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The sex ratio is an important parameter which characterizes the state and dynamics of natural populations of animals. Although ixodid ticks are specialized ectoparasites, most species are bisexual and are characterized by a 1:1 sex ratio for their progeny. In natural populations and even in laboratory colonies, biased sex ratios are often observed. Ixodes rubicundus, the Karoo paralysis tick, parasitizes domestic stock and wild ungulates in South Africa. Adults quest from vegetation, can mate off or on the host and males are seldom parasitic. We hypothesized that the sex ratio for I. rubicundus would be 1:1 when observed directly in the progeny but that it would be strongly biased towards females in samples of parasitic adults. The results mostly supported the hypothesis but it was also shown that unexplained and unpredictable variations can occur. On hosts, females dominated strongly, except on adult angora goats where the sex ratio was biased in favour of the males. This disparity may be related to a greater retention of males in the coarse, curly hair of angora goats compared to the other hosts. Monthly variations in the sex ratios of the tick on hosts are believed to be related to the large fluctuations in sex ratios of questing ticks.  相似文献   

The reproductive behavior of six species of tenebrionid beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) was studied in the Namib Desert of southern Africa. In three species, males follow closely behind females (following behavior), while in the other three species, males mount females and remain clasped to them for extended periods (riding behavior). Following behavior occurs before and sometimes after copulation, while riding behavior occurs primarily after copulation. Males of all six species guard females from contesting males, although the effectiveness of guarding is greater in riding species. The evolution of the two male mating strategies does not appear to be related to operational sex ratio differences but, rather, to differential tendencies of females to remate. Variation in total pair duration within following and riding species may be attributed partly to species differences in operational sex ratio. However, pair durations are not affected by experimental manipulations of sex ratio in each species.  相似文献   

The vector competence of Ixodes angustus for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto (s.s.) was investigated in the laboratory. The larval progeny of female ticks from Washington State were placed on Swiss-Webster mice that had been inoculated intravenously with 108 spirochetes each of a Californian isolate of B. burgdorferi. Spirochetes were detected in 6 (12%) of 50 nymphs derived from larvae that had fed on these animals. Ten nymphs from the same cohort of experimentally infected ticks were placed on each of 4 naive deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus). One of the mice seroconverted to B. burgdorferi and spirochetes were isolated from its ear tissues 4 weeks after exposure to ticks. Further vector competence trials were conducted with I. angustus ticks from California. Larvae were fed on deer mice that had been inoculated intradermally with B. burgdorferi along with larvae of I. spinipalpis as a comparison group. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of infection in nymphs of I. angustus (8.2%) versus those of I. spinipalpis (12.1%). We conclude that I. angustus is a competent experimental vector of B. burgdorferi s.s. and its efficiency for acquiring and transstadially passing such spirochetes is similar to that of I. spinipalpis.  相似文献   

