the environment. In one case the population loses the learning ability, and the individuals inherit fixed synapses
that are optimal in only one of the environmental states. In the other case a flexible subsystem emerges that allows the individuals
to adapt to the changes of the environment. The model helps us to understand how an adaptive subsystem can emerge as the result
of the tradeoff between the exploitation of a congenital structure and the exploration of the adaptive capabilities practised
by learning. 相似文献
E. Sture Eriksson 《Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology》1980,141(1):123-130
Summary A high-order wide-field neuron in the optic lobe of the fly,Phormia terraenovae (Calliphoridae), has been investigated by stimulation with simple or multiple black stripes on a white background moving sinusoidally towards and away from the head. The variation in spike frequency in correlation with the optical stimulation provides evidence that the unit detects angular velocity as well as more complex features of the stimulus. It responds preferentially to movement towards the head. Spike frequency turned out to be a two-valued function of relative angular velocity across the eye. A simple formula predicts the highly reliable responses to visual stimuli in different parts of the visual field.The author wants to thank Professor G. A. Horridge for his valuable support and clarifying discussions and to Dr. M. Srinivasan for his comments. The project has been supported by grants from the Swedish Council for Natural Science Research. 相似文献
The amount of depth perceived from a fixed pattern of horizontal disparities varies with viewing distance. We investigated whether thresholds for discriminating stereoscopic corrugations at a range of spatial frequencies were also affected by viewing distance or whether they were determined solely by the angular disparity in the stimulus prior to scaling. Although thresholds were found to be determined primarily by disparity over a broad range of viewing distances, they were on average a factor of two higher at the shortest viewing distance (28.5 cm) than at larger viewing distances (57 to 450 cm). We found the same pattern of results when subjects' accommodation was arranged to be the same at all viewing distances. The change in thresholds at close distances is in the direction expected if subjects' performance is limited by a minimum perceived depth. 相似文献
1. Classification of European lake fish assemblages can be based on fish‐assemblage structure or morphological, geographical, physical and chemical lake attributes. However, substantial gaps in knowledge exist with respect to the correspondence between both classification approaches. 2. Here, we compiled fish assemblage data from 165 lakes situated in the European ‘Central Plains’ ecoregion. Cluster analysis of fish abundances was performed to compare fish assemblage types of the entire ecoregion with those from previous country‐specific studies. Nonparametric group comparisons, classification trees and partial canonical ordinations were used to infer the correspondence between fish assemblage types and morphology, geographical position and nutrient concentration of the lakes. 3. Three distinct fish assemblages were revealed: vendace (Coregonus albula), ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) lake types. Both latitude and lake depth were the best determinants of lake type, but total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were also important. Vendace lakes were deep and had low TP concentrations, whereas the shallower ruffe and roach lakes had higher TP values. Roach lakes were more frequent in the north‐west area of the ecoregion, whereas ruffe lakes were more often found south of the Baltic Sea. 4. Controlling for the influence of nutrient concentration showed that lake morphology and geographical position were important determinants of fish assemblages. However, the variance explained was low (<20%), implying that biological interactions may also be important in forming the lake‐specific fish assemblages. 5. The results suggest that fish assemblages differ between deep and shallow lakes, and between the north‐west and south‐east locations within the Central Plains ecoregion. Accordingly, establishment of depth‐related lake morphotypes is needed, and the European ecoregions recommended to be used in evaluation systems according to the Water Framework Directive seem to be too coarse to reflect the subtle differences of fish species richness along geographical gradients. 相似文献
A useful approach to the mathematical analysis of large-scale biological networks is based upon their decompositions into monotone dynamical systems. This paper deals with two computational problems associated to finding decompositions which are optimal in an appropriate sense. In graph-theoretic language, the problems can be recast in terms of maximal sign-consistent subgraphs. The theoretical results include polynomial-time approximation algorithms as well as constant-ratio inapproximability results. One of the algorithms, which has a worst-case guarantee of 87.9% from optimality, is based on the semidefinite programming relaxation approach of Goemans-Williamson [Goemans, M., Williamson, D., 1995. Improved approximation algorithms for maximum cut and satisfiability problems using semidefinite programming. J. ACM 42 (6), 1115-1145]. The algorithm was implemented and tested on a Drosophila segmentation network and an Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor pathway model, and it was found to perform close to optimally. 相似文献
Papathomas TV 《Spatial Vision》2007,21(1-2):79-95
Certain art forms, such as Patrick Hughes's 'reverspectives', Dick Termes's 'Termespheres', intaglios, and hollow masks, appear to move vividly as viewers move in front of them, even though they are stationary. This illusory motion is accompanied by a perceived reversal of depth, where physical convex and concave surfaces are falsely seen as concave and convex, respectively. A geometric explanation is presented that considers this illusory motion as a result of the perceived depth reversal. The main argument is that the visual system constructs a three-dimensional representation of the surfaces, and that this representation is one of the sources that contribute to the illusory motion, together with vestibular signals of self-motion and signals of eye movements. This explanation is extended to stereograms that are also known to appear to move as viewers move in front of them. A quantitative model can be developed around this geometric explanation to examine the extent to which the visual system tolerates large distortions in size and shape and still maintains the illusion. 相似文献
L L Kontsevich 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》1998,265(1406):1615-1621
This study presents three findings concerning the mechanisms of depth perception. First, the shape of the three-dimensional percept evoked by two-frame motion is defined solely by the rotation component around an axis in the frontoparallel plane; the visual system assigns a default value to this rotation component to arrive at a unique solution. Second, when the visual axes of two eyes are almost parallel, the visual system uses a default vergence value to reconstruct stereoscopic depth. Third, the default vergence and default rotation angles are highly correlated across subjects. This correlation implies that the two modalities share a common scaling default at an internal level. 相似文献