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The survival of the wild-type parent and two mutant lines of Chinese hamster cells, known to be defective in DNA repair, has been determined as a function of exposure to gamma rays under aerobic and hypoxic conditions. When compared to the wild-type line, one of the mutants selected for sensitivity to ethyl methyl sulfonate (EMS), and known to be defective in the repair of DNA strand breaks, exhibits a markedly enhanced sensitivity to aerobic irradiation but a reduced enhancement to hypoxic irradiation and thus an enhanced oxygen enhancement ratio (OER). In contrast, the other line, known to be defective in the incision step of excision repair, exhibits the reverse pattern of sensitivity and hence a reduced OER. The results are compared to findings in bacterial mutants and cells obtained from ataxia telangiectasia (AT) patients and heterozygotes.  相似文献   

From several studies of hyperthermia there have been reports that hypoxic cells are more sensitive to heat than their oxic counterparts. Experimental techniques in this investigation eliminate the effect of pH, trypsinization and cell attachment, when assaying the effects of hyperthermia on cells. Under hypoxic conditions, HeLa S3 and Chinese hamster cell-lines do not have an increased sensitivity to heat compared with oxic cells. HeLa S3 cells are protected against heat by hypoxia. Light-microscopy indicates the rupture of the plasma membrane, occasional nuclear budding, membrane vesicles and granulation of cell contents after heating at 43 degrees C for 3 hours. Scanning electron micrographs show that cells are more rounded after heat treatment and that there is an accompanying decrease in the number of microvilli, suggesting that the mechanism of cell attachment is affected. Heated cells should be delicately handled and subjected to the minimal trauma so that an accurate comparison of survival can be made.  相似文献   

The rate of biosynthesis of pyruvate kinase (ATP:pyruvate 2-O-phosphotransferase, EC was compared in cells maintained under normoxic or hypoxic conditions. L8 cells (a myoblast cell line) were pulse-labeled with [3H]leucine and incorporation of radioactivity into pyruvate kinase was measured after quantitative affinity separation with anti-pyruvate kinase monoclonal antibody. During chronic hypoxia there is an increased rate of biosynthesis of pyruvate kinase leading to an increase in enzyme content and augmented glycolytic capacity. An inhibitor of the electron transport chain, antimycin A, was used to determine whether changes in pyruvate kinase content occurring during hypoxia are a result of reduction in molecular oxygen directly or an indirect consequence of oxygen depletion. Pyruvate kinase activity increased during chronic antimycin A exposure under normoxic conditions. The increase was quantitatively accounted for by an increase in cellular pyruvate kinase enzyme content. This suggested that decreases in the levels of molecular O2 are not the direct stimulus for the increased content of pyruvate kinase. It is more likely that the increased pyruvate kinase content results from depressed rates of electron transport through the mitochondrial electron transport chain.  相似文献   

p53 checkpoint-defective cells are sensitive to X rays, but not hypoxia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
X-ray-induced damage leads to cell-cycle "checkpoint" arrest by p53-dependent induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 (Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1). Human tumor cells that lack this response fail to arrest after exposure to DNA-damaging agents, undergo multiple rounds of endoreduplicative DNA synthesis, and eventually commit to an apoptotic cell death. Since low oxygen tension can also induce p53 protein accumulation, and can lead to cell-cycle arrest or apoptosis, we examined the expression of p21 in tumor cells under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. In a survey of cells, mRNA for the p21 gene was induced two- to threefold in response to hypoxia in a seemingly p53-independent manner. We therefore examined genetically matched cells that differ in their p21 and p53 status for response to ionizing radiation and hypoxia. We found that both p21-deficient and p53-deficient cells exhibit an increase in chromosome instability, an increased level of apoptosis, and a failure to arrest after exposure to ionizing radiation. However, cells that lack either p21 or p53 exhibit no increase in chromosome instability or elevated apoptosis and still arrest in response to hypoxia. Thus, the mechanism responsible for the differential response to either hypoxia or X rays presumably lies in the control of cell-cycle progression in response to stress and its dependence on p21. Since the loss of a DNA-damage-dependent checkpoint does not sensitize cells to killing by stresses that elicit a DNA-damage-independent checkpoint, targeting the function of p21 pharmacologically will not kill tumor cells in situ in the absence of a DNA damage signal.  相似文献   