We examined Ixodes ricinus embryos between 18 and 28 days of development with light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The differences in inner structure attested to establish three successive developmental stages: days 18–20, day 23, and days 26–28. Between 18 and 20 days the embryos are at early stages of organogenesis. Salivary glands cannot be identified at that stage. In 23-day-old embryos salivary glands are already outlined but the structure of alveoles is still different from that in larvae in which the embryonic development has been completed. Gland cells start to form alveoles and become active between 26 and 28 days of the development. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We investigated the transmission of Borrelia garinii and Borrelia afzelii between male and female Ixodes persulcatus ticks. For this purpose the infection rate of partners from tick couples was determined by polymerase chain reaction and reverse line blot. In couples, where the male tick was infected with B. garinii, four out of nine female partners carried B. garinii. In eight couples, male ticks had a dual infection of B. afzelii and B. garinii and three female partners were infected by Borrelia spirochetes. Two female ticks carried B. garinii, and one female tick had a dual infection. No evidence for transmission of B. afzelii from male to female ticks was found among seven couples. In 45 couples where the female tick was infected, not one male tick carried spirochetes. The difference in the B. garinii infection rate between male and female ticks among these couples is highly significant. Our data suggest that transmission of B. garinii from male ticks to female ticks does occur. Sexual transmission of this pathogen may play an important role in the maintenance of B. garinii in I. persulcatus. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Sexual attractiveness of unengorged, semiengorged and fully engorged females of both field and laboratory populations of Ixodes ricinus was studied under laboratory conditions by means of a computerised video tracking system. A male and a female were allowed to walk freely in a glass arena during 1 h and their behavioural interactions were observed. Obtained results revealed that the feeding status of I. ricinus females affects their sexual attractiveness. The highest attractiveness was observed in engorged females, the lowest in unengorged females of the field population. Copulation occurred in all experimental groups with the highest frequency observed in the unengorged virgin laboratory females. Despite engorged females being highly attractive for males on distance, the frequency of copulation was low. Differences between field and laboratory populations were found in both behavioural parameters and frequency of copulation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Unfed (questing) Ixodes ricinus ticks were collected by blanket dragging on a monthly basis from heather-dominated, Vaccinium-dominated and bracken-dominated vegetation communities from two different biogeographical regions of the UK (the Quantock Hills in Somerset, south west England and the North York Moors, north east England) throughout the spring and summer months of 1991 and 1992. Eighteen sites were monitored across the two regions and a total of 1920 blanket drags were carried out. Vaccinium sites showed high tick densities at all life stages, as did bracken sites. Significantly lower numbers of larval and nymphal ticks per drag were collected on heather sites than were collected on either Vaccinium (bilberry/whortleberry) or bracken sites, while similar numbers of adult ticks per drag were collected from each of the three vegetation communities. There was no significant difference between the mean numbers of any tick life stage collected on the Quantock Hills and those collected on the North York Moors on these vegetation communities or between the mean numbers of any tick life stage collected in 1991 and those collected in 1992 on these vegetation communities.  相似文献   

The influence of operational sex ratio on the mating behavior of female field crickets,Gryllus pennsylvanicus, was investigated. Females were predicted to be more discriminating under conditions of high mate availability and show less selectivity when males were rare. Such selectivity was indicated in this study with the proportion of courtships leading to a mating changing with sex ratio. Females accepted almost 70% of all courtships at the female-biased sex ratio, but only about half of all courtships were successful at even or male-biased sex ratios. Females moved least at the female-biased sex ratio. There was also a trend for females to be guarded more under male-biased conditions. Female weight did not influence any of the behaviors examined.  相似文献   

Dark-field microscopy was used to determine the number of Borrelia spirochetes in 630 standard preparations obtained from adult ixodid ticks (344 Ixodes persulcatus and 286 I. ricinus) collected in 1989-92 in the Leningrad region of Russia. The average numbers of Borrelia in I. persulcatus and I. ricinus preparations were 34.7 and 23.3 per 100 microscopic fields, respectively. The maximal individual values registered each year for ticks of both species were several hundred times greater than the minimal values. Ticks carrying relatively small numbers of Borrelia generally predominated. Proportions of more heavily infected ticks varied considerably from year to year. These parameters were significantly higher in foci with predominance of I. persulcatus ticks. As a consequence, risk to acquire Lyme borreliosis in such foci is considered greater than in foci where I. ricinus predominates.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to compare the relative resistance of crossbred Bos indicus X B. taurus Bonsmara and B. taurus Friesian cattle to Ixodes rubicundus (Karoo paralysis tick) infestations. During periods of peak abundance of the ticks, Friesian oxen harboured almost twice or more than twice as many ticks as either Bonsmara oxen or cows. During periods of low tick abundance tick burdens on both cattle breeds were closely similar. It is envisaged that cattle can play an important role in an integrated control strategy against the Karro paralysis tick.  相似文献   

A longitudinal survey was carried out during a 2 year period in Western France to assess the infestation level of grazing pastures byIxodes ricinus ticks. Four farms were visited once a month and each of the grazing pastures was sampled in the centre and at the border using the blanket dragging method. A total of 3562I. ricinus (34 adults, 900 nymphs and 2628 larvae) were collected and the infestation was significantly higher during the first year (p<0.0001). The infestation level byI. ricinus varied between grazing pastures and farms. Grazing pastures in the vicinity of forest were more infested than the others, all through the study. The seasonal distribution of ticks showed peaks, with low fluctuations between farms, years and stages. Tick abundance could not be related to vegetation, but only to the vicinity of woods.  相似文献   

Daily searches of the plumage of 62 kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) chicks were carried out for 3 weeks to determine the attachment duration of the tick Ixodes uriae. All ticks recorded were nymphs and their mean duration of attachment was 5.2±1.7 days (n=93). Seventy-four per cent of the ticks survived to engorgement and were assumed to have fed successfully. The mean duration of attachment of successful ticks was 5.8±1.0 days (n=69), significantly longer than that of unsuccessful ticks (3.3±2.1 days, n=24). There was no difference in survival rates to engorgement between ticks attached to feathered and unfeathered parts of the body (78.3 and 79.2%, respectively), but the duration of attachment of successful ticks was significantly longer on unfeathered compared to feathered areas. There were no significant differences in the survival to engorgement or duration of attachment between ticks found on young (c.11 days) and old (>11 days) kittiwake nestlings. The attachment duration was not related to the total number of ticks found on the host or the number of ticks present in the immediate vicinity of the site of attachment. This work provides important data on the parameter of attachment durations of nymphal I. uriae on free-living kittiwakes; the data can be used for incorporation into the application of population modelling.  相似文献   

Egg batches laid by females of Ixodes persulcatus (maintained under a photoperiod of L:D 20:4 before feeding) contained eggs of two sizes: numerous normal eggs of 0.578 × 0.421 mm and some giant eggs of 0.776×0.515 mm. Giant eggs were 32–34% greater in length and 22–24% greater in width than normal eggs. Females maintained under a short-day photoperiod (L:D 12:12) laid only normal eggs (0.588×0.417 mm). There were no differences between these eggs in viability and developmental time, but larvae hatched from giant eggs were larger (length of body 23–28% greater and of gnathosoma 12–15% greater) than larvae from normal eggs. This dimorphism of eggs and larvae was not sex determined, but may be a maternal photoperiodic effect.  相似文献   

In a previous field-trapping study of the oriental beetle, Exomala orientalis (Waterhouse), by using synthetic sex pheromone on golf course fairways, numerous males were observed and trapped during the hours of peak mating activity. However, very few beetles were observed in the same areas when synthetic pheromone was absent. To investigate the hypothesis that mating in nature occurs cryptically within vegetation at the soil surface, laboratory studies on female emergence and pheromone release, male emergence and mate-locating, and female and male mating behaviors were conducted. Mate acquisition and copulation occurred on the soil surface near the female emergence site, with both sexes engaging in pheromone-mediated behaviors after having emerged from the soil. A highly stereotyped female pheromone release, or calling, behavior was observed, consisting of insertion of the female's head into the soil and elevation of the tip of her abdomen into the air. Bioassays conducted in a wind tunnel that simulated a turf fairway environment showed that walking and flying were both important in the upwind response of males to females. Mating and copulation occurred without an obvious complex courtship, but observations of postmating behaviors suggested that mate guarding occurs.  相似文献   