A new model for the survival of bacteria exposed to ionizing radiation is constructed in the framework of a target theory based on microdosimetric concepts, where single- and double-strand breaks of DNA and their repair in vivo can be described consistently in terms of the microdosimetric quantity j (number of effective primary events per track per target). In this model, the ability of cells to repair DNA damage is taken into consideration in terms of the repair capacities for single- and double-strand breaks of DNA, xi 1 and xi 2 (0 less than or equal to xi 1, xi 2 less than or equal to 1). To apply this model to Escherichia coli K-12 strains with different repair abilities, values of the repair capacity for single-strand breaks, xi 1, were derived from experimental survival curves. The theoretical survival curves for 60Co gamma rays were found to be effectively insensitive to the value of xi 2. Experimental survival curves for the wild-type, uvr, and rec strains of E. coli K-12 were well reproduced in this model. From these results, it is concluded that the theoretical formulation for the survival fraction of bacteria can afford a quantitative method for analysis of the repair process for radiation-induced single-strand breaks in DNA in vivo.  相似文献   

AF 2 (2-(2-furyl)-3-(5-nitro-furyl)acrylamide) was toxic to Chinese hamster V 79 cells and normal human fibroblasts in aerobic media. However, the toxicity of the drug was increased many times by hypoxia. Similarly, the frequency of AF 2-induced azaguanine- and ouabain-resistant mutants of V 79 cells was much higher in hypoxia than under aerobic conditions. Both hamster V 79 cells and human fibroblasts metabolized AF 2 and other nitrofurans rapidly only under hypoxic conditions. Human fibroblasts were more sensitive to AF 2 both under aerobic conditions and in hypoxia than were V 79 cells under similar conditions. The Chinese hamster cells consistently gave survival curves with marked shoulders while human cells did not. Aerobic cultures of fibroblasts derived from xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients were markedly sensitive to AF 2 while fibroblasts from two ataxia telangeictasia patients had normal sensitivity. Under hypoxic conditions the sensitivity of both types of cells was increased but the XP line remained 5--10-fold more sensitive than normal or ataxia cells. These results suggest that the DNA lesions produced by AF 2 may be regarded as similar to those produced by ultraviolet light, at least in terms of their repairability in human cells.  相似文献   

When mammalian cells are cooled at sub-optimal rates to −196 °C in the presence of the cryoprotectants DMSO and glycerol, pretreatment of the cells with colchicine will significantly enhance the survival of these cells as assayed after thawing. This “protection” is observed even if cryoprotectants are not present. Colchicine at the concentrations used is known to disrupt microtubules in cells.  相似文献   

Cytotoxicity resulting from the interaction of fluorescent light from a flow hood with Hepes-buffered cell culture medium at room temperature was demonstrated. Toxicity was prevented by keeping both cells (V79 Chinese hamster) and medium shielded from direct fluorescent light ("dark conditions") or by supplementing the medium with 10 micrograms/ml catalase; this suggests that extracellular hydrogen peroxide is a major cause of the lethal effect under "lighted conditions." No sensitization resulted from the exposure of cells in a sodium bicarbonate (SBC)-buffered medium to fluorescent light, nor in a catalase supplemented SBC-buffered medium. The Hepes/light reaction during routine cell manipulations presensitized cells to hypothermia damage in the dark with the presensitization being more severe for 5 than for 10 degrees C hypothermic exposure. Presensitization was prevented by performing the complete experiment under dark conditions or by supplementing the medium with 10 micrograms/ml catalase. However, catalase did not improve the hypothermic survival when experiments were performed under dark conditions. Hence, 10 micrograms/ml catalase does not protect cells from hypothermic (5 and 10 degrees C) damage per se, but rather from Hepes/light sublethal damage which interacts with hypothermic sublethal damage to result in lethal lesions. Additionally, under dark conditions, superoxide dismutase (SOD), allopurinol, catalase plus SOD, DMSO, or mannitol did not improve survival when present during hypothermic storage, suggesting that extracellular superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, or hydroxyl radicals are not the cause of cell killing under conditions of pure hypothermia uncomplicated by prehypothermic ischemia or hypoxia.  相似文献   