We studied two multimale–multifemale groups of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) during a 14‐month study (June 2006–July 2007) in Palenque National Park, Mexico to evaluate the ways in which their sexual behavior changes across ovarian cycles. We analyzed 231 fecal samples, collected every 2.2±1.4 days from five females. For four females, estradiol and progesterone profiles revealed an average (±SE) cycle length of 18.3±1.4 days. Copulations occurred significantly more frequently during the periovulatory period (POP), defined as the estimated day of ovulation ±3 days (N=18). This was largely the result of cycling females soliciting sexual interactions during their POPs. Females directed their solicitations significantly more often toward “central” males of their group, who had close spatial associations with females at other times, compared with “noncentral” males, who did not associate closely with females. Central males rarely solicited sexual interactions, but instead monitored the females' reproductive status by sniffing their genitals, and maintained significantly closer proximity to females during their POPs, suggesting male mate guarding when conceptions are most likely to occur. Our findings indicate that the reproductive strategies of black howler central males and females coincide, highly skewing mating opportunities toward central males. Black howler females, however, occasionally choose to copulate with noncentral resident males or extra‐group males during their POPs, undermining the ability of central males to monopolize all reproductive opportunities. Am. J. Primatol. 71:153–164, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The cold-hardiness of Dermacentor marginatus using laboratory-reared offspring of ticks collected in Germany was characterized. Investigations of unfed stages revealed that adult ticks suffered 50% mortality at –10°C after 4–5 months, but larvae and nymphs suffered mortality within few days, whereas –15°C was lethal for all stages within a very short period. Larval hatch and moulting of engorged larvae and nymphs did not occur at 10°C. Embryonic development of eggs with larval hatch was considerably reduced by exposure of eggs to 10°C. Engorged females did not lay eggs at 10°C, the oviposition capability, however, persisted over 6 months at 10°C, 5 months at 5°C, 3 months at 0°C and 2 months at –10°C without substantial decrease of the oviposition capacity or reduction of viable eggs. These results present evidence that unfed adult ticks are the ecoepidemiologically most effective stages, which are capable to tolerate long and extremely cold winters without substantial impairment of the population density. It is also considered that engorged females interrupt their oviposition at low and subzero temperatures delaying it for months and so contribute in bypassing winter conditions. None of the stages survived supercooling indicating that D. marginatus is freeze intolerant. Mean supercooling point (SCP) ranged between –26°C in eggs and –12, 6°C in engorged females. Compared with eggs, the SCP of the other stages was significantly higher. In conclusion, the SCP is considered to have no predictive value in the context with cold-hardiness.  相似文献   

Three species of crane flies-Dactylolabis montana, Limonia simulans,and Antocha saxicola-gather near streams to mate and oviposit. All species are polygamous and sex ratios at these sites are male-biased. After a short mating bout, males guard females by standing over them during oviposition. Sperm competition appears to be intense and to follow last-male advantage, based on the packing of sperm within the two elongate spermathecae. Males of A. saxicolasuccessfully defend against rivals over 85% of the time. In contrast, defending males of D. montanaand L. simulanslose the female over 65% of the time during interactions with rivals. Despite the high frequency of loss, defending males gain additional oviposition time by engaging rivals in combat while the female continues to oviposit. Thus, a guarding male does not have to retain the female for guarding to be adaptive. Legs and claws of all species are sexually dimorphic and play an important role in guarding and defending.  相似文献   

We investigated the lifetime mating potential and the reproductive behavior of male and female turnip moths Agrotis segetum (Schiff.) under field and laboratory conditions. The sex ratio was 1 : 1 in a lab-reared population as well as in two wild populations. Males were capable of mating repetitively a relatively large number of times (mean of 6.7 ± 2.7 matings) when given access to new virgin females throughout their lifetimes. Females seldom mated more than once (mean ± 1.3 ± 0.6 matings), indicating a male-biased operational sex ratio. The mean potential lifetime mating was five times higher in males, while the coefficient of variance was lower in males. There was no differences in longevity between animals that were allowed to mate and animals not allowed to mate, indicating no direct costs or benefits of mating in physiological terms. In males, the number of matings was positively correlated with longevity, but this was not the case in females. Nor was there a correlation between the number of female matings and the number of fertilized eggs. There was a negative correlation between the number of eggs fertilized and the number of times males had previously mated, indicating that male ejaculates were limited. Male spermatophore size also decreased with number of achieved matings. Laboratory-reared females attracted males in the field throughout their lifetimes, with a peak at 3–7 days of age. Wild males, allowed to choose between pairs of caged females in the field, were attracted in equal numbers to females of different ages. Females did not show any mate-rejection behavior in the field. They mated with the first male that courted them. No incidence of mate replacement by males arriving later to already courted females were recorded.  相似文献   

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