Estimating the oxygen consumption rates (OCRs) of mammalian cells in hypoxic environments is essential for designing and developing a three‐dimensional (3‐D) cell culture system. However, OCR measurements under hypoxic conditions are infrequently reported in the literature. Here, we developed a system for measuring OCRs at low oxygen levels. The system injects nitrogen gas into the environment and measures the oxygen concentration by an optical oxygen microsensor that consumes no oxygen. The developed system was applied to HepG2 cells in static culture. Specifically, we measured the spatial profiles of the local dissolved oxygen concentration in the medium, then estimated the OCRs of the cells. The OCRs, and also the pericellular oxygen concentrations, decreased nonlinearly as the oxygen partial pressure in the environment decreased from 19% to 1%. The OCRs also depended on the culture period and the matrix used for coating the dish surface. Using this system, we can precisely estimate the OCRs of various cell types under environments that mimic 3‐D culture conditions, contributing crucial data for an efficient 3‐D culture system design. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:189–197, 2016  相似文献   

Using colony formation as an assay, a rat-mouse hybrid cell-line (HD1) and one of its parent lines (H4) have been studied as to their abilities to survive exposure to ionizing radiation, ultraviolet light, and the drugs actinomycin D and cordycepin. HD1 cells are more resistant than H4 to ionizing radiation, actinomycin D and cordycepin. Both cell lines respond similarly to ultraviolet light. When both cell-lines were co-treated with actinomycin D or cordycepin, the toxic effect of ionizing radiation was enhanced, whereas that of ultraviolet light (U.V.L.) was unchanged. The data suggest that RNA synthesis is more important immediately after irradiation with X-rays than with U.V.L. and that cells resistant to the toxic effect of ionizing radiation are also resistant to the toxicity induced by inhibitors of RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The proliferative kinetics of IgM antibody-producing cells (APC) of mice immunized by sheep red blood cells was studied using autoradiography and vinblastine. The incorporation index for APC was determined every 4 hours from 72 to 112 hours of the immune response. The significance of recruitment in APC exponential growth was proven by means of 3 different regimes of 3H-thymidine introduction to immunized mice. The discontinuous character of recruitment and its resistance to vinblastine were shown. It is suggested that vinblastine impared both APC and their precursors.  相似文献   

A 0.8 mM concentration of misonidazole was added to human blood samples before exposure to graded X-ray single doses, in order to investigate the dependence of the frequency ratio of acentrics to dicentrics, produced in lymphocytes, on treatment with radiation, the substance and the combination of the 2 agents. The results confirm the findings of a previous experiment carried out using sodium iothalamate, showing that this ratio is markedly influenced by the relative action of the physical and the chemical agents, especially at low radiation doses, because of the enhancement of the frequency of acentrics, and not of dicentrics, caused by the presence of the drug compared to the spontaneous level.  相似文献   

A balance between proliferation and cell death is critical for achieving desirable high cell densities in mammalian cell culture. In this study, we evaluate a recently discovered anti-apoptotic gene, aven, and examine its effectiveness alone and in combination with a member of the Bcl-2 family, bcl-xL. The commercially popular cell line, Chinese hamster ovary (CHO), was genetically modified to constitutively express aven, bcl-xL, and the two genes in combination. Cells were exposed to several model insults that simulate severe bioreactor environments, including serum deprivation, spent medium, and Sindbis virus infection, as well as staurosporine, a known chemical inducer of apoptosis. CHO cells exhibited DNA fragmentation, a hallmark of apoptosis, after exposure to these model insults. After exposure to serum deprivation, 4- and 5-day spent medium, and staurosporine, cells expressing Aven provided limited protection against cell death when compared with the protection afforded by cells expressing Bcl-xL alone. However, the highest survival levels for all insults were achieved when Aven was expressed in combination with Bcl-xL. In fact, Aven appeared to act synergistically to enhance the protective function of Bcl-xL for several insults, because the protective function of the two genes expressed together in one cell line often exceeded the additive protective levels of each anti-apoptosis gene expressed alone. Surprisingly, Aven expression provided a mildly pro-apoptotic response in CHO isolates infected with Sindbis virus. However, CHO cells expressing both Bcl-xL and Aven showed protection against Sindbis virus infection due to the inhibitory properties of the bcl-xL anti-apoptosis gene. This study shows that combinatorial anti-apoptosis cell engineering strategies may be the most effective mechanisms for providing extended protection against cell death in mammalian cell culture.  相似文献   

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